--> CGS & PSAAPG Monterey Formation Research Conference 2022, Nov. 4-5, Ventura, CA; - Abstracts, #91203 (2022).
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2022 CGS & PSAAPG Monterey Formation Research Conference
November 4-5, Ventura, CA

Search and Discovery Article #91203 (2022)
Posted November 18, 2022

             Select letter corresponding to first letter of author's last name.
             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.






A Geochronologically-Constrained Test of the Monterey Hypothesis for Miocene Climate Change,
      Eliel Anttila, Francis Macdonald, Dawid Szymanowski, Blair Schoene, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Clara Danhof, and Previous HitDavidTop Jones

Formational-Scale Differences in Deformation and Implications for Petroleum Migration and Structural Evolution of the Pismo Basin, California,
      Justin M. Arakaki, Richard J. Behl, and Nathan W. Onderdonk

Diatoms as Valuable Tools for Biochronology and Paleoclimatology of the Monterey Formation and Related Biosiliceous Sediments,
      John A. Barron

Monterey Formation Overview and Context for New Research,
      Richard J. Behl

Predicting Matrix Production Potential of the Upper Monterey Using Pore Geometry Data,
      Bryan Bell

Interbasinal Age Control of the Monterey Formation Based on Multi-discipline Age Models and Correlation of Key Facies to the Miocene Climatic Events,
      Gregg Blake

Benthic Foraminiferal Faunal Response to the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition from Greenhouse to Icehouse Conditions,
      Gregg Blake

Depositional Mechanisms of Biosiliceous Lithofacies in the Upper Modelo Deep-water Clastic System, Eastern Ventura Basin, Lake Piru, California,
      Bedig Charkhutian and Richard Behl

Influence of Tectonics, Burial History and Sediment Composition on the Temperature and Depth of Diagenetic Transition from Opal-A to Opal-CT in the Subsurface San Joaquin Basin, California,
      Kenton Crabtree, Richard J. Behl, and Allegra Hosford Scheirer

An Attempt to Tie the Laskar Insolation Curve to a Core from the Monterey Formation,
      John Dunham

Middle Miocene Organic Carbon Accumulation Rates in the Monterey Formation in the Santa Barbara and Santa Maria Basins, California,
      Scott Hornafius

Tephrochronology of the Monterey and Modelo Formations,
      Jeffrey R. Knott, A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, and John A. Barron

New Insights from a Young Ocean Basin: Overview of Drilling Results from IODP Expedition 385, Guaymas Basin, Mexico,
      Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Liselle Persad, and the IODP Expedition 385 Shipboard Scientific Party

Using Sequence Stratigraphy to Refine Estimates of Sediment-Component Accumulation Rates in the Monterey Formation,
      Jon Schwalbach and Kevin Bohacs

Organic Carbon Accumulation and Distribution in the Miocene Monterey Formation of the San Joaquin Basin, California,
      Amanda Seckington and Richard Behl

Is Hydraulic Fracturing Necessary?,
      Gregg Wilkerson

Maximum Flooding Surfaces, a New Application for Correlation and Mapping in the Pacific Coast Miocene,
      Walter W. Wornardt Jr.

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