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AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting
"Today's Idea, Tomorrow's Discovery"
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 30 – October 3, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90309 (2017)
Posted October 16, 2017

             Select letter corresponding to first letter of author's last name.
             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.





























































































































































































































































































































































































The Arbuckle Mountains as a Laboratory for Geological Education,
      R. W. Allen and R. L. Neman

High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of Mississippian Strata in Central and Eastern Oklahoma,
      C. J. Appleseth

Reservoir Characterization and Prediction of the Lower Cretaceous Glauconite Member at Jenner-Suffield Field, Alberta, Canada,
      Kristin Arndt


Activity Overview of the STACK and SCOOP with an Economic Evaluation Based on Modern Completion Methods,
      Clint Barefoot

Is Commercial-Scale CO2 Capture and Geologic Storage a Viable Enterprise for Kansas?,
      Tandis S. Bidgoli, Martin DuBois, W. Lynn Watney, Susan Stover, Yevhen Holubnyak, Andrew Hollenbach, Jeffrey C. Jennings, and Kevin Watts

Implications of Facies and Pore Architecture on NMR-Response in Carbonate Mudrock Reservoirs: Mississippian-Lime Play Case Study,
      Ibukun Bode, Chi Zhang, Beth Vanden Berg, and Michael Grammer

Could organic rich, black shales be a source for MVT deposits?,
      Bryan Bottoms

The Gunn Graben: Geology, Engineering, and the Missing Key, Geomechanics,
      Nicolas O. Brissette and Roy J. Davis

The Woodford Shale in the Marietta Basin (Oklahoma and Texas),
      Richard Brito, Roger Slatt, Ifunanya Ekwunife, and Bryan Turner

Importance of Outcrop Characterization of Unconventional Shale Resources,
      Richard Brito, Roger Slatt, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, and Sayantan Ghosh

Rift Shoulder Erosion and Basin Deformation Associated with the Wichita Uplift (Mountain Front): Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, U.S.A.,
      Thomas P. Bulling, Jesse Koch, Robert Marksteiner, Kristian Meisling, and Kim Koepke


Forest City Basin – Structural Control on Production,
      Marvin P. Carlson

Novaculitic Chert (Devonian-Mississippian) in the Southern Midcontinent: Organic-Rich Sedimentation and Palaeoceanography Along a Shelf-Rise Transect,
      Kyrsti A. Cecil and Jack C. Pashin

Novaculitic Chert (Devonian-Mississippian) in the Southern Midcontinent: Organic-Rich Sedimentation and Palaeoceanography Along a Shelf-Rise Transect,
      Kyrsti A. Cecil and Jack C. Pashin

Inorganic Aspects of Kerogens in a Hydrocarbon Producing Source Shale Bed May Hold Solutions to Yet Some Long-Standing Unresolved Issues about the Origin of Petroleum: A Lesson from the Study of Hydrocarbon Producing Late Devonian Woodford Shale in North,
      S. Chaudhuri, M. Totten, D. Ramirez-Caro, M. McIntire, H. Alvarez, L. Kelly, G. Riepl, J. Miesse, S. Kirkwood, B. Reitz, M. Spaid-Reitz, S. Alkhammali, M. Wall, B. Kwasny, R. Boutin, M. Granet, and A. Aubert

Predicting Reservoir Facies Distribution in the Subsurface using an Artificial Neural Network: Hodgeman County, Kansas,
      Jacob Clayton, Matt Totten, and Abdelmoneam Raef

A Simple and Cost-Effective Workflow for Engineered Perforations,
      Byron Cottingham


Characterization of natural CO2 systems of the Lower Ordovician through Lower Permian strata in the Delaware, Val Verde, and Marfa Basin areas and the Marathon-Ouachita Fold Belt area of the southern Permian Basin of Texas,
      Colin A. Doolan, Peter D. Warwick, Christina A. DeVera, Celeste D. Lohr, Jenna L. Shelton, and Ernie R. Slucher

Delaware Basin: Characterizing the Lower Abo Horizontal Oil Play Using Seismic,
      Johannes Douma

Regional Stratigraphy and Proximal to Distal Variation of Lithology and Porosity Within a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System, Meramec and Osage Series (Mississippian), North-Central Oklahoma,
      Katherine A. Drummond, Matthew J. Pranter, and G. Micheal Grammer

Use of Core Data and Completions Diagnostic Methods to Improve Production Simulations in the Woodford,
      Stephen Drylie

Integrated High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy and Sedimentological Analysis of Meramec/Sycamore Unconventional Reservoir in the Merge Area,
      David Duarte and Roger Slatt


Combining Sequence Stratigraphy with Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Regional Correlation and Determination of Reservoir Quality in the "Mississippian Limestone" of the Mid-Continent, USA,
      Elizabeth Elium


Missourian/Desmoinesian Boundary of Eastern Oklahoma,
      Curtis J. Faulkner


Outcrop-Based Conodont Biostratigraphy of Meramecian-Chesterian Rocks in Oklahoma,
      Cory J. Godwin and James O. Puckette

Geochemical Characterization of the Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma,
      Yagmur Sumer Gorenekli


Improved Estimation of Water Saturation in a Lower-Paleozoic European Organic-Rich Shale Gas Formation,
      Yifu Han and Siddharth Misra

Land Based S-Wave Reflection Seismology with P Sources,
      Bob Hardage

New Age Fracture Mapping Diagnostic Tools – A STACK Case Study,
      Kyle Haustveit

Evaluating the Feasibility of CO2 Storage through Reservoir Characterization and Geologic Modeling of the Viola Formation and Arbuckle Group in Kansas,
      Andrew M. Hollenbach, Tandis S. Bidgoli, Martin Dubois, Yevhen Holubnyak, and Mina Fazelalavi

Reservoir Modeling for CO2 EOR in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir at Wellington Field in South-Central Kansas,
      Yevhen Holubnyak


Identifying at Risk Areas for Injection-Induced Seismicity Through Subsurface Analysis of Southern Kansas,
      Jeffrey C. Jennings and Tandis Bidgoli

Critical Evaluation of Pennsylvanian Cyclicity in the Anadarko Basin: A Probabilistic Model of High Frequency Eustasy in a High Accommodation Setting,
      Mark W. Jensen and Jack C. Pashin

Stratigraphic Variability of the Desmoinesian Marmaton Group Across the Lips Fault System in the Texas Panhandle Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin,
      Patrick Jordan


Partially Coupled Geomechanics and Reservoir Simulation in Tight Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Pierre Karam, Junjie Yang, and Agus Tjengdrawira

Facies Distribution and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Reservoir Characterization of a Silurian (Cayugan) Reef Slope: Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Grant County, Indiana,
      Jim Karsten

Understanding the Pennsylvanian Age Granite Wash Play Fairway Through Log and Core Data: Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, U.S.A.,
      Jesse Koch, Thomas P. Bulling, Kristy Hanley, Kim Koepke, and Sara Maloney


In-Situ Wireline-Log-Derived Indices for Miscible Light-Hydrocarbon-Injection Recovery in Bakken Petroleum System,
      Hao Li and Dr. Siddharth Misra


Multidisciplinary Geomechanical and Geophysical Characterization of the Coupled Arbuckle Basement System, Payne County, Oklahoma,
      Gabriel L. Machado, Garrett J. Hickman, Maulin P. Gogri, Kurt J. Marfurt, Matthew J. Pranter, and Zulifquar A. Reza

Geologic Characterization of Enigmatic Carbonate Masses in the Woodford Shale, Criner Hills Area, Oklahoma,
      Danielle Martin

Rebirth of the Hunton in the Sooner Trend Field of Oklahoma,
      Gregg McDonald, Trey Stearns, and Mike LaGrange

Low Temperature Anhydrite Formation in Flowing Systems: Implications for Near Surface Diagenesis on Mars,
      Kayla M. Miller

Optimizing Unconventional Completions – An Integrated Approach,
      Sam Mitwally

Identifying Some Mechanical Stratigraphic Controls on IP30 (First Month) Hydrocarbon Production Volumes in the SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) Play,
      Carlos Molinares-Blanco, Muizz Matemilola, Jing Zhang, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, Lennon Infante, and Roger Slatt


Proppant Technology Advances and Reservoir Performance,
      Susan Nash


Expanding the Build-and-Fill Model: 'Phylloid-Algal' Carbonate Mound Development,
      Stephan Oborny

Comparitive Study of Relative Permeability and Previous HitResidualTop Saturation Estimates of Kerogen and Shale Samples,
      Shiv Prakash Ojha and Dr. Siddharth Misra


Microseismic Estimates of Surface Seismic Brittleness Estimates: Application to a Barnett Shale Survey,
      Roderick Perez-Altamar, John Henry Alzate, Amanda Trumbo, and Kurt Marfurt

Woodford-Sourced Oil in the Mississippian STACK Play: A Two-Phase Migration Model,
      Tom Peryam, Mahammad Wahid Rahman, Jim Anderson, Shawna Parks, and Dwain Veach

New Interpretations on Chert Deposition and Porosity Evolution in Mississippian Cherts,
      Buddy Price, Ahmed El Belasy, and G. Michael Grammer

Applying a Sequence Stratigraphic Model to Explain Stratigraphic Architecture and the Spatial Distribution of Reservoir Facies in the Mississippian Limestone,
      Jim Puckette, Keller Flinton, and Mike Grammer


Geochemical Fingerprinting and Fluid Phase Behavior of Produced Oils from Meramec and Woodford Reservoirs from the STACK Play, Anadarko Basin,
      Mohammad 'Wahid' Rahman, Tom Peryam, Dwain Veach, Mindy Homan, Jim Anderson, and Buddy Price

Lithologic and Chemostratigraphic Evaluation of the Woodford Shale in the Western Arkoma and Eastern Anadarko Basins, Oklahoma,
      Eli Reese and Jim Puckette

Evaluation of Thinly Laminated Zones from the Granite Wash Using an Integrated Workflow Including Logs, Core Data, and Digital Rock Analysis,
      Tiffany Rider, Robert Aylsworth, Joel Walls, and Anyela Morcote

Cherokee Paleolithology, Long Branch Field, Payne County, Oklahoma,
      Greg Riepl

Using Near Wellbore Acoustic Imaging to Complement Fracture Interpretation from Borehole Image Logs,
      Jon Roberts, Jarret Borell, and Ning Zhang

Evidence of Hydrothermal Alteration in the Woodford Shale – Anadarko and Ardmore Basins, Oklahoma,
      Jennifer Roberts and R. Douglas Elmore

Regional-Scale Characterization of the Arbuckle Group's Depositional History and Cap Rock Facies Variations and Their Role on Arbuckle Reservoir Characteristics and Saltwater Injection (Part 1 & 2),
      Kurt Rottmann and J. P. Dick


Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production While Minimizing Completion Costs in the STACK,
      Rick Schrynemeeckers, Paul A. Harrington, and Mathew A. Jones

Predicting Channel Sand Wells in the Anadarko Basin with a 90% Accuracy,
      Rick Schrynemeeckers

A Diagnostic Approach to Diversion Analysis and Optimal Lateral Length in the Midcontinent,
      Chad Senters

Integrated Petrological Characterization of Missourian Series Sandstones, Anadarko Basin: Examples from 2 Hogshooter Wells, Texas & Oklahoma,
      Abbas Seyedolali, Vincent Nowaczewski, and Gordon Macleod

Application of Rock Geochemistry and Advanced Surface Logging Techniques to Predict Rock Heterogeneity and Fluid Distribution in Unconventional Reservoirs,
      S. Sharma, C. Magnier, R. Michaelis, F. Kimour, and M. Herkommer

Digital Surface Imagery from 3D Pointcloud to Enhance 3D Seismic Survey Planning and Operations,
      Richard Shaver

Additional Opportunities in the Fayetteville Shale Play of North-Central Arkansas,
      Phillip Shelby

Structural Analysis of the Carter-Knox Field using 3D Seismic Data,
      Molly Simpson and Shankar Mitra

Determining the Effectiveness of Isolation Techniques Using Completion Diagnostics and Production Analysis,
      D. J. Snyder

Hypothetical 1859 North American Exploratory Program,
      Ray Sorenson

Viola, Simpson, and Arbuckle Group Exploration – Oklahoma and Adjacent Areas,
      Raymond Suhm

On the Road to the Roadside Geology of Oklahoma,
      Neil H. Suneson

Stratigraphic and Facies Control on Porosity and Pore Types of Mississippian Limestone and Chert Reservoirs: An Example from North-Central Oklahoma,
      Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter

Lithofacies and Pore-structure Characterization of the Mid-continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant Count, Oklahoma,
      Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter


Petrophysical Interpretation of Electromagnetic Induction and Dielectric Dispersion Logs in Bakken Petroleum System,
      Pratiksha Tathed, Yifu Han, and Siddharth Misra

Mapping Reservoir Stress Conditions using Hydraulic Fracturing Microseismicity>,
      Orlando J. Teran

Discoveries from the Up-Dip Expansion of the SCOOP Play,
      Drew Thomas

Identification of Potential Lacustrine Stratigraphic Intervals in the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Using Multi-Attribute 3D Seismic Displays and a Supervised Neural Network,
      Emilio J. Torres, Roger M. Slatt, Kurt J. Marfurt, Lennon E. Infante, and Luis A. Castillo

Production Revival of the Oklahoma City South Wilcox Sand Unit, Oklahoma City Field, Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma,
      Jim Tull


Using SMTI Topology with Dynamic Parameter Analysis to Characterize Crack Connectivity Related to Flow and Production along Wellbores in the Meramec Formation,
      Ted Urbancic, Adam Baig, Ellie Ardakani, Dan Kahn, Jamie Rich, David Langston, and Ken Silver


Utilizing Measured Drilling Parameters to Optimize Completions Design,
      Jason VanderKooi


Natural Fracture Characterization and Prediction in the Unconventional "Mississippian Limestone" Play, North-Central Oklahoma, U.S.A,
      Yulun Wang, Taylor Thompson, and Michael Grammer

Chronology and Provenance of Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian Clastic Influx to the Hugoton Embayment and Arkoma Shelf, Constraints on Transcontinental Sediment Transport and Regional Tectonics,
      Wei Wang, Tandis Bidgoli, and Lynn Watney

Shooters – A "Fracking" History,
      Bruce Wells

Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mississippian Limestone Through Integrated Electrofacies Classification, Hardtner Field Area, Kansas and Oklahoma,
      Niles W. Wethington and Matthew J. Pranter

Sedimentology and Facies Analysis of the Jurassic Summerville Formation, Utah – A Potential Analog for Martian Mudstones,
      Andrea C. White and Juergen Schieber


An Integrated Approach on Understanding Natural Fracture Systems in the STACK Play Using Core and Image Log Data,
      Ning Zhang, Jamar Bynum, Jarret Borell, and John Arney

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