--> AAPG Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90317 (2018).
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AAPG Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop
Stratigraphic Traps of the Middle East
Muscat, Oman, December 11-13, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90317 (2018)
Posted April 20, 2018




Developing Stratigraphic Traps – A Semi-Automated Approach,
      Nadeem Abbas, Ahmed S. Al-Ghamdi, and Paul A. Titley

Stratigraphic Trap Styles of the Triassic to Early Jurassic of North Oman,
      Ahmed Aghbari, Maram Balushi, Fatima Rawahi, and Donald Sim

Shammar: Serendipitous Discovery of Stratrigraphically Trapped Reservoir in North Oman,
      Aisha Al Hajri, Irene Gomez-Perez, Mohammed Al Shaibani, and Mahmoud El Shafie

Sequence Stratigraphy, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Upper Shuaiba Formation, Giant Carbonate Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE,
      Bashayer Al Muhairi, Gary Ottinger, Hesham Shebl, Thomas De Keyser, Christopher Kendall, and Amna Al Dhaheri

Insights from 2014 AAPG GTW Stratigraphic Traps of the Middle East: Current Status and the Road Ahead,
      Abdelfattah Bakhiet

Interaction Of Petroleum Systems and Stratigraphic Traps in Foreland Basin Settings,
      Andy Bell

A Global Review of Stratigraphic and Subtle Combination Traps,
      Paul Binns, James Faroppa, and Shaoqing Sun

Advances and Perspectives on Stratigraphic Trap Exploration-Making the Subtle Trap Obvious,
      John Dolson, Kurt Marfurt, Zhiyong He, and Brian W. Horn

The Gharif Formation: Improving Prospecting and Field Development Success by Understanding the Role Syndepositional Tectonism and Salt Movement Play in Focusing Sandstone Accumulations within the South Oman Salt Basin, Oman,
      Chris J. Donofrio and Frederic Knap

The Stratigraphic Trapping Potential of the Paleozoic Unayzah in Eastern Saudi Arabia,
      Huzaifa Elbushra and Abdullah Zahrani

Encouraging First Steps to Extend the Nahr Umr Subcrop Play and Portfolio in the South Oman East Flank, PDO Block 6,
      Kristoffer Engenes, Samira Al-Kalbani, Karima Al-Ghafri, Qais Al-Battashi, Ibrahim Al-Battashi, and Ahmed Al-Mahruqi

The Stratigraphic Traps of Najmah Formation in Kuwait,
      George Gega, Mohamed Al-Ajmi, and Ghaida Al-Sahlan

Stratigraphic Trap Assessment Using Forward Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Modeling – Application to the Natih Formation, Oman,
      Didier Granjeon, Mathilde Adelinet, Mickael Barbier, Benoit Chauveau, and Youri Hamon

High Resolution, Multidisciplinary Biostratigraphic and Petrographic Analysis of the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Sediments and the Identification of Subtle Truncation Stratigraphic Traps in the Eastern Rub' al-Khali,
      Andrew S. Henderson, Christopher Reid, Previous HitDavidNext Hit Taylor, Caroline Reid, Ali Alibrahim, and Fatima Mohsen

The Potential of Stratigraphic Traps for the Arabian Plate,
      Thomas Jewell and Roger Davies

New Integrated Solutions for Geological Process Modelling to Assess Reservoir Play-Fairways, Stratigraphic Traps and Seals,
      Fadi Nader

Subtle / Complex Trapping in Carbonates: Definition, Classification and Guidelines for Exploration,
      Mathieu Rousseau and Thomas J. Haines

New Method for Cuttings-Based Prediction of Stratigraphic Seal Capacity,
      Joyce Schmatz, Jop Klaver, Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand, Mingze Jiang, and Janos L. Urai

Petrophysical Properties and Multi-Scale Analysis of Connected and Isolated Porosity in Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Jörg Smodej, Steven Claes, Eva De Boever, Norbert Klitzsch, Peter Kukla, Janos L. Urai, and Lars Reuning

Emerging Play Concept for Exploring Jurassic Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps in Eastern Saudi Arabia: A Play-based Exploration Approach,
      Previous HitDavidNext Hit Z. Tang, Hary Setyabudi, Marco I. Alvarez Bastos, Wenbin Tan, Rainer Schmidt, and Khalid Hmoud

Predicting Sealing Capacity of Jurassic Carbonates, Eastern Saudi Arabia: Implications for Exploring Stratigraphic Traps,
      Previous HitDavidTop Z. Tang, Rajai Hubail, Wenbin Tan, and Philippe Rabiller

Identification of New Stratigraphic Plays in Salt-Related Mini-Basin Settings: Unlocking New Paleozoic Play Opportunities in the Supra-Salt Section of the South Oman Salt Basin,
      John Underhill, Kristoffer Engenes, Andrew Weedon, Craig Harvey, Stephen Collins, and Rodi Hegdorn

Stratigraphic Trapping Models of a Permo-Carboniferous Reservoir in Central Saudi Arabia,
      Yin Xu, Sihai Zhang, and Mahdi AbuAli

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