--> 2023 GeoGulf; - Abstracts, #91205 (2023).
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2023 GeoGulf,
Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023

Search and Discovery Article #91205 (2023)
Posted June 16, 2023

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             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Structural Inheritance and Mesozoic Rafting, Eastern Shallow-Water Sureste Basin, Gulf of Mexico,
      Ahmed Afifi, Teunis Heyn, Caoana Williams, and Elizabeth Da Silva

Salt Domes, the Energy Transition, and a 21st Century Geospatial Database,
      John Andrews, Lorena Moscardelli, and Jeff Paine


CO2 Storage Potential in Louisiana,
      Graham Bain and Evan MacDonald

Comparing Early Cretaceous, Syn-Rift Reservoir Rocks Underlying the Slope and Ultra-Deepwater Areas of the Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil,
      Ruth Beltran and Paul Mann

Subsurface Considerations in the Selection of CO2 Storage Sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
      Allen Bertagne, Jesus Nevarez, Joseph Landry, and Tad Smith

Geochemical Data in Salty Situations: Calibrating XRF in the Louann Salt and Mineralogical Variations in the Puma Diapir,
      Julie Bloxson, Piela Chris Cox, and Alyx Frantzen

Characterization and Delineation of Potential Evaporite Geohazards Using Electrical Resistivity Methods along FM 2185, Culberson County, Texas,
      Wesley A. Brown, Lenora Perkins, and Kevin Stafford

Constraints on Gulf of Mexico Oxfordian Acme 161 to Valanginian Acme 138 Source Rock UEP Imposed by Basin Margin Onlap/Erosion and Basin Center Oceanic Crust Age,
      Nawaz Bugti, Andrew Pepper, and Ted Godo


Petroleum Systems of the Carbonate Platform Areas of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: South Florida, the Greater Peten Basin of Guatemala-Belize, and the Yucatan and Chiapas areas of Mexico,
      Andres Cedeño, Sverre Ohm, Alejandro Escalona, and Andrew Pepper

Stratigraphy of the Evangeline and Jasper Aquifers in Parts of Montgomery and Harris Counties, Texas,
      Daniel Collazo

The Search for Life on Mars,
      Doug Cook

The Paleogene Water-Level Drawdown Hypothesis, Gulf of Mexico: Relationship to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM),
      Stephen Cossey, Joshua Rosenfeld, Mark Bitter, James Pindell, John Wagner, and Gerald Dickens

AI Tool to Obtain Petrophysical and Geological Analog Data on Percussion Side Wall Cores in Low Resistivity Sands, from the Olmos Sandstone, Frio County, Texas,
      Katrina Cox, Christopher Barden, and Kristopher Farmer


Geochemistry of the Claiborne Group Ironstone Deposits in East Texas,
      Jared Diehl, Rick Shaw, and Mindy S. Faulkner

Influence of Stratigraphic Modeling Scales on Shale Oil Resources Assessment of the Midland Basin,
      Robin Dommisse

More than Just the Eagle Ford: Additional Oil Opportunity in East Texas,
      Catherine Donohue, Natalie Helm, John Zumberge, and John Curtis

Unraveling the Secrets of the "Eaglebine": Sequence Stratigraphy Versus Lithostratigraphy,
      Arthur Donovan, S. R. Gifford, M. J. Meyer, S. Dangtran, P. Johnson, and M. Pope

Quantitative Evaluation of Deepwater Fan Hierarchy: Insights from Full Physics Based Forward Stratigraphic Models,
      Ali Downard, Fabien Laugier, and Tao Sun


Detrital Zircon Provenance and Timing of Igneous Activity during Triassic-Jurassic Rifting of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Western Bahamas,
      Robert Erlich and Jim Pindell

Age and Chronostratigraphic Relationship between the Norphlet Formation and the Louann Salt in Southwestern Texas: Regional Implications for the Gulf of Mexico,
      Robert Erlich, Jim Pindell, Joel E. Saylor, and Paul O'Sullivan

Preliminary Investigation of Critical Elements in Bauxite Stock Piles, Saline County, Arkansas,
      Melanie Erton and Mindy Faulkner


Entrepreneurship: Transitions and Strategies, Riverford Exploration, LLC,
      Bill Fairhurst

Gravity Flow Bedforms and Associated Sedimentary Structures,
      Juan J. Fedele

Preliminary Source Rock Evaluation of the Lower Cenozoic Toledo Formation, Belize Basin, Southern Belize,
      Jason D. Fisher and David T. King, Jr.

Lithofacies, Cyclicity, and Reservoir Heterogeneity of Peritidal Carbonates, Clear Fork Formation, in the Northern Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, Texas
      Qilong Fu


Excellent Shelf to Slope to Basin Floor Clinoform Outcrop Completely Exposed at La Jardinera, Jurassic Neuquén Basin, Argentina,
      Yuqian Gan, Ron Steel, and Cornel Olariu

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Outcrops near Bastrop, Texas: Sedimentology, Ichnology, Biostratigraphy, and δ13C Isotope Values,
      Katherine Garcia, Peter P. Flaig, Lorena Moscardelli, Christopher N. Denison, Thomas D. Demchuk, Thierry Adatte, and Sebastien Castelltort

Analysis of Cuttings from a Newly Drilled Well in the Green Canyon Protraction Area near the Sigsbee Escarpment, Focusing on Geochemical Changes through the Suture Zone,
      Natalie Girlinghouse, Julie Bloxson, and Chris Piela Cox

Geodynamics of the Mexican Orogen and Foreland Basin System at the Latitude of Linares, Nuevo Leyn, Mexico,
      Gary G. Gray, Bill Farrell, and David Blank


Comparison of Texas Shale Plays – Geologic Characteristics and Implications for Production of the Eagle Ford/Tuscaloosa Marine Shale, Haynesville/Bossier, Wolfcamp/Bone Springs, and Barnett/Woodford Plays,
      Ursula Hammes

The Quest from the Marsh out onto the Shelf and Beyond: How the Offshore Exploration Journey in the Gulf of Mexico Evolved and Led to a Global Revolution,
      Rog Hardy

Estimates of Thermal Stress and Expelled Petroleum from Mesozoic-Cenozoic Potential Source Rocks, Southern Gulf of Mexico,
      Md Nahidul Hasan, Andrew Pepper, and Paul Mann

Lithologic Controls on Reservoir Quality and Production Trends in the Carbonate Pettet Formation, Rusk County, East Texas,
      Kelly E. Hattori, Eric M. Radjef, and Robert G. Loucks

More from Less: Quantitative Models to Predict Fluid Properties (GOR) from Mud Gas Compositional Data,
      Lara Heister and Andrew Pepper

A Modern and Precise Workflow for Monitoring of Pore Pressures at Boreholes,
      Jakob Heller and Alexander Edwards

Dynamic Topographic Events of the Gulf of Mexico,
      Teunis Heyn, Jim Pindell, Mark Hoggard, Ahmed Afifi, and Chris Piela-Cox

Tectonic Significance of the Middle Miocene Unconformity of the Campeche Salt Area of the Southern Gulf of Mexico,
      Teunis Heyn, R. H. Peterson Rodriguez, R. Hernandez, J. Pindell, A. S. Ruiz Osorio, M. Hoggard, J. Hernandez, R. Torres Baeza, J. M. Najera Garcia, A. Afifi, and C. Steffensen

Offshore Wind: The Role of Geoscience in Underpinning a Strong Project Foundation,
      Andrew W. Hill, Gareth Wood, Craig Allinson, and Andy J. Hill

Time-Lapse Seismic in a CO2 EOR Flood and Implications for CCS Reservoir Monitoring,
      Gordan Holmes, Nic Bongiovanni, Tracy Wulf, Stephen Schneider, Scott Maxwell, Brian Chacka, and Hussain Sheikha

A Regional Exploration Perspective of the Gulf of Mexico Basin: Questions that Remain,
      Brian Horn, James Pindell, Previous HitCarlNext Hit Steffensen, Robert Erlich, Ed Haire, Barbara Radovich, and Adrian McGrail

How Deep was the Pre-Salt Depositional Depression in the Gulf of Mexico, and what are the Implications?: Part 2,
      Brian Horn

Real time XRF Chemostratigraphy Provides Geological Certainty in Picking a 3–Way Structural Trap against a Fault in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico,
      Simon Hughes, A. Liborius, and D. J. Tonner


Accurate Water Saturation in Fresh or Unknown Rw's with Standard LWD Resistivity Tools,
      Scott Jacobsen, Eric Decoster, James Hemingway, Alan Sibbit, Barbara I. Anderson, Raghu Ramamoorthy, Peter R. Swinburne, and Martin G. Luling

Gulf Coast CO2 Storage – A Techno Commercial Perspective,
      Nikhil Joshi


The Haynesville Play: An Activity Update,
      Sean Kimiagar

Geochemists Need Supervision: A Case for Expanding the Use of Supervised Machine Learning in Petroleum Geochemical Interpretation,
      Benjamin Kirkland and Bao Nguyen


Advantaged Basins and Saline Aquifer Screening: A Gulf of Mexico Perspective,
      George Laguros

Sandstone Petrography and U–Pb Zircon Provenance of Onshore Eocene-Miocene Strata Flanking the Sureste Basin, Southern Mexico: Implications for Sediment Routing to the Deep Gulf of Mexico,
      Timothy F. Lawton, Maria I. Sierra Rojas, and Daniel F. Stockli

Thunder Exploration, Inc.: From Inception to Self-Sustaining E&P Company in Forty-Two Years,
      Walter S. Light, Jr.

Depositional Systems, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk, Brookeland and Burr Ferry Fields in East Texas andWestern Louisiana,
      Robert G. Loucks, Sheng Peng, Kelly E. Hattori, Priyanka Periwal, Josh R. Lambert, Christopher K. Zahm, and Lucy T. Ko


Wise Words from Celebrated Geologists: Should we Listen to them?,
      Daniel Minisini

An Emerging Play in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf,
      Peter Mullin, J. Coggins, and J. Kuhla


Refocusing on the Gulf: How New Seismic Methods Drive New Investments,
      Jeff Nealon

Depositional Systems Interpretation and Petrophysical Characteristics of the Leonardian Carbonates (Clear Fork Group) from Tex-Mex, SE Field, Central Basin Platform, Gaines County, West Texas,
      Seyram Nyamasekpor, Julie Bloxson, and Baysah Saylea


Depositional Processes at the Lower Wilcox Shelf–Slope Transition Zone,
      Mariana I. Olariu and Hongliu Zeng

The Structure and Evolution of the Guyana Basin,
      Bryan Ott, James Trude, Bill Kilsdonk, and Tim Grow

Depositional Facies Analysis of the Cotton Valley Group Using Well Logs and Cores: Implication for Carbon Sequestration,
      Frederick Owusu and Julie Bloxson


Middle and Lower Miocene Middle Slope Systems of the Outer West Louisiana Shelf: An Unexplored Play between Historical Paradigms,
      Robert Pascoe and Peter Nuttall

Discovery Thinking in Gulf of Mexico Petroleum Systems: Fresh Ideas for Exploration, Development, and Production Geologists,
      Andrew Pepper

Estimating Rotation Poles and Spreading Isochrons for Gulf of Mexico Opening Models,
      James Pindell

Reconstructing Syn-Rift, Sag, and Salt Paleogeography, and the Role of Syn-Rift Dynamic Elevation and Dissipation, Gulf of Mexico,
      James Pindell and Teunis Heyn

How Deep was the Pre-Salt Depositional Depression in the Gulf of Mexico, and what are the Implications?,
      James Pindell, Teunis Heyn, and Mark Rowan

Late Cretaceous – Cenozoic Evolution of the North America – Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone in the Mantle Reference Frame: Mexico, Central America, and Northwest Caribbean,
      James Pindell, Diego Villagomez, Previous HitCarlNext Hit Steffensen, Roberto Molina, Gary Gray, Rod Graham, Paul O'Sullivan, and Daniel Stockli

Disrupting the Oil and Gas Investment Paradigm,
      Laura Pommer


Hydrocarbon Provinces and Active Petroleum Systems in the Southern Caribbean: Basement Types, Sources, Reservoirs, and Key Exploratory Plays in the Area of Offshore Panama and the Colombian Caribbean Margin,
      Juan Pablo Ramos Vargas

Business Cycle and Prospecting,
      Barry Rava

Subtle-Fault Prospects in the Onshore Gulf Coast,
      Barry Rava

Textures, Mineralogy, and Reservoir Properties of an Altered Mafic Tuff Core from the Upper Cretaceous (Lower Campanian) of Central Texas,
      Robert M. Reed and Robert G. Loucks

Martian Field Geologist: What to Wear when Looking for Life on a Desert Planet?,
      James F. Reilly, Jr.

Using Airborne Lidar Data Sets with UAV–Derived Topographic Data to Monitor Texas Beach-Dune Changes and Track Recovery after Major Storm Events,
      Sara Rojas and Shuhab Khan

The Lower Cretaceous Hensel–Glen Rose Stratigraphic Couplet in the Llano Uplift, Central Texas,
      Peter R. Rose

The Triggers and Evolution of Mesozoic Salt-Related Deformation in the Gulf of Mexico,
      Mark G. Rowan


Seismicity Site Characterization for Geo-Energy Related Projects,
      Alexandros Savvaidis

Petrophysical Assessment of the Leonardian San Andreas Formation, Andrews County, Texas,
      Baysah Saylae, Julie Bloxson, and Seyram Nyamasekpor

Depositional Systems, Lithofacies, and Lithofacies Stacking Patterns of the Jurassic Smackover Formation (Oxfordian) and Buckner Anhydrite (Kimmeridgian) in Van Zandt County, Texas: A Type-Cored Section from Northeastern Texas,
      Peter Schemper, Robert G. Loucks, and Qilong Fu

What have Geologists Learned about the Moon and Mars since the Last Moon Landing 50 Years Ago?,
      Harrison "Jack" Schmitt and Jessica Watkins

Channel Delineation in the Lower Wilcox Formation, Southeastern Texas: Integrated Seismic Data, Well Logs, and Modeling,
      Robert V. Schneider and Michael E. Ellis

Texas Coastal Processes – Brazos River Delta to Galveston Island,
      Erik D. Scott

Barremian-Albian Larger Benthic Foraminiferal Zones (Lower Cretaceous), Gulf of Mexico Region: A Key to Correlating Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Robert W. Scott

Using Gravity Filters to Reveal the Non-Volcanic and Recessed Rifted Margin of Mauritania and its Along-Strike Transition with the Protruding Volcanic Margin of the Guinea Plateau,
      Upal Shahriar and Paul Mann

A Deliberate Search for Disruptive Oil and Gas Discoveries: Clues along the Way,
      Mark Shann

Key Differences in Petroleum Systems across the Greater Gulf of Mexico, Challenging Some Key Assumptions and the Potential for Two New Unexplored Oil Provinces,
      Mark Shann

Basin Modeling of the Guyana Margin: Does the Continent-Ocean Boundary Mark an Outer Limit for Deepwater Exploration?,
      Kenneth Shipper and Paul Mann

The Presence of Rare Earth or Critical Minerals in the Louann Salt, Gulf of Mexico,
      Jamie Singer and Julie Bloxson

Zama Field, Mexico Deepwater, Upper Miocene Slope to Basin Paleotransport,
      John W. Snedden, Mark Rowan, Daniel Stockli, David Tett, and Mark Albertson

Summary of Recent Drilling History and Play Types in the Greater Deepwater Campeche Area, Southern Gulf of Mexico,
      Previous HitCarlTop K. Steffensen, Elizabeth Royce-Rogers, and Jennifer Halliday

How Fast can a Submarine Canyon Form? The Late Pleistocene Evolution of Mississippi Canyon,
      Michael Sweet, Jacob Margoshes, Jacob Covault, and Juan Gutierrez

The Early Cretaceous Transition from Carbonate to Siliciclastic Deposition in the Deep Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from the Keathley Canyon 102 #1 Well,
      Michael L. Sweet, Marcie Purkey Phillips, Robert Cunningham, John W. Snedden, and Ryan Weber


Structural Characterization of the Puma Diapir, Gulf of Mexico,
      Rodrigo Velasquez and Julie Bloxson

Seismic Attributes for Deep Water Depositional Systems,
      Sumit Verma


The Occurrence of Low-Resistivity Oil, Gas, and Carbon Dioxide Mesozoic Reservoirs in the MAFLA Region of the U.S. Onshore Gulf Coast,
      Steven Walkinshaw

Petrophysical Analysis of the Utica Shale Play across Eastern Ohio using Core and Well Log Analysis,
      Tyler West, Julie Bloxson, and Derek Buster

Geologic Face Mapping Methodology Utilizing Global Positioning Systems and Drone Technology,
      Luke Whitenburg and Mindy Faulkner

Developing Haynesville Shale Assets to Support Global Gas Market,
      Matt Williams, Eric Mason, Frederic Gallice, and Sarah Cloos

Gulf of Mexico's Horn Mountain Field: Exploration Success below a Mature Field,
      Diane Woodruff, Mike Ferfon, Jonathan Harris, Allison Kimbrough, Wally Partridge, Mehdi Zouari, Lisa Gauthier, Vikas Kumar, and Namrita Gandhi

Exploring for Lunar Volatiles: The VIPER Mission Instrument Package,
      Doug Wyatt and William Ambrose


Mapping Massive (up to 500 m) Sandstones in Intraslope Subbasins with a Machine-Learning Enhanced Workflow: Guadalupe A Section, Lower Wilcox, South-Central Texas Coast,
      Hongliu Zeng and Mariana I. Olariu

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