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AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition
100 Years of Science Fueling 100 Years of Prosperity
London, England, October 15-18, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90310 (2017)
Posted October 29, 2017

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             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.



















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Bannu Basin, Fold-and-Thrust Belt of Northern Pakistan: Subsurface Imaging and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Ismail Ahmad Abir, Shuhab Khan, Gulzar Aziz, and Shahina Tariq

The Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of the Jahama Platform Margin and Western Sirt Trough, Offshore Libya,
      Reem Aboushoug, David R. Boote, and Agust Gudmundsson

Examples of Morpho-Sedimentary Features From Broadband Seismic Data Offshore South Africa,
      Clara Abu

An Integrated Geostatistical and Seismic Facies Analysis Approach to Detect the Carboniferous Unayzah Stratigraphic Traps of Central Saudi Arabia,
      Mahdi A. AbuAli

High-resolution Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Khuff Carbonates (Central Saudi Arabia),
      Ammar M. Adam, Osman Abdullatif, Rudy Swennen, Mustafa Hariri, and Waleed Abdulghani

Multi-Realizations Geostatistical Modeling: Implication on Reservoir Quality and Heterogeneity: Outcrop Analogue of the Khuff Reservoirs,
      Ammar M. Adam, Osman Abdullatif, Abdulraheem Abdulazeez, Mustafa Hariri, and Waleed Abdulghani

Impact of Thin- and Thick-Skinned Salt Tectonics on the Mesozoic Reservoir Potential of the Cleaver Bank High and Broad Fourteen Basin, Dutch Sector, Southern North Sea,
      Juergen Adam, Matthew Payne, Eleanor Lashko, Samantha Lawler, Nicola Scarselli, and Stephen Morse

CO2-Storage-Based Geothermal Electricity Generation Potential of Sedimentary Basins in the United States,
      Benjamin M. Adams, Jeffrey M. Bielicki, and Martin Previous HitONext Hit. Saar

Recent Hydrocarbon Studies in the Baffin Bay, Northwest Greenland,
      Jan S. Adolfssen, Ulrik Gregersen, and Paul Knutz

A Palinspastic Deformable Plate Kinematic Model Offers New Perspectives on Palaeozoic to Cenozoic Circum-Arctic Sedimentary Basin Evolution,
      Bridget E. Ady and Richard C. Whittaker

Source Potential and Geomechanical Characterization of the Barren Measure Formation Shale, Damodar Basin, East India,
      Waquar Ahmed, John McLennan, Ghulam M. Bhat, Jonathan Craig, David J. Thul, Bindra Thusu, Sudeep Kanungo, Naveen Hakhoo, Mateen Hafiz, and Thang Tran

Automation in Seismic Interpretation,
      Nasher Al Bin Hassan

Reservoir Characterization of Complex Proglacial Ribbon Channels Through Integration of Seismic Attribute, Spectral Decomposition and Subsurface Geological Datasets: The Upper Ordovician Sarah Formation in Northern Arabia,
      Mohammed Y. Aldakheel, Hamad Alghenaim, Andrew Rees, and Fahad Amry

Refined Reservoir Architecture of the Early Cretaceous Burgan and Wara Formations in the Greater Burgan Field, South Kuwait,
      Bashar AlEnezi, Jean Michel Filak, Boris Kostic, Nicolas Foote, and Fatma Al-Mahmeed

An Overview of South Australian Petroleum Systems,
      Elinor Alexander and Tony Hill

How Abundant are Fractures in Gently Deformed Carbonates?,
      Mohammed M. Al-Fahmi, Abdullah Al-Mojel, and Joe Cartwright

Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of Nogal Rift Basin, Northern Somalia,
      Mohammed Y. Ali and Jaehee Lee

Impact of Depositional Environment on Reservoir Quality and Hydrocarbon Production,
      Kachalla Aliyuda

Evaluation of the Rock Properties of the Structurally Deformed Areas Based on Outcrop Analogues in Azerbaijan,
      Shahriyar Alkhasli, Gasham Zeynalov, and Aydin Shahtakhtinskiy

Gravity-Driven Deformation of a Youthful Saline Giant: The Interplay Between Gliding and Spreading in the Messinian Basins of the Eastern Mediterranean,
      Hayley Allen, Chris A. Jackson, and Al Fraser

Unlocking the Potential of Carbonate Source Rocks in Saudi Arabia: NMR Applications to Understanding Storage Capacity and Maturity,
      Ahmed Almubarak, Mohammed Boudjatit, and Mohammed Duhailan

Reservoir Surveillance Case Study for a Steam Flood Project in Kuwait,
      Amal Al-Murtairi, Zu Biao Ren, John Tinnin, and Antoine Paré

3-D Seismic Characterization of Small Faults and Possible Fractures in a Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study From Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait, Kuwait,
      Sarah J. AlQattan, Syd Mohammad Ismail, and Chintamani Vemparala

Lithofacies and Paleoenvironments of the Late Ordovician Sarah Tight Sand, Subsurface of the Rub' Al-Khali Basin, Saudi Arabia,
      Abdullah Alqubalee, Osman Abdullatif, Lameed Babalola, Ali Sahin, and Mohammed Makkawi

Dolomitization of Jurassic Carbonates in the Western High Atlas of Morocco: Processes and Implications for Reservoir Properties,
      Nawwar Al-Sinawi, Cathy Hollis, Aude Duval-Arnould, Stefan Schroeder, and Jonathan Redfern

Discriminating Between Commercial and Residual Hydrocarbon Saturation Integrating Pre-Stack Seismic and CSEM Data,
      Pedro Alvarez, Amanda Alvarez, Lucy MacGregor, Francisco Bolivar, Robert Keirstead, Thomas Martin, and Kim Nichols

Integration of Electromagnetic Data for Use in Characterization of Reservoir Prospects in the Hoop Area of the Barents Sea,
      Pedro Alvarez, Fanny Marcy, Mark Vrijlandt, Kim Nichols, Robert Keirstead, Maggie Smith, Hung-Wen Tseng, Francisco Bolivar, Slim Bouchrara, Jochen Rappke, and Lucy MacGregor

Characterizing Crustal Structure on the Norwegian Atlantic Margin, Using 3-D-Gravity-Inversion and 3-D-Backstripping to Assist Petroleum-Systems Modeling,
      Andy D. Alvey, Alan M. Roberts, Nick J. Kusznir, Jim P. Harris, Marta Swierczek, and John Watson

Multiple Bottom Simulating Reflectors and Multi-Stage Fluid Migration Related to Cyclic Tectonic Activity in the Deepwater Niger Delta,
      Muslim B. Aminu and Samuel B. Ojo

Time-Exclusive Sediment Transport Mechanisms in the Deepwater Niger Delta,
      Muslim B. Aminu and Samuel B. Ojo

Enhanced Shale Gas Recovery: Insights From Gas Adsorption Experiments,
      Humera Ansari, Ronny Pini, Martin Trusler, and Geoffrey Maitland

In-Situ SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analyses Reveals a Continuous 300 Ma History of Carbonate Cementation and Dolomitization in the Middle Bakken,
      Andrew C. Aplin, Mark Brodie, John Valley, Bruce Hart, and Ian Orland

An Integrated Approach to Modeling Reservoir Quality,
      Peter Armitage, Annabel Dale, and Nigel Clark

Newfoundland – Ireland Conjugate Margin Oil Families: Siblings and Cousins Plus the Occasional Outsider,
      James Armstrong, Jean-Marie Laigle, Samuel Piriou, Alain-Yves Huc, Ian Atkinson, Michael Hanrahan, and Kara English

Is Froude Flow Criticality Relevant in Sediment-Transporting Turbidity Currents?,
      Bill Arnott and Mike Tilston


Structural Permeability in Australian Sedimentary Basins,
      Adam H. Bailey, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Joshua Sage, and Martin Hand

Diagenesis of the Permian Ecca Group Sandstones and Mudstones in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: Implications for the Shale Gas Potential in the Karoo Basin,
      Christopher Baiyegunhi and Kuiwu Liu

Monitoring CO2 Injection at a 1,000,000 Metric Tonne Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Demonstration Project,
      Robert Balch, Richard Esser, and Robert Will

Along-Trend Variation of Shortening and Timing in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI),
      Subho Banerjee, James C. Phelps, and Claire Mondro

Impact of Late Mesozoic and Younger Tectonics on Half-Graben Filling and Petroleum Prospectivity of the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand,
      Andrea Barrier and Andrew Nicol

Basin Modeling and Petroleum System Analysis in the Easternmost Hammerfest Basin – Barents Sea,
      Anindito S. Baskoro, Dicky Harishidayat, and Stephen J. Lippard

Dynamic Topography and Its Influence on Petroleum Systems; The Atlantic Margin of Gabon,
      Andrew Bell and Mark Sugden

Searching for Shallow Gas: A Geohazards Workflow in Kingdom,
      Lucia Perez Belmonte

Evaluation of Sand Proportion Using Statistics of the Seismic Signature: An Application to Onshore Mozambique Reservoirs,
      Amran Benguigui, Raymond Komori, Piotr Kaminski, Rod Gilham, Chris Malaver, and Maxim Kotenev

The Next Generation: Young Professionals and the AAPG Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division,
      Anouk Beniest, William Sassi, Richard J. Wessels, David A. Ferrill, Julia Gale, Orlando Ortega, Bob Krantz

Potential for Near Field Exploration in the North Sea – Missed Sand Injectites,
      Mari S. Berg and Verena Lampart

Evolution of a Neotectonic, Intraplate Reverse Fault Zone: The Paralana Fault Zone, Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia,
      Jonathan Berthiaume, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, and Mark A. Bunch

Spectrum of Gas Migration Phenomena Across Multi-Layered Sealing Sequences,
      Claudia Bertoni, Joe Cartwright, Martino Foschi, and Joe Martin

Structural Architecture and 4-D Evolution of the Central Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia,
      Awad Bilal, Kenneth McClay, and Nicola Scarselli

Tracing Fluid Provenance and Flow Migration in Sub-Salt Layers of the Red Sea Basin With Geochemical Techniques,
      Peter Birkle, John P. Brown, Philip J. Ball, Jean-Francois Mengual, and Walid K. Hussein

Mode I Opening Orthogonal Fracture Networks: Can They Be Used as Analogue Fracture Networks for Subsurface Models?,
      Quinten Boersma, Nico Hardebol, Auke Barnhoorn, and Giovanni Bertotti

Permo-Triassic Petroleum Systems of the East African Coastal Basins,
      David R. Boote, Christopher Matchette-Downes, and Rasoul Sorkhabi

Controls on Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) Frontier Basin Exploration Play Success in the Mid-North Sea High,
      Matthew Booth, John R. Underhill, Rachel J. Jamieson, and Rachel Brackenridge

Accounting for 3-D Geo-Mechanical Effects in Basin Modeling,
      Antoine Bouziat, Daniele Colombo, Jérémy Frey, Nicolas Guy, Marie-Noëlle Woillez, Marie-Christine Cacas-Stentz, and Tristan Cornu

Transitional Event Deposits (TEDs) of the Cerro Toro Formation: Implications on Deep-Water Exploration and Production in Submarine Channel Systems,
      Guilherme Bozetti, Benjamin Kneller, and Bryan T. Cronin

Defining Prospective Play Fairways Across the Southern Mid North Sea High,
      Rachel Brackenridge, John R. Underhill, and Rachel J. Jamieson

Expression of East African Rift Through Mass Transport Systems in the Angoche Basin, Mozambique,
      Katharine Broadbent, David Barlass, Deepak Rathee, and Sugandha Tewari

Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Ramp Systems: Implications for "Sweet-Spot" Prediction in the Vaca Muerta Unconventional Resource Play,
      Alexander D. Bromhead

2-D to 3-D Fracture Network Detection and Forecasting in a Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Using Multiple Point Statistics (MPS),
      Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Nico Hardebol, Kevin Bisdom, Julien Straubhaar, Grégoire Mariethoz, and Giovanni Bertotti

Benguela Basin and the Prospectivity of Hyper-Extended Margins,
      Alex Bump, William Prendergast, Matthew Porter, and Andrew J. Witt

"Hot" Shales and Microfossils: Applications of Palynology in Palaeozoic Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Anthony Butcher, David Loydell


The Petroleum Prospectivity of the Apulian Carbonate Platform Margin and Key Tectonic and Stratigraphic Controls,
      Carlo Caldarelli, Raffaele Di Cuia, and Alberto Riva

Practical Knowledge Representation for Data Access to Subsurface Data: The Achievements and Potential of Optique Platform,
      David Cameron

Structural and Depositional Characteristics of Mesozoic Rift Section – Jeanne d'Arc to Flemish Cap Graben, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada,
      Deric E. Cameron, James Carter, and David McCallum

Benthic Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon Accident: A Worm's Eye View,
      Drew A. Carey, Joseph D. Germano, Kersey Sturdivant, and Daniel Doolittle

Petroleum Geochemistry of Hydrocarbons in Gadiaga Field, Senegal: A New Lower Jurassic Lacustrine Source Rock and Play Identified,
      Andrew D. Carr

The History of the Oil and Gas Exploration in Italy,
      Ferdinando F. Cazzini

Fracture Propagation During Fluid Injection Experiments and Indentation in Shale,
      Mike Chandler, Julian Mecklenburgh, Ernest H. Rutter, Anne-Laure Fauchille, Rochelle Taylor, and Peter D. Lee

Deciphering Phanerozoic km-Scale Vertical Movements in Morocco: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Post-Variscan Source-to-Sink Systems,
      Remi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Tim Luber, Angel Arantegui, and Jonathan Redfern

Planning and Preparation of a Viable Pore Pressure Prediction in a Wildcat High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) Exploration Well in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia,
      Avirup Chatterjee, Amitava Ghosh, Sanjeev Bordoloi, Robin Hutchins, and Anifadora Mustapha

Paleomagnetic Study of Mesozoic Sediments of the New Siberian Islands: Remagnetization Caused by Collision With Siberia?,
      Anna I. Chernova, Dmitry V. Metelkin, Valery A. Vernikovsky, and Nikolay Y. Matushkin

Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposits: Scales and Heterogeneities,
      Domenico Chiarella, Sergio G. Longhitano, and Marcello Tropeano

East African Rift Basins: A New Oil Province Heads Towards Production,
      Kevin Christopherson

The Senegal Discoveries and How Two New Plays Were Opened in North West Africa,
      John Clayburn

Structural Characterization of the Greater Geneva Basin (Switzerland and France) for Geothermal Ressource Exploration,
      Nicolas Clerc, Elme Rusillon, Luca Cardello, Andrea Moscariello, and Philippe Renard

Size Isn't Everything: Predicting Clastic Injectites at Stratigraphic Traps Using Appropriate Analogues,
      Sarah Cobain, David Hodgson, and Jeff Peakall

Architectural Analysis of Tectonically Influenced Shallow Water Mouth Bar Complexes, Lower Cretaceous Maestrat Basin, Spain: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling,
      Grant Cole, Matthew Watkinson, Rhodri Jerrett, and Mark Anderson

Ayoluengo: The Only Oil Field Onshore Spain,
      Jorge Navarro Comet

Probabilistic Seismic Reservoir Characterization,
      Patrick Connolly

Hanna and Her Sisters: Structural Inheritance in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska,
      Christopher D. Connors and David W. Houseknecht

Structural Style and Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Foothills of British Columbia, Canada,
      Mark Cooper

Petroleum Systems in the Geneva Basin: Insights From Basin Modeling,
      Damien Do Couto and Andrea Moscariello

Structure and Depositional Systems in the Northern Barents Sea,
      Leanne Cowie and Jan Inge Faleide

Slip Sliding Away: Enigma of Large Sandy Rafts Within a Gas Bearing Mass Transport Complex Offshore North West Greenland,
      David Cox, Mads Huuse, Paul Gannon, and John Clayburn

Zohr Giant Gas Discovery – A Paradigm Shift in Nile Delta and East Mediterranean Exploration,
      Andrea Cozzi

Timing and Possible Mechanisms of Tilting of the Barrow Arch, Arctic Alaska, Revealed by Low-Temperature Thermochronology,
      William H. Craddock, David W. Houseknecht, and Paul B. O'Sullivan

Stratigraphic Evolution of a Cretaceous Mixed (Turbidite-Contourite) System: The Polonio Drift System (PDS), Uruguay,
      Adam Creaser, Fransisco Javier Hernandez-Molina, Philip Thompson, Gianluca Badalini, Matias Soto, and Bruno Conti

Regional Paleo-Drainage and Stratigraphic Hydrocarbon Trap Potential From 3-D Onshore Seismic, Llanos Basin (Colombia),
      Javier García Criado, Victor Nuñez, Ignacio Iregui, Ivan Becerra, and Jorge Navarro Comet

Frontal Splay Geometry, Distribution, Connectivity and Reservoir Characterization in a Mid-Slope Environment: The Jubilee Field, Offshore Ghana,
      Bryan T. Cronin, Kathryn Dawson, Ruud Visser, Sue Corrigan, and Emilie Deloof-Leguevacques

Seismic Forward Modeling of Fluid Escape Pipes Based on Novel PSDM Method,
      Zhihua Cui, Isabelle Lecomte, and David Iacopini

Early Mesozoic Sinistral Transpression Along the Pai-Khoi – Novaya Zemlya Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Russia,
      Michael Curtis, Berta Lopez-Mir, James Howard, and Gloria Heilbronn


Basin Modeling in Marginal Basins of the Norwegian Southern North Sea: Post-Mortem Studies of Selected Wells and Areas,
      Birger Dahl and Ivar Meisingset

Unlocking the Precipitation Temperature of Carbonate Cements in Clastic Sediments Using Clumped Isotope Geochemistry,
      Annabel Dale, Cedric M. John, P C. Smalley, and Ann Muggeridge

Machine Learning and Property Modeling,
      Colin Daly

Fractured Reality: Lateral Variations in Fractured Shales at Outcrop, Application for Subsurface Analogues,
      Susie Daniels, Jonathan Imber, Richard Jones, Maxwell Wilkinson, Jonathan J. Long, David Oxlade, and Sebastien Gilment

Arctic Ocean Podvodnikov Basin Tectonics According to the Latest Seismic Data,
      L.A. Daragan-Suschova, Nikolay Sobolev, and Evgeniy Petrov

Architectural Characterization of Turbidite Frontal Splays of the Miocene of Adana Basin, Southern Turkey,
      Daniel Bayer da Silva, Bryan T. Cronin, and Benjamin Kneller

Deciphering the Isotopic Code: A New, Online Technique for Measuring Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Shale Gas,
      Ruth J. Davey, Mark Sephton, and Craig Smalley

The Informed Prediction of Petroleum Systems Elements in Frontier Plays,
      Andy Davies, Benjamin Greselle, Stephen Hunter, Alan Haywood, and Fabian Kohlmann

Examining Exploration and Production Myths in the Zagros,
      Roger B. Davies and Mike Simmons

Shunted Raft Tectonics: Examples From Gabon and Mexico,
      Ian Davison

Seaward-Dipping Reflector Formation by Multiple Magma Chamber Inflation and Collapse Cycles and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Ian Davison

The Influence of Reverse-Reactivated Normal Faults on Fault Damage Zone Characteristics in Sandstones: A Case Study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin,
      Natalie Debenham, Simon Holford, Rosalind King, and David Healy

Confirming the Presence of a Working Petroleum System in the Eastern Black Sea Basin Using Sea Surface Slicks,
      Harry Dembicki and Jamshid J. Gharib

Integration of 3-D Outcrop Data Into Reservoir Models,
      Remy Deschamps, Julien Schmitz, Philippe Joseph, Brigitte Doligez, and Jean Marie Mengus

Proximal Volcaniclastic Reservoir in an Incipient Syn-Rift Basin: Geometry, Sedimentary Architecture and Petrography,
      Andrea Di Capua and Roberto Scasso

Revitalizing HC Prospectivity in the Bay of Biscay,
      Raffaele Di Cuia, Paolo Pace, Mara Marian, Raffaele Bitonte, and Alberto Riva

Contrasting Deformation Mechanisms Within Porous and Tight Carbonate Rocks: Insights From the Matera High (Southern Italy),
      Raffaele Di Cuia and Paolo Pace

Continent-Ocean Boundaries...The End of the Line?,
      Lucia Perez Diaz, Graeme Eagles, and Nicola Scarselli

Depth Through Time in the South Atlantic,
      Lucia Perez Diaz and Graeme Eagles

Accurate Identification and Delineation of Structured Benthic Communities (Cold Seeps) Using Double Coverage Acoustic Backscatter, With Water Column Data and Piston Coring,
      Adrian J. Digby, Kelley Brumley, Vladimir Puentes, and Jorge Leon

Integrating Multibeam Data in the Structural 2-D Seismic Interpretation Workflow: Examples From the Mexican Gulf of Mexico,
      Roel Dirkx, Kevin Goldsmith, Jennifer Halliday, and Cian O'Reilly

Multi-Scale Heterogeneity Within Deep-Lacustrine, Partially-Confined, Slope-Apron Turbidite Fans: Examples From the Early Cretaceous, North Falkland Basin,
      Thomas J. Dodd, Dave McCarthy, and Phil C. Richards

Photographic Evidence of the True Extent and Duration of Impacts to the Seafloor and Surrounding Seep-Related Benthic Community Shortly After the Deepwater Horizon Accident,
      Daniel Doolittle, Joseph D. Germano, Drew A. Carey, and Kersey Sturdivant

Outcrop Analogues in the Western Iberian Margin, Northeast Atlantic,
      Rui Pena dos Reis and Nuno Pimentel

A Super-Regional Study of Canadian & European Conjugate Margin Petroleum Systems,
      Paul Doubleday

The East Siberian Arctic Shelf: A Tectonic Synthesis,
      Sergey Drachev, Sergey Shkarubo, Stan Mazur, Simon Campbell, and Christopher Green

Pore Pressure in Jurassic and Cretaceous of Kuwait: Concepts, Basin Modeling and Prediction,
      Matthieu Dubille, Gaelle Maury, Romain Baillet, Nolwenn Guyomar, Olivier Vidal, Thibaud Pichot, Salem Abdullah Abdul Karim Al-Ali, Awatif Al-Khamiss, and Nicolas Hawie

Rank Reduction Processing of 3-D Prestack Seismic Data for the Geomechanical Inversion of an Unconventional Reservoir and its Caprock, Moncton Basin, Canada,
      Mathieu J. Duchesne, Gilles Bellefleur, Nicolas Pinet, and Virgina I. Brake

Pore Pressure Prediction From Seismic Velocities: A Novel Approach Based on Skempton and Biot Theories,
      Bastien Dupuy, Mohamed A. Romdhane, and Ane E. Lothe

Jurassic Carbonate Platforms Along the Agadir-Essaouira Basin, Morocco: An Outcrop Analogue for Central Atlantic Margin Carbonate Systems,
      Aude Duval-Arnould, Stefan Schroeder, Jonathan Redfern, and Luc Bulot


Redefining Jurassic and Triassic Play Fairway Limits on the Ashmore High Using Depth Migrated, Broadband 3-D Seismic Data,
      David Eastwell, Julian Mather, and Karyna Rodriguez

Groundbreakers: Re-living Some Great Moments in Petroleum Geoscience,
      Henry Edmundson

Enhancing SAR Seep Interpretation With Broadband Seismic Data: A Case Study From the Timor Trough,
      Rowan Edwards, Marcus Sanderson, Pedro Martinez Duran, Gregor Duval, and Mike King

Source-to-Sink Study of the Southwestern Barents Sea Margin: Using Ancient Catchments to Constrain Reservoir-Quality Sandstone,
      Christian Eide, Tore Klausen, Denis Katkov, Anna A. Suslova, and William Helland-Hansen

Salt Tectonics in the Petrel Basin, Australia,
      Christopher F. Elders, Caroline Clugston, Nesbert Nyama, Kairui Ye, and Yu Yuan

Bowland Shale Paleoredox: Implications for Prospectivity,
      Joe Emmings, Sarah Davies, Mike Stephenson, Chris Vane, Melanie Leng, and Simon Poulton

A New Framework for Predicting and Evaluating Sweet Spots in United Kingdom Onshore Continuous Resource Plays,
      Mark A. Enfield, Matthew Watkinson, and Tom Henderson

Burial History Modeling and Reservoir Quality in Exhumed Basins: Insights From the Illizi Basin, Algeria,
      Kara L. English, Joseph M. English, Jonathan Redfern, Cathy Hollis, Robert Lander, Linda Bonnell, Dermot Corcoran, and Rachida Yahia Cherif

Basement Composition and Pre-Mesozoic Sedimentary Succession of Northern Barents Sea Revealed by New Data on Franz Josef Land Jurassic Conglomerates,
      Victoria Ershova, Ruslana Belyakova, Andrei Prokopiev, Andrei Khudoley, Jan Inge Faleide, Carmen Gaina, Nikolay Sobolev, and Eugeniy Petrov

Automated Quantitative Outcrop Analysis (AQOA) – An Optimized Workflow for Efficiency in Integration and Knowledge Transfer From Surface to Sub-Surface,
      Marie Etchebes, Aicha Bounaim, Trond Brenna, Salvador Bayarri, and Paul Tapponnier

The Montney Play of Western Canada: Deposition to Development,
      Tristan Euzen, Thomas F. Moslow, and Mark Caplan

Origin and Evolution of Salt Structures in the Kwanza Basin, Offshore Angola,
      Sian L. Evans and Chris A. Jackson


Nodal Inversion: An Optimization Algorithm to Reduce the Run Time During the Seismic Inversion,
      Reza Falahat and Sean McQuaid

Using Modern Multibeam Echosounder and 3-D Seismic Data to Unlock the Petroleum System in Frontier Exploration; A Case Study in Offshore Western Black Sea,
      Mohammad Fallah, Garrett A. Mitchell, Jamshid J. Gharib, Eric Cauquil, Gabor C. Tari, and Thomas Eder

Deep-Water Exploration and Production: Global Update Highlights a Major Transformation in the Last Decade,
      James Faroppa and Henry S. Pettingill

Assessment of Passive Margin Clastic Shelf Targets in the South Falkland Basin Through the Integrated Application of Geological, Geophysical and Rock-Physics Modeling,
      Bruce J. Farrer

Synchrotron Quantification of 4-D Subcritical Fracture Growth During Double Torsion Experiments,
      Anne-Laure Fauchille, Mike Chandler, Ho Kyeom Kim, Mahmoud Mostafavi, Stephen Hedan, Ernest Rutter, Lin Ma, Julian Mecklenburgh, and Peter D. Lee

Microfacies Variability of the Basinal Bowland Shale, United Kingdom,
      Anne-Laure Fauchille, Lin Ma, Mike Chandler, Ernest Rutter, Peter D. Lee, and Kevin Taylor

Near Field Potential in the North Sea Viking Graben – Derisking Injectites Using Broadband Dual-Sensor Seismic Data,
      Laurent Olivier Feuilleaubois, Noemie Pernin, Valerie Charoing, and Cyrille Reiser

Object-Based Modeling of Wara Formation (Middle Cretaceous) in Greater Burgan Field (Kuwait): An Innovative Approach for a Better Reservoir Characterization,
      Jean Michel Filak, Reham Al-Houti, Laila Dashti, Deryck Bond, Merlon Banagale, Barbara Luneau, and David Molinari

What Lies Beneath? Insights From a New Regional Seismic Survey Across Somaliland's Onshore Basins,
      John Fisher, Mike Adams, and Bozkurt Ciftci

Investigating the Impact of the Hornsund High on Triassic Sedimentation on the Western Barents Shelf,
      Edward J. Fleming and Michael Flowerdew

The Link Between Sedimentary Provenance and Reservoir Quality in the Triassic of the Southwest Barents Shelf,
      Edward J. Fleming, Michael Flowerdew, Andrew Morton, Dirk Frei, Jenny Omma, Helen Smyth, and Stephen Daly

Salt Tectonics Within the Offshore Asturian Basin: North Iberian Margin,
      Matthew Fleming, Gonzalo Zamora, and Jorge Gallastegui

To What Extent Are the Favorable Reservoir Properties of the Jurassic of the Southwest Barents Shelf Controlled by Sedimentary Provenance?,
      Michael Flowerdew, Edward Fleming, Andrew Morton, Tore Klausen, Dirk Frei, Stephen Daly, and Helen Smyth

Sequential Vertical Gas Migration Through Multilayered Sequences Controlled by Central Conduits: Observations and Modeling,
      Martino Foschi, Christopher MacMinn, Luke T. Jenkins, and Joe Cartwright

Unconventional Oil Potential in the Weald Basin, Southern England,
      Al Fraser

Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Inshore Basins Along Scotland's West Coast,
      Laura-Jane C. Fyfe, Nick Schofield, John Howell, Adrian Hartley, and David Muirhead


Basin Modeling of the Porcupine Basin, Ireland,
      Damien Gagnevin, Peter Haughton, Patrick Shannon, and Lewis Whiting

Textural and Diagenetic Controls on Pore Systems in the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation,
      Ilaria Gaiani, Andrew C. Aplin, Chris H. Greenwell, Pablo Cubillas, and Ruarri J. Day-Stirrat

Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of Borehole Microseismic Reveals Weak Azimuthal Anisotropy Hidden Behind Strong VTI Fabric of the Lower Paleozoic Shales in Northern Poland,
      Wojciech Gajek, James V. Verdon, Michal Malinowski, and Jacek Trojanowski

Basin-Scale Characterization and Modeling of Syn-Rift Non-Marine Microbial Carbonates of the Lower Purbeck Limestone Group (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous), Dorset, Southern England (United Kingdom),
      Arnaud Gallois, Estanislao Kozlowski, Dan Bosence, and Peter Burgess

Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of a Tight Sandstone Reservoir in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China,
      Yi Gao, Zaixing Jiang, and Xiangxin Kong

History of Petroleum Exploration in China,
      Jianrong Gao

Alternative Source Rocks on the Norwegian Continental Shelf: Potential Cretaceous Sourcing in Deepwater Basins,
      Laura H. Garner, Paul Farrimond, and Marianne Nuzzo

Lithochemical and Petrographic Analyzes of Bazhenov Black Shales (Western Siberia, Russia),
      Alexander Gavrilov and Marina Tugarova

Towards Better Characterization of Air Emissions From Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Operations: Implications for Future Regulatory Regimes,
      Mark Gibbs

Salt Shoulders,
      Katherine A. Giles, Mark G. Rowan, Richard Langford, Josh McFarland, and Thomas Hearon

The Petroleum Potential of the Offshore Sirt Basin, Libya, Defined Using New, Mega-Regional Seismic Data,
      Elisabeth C. Gillbard, Ken G. McDermott, Brian W. Horn, Don Hallett, and Danny Clarke-Lowes

The Role and Value of an Integrated but Sedimentology-Led Approach to Creating New Value in Mature Basins – Lessons From a North Sea Discovery Around Basement Highs,
      Gideon Giwa and Tom Pakenham-Walsh

Fluid Flow Modeling in Various Clay Textures,
      Asefeh Golreihan and Rudy Swennen

Seismic Interpretation Validation at Deep-Water Rifted Margins Using Structural-Stratigraphic Modeling,
      Júlia Gómez-Romeu, Nick J. Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, and Alan M. Roberts

Benchmarking Exploration Predictions and Performance Using 20+ Years of Drilling Results: One Company's Experience,
      Frank Goulding and Kurt Rudolph

Modeling Deep-Water Lobe Systems Using Process-Derived Concepts and NURBS Surfaces,
      Gavin H. Graham

Organization of African Intra-Plate Tectonics,
      James W. Granath and William Dickson

Cause and Effect of Supra-Salt Decoupling on Mesozoic Graben Formation in the United Kingdom Southern North Sea,
      Ross J. Grant, John R. Underhill, Rachel J. Jamieson, Jaume Hernandez Casado, and Ryan M. Williams

Deep-Water Sequences in Static and Dynamic Basin Margin Accommodation,
      Martin Grecula, Liam Clarke, Andy Mayfield, and Thomas Heard

Baffin Bay Elusive Plays: Geological Surprises of an Arctic Exploration Campaign,
      Martin Grecula, Stephanie Wadsworth, Dominic Maloney, Hermann Lauferts, Graham Cooke, Adrian Jones, and Snezana Stevanovic

Regional Reservoir Quality Trends in Mesozoic Sandstone Reservoirs of the North Atlantic Margin Basins of Eastern Canada and South-Western Ireland,
      Simon F. Greenfield

The Jurassic Shales of Southern England: Similarities, Differences and Oil In-Place Resource Estimation,
      Erica Greenhalgh, Ian Andrews, Toni Harvey, and Mark Quint

New Insights Into the Dangerous Grounds Microcontinent, Malaysia,
      Jennifer Greenhalgh, Jo McArdle, and Tad Choi

Access Westralia: New Insights Into the Westralian SuperBasin of the Australian North West Shelf,
      Jennifer Greenhalgh, Barrett Cameron, Tom Paten, Dushyan Rajeswaran, and Marcin Przywara

Seismic Stratigraphy and Development of Large Basins and Structures Offshore Southern West Greenland,
      Ulrik Gregersen

Relative Impedance Inversion of Seismic Traces by Means of Complex Trace Attributes,
      Kurt Grubbe and Sean McQuaid

Seismic Geomechanics Around a Mud Volcano in the Offshore Nile Delta,
      Rashad Gulmammadov, Stephen Covey-Crump, and Mads Huuse

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Centaur 3-D Survey, Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia,
      Sasha Gumprecht, Ken McClay, and Nicola Scarselli

Unraveling Gunung Botak Sandstones: An Implication for Triassic to Jurassic Reservoir Characterization of the Bird's Head Area, West Papua, Indonesia,
      Indra Gunawan, Agung Shirly, and Wendy Kurniawan

Structural Model of the Lough Allen Basin: Implications for Shale Gas Exploration and Production,
      Jiulin Guo and John Walsh

Cold Water Travertine Shrubs: Implications for Pre-Salt Shrubs in the South Atlantic,
      Li Guo, Robert Riding, and Aurélien Virgone

Paired Clumped Isotopes and Radiogenic Isotopes to Reconstruct the Thermal History of Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case Study From the Cretaceous Carbonates of Resolution Guyot, ODP Leg 143/144,
      Maria Gusarevich, Cedric M. John, Randall Parrish, and Dylan Rood


Source Potential and Reservoir Fabric of the Cambay Shale, Cambay Basin: A Potential Tight Gas/Tight Oil Resource for India,
      Mateen Hafiz, Naveen Hakhoo, Ghulam M. Bhat, Bindra Thusu, Jonathan Craig, Waquar Ahmed, and Sudeep Kanungo

Coupling Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering Perspectives in Optimization of Completions and Well Spacing: A Case Study From a Jurassic Unconventional Play in Saudi Arabia,
      Ahmed M. Hakami and Clay Kurison

Crustal Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Perth Basin, Australia,
      Lisa S. Previous HitHallNext Hit, Guillaume Sanchez, Irina Borissova, Lynn Pryer, Chris Southby, Zhiqun Shi, and Ron Hackney

Petroleum Prospectivity of the Houtman Sub-Basin, Offshore Perth Basin, Australia,
      Lisa S. Previous HitHallNext Hit, Irina Borissova, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Chris Southby, Ryan Owens, George Bernardel, and Cameron Mitchell

Deep Learning in Integrated Geophysical and Geological Reservoir Models Using Structured and Unstructured Data,
      Kamal Hami-Eddine

Integration of High Resolution Gravity and Seismic Data Interpretation Techniques for Onshore Frontier Hydrocarbon Exploration: Examples From the East African Rift,
      Cameron Hamilton, Katja Hirsch, Scott N. Thackrey, Chris Gunn, and Michael Hertle

Investigating the Controls of Salt Movement Using Finite Element Modeling,
      James Hamilton-Wright, Stephen Dee, Christina Von Nicolai, and Howard D. Johnson

Modeling of Fault and Fold Systems in 3-Dimensions: Insights Into Fault/Fold Initiation, Growth and Linkages,
      James Hammerstein and Ken McClay

Arctic Survey Expedition: Iqaluit to Resolute July – August, 2017; Identifying Locations for ULF Receiver Stations,
      Ian J. Hanlon

Why Re-Os Geochronology Works for Oils – Experimental Evidence,
      Judith Hannah, Jenna M. DiMarzio, Nicole C. Hurtig, and Holly J. Stein

Turbidite Systems Offshore Morondava Basin, Madagascar: Implications for Deepwater Exploration,
      Katie Hannke, Gordon Wilmot, and Gabor C. Tari

Fracture Network Topology and Characterization of Structural Permeability,
      Rowan Hansberry, Rosalind King, and Simon Holford

Process Based Modeling: Recent Studies and Their Implications for Deep-Water Reservoir Modeling,
      Ernst W. Hansen, Riccardo Basani, Age Vellinga, and Trond Høye

De-Risking Source Presence in Frontier Basins by Combining Sea Surface Slicks and Seismic Cross Sections,
      Phillip J. Hargreaves

"Tales of an Ex-Elf" – Career Paths for a Petroleum Geologist,
      Stuart Harker

Seaward Dipping Reflector Composition of the Pelotas Magma-Rich Rifted Continental Margin,
      Caroline Harkin, Nick J. Kusznir, Alan M. Roberts, Gianreto Manatschal, and Ken G. McDermott

Field Testing a Deep Penetrating Radar System,
      Paul Harness, David Barnes, Colin Stove, and Gordon Stove

A Large Unconventional Gas Condensate Discovery in the Ordovician Tight Sands of Central Saudi Arabia,
      Jay E. Harrington and Robert H. Richards

North Atlantic Regional Geohistory and Crustal Modeling for the Vøring and Møre Margin: Constraints on Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction and the Predictive Mapping of Source and Reservoir Rocks,
      Jim P. Harris, Andy D. Alvey, Alexandra Ashley, Lars Schanke Eikum, Ian L. Ferriday, Christopher Gilman, Elias Kassabji, Nick J. Kusznir, Stephen More, Sean Pyman, Alan M. Roberts, Marta Swierczek, Anna K. Uffmann, Paul Valdes, and John Watson

Mopping up the Shale Mess: Integrated Mudstone Depositional Systems: An Example From the Cenomanian-Turonian Western Interior Seaway,
      Bruce Hart

Pennsylvanian Ross Sandstone Deep-Water Fans Sliced and Diced,
      Peter Haughton, Colm Pierce, Arnau Obradors Latre, Patrick Shannon, Anthea Lacchia, Andrew Pulham, John Howell, Simon Barker, and Ole Martinsen

Predicting Intra-Slope Submarine Fan Architectures Using High Resolution Forward Stratigraphic Models,
      Nicolas Hawie and Jacob Covault

The Early Silurian Qusaiba Member as an Unconventional Gas Play in Northern Saudi Arabia: Evidence for Hydrothermal Alteration,
      Shaun Hayton, Hartmut Jaeger, Leroy Ellis, Craig Harran, Maher Elasmar, Pan Luo, Kaya Ertug, and Marco Vecoli

Controls on the Spatial Distribution of Paleocene Deep-Water Systems in the Central Graben of the North Sea,
      Thomas Heard, Efthymios Tripsanas, David Hinds, David Owen, and Sarah Heal

A Source-to-Sink Study of the Neogene Sediment Fluxes in the Niger Delta,
      Anthony C. Henshaw, Lidia Lonergan, Alex Whittaker, and Gareth G. Roberts

The Diverse Turbidite Reservoirs of the West Nile Delta Gas Development Project,
      Jonathan M. Henton, Paul D. Woodman, Ajay Chauhan, and Mohamed Zahran

3-D Seismic Interpretation of the Red Wing Creek Meteorite Impact Field, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota; Updated Drilling Results,
      Ben Herber, Paul Weimer, Renaud Bouroullec, Roger Barton, and Dan Behringer

Deriving Relationships Between Diapir Spacing and Salt Layer Thickness,
      Karina Hernandez, Neil Mitchell, and Mads Huuse

North Celtic Sea Basin, Offshore Ireland; New Opportunities in a Mature Basin,
      Katie Hernon, Kara L. English, Michael Hanrahan, and Clare Morgan

Geologic Origin of the Mari Mound Complex From Sediment Injection, Deep-Water Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea,
      Stephen Heron, Paul Weimer, Henry Pettingill, Andrew Hurst, Renaud Bouroullec, and Geoffrey Dorn

Changes in Sediment Provenance, Sandstone Composition and Reservoir Quality Through Time: An Example From Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
      Karen E. Higgs and Peter R. King

A Globally Consistent Cenozoic Plate Tectonic Model for Southeast Asia: Insights From Regional Tectonostratigraphy and Implications for Future Exploration,
      Jamie Higton

Structural Modeling in the Kirthar Fold Belt of Pakistan: From Seismic to Regional Scale,
      Ralph Hinsch, Chloé Asmar, Peter Hagedorn, Muhammad Nasim, Muhammad Aamir Rasheed, Noah Stevens, Bernhard Bretis, and James M. Kiely

Megaslides, Source Rocks, and Mantle Convection,
      Neil Hodgson and Karyna Rodriguez

Cracked and Full of Sand: Insights Into How Fractures Enable Ingress of Oil Into Crystalline Basement Reservoirs,
      Robert Holdsworth, Eddie Dempsey, Nick Roberts, and Kenneth McCaffrey

Controls on Syn- and Post-Breakup Igneous Activity at the Magma-Poor Rifted Southern Australian Margin,
      Simon Holford, Nick Schofield, Peter Reynolds, and Fun Meeuws

Hydrothermal Processes and Reservoir Quality in Carbonate Reservoirs: Good, Bad or Ugly?,
      Cathy Hollis

Fast Shear Azimuths in the Marcellus Shale From VSP and Dipole Sonic Data,
      Stephen A. Horne and David Rampton

Paleogeographic and Paleoclimatic Perspectives on the Distribution of Lower Jurassic Source Rocks in the North Sea,
      Alexander J. Houben, Susanne Nelskamp, Tanya Goldberg, and Roel Verreussel

A Stable Carbon Isotope Curve for the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous: A New Chemostratigraphic Standard for Regional Correlation,
      Alexander J. Houben, Roel Verreussel, and Nico Janssen

Petroleum Systems Framework of Significant New Oil Discoveries in Arctic Alaska,
      David W. Houseknecht

Quantifying Uncertainties Around Net Rock Volume: Application of Analogue Informed Facies Models,
      Alwin ten Hove, Sarah Cobain, Ben Meyer, Luca Colombera, and Nigel P. Mountney

The Timing and Characteristics of Source Rock Intervals in the Late Cretaceous Kanguk Formation, Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands,
      Peter Hülse, Andrew Gize, Jens Herrle, Michael A. Pointon, Simon Schneider, and Simon R. Kelly

Bed-Scale Clay Distribution in Deep-Water Sandstones and the Implications for Reservoir Quality,
      Arif Hussain, Peter Haughton, Arnau Obradors Latre, Patrick Shannon, Jonathan Turner, Colm Pierce, Ole Martinsen, and Simon Barker

Fractured Granite Reservoir Characteristics in Eastern Edge of Cuu Long Basin, Offshore Vietnam,
      Tran N. Huy, Nguyen D. Chuc, Vu V. Hung, Nguyen V. Thang, Nguyen X. Kha, Truong T. Anh, Tran V. Lam, Nguyen M. Tuan, Nguyen X. Vinh, and Hoang V. Bach


Quantitative Interpretation on Presalt Carbonate Reservoir From Deepwater Offshore Angola,
      Chyril Anwwar Ibrahim and Trisakti Kurniawan

Early Cretaceous Carbonate Build-Up Plays, Offshore Namibia and South Africa Margin,
      Anongporn Intawong, Paolo Esestime, Neil Hodgson, and Karyna Rodriguez

Oligocene Unconformity and Depositional Model Update: Application for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, Llanos Basin, Colombia,
      Ignacio Iregui, Alexis Medina, Ivan Becerra, Martin Morales, and Diana Quinche

An Extended Continuum From Magma-Poor to Magma-Rich Margins: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Mark T. Ireland and Michael A. Cottam

The U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons From the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Deposits of North-West Russia: The Timanian Orogen Signature,
      Anna Ivleva, Victoria Ershova, Victor Podkovyrov, Andrei Khudoley, and Natalya Vdovina


Geology of the 5/22-1 (Errigal) Exploration Borehole, North East Rockall Basin, Offshore Western Ireland: The Role of North Atlantic Break-Up Magmatism on Petroleum System Development,
      Chris A. Jackson, Craig Magee, and Carl Jacquemyn

Recognizing and Rewarding Excellence Without Blinkers; A Close-to-Home Case Study,
      Chris A. Jackson

Mining the Diamond: Next Step in the Safety Journey,
      Jay Jackson

My Geology is Too Complex for My Grid: Grid-Free Geological Modeling Using NURBS Surfaces,
      Carl Jacquemyn, Yulia Melnikova, Pablo Salinas, Gary Hampson, and Matthew D. Jackson

Impact of Different Basin Settings on Unconventional Shale Play Development – Upper Alum Shale vs. Bowland Shale (Carboniferous, Germany, United Kingdom),
      Hartmut Jaeger

Effective Delivery of Reservoir Compliant Seismic Data Processing,
      Arash Jafargandomi, Celine Lacombe, Vimol Souvannavong, and Henning Hoeber

On the Path to a Commercial Unconventional Play in Argentina: De-Risking of the Vaca Muerta Resource Play, Neuquen Basin,
      Vivek Jain, Ed Kruijs, and Mark Thomas

Burial and Exhumation History of the Labrador-Newfoundland Margin and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Peter Japsen, Paul F. Green, Johan M. Bonow, Derek H. Wilton, and Alana M. Hinchey

Unconventional Tight Oil Content and Quality of the Upper Jurassic, Onshore Tampico-Misantla Basin, Mexico,
      Daniel M. Jarvie

The Potential of Stratigraphic Traps for the Arabian Plate,
      Thomas Jewell and Roger B. Davies

Analytical Velocity Modeling for Offshore East Coast of India: An Approach Using VSP Time-Depth Dataset,
      Nidhi Jindal, Anup K. Shahi, and Kumar Hemant Singh

Quantification and Monitoring of Fluid Phase Behaviour and Trapping in Geological Carbon Sequestration Sites,
      Caroline V. Jones, Claudio Madonna, Geoffrey Maitland, Ronny Pini, and Martin Trusler

Effective Appraisal of a Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir in North Oman,
      Ed Jones, Sarah Buchanan, Stuart Long, Johana Uribe, Ian Pigram, Badar Al Mamari, Phil Shell, Dave Spain, and Sarah Murray

High-Density Surveillance in a Supergiant Field: Integrating Clastic Sedimentology With Dynamic Data in a Mature Waterflood,
      Emma Jude, Martin Wells, Richard Brown, and David Camplin


Estimation of Methane From Kerala-Konkan Onshore Peatlands of West Coast India by Ground Penetrating Radar Method,
      Devi K and Rajesh R. Nair

Integrated Petroleum System Study of Dnieper-Donets Basin: What is the Depth Limit of Future Discoveries?,
      Ivan Karpenko

Understanding the Evolution of Southern and Central Somalia Offshore Basins and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Hannah Kearns, Neil Hodgson, and Karyna Rodriguez

Insights Into Polygonal Fault System Termination From Detailed Upper Fault Tip Analysis,
      James J. King, Joe Cartwright, and Bruce Levell

Wedge Geometry and Detachment Strength in Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belts,
      Rosalind King and Christopher Morley

Is There Petroleum in the Olga Basin? New Information From Deep Seismic and Geochemistry Data,
      Peter Klitzke, Philipp Weniger, Rüdiger Lutz, Martin Blumenberg, Dieter Franke, Kai Berglar, and Axel Ehrhardt

The Value of Integrated Analogues in Deepwater Systems: Examples From Slope Channels,
      Benjamin Kneller, Nisha Nair, Ramon Lopez Jimenez, and Guilherme Bozetti

Unlocking Nigeria's Deep Prospects: PVT Phase Prediction and V2V Implication Using a High-Resolution Basin Analysis Workflow,
      Sadat Kolonic, Karin Warners, Ilya Ostanin, Ronnie Schwede, Lorcan Kennan, Nick Hogg Mascall, Mark Newall, and Olaf Podlaha

Improved Definition of Faults in the Groningen Field Using Seismic Attributes,
      Marloes Kortekaas, Bastiaan Jaarsma, and Barthold Schroot

The MSC Signature in Western Greece Offshore,
      Vasiliki Kosmidou, Georgios Makrodimitras, and Nick Papatheodorou

Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Exploration of a Multiply Overprinted Caledonian Continental Collision Zone in the German Baltic Sea,
      Jürgen Kraus, Cornelius Rott, and Alula Damte

Birth and Development of Oil and Gas Industry in the Northern Carpathians (Until 1939),
      Piotr Krzywiec

Permo-Triassic Evaporites of the Polish Basin and Their Bearing on the Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon System,
      Piotr Krzywiec, Tadeusz M. Peryt, Hubert Kiersnowski, Pawel Pomianowski, Grzegorz Czapowski, and Krzysztof Kwolek

Combined Seismic Attribute Analysis and Structural Restoration as Effective Tool for Prediction of Fault Geometry at Depth and Fracture System Modeling: Case Study From the Lublin Basin (South East Poland),
      Mateusz Kufrasa, Lukasz Slonka, and Piotr Krzywiec

Arctic Crustal Thickness, Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution, and Ocean-Continent Transition Structure From Gravity Inversion,
      Nick J. Kusznir, Andy D. Alvey, and Alan M. Roberts

Aptian Salt Palaeo-Bathymetry and Subsidence on the Northern Angolan Rifted Margin,
      Nick J. Kusznir, Leanne Cowie, Gianreto Manatschal, and Júlia Gómez-Romeu

South China Sea Crustal Thickness and Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution from Satellite Gravity Inversion,
      Nick J. Kusznir, Simon Gozzard, Andy D. Alvey, and Alan M. Roberts


Improving Mobile Seismic Crews HSSE Performance,
      Stephen K. LaFon

Applying Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Seismic Analysis to Gain Basin-Scale Insight: Evaluating Late Cretaceous Reservoir Potential on the West African Margin from Gabon to Angola,
      Sarah Laird, Karen Heyburn, Emily Rees, Emily Firth, Craig Koch, and Matthew Tyrrell

Exploration Potential in an Enigmatic Pre-Triassic Sub-Basin in the Norwegian-Danish Basin,
      Verena Lampart, Simon Baer, and Jens Beenfeldt

Carbonate Platform Seismo-Stratigraphy Along an Active "Passive Margin": The Middle – Late Jurassic Agadir Basin (Offshore Morocco),
      Alessandro Lanfranchi

3-D Characteristic of Shallow Mounds Supports Paleocene-Eocene Cold Seeps in the Ceduna Sub-Basin (Australia),
      Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andrew Ross, Peter Reynolds, Simon Holford, and Emanuelle Frery

Coupled 3-D stratigraphic and Fault Seal Modeling to Predict Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping in the Western Ceduna Sub-Basin, Australia,
      Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, and Andrew Ross

The Early to Middle Cenozoic Paleoenvironment and Erosion Estimates for the Northwestern Barents Sea,
      Amando Lasabuda, Jan Sverre Laberg, Stig-Morten Knutsen, and Polina Safronova

Deep-Water Hydrocarbon Seep Exploration: Underwater Chemical Sensors Come of Age,
      David Lavallee, Leslie Baksmaty, Benjamin King, Michael Whiticar, Jamshid J. Gharib, Ed Biegert, Gary Sharman, and Andrew Ross

Integrated Overburden Fluid and Geothermal Characterization Offshore Uruguay,
      Owain Lavis, Mads Huuse, and Philip Thompson

Upper Ordovician Reefs in the Hudson Bay Basin; Potential for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,
      Denis Lavoie, Ariane Castagner, Omid Haeri Ardakani, and André Desrochers

Iron Mineral Cementation in Shallow Marginal Marine Sandstone: Controls on Porosity Preservation by Chlorite Grain Coatings – A Case Study From Cook Formation, Knarr Field, North Sea,
      Auwalu Yola Lawan, Richard H. Worden, and James Churchill

Reduced Reservoir Description Uncertainty Through Combination of Multiple Uncertain Datasets: Chasing Smaller Infill Targets on a Mature Waterflood With a New Lease of Life,
      Ewan D. Laws, David Bishop, David J. Cox, Elizabeth Padmos, Joanna M. Reynolds, and Mary V. Ward

Using Phase Sequencing and Marine Vibrators for Residual Shot Noise Removal and Simultaneous-Source Separation,
      Robert Laws, David Halliday, Ali Özbek, and Jon Fredrik Hopperstad

Geostatistical 3-D Facies Modeling of a Carbonate Reservoir Outcrop Analogue Based on a New Pluri-Gaussian Approach,
      Thomas T. Le Blevec, Olivier Dubrule, Cedric M. John, and Gary Hampson

Using Field Analogue Data for Deterministic Subsurface Modeling of Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoirs in Incised Valley Settings (Carboniferous, Kentucky, USA),
      Aymeric Le Cotonnec, Andrea Moscariello, and Dario Ventra

Reducing Geologic Uncertainty Associated With Microseismicity Potential in Carbon Storage Projects,
      Hannes E. Leetaru, Robert Bauer, John H. McBride, and Jared Freiburg

Integration of Sedimentology, Seismic Geomorphology, and Analogues for Improved Facies Modeling of Fluvial-Tidal Reservoirs in the West Siberian Basin,
      Berit Legler, Sergey Lobachev, Yulia Protkova, Evgeny Mironov, and Nikolay Shadshnev

Heterogeneity of Lacustrine Shale and Its Implications – A Case Study of Zhangjiatan Shale in Ordos Basin, China,
      Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Likuan Zhang, Ming Cheng, Yuxi Yu, Lixia Zhang, Chenfu Jiang, and Chao Gao

Understanding the Controls on Clastic Sedimentation Using Forward Stratigraphic Modeling and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy,
      Mostfa Lejri, Hamechan Madhoo, Barbara Claussmann, Leigh Truelove, Jan Tveiten, Daniel Tetzlaff, and Per Salomonsen

Detailed Reservoir Characterization and Facies Distribution of Upper Badenian Channel-Levee-Overbank Systems: Implications for Exploration Work in Between Mature Fields of the Northern Vienna Basin, Austria,
      Linda Lerchbaumer, Wolfgang Siedl, and Philipp Strauss

Diversity in Central/Eastern Europe as Seen From Both the Inside and the Outside,
      Linda Lerchbaumer and Chloé Asmar

Internal Structures of Fault Zones and Their Relationship With Shallow Gas Migration and Accumulation in Sanhecun Sag, Jiyang Depression East China,
      Yuyuan Li, Ming Zha, Changhai Gao, Jiangxiu Qu, and Xiujian Ding

Favorable Play Fairways for Abu Gabra Formation in Mugald Basin, Republic of Sudan,
      Zhi Li, Shuwen Liu, Aixiang Liu, and Risheng Gao

Exploration Below the Thrust-Belt of the Eastern Alps: The Last Frontier in a Mature Basin,
      Hans-Gert Linzer, Ulrike Exner, and Gerhard Wiesmayr

Jurassic Sedimentary System Transition in Western Sichuan Foreland Basin and Its Evolution Model,
      Junlong Liu and Sun Wei

The Influence of Flow Efficiency and Degree of Confinement on the Architecture of Sheet-Like Turbidite Systems,
      Qun Liu, Benjamin Kneller, Claus Fallgatter, and Victoria Valdez

Shortening and Deformation Through Space and Time in the Deep-Water Niger Delta,
      Lidia Lonergan, Marco Pizzi, William Hamish Mitchell, Mike Mayall, and Alex Whittaker

Sedimentological Data From the Tanquary High: New Constraints for the Extensional History of the Sverdrup Basin and the North East Canadian Arctic,
      Berta Lopez-Mir, Peter Hülse, Simon Schneider

Modelling of Erosion and Uplift Effects on Water-Fluid Build-up, Fracturing and Leakage – Example From the Barents Sea,
      Ane E. Lothe, Stian Schjelderup, and Bjørn K. Bryn

Multi-Stage Rifting Evolution of the Colorado Basin, Offshore Argentina: Implications for Understanding the Mesozoic Breakup of South West Gondwana and the Evolution of the Passive Margins of the Southern South Atlantic,
      Juan Pablo Lovecchio, Sébastien Rohais, Víctor A. Ramos, Philippe Joseph, and Néstor Bolatti

The Effects of Deformation Bands on Uranium-Bearing Fluid Migration in Sedimentary Sequences, Flinders Ranges, South Australia,
      Drew C. Lubiniecki, Rosalind King, Simon Holford, Mark A. Bunch, Steve Hill, and Steve Hore

Inorganic Origin of CO2 and Its Indication for Sweet Spots in Tight Formations, North West Saudi Arabia,
      Pan Luo, Khaled Arouri, Peng Lu, and Feng Lu

Architectural Heterogeneities in Tight Reservoirs: A Case Study in the Lower Part of the Yanchang Formation in the West Ordos Basin, China,
      Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Yuhong Lei, Lixia Zhang, Yonghong He, Caizhi Hu, Likuan Zhang, and Ming Cheng

Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Olga Basin, Northern Barents Sea,
      Ruediger Lutz, Peter Klitzke, Philipp Weniger, Martin Blumenberg, Dieter Franke, Kai Berglar, and Lutz Reinhardt

The Value of Re-Processing Vintage Seismic Data: A Case Study From the Caspian Sea,
      Karen H. Lythgoe, Charles Cooper, Lee Saxton, Nazim Abdullayev, and Hasan Asgarov


Microbially Induced Dolomite Precipitation Associated With Evaporites in Hypersaline Lake: A Case Study From the Eocene Es4x Interval, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Benben Ma, Kenneth Eriksson, and Yancong Jia

Origin and Distribution of Carbonate Cements With Implications for Reservoir Quality in Tight Gas Sandstones, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
      Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao, and Kenneth Eriksson

Multi-Scale 3-D Quantification of Porosity and Organic Matter Variations in European and U.S. Shale Reservoirs,
      Lin Ma, Patrick Dowey, Anne-Laure Fauchille, Kevin Taylor, and Peter D. Lee

Multi-Scale, Multi-Dimensional Shale Imaging,
      Lin Ma, Patrick Dowey, Anne-Laure Fauchille, Mike Chandler, Kevin Taylor, and Peter D. Lee

Pore Type Characterization and Extraction of Effective Porosity With Digital Image Analysis: A Case Study From Miocene Lacustrine Carbonates (Southern Germany),
      Sven Maerz and Maria Mutti

Sill Emplacement and Forced Folding in the Canterbury Basin, Offshore South East New Zealand,
      Craig Magee, Jennifer Reeves, and Chris A. Jackson

Influence of Basin Architecture and Mechanical Stratigraphy on Structural Styles Within the Greater Juha Area of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea,
      Luke Mahoney, Kevin Hill, Sandra McLaren, and Amanda Hanani

Seismic Attributes for Differential Compaction Features in Fluvial Channel Complex and Reef Carbonate Buildups: Case Study From Malaysia Basins,
      Nur Bakti M. Makhatar

Evaluating the Petroleum Systems of the Southern Atlantic Conjugate Margins,
      Jean A. Malan, Emma Sutcliffe, Stan Mazur, David A. Sagi, and Peter Webb

Unravelling South Africa's Frontier Offshore Areas,
      Jean A. Malan, Emma Sutcliffe, Kaxia Gardner, Liz Hartley, and Peter Webb

The Virtuous Circle of Information Management in an Industry Focused on Efficiency,
      Glenn Mansfield and Dave Camden

3-D Multi-Scale Characterization of Fractured Carbonates in Field Analogues on the Maltese Islands: Workflow and Preliminary Results,
      Mattia Martinelli, Andrea Bistacchi, Silvia Mittempergher, Fabrizio Balsamo, Andrea Succo, Fabrizio Storti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Giovanni Bertotti, and Marco Meda

Developing a New Stratigraphic Forward Model to Understand and Predict Carbonate Platform Geometries and Facies Distribution in Syn-Rift Settings,
      Isabella Masiero, Peter Burgess, Cathy Hollis, Lucy Manifold, Rob Gawthorpe, Atle Rotevatn, and Irina Korneva

Minerals From Elements: A Reality Check,
      Eliza J. Mathia, Ken Ratcliffe, and Milly Wright

Reconstructing South West Gondwana: The India, Australia and Antarctica Jigsaw From the Permian to the Late Cretaceous,
      Wendy J. Matthews, Robert W. Wilson, Tim Bevan, Vincent Dykmans, Ian Stewart, and Steve Matthews

Structural Mapping in the Eastern Part of the Northern Norwegian Barents Sea,
      Rune Mattingsdal

Depositional Environment of the Oligocene and Miocene Rocks of the Bulgarian Black Sea Margin: A Comprehensive Model Based on Log, Seismic and Geochemical Data,
      Jan Mayer, Mohammad Fallah, and Gabor C. Tari

Jurassic – Early Cretaceous Reservoir and Seal Facies From the North Atlantic Margin Basins of Eastern Canada and South-Western Ireland,
      Anne McAfee, Alice Rooks, Joseph Whiting, Luisa Man

A Revised Distribution of Mesozoic Sediments and Its Implications on Play Type Elements and Interpreted Leads Within the Orphan Basin, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada,
      David McCallum, James Carter, Deric E. Cameron, and Victoria Mitchell

Syn-Rift and Post-Rift Petroleum Systems in the North Falkland Basin,
      Dave McCarthy, Darren Jones, Kirstin Johnson, and Thomas J. Dodd

Structural Traps in the South Falkland Basin,
      Dave McCarthy and Thomas J. Dodd

4-D Evolution of Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts in Accretionary Wedges,
      Ken McClay, James Hammerstein, and Nicola Scarselli

Seaward-Dipping Reflectors and the Mode of Extension: Implications for Magma-Influenced Continental Breakup,
      Carl McDermott, Jenny Collier, Lidia Lonergan, and Ken G. McDermott

The Crustal Structure and Petroleum Potential of the Conjugate Austral South Atlantic Margins: New Insights Into Break-Up Processes and the Tectonostratigraphy of Magma-Rich Rifted Margins,
      Ken G. McDermott, Elisabeth C. Gillbard, Carl McDermott, and Brian W. Horn

Offshore Deepwater Tanzania Exploration: Sequence Stratigraphy Enhances Reservoir De-Risking,
      Katie-Joe McDonough and Brian W. Horn

Cognitive Computing in Oil & Gas: How AI Technologies Will Change the Way We Work,
      Ulisses Mello

Dynamic Behavior of the MH1 Reservoir Interval in the Jubilee Field, Offshore Ghana: Monitoring and Interference Testing During Extended Shutdown Allowing Unique Study of Injector-Producer Connectivity in a Deep-Water Turbidite Frontal Splay Reservoir,
      Nesrine Menad, Waqar A. Bhatti, Ruud Visser, Albert Osei, Kathryn Dawson, Bryan T. Cronin, Ingrid Demaerschalk, Emilie Deloof, Peter Burgess, and Elizabeth Loudon

Marlim R3D: A Realistic Model for mCSEM Simulations: Phase I – Model Building,
      Paulo T. Menezes and Bruno R. Carvalho

3-D Characterization and Volcanic Eruption Phases of Volcanic Rocks in Southern Songliao Basin,
      Fulin Meng, Wanzhong Shi, Litao Xu, and Chuang Wu

Early Paleozoic Drift Kinematics of the New Siberian Islands Terrane: Two Possibilities From Paleomagnetic Data,
      Dmitry V. Metelkin, Nikolay Y. Matushkin, Anna I. Chernova, and Valery A. Vernikovsky

The Tectonic Unity and Boundaries of the New Siberian Islands Terrane (Eastern Arctic) Based on Geological and Paleomagnetic Data,
      Dmitry V. Metelkin, Nikolay Y. Matushkin, Valery A. Vernikovsky, Anna I. Chernova

Variations of Sediment Flux and Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy and Sediment Routing Systems: Wasia Formation, Eastern Saudi Arabia,
      Nikolaos A. Michael

Modeling the Transmissibility of Faults in Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Emma Michie, Graham Yielding, and Quentin Fisher

Revised Genetic Diagrams for Natural Gases Based on a Global Dataset of 15,000+ Gas Samples,
      Alexei V. Milkov, Giuseppe Etiope, Owen A. Sherwood, and Stefan Schwietzke

Hydrothermal Brine Transport Near Basin/Fractured-Basement Interfaces,
      Julian E. Mindel and Thomas Driesner

Quantifying the Relationship Between Structural Growth Rate and the Morphology of Submarine Channels and Reservoir Facies From Shelf-Edge to Deep Water: Case Studies From the Niger Delta System,
      William Hamish Mitchell, Alex Whittaker, Lidia Lonergan, and Mike Mayall

Meeting the Challenges of Extended Reach Drilling Wells via an Integrated Geomechanics Solution,
      Farid Mohamed, Nick Lagrilliere, and Monzurul Alam

Enhancing Spectral Decomposition to Delineates Subtle Channels – A Case Study From Offshore Nile Delta,
      Islam A. Mohamed, Ahmed S. Abdel-Rahman, Amr E. Khalafalah, and Abdul-Rahman Ali Mohamed

Broadband Data: How Changes in Seismic Techniques Have Changed Geologic Interpretation,
      David J. Monk and Marnix Vermaas

Predicting Fluid Phase in a Complex Setting, Yenisei Khatanga Basin, West Siberia, Russia: Is There a Big Oil Prize in This Under-Explored Basin?,
      Felipe Rodriguez Monreal, Yulia Kolosova, Herbert Volk, and Jeffrey Winterbourne

Application of a Training-Image Library to Reservoir Modeling Using Multi-Point Statistics Based on Quantitative Fluvial Facies Characterization,
      Jose M. Montero, Nigel P. Mountney, Luca Colombera, Na Yan, and Alessandro Comunian

The Power of Scientific Ocean Drilling Data in Frontier Exploration,
      Sally Morgan

The Search for Onshore Oil in the United Kingdom,
      Michael Q. Morton

Eocene – Oligocene Source Rock Organic Geochemistry, Micro-Facies, and Basin Connectivity in Paratethys,
      Michael T. Morton, Sarah Davies, Stephen J. Vincent, Rachel Flecker, Wout Krijgsman, and Reinhard Sachsenhofer

Reservoir Facies and Characteristics of the Montney Formation Resource Play in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
      Thomas F. Moslow, Matthew G. Adams, Alessandro Terzuoli, and Beth Haverslew

Challenges in Fluvial Reservoir Geology,
      Nigel P. Mountney, Luca Colombera, Na Yan, and William D. McCaffrey

Igneous Intrusions and the Generation of Hydrocarbons,
      David Muirhead, Marcus Duffy, Niall Mark, Nick Schofield, and Mathew Rowe

Brittleness Prediction From Seismic Data – A Case Study From the Lower Paleozoic Shales in Northern Poland,
      Marta Mulinska, Michal Malinowski, and Marta M. Cyz

Boom and Bust: The Deepwater Cretaceous Plays of the Mid-Atlantic Margins,
      Peter R. Mullin, Francis Inniss, Leslie Stephen, and Robert Erlich

Reservoir Layering Controlled by the Taphonomy and Taphofacies of Coquinas From the Early Aptian Campos Basin, Brazil,
      Moises C. Muniz and Dan Bosence

Laboratory Sands and Natural Siliciclastic Sandstones; Implications for the Behaviour of Reservoirs,
      Amanda Murphy, Kenichi Soga, and Koji Yamamoto

Analogue Play Statistics for Improved Pre-Drill Risking,
      Keith Myers, Jamie Collard, and Robert Stevens


Recent Developments in the Use of Big Data, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Upstream E&P,
      Susan S. Nash

Assessing the Impact of Intermediate Storage on Sandstones in a Passive Margin Basin,
      Martin Nauton-Fourteu and Shane Tyrrell

A New 4-D Structural and Oil Charge Model of the Greater Wytch Farm Field Area (Wessex Basin, United Kingdom),
      Martin Neumaier, Pipin Ariyanto, Alastair Fraser, Naouel Aribi, Stewart Smith, and Sofie Nollet

Deep-Water Folds Offshore Morocco – An Exception to the General Perception of the Non-Prospectivity of Oceanic Crust,
      Martin Neumaier, Ralf Littke, Stefan Back, Peter Kukla, Michael Schnabel, and Christian Reichert

Seismic Imaging of the Overturned Limb of a Footwall Syncline in the Alberta Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and Its Impact on Exploration,
      Andrew C. Newson

An 'Unconfined Estuary' Succession From the Palaeogene of the Barito Basin, Borneo,
      Gary Nichols and Duncan Witts

Tectonics and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean Based on New Russian Geophysical Data,
      Anatoly M. Nikishin, Eugene I. Petrov, Carmen Gaina, Nikolay A. Malyshev, and Sergey Freiman

High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Model of Turbidites: A Case on the 1st Member of Kqn Formation in Dabusu Area, South Songliao Basin,
      Zhao Ning, Huang Jiangqin, Zhang Guangya, Mao Fengjun, and Deng Hongwen

Salt Tectonics and Late-Variscan Tectonic Inheritance Interplay in the Lusitanian Basin,
      Carlos Ruela Nogueira and Fernando Ornelas Marques

Magmatism During Continental Breakup, Insights From the 3-D Structure of Seaward Dipping Reflectors,
      James R. Norcliffe, Douglas Paton, Andrew McCaig, Estelle Mortimer, and Karyna Rodriguez

Salt Tectonics Along the Atlantic Margin of North West Africa (Morocco and Mauritania),
      Bernhard Novotny, Gabor C. Tari, Haddou Jabour, and Mohamad Hafid

Slope Degradation and Mass-Transport Complex (MTC) Emplacement: A 3-D Seismic Reflection Case Study From the Exmouth Plateau, Offshore North West Australia,
      Harya D. Nugraha, Chris A. Jackson, Howard D. Johnson, and David Hodgson

Assessing the Applicability of Biological Trait Analysis (BTA) in Deciphering the Ecological Functioning of Microfossil Communities Across the PETM,
      Celestine N. Nwojiji and Fabienne Marret

Changes in Calcareous Nannoplankton Assemblages Across the Eocene–Oligocene Transition in the Hungarian Paleogene Basin (Central Paratethys),
      Anita Nyerges, Adam Kocsis, József Pálfy, Peter Ozsvárt, Laszlo Kocsis, and Orsolya Gyori

Previous HitONext Hit

Paragenesis and Microporosity Evolution in the Lower Carboniferous (Arundian) Bowland Basin Mudstones,
      Timothy Ohiara, Kevin Taylor, and Patrick Dowey

Gas Identification in Thin Beds Using LWD Measurements – West Africa Offshore Example,
      Stanley Oifoghe, Ono Daniel, Ikechukwu Nwabueze, Victor Okowi, and Charlie Thompson

Streamlining Log Calibration Workflows By Incorporation of Continuous, Digital Mineralogy Data,
      Jenny Omma, Adam K. Moss, Gavin Hunt, Richard A. Williams, and Mar Cortés López

Pore Pressure Evolution and Distribution Across a Tectonostratigraphically Complex Basin, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
      Sean O'Neill, Stuart Jones, Jon Gluyas, Peter Kamp, and Robert Crookbain

Systematic Variations in Eagle Ford Shale Porosity and Pore Size Distribution Revealed by High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy – Implications for Basin Modeling,
      Mark J. Osborne

Chemostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Transition Zone Between Minjur Sandstone Formation and Marrat Carbonates Formation, Outcrop Approach, Central Saudi Arabia,
      Mutasim S. Osman and Osman Abdullatif

Estimating Heatflow in Frontier Basins Using Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSRs): Implications for Deepwater Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Offshore MSGBC Basin, The Gambia,
      Olawumi Owolabi, Mads Huuse, Jonathan Redfern, and Ben Sayers


A Natural Gas Hydrate System Overlying a Conventional Hydrocarbon Accumulation: Implications for Geohazard and Exploration,
      Matteo Paganoni, Joe Cartwright, Martino Foschi, Pieter Van Rensbergen, and Craig Shipp

Unconventional Petroleum Potential of the Gainsborough Trough, East Midlands, United Kingdom,
      Francesco Palci, Alastair Fraser, Kate Parkin, Tom Wilson, Thomas W. Goode, and Martin Neumaier

Developing Regional Tectonostratigraphic Models for Hydrocarbon System Evaluation in the External Dinarides and Hellenides,
      Marton Palotai, Balazs Toro, Stephen J. Vincent, and Benoit Vautravers

Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Fluids of the Browse Basin,
      Tehani J. Palu, Lisa S. Previous HitHallNext Hit, Dianne Edwards, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Nadege Rollet, Chris Boreham, Tamara Buckler, Karen Higgins, Duy Nguyen, and Kamal Khider

Neoproterozoic Microbialite Reservoirs in the Giant Anyue Gas Field of Central Sichuan Basin (South West China),
      Liyin Pan, Wang Xiaofang, and Jie Zhang

Extending Existing Technology to Explore Near Surface Geology With New Techniques in Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation,
      Marianne E. Parsons, Darren Burrows, and Chris Van Galder

The Onshore Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia: De-Risking Exploration in Volcanically-Affected Basins,
      Simon Passey and Dereje Ayalew

The Enigma of the 'Transition' Phase: How Rift Basins Evolve to Passive Margins,
      Douglas Paton, Holly Rowlands, James R. Norcliffe, Philip Thompson, Neil Hodgson, and Karyna Rodriguez

Somalia – The Last Remaining Exploration Frontier,
      Douglas Paton, Hannah Kearns, Roxana Stanca, Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, and Abdulkadir A. Hussein

Paleozoic Frontier Plays Along the Western Flanks of the Northern North Sea Rift System (UKCS): The East Shetland Platform,
      Stefano Patruno and William T. Reid

Natural Convection in a Single Fracture or Permeable Fault,
      James W. Patterson, Thomas Driesner, and Stephan Matthaei

How New Technologies Are Changing the Oil and Gas Industry,
      John Peak

Advanced Pyrolysis Data and Interpretation Methods to Identify Unconventional Reservoir Sweet Spots in Fluid Phase Saturation and Fluid Properties (GOR, API Gravity) From Drill Cuttings and Cores,
      Andrew S. Pepper, Albert Maende, David Weldon, Amalia Doebbert, and Daniel M. Jarvie

New Data on Thermal History and Source Rock Development in Complex Rift Basins (Northern Upper Rhine Graben, SW Germany),
      Melissa Perner, Hartmut Jaeger, Carsten Reinhold, Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, and Thilo Bechstaedt

Applications of Kirchhoff Least-Squares Migration: Towards Reservoir Imaging,
      Francesco Perrone, Graham Roberts, Lorenzo Casasanta, and Andrew Ratcliffe

Charge Is Not an Issue – Or Is It?,
      Stephan Petmecky, Benjamin Kirkland, and Frank van Bergen

Unravelling the Qara Dagh Anticline, Zagros Mountains, Southeastern Kurdistan Region of Iraq,
      James C. Phelps, Subho Banerjee, and Claire Mondro

3-D Seismic Geomorphological Mapping of Clastic and Carbonate Reservoirs – The Farsund Basin, Offshore Southern Norway,
      Thomas B. Phillips, Chris A. Jackson, Rebecca Bell, and Ayunda A. Valencia

Outcrop Analogues for Reservoir Characterization – Examples from Lusitanian Basin's Post-Rift Units,
      Nuno Pimentel, Rui Pena dos Reis, and Jorge Magalhães

Nature of Rifting, Salt Deposition and Seafloor Spreading in the Gulf of Mexico: Analysis of Regional Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data,
      James Pindell, Ed Haire, Antara Goswami, Jon Gross, Chuck Campbell, and Brian W. Horn

Precambrian Plays in Africa: The Ignored Exploration Targets,
      Theodhora Piperi and Cristina Tomé

An Integration of Seismic and Non-Seismic Methods in Search of Hydrocarbons: Case Study From Southwest Britain,
      Katarzyna Pisaniec, Ivan Guerra, Giuseppe Bancala, James Penwarden, Andrew Furber, Claudio Leone, Giles Watts, Malcolm Gall, Peter Napier, and Mark Ibram

Quantifying the Tectonic Influence on the Distribution of Slope Channels in the Toe-Thrusts Region, Deep-Water Niger Delta,
      Marco Pizzi, Lidia Lonergan, Mike Mayall, and Alex Whittaker

Identification of Prospective Zones for Shale Gas and Shale Oil Accumulations in Poland – New Results and Future Exploration Directions,
      Teresa Podhalanska, Marcin Janas, Andrzej Gluszynski, Maria Waksmundzka, Anna Becker, Joanna Roszkowska-Remin, Ireneusz Dyrka, Anna Feldman-Olszewska, Izabella Grotek, Przemyslaw Karcz, Grzegorz Nowak, Jolanta Paczesna, Michal Roman, Magdalena Sikorska-Jaworowska, Marta Kuberska, Aleksandra Kozlowska, and Katarzyna Sobien

Predicting, Preventing, and Mitigating Shallow Dammam Formation Losses on the Rumaila Field, Southern Iraq,
      Matthew Pointing, Kenneth Tough, Kirstin McBeath, Dave Saucier, and Mark Taylor

Managing Big Data From Little Grains: A Circum-Arctic Zircon U-Pb Age Database,
      Michael A. Pointon, Michael Flowerdew, and Stewart Sinclair

Role of Continental Margin Geometry on Structural Styles and Prospectivity in Southern Sicily,
      Anastasia Polymeni, John R. Underhill, and Rachel J. Jamieson

Big Seismic Era – Time to Change the Old Ways? How High-Density Seismic Technology Affects Way We Acquire and Process Land Data,
      Anastasia Poole and Phillip J. Bilsby

High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Structure of the Shallow Porcupine Basin From Traveltime Tomography and Waveform Inversion of Long-Streamer Data,
      Manel Prada, François Lavoué, Brian O'Reilly, Sergei Lebedev, Yanhua Yuan, and Clàudia Gras

New Data on the Timing of Mafic Magmatism in the New Siberian Islands From 40Ar/39Ar Isotope Dating,
      Andrei Prokopiev, Victoria Ershova, Nikolay Sobolev, Kåre Kullerud, Andrei Khudoley, Morgan Ganerød, and Eugeniy Petrov

Integration of 3-D Seismic and Satellite Data for Subsurface Fluid Flow Analysis in the Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola,
      Hugo S. Putuhena and Mads Huuse


Integrated Geomechanics Solution for an Unconventional Oil Shale Reservoir in Mexico,
      Antonio Quilantan, Jose M. Rodriguez, Oscar D. Quintero, Carlos H. Vargas, and Andres Peña

Before the Oil: The Volcanoes of the North Sea,
      Ailsa Quirie, Nick Schofield, Adrian Hartley, Malcolm Hole, and David Jolley


Volcanic Reservoirs in Rift Basins of Onshore China – A Growing Play,
      Andrew Racey

Neogene Volcanic Reservoirs From the Niigata and Akita Basins of Japan,
      Andrew Racey

Half Graben Evolution in the Kopet Dagh Fold and Thrust Belt – Sedimentation and Paleo-Current History,
      Rooholah Noemani Rad, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, and Bahman Soleimany

Late Jurassic Carbonate Buildups – Promising New Gas Potential in Sarakhs Plain, Northeastern Iran,
      Rooholah Noemani Rad, Shahram Sherkati, and Mohammad Ali Kavoosi

Risk Reduction on the Ivory Prospect via Geologically Constrained Non-Parametric Inversion and Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation on a Fault-Bounded Reservoir,
      James Raffle, Thomas Earnshaw, Juergen Fruehn, Stuart Greenwood, Jeet Singh, Claudia Hagen, Ian F. Jones, Rodrigo Felicio, Doug Sassen, Zhijiang Luo, Svein Idar Forsund, Mark Ackers, and Lars Aamodt

Impact of Salt Tectonics on the Maturation of Pre-Salt Source Rocks: Case Studies From Onshore and Offshore Yemen,
      Thomas M. Rainer, Jan Mayer, and Gabor C. Tari

Circum-Arctic Petroleum Systems: Where Is the Potential and What Are the Risks?,
      Oliver J. Ralph

Undiscovered Resources in the Norwegian Barents Sea,
      Abryl Ramirez, Maren Bjørheim, and Andreas Bjørnestad

Carbon Dioxide as a Geothermal Heat Mining Fluid in Sedimentary Basins – Technical and Economic Analysis of Its Use in Hydrocarbon Fields,
      Jimmy Randolph, Martin Previous HitONext Hit. Saar, Jeffrey M. Bielicki, John Griffin, and Benjamin M. Adams

Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait: A Case Study,
      Mona A. Rashaid, Yaser M. Amjad, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Laila Hayat, and Alan Sibbit

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Menilite Formation in Western Ukraine,
      Johannes Rauball and Reinhard Sachsenhofer

Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs of the Argyll and Auk Fields Reinterpreted in a Sequence Stratigraphic Context,
      Madeleine J. Raven, Michael Mawson, Maurice Tucker, and Susie Daniels

"Leveraging the Outcrops" – The Key to Successful Exploration for Mesozoic Plays Offshore the Central Atlantic Margin,
      Jonathan Redfern, Giovanni Bertotti, Aude Duval-Arnould, Jianpeng Wang, Remi Charton, Luc Bulot, Leonardo Muniz-Pichel, Mads Huuse, and Tim Luber

Deepwater Plays in the Western Black Sea: Insight Into Sediment Provenance Within the Maykop Depositional System,
      Emily Rees and Mike Simmons

De-Trending of Frequency-Broadened Seismic Acoustic Impedance for Fluid Discrimination,
      Xavier E. Refunjol

New Insights From a Regional and Reservoir Level Interpretation in the Mature Central North Sea (CNS),
      William T. Reid and Stefano Patruno

The Leirdjupet Fault Zone, Barents Sea – The Nature and Timing of Deformation in a Complex Fault Zone,
      Cathal Reilly, Hugh Anderson, Klaus Ditttmers, Frode Karlsen, and Iver Kjørsvik

Geothermal and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Upper Rhine Graben – Competition and Cooperation,
      John Reinecker, Detlev Rettenmaier, and Carsten Reinhold

Broadband Seismic – What Are the Benefits and Pitfalls for E&P Geoscience Workflows,
      Cyrille Reiser

Revealing the Internal Flow of Salt Structures Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility,
      Jack Richardson, Ian Alsop, and Carl Stevenson

Troll Area, Norwegian North Sea: Case Study of CO2 Storage Sites in an Aquifer Under Depletion,
      Fridtjof Riis, Nina Pedersen, Marthe A. Birkeland, and Tom Hultgreen

Connectivity and Drainage in a Karst Reservoir: Insights From an Outcrop Analogue,
      Alberto Riva, Raffaele Bitonte, Raffaele Di Cuia, and Søren Hegndal-Andersen

The United Kingdom Rockall Trough, North East Atlantic: An Extinct Young Ocean Basin or a Failed-Breakup Basin?,
      Alan M. Roberts, Andy D. Alvey, Nick J. Kusznir, and Graham Yielding

Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar: A Regional to Basin-Specific Review of Its Hydrocarbon Potential – A Bright Future Awaits,
      Glyn F. Roberts, Trond Christoffersen, and Xu Jingwei

Signal Apparition Simultaneous Source Separation,
      Johan Robertsson, Dirk-Jan van Manen, Fredrik Andersson, Kurt Eggenberger, Lasse Amundsen, Åsmund Pedersen, and Mark Thompson

Controls on Normal Fault Growth Along Australia's Rifted-to-Passive Southern Margin Using the Analysis of 3-D Seismic Datasets,
      Alexander G. Robson, Rosalind King, and Simon Holford

Reservoir Distribution on a Salt-Influenced Deep-Water Slope: Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil,
      Clara Rodriguez, Chris A. Jackson, Atle Rotevatn, Rebecca Bell, and Malcolm Francis

Santos Campos Basin Future Exploration Within and Beyond the Salt Province,
      Karyna Rodriguez and Neil Hodgson

New Exploration Discoveries Thanks to the Low Prices Era Using Sequence Stratigraphy, Seismic Attributes and Seismic Inversion: Case of Study in an Oil Field in the Foreland Llanos Basin, Colombia,
      Manuel F. Rodriguez

Depositional Framework of Petroleum Systems, Browse Basin, Offshore North West Shelf, Australia,
      Nadege Rollet, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne Edwards, Tehani J. Palu, Karen Higgins, Steve Abbott, Megan Lech, Jennifer Totterdell, Duy Nguyen, Chris Boreham, Lisa S. Previous HitHallNext Hit, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, and Chris Nicholson

Is Surface Monitoring Biased Towards Specific Source Mechanisms?,
      Pierre Roux

Rock Deformation Adjacent to Salt Diapirs,
      Mark G. Rowan, Josep A. Muñoz, Eduard Roca, Mark Fischer, and Katherine A. Giles

Combined Hydrocarbon and Nonhydrocarbon Gas for Pore Pressure,
      Mathew Rowe and Rachael Keller

Acoustic Evidence of Fluid Flow in Irish Offshore and Physical Property Measurements on Gas-Hydrate Bearing Sediments,
      Srikumar Roy and Michael Max

Isolated Carbonate Platforms of the Mediterranean Region: Using Surface and Subsurface Analogues to Define Depositional Architectures, Reservoir Distribution and Hydrocarbon Potential of an Attractive Exploration Target,
      Giovanni Rusciadelli, Livio Burbi, Lorenzo Lipparini, Peter Shiner, and Cristiano Ricci

Reservoir Rock Typing of the Late Jurassic Reef Complex in Support of Geothermal Exploration in the Greater Geneva Basin (Switzerland and France),
      Elme Rusillon, Nicolas Clerc, Maud Brentini, and Andrea Moscariello

Key Regional Evidence for the Next Deepwater Oil Province, the Mozambique Channel,
      Donald Rusk

Petroleum Systems and Prospects in the Deepwater Mozambique Channel,
      Donald Rusk and Robert G. Bertagne

On the Comparative Hydraulic Conductivity of Thin, Planar Cracks in Shale, Sandstone and Granite as a Function of Shear and Normal Stress,
      Ernest H. Rutter and Julian Mecklenburgh

Improving Seismic Interpretation by Reducing Uncertainty With 2-D Modeling and Analytics,
      Vladimir Rybakov


The Growing Role of Unmanned Vehicles and Robotics the Oil Industry,
      Hisham Saadawi

Stratigraphic Analysis and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Unayzah Formation (Lower Permian), Qatar,
      Fadhil Sadooni and Hamad Al-Saad

Enhancing Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion Using Neural Networks for Clastic Reservoir Characterization – Simian Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt,
      Wael S. Said, Islam A. Mohamed, and Ahmed S. Ali

Deepwater Stratigraphic Pinch Out Plays Comparison Along the South American and West African Atlantic Margins,
      Josgre Salazar, Joan F. Flinch, Juan Di Croce, André Vayssaire, Abdul Mansaray, and Jose Carballo

Controls of the Pre-Existing Structures on Post-Jurassic Deformation Within the Porcupine Basin, Offshore West Ireland,
      Muhammad Mudasar Saqab, Efstratios Delogkos, Conrad Childs, and John Walsh

Seismic Geomorphology and Evolution of the Early-Mid Miocene Isolated Carbonate Build-Ups, North West Shelf of Australia,
      Muhammad Mudasar Saqab and Julien Bourget

Seismic Characterization of Thermal Regime in the Luderitz Basin Offshore Namibia,
      Arka Dyuti Sarkar, Benedict Campbell, and Mads Huuse

Energy From the Upper Jurassic (Malm) – A Synoptic View of Geothermal Exploration and Production in the South German Molasse Basin,
      Alexandros Savvatis, Ulrich Steiner, Christian Hecht, and Roman Koch

Insights Into the Tectonostratigraphy of Deepwater Côte d'Ivoire (Equatorial African Margin) – Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Nicola Scarselli, Gregor Duval, Javier Martin, Kenneth McClay, and Steve Toothill

Deformation History of the Norwegian South East Barents Sea: Results From Regional 2-D Seismic Interpretation and Sequential Restoration,
      Frauke Schaefer, Johanna Chevallier-Messbacher, and Olav Norvik

Assessment of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal,
      Christopher J. Schenk

Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Maturation of Alaska North Slope Source Rocks Based on Various Vitrinite Reflectance Models,
      Oliver Schenk, Ken Bird, Ken Peters, and Alan Burnham

Evaluation of Processes that Control the Hydrocarbon Potential on the Mid North Sea High,
      Oliver Schenk, Alex Karvelas, Olga Shtukert, and Katharine Broadbent

Mesoproterozoic Delta-Related Organic-Rich Mudstones: Roper Group, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia,
      Brenton D. Schoemaker, Rhodri Johns, Howard D. Johnson, and Sandra Menpes

Burial Dedolomitization of the Zechstein-2-Carbonate Reservoir, North West Germany,
      Johannes Schoenherr, Maximilian Hallenberger, Lars Reuning, and Christian J. Strohmenger

Impact of Volcanic and Igneous Rocks on Hydrocarbon Exploration,
      Nick Schofield and Simon Holford

Finding New Pays in Old Plays: Applications for Surface Geochemical Exploration in Mature Basins,
      Dietmar Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau

Simulation of Acidizing Treatments in Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Jens-Oliver Schwarz, Liping Cheng, Juergen Becker, Sven Linden, Andreas Wiegmann, and Tom Cvjetkovic

Better Together – The Role of Diversity in Decision Quality,
      Liz Schwarze

Multiple Petroleum Systems of the Ceará Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin,
      John Scotchmer, Tim Rady, Oliver Cheshire, Donatella Mellere, and Samille Macedo

Review of Geological Controls on Resistivity in Uplifted Basins: Insights From the Norwegian Barents Shelf,
      Kim Senger, Sverre Ohm, Kei Ogata, and Snorre Olaussen

A Source to Sink Study Along the African Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Implications for Exploration,
      Inga Sevastjanova, Abigail Redmile, Clare Davies, Melise Harland, and Laura Wilson

East Siberian and Chukchi Sea Region: Geology, Tectonic Development, and Petroleum Systems,
      Dinara Shapabaeva, Galina Zavarzina, and Oksana Zakharova

Experimental Modeling of Dissolution Rule and Porosity Evolution of Carbonate Rocks and Its Significance,
      Min She, Jianfeng Shou, and Anjiang Shen

Interactive Processing and Interpretation of Huge Pre-Stack Datasets Using In-Memory Supercomputers,
      Bill Shea

Lower Cretaceous Biostratigraphy of Kilen and Peary Land, Wandel Sea Basin, North Greenland and Its Implications for Correlation With the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada and Svalbard,
      Emma Sheldon, Bodil W. Lauridsen, Peter Alsen, Jussi Hovikoski

Effects of a Mixed Wetting Porous Medium on Gas Flowing and Its Implications for Gas Exploration in Tight Sandstones,
      Hui Shi

Lithofacies, Cycles and Diagenesis Controls on Dolostone Reservoir Quality for the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation in Central Sichuan Basin, South West China,
      Shuyuan Shi, Suyun Hu, Qilong Fu, Zhaohui Xu, and Lei Jiang

A New Method to Estimate the Horizontal Well Landing Point to Optimize the Production,
      Paul L. Sims, Abdunaser Susi, and George Asquith

Inferring Likely Fluid Movement From Rock Outcrops – The Range of Interpretations,
      Peter J. Smith, Lance Morrissey, and Andy Woods

The Impact of Recalibrating Palynological Zones to the Chronometric Timescale: Revised Stratigraphic Relationships in Australian Permian and Triassic Hydrocarbon-Bearing Basins,
      Tegan E. Smith, Tom Bernecker, Simon Bodorkos, John Gorter, Lisa S. Previous HitHallNext Hit, Tony Hill, Erin Holmes, Andrew Kelman, Kamal Khider, John Laurie, Megan Lech, John McKellar, Arthur Mory, Robert Nicoll, Ryan Owens, Tehani J. Palu, Laura Phillips, Mike Stephenson, and Geoff Wood

Adopting an Integrated Multidisciplinary Source-to-Sink Approach to Better Understand and Predict Clastic Reservoir Presence and Quality,
      Helen Smyth, Alexander Mason, Graeme Nicoll, Richard James, Fabian Kohlmann, Lawrie Cowliff, and Jonathan Wilson

An Evaluation of Shale Gas Potential in the Bowland Shale, United Kingdom, Using Sequential High Water Pressure Pyrolysis and Methane Absorption,
      Colin E. Snape, Patrick Whitelaw, Clement N. Uguna, Lee Stevens, Chris Vane, Andrew D. Carr

Triassic – Early Cretaceous Structural Development of the Central Part of the Northern Eurasia,
      Konstantin Sobornov, Aleksandr Afanasenkov, and Aleksandr Obukhov

The Polar Urals Fold Belt: Tectonic Framework, Hydrocarbon Plays, and New Exploration Opportunities,
      Konstantin Sobornov, Oleg Pishchepa, Sergey Ptetsov, and Bogdan Plotnikov

Development of Stranded Gas in the Niobrara Shale,
      Daniel J. Soeder

Analysis of Fluvio-Lacustrine Depositional Environments, East African Rift: Sedimentary Architectures and Relationships to Rift Stage,
      David Somerville, Nigel P. Mountney, and Luca Colombera

Hierarchical Characterization of Submarine Channels for Compression Based Object Modeling,
      Kishan Soni, Tom Manzocchi, and Peter Haughton

Magnetic Fabric and Paleomagnetic Study of the Calimani Mountains' Pyroclastic Deposits (East Carpathians, Romania),
      Sonia A. Sortan, Cristian G. Panaiotu, Daniela Dimofte, and Relu D. Roban

Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical Data Over the North West Shelf, Australia (Westralia ACCESS project),
      Ben R. Spurgeon, Barrett Cameron, Jennifer Greenhalgh, and Jonathan Watson

Multistage Fault-Related Dolomitisation of the Middle Cambrian Mount Whyte and Cathedral Formations: Insights Into the Tectonic and Diagenetic History of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
      Jack E. Stacey, Ardiansyah I. Koeshidayatullah, and Cathy Hollis

The Use of CSEM and the Exploration Challenges in the Voring Basin (Norwegian Sea),
      Aris Stefatos, Alexander Vereshagin, George Vardoulias, Stein Kjetil Helle, Torolf Wedberg, and Susanne Sperrevik

Re-Os Chronology Reconstructs Whole Petroleum Systems and Interrogates an External Fluid,
      Holly J. Stein, Svetoslav V. Georgiev, and Judith Hannah

Mass-Balance to Seismic Facies: Lower Cretaceous of Saudi Arabia,
      David M. Steinhauff and Nikolaos A. Michael

Light Oil Exploration Potential for Devonian-Silurian (Fortin and Chaleurs Groups) Carbonates/Mudstones, Central Gaspe, Quebec, Canada, Near the Grande Riviere Transform Fault,
      Linda Sternbach, Charles Sternbach, Stephane Sejourne, and Jerry McCullough

Mass-Transport Complexes (MTCs) and Their Sequence Stratigraphic Context: A 3-D Seismic Reflection Case Study From the Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil,
      Michael J. Steventon, Chris A. Jackson, and David Hodgson

In Search of Pre-Andean Depocentres – Integrated Geophysical Study in Peru and Bolivia,
      Matthew Stewart, Stanislaw Mazur, Adriana Mantilla Pimiento, Wilber Hermoza, and Antonio Olaiz Campos

The Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, An Innovative Tool for Assessing New Zealand's Future Petroleum Potential,
      Dominic Strogen, Kyle J. Bland, Malcom Arnot, Hannu Seebeck, Tusar R. Sahoo, Mark J. Lawrence, Richard L. Kellett, Karsten F. Kroeger, Paul Viskovic, Angela G. Griffin, Andrew F. Boyes, and Biljana Lukovic

Combination of Cross-Section Balancing and Subsidence Analysis as a Key to Viable Structural Model of the Late Paleozoic Malochwiej Anticline (Lublin Basin, South East Poland),
      Agata Stypa, Mateusz Kufrasa, and Piotr Krzywiec

Fracture Attribute Characterization in Karstic Field Analogues by a Combined Field and High-Resolution Terrestrial Photogrammetry Approach: Application to the Tightly Folded, Shallow-Water Carbonate Platform Rocks in the Pag Island, External Dinarides of,
      Andrea Succo, Silvia Mittempergher, Fabrizio Balsamo, Andrea Bistacchi, Fabrizio Storti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, and Giovanni Bertotti

Petroleum Geology of Russian Arctic Basins,
      Anna A. Suslova, Antonina Stupakova, Maria Bolshakova, Roman Sautkin, and Irina Sannikova

Structure and Petroleum Potential of the Russian Arctic Sedimentary Basins,
      Anna A. Suslova, Antonina Stupakova, Roman Sautkin, Maria Bolshakova, Irina Sannikova, Maria Agasheva, Albina Gilmullina, Dariya Pushkareva, Yuriy Karpov, Dmitry Mitronov, Sergey Bordunov, and Alina Mordasova

Prediction of Pore Fluid Pressures in Frontier Basins,
      Richard E. Swarbrick

The Use of Reservoir Analogues to Better Constrain Geobody Architecture, Genesis and Petrophysical Characteristics of Continental Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Rudy Swennen, Cihan Aratman, Enrico Capezzuoli, Hannes Claes, Marcelle Erthal, Nick Janssens, Sandor Kele, Alessandro Mancini, Zahra Mohammadi, Mehmet Özkul, Jeroen Soete, Agnes Torok, and Michael Verbiest

Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Pannonian Lacustrine Deposits in the Makó Trough, Southeastern Hungary,
      Emese Szöcs, Rastislav Milovský, Susanne Gier, Kinga Hips, and Orsolya Sztanó

The Thermal History of East Greenland: Insights From Regional Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Data,
      Adam Szulc, Thomas Bernard, Christopher Johnson, Andy Carter, Kerry Gallagher, Tim Kinnaird, Philippe Steer, and Andrew Whitham


Smectite Grain Coatings: A New Discovery on Its Positive Effect on Porosity Preservation,
      Longxun Tang, Jon Gluyas, and Stuart Jones

Reservoir Porosity and Stratigraphy of Eocene-Miocene Successions, North-Central, Jamaica: Onshore Analogues for Petroleum Systems on the Eastern Nicaraguan Rise,
      Kevin R. Tankoo and Simon F. Mitchell

The Mesozoic Rift Systems of North Africa and Arabia: Overview and Exploration Future,
      Gabor C. Tari and Bill Bosworth

Petroleum Systems and Play Types Associated With Permotriassic Salt in Europe, North Africa, and the Atlantic Region,
      Gabor C. Tari, Joan Flinch, and Juan I. Soto

High-Resolution Multibeam Reveals Water Column Anomalies in Deep Water Mexican Gulf of Mexico,
      Philip Teas, Dan Orange, John Decker, Chris Corona, Kelley Brumley, and Garrett A. Mitchell

Process-Based Numerical CATS Model and Its Application to the 1979 Nice Turbidity Event,
      Vanessa Teles, Philippe Joseph, and Sébastien Migeon

Integrating Geophysics and Geology for Improved Seismic Imaging to Extract the Best From Legacy Acquisition – A Case Study From Ultra-Deep-Water Lower Congo Basin, Angola,
      Sugandha Tewari, Merigon S. Jarvis, Andrew Furber, Grzegorz Chrustek, Deepak Rathee, James Bailey, Katarzyna Pisaniec, Kelly Mistry, and Clara Abu

A Holistic Reappraisal of the Geological Evolution of the Tertiary East African Rift System, Kenya; Understanding the Controls on Basin Evolution and Petroleum Play Development,
      Scott N. Thackrey, Michael Hertle, Cameron Hamilton, Anders Madsen, and Chris Gunn

Tectonic Development, Sedimentation and Paleoceanography of the Mozambique Channel,
      Antoine Thieblemont, Jean-Pierre Ponte, Fransisco Javier Hernandez-Molina, Cecile Robin, Francois Raisson, and Francois Guillocheau

Waterflood Management of a Giant Oil Field by Integrating Detailed Sedimentological and Dynamic Data of the Mishrif Carbonate Reservoir, Rumaila Field, Iraq,
      Katherine Totton, Anna Matthews, Matthew Pointing, James Gardener, and Christoph Lehmann

Source Rocks of Somalia – An Attempt at De-Risking a Critical Play Element,
      Daniel M. Trümpy and Jan Witte

Extracting the Full Value of CSEM Data: Interpretation of Anisotropic Resistivity,
      Tashi Tshering, Allan McKay, Øystein Hallanger, and Anwar Bhuiyan

Goliat Discovery – A Knowledge-Based Approach and Persistence and the First Commercial Oil Development in the Norwegian Arctic,
      Filippos Tsikalas, G. Uncini, N. Mavilla, F. Casaglia, J. Leutscher, M. Gennaro, V. Arrigoni, L-E. Gustafsson, R. Galimberti, and C. Daturi

Petrographic Characteristics and Reservoir Quality of Paleozoic-Mesozoic Formations of the An Chau Basin, Onshore North Vietnam,
      Hoang A. Tuan, Vien P. Tien, Nam H. Nguyen, Lars H. Nielsen, Michael B. Fyhn, Ioannis Abatzis, and Huyen T. Nguyen

Lithostratigraphy and Evolution of Sedimentary Cover of Wrangel Island (Chukotka),
      Marianna Tuchkova, Sergey Sokolov, Artem Moiseev, Vladimir Verzhbitsky, and Nikolay Malyshev

The Pre-Neogene Unconformity as Evidence for Major Sediment Delivery Systems Into the Eastern Carpathians,
      Eugen Tudor, Andreea Marza, Anamaria Ghitescu, and Scott Rubio

Novel Work Flow to Model Complex Deltaic Settings: A Case Study From Zubair Reservoir Modeling in North Kuwait,
      Huda Turky, Shaikh Abdul Azim, and Ahmed M. AbdelRahman

Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Salt Deposits of the Saharan Platform,
      Peter Turner

Using a West Africa Depositional Sequence Framework to Uncover Pre- & Post-Salt Prospectivity in the Underexplored Deepwater Congo and Namibe Basins,
      Matthew Tyrrell


Role of Tectonic Inversion in the Structural Evolution and Petroleum Prospectivity Along the Northern Margin of the Southern Permian Basin,
      John R. Underhill

Parallel Salt and Methane Generation – Possible Paradigm Shifts for Salt Generation in Deep Sea Processes,
      Zoltan Unger

Brent Group Petrography and Diagenesis: Implications for Reservoir Quality and Enhanced Oil Recovery,
      Thomas Utley and Richard H. Worden

The Onshore Structural Geology of Foula, Shetland and Implications for the Devonian-Carboniferous Development of the Offshore Clair Basin,
      Thomas Utley, Robert Holdsworth, Eddie Dempsey, Kenneth McCaffrey, Rob Strachan, Richard Jones, and Graham Blackbourn


A Holistic Approach to Model-Building in and Around Injectites: A Case-Study Offshore Norway,
      Victoria Valler, Nathan Payne, Thomas Hallett, Marcin Kobylarski, Girish Venkatraman, Jochen Rappke, and Dirk Fairclough

Low and High Temperature Dolomite Synthesis: Testing Catalysing Factors,
      Veerle Vandeginste and Oliver Snell

The Middle Eastern Heritage of the Petroleum Industry: The Archaeology of Bitumen,
      Thomas Van de Velde

Cyclostratigraphic Control on Lithofacies and Their Influence on Source Rock Characteristics in Westphalian Mudstones of the Campine Basin (North East Belgium),
      Wim Vandewijngaerde, Kris Piessens, Pieter Bertier, Bernhard Krooss, Ralf Littke, and Rudy Swennen

The Structural Framework of the Gabonese Deep Water Margin and Its Conjugate – Impact of Crustal Makeup on Asymmetric Rifting, Sediment Deposition and Petroleum Systems,
      Heijn W. van Gent, Herman van der Veen, Godert de Keijzer, Matthijs van Winden, Christian Heine, Michael Spaak, and Ian Clark

Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis of Deep-Water Sediments – Towards a Stratigraphic Exploration Model for the Palaeocene-Eocene on the Southern West Greenland Margin,
      Thomas Varming and Lars Stemmerik

The East Siberia Basin as a Re-Emerging Frontier,
      Sergey Vasyutkin, C M. Duque, A V. Gaiduk, and Previous HitOTop V. Bakuev

Constraining Paleo-Fluid Flow Events at Rifted Continental Margins: 3-D Seismic Evidence From the Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia,
      Tayallen Velayatham, Simon Holford, and Mark A. Bunch

Salt Tectonics of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco,
      Jaume Verges, Mar Moragas, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Eduard Saura, Emilio Casciello, Phillipe Razin, Carine Grélaud, Manon Malaval, Remi Joussiaume, Gregoire Messager, Ian Sharp, and David Hunt

Geodynamics and Oil and Gas Potential of the North-Western Margin of the Siberian Craton,
      Valery A. Vernikovsky, Evgeny Deev, Nikolay Y. Matushkin, Dmitry V. Metelkin, and Georgiy G. Shemin

Structural Characterization of the Warraweena Diapir-Weld-Thrust Complex, Flinders Ranges, South Australia,
      Oskar Vidal-Royo, Mark G. Rowan, Oriol Ferrer, and Katherine A. Giles

Alaska Burger Prospect Evaluation – Insights From Geochemistry,
      Esra Inan Villegas, Tom X. Homza, Alejandra Rojas, Ron Tingook, Robert Pimentel Riobueno, Jonathan Holroyd, and Paul N. Taylor

Modern Estuaries Analogue Studies in Brazilian Equatorial Coast for Reservoir Characterization: Case Study in Potiguar Basin, North East Brazil,
      Helenice Vital, Andre G. Aquino da Silva, Moab P. Gomes, and Leao A. Costa Neto

Late Triassic Facies in the Western Barents Sea, the Fruholmen Formation,
      Ekaterina Volfovich, Elena Malysheva, Natalya Vasilyeva, Maria Doronina, Andrey Leybenko, and Natalia Kukina

Accessing the BP Petroleum Prediction Toolkit via Petrel – An Efficient Deployment of In-House Subsurface Tools,
      Herbert Volk, Christopher J. Veale, and Mark J. Osborne

Using Seismic Inversion and Seismic Stratigraphy as a Combined Tool for Understanding a Small Scale Turbidite System: Gola Field, Pannonian Basin, Croatia,
      Domagoj Vukadin and Kristina Čikeš


New Insights Into the Structure and Tectonic Provenance of the Chukchi Borderland Terrane: Implications for Arctic Reconstructions,
      Ann Walker and Brian W. Horn

Linking Rifting History and Magmatic Cyclicity West of Britain,
      Faye Walker, Nick Schofield, Malcolm Hole, and David Jolley

Multi-Scale Digital Rock Analysis of Porosity and Organic Matter in the Appalachian Basin, USA,
      Joel Walls, Gabriela Davalos, and Matt Weinreich

Evaluation of a Laminated Tight Sand Formation by Integrating Logs, Core Data and Digital Rock Analysis,
      Joel Walls, Tiffany Rider, Robert Aylsworth, and Anyela Morcote

Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of Fluid Inclusion Gases for Charge History Reconstruction,
      Zhenzhu Wan, Peter D. Jenden, Andreas Schmidt Mumm, and Khaled Arouri

Permeability Index of Vugs and Fractures in Heterogeneous Carbonate Gas Reservoirs From High-Resolution Electrical Images,
      Da-Li Wang, Bing Xie, and Shiduo Yang

New Aromatic Hydrocarbons Characterization Method of Unconventional Oil Based on Multi-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy,
      Chunyan Wang, Xiaodong Huang, Xinmin Fan, and Jinliang Zhang

Analysis of Geological Controls on the Geometry of Incised-Valley Fills and Implications for Facies and Sequence Stratigraphic Models,
      Ru Wang, Nigel P. Mountney, and Luca Colombera

Structurally Influenced Plays Provide New Opportunities in a Mature Foreland Basin; Case Studies From the Alberta Basin, Canada,
      Marian J. Warren

New-Potential in a Mature Petroleum Province: The Carpathians,
      Matthew Watkinson, Tim Beal, Chris Tucker, and Mark A. Enfield

Upscaling of Triaxial Resistivity Data Measured on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and Observations Relevant for CSEM Imaging,
      Torolf Wedberg, Aris Stefatos, and Alexander Vereshagin

The Controlling Factors and Quantitatively Assessing Modeling of Adsorbed Shale Gas: A Case Study of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, Central China,
      Li Wei, Xiongqi Pang, Bo Zhang, and Boxuan Cui

Provenance of Early Cretaceous Clastic Reservoirs in the Middle East,
      Martin Wells, Andrew Morton, and Dirk Frei

Early Cretaceous Stratigraphic Response to Hyperextension, Porcupine Basin, Irish Atlantic Margin,
      Lewis Whiting, Peter Haughton, and Patrick Shannon

The Consequences of Hyperextension on Deep Water Basins: Examples From the North Atlantic and Circum-Arctic,
      Richard C. Whittaker and Bridget E. Ady

Describing Depositional Model to Emerging Deepwater Exploration Province on Kawengan Group in Madura Strait, East Java Basin, as Pioneer Deepwater Exploration in Indonesia,
      Titis Wibowo, I. W. Ardana Darma, Prihadi Soemintadiredja, and Dardji Noeradi

Building on the Shoulders of Exploration Pioneers to Unlock Myanmar's Riches,
      Robert W. Wilson, Wendy J. Matthews, and Steve Matthews

The Evolution of the Pre-Salt Play in the Kwanza Benguela Basins, Angola,
      Andrew J. Witt, Alex Bump, Tracy Love, and Fabian Setzer

Application of Spectral Gamma Ray, TOC, and Lithofacies to the Recognition of T-R Stratigraphic Surfaces in the Horn River Shales,
      Juhwan Woo, Seokhoon Yoon, and Chulwoo Rhee

Modeling the Evolution of Permeability in Carbonates,
      Rachel Wood and Amena Al Harthi

The Development and Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Adjacent Deepwater Pliocene Turbidite Gas-Fields: Taurus and Libra Fields, West Nile Delta, Egypt,
      Paul D. Woodman and Ajay Chauhan

Prospect Investigation and De-Risking Using Cognitive Interpretation Workflows, Offshore Equatorial Guinea,
      Tom Wooltorton, Ryan M. Williams, Merritt Smith, Stephen Leslie, and Luis Gomez

The Effect of Oil Emplacement on Quartz Cementation in a Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoir,
      Richard H. Worden

Critically Evaluating the Current Depositional Models for the Pre-Salt Barra Velha Formation, Offshore Brazil,
      V Paul Wright and Andrew J Barnett

Innovative Fluid Identification Method by Integrating Array Dielectric Measurements, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy Data: One Case Study in the Low Contrast Complex Oil Reservoir, Bohai Bay, China,
      Jinlong Wu, Jian Wang, Henry Mortley, and Krishna Pokhriyal

Thickness and Facies Trends Along Depositional Dip in Turbidite Sand Sheets (Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile; and Cingoz Formation, Adana Basin, Turkey) – Any Implication for Allogenic Cycles?,
      Jianan Wu and Benjamin Kneller


A New Gas Identification Method Based on Neutron Gamma Logging,
      Donghui Xing, Yiren Fan, Xinmin Ge, and Fei Li

Lamellation Fractures and Their Influence on Shale Gas Enrichment in Marine Shale in Southeast of Sichuan Basin, China,
      Xiang Xu and Lianbo Zeng


Advanced Particle Shape Analysis in Conglomerate Reservoir From Borehole Resistivity Image,
      Shiduo Yang, Weidong Huang, Chaofeng Chen, Isabelle Le Nir, Junyi Yuan, Shenzhuan Li, Heike Delius, and Krishna Pokhriyal

Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Lacustrine Deep-Water Gravity Flow Sandstones of the Shahejie Formation (43.7-38.2 Ma) in the Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression, Eastern China,
      Tian Yang, Yingchang Cao, Henrik Friis, and Yanzhong Wang

Characteristics and Vertical Sedimentary Succession of the Early Cretaceous Supercritical Hyperpycnal Flow Deposits on Lingshan Island, Eastern China,
      Tian Yang and Yingchang Cao

Controls on Variable Hydrothermal Dolomitization Geometries in Shallow-Marine Carbonates Using the Benicàssim Outcrop Analogue as a Case Study (Maestrat Basin East Spain),
      Shuqing Yao, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, John Howell, and Juan Diego Martín-Martín

Lithofacies, Paleoenvironments, and Diagenesis of the Middle Jurassic Carbonate Dhruma Formation: Implications on Reservoir Quality, Outcrop Analog, Central Saudi Arabia,
      Ibrahim Yousif, Osman Abdullatif, Mohammed Makkawi, Waleed Abdulghani, and Lamidi Babalola


The Raven High Pressure Gas Field in West Nile Delta: Evolution of Subsurface Understanding From Appraisal to Development,
      Mohamed Zahran and Jonathan M. Henton

Are Stratigraphic Traps More Risky?,
      Edwige Zanella, Jamie Collard, and Andrew Hughes

4-D Seismic Reservoir Surveillance and Business Impact – Dan Field Examples,
      Joerg Zaske, Ulla Hoffman, Charlotte Laurentzius, Katherine Lauriks, and Espen Lund

Predicting Interwell Heterogeneity in Fan-Deltaic Reservoirs: Outcrop Analogues and Applications of Lidar Technology in the Kuqa Foreland Area, Northwestern China,
      Qinglu Zeng and Ronghu Zhang

Petrophysical Joint Inversion – Rising to the Reservoir Characterization Challenge,
      Andrea Zerilli, Fabio M. Miotti, Paulo D. Menezes, and João L. Crepaldi

Microbial Biomineralization Processes Forming Stromatolitic Dolostone From the Ediacaran in the Sichuan Basin, Northeast China,
      Jie Zhang

From Elemental XRF Analysis, SEM to Chemical Stratigraphy and Reservoir of Mixed Sedimentary Rocks: The Middle Permian of Jimsar Depression, Junggar Basin, China,
      Shaomin Zhang, Yingchang Cao, Jens Jahren, and Rukai Zhu

A Quantitative Method for Evaluating the Transporting Capacity of Oil Source Faults in Shallow Formation of Oil-Rich Depressions,
      Kai Zhao, Youlu Jiang, and Hongjin Hu

Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoir in Yingxi Area of Qaidam Basin (North West China),
      Chao Zhu, Zhanguo Liu, Senming Li, and Qingshun Gong

Process-Based Modeling of Early Cretaceous (Albian) Delta Systems, Saudi Arabia,
      Rainer Zuhlke, Chuanyu S. Sun, Peter A. Crisi, Nikolaos A. Michael, and Arun Garg

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