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AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition 2020
Online/Virtual, September 29 - October 1, 2020

Search and Discovery Article #91200 (2022)
Posted September 6, 2022

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             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Clinoform Geometry and Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of Lower and Middle Eocene Carbonate Prograding Sequences, Sirte Basin, North Central Libya,
      Muneer Abdalla, Wan Yang

Compaction Modelling of the Las Vegas Basin: Implications for Fluid Extraction-Related Subsidence and Fault Development,
      Shaimaa Abdelhaleem, Wanda Taylor, Craig dePolo

Fracture Development in Unconventional Reservoirs and Its Role in Hydrocarbon Migration and Expulsion,
      Israa Abu-Mahfouz, Joe Cartwright, Volker Vahrenkamp, Tadeusz Patzek, Ralf Littke

Sealing Capacity Analysis of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale at Kemper County Energy Facility in Mississippi for CO2 Sequestration,
      Mercy Achang, Jack Pashin, Mileva Radonjic

Flood Mitigation Approaches Using Drone Photogrammetry,
      G Adcock, Mike Allison

Timing of the Exhumation Episodes and Burial/Thermal History of Kevin Dome, Northwestern Montana,
      Elijah Adeniyi, Colin Shaw, David Bowen, Chuck Calavan, Mary Hubbard

Petrographic Studies of the Lower Bakken Shale: Insight from Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, Organic Petrology and SEM Characterization,
      Adedoyin Adeyilola, Stephan Nordeng, Chioma Onwumelu, Francis Chidi Nwachukwu

Petrographic Examination of Three Forks Formation Reservoir Lithofacies: Implications for Porosity Development,
      Adedoyin Adeyilola, Stephan Nordeng, Thomas Gentzis

Ground Based Hyperspectral Imaging and Geochemical Analysis of the Woodford Shale Oklahoma,
      Ekenem Adigwe

Influence of Structural and Tectonic Evolution on the Petroleum System(s) Development Within the Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity,
      Fritz Agbor, Sanelisiwe Mhlambi, Nimuno Achu Teumahji, Wasiu Sonibare, Tapas Chatterjee, Johannes Marinus van Bever Donker

Impact of Kerogen Heterogeneities on Hydrocarbon Production in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs,
      Vikas Agrawal, Shikha Sharma

Core to Log Integration in Alaska's North Slope Nanushuk Formation Using High Resolution Petrophysical Profiling,
      Ramil Ahmadov, Steve Carhart, Kurt Johnson, Laurent Louis, Greg Boitnott

Improving Well Log Data with Machine Learning: An Application from the Powder River Basin,
      Ridvan Akkurt, Terrilyn Olson, Scott Friedman, Celina Will

Petroleum Generation History of the Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Sirt Basin, Libya: Insight From Integrated Geochemical Assessment and Basin Modeling,
      Khaled Albriki, Feiyu Wang, Meijun Li, Rajab El Zarog, Du Xi

3-D Geomechanical Modeling for Drilling Beyond Simplified Simulation Techniques,
      Hamad Al-Hamad, Saikh Azim, Abdulziz Sajer, Assef Hussein, Qinglai Ni, Surej Subbiah

Re-Evaluation of a Post-Rift Unconfirmed Play in the Norwegian North Sea for Undiscovered Stratigraphic Traps,
      Ali Al-Janabi, Camelia Knapp

Evaluating Seal Integrity Using Dynamic Poisson's Ratio and Young's Modulus,
      Zakiyah Alkhadrawi, Maitham Alabbad

Advanced Horizontal Well Correlation Method for the Dynamic Update of Subsurface Layers While Geosteering,
      Abdul Mohsen Almaskeen, Syed Sadaqat Ali

Evolution of the Shallow Pleistocene Carbonates of New Providence Island, Bahamas – Using GPR and Outcrop Data,
      Emad Alothman, Paul Harris, Gregor Eberli, Mark Grasmueck

Technical and Economic Restraints on Resource Development on the Moon, Mars, and the Asteroids,
      William Ambrose, Bruce Cutright, Dieter Beike, David Rich

Comparing CO2 Injection Practices to Low-Salinity and High-Salinity Wastewater Injection Practices Into Deep Saline Aquifers in Kansas,
      Esmail Ansari, Yevhen Holubnyak, Franciszek Hasiuk, Jennifer Hollenbach

Nanotech Tagging for Cuttings Depth Identification,
      Marta Antoniv, S. Sherry Zhu, Hooisweng Ow, Martin Poitzsch, Nouf Al-Jabri, Alberto Marsala

Fe-Bearing Clay Minerals and Festr Reduction Implications on Oil Adsorption,
      Nikolaos Apeiranthitis, Cédric Carteret, Anke Neumann, H. Chris Greenwell

The Effect of Diagenetic and Depositional Heterogeneities with High Lateral Continuity in Natural Fractures Segmentation: Implication for DFN Parametrization,
      Araly Araujo, Germano Ramos, Márcio Alencar, Osvaldo Jose Flho, Joao Gabriel Topan, Jose Barbosa, Tiago Miranda, Virginio Neumann, Ana Bruno

Weakly Supervised Structural Interpretation Using Projection Matrices for Latent Space Factorization,
      Oluwaseun Joseph Aribido, Ghassan AlRegib

Testing the Sequence Stratigraphic Paradigm of Deep-Marine Sedimentation Along an Ancient Upper-Slope to Basin-Floor Transect, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Western Canada,
      Bill Arnott

Reservoir Characterization Through Attribute-Aided Seismic Interpretation Along with Model Based Inversion for Porosity Computation Over a Gas Producing Pab Sandstone Reservoir Zamzama Field, Southern Indus Basin, Pakistan,
      Muhammad Asif Khan, Tahseenullah Khan, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Zafar, Raiees Amjad

3-D Amplitude vs. Offset Analysis for Gas Hydrate Identification in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: MC 118 (Woolsey Mound),
      Gokce Astekin, Camelia Knapp, James Knapp, Saiful Alam

Petroleum Generation Kinetics of Mississippian Mudrocks in Central Oklahoma: Evidence from Hydrous Pyrolysis,
      Ibrahim Atwah

Tide-Induced Gravity Flows on the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada,
      Korhan Ayranci, Shahin Dashtgard


Emplacement and Biodegradation of Oil in Fractured Basement: The 'Coal' Deposit in Moinian Gneiss at Castle Leod, Ross-Shire,
      Mas'ud Baba, John Parnell, Stephen Bowden

Modeling Geomechanical Response to Commercial-Scale Carbon Storage in the Mt. Simon Storage Complex, Central Illinois,
      Oladipupo Babarinde, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Roland Okwen, Lee Swager, Steve Whittaker

Structural Inheritance for the Laramide of Wyoming and Montana Implications for Basement Architecture of the Trans-Hudson Orogen and Development of Foreland Basins,
      Jeffrey Bader

An Integrated 1-D Basin Modelling of the Petroleum Systems Offshore Sierra Leone,
      Ahmed Bah, Masa Bah, Ishmael Momoh, Musa Kamara, Mustapha Koroma

New Paleo-Surface Geology and Paleogeography Model for the Devonian Carboniferous of North America,
      Rob Bailiff, Michael Lawson, Laura Tierney, Tom Wiggins, Peter Webb, Laura Wilson, Amanda Galsworthy, Lauren Raynham, Lena Driehaus, Andrew Quallington

Evaluating the Eocene-Aged Coaledo Formation, Oregon: Integrating Palynology, Geochemistry and Thermal Maturity to Improve Paleodepositional Models and Hydrocarbon Resource Characterization,
      Allison Barbato, Sophie Warny, John Armentrout, Thomas Demchuk

MAMMA* Project: Basin Mastering in Regional Generative Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa,
      Mariana Barroso-Coelho, Guillaume Smagghe, Vincent Delhaye-Prat, Isabelle Billeaud, Remi Eschard, Jonathan Floodpage, Gaetan Rimmele, Benoit Ray

The Impact of Extensional Tectonics on the Evolution of Lacustrine Successions During the Early Stages of Rifting: The Western Snake River Basin, Idaho,
      Mark Barton

Workflow for Hydrocarbon Mass-Balance Calculation of Unconventional/Hybrid Systems: Southern Delaware Basin Example,
      Anindito Satrio Baskoro, Zhihuai Yu, Mauro Becker

Emerging Cretaceous Oil and Gas Play, Alberta, Canada – Controls on Productivity,
      Peter Bauman, Chris Barton

Assisted Chronostratigraphic Multi-Well Correlation Using Facies, Distality and Depositional Slopes,
      Paul Baville, Marcus Apel, Cédric Carpentier, Guillaume Caumon, Silvan Hoth, Dirk Knaust, Christophe Antoine

Upper Slope Detailed Modern Reef Morphologies: Unique Archive of a Well-Established High Amplitude Sea Level Transgression, Lighthouse and Central Barrier Reefs (Belize),
      Tanyel Baykut, André Droxler, Andrew Moodie, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Joshua Johnson, Daniel Parsons

The Cretaceous-Paleogene Transitions and Geological Evolution of the Southern Sakarya Zone, NW Turkey,
      Tanyel Baykut, Hayrettin Koral, André Droxler, Izver Öngen

Geophysical, Geomechanical, and Computed Tomography Characterization of Potential Reservoirs and Seals for Carbon Storage, Offshore Southeastern U.S.,
      Andrew Bean, Dawod Almayahi, Camelia Knapp

Salt Ridges Along Extensional Faults: A Kinematic Indicator,
      William Beck, Hermann Lebit, Jeffery Tilton, Taylor Buckley

Geothermal Resource Characterization of the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation at Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada,
      Evan Renaud, John Weissenberger, Nicholas Harris, Jonathan Banks, Brandon Wilson

Intelligent Cloud Based Virtual Assistant for Oil and Gas Professionals,
      Wassim Benhallam, Hamed Darabi, David Castineira

Seismic Determination of Dolomitization and Associated Reservoir Quality Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques: Lower-Middle Permian Carbonates of the Midland Basin,
      Abidin Berk Caf, John Pigott

New Observations Suggest the Need for Revised Tectonic Reconstructions of the Gulf of Mexico,
      Erin Beutel, Irina Filina

Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Kopili Sediments of Upper Assam South Block, India: Evaluating the Relationship with Diagenetic Events,
      Deepsikha Bhuyan, Barasa Hazarika, Lusuchu Phor, Jayanta Basumatary

Predicting Static Data Using Dynamic Data and Quantitative Sample Characterization,
      Abdullah Bilal, Michael Myers, Lori Hathon

Sedimentological and Petrographic Evidence of Flow Confinement in a Passive Continental Margin Deep-Marine Slope Channel Complex, Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia,
      Tyler Billington, Bill Arnott

A Middle to Upper Ordovician Carbonate Shelf from Offshore Labrador, Canada, and its Contribution to the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Margin,
      Nikole Bingham-Koslowski

Industry 4.0: Blockchain – What is it, How Does it Apply to Oil and Gas, Who is Using it and How Can I Apply it to My Workflow,
      Mike Bingle-Davis

Comparison of Results from Infrared Spectral Imaging of Immature Eagle Ford Shale Cuttings with Bulk Geochemical Characterization,
      Justin Birdwell, Lionel Fonteneau, Brigette Martini, Stanley Paxton

Agrio Formation of Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Delineating Sweet Spots in an Emerging Unconventional Play,
      Lauren Birgenheier, Shawn Moore, Raul Ochoa, Robin Fults, Catherine Valery

Burial Diagenesis and Carbonate Reservoir Quality,
      James Bishop, Cody Miller, Miles Frazer

Production Contribution Analysis by Data Driven Fingerprinting for Unconventional Wells,
      Rosemarie Bisquera, Le Lu, Andrew Sneddon, Yongchun Tang

Influence of Long Term Exposure Surfaces on the Origin, Preservation and Distribution of Microporous Fabrics in Shallow-Water Carbonates: The Barremian-Aptian Platform from Se France,
      Hugues Bitault

Potential Cretaceous Petroleum Systems of the Northern Onshore and Offshore Basins of Jamaica,
      Gregg Blake, Raymond Thompson, Brian Richardson, Herona Thompson

Correlation of Organic Carbon Deposition in the Monterey Formation to Miocene Climatic Events Based on an Integrated Multi-Discipline Age Model,
      Gregg Blake

Three-Dimensional Investigation of Pore Architecture Characteristics and Variation in Carbonate-Rich Mudrocks: Insights into the Controls of Pore Development,
      Ibukun Bode-Omoleye, Javier Vilcaez, Michael Grammer

Systematic Variations of Stratal Geometry and Rock Properties within Mudstone Parasequences at the Bedset Scale – Insights Into Heterogeneity at the Landing-Zone Scale,
      Kevin Bohacs

Quantitative Biofacies Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska, USA,
      James Bonelli, Peter Flaig

Point-Derived, Transverse Fan Systems in the Deep-Water GoM: Ideal Settings for 'Best-in-Class' Turbidite Reservoirs,
      J.R. Booth

Unsupervised Segmentation of Rock MicroCT Scans Using Deep Learning,
      Fernando Bordignon, Giovanni Formighieri, Eduardo Burgel, Bruno Rodrigues

New Insights into the Mineralogy and Organic Content of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale,
      David Borrok, Wan Yang, Mehdi Mokhtari, Hayley Beitel

Integrated Geological, Engineering and Laboratory Study for Improved Characterization and 3-D-Reservoir Modeling for Pilot Design of CO2-EOR and Carbon Storage in a Mature Oilfield From India,
      Sushanta Bose, Peila Chen, Ganesh Thakur

Characterizing Wolfcamp Benches in the Delaware Basin: Do You Know Where Your Laterals Are?,
      Nicolas Brissette

What Else Can We Produce from this Gas Well?,
      Ronald Broadhead

Subsurface and Outcrop Toe-of-Slope Carbonate-Siliciclastic Transition, Bell Canyon Formation (Guadalupian, Permian) Southeast New Mexico,
      Alton Brown

Excess Pressure Development by Cementation in the Wolfcamp Formation of the Delaware Basin,
      Alton Brown

Milankovic Cycles on Mars and the Impact on Economic Exploration,
      Matthew Brzostowski

Box Fold Shape and Fractures: Differences Observed from Buckling vs. Detachment Folding,
      Caroline Burberry, Andreas Eckert, Yuxing Wu

Damage Away from a Small Fault in the Porous Sandstones of the Satanka Formation, Colorado,
      Caroline Burberry, Shashank Khatri

Depositional and Stratigraphic Architecture of Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) System of the Midcontinent, USA,
      Jamar Bynum, Conn Wethington


Pb Isotope Ratios of Lower Mississippian Boone Formation Chert and Its Potential Relationship to Mississippi Valley-Type Ore Deposits, Southern Midcontinent,
      Julie Cains, Adriana Potra, Sydney McKim

Pennsylvanian-Leonardian Stratigraphic Architecture and Deformation History During and Post Late Paleozoic Orogenesis, East Delaware Basin, West Texas,
      Amanda Calle, Elizabeth Horne, Brian Casey, David Carr, Scott Hamlin, John Tackett

Sources of Rare Earth Elements in the U.S. and the World,
      Michael Campbell, Robert Gregory, Steven Sibray, James Conca

2-D Petroleum System Modeling in the Deep Water of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin,
      Daniel Canellas, Márcia Karam, Eduardo De Mio

Oil Adsorption Capacity of Clay Minerals in Shale: A Molecular Dynamic Simulation Investigation,
      Zhe Cao, Jianhui Zeng, Hang Jiang

Basinwide Subsurface Stratigraphic Architecture and Wireline Facies Distribution of Leonardian Bone Spring Units in the Delaware Basin of New Mexico and Texas,
      David Carr

Understanding the Origin of Widespread Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators in the Deep-Water Colombia Basin, Western Caribbean Sea,
      Luis Carlos Carvajal-Arenas, Lucia Torrado

Geologic Modeling of Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Formations, Delaware Basin,
      Brian Casey, Robin Dommisse, David Carr, Scott Hamlin, Amin Gherabati, Lily Horne, Inessa Yurchenko

Continuous Development of Geologic Models for the Wolfcamp and Spraberry Formations, Southern Midland Basin, West Texas,
      Brian Casey, Scott Hamlin, Elizabeth Horne, Livia Sivila, Amin Gherabati

Scale Dependent Variations in Fracture Network Properties and Implications for Reservoir Characterization: A Fractured Carbonate Analog Study, Northwest Montana,
      Adam Cawood, Clare Bond, Hannah Watkins, Mark Cooper, Marian Warren

Sedimentological and Structural Controls on the Pennsylvanian Spiro Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in the Arkoma Foreland Basin, Oklahoma,
      Ibrahim Cemen

The Barnett Shale – Role of Lithofacies, Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Model and Evolution through Time on the Reservoir Quality,
      Anne-Claire Chaboureau, Jason Flaum, Ursula Hammes, Antoine Bertoncello, Jean-Philippe Mathieu, Nikki Morris

Constraining Permeability Evolution During and After Natural Fracturing in Overpressured Shales: Implications on Basin-Scale Stress and Pore Pressure,
      Laainam Chaipornkaew, Marek Kacewicz, Peter Lovely

Formation of a Large Field of Sub-Circular Depressions Due to Fluid Migration in the Gippsland Basin (Southeast Australia),
      Joseph Chapman, Davide Oppo, Tiago Alves

Quantitative Prediction of TOC in Deep Marine Source Rocks of Qiongzhusi Fm. in the Central Sichuan Basin, China,
      Yana Chen, G Yao, Xiaodong Fu, Han Tian

Quantitative Viscosity Prediction Method for a Complex Fault-Block Heavy Oil Reservoir in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin,
      Rongtao Chen, Chengmin Niu, Feilong Wang, Qingbin Wang, Fumin Wang

Q Migration and CRP Optimization Technology Based on Hessian Matrix for Unconventional Reservoir Targets Exploration,
      Shu-Min Chen, Yi Bao, Jia-Yi Wu, Cheng Wang, Zhi-Ming Zhang, Jiang-Yun Pei, Ji-Feng Ding, Jin-Ye Liu, Xiao-Wei Guan, Jin Li

Influence of Pyrite on Shale Gas Enrichment: A Case Study of the Longmaxi Formation in Southeastern Sichuan Basin,
      Xin Chen, Lei Chen, Xiucheg Tan

Dynamic Topography Across Overthickened Oceanic Lithosphere from a Gravity-Constrained Crustal Model of the Caribbean,
      Yi-Wei Chen, Dale Bird, Lorenzo Colli, Jonny Wu

Low Saturation Gas Reservoir Discrimination Using Self-Organizing Maps, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico,
      Julian Chenin, Heather Bedle

Simulation of Stratal Architecture in Deep Marine Minibasins: Making it Realistic is Easy – Making it Exactly Right is Not,
      Donald Christie, Frank Peel, Esther Sumner, Gillian Apps, Stan Stanbrook

Outcrop to Subsurface Chronostratigraphic Correlation of the Cenomanian to Turonian Organic-Rich Mudstone of the Eagle Ford Group,
      Roy Conte, Michael Pope, Brent Miller

Geothermal Gradients in the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico and their Relationship to Overpressure: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge,
      Sharon Cornelius, Peter Emmet

Using Forward Modelling Geomechanics for Driving Generation of Reservoir Scale Discrete Fracture Network Models,
      Mark Cottrell, Paul La Pointe, Daniel Roberts, Glyn Richards, John Cain

Distribution of Sedimentary Heterogeneities in Proterozoic Shale-Plays: Insights from Multi-Realization of Stratigraphic Models of the Velkerri Formation (Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia),
      Vincent Crombez, Mohinudeen Faiz, Claudio Delle Piane

Before the Basin Model: Utilizing Formation Tops and Production Profiles to Understand the Effects of Burial History on Hydrocarbon Production,
      Ted Cross, Kiran Sathaye, Kristopher Darnell, Dillon Niederhut

Enrichment Patterns of Natural Gas in the Archaeozoic Metamorphic Buried-Hill of Deep Oil-Type Continental Rift Basins in the Bozhong Depression, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Haizhong Cui, P. Xu, Q Liu, L. Sun, Huiyong Li

Enhancement of 3-D Fault Interpretation from Seismic Data Using a Post-Stack Seismic Data Conditioning and Artificial Neural Network Approach in Cai36 3-D Prospect of the Junggar Basin, China,
      Lijie Cui, Kongyou Wu, Jie Ji

The Sediment Characteristics, Influencing Factors and Favorable Reservoir Distribution of Braided Delta Under Different Slope Gradients: An Example from KL10 Oil Field in Bohai Bay Basin,
      Longtao Cui

Bed Self-Similarity in Deep Marine Levees: Evidence of Rhythmic Pulsing in Turbidity Currents?,
      Celeste Cunningham, Bill Arnott

Geochemical Correlation of Late Mississippian-Sourced Crude Oils from the Western USA,
      John Curtis, John Zumberge, J Zumberge


Seismic Reflection Pattern and Recognition of Grain Shoal Reservoirs,
      Ruixue Dai, Qi Ran, Xu Guan

Tectonostratigraphic Evolution, Paleogeography and Hydrocarbon Plays of the Nuussuaq Basin: An Outcrop Analog to the Huge Frontier Petroleum Basins Offshore West Greenland,
      Gregers Dam, Martin Sønderholm

Isotherms, Isobars, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of a Methane-Shale Adsorption Pair Under Supercritical Condition: Implications for Understanding a Shale Gas Storage Mechanism,
      Wei Dang, Jinchuan Zhang, Haikuan Nie, Xuan Tang, Fengqin Wang, Nan Wu, Qian Chen, Xiaoliang Wei, Ruijing Wang

Fault Zone Structural Styles: Examples from Outcrop from Macro to Micro-Scale,
      Russell Davies, Danny Povey, Rob Knipe, Henry Lickorish, Victoria O'Connor

Recent Permian Cube Pilots: Geological Reasons for Successes or Failures,
      Bryn Davies, Darrel Koo, Ryan Luther, Stephen Sagriff, Robyn Fiell

Object Detection in SEM Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Application on Pyrite Framboid Size-Distribution in Fine-Grained Sediments,
      Artur Davletshin, Lucy Tingwei Ko, Kitty Milliken, Priyanka Periwal, Wen Song

Evolution of a Deep-Water Fold-Thrust Belt: Use of 3-D Seismic Data, Northwest Borneo,
      Sudirman Dawing, Stuart Jones, Mark Allen

1-D and 2-D Modelling of the Parnaiba Basin: A Case Study of a Prolific Atypical Petroleum System,
      Frederico de Miranda, Fernando Aragao, Ana Vettorazzi, Thaysa de Souza, Diogo Michelon, Henrique Lopes, Sverre Planke, Dani Schmid, Iyer Karthik, Dougal Jerram

Pore Pressure Prediction for Unconventional Play Through Basin Modelling,
      Giuseppe De Prisco, Olav Lauvrak, Merethe Berger

Basin Temperature Models Using Large Volume BHT Datasets – Advances in Methodology,
      Ian Deighton, Erika Tibocha

Numerical and Laboratory Analyses on the Role of Borehole Size on Failure Mechanisms in Thick-Walled Cylinder Tests,
      Mohab Dessouki, Michael Myers, Lori Hathon

Integration of Remote Sensing, Underwater Gliders and Geophysical Indicators of Fluid Migration: From Observation to Prospect De-Risking,
      Damien Dhont, Romain Jatiault

The Lone Ranger or a Posse of Prospects? A DeepWater Playground From Guyana to Cape Town,
      William Dickson, Craig Schiefelbein, David Rajmon

Close-the-Loop Log Property Modeling Using Semi-Unsupervised Learning as a Proxy for Facies Classification,
      Sher Didi-Ooi, Andrew Derenthal, Michael Pyrcz, Christian Noll

Stratigraphic Variability of Mineralogy, Rock Types, and Porosity of the Wolfcamp Formation Using Multi-Mineral Petrophysical Analysis and Machine Learning, Northwest Shelf, Delaware Basin,
      Lindy Dingmore, Matthew Pranter, John Pigott, Zulfiquar Reza

Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Character of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Formations in the Delaware Basin, West Texas,
      Arwin Dobber, Robert Goldstein

A Classification Scheme for Turbidite Fan Systems in Deep-Lacustrine Basins: Examples from the North Falkland Basin,
      Thomas Dodd, Dave McCarthy, Stuart Clarke, Darren Jones, Gayle Plenderleith, Thomas Randles

The Characteristics of a Helium-Rich Natural Gas Reservoir in the Guanzhong Basin, China,
      Min Dong, Zongxiu Wang, Hui Dong, Licheng Ma, Linyan Zhang

Preliminary Interpretations of Produced Water Geochemistry from the San Miguel Formation: Implications for the Origin of Taylor Group Brines in Maverick Basin, Texas,
      Colin Doolan, Mark Engle

Regional Variation and Stratigraphic Development of the "Atoka" Clastics in the Midland Basin, West Texas,
      Ashley Douds, David Sivils

Oil Exploration 4.0, Fueled by Earth Observation, Satellite Imagery, and Smart Maps,
      Sharma Dronamraju

The Ranikot Formation as the Potential Unconventional Petroleum System in the Kirthar Foldbelt, Pakistan,
      Richard Drozd, Michal Makos, Ishtiaq Noor, Zdzisław Kołodziejczyk, Ihtesham ulWahab, Mateusz Górniak, Shifaat Muhammad

Reservoir Quality Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Siliciclastic-Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study on the Early Miocene Jeribe Reservoir in Halfaya Oilfield, Mesopotamian Basin, Southeast Iraq,
      Xiao Du, Youjing Wang, Guosheng Qin, Chaozhong Ning

Extending Injection Well Life, Reducing Risk and Lowering OPEX: The Economic Impact of Science on Disposal and Injection Wells,
      Patricia DuBois, Mehdi Noroozi, Fei Yan, David Torres-Lopez

Understanding Shallow Marine Clastic Reservoir Heterogeneity from Modern Analogs Resolved by GPR and Drone Imagery,
      Patrick Duff, Adam Freeze

Diapiric Influence on Channel Evolution in Deep-Water Minibasins: An Example from the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
      Dallas Dunlap, Oliver Duffy, Naiara Fernandez, Michael Hudec, Jacob Covault

Six Decades of Research Support for Petroleum Science From the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund,
      Dean Dunn, Katherine Giles

Temporal Scales of Mass Transport on the Mississippi River Delta Front, from Results of a New Regional Survey,
      Jeffrey Duxbury, Samuel Bentley, Kehui Xu, Navid Jafari, Ioannis Georgiou


Graphite: The Other Energy Carbon,
      Jesse Edmondson

Simplified Turbidity Current Process Models as Tools in Deep-Water Exploration, Appraisal, and Development,
      JT Eggenhuisen

Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of the Bibiyana Gas Field, Bangladesh: How the Recognition of Sequence Boundaries Impacts the Understanding of Reservoir Architecture and Distribution,
      Kenneth Ehman, Andrea Lisi, R. Chadwick Holmes, Joyanta Dutta, Sirajum Munira, James Turner

Multiphase Mesozoic Extension and Sediment Response on the Northwest Shelf of Australia,
      Christopher Elders, Sara Morón, Sabin Zahirovic

Outcrop Analog for Reservoir Facies Architectures of an Albian Reef Margin – El Doctor Platform, Central Mexico,
      Abdulah Eljalafi, Charles Kerans

Assessment Development Plans of Hydraulic Fracturing in Bakken Oil Wells Using Integral Approach,
      Abdulaziz Ellafi, Hadi Jabbari

Geochemistry of Natural Gas Resources in the Piceance Basin Western Colorado, USA,
      Geoffrey Ellis, Paul Lillis, Stephen Cumella

A Multi-Proxy Paleoenvironmental Analysis During Deposition of the Mahogany Oil Shale Zone of the Parachute Creek Member, Green River Formation, Utah,
      Amy Elson, Megan Rohrssen, John Marshall, Jessica Whiteside

Limitation of Laboratory Measurement in Evaluating Rock Properties of Bioturbated Reservoirs (A Case Study from the Upper Jubaila Member of Central Saudi Arabia),
      Hassan Eltom

Ultra-Deep Mesozoic Subsalt Exploration Targets: Dead Sea, Israel Implications from U.S. Successes,
      Samuel Epstein, Allan Spector, Donald Clark

Subsalt Hydrocarbon Potential Mesozoic Synrift and Post-Rift Rocks: New York, New Jersey, and U.S. East Coast Offshore,
      Samuel Epstein, Donald Clark

Brazil's Pre-Salt Lacustrine Reservoirs: Modeling Early Mineral Precipitation,
      William Esch, Toni Simo, Rizky Sekti, Jeffrey Sitgreaves

Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Wara Formation, Wafra Field, Partitioned Zone of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,
      Selen Esmeray-Senlet, Kenneth Ehman, Peter Wilkinson

Modeling Hormesis in Rhizoremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites,
      Michael Eze, Simon George, Grant Hose


Structural and Geospatial Analysis for Discovering New Geothermal Fields along the Gulf of Suez Rift and Egypt,
      Amr Fahil, Eman Ghoneim, Mohamed Noweir, Alaa Masoud

Structural Restoration of Cretaceous Inversion Events in the Bjørnøyrenna Fault Complex, Western Barents Shelf,
      Muhammad Armaghan Faisal Miraj, Christophe Pascal, Roy Helge Gabrielsen, Jan Inge Faleide

Repurposing Hydrocarbon Wells for Geothermal Use in the United Kingdom,
      Gioia Falcone, Rob Westaway, Sean Watson, Alaa Al Lawati

Using Redundant Infrastructure and Depleted Reservoirs in the North Sea to Transition to a Hydrogen Economy in the United Kingdom,
      Gioia Falcone, Robert Harrison

Storm Beds (Tempestites) Outcrop Analog From the Late Jurassic Jubaila Formation and Basal Arab Formation, Saudi Arabia,
      Mohammed Fallatah, Charles Kerans

Petrophysical Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Siltstone from UT-GOM2-1 Pressure Cores,
      Yi Fang, Peter Flemings, Stephen Phillips, Hugh Daigle, Kehua You

Analysis of Oil Samples from the Cholula Discovery in the Salinas Basin, Mexico – Implications for Deep Structuration and Migration History,
      Craig Farley, Fausto Mosca, David Stanbrook, Adam Seitchik

Permeability Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit and Meandering Fluvial Facies Architecture of the Bartlesville Sandstone, Nowata County, Oklahoma,
      Clinton Farr, Dennis Kerr

Integrated Chronostratigraphic Systems Applied to Conventional and Unconventional Asset Classes,
      Lawrence Febo, Anthony Gary, Rebecca Hackworth, Alicia Kahn, Jennifer Kohn, Elizabeth Johnson

The Elemental Geochemical Method for Distinguishing the Fluvial Facies and Shallow Water Delta in the Southeast of Bohai Bay,
      Chong Feng, Qingbin Wang

New Insight Into the Late Cretaceous Deformation and Sytectonic Sedimentation in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China: Implications for Basin Evolution on the Pacific Northwest Continental Margin,
      Zhiqiang Feng, Dengliang Gao, Shun Zhang, Zihui Feng, Taizhong Duan

Forming Time, Temperature, and Pressure of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs of Gucheng in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China,
      Zihui Feng, Zhongliang Dong, Jingkun Li, Yuliang Zou, Huasen Zeng

Fault Failure Modes, Deformation Mechanisms, Dilation Tendency, Slip Tendency, and Conduits Versus Seals,
      David Ferrill, Kevin Smart, Alan Morris

Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Paleozoic Cyclothems; A Signal of Sediment Undersupply, Large-Magnitude Sea-Level Changes and Low Accommodation,
      Christopher Fielding

Sorting or Salt Walls? Investigating the Controls on Ancient Fluvial Transport Conditions Using Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Paleohydraulics: Permian Cutler Group, Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado,
      Clyde Findlay III, Nicholas Perez, Ryan Ewing

Assessing Fault Seal Behavior Using Fluid Flow Indicators from Infrared Spectral Measurements of Clay Gouge in the Moab Fault, Utah,
      Paula Fleischmann, Tom Brikowski

Pressure Coring a Gulf of Mexico Deep-Water Turbidite Gas Hydrate Reservoir: The UT-GOM2-1 Hydrate Pressure Coring Expedition,
      Peter Flemings, Stephen Phillips, Kevin Meazell, Manasij Santra, Ray Boswell, Yi Fang, Kehua You, Carla Thomas, Timothy Collett

The Contributions of Albert W. Bally to the Knowledge of Fold and Thrust Belts,
      Joan Flinch

A Real-Time Method to Identify Brittle Zones in Carbonate-Rich Shales Using Bulk and Trace Element Geochemistry: A Study in the Eagle Ford and Haynesville Formations,
      Michael Fonseca, Lori Hathon, Thomas Lapen

Integrated Application of Petrophysical and Seismic Inversion Techniques for Reservoir Quality Prediction Based on Sediment Provenance in the Cretaceous Nanushuk and Torok Formations, North Slope, Alaska,
      Jennafer Foreman, Shuvajit Bhattacharya

Does One Model Fit All? Exploring Factors that Influence the Stratigraphic Evolution of a Deep-Water Channel-Levee Complex System,
      Patricia Fraino, Bill Arnott, Lilian Navarro

Statistical Shape Characterization of Fluvial Sand Bodies and Implications for Reservoir Models,
      Maximilian Franzel, Stuart Jones, Mark Allen, Ken McCaffrey, Ian Jermyn

X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of the Justiss LA Central IPNH No. 2 Well-Core from LaSalle Parish, Louisiana,
      Forrest Frederick, Gary Kinsland, Mansour Rahmatian


Honeycomb Structures in the North Falkland Basin?,
      Joana Gafeira, Dave McCarthy, Thomas Dodd, Gayle Plenderleith

Deep-Water Slope Channels in Supply-Dominant Clinoform Systems, Comparing the Jurassic Neuquén Basin and the Cretaceous Washakie Basin,
      Yuqian Gan, Ronald Steel, Cornel Olariu, Flavio Norberto de Almeida Junior, Cristian Carvajal

Sedimentologic and Sequence-Stratigraphic Characterization of Salt-Related Basins and Megaflaps at the Aulet and Adons Diapirs, Spanish Pyrenees,
      C. Evelyn Gannaway Dalton, Katherine Giles, Josep Munoz, Mark Rowan

Sedimentary Characteristics of a Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System and their Controlling Factors in a Rifted Lacustrine Basin: A Case Study from the Oligocene Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Yi Gao, Jingong Zhang

The Lost Creek Roll-Front of Wyoming: Active or Fossil Deposit?,
      Garrett Gay, John Kaszuba, Susan Swapp, Simone Runyon

Proximal to Distal Changes of Thin Lacustrine Deltas in the Ancient and Modern,
      James Gearon, Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel

Coal Fly Ash Characterization for Rare Earth Elements Recovery,
      Sheila Gerardo, Wen Song

Insights into the Sea-Level History of the South Shetland Islands from Ground Penetrating Radar on Livingston Island, Antarctica,
      Cameron Gernant, Alex Simms, R. Dewitt, B. Theilen, C Garcia

From Segmented Normal Faults to Strike-Slip Fault – How Reactivation Produces a Dual Transpressive-Transtensive System,
      Ramadan Ghalayini

A Complete S2S (Seismic to Simulation) Solution to Modela Late Eocene Karstified Reservoir – A Case Study from the Western Offshore Basin, India,
      Aninda Ghosh, Uday Singh, Ashu Kapil, Uma Goyal, Hari Kirat Singh

Nirvana Frameworks for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage for Enhanced Oil Recovery,
      Barry Goldstein

Evolution of the Toarcian-Aalenian in the Tampen Spur Area (Norwegian Continental Shelf) in Relation to the North Sea Doming Event,
      Kiara Gomez, Charles Kerans, Lorena Moscardelli, Swapan Sahoo, Toti Larson, Jesus Ochoa, Atle Folkestad, Dirk Knaust

Integrated Geological Process Modeling Solutions for Derisking Exploration: Stratigraphic, Organic Matter and Early Diagenetic Forward Modeling,
      Didier Granjeon, Youri Hamon, Benoit Chauveau

Assessing the Potential of Different Formulations to Quantify the Error on Facies Data for the Calibration of Stratigraphic Forward Models,
      Didier Granjeon, Veronique Gervais, Patrick Rasolofosaon

Meaningful Geoscientific Data Collection, Curation and Integration in Petroleum Exploration and Development Endeavors,
      Matthias Greb

Sedimentological Assessment of the Norphlet Linear Eolian Dune Reservoirs of Mobile Bay, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, USA,
      Ryan Grimm

The Thermal Evolution of Clay Minerals and Organic Matter in Shales,
      Yuantao Gu, Xiaoxia Li, Quan Wan, Shuguang Yang

Diagenetic Heterogeneity and Its Effect on Tight Sandstone Reservoir Quality Under Multi-Episode Hydrocarbon and CO2 Entrapment: A Case Study from the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation, Southern Songliao Basin, China,
      Cong Guan, Lianbo Zeng

Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies Architecture, and Petroleum Potential of the Roseneath-Epsilon-Murteree Gas Plays in the Cooper Basin, Australia,
      Fengtao Guo, Peter McCabe, Zhiqiang Feng, Changwu Wu, Xueyan Lyu

Controlling Factors on Pressure-Velocity Relations in Shale Gas Reservoirs,
      Jingyi Guo, Adewale Amosu, Min Li, Yuefeng Sun

Chemofacies and Lithofacies in the Lower Wolfcamp Group, Type Locality in the Glass Mountains, West Texas,
      Maria Gutierrez, Benjamin Richards, Arthur Donovan, Michael Pope

Initial Basin Centered-Gas System Conditions in the Cuyo Group, Arroyo La Jardinera Outcrops-Neuquén Basin-Argentina,
      Raul Gutierrez, Carlos Torres Verdin


Sequence Stratigraphy and Exploration Potential of the Upper Cretaceous-Miocene Sections, Deep Water Morondava Basin, Western Madagascar,
      Lucas Haas, Paul Weimer, Gabor Tari, Katie Hannke, Hoby Raharisolofo, Sophie Rahajarivelo

A New Approach for Characterizing Rock Closure Stress From Borehole Images; Honoring the High-Resolution Mechanical Facies of Unconventional Reservoirs,
      Elia Haddad, Andy Wray

The Quest From Shallow Shelf to Deepwater in Latin America - How We Got Where We Are, and Where We Are Going,
      Rog Hardy, James Peck, Grant Fegerson

Role of Modern Analogs in Subsurface Reservoir Modeling,
      Paul Harris, Sam Purkis

Sea Level Modulation of Deltaic Avulsion Processes,
      Ashley Harris, Jacob Covault, Sarah Baumgardner, Tao Sun, Didier Granjeon

Quantitative Comparative Sedimentology - Value Added for a Refined Interpretation,
      Paul Harris, Sam Purkis

Screening Countries to Implement Concentrated Solar Power to Improve Steamflood EOR Project Economics,
      Robert Harrison, Arizka Mesayu-Andari, Gioia Falcone

Development of 1-D Mechanical Earth Models for Wells in the Starfish and Dolphin Fields, ECMA, Trinidad,
      Adele Harrypersad, Hamid Hassanali, Raffie Hosein, Thomas Gan, Oshaine Blake

Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality in Source-Rock Reservoirs: An Eagle Ford Example,
      Bruce Hart, Juergen Schieber, Zalmai Yawar

Utilizing Pressurized Rotary Sidewall Cores for the Determination of Pore Fluid Total Material Balance and Characterization of Bulk Fluid Hydrocarbons,
      Robert Hartman, Stephen Palmer, Yi Wang

Explaining Differing Styles of Salt Deformation in the Campeche and Yucatan Salt Basins, Southern Gulf of Mexico,
      Md Nahidul Hasan, Paul Mann, Jeniffer Masy, Robert Sorley

A New Architectural Framework for the Early Cretaceous Sligo/Pettet Formation of East Texas,
      Kelly Hattori, Robert Loucks, William Ambrose

A Listric Model of the Naga Thrust and Fold Belt, Assam, India,
      Brandy Hawkins, Priyank Jaiswal, Jack Pashin, Caroline Burberry, Rahul Dasguta

The Occurrence and Distribution of Gas Hydrate Controlled by Mixed and Superposed Gas Sources in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
      Min He, Yuanping Li, Jie Li

Migration Loss, Lag and Fractionation: Implications for Fluid Properties and Charge Risk,
      Zhiyong He, Andrew Murray

Neural Networks and the Markov Chain Approach for Facies Analysis and Prediction from Well Logs in the Precipice-Evergreen Succession, Surat Basin-Implications for CO2 Storage,
      Jianhua He, D. La Croix Andrew

Paleoenvironmental Indicators of Lower Aptian Organic-Rich Sediments Associated with OAE1a in the Cuchia Section, Basque-Cantabrian, Northern Spain,
      Carlos Herdocia, Florentin Maurrasse

Building a Reservoir Model of the STACK Play Using Core Derrived Facies,
      James Herrin

Critical Minerals for Energy Storage: Lessons From Lithium and Electromobility,
      Emily Hersh

Assessing the Potential for Subsea CO2 Storage in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
      Denise Hills, John Koster, Marcella Redden

Inherited Tectonics – Control on Late Devonian Deposition in the Williston Basin,
      Michael Hofmann, Sarah Edwards

The Diachronous Sequence,
      John Holbrook, Anna van Yperen, Janok Bhattacharya, Andrew Miall

Premises and a Road-Map for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Projects in Kansas and Mid-Continent Region,
      Eugene Holubnyak, Jennifer Hollenbach, Franciszek Hasiuk, Tiraz Birdie, Charles Steincamp

Wellington Field – Laboratory in a Field: Lessons Learned,
      Eugene Holubnyak, Jennifer Hollenbach, Tiraz Birdie, Willard Watney

Core and Outcrop Calibration of Upper Cambrian Microbial Textures,
      Heath Hopson, Andrá Droxler, Paul Mitch Harris

A New 3-D Structural Model and Characterization of Basement-Rooted Faults of the Delaware Basin and Central Basin Platform for Application in Understanding Recent Seismicity,
      Elizabeth Horne, Peter Hennings, Christopher Zahm

Quantitative Rules Evaluate Programmed Pyrolysis Data to Improve Interpretations,
      Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Kenneth Peters

Nano-Petrophysical Studies of Avalon-Bone Spring-Wolfcamp and Dean-Sprayberry-Wolfcamp Shale Systems,
      Qinhong Hu, Samuel Becker, Jordan Bevers, Ashley Chang, Nabil Mzee, Ben Rogers

Mass Transfer Between Sandstones and Interbedded Mudstones: Impact on Petroleum Charge, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Hongjin Hu, Wenli Jiang, Hulin Yang

Palynological Analysis of the Late Ordovician To Early Silurian Black Shales in South China Provides New Insights For the Investigation of Pore Systems in Shale Gas Reservoirs,
      Ruining Hu, Jingqiang Tan, Wenhui Wang

Structural Evolution of Offshore Mozambique with a Focus on the Davie Fracture Zone – Insights Into Transform Margins,
      Katie Hubbard, Douglas Paton, Anongporn Intawong, Mohamed Gouiza, Estelle Mortimer, Karyna Rodriguez

Understanding Autogenic Channel Clustering and A/S Ratios in Fluvial Sandstones of the Ericson Sandstone: Implications for Predictability and Reservoir Architecture,
      Samuel Hudson, Chelsea Jolley, Blake Steeves, Austin Bertoch, April Trevino, Jason Klimek

Mitigating Kerogen Polymeric Characteristics in Unconventional Operations,
      Katherine Hull, Younane Abousleiman


Correlating Carbonate Platform Sequences of the Trenton Group to Basinal Mudstones of the Utica Shale,
      Andrew Jacobus

FaciesNet: Machine Learning Applications for Facies Classification in Well Logs,
      Chayawan Jaikla, Pandu Devarakota, Neal Auchter, Mohamed Sidahmed, Irene Espejo

Interpreting the Carbon Isotope Record of Canyon Fill Sequences from Eastern Mexico in the Context of Carbonate Sediment Mixing,
      Debadrita Jana, Gerald Dickens, Stephen Cossey, M. Bitter

Restoring "Lost" Gas and Oil Contents in Unconventional Tight Oil Systems,
      Daniel Jarvie

Nickel is a Critical Material for Lithium Ion Batteries,
      Mark Jarvis

2-D Basin Model Results, Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA,
      Caleb Jennings, Martin Wensrich

Origin of Quartz Cementation and Implications for the Upper Paleozoic Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Northern Ordos Basin, China: Evidences from Petrology, Geochemistry and Numerical Modeling,
      Yancong Jia, Benben Ma

A Convolutional Neural Network for Vuggy Facies Classification from Borehole Images,
      Jiajun Jiang, Dawn McAlpin, Chicheng Xu, Rui Xu, Scott James, Weichang Li

Improving Resolution of a Fault Probability Map by a Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Network,
      Fan Jiang, Phil Norlund

Improving Thermal Models Using a New Approach to Constrain Paleo Geothermal Gradients and Paleo Water/Rock Ratios with the Geochemical Record of Recrystallized Carbonates,
      Cédric John, Maria Gusarevitch, Claire Veillard, Randall Parrish, Sam Krevor

Kinetics of Hydrocarbon Generation from the Marine Ordovician Goldwyer Formation Canning Basin, Western Australia,
      Lukman Johnson, Reza Rezaee, Gregory Smith, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, Ali Kadkhodaie, Hongyan Yu

Constraining Rift-to-Drift Paleo-Topography Using a Deformable Crustal Architecture Workflow in the Gulf of Mexico,
      Elizabeth Johnson, Laura Huebner-Diaz, Daniel Minguez

Grain Size, TOC, and TS in Gas Hydrate Bearing Turbidite Facies at Green Canyon Site 955, Gulf of Mexico,
      Joel Johnson, Douglas MacLeod, David Divins, Stephen Phillips

Breaking Down the Austin Chalk Core,
      Brad Johnston, Denise Yee, Kelsey Mah

The Importance of Competing Allogenic Drivers and Implications for Fluvial Architecture on a Regional Scale, Trail Member of the Cretaceous Ericson Sandstone,
      Chelsea Jolley, Samuel Hudson

Sediment Routing and Provenance of Shallow to Deep Marine Sandstones in the Late Paleozoic Oquirrh Basin, Utah,
      Adam Jones, Daniel Sturmer, Tandis Bidgoli

Sedimentary Process and Depositional Model for the Badami Reservoir, Canning Formation, North Slope, Alaska,
      Veronica Jones, Jennifer Aschoff

Derisking Reservoir Quality in Pennsylvanian-Aged Mixed Carbonate Clastic Reservoirs on the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin,
      Evan Jones, Rachel Aisner-Williams, Greg Nunes

Global Critical Metal Resources: Current and Future Scenarios and Implications for the Energy Sector,
      Simon Jowitt

The Behavior of Methane in Nanometer Pores in the Marcellus Shale: Results from Contrast Matching Neutron Scattering,
      Aaron Jubb, Leslie Ruppert, Thomas Headen, Tristan Youngs, Bryan Bandli

Differential Hydrocarbon Accumulation Mechanisms and Exploration Zones Optimization in the Deep-Water Areas of South China Sea,
      Gan Jun, Yang Jihai, Zhang Yingzhao, Zhou Jiaxiong, Yang Xibin, Liang Gang, Li Xing

Cyclic Progradational Tendency of the Jurassic Lajas Shelf Successions in Neuquen Basin, Argentina from a Detailed Core Description and Outcrop Study,
      Eunsil Jung, Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel, Walter Brinkworth, Maria Laura Loss, Flavio Almeida


Seismic Interpretation of Crescent Shaped Bedforms and Cyclic Steps Developed During the Cenomanian Age in the Ceára Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin,
      Marcia Karam, Flávia Ponte, Mateus Ferreira, Alexandre Souza

Cenozoic Structural Evolution and Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework of the Northern Gulf Coast Continental Margin – Revisited After 25 Years,
      John Karlo, Robert Shoup

Molecular Simulation of Enhanced Oil Recovery of Shale Oil,
      Mohammad Kazemi

3D Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin, Brazil,
      Hans Kemma, Marcio Mello, Thiago Nascimento, Vladimir Elias

Fast and Furious: Living Every Well a Millisecond at a Time,
      Daniel Khan

Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Biota and Ancient Niche: A Synthesis from Molecular Markers and Organic Petrography from Salt Range Oil Shales, Pakistan,
      Imran Khan, Ningning Zhong

Unravelling the Implications of Structural Controls on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Strong Stress Previous HitAnisotropyTop; Designing of Customized Solutions for Well Placement as Part of Field Development Kuwait Case Study,
      Vijaya Kidambi, Chinmaya Pattnaik, Narhari Srinivasa Rao, Neama Al-Ajmi, Musaed Yaseen Makki Al-Dousiri, Dhiresh Govind Rao

A Characterization of the Smackover Source Rock in the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico and Derived Parameters for Petroleum Systems Modeling,
      Benjamin Kirkland, John Brand, Lung-Chuan Kuo

South Atlantic Offshore Geologic Assessment for Carbon Storage in the Southeastern United States Based on Rock Physics and Seismic Analyses,
      Camelia Knapp, James Knapp, Khaled Almutairi, Andrew Bean, John Ollmann

Investigating the Role of Mineralogy on Thermal Maturity Anomalies in the Upper Devonian Duvernay Shale Oil and Gas Reservoir, Alberta, Canada,
      Levi Knapp, Omid Haeri-Ardakani, Shinnosuke Uchida

Offshore CO2 Storage Assessment for the Southeastern U.S.: Regional Setting of Mesozoic Reservoirs,
      James Knapp, Camelia Knapp, Dawod Almayahi, Khaled Almutairi, John Ollmann

Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group in South Texas and Its Relationships to Rock Properties and its Pore Networks,
      Lucy Tingwei Ko, Robert Loucks, Rieko Adriaens

Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Cretaceous Viking Formation, West-central Saskatchewan, Canada,
      Dan Kohlruss

Time-Lapse Crosswell Seismic Survey: Detecting Various Geobodies,
      Conrad Kolb, Joel Le Calvez

Fracture Aperture and its Variation along Fracture Height in a Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Shale Oil Reservoir, Turonian Second White Specks Formation, West-Central Alberta,
      Bram Komaromi, Per Pedersen

Exploring in Asia for Oil and Gas in Naturally Fractured and Weathered Basement Reservoirs,
      Tako Koning

The Potential Fault Instability Induced by Pore Pressure Changes Under the Strike-Slip Regime: Implications from 3-D Coupled Reservoir Geomechanical Modeling,
      Elena Konstantinovskaya, Qiuguo Li, Jose A. Rivero, Majid M. Faskhoodi, Bradley Campbell

Characterization of Reservoir Quality in Lacustrine Turbidites, Pannonian Basin: A Multidisciplinary Approach,
      Tobi Kosanke, James Greene, Paul Linton, Vitor Abreu, Orsolya Sztano, Peter Toth

Interactive Deep Learning Assisted Seismic Interpretation Technology Applied to Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study From Offshore Santos Basin in Brazil,
      Ana Krueger, Bode Omoboya, Paul Endresen, Benjamin Lartigue

Deciphering the Effect of Saturating Fluid Salinity and Compaction on the Electrical Conductivity of Inorganic Shale,
      James Krushin

Syn-Extensional Development of the Upper Permian (Zechstein) Evaporites From the Central Polish Basin - New Insight from Seismic and Well Data,
      Piotr Krzywiec, Tadeusz Peryt, Hubert Kiersnowski

Looming Crisis for Humanity Not Oil but Water: The Indian Example,
      Naresh Kumar


Seismic Attribute Optimization for Deep-Water Facies Classification in SOM Analysis,
      Karelia La Marca Molina, Heather Bedle

Quantifying Heterogeneity Preserved in Inverted Seismic Data: Implications for Reservoir Prediction and Geostatistical Modeling,
      Teresa Langenkamp, Lisa Stright, Heather Bedle, Stephen Hubbard, Brian Romans

The North Onion Creek Salt Diapir Revisited: Deformation and Deposition at the Salt-Sediment Interface,
      David Lankford-Bravo, Katherine Giles, Richard Langford

Origin of Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, and Hydrocarbons in Upper Cretaceous Pab Sandstone Tight-Gas Reservoirs, Middle Indus Basin, Pakistan: Noble Gas and Stable Isotopic Evidence for Crustal and Magmatic Components,
      Christopher Laughrey, Michal Makos, Mateusz Gorniak, Ihtesham ul Wahab, Muhammad Shifaat Alum, Ishtiaq Noor, Rabeya Naeem Kahn

New Technologies for Quantitative Reservoir Characterization in the Absence of Seismic: The Wilcox and Beyond,
      Fabien Laugier, Morgan Sullivan

Evolution of a Modern Ooid Sand Island South Joulter Cay, Great Bahama Bank,
      Juan Carlos Laya, Paul Mitch Harris, Miles Frazer

Enhanced Stratigraphic Correlations in Shales Sequences Using Extract DNA from Endolithic Microorganisms, Quebec, Canada,
      Cassandre Lazar, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Julia Meyer, J- Gagnon

Enhanced Stratigraphic Correlations in Shales Sequences Using Extract DNA from Endolithic Microorganisms, Quebec, Canada,
      Cassandre Lazar, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Jean-Christopher Gagnon

Automation of Dip Picking – New Approaches to Dip Evaluation and Interpretation,
      Isabelle Le Nir, Josselin Kherroubi, Carlos Maeso, Nicolas Veron

Lean Salt Architecture in the Gulf of Mexico - Where Have all the Diapirs Gone,
      Hermann Lebit, William Beck, Susana Tierrablanca, Matheus Pila

Jurassic to Cretaceous Carbonate Margins in the Guyanas Basin: Integrating Regional Well and Seismic Facies to Generate Basin-Wide EOD Maps,
      Michael Lee, Marie Thomas, Andrei Belopolsky, James Trude, Timothy Grow

Predicting Brittleness for Wolfcamp Shales Using Statistical Rock Physics and Machine Learning,
      Jaewook Lee, David Lumley

Geologic Risk Characterization of a Carbon Storage Complex, an Illinois Basin Example,
      Hannes Leetaru, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, John McBride, Christopher Korose

Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical-Mechanical Coupled Behavior of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Pore Scale Investigations and Implications,
      Liang Lei, Yongkoo Seol

Strategic Saltwater Disposal Performance Assessments are Improved with Quality Assurance of Texas Regulatory Data,
      Casee Lemons

Climate Change and the Oil and Gas Industry; The Path to Cooperation,
      Ray Leonard, Art Berman

Factors Controlling Marine Shale Porosity: A Case Study Between the Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian of the Upper Yangtze Area, South China,
      Xin Li, Zhenxue Jiang

Characteristics and Origin of Fine-Grained Composite Particles (Aggregates) in the Cenomanian Dunvegan Prodelta "Mudstones" – Implications for Depositional Processes and Reservoir Quality,
      Zhiyang Li, Juergen Schieber, Per Pedersen

Reservoir Architecture Characteristics and their Control on the Remaining Oil of a Shallow Water Delta Plain,
      Min Li, Xiongqi Pang, Zhidong Bao, Dongsheng Zang, Bo Niu

Contact Stiffness in Gas-Bearing Shales Estimated from Velocity Measurements Under Pressure,
      Min Li, Zhihong Wei, Zuqing Chen, Qingqiu Huang, Jilin Xiao, Chao Chen, Yuefeng Sun

Nanoporosity of Macerals in Gas-Bearing Shale by Scanning Electronic Microscopy and Reflected Light Petrography,
      Xin Li, Zhenxue Jiang

Applying Quantitative Fluorescence Techniques to Characterize Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Thick Source Strata: A Case Study of Member 4 of the Shahejie Formation, Langgu Sag in Bohai Bay Basin,
      Zhenming Li, Nansheng Qiu, Nian Liu, Chuan Cai

Main Controlling Factors of Enrichment and High-Yield of Shale Gas in the Da'anzhai Member in Yuanba Area,
      Lei Li, Pingping Li, Zhengchen Zhang, Huayao Zou

New Insight into the Organic Matter Accumulation of Shale Formations in the Southern Sichuan Basin, Implications from the Volcanic Activities,
      Qianwen Li, Ling Tang

Application of Dominant Frequency Band Reconstruction Inversion Technology in the Prediction of Oil-Bearing Reservoirs under Coal-Bearing Strata,
      Fulei Li, Xiang Guo, Bing Wang, Xufeng Zhang, Xuebin Yin, Yu Cao

Data Integration for Engineered Completion Design in the Marcellus Shale,
      Liwei Li, Payam Kavousi, Bingjian Li, BJ Carney, Timothy Carr

Overpressure Generation Mechanisms and Its Distribution in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Linnan Sag, Huimin Depression, Eastern China,
      Chao Li, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Lei Yuhong, Ming Cheng, Luo Hongmei

Applying Principal Component Analysis to Characterize Chemo-Facies of Mudstones: A Case Study in the Upper Devonian Duvernay, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin,
      Zhaoqi Li, Graham Spence

Water Effect on Methane Adsorption in Shale Through Kerogen by High Pressure Methane Adsorption,
      Wei Li, Colin Snape, Lee Stevens, Ling Tang

Regional Deep Seismic Crustal Study Northwest Europe – Transecting the North Sea Rift, the Norwegian Sea Passive Margin and the Barents Sea Platform,
      Jan Erik Lie, Per Eivind Dhelie, Vidar Danielsen, Mats Andersson, Jeniffer Masy, Robert Sorley, Tor Åkermoen, Lars Ivar Leivestad, Alexey Shulgin

Where are the Proto-South China Sea Slabs? SoutheastAsia Plate Tectonic and Mantle Flow Insights from TERRA Global Mantle Convection Models,
      Yi-An Lin, Lorenzo Colli, Jonny Wu

Are "Lowstand Deltas" Truly Deposited as Lowstand Systems Tracts?,
      Wen Lin, Janok Bhattacharya

Provenance, Geochronology and Sedimentary Characteristics of the Campanian M1 Sandstone, Oriente Basin, Ecuador,
      Sinong Lin, Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel, Douglas Good

Falling Stage Systems Tracts: Characterization and Exploration Significance,
      Wen Lin, Janok Bhattacharya

Organic Matter Accumulation and Thermal Maturation in the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale of the Illinois Basin,
      Bei Liu, Maria Mastalerz, Juergen Schieber

Regional Extent and Tectonic Origin of the Mesozoic Marginal Rift System of the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico Basin,
      Mei Liu, Paul Mann

Lacustrine Shale-Oil Accumulations in the Permian Lucaogou Organic-Rich Mudstones Formation, Junggar Basin: A Self-Contained Source-Reservoir System,
      Yazhou Liu, Jianhui Zeng, Shengnan Liu, Wanting Jia

Well Log Uncertainty Analysis and Pre-Drill Information Studies with Geostatistics and Data Analytics for Unconventional Resources,
      Wendi Liu, Jose Salazar, Didi Ooi, Drew Derenthal, Michael Pyrcz

The Anthraxolite Evolution and Vanadium Enrichment Mechanism of the Upper Ordovician in the Northern Qaidam Basin, Northwest China,
      Chenglin Liu

Regional Tectonic Control on Leonardian Sediment Dispersal and Stratigraphic Patterns in the Permian Basin and Texas Panhandle,
      Li Liu, Scott Hamlin, Daniel Stockli, Timothy Lawton, William Ambrose

Integrated Investigation of the Pore Structure of Middle-Upper Cretaceous Carbonates in Central and Southern Iraq,
      Hangyu Liu, Bo Liu, Kaibo Shi, Zhongyuan Tian, Rui Guo

Hydrocarbon Expulsion Differences and Its Impacts on Gas Content in Lower Silurian and Lower Cambrian Shale Gas Systems,
      Ruiyin Liu, Hao Xu, Wen Zhou

Implications of Organic Matter Source and Fluid Migration from Geochemical Characteristics of Stylolites and Matrix in Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study from the Carboniferous and the Ordovician in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China,
      Shiju Liu, Wenzhe Gang, Gang Gao

Coupled Stratigraphic, Diagenetic and Basin Modelling for an Ultra-Deep Petroleum System Analysis: A Case Study from the Tarim Basin, China,
      Jianliang Liu, Keyu Liu, Leilei Yang, Peng Yang, Linjiao Yu, Kun Zhai

Nature and Evolution of Deep-Water Carbonate Drifts in the Past 3 Million Years, Inner Sea of the Maldives Archipelago, Equatorial Indian Ocean,
      Karem Lopez, Andre Droxler, Thomas Luedmann, Christian Betzler, Sebastian Lindhorst

Sediment Production and Transport atop Great Bahama Bank: Insights from Fair and Storm-Weather Conditions on the Andros Platform,
      Cecilia Lopez-Gamundi, Sam Purkis, Paul Harris, T Dobbelaere, E Hanert

The Influence of Sea Level and Sediment Gravity Flows on the Sedimentation and Geochemistry of the Wolfcamp Formation B3 and B2 Intervals, Midland Basin, Texas,
      Cecilia Lopez-Gamundi, R Philp, Roger Slatt

Introduction to the Micropetrography of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk From the Texas-Mexico Border to Central Louisiana,
      Robert Loucks

Micropetrography Observations of the Texture, Fabric, TOC, and Pore Types of the Leonardian Third Bone Spring Slope Strata on the Eastern Side of the Delaware Basin,
      Robert Loucks, Xavier Janson, Buddy Price

Characterization of a Massive Dolomitization System Near Carbonate Platform Margins: Insights from Integrated 3-D Geological and Diagenetic Modeling,
      Peng Lu, Yin Xu, Wenbin Tan, David Tang

Stratigraphic Markers of the Initial Collision of Arc-Continent in the Eastern Margin of the Paleo-Tethys During the Middle-Late Triassic in Si-chuan, China,
      Gang Lu

Kinetic Evaluation of the Reactivity and Heterogeneities of the Silurian Source Rock,
      Pan Luo, Guido Port, Lifang Zhou, Qathami Salman

Migration Simulation in Heterogeneous Clastic Carrier Beds and a New Perspective in Petroleum Geology,
      Xiaorong Luo, Liqiang Zhang, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Wan Yang, Ming Cheng, Hui Shi, Binfeng Cao

Oxic-Seawater-Like REY Features in Cambrian Organic-Rich Black Shale in the Western Hubei Province, South China,
      Huan Luo, Bo Qiao, Tongwei Zhang

Influence of Multi-Scale Fractures on Tight Oil Production in Tight Oil Sandstones of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Southwest Ordos Basin, China,
      Wenya Lyu, Lianbo Zeng, Hui Chen, Ruiqi Li


Biot-Gassmann Fluid Term Extraction Based on PP-PS Joint Inversion,
      Qi Ma

The Role of Deep-Seated Half-Grabens in the Evolution of the Northern Tian Shan Fold-and-Thrust Belt and Its Implications to Exploration, Northwest China,
      Delong Ma

Upscaling Heterogeneous Shale Porosity from Nanometer- to Millimetre-Scale in 3-D,
      Lin Ma, Kevin Taylor, Peter Lee, Patrick Dowey, Anne-Laure Fauchille, Julian Mecklenburgh, Ernest Rutter

Cyclic Zoning in Authigenic Ankerite-Dolomite Indicates a Complex Relationship Between Fault-Rupturing and the Silicate, Sulfide, and Carbonate Diagenetic Systems,
      Pengjie Ma, Chengyan Lin, Jens Jahren, Chunmei Dong, L Ren, Helge Hellevang

Recognition and Application of a Single Channel in a Compound Meandering Channel Based on Small Scale End-Stage Channel Characterization Technology,
      Jiaguo Ma, Bo Wang, Wenbin Li, Liu Lei

Breaking Open the Bakken: A Data Analytical Approach,
      Evan MacDonald

Investigation and Identification of Pyrolysis Attributes that Can Assist in Predicting Producible Hydrocarbon in the Unconventional Eagle Ford Formation,
      Albert Maende, Brian Horsfield, Sascha Kuske, Brian Jarvie, Dan Jarvie, W. David Weldon

An Integrated Approach Using Advanced Seismic Processing Workflows Implications for the Fracture Characterization within the Complexly Deformed Kohat Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt Pakistan,
      Khokhar Mahmoood, Mohammad Khan, Rai Inam

Modelling the Formation of Residual Oil Zones (ROZ) in the Permian Basin,
      Frank Male

Lessons Learned from Regional Coupled Landscape and Stratigraphic Forward Models on the Role of Dynamic Topography in the Evolution of Drainage and Depositional Patterns and its Implication on the Last 40 Ma Evolution of South Africa,
      Claire Mallard, Tristan Salles, Xuesong Ding

Stampede Field-Reservoir Rock Physics and Seismic Imaging: What We Should See and What We Can See,
      Wisley Martins

Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Karst Network in the Bassein Pay of Neelam Field, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India,
      Tarun Mathuria, Harish Srivastava, K. Vasudevan

Evidence for Cretaceous Sedimentation in a Tertiary Basin; A Structural and Stratigraphic Case Study Evaluation from the Niger Delta Basin,
      Olabode Matthew

Determination of CO2 Baseline Concentrations in Shallow Marine Sediments in the US Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico,
      Jayme McBee, Bernie Bernard, Mike Gaskins

Geophysical Imaging of Precambrian Crust Beneath Illinois Basin Driven by Carbon Capture and Storage,
      John McBride, Hannes Leetaru, R. Keach

Structural Variation Across a Submarine Fold-and-Thrust Belt, South Falkland Basin,
      Dave McCarthy, Thomas Dodd

South Falkland Basin Fold and Thrust Belt,
      Dave McCarthy, T. Dodd

Quantifying Gas Hydrate Deposits and Implications for Petroleum Systems and Secondary Target and Seal Assessment in Large Biogenic Gas Plays,
      Daniel McConnell

Mixed Carbonate and Clastic Mass Failures: A Study of the Green River, Uinta, and Bone Springs Formations, Uinta, Piceance, and Delaware Basins, Colorado and Texas,
      Forrest McFarlin, Lesli Wood

Engineered Geologic Heterogeneity for Understanding CO2 Saturation Flow Experiments,
      Tip Meckel, Prasanna Krishnamurthy, David Dicarlo

Modeling Petroleum Expulsion/Retention from the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina,
      Mei Mei, Alan Burnham, Noelle Schoellkopf, Johannes Wendebourg, Francois Gelin

Integrating Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy and Detailed Mudstone Lithofacies in Unconventional Reservoirs: An Example From the Ordovician Pt. Pleasant Shale, Appalachian Basin, USA,
      Jesse Melick, Jesse Koch, Thomas Bulling

Controls on Reservoir Quality and Rock Property Trends in the Mungaroo Formation, Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
      Saju Menacherry

An Integrated Seal Analysis for CO2 Sequestration in Southwest Kansas,
      Jingyao Meng, Yevhen Holubnyak, Jennifer Hollenbach, Franciszek Hasiuk

Structure, Stratigraphy, and Recent Hydrocarbon Indicators in the Grenada and Tobago Basins, Southeastern Caribbean Sea,
      Jacob Miller, Paul Mann, Jeniffer Masy, Robert Sorley

Controls on Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of Carbonate Systems: Example from the Pre-Salt Section, Offshore Brazil,
      Marcello Minzoni

The Impact of Brittle Reactivation Process of a Basement Fault on an Aptian Carbonate Reservoir Analog: Crato Formation, Northeast Brazil,
      Tiago Miranda, Maria Alcione Celestino, Marcio Alencar, Joao Gabriel Topan, Germano Ramos, Araly Araujo, Jose Barbosa, Bruno Carvalho, Thiago Falcao, Igor Gomes

Isotopic and Geochemical Evidence for the Freshening of Shale-Gas Produced Waters through Time Due to Water Vapor Condensation, Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA,
      Lisa Molofsky, Albert Wylie, Tom Wagner, John Connor, Mark Engle

Loss of Paleo-Methane in Central Africa Rift System: A Basin Modelling and Mass Balance Approach,
      Afolabi Morakinyo, Stephen Bowden, Abdalla Mohamed

A Proposed Western Extension of the Grisham Fault in the Delaware Basin of West Texas as Interpreted by Full Tensor Gradiometry Data and 3-D Seismic Data,
      Alan Morgan, Vasudhaven Sudhakar, David Paddock

Sedimentology, Chemofacies, and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation, Ninemile Hill- Unaweep Canyon, Colorado,
      Hannah Morgan, Matthew Pranter, Rex Cole

An Integrated Approach Using Seismic, Well Logs and Cores for Predicting the Depositional Architecture in Jurassic Reservoirs, South Mangyshlak Basin, Western Kazakhstan,
      Michele Morosini, Juan Daniel Sanchez Mendoza, Renat Iltukov, Meirzhan Mukushev

Processes and Insights Into the Kinematic Evolution of Deep-Water Channels,
      Paul Morris, Zoltan Sylvester, Jacob Covault

Growth of Fluvial Point Bars by Expansion, Translation and Rotation: Role in Governing Facies Architecture and Heterogeneity,
      Nigel Mountney, Na Yan, Luca Colombera

Analogs to Fluvial Reservoirs: What Factors are Important?,
      Nigel Mountney, Luca Colombera

A Database-Informed Investigation of the Signature of Environmental Change in the Aeolian Sedimentary Record,
      Nigel Mountney, Grace Cosgrove, Luca Colombera, Na Yan

Insights from Structural Restoration and Petroleum Systems Modeling to Unravel Charge Mechanism: A Case Study from the Walker Ridge Area, Gulf of Mexico,
      Sumit Mukherjee, Eric Ekstrand, Jacek Jaminski

Structural Styles of Fold and Thrust Belts Reactivating Passive Margins Involving Salt,
      Josep Munoz, Pablo Granado, Phillip Strauss, Klaus Pelz, Eduard Roca, Oriol Ferrer, Elizabeth Wilson, Pablo Santolaria Otin

Hydrologic Modeling of Faults in Unconventional, Coal Seam Gas and Mining Projects,
      Titus Murray, William Power

Stratigraphic Surface-Based Modeling of Deep-Water Reservoirs: Application to an Ultra-Deep Gulf of Mexico Wilcox Asset,
      Laura Murray, Fabien Laugier, Jesse Thompson, Rhonika Kaplan

Integrated Study of Pore Structure Characterization and Geomechanical Properties of Unconventional Tight Rocks,
      Ayyaz Mustafa, Mohamed Mahmoud, Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

A Transfer Learning Approach to Rock Property Estimation Workflows,
      Ahmad Mustafa, Motaz Alfarraj, Ghassan Alregib

Completely Automated Workflow for Sequence Stratigraphy Interpretation of Big Data,
      Azer Mustaqeem, Valentina Baranova, Aziz Mustaqeem, Nemanja Glisic, Alex Falkovsky, Yelena Falkovsky

Spatial Heterogeneity in Lacustrine and Marine Carbonates of the Yacorite Formation, (Salta Group), Argentina,
      Maria Mutti, Wera Schmidt, Claudia Galli, Michele Vallati, Gerd Winterleitner

Seismic Characterization of Debris Slopes Around Isolated Carbonate Platforms,
      William Mynatt, Eugene Rankey, Michael Poppelreiter, Adelya Makhankova, Grisel Paola Soto


Integrated Stratigraphic and Thermal/Burial Modeling of the Levant Basin (East-Mediterranean Region): Implications on Thermogenic and Biogenic Petroleum Systems Assessment,
      Fadi Nader, Nicolas Hawie, Samer Bou Daher, Nicolas Maurand

Factors Controlling Organic Richness of the Upper Bakken Shale,
      Dipanwita Nandy, Stephen Sonnenberg, Sanyog Kumar

Facies Characterization and Chemostratigraphy of Upper Bakken Shale, Williston Basin,
      Dipanwita Nandy, Stephen Sonnenberg, Sanyog Kumar

Salt Piercement Mechanics, Examples from the Southern Gabon Basin,
      Sofia B Nemchenko, Taylor Buckley, William Beck, Hermann Lebit

Managing Data Quality and Trustworthiness Across Different Organizations,
      Philip Neri, Ross Philo

Examination of Downward Hydrocarbon Charge within the Bakken – Three Forks Petroleum System, Williston Basin, North America,
      Timothy Nesheim

Theoretical CO2 Storage Efficiencies Determined From CO2-EOR Modeling at the Offshore Petronius and Cognac Oilfields, Gulf of Mexico,
      Richard Ness, David Riestenberg

Testing of Subsurface Samples for Reactivity with Carbon Dioxide, Kemper County, Mississippi,
      Anh Nguyen, Lauren Beckingham, Christopher Kyler, Brenda Kirkland

Potential Formation Damage: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Study of the Naturally Fractured Carbonate Middle Duperow Formation at the Kevin Dome, Montana,
      Minh Nguyen, Morteza Dejam, Ye Zhang, David Bowen, Mina Fazelalavi, Phillip Stauffer

Guyana-Suriname Deep Water Hydrocarbon System, Three Rivers, and Two Source Rocks,
      Ken Nibbelink, Richard Boyce, Mosab Nasser, John Boyce

Utility of Archived Rock Materials in Determining Organic Matter Properties and Establishing a Correlation Between Pyrolysis and Vitrinite Reflectance Data in the Delaware Basin,
      Michael Nieto, Susan Rimmer, Harold Rowe, Matthew Hemenway, Erin Matheny

Lessons Learned During the Horizontal Drilling in Thin-Bedded Reservoir Units: Quifa Southwest Field, Llanos Basin, Colombia,
      Duncan Nightingale, Lino Castillo, Wildiman Reinoso, Wilson Parra, Cesar Morales, Fabian Hernandez

Wide-Area UAV Aeromagnetic Surveys to Detect Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells,
      Alex Nikulin, Timothy De Smet, Natalia Romanzo, Andrii Puliaiev

Integration of Geology and Geophysics on Sedimentary Sands Prediction in Lithology Strata Traps,
      Zhao Ning, Zhang Guangya, Huang Jiangqin, Chen Zhongmin

Evidence of Ferruginous Redox Conditions in the Water Column of Mississippian Barnett Shale Using the Iron Speciation Method,
      Onyinye Nwaobi


Unconventional Reservoir Characterization of the Cretaceous Agrio Formation, Argentina: A Mixed-Carbonate-Siliciclastic Mudstone Hydrocarbon Reservoir,
      Raul Ochoa, Lauren Birgenheier

Biostratigraphic Studies and Source Rock Evaluation of Araromi Formation, Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria,
      Olumide Ogundipe, Olabisi Adekeye, Samuel Akande, Adedoyin Adeyilola

Along Depositional Strike Variability in Paralic Systems and Implications for the Construction of Shelf to Slope Margins,
      Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel

Seismic Attributes – A Promising Aid for Hydrocarbon Prediction in Deep Water of the Ceará Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin,
      Karen Leopoldino Oliveira, Karelia La Marca, Heather Bedle

Hydraulic Jump Controls Deep Water Sandstone Reservoir Quality in the Channel Lobe Transition Zone,
      Kenya Ono, Ryoichi Matsui, Kazuyuki Yamamoto, Shuji Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Matsui, Keiji Ichizawa, Hajime Naruse

Norphlet Reservoir Degradation by Salt Plugging: The Vile Beast Within the Berry,
      Chisom Onubogu, Thierry Rives, Enrico Pernarcic

Role of Deep-Sourced Fluids on the Initiation and Growth of Isolated Carbonate Build-Ups,
      Davide Oppo, Martin Hovland

Seepage Rate of Hydrothermally Generated Petroleum in East African Rift Lakes: An Example From Lake Tanganyika,
      Davide Oppo, Andrew Hurst

Seismic Geomorphology, Sequence Stratigraphy and Application of Self Organizing Maps for Identification of Architectural Elements: A Case Study of the Cenozoic Deep-Water Strata in the North Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
      Laura Ortiz Sanguino, Jerson Tellez, Heather Bedle

The Role of Diagenesis in the Unconventional Reservoir Quality of La Luna Formation in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin (MMVB), Colombia,
      Laura Ortiz Sanguino, Emilio Torres Parada, Richard Elmore, Roger Slatt, Richard Philp


An Integrated Data Analytics / Seismic Fault Attribute / Petrophysics Workflow for Diagnosing and Mitigating Excess Water Production in the Permian Basin,
      David Paddock, Sergey Makarychev-Mikhailov, Vasudhaven Sudhakar, Ryan Williams, Erik Rylander, Dean Willberg

The Large but Unrecognized Potential in Ordovician Carbonate Plays in North Texas and South Oklahoma,
      David Paddock, Fangjian Xue, Vasudhaven Sudhakar

Effects of Oceanic Anoxic Event-Associated Processes on the Potential of the La Luna Formation (Colombia) as a Liquid-Rich Unconventional Play,
      Manuel Paez-Reyes, Humberto Carvajal-Ortiz, Thomas Gentzis, Swapan Sahoo, Peter Copeland

Shale Gas Petrophysical Properties From Imbibition Experiments,
      Clara Palencia, Lori Hathon, Michael Myers

Integrating Petrophysics, Seismic Attributes, and Machine Learning for Shale Facies Identification and Prediction,
      Justin Palmer, Lisa Goggin, Adam Halpert, Christopher Skelt, Laura Bandura, Huafeng Liu

Middle Permian Coarse-Crystalline Dolostone Reservoirs in the Northwest Sichuan Basin (Southwest China): Their Formation and Evolution,
      Liyin Pan, Anping Hu

Hydrocarbon Storage Space, Migration History and Driving Force of the Daanzhai Member of Jurassic in Sichuan Basin,
      Zhenglian Pang, Shizhen Tao, Qin Zhang

An Integrated Analysis of the Potential for Carbon Storage, Utilization, and Risks of Fault Slip in the Cook Inlet Basin of Southcentral Alaska,
      Scott Pantaleone, Shuvajit Bhattacharya

Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resources Potential for the Northern Offshore Guajira Basin, Colombia; A Dormant Giant Hydrocarbon Province,
      Pedro Parra, Marcio Rocha Mello, Diego Torres, Victor Ramirez

Developments in Coalbed Methane,
      Jack Pashin, Brian Cardott, Maria Mastalerz

Improved Fracture Characterization Through Customized Workflows Leading to Optimal Well Placement and Perforation Strategy in Developing Deep Tight Carbonate Reservoirs – A Kuwait Case Study,
      Chinmaya Pattnaik, Vijaya Kumar Kidambi, Rao Narhari Srinivasa, Neama Hussain Abdullah Al-Ajmi, Abdullah Motar Al-Anzi, Christian Staffelbach, Jeff Barbe

Grain Segmentation and Region Mask Generation in Digital Rock Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks,
      Rengarajan Pelapur, Arash Aghaei, Connor Burt, Bidur Bohara

Gas-Water Relative Permeability: Direct Measurements and Implications for Water and Gas Production,
      Sheng Peng

Geometry and Kinematics of Ai-Ka Fold Belt in the West Segment of Southern Junggar Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tian Shan, China,
      Zhenyu Peng, Xin Wang, Rao Gang

Essential Petroleum System Workflows in Unconventional Reservoir Evaluation, with Examples from the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico,
      Andrew Pepper

Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of the Permian in the Delaware Basin: An Improved Model for Predicting Facies Trends,
      Tyson Perkes, Morgan Sullivan, Ryan Wilson, Elaine Campbell, Gregory Hurd

Deconvoluting Mixed Petroleum and the Effect of Oil and Gas-Condensate Mixtures on Identifying Petroleum Systems,
      Kenneth Peters, Andrew Murray

The Brazilian Pre-Salt Petroleum System,
      Eliane Petersohn

Influence of Graphite on Strain in a Gently Dipping Fault Zone,
      Elizabeth Petrie, Bradford Burton, Paul Link

Duperow Reservoir Characteristics in the Beaver Lodge Field, North Dakota,
      David Petty

High Concentration Methane Hydrate in a Silt Reservoir from the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico,
      Stephen Phillips, Peter Flemings, Melanie Holland, Peter Schultheiss, William Waite, Junbong Jang, Ethan Petrou, Helen Hammon

Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore El Salvador and Guatemala,
      Thomas Phillips

Identifying and Assessing Autogenic Cycles in Alluvial Stratigraphy,
      Kristopher Phillips, Brady Foreman, Kyle Straub, William Clyde, William Ward

Constraints on the Mesozoic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico from Seismic Interpretation of Basement, the Pre-Salt Section, and Autochthonous Salt,
      James Pindell, Andrew Hartwig, Ed Haire, Brian Horn

End-to-End Oil and Gas Value Chain Optimization Across Complex Production Operations,
      Dariusz Piotrowski

Structural and Sedimentological Controls on Petroleum Systems in Deep-Lacustrine Basins: Examples from the North Falkland Basin,
      Gayle Plenderleith, Dave McCarthy, Thomas Dodd, Thomas Randles

Automated Fault Detection from 3-D Seismic Using Artificial Intelligence – Practical Application and Examples from the Gulf of Mexico and North Slope Alaska,
      Andrew Pomroy, Zachary Wolfe

EIA Expects Permian Basin Oil and Natural Gas Production to Increase and Make Up Most of U.S. Hydrocarbon Growth Through the End of 2020,
      Olga Popova, Gary Long, April Patel, Emily Geary, Jeffrey Little, Steven Grape, Elizabeth Panarelli

How Good Geological Exploration Affects the Business Bottom Line, in Conventionals and Unconventional,
      Timothy Powell

Experimental Studies of Re-Pressurization and Boundary Conditions Effects on Stress Path Coefficient in Unconsolidated Sands,
      Sabyasachi Prakash, George Wong, Michael Myers, Lori Hathon

Calciclastic and Siliciclastic Submarine Fan Comparison: Classification and Implications for Reservoir Variability, Delaware Basin, Southeast New Mexico and West Texas,
      Buddy Price, Xavier Janson, Charles Kerans

An Innovative Machine Learning Approach to Unconventional Production Prediction,
      Shane Prochnow, Yuanbo Lin, Matthew Jones, Michael Richey, Petros Papazis

The Divergent Evolution of Tropical vs. Subtropical Carbonate Platforms is Related to Their Winter Waters,
      Sam Purkis, Amanda Oehlert, Heather Hunter, Peter Swart, Paul Harris

The Organic Geochemical Variability of Soft and Hard Beds within a Stratigraphic Sequence of the Woodford Shale in the Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma,
      Tara Putri, R. Paul Philp


Thin Reservoir Characterization in Daqing Saertu Oilfield Using OVT Imaging Data,
      Jincheng QI, Yuanzhi QI, Yuanbo Wang, Hongxing Li, Huajian Zhou

Evolution of Abnormal Pressure in Paleogene Es3 formation of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Wang Qiaochu, Chen Dongxia, Wang Fuwei, Shi Xuebin

Application of a Naive Bayesian Model in Predicting Fault Seal,
      Wang Qiaochu, Chen Dongxia, Wang Yu, Wang Fuwei

The Lower Jurassic Continental Shale Facies of the Sichuan Basin and Comparative Analysis of Hydrocarbon Generation, Reservoir and Fracturing Capacity,
      Hengyuan Qiu, Zhenxue Jiang, Deyu Zhu, Lei Chen, Xiang Cao, Weibang Li


High Fidelity Reservoir Model from Integrated 3-D Photogrammetry, Core, and Geophysical Data of the Late Jurassic Hanifa Formation, Saudi Arabia,
      Ahmad Ramdani, Pankaj Khanna, Gaurav Gairola, Sherif Hanafy, Volker Vahrenkamp

Cretaceous Napo U and Napo T Sandstone Channels Accommodation Space Created by Tectonism and Erosion; Exploration and Development Implications on Western Ecuadorian Oriente Basin,
      Felix Ramirez

Influence of Early Diagenetic Chert in the Formation of Mechanical Heterogeneities in a Laminated Limestone Reservoir Analog,
      Germano Mário Silva Ramos, Araly Fabiana Lima de Araújo, Marcio Alencar, Osvaldo José Filho, José Antônio Barbosa, João Gabriel de Oliveira Topan, Virgínio Henrique Neumann, Antônio Celso Dantas Antonino, Ana P

Seismic Analysis with Wavelets and Deep Learning,
      Samvith Rao, Akhilesh Mishra

Pore Systems and SEM Lithologies for the Permian Wolfcamp Shale From the Delaware Basin, Texas,
      Robert Reed, Sheng Peng, Stephen Ruppel, Evan Sivil

Mechanical Characterization and Failure Development within Jurassic Sandstones in Proximity to Salt Structures, Paradox Basin, Southern Utah,
      Lauren Reeher, Amanda Hughes, George Davis, David Streeter, Chad Julius

Evolution from a Laterally Mixed System to Reciprocal Deposition on the Sacramento Shelf, New Mexico: Relative Influence of Late Paleozoic Ice Age Glacioeustasy and Ancestral Rocky Mountains Tectonism,
      Benjamin Rendall, Charles Kerans

Beyond Geometry: 2-D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt,
      Pedro A Restrepo-Pace, Marie Callies, Julianne Lamb

New Observations and Interpretation of the Caribbean Crustal Character Revealed,
      Kyle Reuber, James Pindell, Antara Goswami, Mattie Friday, Chuck Campbell, Brian Horn

Applications of Vertical Migration Data in Petroleum Geochemical Exploration,
      Gary Rice

The Sakarn Series: A Potential New Hydrocarbon Play within a Louann-Norphlet-Age Stratigraphic Interval at the Border of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
      Thierry Rives, Andre Pierin

Application of Clumped Isotope Palaeothermometry to Estimate Thermal Maturity in Unconventional Hydrocarbons Plays: A Case Study From the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas,
      Alexandra Sarah Robinson, Cédric John, Annabel Dale, Mark Osborne

Critical Minerals, the Petroleum Geoscientist and the Wider Application of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development Techniques and Business Practices,
      Lindsay Ross, David Beckett

A Core-Based Synthesis of Litho/Chemofacies, Mineralogy, and Geomechanical Characteristics of the Permian-Aged First Bone Spring Sandstone, Delaware Basin, Eddy Co., New Mexico,
      Harry Rowe, Sean Arrington, Mei Matheny, John Grillo, Maxwell Pommer, Robert Nikirk, Nathan Ganser

Evaluating Mobile Oil Saturation in Unpreserved Core by Low-Temperature Hydrous Pyrolysis, Wolfbone Field, Permian Basin, Texas,
      Tim Ruble, Michael Lewan, Derrick Whiting, David Bastian

Palynofacies for Reservoir Evaluation: Methodology and Applications for Unconventional Plays,
      Katrin Ruckwied, Brian Driskill

What Open Source Can Do for Your Well Data – The Dlisio Story,
      Ashley Russell, Jørgen Kvalsvik, Erlend Hårstad, Alena Chaikouskaya, Julie Halotel, Taber Hersum


Late Pleistocene to Recent Sand Distribution and Composition in the Magdalena Fan, Offshore Colombia,
      Sourav Saha, Carlos Pirmez, Casey O'Brien

Integration of Sedimentary Petrology and Elastic Rock Properties for Quantitative Interpretation: An Example from the Gulf of Mexico,
      Sourav Saha, Ritu Sarker, Neal Auchter, Irene Espejo, Stephan Gelinsky, Olga Rodina, Aysen Ozkan, Camilo Goyeneche, Michael Ehiwario, Afolabi Babalola

Integrated Geostatistical Approach for Trend Modeling of Log Property Derivatives in the Permian Basin,
      Jose Salazar, Wendi Liu, Didi Ooi, Drew Derenthal, Michael Pyrcz

Impact of Pore Types and Mineralogical Composition on Seismic Wave Velocity of Khuff Carbonates, Central Saudi Arabia,
      Moaz Salih, John Reijmer, Ammar El-Husseiny, Jack Dvorkin, Khalid Al-Ramadan

Gas Hydrate in a Fault-Compartmentalized Anticline and the Role of Seal, Green Canyon, Abyssal Northern Gulf of Mexico,
      Manasij Santra, Kehua You, Lori Summa, Peter Flemings

Prior Well Depletion or Interwell Spacing? Isolating the Causes of Spacing Degradation in the Williston Basin,
      Kiran Sathaye, Kristopher Darnell, Ted Cross, Dillon Niederhut

Tailoring Completions to Geology: A Machine-Learning Driven Approach,
      Kiran Sathaye, Ted Cross, Dillon Niederhut, Kristopher Darnell

Is Magnitude the Parameter of Choice for Induced Seismicity Regulations?,
      Alexandros Savvaidis, Pierre-Francois Roux, Florentia Kavoura

Using Ocean Bottom Seismic Data and Ultrasensitive Hydrocarbon Mapping Simultaneously to Optimize Production in Offshore Fields,
      Rick Schrynemeeckers

Using Surface Geochemistry to Map Enhanced Reservoir Characteristics and Maximize Production,
      Rick Schrynemeeckers

On the Source-to-Sink Relationships of the Capistrano Formation, Onshore and Offshore Orange County, California,
      Daniel Schwartz

Influence of the Early Paleozoic Structures on the Permian Strata, Midland Basin: Insights From Multi-Attribute Seismic Analysis,
      Matt Scipione, Sumit Verma

Lateral Heterogeneity of Basin-Plain Turbidites of the Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, Canada: Implications for Horizontal Well Prediction,
      Chance Seckinger

Surface Geochemical Exploration Surveys for Helium and Uranium Deposits,
      David Seneshen

Multiphase Dolomitization in the Samana Suk Formation (Middle Jurassic), Himalayan Foreland Basin, Northwest Pakistan: Impact on Reservoir Characteristics,
      Mumtaz Shah, Hammad Rahim

Quantitative Facies Characterization of Mississippian Limestone Outcrop Using Ground-Based Hyperspectral and LiDAR Imaging in Jane, Missouri,
      Aydin Shahtakhtinskiy

Experimental Investigation of Oil Generation, Retention, and Expulsion Within Type II Kerogen-Dominated Marine Shales: Insights from Anhydrous Gold-Tube Pyrolysis of Barnett and Woodford Shales Using Miniature Core Plugs,
      Deyong Shao, Tongwei Zhang, Lucy Ting-Wei Ko, Yu Zhang

Petrographic Study of the Middle Devonian Portwood Member of the New Albany Shale: Implications for Depositional Processes and Paleoenvironment Interpretations,
      Xinhe Shao, Juergen Schieber

Controls on Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Physicochemical Interactions: Implications on Hydrocarbon Production and Contaminant Release,
      Shikha Sharma, Vikas Agrawal, Brennan Ferguson, Shaun Donmoyer, Alexandra Hakala, Mengling Stuckman

Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Duvernay Formation Shale, Kaybob Area, Alberta, Canada,
      Daniel Shaw, Nicholas Harris

Experimental Simulation of Organic Acids Generation of Microbial Carbonates – Composition, Amounts and Role in Mesogenetic Dissolution,
      Min She, Anjiang Shen, Xin Wang

Classification and Logging Identification of Diagenetic Facies of a Cretaceous Carbonates Formation in Southern Iraq: Implication for Reservoir Quality Prediction,
      Kaibo Shi, Haofu Zheng, Hangyu Liu, Bo Liu, Zhongyuan Tian, Rui Guo

New Plays in the Himalayan Foreland Revealed by Kinematic Forward Modeling and Structural Restoration: An Example from the Ratana Field, Potwar Plateau, Northern Pakistan,
      Khalid Shoaib, Nathan Eichelberger, Steven Tobias, Zaheer Zafar, Stuart Burley

Oil and Gas in Fractured Crystalline Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks: Global Overview and Examples from Texas,
      Mark Shuster, Christopher Zahm, Peter Hennings

Recognizing Uranium Source Rocks in the Sedimentary Environment,
      Steven Sibray, Douglas Hallum, Michael Campbell

Reservoir Modeling and Analysis of Niagaran Reefs, Michigan Basin,
      Clayton Silver, Carl Buist, Heather Bedle, Matthew Rine

Unconventionals Acoustic Velocities: Model Development from Acoustic Microscope Measurements,
      Alessandra Simone, Lori Hathon, Michael Myers

Seismic Driven Multistage Reservoir Characterization Process of Thinly Sand-Shale Interbedded Deltaic Reservoirs – A Case Study from the Tapti Daman Sector of Mumbai Offshore Basin, India,
      Uday Singh, Aninda Ghosh, Ajeet Pandey, Manisha Sarma, Hari Kirat Singh

Application of the Wellsite Mass Spectrometer and Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy in 3-D Resource Development of Rocky Mountain Assets,
      Maria Slack, David Wavrek, Scott Field, Michael Krenek

Progressive Deformation in the Arbuckle and Wichita Mountains: Implications for Exploration in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
      Kevin Smart, David Ferrill, Bethany Rysak

Rock Volatiles Reservoir and Fluid Evaluation of STACK-SCOOP-MERGE in Oklahoma and Marcellus in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. New Insights from Gentle, Multi-Pressure, Multi-Extraction, Cryo-Trap Mass Spectrometry of PDC Cuttings and Cores,
      Michael Smith

Semi-Quantitative SEM Analysis of the Vaca Muerta Unconventional Reservoir, Neuquén Basin, Argentina,
      Langhorne Smith, Federico Tomassini, Carolina Bernhardt, Maria Jimena Rodriguez

Cretaceous Climate Transitions Along the Northwest African Margin: Implications for Source-to-Sink Systems and Reservoir Distribution,
      Joss Smith, Benjamin Gréselle, Andrew Davies

Horizontal Reservoir Value Increased by Enhanced Geological Knowledge,
      Charles Smith

Interplay of Eustasy and Tectonics on High-Frequency Sequence Development and Facies Distribution in the Marcellus Shale of the Northern Appalachian Basin, USA,
      Langhorne Smith

Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Provenance of Oxfordian Aeolian Sandstone Reservoirs in Mexico Offshore Areas; Comparison to the Norphlet Aeolian System of the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
      John Snedden, Daniel Stockli, Ian Norton

Demise of OM-Rich Facies and Changing Environmental Conditions Associated with the End of Carbon Isotope Segment C5 Of OAE1a, South-Central Spanish Pyrenees,
      Jander Socorro, Florentin Maurrasse

Syntectonic Sedimentation and Sequential Filling of Half-Graben Basins, Red Sea,
      Osama Soliman, Ronald Steel, Mahmud Katheri, Husain Shakhs

Johan Castberg – The First Giant Oil Discovery in the Barents Sea,
      Ketil Sollid, Jan Hansen, Leif Henriksen, Alf Ryseth, Olaf Thiessen, Simon Knight, A. Groth

Geophysical Ambiguity of Fault Interpretations on 3D Seismic Datasets,
      John Solum, Onyekachi Onyeagoro

Linking the Pore Characteristics of Graptolite-Bearing Shale to Thermal Maturity in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Southeast Sichuan Basin, China,
      Jianyang Song, Luofu Liu

Changes in Organic Carbon and Redox Conditions During Deposition of the Hue Shale-Gamma Ray Zone on the North Slope, Alaska,
      Liaosha Song, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Zachary Webb, Austin Fowler, Victoria Lee

Predicting the Distribution of Subsurface Sedimentary Facies Using Deep Convolutional Progressive Generative Adversarial Network (Progressive GAN),
      Suihong Song, Tapan Mukerji, Jiagen Hou

Turner Halo Play, Crossbow Field Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
      Stephen Sonnenberg

Technological Developments Leading to the Petroleum System and Basin Modeling: Implications for Shale Plays,
      Rasoul Sorkhabi

Pore Types Modeling Workflow Using Multipoint Statistics for the Build-Up of Isolated Carbonates in the Central Luconia Province,
      Grisel Jimenez Soto, M. Beg, C. Poppelreiter, K. Rahmatsyah

A Kinetic Modeling Approach to H2S Risk Assessment in the Pre-Salt Reservoirs in the Santos Basin,
      Igor Souza, Geoffrey Ellis, Luiz Felipe Coutinho, Alexandre Ferreira, Rut Diaz, Ana Luiza Albuquerque

Supporting the Training of Physics Informed Neural Networks for Seismic Inversion Using Provenance,
      Renan Souza, Andres Codas, Alberto Nogueira Junior, Joao Almeida, Miguel Quiñones, Leonardo Azevedo, Raphael Thiago, Elton Soares, Marcelo Costalonga Cardoso, Leonardo Martins

How to Interpret Turbidites: The Role of Relative Confinement in Understanding Reservoir Architectures,
      David Stanbrook, Mark Bentley, Ed Stephens

Onshore Structural Movement Revealed through the Presence of Volcaniclastic Deposition Offshore – Cholula-1EXP, Miocene Salinas del Istmo Basin, Mexico,
      David Stanbrook, Nicola Capuzzo, Craig Farley, Michael Durcanin, Adam Seitchik

The Pre-Break-Up Position of the Falkland Plateau Within Gondwana – Insights from Deformable Plate Modelling,
      Roxana Stanca, Douglas Paton, David Hodgson, Dave McCarthy, Estelle Mortimer, Paul Markwick

Detrital Zircon U-Pb Data of Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Sandstones from the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin – Insights into Syn-Collisional Sediment Provenance and Sediment Routing Systems,
      Patricia Standring, Thomas Ditges, Daniel Stockli, Timothy Lawton

Regional Geochemical Variation as a Function of Competing Drivers – Anoxia, Primary Productivity, Dilution and their Implications for Organofacies Distribution within the Mowry Shale, Wind River Basin, Wyoming,
      Blake Steeves, Samuel Hudson, Peter VanKatwyk, Jonathon Sevy, Sydney Richards

Introducing the Re-Os-Hg Trio – A Powerful New Combination for Source Rock Characterization and Predicting Hg Levels in Oils,
      Holly Stein, Judith Hannah, Svetoslav Georgiev, Vineet Goswami, Aaron Zimmerman, Gang Yang

Tectonic Setting, Structure, and Hydrocarbon Potential of Pre-Salt, Mesozoic Rift Basins in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico,
      Matthew Storey, Paul Mann, Mei Liu

Pore Structure and Fluid Distribution of Tight Sandstone Using the Combined Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) and X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography (CT),
      Yang Su, Ming Zha, Xiujian Ding, Jiangxiu Qu, Lin Jiang

New Insights of the Cenozoic Transtensional Fault System in the Sichuan Basin and its Petroleum Significance,
      Nan Su

Kinematic Cyclostratigraphy: An Example from the Ridge Basin, Southern California,
      Morgan Sullivan, Kenneth Ehman

Geochemical Characterization of Organic Source Differences Between Wolfcamp A and B Units, Midland Basin,
      Xun Sun, Tongwei Zhang, Lucy Ting-Wei Ko, Chenjun Wu, Di Meng

Comparison of Highstand and Lowstand (SED) Deltaic Deposits in the Brookian Sequence, North Slope, Alaska: Implications for Predicting Reservoir Presence and Quality,
      Ben Suranovic, Jennifer Aschoff

A New Approach to Automated Well-Log Correlation in Three Dimensions: Examples from the Permian Basin, Texas,
      Zoltan Sylvester


Extrabasinal, Intrabasinal Source, or Mixture in a Narrow Elongate Half-Graben?: A Case Study of the Upper Eocene Liaoxi Sag in the North Offshore Bohai Bay Basin (Northeast Asia) with Constraints of Detrital Mineral, Zircon Geochronology, and Seismic Geo,
      Mingxuan Tan, Xiaomin Zhu

Permian-Triassic Boundary Microbialites: Deciphering the Shallow Seawater Redox History After the End-Permian Mass Extinction,
      Hao Tang, Steve Kershaw, Minglong Li, Xiucheng Tan

Statistical Pattern Analysis of the Nullarbor Plain (Southern Australia): An Analog for Subsurface Karst,
      Lisa Tanh, Michael Zeller, Fabio Lapponi, Christian Gram, Gregor Eberli, Sam Purkis

Geochemical Characteristics on the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Gases in Fluid Inclusions and in Tight Sandstone Gas Fields of the Middle Sichuan Basin,
      Shizhen Tao, Zhenglian Pang

Inversion Tectonics: Overrated in Exploration and Underreported in Production?,
      Gabor Tari, Zsolt Schleder

Quantifying the Risk on Source Rock Occurrence and Quality with Forward Stratigraphic Modeling – Carson Basin, Canada,
      Alcide Thebault, Veronique Gervais-Coupuet, Marie Callies, Paul Jermannaud

The First Reoccurrence of a Jurassic Seep Onshore Jamaica,
      Raymond Thompson, Djamel Boutoutaou, Soraya Cherry, David Gold, Brian Richardson, Herona Thompson

Stress Distribution and Fracture Characterization of Longmaxi Formation Shale in the Jiaoshiba Area, Southeastern Sichuan Basin, China,
      He Tian, Lianbo Zeng

Study on Oil-Source Correlation Methods of Severely Biodegraded Oils in the Liaodong Bay Sub-basin, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Derui Tian, Chengming Niu, Tao Guo, Wenjing Pan

Using Paleosurface Geology to Help Predict Reservoir Quality; An Example from the Southern Natal Valley Basin, South Africa,
      Laura Tierney, Robert Bailiff, Michael Lawson, Tom Wiggins, Peter Webb, Laura Wilson, Lena Driehaus, Andrew Quallington, Inga Sevastjanova, Jean Malan

New Insights into the Cenozoic Architecture Along the Flextrend of the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
      Susana Tierrablanca, Jeffery Tilton, William Beck, Hermann Lebit

Regional Characterization of the Woodford Shale Organic Matter Content and Thermal Maturity Variability along the State of Oklahoma, USA – A Look at How Different the Woodford is Between the Oklahoma Petroleum Provinces (STACK-MERGE-SCOOP-ARDMORE-MARIETTA,
      Emilio Torres-Parada, Roger Slatt, Richard Philp, Daniel Jarvie

Representation of Faults in Reservoir-Scale Hydromechanical Finite Element Models – A Comparison Based on Grid Geometry, Fault Geometry and Model Resolution,
      Torben Treffeisen, Andreas Henk

Comparison of Different Numerical Approaches and Grid Geometries to Represent Faults in Geomechanical Finite Element Reservoir Models,
      Torben Treffeisen, Andreas Henk

Structural Styles in the Wichita Uplift and Anadarko Basin, Southern Oklahoma,
      Molly Turko, Shankar Mitra


Driving Completions Efficiencies Through Effective Sensor-Driven Data,
      Chad Van Buskirk

Unravelling the Complex Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
      Athanasia Vasileiou, Douglas Paton, Aleece Nanfito, David Lewis, Mohamed Gouiza, Paul Markwick, Jean-Sébastien Hall

Coal Bed Methane Field Delineation and Reservoir Volumetric Estimation for CO2 Storage, Buzzard Bench Field, Emery County, Utah,
      Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Michael Saunders, Michael Vanden Berg, Oluwafemi Omotilewua, John McLennan

Can Machine Learning Help Predict Channel Stacking Patterns in Deep-Water Systems?,
      Noah Francis Vento, Lisa Stright, Stephen Hubbard, Brian Romans

A Comparative Study on Visual Tools for Analogs,
      Emilio Vital Brazil, Vinicius Segura, Ana Fucs, Juliana Jansen


Tectonic Significance and Petrogenesis of Igneous Intrusions in Central Arkansas: Implications for Mississippi Embayment Evolution,
      Samuel Walker, Matthew Wielicki, Ibrahim Cemen

Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on Hydrocarbon Production in Paleogene and Cretaceous Plays of Onshore Texas,
      Nelson Waltrip, John Snedden

Pore Structure and Adsorption Capacity of the Lower Carboniferous Dawuba Formation Shale in Southern Guizhou Depression (China),
      Kuo Wan, Sheng He, Jing He

Quantitative Characterization of Pore-Throat Structure of the Tight Sand-Conglomerate Condensate Gas Reservoir in Bohai Bay Basin Based on Multi-Scale Digital Core,
      Lin Wan

New Method for Quantitative Classification of Pore and Porosity of Organic-Rich Shale Using Digital Image Processing,
      Yingzhu Wang, Jijin Yang

3-D Petrophysical Modeling and Gas Reserve Estimation of Marcellus Shale, Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA,
      Guochang Wang, Qin He

Testing the Value of Rebound Hardness in Estimating Petrophysical and Rock Mechanical Properties from Core and Wireline Logs: Examples From the "Mississippian Limestone"/STACK Play (U.S.) and the Vaca Muerta Formation (Argentina),
      Yulun Wang, Gregor Eberli, Ralf Weger, Runar Nygaard, G. Michael Grammer

Pore Network and Gas Adsorption Potential Evolution of a Marine Shale During Organic Matter Maturation,
      Yang Wang, Qinhong Hu, Luofu Liu

How Artificial Fractures and Bedding Planes Influence the Fluid Movement in the Fracture-Matrix Dual-Connectivity System in Barnett Shale,
      Qiming Wang, Xiaoming Zhang, Qinhong Hu, Xiang Lin

Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Model for Upper Paleozoic Source Rocks in the Hangjinqi Area, Northern Ordos Basin, China,
      Huijun Wang, Shuangfang Lu, Guiping Zhao

Charging of Oil Fields on the Steep Slope of the Western Shijiutuo Uplift: Preservation and Loss of Crude Oils,
      Feilong Wang, Y. Xue, G. Tang, M. Zhao, G. Yan

Fine Prediction of Thin Dolomite Using Multi-Wave Joint Inversion,
      Hongqiu Wang, Kang Chen, Jianhu Gao, Guidong Di, Xin Guo

Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposition in Response to the Strike-Slip Reversal in the Eocene Laizhouwan Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China,
      Liliang Wang, Haifeng Yang, Geng Qian, Wenlong Shi, Wen Su

Image-Based Pore Structure Characterization and Pore-Scale Fluid Flow Simulation of Eocene Beach-Bar Sandstones in the Western Slope of Dongying Depression, Eastern China,
      Ya Wang, Shaochun Yang, Yifan Zhang, Yan Lu

Tracer Gas Diffusion in the Eagle Ford Shale, Austin Chalk, and Adjunct Vertical Formations in Southwestern Texas,
      Qiming Wang, Qinhong Hu, Xiang Lin

Interpreting a Complex Subsurface During Drilling Operations Using Nonconductive Mud Systems: Addressing Gulf of Mexico Reservoir Characterization Challenges in Real-Time with an Innovative Dual-Imager Tool,
      Hathairat Watcharophat, Valentina Vallega, Carlos Maeso, Chandramani Shrivastava

Takutu Basin Rift as a Conduit for Continent-Interior Drainage Into the Guyana Basin,
      Robert Webster, Ken Nibbelink, Dick Boyce

How Important is Microquartz Cement for Reservoir Properties?,
      Rikke Weibel, Margrethe Nielsen, Jens Therkelsen, Finn Jakobsen, Morten Bjerager, Finn Mørk, Anders Mathiesen, Jussi Hovikoski, Peter Johannessen, Karen Dybkjær

Assessment of Water Management and Costs on CO2 Geologic Storage Operations in Saline-Bearing Formations,
      Anna Wendt, Elizabeth Basista, Chung Yan Shih, ShangMin Lin, Timothy Grant

Screening and Identifying High-Suitability Offshore CCUS Storage Areas in the Gulf of Mexico Using a Multi-Criteria Evaluation Approach,
      Anna Wendt, Alana Sheriff, Chung-Yan Shih, Derek Vikara, Timothy Grant

The Effect of Dissolved CO2 on Oil Wettability Measured at High Pressures and Temperatures,
      Andrew White, Archana Jaiswal, Matthew Dixon, Susanna Laurén, Erika Järvihaavisto, Jyrki Korpela

Unravelling Connectivity Issues Using High Resolution 3-D Facies Models: The Upper Wilcox Group in the Stones Field,
      Christopher Whitefield, Seyedhamid Karimi, Paul Davies, Simon Davey, Timothy Anderson, Karen Sheffield

Forward Tectonic Modeling of Newfoundland and its Conjugate Margins: A New Approach to Exploration in Deep Water Basins,
      Richard Whittaker, Bridget Ady

Influence of Water Depth and Hydrodynamics on Habitat and Facies Distribution in a Tropical, Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Lagoon, Little Laughlands, Jamaica,
      Oscar Wilkerson, Antun Husinec

Integrating Legacy Core and Cuttings with New Well Data to Identify Lateral Drilling and Vertical Recompletion Potential of a Conventional Carbonate Reservoir, Central Basin Platform, Texas,
      Rachel Williams, David Bell, G. Nunes, J. Schulz

Integration of Induced Seismicity with Subsurface Fault Interpretations at the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project,
      Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Hannes Leetaru, Leo Eisner, Frantisek Stanek

Asymmetrical, Dual-Clinoform, Wave-Influenced Delta Facies Model,
      Brian Willis, Tao Sun, Bruce Ainsworth

Sequence Stratigraphic Reconstruction of the Late Middle Devonian Geneseo Formation of New York, USA: Developing a Genetic Model for "Upper Devonian" Unconventional Targets in the Northern Appalachian Basin, New York,
      Ryan Wilson, Juergen Schieber, Kevin Bohacs

Computational Stratigraphy (Compstrat) in Tight Rocks: Building Numerical Relationships of Interbedded Sand and Mud Through Flume Experiments,
      Ryan Wilson, Tao Sun, Juergen Schieber, Zalmai Yawar

Structural Framework and Tectonostratigraphic Controls on the Evolution of the Turbón and Serrado Anticlines, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain,
      Elizabeth Wilson, Pablo Granado, Josep Anton Muñoz, Philipp Straus, Klaus Pelz, Herwig Peresson

The Critical Mineral Supply Chain: Evolution and Revolution as New Battery Technologies Emerge,
      Edith Wilson, Jesse Edmondson, Paige Johnson

Composition and Diagenetic Controls of Bed- to Formational-Scale Deformation in Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks, Santa Maria Basin, California,
      Yannick Wirtz

A Renewed Focus on Utah's Helium Potential,
      Tyler Wiseman, Marc Eckels

Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Late Devonian Duvernay Formation: Insights from the Geochemistry of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
      Marilyn Wisler, Steve Dworkin, Stacy Atchley, Anna Thorson, David Yeates

Namibia, Will it Be an Oil Province?,
      Walter Wornardt

CO2 Coalition,
      Gregory Wrightstone

The Influence of Backwater Morphodynamics on Spatial Variability in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Quality,
      Chenliang Wu, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Andrew Moodie, Tian Dong, Kieran Dunne, Hongbo Ma

In-Situ HTHP Experiment of CO2-Brine-Rock Interaction and Its Implication for Tight Oil EOR and CCUS,
      Songtao Wu, Xiufen Zhai, Zhi Yang

Seismic Sedimentology and Seismic Geomorphology of a Lacustrine Depositional System From the Deep Zone of the Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin, Eastern China,
      Dong Wu, Xiaomin Zhu

Understanding the Depositional Character of Lunar Ice,
      Douglas Wyatt


Geochemical Interpretation on Clumped and Position-Specific Isotopes in Natural Gas,
      Daniel Xia, Yongli Gao

Understanding Mass Transport Processes during Geochemical Characterization of Unconventional Plays,
      Daniel Xia, Changrui Gong, Lucia Rodriguez

A New Thin Bedded Reservoir Prediction Method Based on Geological Seismic Conditioning and Waveform Indicated Inversion and Its Application in the Yingmaili Gas Field, Tarim Basin,
      Chen Xiangfei, Liu Yonglei, Zhou Chenggang, Li Zhenzhou, Li Haifeng, Chen Xin, Xiao Jiang, Li Songyuan, Zhu Jun

Using Seismogeology Technique to Characterize Superdeep Source Rock: Taking the Yuertusi Formation Source Rock in Tarim Basin, Northwest China as an Example,
      Chen Xiangfei, Ma Peiling, Liu Yonglei, Zhou Chenggang, Liu Yongbin, Han Changwei, Wang Lei, Liu Jun, Fei Peng

Evaluation and Conversion of Adsorbed-Free Shale Gas in the Fuling Area, China,
      Pang Xiaoting

GAN-Based Multipoint Geostatistical Inversion Method and Application,
      Pengfei Xie, Jiagen Hou

Innovation and Application of Reservoir Geophysics Technology for Mature Oil Fields in the Mangeshlak Basin, Central Asia,
      Chen Xin, Feng Xukui, Yuguang Zhao, Xiaodong Wei, Sun Tiejun, Sun Haishan, Wang Wei, Yang Ke, Li Qiang, Cai Junxian

Integration Triaxial Induction Logs and High-Resolution Borehole Images: Application for Modeling Mass Transported Deposits,
      Weixin Xu, Anish Kumar, Elizabeth Ruiz

Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrocarbon-Bleached Rocks in the Baiyanggou Mud Volcano, Xinjiang, Northwest China,
      Wang Xu, Guodong Zheng, Giovanni Martinelli, Xiangxian Ma, Zhi Chen

Bozhong 19-6 Field, A Fractured Metamorphic Basement Reservoir, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China: An Archean Deeply Buried Hill Play,
      Peng Xu, Haizhong Cui, Ying Qie, Longfei Sun, Qingshun Liu, H. Li

Integration Study of Petrophysics and Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion in Reservoir Characterization for the Zubair Formation in Central Iraq,
      Chao Xu, Chunqiang Chen, Jixin Deng, Tao Yang, Zhongrong Mi, Jianhua Qu, Hua Bai, Chunshu Luo, Hong Yang, Yugang Hong

Sedimentary Characteristics and Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of Traction Flow Driven Fan Delta in Steep Slope Zone,
      Wei Xu, Yingchun Zhang, Kaiyuan Chen, Lei Fang, Jingyun Zou

Characterizations of a Nano-Scale Pore System and Petrographic Properties of Shale Using Multiple Techniques and their Implications on Gas Storage Capability,
      Hao Xu, Wen Zhou

Carbonate-Targeted Seismic Imaging – The Beginning Step to Change the Game in Carbonate Plays,
      Fangjian Xue, David Paddock


Tectonic Evolution of Andaman Basin with Special Reference to Hydrocarbon Potential,
      Savitri Yadav, D K Sinha

Structural and Stratigraphic Characterization of X Field Niger Delta: Implication for Carbon Capture and Sequestration,
      Mariam Yahaya-Shiru, Ogbonnaya Igwe, Tuviere Omeru, Seyi Obafemi

Water Vapor Adsorption Characteristics of Over-Mature Wufeng and Longmaxi Shales, Sichuan Basin,
      Rui Yang, Qinhong Hu, Sheng He

Total Organic Carbon Content Prediction From Well Logs via Artificial Neural Network Models,
      Yunlai Yang, Zhenzhu Wan, Pan Luo, Abid Bhullar

Development of a Novel Method for Geochemical Production Allocation and Reservoir Production Monitoring Based on Trace and Ultra-Trace Multi-Element Analyses on Crude Oils,
      Weihang Yang, John Casey, Yongjun Gao, Jiaxuan Li

Automated Well Log Conditioning for Petrophysical Interpretation,
      Malleswar Yenugu, Russell Roundtree

Emei Taphrogeny and Distribution and Gas-Bearing Properties of Permian Volcanoclastic Rock in Sichuan Basin,
      Danlin Ying, Guohui Li, Guang Yang, Yi Fan

Biomarkers and Diamondoid Compounds in Crude Oils from the Norwegian Barents Sea,
      Kazuya Yokota, Akihiko Okui

Using Seismic Velocity and Attributes to Predict Formation Pore Pressure in the Offshore Frontier Area,
      Zhang Yonggang

Impact of Coupled Free Gas Flow and Microbial Methanogenesis on the Formation and Evolution of Concentrated Hydrate Deposits,
      Kehua You, Manasij Santra, Lori Summa, Peter Flemings

Fluid Property Variations and its Relationship with the Geo-History of the Permian Delaware Basin,
      Alan Yu, Mauro Becker, Anindito Baskoro, Mukul Bhatia


Crustal Structure and its Control on the Petroleum Systems and on Giants/Super-Giant Fields/Prospects in the Pre-Salt of the Santos and Campos Basins,
      Pedro Zalan, Eric Newman, Mike Saunders

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Attributes Analysis of the Leonardian Bone Spring Formation, Northern Delaware Basin,
      Rui Zhai, John Pigott, Tyler Bickley

Using Lateral Variability of Shelf Margins to Understand the Provenance of Data-Limited Basins,
      Jinyu Zhang

Coupling of Thrusting and Shale Detachment within the Thrust-Related Intraslope Minibasins: New Insights Into Gravity-Driven Structural Styles in the Deep-Water Niger Delta,
      Jiajia Zhang, Shenghe Wu

The Pore Size Distribution and Oil Storage Mechanism in the Wolfcamp Mudstone, Midland Basin,
      Tongwei Zhang, Xun Sun, Chengjun Wu, Robert Reed, Scott Hamlin

Integration of Structural Analysis and Gravity Modeling in the Permian Basin, West Texas,
      Hualing Zhang, Paul Mann, Dale Bird

Major Controlling Factors for the Zhujiang Formation Deposition in the Panyu A Oilfield, Pearl River Mouth Basin as Revealed from Stratigraphic Forward Modelling,
      Qingqing Zhang, Keyu Liu, Huiling Yang, Jianliang Liu

Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Precursors in Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation, South China,
      Yuying Zhang, Shu Jiang, Shuangfang Lu, Zhiliang He

Pore Structure Characteristics and Its Role to Shale Gas Storage in Organic-Rich Mudstone of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin,
      Yu Zhang, Jianping Yan, Deyong Shao, Tongwei Zhang, Liuliu Zhang

Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Gas Compositions from the Wolfcamp in Midland Basin and Their Significance as Geochemical Tracers for Well Completion,
      Tongwei Zhang, Lucy Ko, Xun Sun, Di Meng, Scott Hamlin

Microbial Biomineralization Processes of Stromatolitic Dolostone from the Ediacaran Period in Sichuan Basin, Southeast China,
      Jie Zhang

Relationship Between Uranium Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Fluids Characteristics in Paleo-Channel Uranium Deposits of the Central Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia,
      Xing-Qi Zhao, Ming-Kuan Qin, Hong-Hai Fan

Influencing Factors of Late Activation Fault Development and Its Control Effect on Natural Gas Loss in the Xihu Sag, Southeast China,
      Jing Zhao, Zhi Long Huang, Jian Fa Chen, Si Zhe Tan

Differential Oil and Gas Accumulation Mechanism and Exploration Breakthrough in the Strike-Slip Extensional Fault Zone of Easten Huanghekou Depression,
      Huang Zhen, Gao Yanfei, Zhao Dijiang, Haifeng Yang

Geochemistry Characteristics, Genetic Types and Source of Natural Gas of the Sinian Dengying Formation in the Sichuan Basin, China,
      Dingye Zheng, Xiongqi Pang

Diachronous Minibasin Welding Controls Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping,
      Ge Zhiyuan, Robert Gawthorpe, Atle Rotevatn, Leo Zijerveld, Christopher Jackson, Ayodeji Oluboyo

CO2 Distribution Prediction Using Machine Learning Based Proxy Model in Geological Carbon Sequestration,
      Zhi Zhong, Alexander Sun

Estimating the CO2 Saturation Changes Using Machine Learning Based on Time-Lapse Seismic Data,
      Zhi Zhong

Gas and Water Distribution in an Over-Mature Shale Reservoir and Its Implication for Gas Production,
      Wen Zhou, Hao Xu

Application of Seismic Characterization for Geological and Engineering Sweet Spots of Shale Oil: A Case Study in the Erdos Basin, China,
      Yijun Zhou, Shuanghe Dai, Yongtao Liu, Minbo Bi, Jianwei Nie

The Complexity, Secondary Geochemical Process, Genetic Mechanism and Distribution Prediction of Deep Marine Oil and Gas in the Tarim Basin, China,
      Guangyou Zhu, Zhiyao Zhang, Alexei Milkov, Jianfa Han, Xiaoxiao Zhou, Tingting Li

Deep Water Sedimentary Structural Elements Description Based on Multi-Seismic Attributres in the Offshore East Africa,
      Guo Ping Zuo, Da Li Shao, Xiao Yong Xu, Yuan Guo, Hui Sun, Quan Bin Cao

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