--> Seismic Analysis and Characterization of Gas Hydrates in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by Fred Snyder, et.al., #40137 (2004).
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Seismic Analysis and Characterization of Gas Hydrates in the Northern Deepwater Gulf of Mexico*


Fred Snyder1, Nader Dutta1, Deborah Hutchinson2, Patrick Hart3, Myung Woong Lee4, Brandon Dugan2, Carolyn Ruppel5, Warren Wood6, Richard Coffin7, Robert Evans8, and Emrys Jones9


Search and Discovery Article #40137 (2004)


*Adapted from expanded abstract prepared for presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.


1Schlumberger Reservoir Services / Data & Consulting Services, Houston, TX ([email protected]); 2USGS, Woods Hole, MA; 3USGS, Menlo Park ([email protected]), CA; 4USGS, Denver, CO; 5Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia; 6NRL, Stennis Space Center, MS; 7NRL, Washington, DC; 8WHOI, Woods Hole, MA; and 9ChevronTexaco, Houston, TX.



The deepwater Gulf of Mexico contains many known hydrate environments. Complex lithostratigraphy and active salt movement create complicated thermal regimes and fluid chemistry. These in turn affect hydrate formation and distribution. In an effort to study and eventually test different hydrate settings, two separate areas were selected for review by a multi-disciplinary team. Reprocessed 3D and high-resolution 2D multichannel seismic data were analyzed over Keathley Canyon block 195 and Atwater Valley block 14, both of which are in water depths of approximately 1300 meters. Keathley Canyon exhibits a deep (250 to 500 meters sub-seafloor), pronounced regional Previous HitbottomNext Hit Previous HitsimulatingNext Hit Previous HitreflectorNext Hit (Previous HitBSRNext Hit), a notable geologic and geophysical barrier between free gas and solid hydrate. The Previous HitBSRNext Hit is bounded to the east by a salt-produced fault ridge, which is also a probable fluid migration pathway. The Previous HitBSRNext Hit has reverse polarity relative to the water bottom interface and obliquely cuts stratigraphic reflections. In some areas the Previous HitBSRNext Hit is also defined by periodic, high amplitude terminations of free gas in the coarser-grained, interbedded sands below. The Atwater Valley study area is located in the middle of the Mississippi Canyon and contains numerous hydrate mound features. Most mounds show strong seismic evidence of hydrates including gas chimneys, amplitude blanking, and near-seafloor BSRs. Beginning in 2004, drilling through the gas hydrate zone within these two areas, for research purposes, will test these ideas of hydrate occurrences. The complexity and diversity of all these hydrate occurrences clearly drives the need for a cross-disciplinary approach.



uFigure captions

uGeneral statement

uKeathley Canyon

uAtwater valley

uConcluding remarks























uFigure captions

uGeneral statement

uKeathley Canyon

uAtwater valley

uConcluding remarks
























uFigure captions

uGeneral statement

uKeathley Canyon

uAtwater valley

uConcluding remarks
























uFigure captions

uGeneral statement

uKeathley Canyon

uAtwater valley

uConcluding remarks























Figure Captions

Figure 1. Known and estimated deepwater gas hydrate occurrences in the Gulf of Mexico.

Figure 2. A seismic section from the 3D PSTM volume with stratigraphic interpretation at Keathley Canyon showing the Previous HitBSRNext Hit and hydrate mound. (LST: low stand system track, HST: high stand system track, SB: sequence boundary, color code denotes relative hazard risk).

Figure 3. Keathley Canyon line from the 3D PSTM volume showing Previous HitBSRNext Hit interpreted along the terminations of high amplitude free gas within the sand-rich layers. Sand and shale are inferred from seismic amplitude analysis and known shallow stratigraphy of the GOM.

Figure 4. Atwater Valley water bottom reflectivity and shaded relief showing gas hydrate mounds B through F and structural features. Note mound “E” with possible gas vent or mud volcano. Dashed line indicates orientation of profiles in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 5. Atwater Valley WesternGeco 3D PSTM line through mounds “D” and “F”.

Figure 6. Atwater Valley USGS 2D MCS high-resolution line through mounds “D” and “F”.

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General Statement 

The northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM) contains many naturally occurring gas hydrate environments (Figure 1). Here and in other areas, hydrate concentrations, once viewed as a drilling safety hazard, are fast gaining attention as potential energy sources. The reason is simple: natural gas hydrates, 99% of which exist in deep offshore marine basins (Makogan, 1997) are estimated to account for more than half of the total carbon content of the world’s known hydrocarbon resources (Kvenvolden, 1993), with 1 m3  of natural gas hydrate yielding approximately 164 m3 of CH4 methane (Collett, 1993).  

Finding and assessing areas of gas hydrate occurrence is therefore important, although not always straightforward. Traditionally, a Previous HitbottomNext Hit-Previous HitsimulatingNext Hit reflection (Previous HitBSRNext Hit), a strong thermobaric barrier and seismic impedance contrast between free gas and solid hydrate in sediment, has been used to delineate zones where gas hydrates are likely present. In areas of the world where BSRs are evident on the seismic data, the spatial extent of gas hydrates can be inferred with a high degree of confidence. The GOM, however, provides only a handful of documented regional Previous HitBSRNext Hit examples. This may be because the complex GOM lithostratigraphy and active salt movement create complicated thermal regimes and fluid chemistry. Also, low-permeability sediments in the shallow section inhibit free gas migration. These conditions will greatly affect hydrate formation, distribution, and seismic amplitude of the Previous HitBSRNext Hit. While the presence of a Previous HitBSRNext Hit is a prime indicator of hydrate occurrences, high-quality seismic data can provide a wide range of other indicators as well.  

In an effort to study and eventually drill different hydrate settings, two separate GOM deepwater areas were selected for review by a multidisciplinary team. Reprocessed 3D prestack time migrated data (PSTM) and high-resolution 2D multichannel seismic data (MCS) were analyzed over one Keathley Canyon (KC) block (195) and one Atwater Valley (AV) block (14), both of which are in water depths of approximately 1300 m.


Keathley Canyon 

A dominant feature in the KC area is a pronounced regional Previous HitBSRNext Hit about 250-500 m below the seafloor mudline (Figure 2). The Previous HitBSRNext Hit is bisected to the east by a salt-produced faulted ridge, which is also a probable fluid and gas migration pathway. The Previous HitBSRNext Hit has reverse polarity relative to the water bottom Previous HitreflectorNext Hit and obliquely crosscuts stratigraphic events. In some areas, the Previous HitBSRNext Hit is also interpreted along high-amplitude terminations of free gas in the coarser-grained sediments immediately below the Previous HitBSRNext Hit (Figure 3). There may also be several seafloor hydrate mounds in close proximity to the fault ridge (e.g., right side of Figure 2).


Atwater Valley 

The Atwater Valley study area is located in the middle of the Mississippi Canyon paleo-channel system and contains numerous features interpreted to be hydrate mounds (Figure 4). Although no evidence of a regional Previous HitBSRNext Hit can be seen, most mounds show strong seismic indicators of hydrates including gas chimneys, amplitude “wipe-out” zones, and near-seafloor reversed-polarity seismic waveforms. Figures 5 and 6 show a northwest-southeast-trending seismic traverse through mounds “D” and “F”, and illustrate two different hydrate mound types. A WesternGeco reprocessed 3D PSTM random line is shown in Figure 5 and the USGS high-resolution 2D MCS line of the same orientation is shown in Figure 6. The areas beneath both mounds reveal an amplitude disturbance within the upper 300 m of the section, free gas velocity anomalies and reverse polarity seismic events interpreted as shallow localized BSRs. However, the difference in depth of the Previous HitBSRNext Hit below each mound indicates dissimilarities and suggests something about the amount of hydrate present. For example, the very near-seafloor high-amplitude Previous HitBSRNext Hit at location “D” suggests that a hydrate crustal mound, possibly 60 m to 80 m in diameter, is exposed at the seafloor. It is probable that only free gas, and not hydrate, exists below this mound. The Previous HitBSRNext Hit at mound “F”, about 50 m below the surface, is better defined and deeper than at mound “D”. This indicates a different fluid-gas flux or chemical composition and probable thicker concentration of hydrate below the seafloor. As distance increases away from the center of the mound where the high flux is interpreted, the Previous HitBSRNext Hit plunges downward toward the deeper section with a bell-shaped geometry (Figure 5). This suggests rapid pressure-temperature-chemical re-equilibration with the surrounding sediment.


Concluding Remarks 

Natural gas hydrate occurrences within northern GOM deepwater areas are often complex and diverse. Differences in lithologic, thermal, and geochemical regimes can create variations in hydrate formation and concentration levels. In addition, the presence of low permeability, fine-grained sediments in the shallow section reduces gas migration except in proximity to fault or fracture systems. These and other factors serve to make seismic detection of hydrates challenging. However, these two study areas have shown that high quality seismic data and detailed stratigraphic interpretation can be used to find and delineate gas hydrate concentrations, whether with the aid of a prominent Previous HitBSRTop or by other distinctive hydrate characteristics. Drilling through the gas hydrate zone within these two areas in 2004, for research purposes, will test these ideas of hydrate occurrences.



We thank Diana Gillespie, Adam Koesoemadinata, Lecia Muller, Dianna Shelander, Randy Utech, and Gary Wool for help with the project; we also thank WesternGeco and the USGS for the use of seismic data.



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