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PSSuccess! Using Seismic Attributes and Horizontal Drilling to Delineate and Exploit a Diagenetic Trap, Monterey Shale, San Joaquin Valley, California*
Anne Grau1, Robert Sterling1, and Robert Kidney1
Search and Discovery Article #20011 (2003)
*Adapted for online presentation from poster presented at AAPG’s annual convention, 2003, Salt Lake City, May, 2003. A companion article, entitled “Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, California,” is Search and Discovery Article #20012 (2003).
1EOG Resources, Denver Colorado (anne [email protected])
The Miocene Monterey Formation of California’s San Joaquin valley has long been recognized as a prolific source rock and underdeveloped resource. In this case study, the thick sequence of diatomaceous shales and hydrocarbon-rich sediments of the Miocene form a subtle diagenetic trap. As these sediments are buried to increasing depths, these siliceous shales convert from opal A to opal CT and finally to quartz-phase “chert”, undergoing a significant change in porosity and other rock properties during this transition. Seismic data and modeling have been successfully utilized in the identification and mapping of these diagenetic facies.
North Shafter and Rose Oil Fields produce from a porous, hydrocarbon-charged reservoir that formed as a result of silica diagenesis and favorable timing of kerogen maturation in these sediments. The reservoir consists of fractured, porosity-enhanced, oil-saturated quartz-phase rocks. A trap is formed by the updip, opal CT - phase rocks that have no hydrocarbon saturation and poor porosity characteristics.
The juxtaposition of these drastically different rock types is reflected by seismic amplitude anomalies that were used to determine the extent and shape of the fields. Horizontal drilling technology and strategic placement of wells have been key in the viability of this program. Close to 60 horizontal wells have been drilled in North Shafter and Rose oil fields since 1998, when the first horizontal well was drilled.
uStratigraphy, reservoir, & trap tReservoir character & trapping mechanisms uStructural & stratigraphic control uSeismic imaging of reservoir distribution
uStratigraphy, reservoir, & trap tReservoir character & trapping mechanisms uStructural & stratigraphic control uSeismic imaging of reservoir distribution
uStratigraphy, reservoir, & trap tReservoir character & trapping mechanisms uStructural & stratigraphic control uSeismic imaging of reservoir distribution
uStratigraphy, reservoir, & trap tReservoir character & trapping mechanisms uStructural & stratigraphic control uSeismic imaging of reservoir distribution
uStratigraphy, reservoir, & trap tReservoir character & trapping mechanisms uStructural & stratigraphic control uSeismic imaging of reservoir distribution
Location, Stratigraphy, Reservoir, and Trap Figure Captions (1-7) Figure 1. Location map of North Shafter and Rose Oil fields area.
Figure 2. Stratigraphic column, southern San Joaquin Basin, highlighting the McLure Shale Member of the Miocene Monterey Formation.
Figure 3. Reservoir character of cored interval, from core analysis and wireline-log analysis. Pay on logs is regarded as rock with >1 ohmm resistivity and >26% density porosity, using grain density of 2.55 g/cc.
Figure 4. Photomicrographs of mudstone, Tulare 34-1, depth interval--7655.5-7657.7 feet. Left: Overview of texture and porosity in laminated mudstone. Clay-rich matrix hosts abundant silt, carbonaceous stringers, microfossils, and abundant phosphatic debris (arrow). Magenta epoxy fills several layer-parallel-microcracks, some of which may be formed by core relaxation and dehydration. Clay matrix is comparatively tight. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Plane-polarized light. (40×). Right: Higher-magnification view of silty mudstone texture illustrates an abundance of discontinuous, horizontal microfractures and patches of microporosity (magenta). Close examination reveals that these microporous lenses (m) are not as clayey and are presumably composed of micro- or cryptocrystalline silica. Microfractures at the top of view are likely induced by dehydration. Also note abundance of pyrite and carbonaceous debris. Scale bar = 0.2 mm. Plane-polarized light. (100×).
Figure 5. Diagrammatic description of “diagenetic trap.” Updip non-reservoir (diatomaceous siliceous shales) with Opal CT phase grades downdip into reservoior (diatomaceous siliceous shales). with quartz phase.
Figure 7. Porosity vs. permeability from core analysis, according to lithology.
North Shafter and Rose oil fields are in the San Joaquin Basin (Figure 1). The Miocene Monterey Formation, composed primarily of diatomaceous siliceous shales (Figures 2, 3, and 4), is the source and the reservoir in these fields.
The heterogeneous reservoir is of thinly-interbedded diatomaceous lithologies, represented by:
Reservoir Character and Trapping MechanismsReservoir is created by downdip conversion from Opal CT to Quartz Phase rocks coeval with hydrocarbon charging (Figures 5, 6, and 7). Formation of the trap accompanied creation of the reservoir, with the Opal CT phase rocks forming the updip seal.
Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Distribution Figure Captions (8-12) Figure 8. Structure map, Rose and North Shafter oil fields, on top of the McLure Shale.
Figure 9. Dip Cross Section, North Shafter Field. Stratigraphic Cross Section 1, with quartz phase downdip and opal CT phase updip. Inset: structural cross-section. Figure 10. Dip cross section, Rose Field. Stratigraphic Cross Section 2, with quartz phase downdip and opal CT phase updip. Inset: structural cross section. Figure 11. Dip Cross Section, Transition Zone: Midas area. Stratigraphic Cross Section 3, with quartz phase downdip and opal CT phase updip. Inset: structural cross section. Figure 12. Strike Cross Section, Rose and North Shafter Fields. NW-SE Stratigraphic Cross Section 4, North Shafter Oil Field, Purple Tiger to Texaco areas. Inset: structural cross-section and reservoir interval.
Monclinal dip, approximately 4o to the southwest (Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11).
Heterogeneous reservoir (Figures 9, 10, 11, and 12), a function of: · Clay content · Depth and temperature
Seismic Imaging of Reservoir Distribution Figure Captions (13-14)
Figure 14. Seismic ties to rock properties. Upper. Diagram of quartz oil-bearing reservoir phase, below the opal CT, trapping phase and above the quartz tight phase. Middle. P-wave and C-wave seismic profiles, Rose Field, with the former showing the Gassmann effect due to change from gas-saturated oil to water and the latter showing the change in silica mineralogy. Lower. Seismic profile, Rose Field area, showing that seismic ties to the rock properties (with discernible differences between the updip opal CT phase, oil-bearing quartz phase, and water-bearing quartz phase.
After seismic attributes and rock properties are calibrated, seismic data derived from P- and C(converted)-wave surveys have been used to map oil reservoir distribution (Figures 13 and 14).
North Shafter Exploration Highlights Figure Captions (15-16)
Figure 16. Gross daily oil production at North Shafter and Rose fields and from two wells.
Compared to the present, the area of Rose and North Shafter fields in 1995 was undeveloped (Figure 15). The highlights are:
Shown in Figure 16 is the production history of North Shafter and Rose fields, along production plot for two typical wells.
+ Diagenetic trap. + Unconventional: Siliceous Shale Reservoir. + Seismic Resolves Reservoir via Rock Properties. + Exploitation via Horizontal Drilling. + “A Whole Lotta” Oil in Place. ___________________________________ = Success! Cumulative to date 4/1/03 Rose-- 1.2 million BO, 0.5 BCF North Shafter-- 5.1 million BO, 2.1 BCF Present Production (Peak Rate) Rose 900 BOD (2705 BOD) North Shafter 3600 BOD (5202 BOD)
Isaacs, C. M., 1981 Outline of Diagenesis in the Monterey Formation examined laterally along the Santa Barbara Coast, California: in Isaacs, C.M., ed., Guide to the Monterey Formation in the CaliforniaCoastal area, Ventura to San Luis Obispo, Pacific Section, AAPG, v. 52, p. 25-38.
EOG RESOURCES: Barbara Ganong, Chris Hanson, Paul Pendleton, Linda Hoagland, CB Lackey, Paul Connely Texaco/Chevron: Larry Drennan, Angela Boss, Bob Barree, Laurie Williams |