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Lessons Learned from Failures

Bypassed Pays: Opportunities For Large Reserve Additions*


Robert M. Sneider1, Larry D. Meckel2, and David G. Smith3


Search and Discovery Article #20022 (2004)


*Adapted from the oral presentation by the senior author at the History of Petroleum Geology Forum: Lessons Learned from Failures, AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, April 18, 2004.


1R.M. Sneider Exploration, Houston, TX ([email protected])

2 L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, CO ([email protected])

3 Burlington Resources Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Significant hydrocarbons have been found in wells previously considered dry or uneconomic. The supergiant Elmworth field in western Canada and low-resistivity reservoirs in giant fields in Africa and Asia are examples. The Elmworth field is in the Alberta basin syncline, northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. Prior to discovery in 1976, 61 dry or uneconomic wells were drilled through or into Lower Cretaceous clastics that are now productive. Over 2000 producing wells develop 10 principal reservoir units with reserves of over several 10s of TCF of gas. The field is a large stratigraphic trap with gas-saturated section over 65 miles long, 30 miles wide, and up to 723 feet thick. Major reservoirs are delta front and channels, coastal barrier and marine bars, and alluvial fans. Sandstones have porosities of 7 to 10 percent and permeabilities of 0.01 to 10 millidarcies (md). Conglomerates and coarse sandstones have porosities of 3 to 8 percent and permeabilities of 0.1 to 80 md. Reservoir units are gas-saturated and are lower pressure and tighter than their updip, more porous, water-bearing equivalent units. Integrated geological-petrophysical –reservoir engineering studies utilized rock-fluid data from cuttings, cores, logs, and drill-stem and production tests to determine reservoir-rock potential and hydrocarbon saturation. Previous HitWellNext Hit logs and rock data were studied (1) to identify depositional trends, especially of the more permeable reservoir and (2) to map areas of the highest gas volumes which guided the price bid on land and to identify the most productive areas. Integrated geoscience-petroleum engineering studies using similar methodology as Elmworth have led to discoveries in low-resistivity reservoirs in giant fields in new and mature basins in West Africa and Asia.



uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)

















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)


















uReasons for failure

uWest Africa giant field

  uFigure captions

  uGeneral comments

  uReservoir features

uElmworth field

  uFigure captions




  uExploration plan & strategy

  uGeology (Figures 10-14)

  uRock typing

    uFigure captions (15-17)

    uCuttings examination

  uPrevious HitLogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit

    uFigure captions (18-22)

    uPrevious HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit search

  uPressure (Figures 23-24)

  uSeal & trap (Figures 25-26)

  uSource rocks

    uFigure captions (27-29)

    uPrevious HitAnalysisNext Hit


    uFigure captions

    uProduction & reserves

  uKey personnel (Figure 36


uReferences (Figure 37)

















Some Common Reasons for Failures 
  • Poor integration of geoscience and engineering data

  • Incorrect petrophysical models

Effect of conductive minerals (clays, pyrite)

Incorrect Archie “m” and “n”

  • Poor understanding of connate water saturation (Sw) vs. irreducible water saturation (Swirr) plus Sw

  • Failure to recognize damaged zones vs. low permeability zones

  • Failure to recognize pressure seals’ role in trapping

  • Failure to recognize lower limits of pay using f and Sw cutoffs, considering stimulation procedures

  • Failure to recognize opportunities, technical improvements and economic trends from similar basins and geology that can apply to the play / prospect

  • No sales outlet (e.g., pipelines)


West Africa Giant Field
Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa


Figure Captions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)

Figure 1. Structure map on “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa (based on 3D seismic and 1 appraisal Previous HitwellNext Hit).

Figure 2. Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit, Previous HitWellNext Hit No.1, “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa; no production tests were conducted.

Figure 3. Structure map on “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa (based on 3D seismic and 2 appraisal wells).

Figure 4. Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit, Previous HitWellNext Hit No.2, “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa, with lithologic descriptions and petrophysical properties.

Figure 5. Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit, Previous HitWellNext Hit No.2, “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa, with porosity logs and production tests.

Figure 6. Clay-coated sand contributes to the high water saturation in the hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir.

Figure 7. Structure map on “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa (based on 3D seismic and 6 appraisal wells). 

Click to view three stages in the appraisal of Prospect “C”, as depicted on the structure map (Figures 1, 3, and 7).

Return to top.


General Comments 

This prospect became a billion-barrel oil and condensate field that was almost missed. The first Previous HitwellNext Hit (Figures 1 and 2) was temporarily abandoned after the water saturation of the objective sand was considered to be indicative of a water-wet reservoir. No other zones were considered of interest. The second Previous HitwellNext Hit (Figures 3, 4, and 5), in a separate fault block, proved to be highly productive, as did four other appraisal wells (Figure 7). 

 Return to top.


Summary of Reservoir Features 

Evaluation of “M” Sand, Previous HitWellNext Hit 1, Prospect “C”

28.3 m Gas over Water

Porosity: 27 – 34%

Water Sat.: 64 – 81%



No Other Zones of Interest

Temp. Abandoned;

Not Economic


Evaluation of “M” Sand, Previous HitWellNext Hit 2, Prospect “C”

17.2 m Gas + Condensate

6.4 m Oil to Sand Base

0.0 m Water

f and Sw as in Previous HitWellNext Hit 1


High Flow Rates

6 Other Low-Resistivity, Low-Contrast (LRLC) Zones

Est. Recoverable Reserves:

1.03 Billion Barrels of Oil and Condensate


Evaluation of Previous HitWellNext Hit No. 2, “M” LRLC Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa, in comparison to Previous HitWellNext Hit No. 1.  
                                                            Previous HitWellNext Hit No. 1                   Previous HitWellNext Hit No. 2

Porosity (%)                                         26 – 32                        26 – 32

Microporosity (%)                                ND                              5 – 6

Water Sat. (Sw, %)                              63 – 75                        63 – 74

Irreducible Water                                 ND                              17 – 19

  Saturation (Swirr, %)             

Tests                                                    None;                          High Flow of

Previous HitWellNext Hit TAed                   Hydrocarbons


Archie Parameters Used to Calculate Hydrocarbon Saturation, “M” Sand, Prospect “C”, Offshore West Africa

Previous HitWellNext Hit 1 (Initial)               Previous HitWellNext Hit 1 (RMS)*            Previous HitWellNext Hit 2 (RMS)*

m         1.9                               1.50                             1.50 - 1.55

n          2.0                               1.60                             1.55 - 1.65

a          1                                  1                                  1


*From “Rock Catalog”


Evaluation of “M” Sand                                    Evaluation of “M” Sand

Previous HitWellNext Hit 1, Prospect “C”                                        Previous HitWellNext Hit 2, Prospect “C”

28.3 m Gas Over Water                                   17.2 m Gas + Condensate

Porosity: 27 – 34%                                           6.4 m Oil to Sand Base

Water Sat.: 64 – 81%                                       0.0 m Water

f and Sw as in Previous HitWellNext Hit 1

            Tests:                                                               Tests:

None                                                                High Flow Rates

No Other Zones of Interest                               6 Other LRLC Zones

Temp. Abandoned;

Not Economic                                      Est. Recoverable Reserves:

1.03 Billion Barrels of

Oil and Condensate


Elmworth Supergiant Gas Field, Alberta – British Columbia Deep Basin


Figure Captions (8 and 9


Leading Comment 

This supergiant field was originally missed; in fact, 61 dry holes, or uneconomic wells, were drilled prior to discovery.


Summary of Features, Elmworth Field 

  • Supergiant field in Alberta – British Columbia basin syncline (Figure 8)

  • A large stratigraphic trap with a gas-saturated section over 720 feet thick, over 65 miles long, and 30 miles wide

  • Over 2000 producing wells develop 10 major reservoir units containing several 10s of TCF gas.

  • Reservoirs are delta front and channels, coastal barrier and marine bars, and alluvial fans and channels.

  • Sandstones have porosities of 7 to 11%, permeabilities of  0.01 to 10 md. Conglomerates have porosities of 3 to 8%, permeabilities of 0.1 to 80 md.; some permeabilities are greater than 1 darcy.

  • Reservoir units are gas-saturated, and are lower pressure and tighter than their updip more porous, water-bearing equivalent units.

  • Prior to discovery in 1976, 61 dry or uneconomic wells were drilled into or through Lower Cretaceous clastics that are now productive.


Elmworth Field Highlights

  • Canadian Hunter Exploration Ltd. was formed in 1973; Sneider – Meckel was formed in 1974.

  • Early Discovery History

September, 1975--Reentry to the Cadotte Formation: Uneconomic flow

November, 1975--Reentry and frac at Town: 2 MMcfgpd.

January, 1976--Drilled into porous Fahler Conglomerate: 26 MMcfgpd.

Previous HitLogNext Hit Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit showed gas in very sand from 2500 to TD at 10,000 feet.

  • From 1976 to 1980, Reentries and new wells demonstrated a gas-saturated area 100 miles by 50 miles in Alberta, 17 Cretaceous reservoirs in the basin center. Area rimmed by updip water. Trend extends into British Columbia.

  • 5,000 square-mile Alberta Deep basin contains low-permeability reservoirs with local high-permeability shoreface/beach conglomerate zones. This is a a huge stratigraphic trap with tens of Tcf of reserves and gas-in-place resource.

  • Wells flowed from 1 to 30 million cubic feet of gas per day; frac stimulation needed on most zones for economic production.

  • Burlington Resources purchased Canadian Hunter in December, 2001.


Exploration Plan and Strategy

  • Explore mainly for gas assuming higher future gas prices and development of better Previous HitwellNext Hit completion and stimulation technology.

  • Use a mining principle: Low-grade ore deposits have far greater total reserves than high-grade deposits (the resource triangle) (Figure 9).

  • Reexamine Previous HitwellNext Hit logs of uneconomic wells and dry holes for hydrocarbon shows and better rock types in areas containing many wells (regional scans).

  • Integrate geological, petrophysical, reservoir engineering, and completion/stimulation concepts and technology to understand why a Previous HitwellNext Hit was interpreted to be dry or uneconomic.


Geology: Structure and Stratigraphy (Figures 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

Figure 10. Schematic cross section, illustrating the relationship of the uplifted early Cordillera to the foreland basin during the Cretaceous  (after Weimer, 1984; Eisbacher et al., 1974).

Figure 11. Type Previous HitlogNext Hit, Elmworth Field, Alberta (after Smith, Zorn, and Sneider, 1984).

Figure 12. Elmworth Deep basin structure, on Lower Cretaceous Notikewin Member (after Smith, Zorn, and Sneider, 1984).  

Figure 13. Upper Mannville lithofacies map (after Jackson, 1983).

Figure 14. Regional facies section along the axis of the Western Canada sedimentary basin.

Return to top.


Rock Typing: Permeability, Archie “m” and “n”, Clay Type, Amount, and Distribution


     Figure Captions (15, 16, and 17

Figure 15. Pore - rock types for sandstone.

Figure 16. Pore-type comparators for three Alberta basin producing formations.

Figure 17. Preparation of pore-type comparators: laboratory tests.


     Binocular Microscopic Examination (10-50x) of Cuttings* (Figures 15, 16, and 17) 

  • Estimate total porosity, microporosity, permeability, Archie “m”.

  • Estimate type, amount, and distribution of clay minerals.

  • Estimate type, amount, and distribution of non-clay, conductive minerals (e.g., pyrite).

  • Estimate capillary curve and irreducible water.

  • Estimate grain size and sorting.


* Tie to rock catalogs


Previous HitLogNext Hit Analyses


     Figure Captions (18, 19, 20, 21, and 22) 

Figure 18. Halfway Formation C-69-J 94-B-16, 5535-5600 feet, highlighting DST and core Previous HitanalysisNext Hit.

Figure 19. Halfway Formation C-69-J 94-B-16, 5535-5600 feet, highlighting sample description and Previous HitlogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit; Previous HitwellNext Hit was re-entered and completed (AOF) for 4.6MMCF/D.

Figure 20. Canhunter Texcan 6-7-70-11W6, showing pay section in Notikewin Member.

Figure 21. Reservoir properties: Falher Conglomerate and Sandstone.

Figure 22. Porosity vs saturation: Conglomerate and sand-supported conglomerate.


     Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitLogNext Hit Search For Bypassed Pay 

1. Regional scan: “eyeball” scans (pattern recognition of porosity and resistivity logs).

2. Select wells for further Previous HitanalysisNext Hit on land unleased.

3. Exploration phase: these wells undergo more sophisticated Previous HitanalysisNext Hit by hand calculations. Drillstem tests, water Previous HitanalysisNext Hit, information on water resistivity, rock type information are incorporated into the Previous HitlogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit.

4. Prospect development phase: porosity, water saturation, permeability, lithology, pore space properties,and  clay content are compared to data from surrounding wells.

5. When a Previous HitwellNext Hit is drilled, Previous HitanalysisNext Hit continues. (Previous HitWellNext Hit is either a re-entry or a new twin Previous HitwellNext Hit.)

6. After completion, production logging is used to pinpoint productive and non-productive zones.


Pressure Profiles (Figures 23 and 24) 

Figure 23. Pressure-depth plots: Conventional vs Deep basin gas traps (after Gies, 1984).

Figure 24. Pressure-depth plot: Cadotte Formation, Deep basin (after Davis, 1984).


Seal and Trap (Figures 25 and 26) 

Figure 25. Gas–water transition at trap edge (modified after Masters, 1979).

Figure 26. Type Previous HitlogNext Hit, Elmworth Field, Alberta (after Smith, Zorn, and Sneider, 1984).


Source Rocks 

     Figure Captions (27, 28, and 29

Figure 27. Van-Krevelen-type diagram, derived from ROCK-EVAL pyrolysis data (after Welte et al., 1984).

Figure 28. Organic carbon content in Elmworth 6-28-68-13W6M (after Welte et al., 1984).

Figure 29. Isopach map of total Cretaceous and Paleocene section with oil and gas-generating areas (after Masters, 1984).


     Results of Source-Rock Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit (after D. Welte et al., 1984) 

  • Geochemical studies show that the entire Mesozoic rock section in the Deep-basin is gas-saturated.

  • Gas saturation decreases rapidly in the shallower part of the rock column and updip toward the east.

  • Cretaceous coal measures are important gas source (up to 70 m thick).

  • Source is mainly Type III kerogen – ideal gas generator.

  • Gas is being generated continuously now!

 Return to top.



     Figure Captions (30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35

Figure 30. Cross section showing the Deep basin gas trap.

Figure 31. Map of Canadian Hunter Elmworth Area, as of July, 1975, with outline of the Deep basin and discovery Previous HitwellNext Hit.

Figure 32. Map of Canadian Hunter Elmworth Area, as of July, 1975, with outline of Deep basin, discovery Previous HitwellNext Hit, and abandoned wells.

Figure 33. Map of Canadian Hunter Elmworth Area, as of July, 1975, with outline of Deep basin, discovery Previous HitwellNext Hit, gas wells, and abandoned wells,

Figure 34. Map of Deep basin, Alberta – British Columbia, showing Previous HitwellTop control as of March, 2004.

Click to view development of Elmworth supergiant field, as shown by maps in Figure 31, 32, 33, and 34.

Figure 35. Photograph of Elmworth discovery.


     Production and Reserves 


> 5 TCF Gas

> 1 Billion Bbls Condensate + Oil


> 5 TCF Gas


10s of TCF Gas


Proved Reserves

  • Proved reserves are volumes that are considered recoverable with a high degree of certainty under anticipated operating and economic conditions.

  • Proved reserves may be assigned to both developed and undeveloped lands.


Probable Reserves

  • Probable reserves are volumes that may be recovered from lands in the vicinity of proven reserves but where there is some degree of geological, engineering, operational, or economic risk.



  • Hydrocarbons in a producing trend that require improved technology and/or significant price increase to be recovered.


Key Managers and Staff, Initial Exploration and Development (Figure 36) 

Figure 36. Key members of the staff, standing by evidence of their success at Elmworth. 


Sneider & Meckel Associates, Inc.                   Canadian Hunter Exploration, Ltd. 

J. Farina                                                           J. Boyd                        E. Hawkes

L. Fons                                                            J. Christensen               R. Hietala

L. Meckel                                                        T. Connally                   J. Masters

R. Sneider                                                        T. Davis                       D. Smith          

J. Gray                         T. Taylor

P. Hill                           R. Wyman


Drilling / Completion - Reservoir Engineering - Land Strategy 

Lessons learned so as to avoid the common reasons for failure are to:

  • Integrate geoscience and engineering data
  • Use correct petrophysical models
  • Factor the effect of conductive minerals (clays, pyrite)
  • Use correct Archie “m” and “n”
  • Understand connate water saturation (Sw) vs irreducible water saturation (Swirr) plus Sw
  • Recognize damaged zones vs low permeability zones
  • Recognize pressure seals’ role in trapping
  • Recognize lower limits of pay using f and Sw cutoffs, considering stimulation procedures
  • Recognize opportunities, technical improvements, and economic trends from similar basins and geology that can apply to the play / prospect
  • Develop sales outlet (e.g., pipelines)


References (Figure 37) 

Figure 37.Cover of AAPG Memoir 38, Elmworth – Case study of a Deep basin gas field, edited by John A. Masters (1984).

Davis, T.B., 1984, Subsurface Pressure Profiles in Gas-Saturated basins, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 189-203.

Eisbacher, G.H., M.A. Carrigy, and R.B. Campbell, 1974, Paleodrainage pattern and late-orogenic basins of the Canadian Cordillera, in Dickinson, W.R., ed., Tectonics and sedimentation: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Pub. No. 22, p. 143-166.

Gies, Robert M., 1984, Case history for a major Alberta Deep basin gas trap: The Cadomin Formation, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 115-140.

Gray, J. K., 1977, Future gas reserve potential Western Canadian sedimentary basin: 3d Natl. Tech. Conf. Canadian Gas Association.

Jackson, Paul C., 1984, Paleogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of Western Canada, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 49-77.

Masters, J.A., 1979, Deep basin gas trap, Western Canada: AAPG Bulletin, v. 63, p. 152-181.

Masters, J.A., 1984, Lower Cretaceous oil and gas in Western Canada, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 1-33.

Masters, J.A. ed., 1984, Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, 316p.

Smith, David G,. Carl E. Zorn, and Robert M. Sneider, 1984, The Paleogeography of the Lower Cretaceous of western Alberta and northeastern British Columbia in and adjacent to the Deep basin of the Elmworth area, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 79-114.

Weimer, R.J., 1984, Relation of unconformities, tectonics, and sea-level changes, Cretaceous of Western Interior, U.S.A., in Interregional unconformities and hydrocarbon accumulation: AAPG Memoir 36, p. 7-35.

Welte, D.H., R.G. Schaefer, W. Stoessinger, and M. Radke, 1984, Gas generation and migration in the Deep basin of Western Canada, in J.A. Masters, ed., Elmworth: Case study of a Deep basin gas field: AAPG Memoir 38, p. 35-47.

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