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AAPG Foundation 2018 Grants-in-Aid Projects

Search and Discovery Article #90321 (2018)
Posted April 18, 2018

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             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Allogenic and Autogenic Controls in Appalachian Basin, Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, Central – Northern West Virginia,
      Oluwasegun Abatan

Paleochannel Style in Fluvial Deposits of the Kayenta Formation, Southwestern Utah,
      Samuel Andrade Abdala

Evaluating the Carbon-Sulfur coupling and Temporal Frequencies of Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico using Carbonate Geochemistry,
      Sajjad Abdullajintakam

Comparative Study of the Eocene Agbada and Oligocene Ogwashi-Asaba Formations of the Niger Delta Basin,
      Oghenekioja Abele

Comparison of Pore Size Distribution on Crushed and Whole-Rock Shale Samples Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Nmr),
      Mercy Achang

Integrated Reservoir Quality Assessment of Late Cretaceous– Tertiary Petroleum Reservoirs in Onshore Central Sarawak, Malaysia: Implications from Surface and Sub-Surface Datasets,
      Ekundayo Adepehin

Comparing Source Rock Maturity with Pore Size Distribution and Fluid Saturation in the Bakken-Three Forks Petroleum System of the Divide County, Williston Basin, North Dakota,
      Adedoyin Adeyilola

Exhumation of the Gros Ventre Range and Implications for Laramide Tectonics and Hoback Basin Deposition, NW Wyoming,
      Walter Afonso

Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Investigation of Carboniferous Formations in Northern Utah and Central Montana: A Record of Late Paleozoic Climate Evolution, Eustasy and their Relation to Petroleum System Development,
      Justin Ahern

Quantifying non-linear Relationship Among Volumetric flow, Aperture, and Anisotropic Wall Roughness of Fractures,
      Bulbul Ahmmed

Microbial Metabolism of Methylated Amines and Methanogenic Activity in Marcellus Shale, WV, USA,
      Rawlings Akondi

Neodymium Isotope and Ree Constraints on Paleozoic Sediment Dispersal to the Fort Worth Basin,
      Ohood Alsalem


Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Linkages between PETM Climate Modulation and Stratigraphy, as Discerned from the Piceance Basin, CO, USA,
      Eric Barefoot

Evaluation of Facies Controls on Distal Fine-Grained Chalky Facies in the Miocene Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain: An Analog for Fine-Grained Reservoirs,
      Craig Bennett

Record of Early Paleogene Hyperthermals in Sediments from Northern Zealandia: Understanding Carbonate Dilution in Shallow Marine Settings Vs. Carbonate Dissolution in Deep Marine Sites in Response to Extreme Warmth,
      Joyeeta Bhattacharya

Sedimentological and Petrological Characterization of a Passive Continental Margin Slope Channel Complex, Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada,
      Tyler Billington

Low-cost Measurements and Monitoring of Dissolved Methane in Natural Waters within the Arkoma Basin and Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas,
      Joshua Blackstock

Pore-scale and NMR Characterization of Unconventional Carbonate Mudrocks,
      Ibukunoluwa Bode-Omoleye

Mudstone Depositional Processes and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Permian Icehouse-to-Greenhouse Transition, Karoo Basin, South Africa,
      Kévin Boulesteix

Multi-scale Characterization of New Zealand's Coaly Source Rocks: Developing a Rock Physics Template for Improved Seismic Mapping and Reduced Uncertainty in Future Exploration,
      Stephen Brennan

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Woodford Shale, Kansas,
      Spencer Brower

Multi-Scale Structural Analyses in a Complex Sedimentary Basin,
      Hugo Burgin

Source Rock Study in the East Coast Province, New Zealand: Toward Petroleum System Understanding,
      Zachary Burton

UAV-assisted Mapping of a Cambrian-Ordovician Reef Margin Complex: An Exceptional Analogue to Fore-Reef Carbonate Reservoirs in Yukon Territory, Canada,
      James Busch

Sediment Routing and 3D Stratigraphic Architecture in the Patagonian Foreland Basin: Implications for Andean Tectonics and Flat-Slab Subduction,
      Kristina Butler


Kinematic Interactions Between a Major Fault Propagation Fold and Associated Flank Thrusts and Implications for Triangle Zone Development – Example from the Kanarra Fold,
      William Chandonia

The Cenozoic Evolution of Topography of the Patagonian Andes: An Organic Molecular Stable Isotope Perspective,
      Queenie Chang

Waveform Inversion for Passive Surface Wave based on Beamforming,
      Feng Cheng

Fe, O, and H Stable Isotope Signatures from Five Surficial Iron Oxide Deposits of the El Laco Volcano, Chile,
      Tristan Childress

The Response of Density Underflows to Rift Basin Floor Topography and Palaeoclimate: Implications for Syn-Rift Reservoir Distribution,
      Tim Cullen

Deep-marine Reservoir Distribution Against the Flanks of a Syn-Depositionally Active Salt Diapir in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, N. Spain,
      Zoe Cumberpatch


Field Studies of Lobe Evolution of Active Shelf-Edge Delta at a Rift Basin Margin,
      Tian Dong

Wolfcampian Shelf-to-Basin Stratigraphic Framework of the Central Basin Platform and Midland Basin, Andrews County, Texas,
      Cody Draper

An Investigation of a River-Dominated Delta in a Pull-Apart Basin, Lake Izabal, Guatemala: Exploring a Unique Example with Sediment Cores and Shallow Seismic Data,
      Edward Duarte

Hydrothermal Fluid Sources of Fault-Fracture Dolomite Petroleum Fields in the Trenton and Black River of Southern Michigan,
      Regina Dunseith


Insights into the Organic Geochemistry of Interactions among Reservoir Rocks, Formation Waters, and Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids in Unconventional Energy Systems: An Experimental Study,
      Matt Edgin

Detrital Zircon Dating of Sediments in the proposed Mesozoic Birdsboro Basin of the Central Atlantic U.S. margin (CAUSM),
      Lynnette Eichenlaub


Comparison of the Organic Thickness of the Marcellus Shale: An Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit Between the Thick and Thin Organic-Rich Facies and Their Depositional Histories,
      Luke Fritz


Petrophysical Properties of a Coarse-Grained Carbonate Drift Fan, Maldives,
      Emma Giddens

Understanding the Hydrocarbon Related Fluid Migration in Norphlet-Smackover Petroleum System of Mobile Bay, Alabama Using Ni-V Ratio of Pyrite,
      Sonnet Gomes

3D Terrain Modeling to Visualize the Morphology of the Fisher Valley Megaflap,
      Kate Grisi


Fluvial Fans – Towards New Predictive and Reservoir Models,
      Mark Hansford

Tracing the Charging History of the Continuous Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Rift Lacustrine Basin: A Case Study from the Third Member of Shahejie Formation in the Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Tao Hu

Effects of Size-Selective Sediment Mixing on the Carbon Isotope Record of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum,
      Brittany Hupp

Bed-scale Clay Distribution Linked to Hybrid Flow Development in Deep-Water Reservoir Successions,
      Arif Hussain


The Effects of Alpha Damage on Helium Diffusion in Zircons,
      Shelby Johnston


Reservoir Characterization and 3D Modeling of Silurian Reef Slopes: Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Grant County, Indiana,
      Jim Karsten

Stratigraphic Controls on the Accumulation and Preservation of Organic Carbon in Fraser Island Coastal Dune Lakes Using Ground Penetrating Radar,
      Joshua Kelly

Paleoenvironmental Variations, Timing, and Drivers of Wilkins Peak Member Lake Cycles, Green River Formation, Bridger Basin, Wyoming,
      Elizabeth Klonowski

Unlocking New Potential in Partially Dolomitized Reservoir: Insight from Dolomitization Reaction Fronts,
      Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah

Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Sediment Transport of the Miocene Stevens Sandstone; Characterizing Turbidite Channel and Fan Complexes of the San Joaquin Valley, California,
      Mark Korte-Nahabedian

Experimental Investigation on Pore Pressure Sensitivity of Clay-Rich Sedimentary Rocks,
      Szu-Ting Kuo


Salt Shoulders: New Insights Into Salt-Sediment Interactions Involving Dissolution, Partial Burial, and Salt Flow,
      David Lankford-Bravo

Investigating the Role of Low Oxygen and Early Diagenetic Carbonate Preceding and During the End-Triassic Mass Extinction Event,
      Ekaterina Larina

Late Cenozoic Paleoenvironment and Erosion Estimates for the Northeastern Svalbard/Northern Barents Sea Continental Margin, Norwegian Arctic,
      Amando Lasabuda

Testing Predictions of Structural Model Against Uplift Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California,
      Yuval Levy

Quantitative Characterization on The Densification Process of Sandstone Reservoirs,
      Hui Li

Experimental Investigation of Pore Evolution in Organic-rich Bakken Shale with Thermal Maturation Induced by Hydrous Pyrolysis,
      Chunxiao Li

Outcrop/Subsurface Geological Characterization of La Luna Formation as Gas Shale in the Northwest Lago de Maracaibo Basin and North Andean Flank, Venezuela,
      Andreina Liborius

Natural fractures and their Contributions to Deep tight gas Sandstone Reservoirs in the Southern Junggar Foreland Basin, Northwestern China,
      Guoping Liu

Carbonate Fracture Network Characterisation. Fracture Distribution Prediction with Mechanical Stratigraphy and Fractals,
      Roberto Loza Espejel

Developing a System of Criteria for Recognizing and Characterizing Recrystallization of Sedimentary Dolomites Using Advanced Diffraction and Geochemical Techniques,
      Georgina Lukoczki


Effects of Miocene Climatic Fluctuations on Fluvial Architecture in Andean Continental Environments,
      Scott Meek

Geomechanical Characteristics of the DeSoto Canyon Salt Basin, east-central Gulf of Mexico: Implications for offshore storage of Carbon Dioxide,
      Jingyao Meng

Regional Stratigraphy and Organic Richness of the Mississippian Meramec and Associated Strata, Anadarko Basin, Central Oklahoma,
      Joshua Miller

Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian and Woodford Shale deposits, Southwest part Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma,
      Carlos Molinares-Blanco

Lithofacies Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Lower Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation in the Western Bituminous Field of Pennsylvania,
      Shifat Monami


Quantifying Nanoscale Porosity in Metamorphic Rocks: An Example from the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia,
      Alexandra Nagurney

A Multi Isotope Approach to Understanding the Ocean Anoxic Event 2 Recorded in the Eagle Ford Formation of West Texas,
      Lucien Nana Yobo

Oceanographic Influences on Miocene Carbonate Platform Geomorphology of Central Luconia Province, Sarawak Basin, Offshore Malaysia,
      Thomas Neal

Developing a Model for Open Shelf Shale Deposition: Sedimentology and Architecture of the Ordovician Tøyen Shale Formation,
      Aleksandra Novak


Microporosity Evolution in the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) Bowland Basin Mudstone, UK,
      Timothy Ohiara

Resolving the Timing of Mineral Growth in Searles Lake, California: A Holocene-Pleistocene Analog to Ancient Saline Alkaline Lakes,
      Kristian Olson


Controls on Organic Matter Production and Accumulation During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 In La Luna Formation, Northwestern South America,
      Manuel Paez

Source-to-sink Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of a Cretaceous Submarine Fan, U.S. Atlantic Margin, Employing Detrital Zircon Geochronology,
      Andrew Parent

Influence of Regional River Systems on Lacustrine Reservoir Quality of the Green River Formation of Wyoming,
      Ethan Parrish

Pre-Laramide Salt Tectonics in the Eagle Evaporite Basin: A New Paradigm for the Tectonic Evolution of Central Colorado,
      Robert Pearigen

Quantification of the Relationship Between Pore Geometry and Permeability Based on Fractal Theory and Petrophysical Methods in Carbonates,
      Ling Peng

Pre-Salt Continental Carbonates Reservoir Potential of Namibe Basin, Southern Angola,
      Gustavo Pereira

Constraining the Onset of Exhumation in the Southern Colombian Andes, implications for Oil Exploration in the Putumayo Basin,
      Nicolas Perez

Characterization and Geochemistry of Carbonate Caprock Associated with the Gypsum Valley and Castle Valley Salt Walls, Paradox Basin, CO & UT: Implications for Understanding Lateral Caprock Emplacement,
      Piper Poe

Sedimentology, Environment of Deposition, and Rock Mechanics of the Montney Formation: Outcrop Study in the Kananaskis area, SW Alberta,
      Simon Poirier


The Role of Current Velocity in Dune Geometry and Sand Distribution in a Tidal Environment: An Example From the San Luis Pass Flood Tidal Delta,
      Carolina Ramon Duenas

A New Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Wolf Camp Hills: Tying the Outcrop to the Subsurface,
      Ben Richards

Zoning in on Carbonate Microcrystal Diagenesis,
      Chanse Rinderknecht

Chemostratigraphy and Sedimentology of Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian Strata in the Forest City Basin, Southern Iowa,
      Justin Rosenblume


Significance of Early Marine Cementation on Reservoir Development and Evolution In Silurian Forereef Slope Deposits at Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Indiana-Applications for the Michigan Basin,
      Alejandra Santiago Torres

Integrated Approach to Characterizing the Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Ramp Succession in East Texas,
      Peter Schemper

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Viking Formation, Central Alberta – Integrated XRF, Sedimentological, and Micropaleontological Dataset,
      Sarah Schultz

Apatite Fission Track and U/Th He-Thermochronology to Unravel Uplift and Erosion History for 2D- Basin Modeling in Frontier Petroleum Basins – A Case Study of Western Newfoundland,
      Martin Schwangler

Palynology, Biostratigraphy and Previous HitPalynofaciesNext Hit Associations of Late Triassic assemblages from the Mungaroo Formation in the Greater Gorgon Area, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
      Joseph Scibiorski

Paleogene Palynology of the Great White Field in the Deepwater Western Gulf of Mexico,
      Vann Smith

Deep-marine Reservoir Heterogeneity in Steep-Sided Minibasins – Influence Of Basin Physiography on Sedimentological Processes and Basin-Fill Character,
      Euan Soutter

Fault-Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Middle to Late Devonian Carbonates of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
      Jack Stacey

Incised Valleys in the Parkman Sandstone, Wyoming: New Sequence Previous HitAnalysisTop Opens Up New Exploration and Development Opportunities in the Powder River Basin,
      Matt Steidtmann

Role of Organo-Clay Interactions on Sedimentary Molecular Biomarkers and Isotopic Compositions,
      Jonathan Smolen

Examining the Unhinged Nature of Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Platform Development, Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia,
      Rahul Sudhakar

Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene Sediment Provenance in the Alberta Basin, Canada: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes,
      Samantha Super

Topography from Tectonics: Constraining Spatial and Temporal Landscape Response Rates to Teton Fault Activity Using Low-T Thermochronology and Limnogeologic Analyses,
      Meredith Swallom


Influence of Paleotopography as a Depositional Control on Late Cenozoic Carbonate Reservoir Analogs in the Cabo de Gata Region, Southeast Spain,
      Ian Thompson

Identification of Potential Lacustrine/Embayment Stratigraphic Intervals in the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Using Multi-Attribute 3-D Seismic Displays and a Supervised Probabilistic Neural Network,
      Emilio Torres Parada

Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Vera-Zaitun Basin, Offshore Northwest Java; a Petroleum Systems Perspective,
      Adriana Traviati

Porosity Characterization of Indian Shale Gas Basins,
      Ashutosh Tripathy


Salt Tectonics Characterization in the East Canary Islands (Central Atlantic),
      Rodolfo Uranga Moran


Bioturbation and Its Effects on Porosity and Permeability in the Cretaceous Buda Limestone Formation, South-Central Texas,
      Fernando Valencia

Investigating Thermal Effects of Cordilleran Processes on the Cenozoic Magallanes Basin, Chile and Argentina, 50° 30' S and 51° 30'S,
      Rebecca VanderLeest

Influence of Fabric and Composition on Geomechanical Properties and Natural Fractures Characteristics in the Duvernay Unconventional Shale Play in the Kaybob Area (Western-Central Alberta, Canada),
      Marco Venieri

Are the Wellman Ranch and Hog Lake Sites Portions of a Dismembered Positive Flower Structure along the San Jacinto Fault, SE California?: Implications for the Age of the Bautista Formation and Stress Loading During Earthquake Ruptures,
      Emma Vierra

Characterisation of Bathonian-Kimmeridgian (Middle-Late Jurassic) Palynological Assemblages of the Laminaria High and Vulcan Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin, Australia,
      Jesse Vitacca


Stratigraphic Architecture of Turbidite and Mass-Transport Deposits in the Outcropping Bone Spring Formation, Delaware Basin, Texas,
      Wylie Walker

Characterization of Low Permeability Hunton Group Reservoirs, Central Oklahoma,
      Chase Watkins

Stratigraphic architecture of Rift Systems: Special emphasis on Arid Continental Rifts,
      Leiaka Welcome

Major, Minor and Trace Element Evolution of Phanerozoic Seawater: Implications for the Carbonate Reservoir Rocks,
      Mebrahtu Weldeghebriel

Anatomy of a Supercritical Fan: Occurrence, Controls, and Influence of Upper Flow Regime Sediment Gravity Flows on Deepwater Sediment Transport and Preservation and Thier Role in Continental Slope Development,
      Logan West

From the Bottom to the Top: Identifying and Assessing Natural Geological Linkages from Deep Formations to Shallow Groundwater Resources,
      Miles Wilson

Linking Autogenic and Allogenic Controls on Fluvial-Deltaic Stratigraphy Through Hydrodynamics of Non-Uniform Flow: Tested in the Westen Irish Namurian Basin, County Clare, Ireland,
      Chenliang Wu


Effects of Moisture on Gas Sorption Capacity of Minerals Within Gas Shales,
      Fengyang Xiong


Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Systems of the Canning Basin, Northwest Shelf, Western Australia,
      Christopher Yule


On the Genesis of Shales and Clay Diagenesis Control on Reservoir Quality Parameters of Pennsylvanian Unconventional Reservoirs of the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
      Giovanni Zanoni

Strategies of High-Resolution Cyclostratigraphic Correlation – An Example of Lower Permian Lacustrine-Fluvial Deposits, Southern Bogda Mountains, Greater Turpan-Junggar Rift Basin, NW China,
      Xin Zhan

Paleosalinity Reconstruction of Lacustrine Basins through the Evaluation of Boron,
      Xue Zhang

Application of Neutron Scattering Technique in Shale Pore Accessibility and Connectivity Study,
      Yuxiang Zhang

Effect of Water on Pore Size Distribution and Methane Adsorption Capacity of Shale Clay: A Case Study of Shanxi Shale in Northeastern Ordos Basin, China,
      Zhengfu Zhao

A Sedimentologic, Sequence Stratigraphic, and Ichnologic Characterization of the M2 Sandstone of the Cretaceous Napo Formation, Eastern Ecuadorian Basin,
      Mayra Zuniga

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