--> The Deep Basin - A Hot ‘‘Tight Gas’’ Play for 25 Years, by Brad J.R. Hayes, #10052 (2003).
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The Deep Basin - A Hot ‘‘Tight Previous HitGasNext Hit’’ Play for 25 Years*


Brad J.R. Hayes1 

Search and Discovery Article #10052 (2003)


*Adapted from “extended abstract” for presentation at the AAPG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 11-14, 2003. A companion article, “New Deep Basin Previous HitGasNext Hit Plays at Hooker, Alberta - Extending Deep Basin Prospectivity Southward," by Brad J.R. Hayes, Marc Junghans, Kim Davies, and Murray Stodalka, is also posted on Search and Discovery.

 1Petrel Robertson Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta ([email protected])



The Deep Basin of western Canada was recognized in the late 1970’s as an immense wedge of abnormally-pressured, hydrocarbon-saturated strata on the eastern flank of the Rocky Mountain Foothills (Figures 1 and 2). Canadian Hunter discovered Previous HitgasNext Hit in Lower Cretaceous shoreface sandstones after interpreting numerous intervals and extensive areas of bypassed Previous HitgasNext Hit pay on logs. The initial discoveries were given regional scope when Hunter geologists recognized marine equivalents in the Foothills to the west, thus establishing broad east-west Previous HitexplorationNext Hit fairways through west-central Alberta and adjacent British Columbia. The subsequent Previous HitexplorationNext Hit boom yielded numerous discoveries in the Elmworth / Wapiti and Noel / Kelly areas (Figure 1).  

Masters (1979) calculated potential recoverable Previous HitgasNext Hit resources of 440 TCF for the Deep Basin, assuming that advancing technology and increasing prices would make this Previous HitgasNext Hit economically accessible over time. Many geologists in the early 1980’s thought that this estimate was wildly optimistic. Have subsequent events supported Masters or his critics?



uFigure captions

uCurrent situation

uReservoir quality

uNew plays




















uFigure captions

uCurrent situation

uReservoir quality

uNew plays





















uFigure captions

uCurrent situation

uReservoir quality

uNew plays





















uFigure captions

uCurrent situation

uReservoir quality

uNew plays





















uFigure captions

uCurrent situation

uReservoir quality

uNew plays








Figure Captions

Figure 1. Location map, Western Canada Deep Basin.




Figure 2. Schematic hydraulic cross-section, Western Canada Basin (after Putnam and Ward, 2001).


Current Situation 

Twenty-five years later, the Deep Basin remains a hot Previous HitexplorationNext Hit area locally, but only a fraction of its resource potential has been realized. Previous HitExplorationNext Hit and development have been focused in the north, where Lower Cretaceous plays have been extended westward and southward. In west-central Alberta (Figure 1), several Deep Basin plays have been pursued as if they were conventional accumulations. However, regional hydrodynamic work demonstrates that they lie within the hydrocarbon-saturated regime (Putnam and Ward, 2001). Significant discoveries are now being made farther afield, such as at Hooker in the southern Deep Basin (Figure 1). 

There are no statistics for Deep Basin Previous HitgasNext Hit reserves, as hydrodynamic regimes have not been mapped systematically at reservoir scale. Summing up in-place Previous HitgasNext Hit volumes tabulated by the Geological Survey of Canada (Stockmal et al., 2001) for all play types occurring in the Deep Basin, about 77 TCF has been discovered, and another 25 TCF is expected to be recovered with future Previous HitexplorationNext Hit. A substantial fraction of these volumes occur in conventional traps, updip from the Deep Basin, in plays that straddle its updip margins. Therefore, Deep Basin Previous HitgasNext Hit volumes are probably half or less of the 150 TCF that Masters (1979) envisioned to be accessible at $2.00/MCF. What accounts for this shortfall?


Reservoir Quality - The ‘‘Sweet Spot’’ Strategy 

Canadian Deep Basin plays have historically targeted high reservoir quality ‘‘sweet spots’’ within much larger masses of lower-quality rock. In the Elmworth / Wapiti and Noel / Kelly areas, well-sorted conglomeratic shoreline strata with moderate porosity and high permeability are the primary Previous HitexplorationNext Hit targets. Little Previous HitgasNext Hit is produced from associated fine-grained, low-permeability shoreface sandstones, although they contain far more Previous HitgasNext Hit in place. In west-central Alberta, most Deep Basin pools are in sandstones with well-developed secondary solution porosity, while poorer-quality sandstones are abandoned as uneconomic. Farther south, there has been relatively little Deep Basin Previous HitexplorationNext Hit, at least partly because reservoir quality ‘‘sweet spots’’ appear to be rare. 

The ‘‘sweet spot’’ strategy requires single pay zones (or one primary zone and a small number of secondary targets) to have sufficient deliverability and reserves to support Previous HitexplorationNext Hit and development economics. Looking southward to analogous Previous HitbasinNext Hit-Previous HitcenteredNext Hit Previous HitgasNext Hit fields in the United States, Canadian operators are now realizing that Previous HitgasNext Hit can be produced economically from much tighter rocks. The American ‘‘Previous HitbasinNext Hit-Previous HitcenteredNext Hit’’ approach requires much different Previous HitexplorationNext Hit and development Previous HitstrategiesNext Hit, such as: 

  • locating thick net pay sections, possibly aggregated over several zones

  • performing massive frac jobs

  • exploiting natural fracture systems

  • downspacing

  • directional and horizontal drilling.


Some of these Previous HitstrategiesNext Hit are now being pursued in the Canadian Deep Basin. Downspacing and directional drilling are being used successfully in the Cardium Formation in west-central Alberta, where millidarcy-quality sandstones up to 20 metres thick are widespread. The Hooker play in southern Alberta features similar reservoir quality and is being exploited with downspacing and advanced completion technology (Figure 1). Numerous other Deep Basin Previous HitgasNext Hit plays are now being drilled at two to four wells per section along selected fairways. However, the vast bulk of tight Previous HitgasNext Hit sand resources remain untouched.

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New Deep Basin Plays 

In addition to the unexploited tight sands of west-central Alberta and adjacent British Columbia, Deep Basin Previous HitgasNext Hit potential may exist in other areas of western and northern Canada.  

In northeastern B.C., shelfal carbonates of the Jean Marie Formation contain subnormally-pressured, continuous-phase Previous HitgasNext Hit over large areas, encased in basinal shales. Horizontal wells accessing natural fractures have greatly enhanced the reserve base of this play in recent years. In addition, EnCana recently established several TCF of recoverable reserves within thick buildups at the western shelf margin (Sierra play), which previously were regarded as uneconomic. 

In the Mackenzie Valley region of the Northwest Territories, hydrogeological analysis by Petrel Robertson Consulting suggests that there may be a Deep Basin regime within Devonian strata, with potential comparable to the Sierra play.



Masters’ huge original resource estimates for the Deep Basin assumed constantly escalating Previous HitgasNext Hit prices and advancing technology over time. Until recently, however, Previous HitgasNext Hit prices have varied widely and have hindered consistent long-term Previous HitexplorationNext Hit and development spending. Canadian operators have relied upon the ‘‘sweet spot’’ Previous HitexplorationNext Hit strategy and have not utilized new technologies and Previous HitexplorationNext Hit models to access tight Previous HitgasNext Hit as extensively as have their colleagues in the Rocky Mountain states. 

Twenty-five years after the discovery of the Deep Basin, we now see ahead of us a period of escalating Previous HitgasNext Hit demand and prices and the widespread availability of advanced drilling and completion technologies. Perhaps we will also see the realization of the enormous Previous HitgasNext Hit resources of the Canadian Deep Basin and an expansion of this potential to new areas.



Masters, J.A., 1979, Deep Basin Previous HitgasNext Hit trap, western Canada: AAPG Bulletin, v. 63, p. 152-181.

Putnam, P.E., and G.S. Ward, 2001, The relation between stratigraphic elements, pressure regime, and hydrocarbons in the Alberta Deep Basin (with emphasis on select Mesozoic units): AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, p. 691-714.

Stockmal, G.S., K.G. Osadetz, D. Lebel, and P.K. Hannigan, 2001, Structure and hydrocarbon occurrence, Rocky Mountain Foothills and Front Ranges, Turner Valley to Waterton Lakes. Appendix 1 - Resource analysis of natural Previous HitgasTop in the foreland belt: Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4111.

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