--> AAPG/EAGE Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90316 (2018).
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AAPG/EAGE Middle East Region Geosciences Technology Workshop
Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs in the Middle East
Bahrain, November 27-28, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90316 (2017)
Posted March 22, 2018




Hydraulic Fracturing From Low Permeability to Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs,
      Hazim Abass

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Shale-Fluid Interactions for Optimized Drilling Practices,
      Mohammad Al Arfaj

Unlock and De-risk Rabab/Stringers Potential Using Integrated Approach,
      Ahmed Al Busaidi

All Eyes on Previous HitTightNext Hit Rocks: From Curious Paradox and Paradigm Shift to Value Creation,
      Mohmmed Al-Duhailan

The Subsurface Chance of Success: A Play Risk Analysis of Prospectivity, Sustainability and Commerciality of Previous HitGasNext Hit Production from Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs in Saudi Arabia,
      Hamad Al Kharaa, Mohammed Al-Duhailan, and Hafiz Al Shammery

The Impact of Fractures in the History Matching of Ahmadi Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoir in Bahrain Field,
      Sajeda Barni

Horizontal Wells Hydraulic Fracturing from Previous HitTightNext Hit HPHT to Multilayer Differential Depleted Previous HitGasNext Hit Accumulations in Oman,
      Juan Carlos and Khalfan Al Bahri

Invasion and Reservoir Damage in Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs; Options of Avoiding and Stimulation Based on Damage Mechanisms,
      Wael El Sherbeny, Robert Kennedy, Jean F. Aly Madkour, and Ali E. Farag

A Decade 0f Progress in Unlocking Previous HitTightNext Hit and Unconventional Plays in the Middle East Region,
      Christopher N. Fredd

Technology Applications in Unconventional Resources: A Case Study on Use of Microseismic and Supplementary Surveillance for Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring in the Jafurah Basin of Saudi Arabia,
      Clay Kurison, Huseyin Sadi Kuleli, Ali Al-Sultan, Saad Al-Shehri, and Ahmed Mubarak

Reservoir Modelling and Simulation for Thermal Oil Recovery in Fractured Karst Carbonates in Bahrain,
      Mark Lambert, Ali AlMuftah, Maysa Yousif, and Guang Ai

Challenges in Characterizing Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs and their Sweet Spots,
      Mark Lambert

Shallow Marine Reservoir Characterization: Example from the Lower Paleozoic Al-Bashair Formation, Ghaba Salt Basin, Oman,
      Alia Sater Mahud, Alex Ilic, and Mohamed El-Ghali

LWD Calipers for Hole Condition Monitoring During Drilling and Completion,
      Mohammed A. Mohiuddin, Osman Hamid, Adel Qahtani, and Hussain Albahrani

Uncertainty, Effectiveness and Improvements in Core and Well Data Integration for Geomechanics in Previous HitTightNext Hit Carbonate Reservoirs,
      A. Noufal, C. Germay, T. Lhomme, S. Perumala, and A. Shinde

Missing Puzzles in Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs Sweet Spots Jigsaw: Geomechanics Challenges,
      Abdelwahab Noufal

Role of Geomechanics on Clastic and Carbonate Previous HitTightNext Hit Reservoirs: A Middle Eastern Perspective,
      Satya Perumalla, Amir Ghadimipour, Javier Franquet, Alfredo Mendez, and Ghazal Izadi

Depositional Architecture of Previous HitTightNext Hit Previous HitGasNext Hit Reservoirs in Delta System: Example from the Ordovician Barik Formation, Central Oman,
      Olga Shelukhina, Mohamed Ali K. El-Ghali, and Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi

Challenges and Best Practices in the Development of Previous HitTightNext Hit Previous HitGasTop Reservoirs in the Sultanate of Oman,
      Vikram Singh

Extracting, Understanding & Utilizing Azimuthal Anisotropy Through Depth Imaging,
      Pavel Vasilyev, Cara Smith, Anna Glushchenko, Paul Marsden, and Edgardo Vargas

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