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AAPG Asia Pacific Region Technical Symposium
Hidden Potential in Mature Basins: Play Analogs and Best Practices
Bandung, Indonesia, September 13-14, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90307 (2017)
Posted September 25, 2017

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             Items preceded by asterisk (*) designate extended abstracts.























































































































































































































































































Unravelling New Prospectivity in the Clastic and Carbonate Reservoirs using Differential Compaction Concept and 3D Seismic Attributes: Case Study from Malaysia Basins,
      Nasaruddin B Ahmad, Abdul Jailani B Che Johari, Megat Iskandar B Megat Ismail, Satyabrata Nayak, and Nur Bakti B M Makhatar

Sedimentary Cycle Best Practice: Potential Eo-Oligocene Sediments in Western Indonesia,
      Mellinda Arisandy, Widiastuti Nur Farida, and I Wayan Darma

Revisit Play Concept for Eocene-Oligocene Stratigraphic Play in Jatibarang Formation, Onshore North West Java Basin, Indonesia,
      Anggun Armia, Fuji Koesoemadewi, Iwan Galih Widyoseno, and Muchamad Oktasena

Re-define Basement Configuration of E-15 Graben and Its Impact to New Petroleum System Play in Offshore North West Java Basin,
      Aveliansyah, Pujo Ponco, Rinaldo, Wahyu Triyono, and Ujang A. Saefullah


Fractured Basement Reservoir as New Hydrocarbon Potential in North West Corner Field, Offshore North West Java Basin,
      Firman A. Bumulo, Itung Turseno, Aveliansyah, Dyah Woelandari, and Ujang A. Saefullah


The Evaluation of Challenging Volcaniclastic Reservoir Previous HitThroughNext Hit Geochemical Assessment,
      Dipo Caesario, Wahyu Budhi K, Arif Swastika, Nanda Natasia, Galih Regi R, Wahyu Nainggolan, and Yan Wijaya

A Novel Oil Opens Up a New Play Beneath the Gadiaga Gas Field, Senegal,
      Nick Cameron, Rogers Beall, and Andrew Carr


Thinking Out of The Box: Key For Finding Additional Hydrocarbon In Mature Basin,
      Herman Darman

Maximizing Productivity and Establishing Additional Reserves in Low Permeability Rocks though Improved Understanding of In Situ Stress State: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India,
      Sabyasachi Dash, Shubhodip Konar, Utpalendu Kuila, Ajoy K. Bora, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra


Crack Obsolete Paradigm: Proven New Petroleum Potential in PINKY Area, Sirikit Oil Field, Thailand,
      M. Ekapost, L. Punnaya, and K. Prasit


Reservoir Characterization of 34-2 Sandstone Interval at Talang Akar Formation, Asri Basin,
      Heri Gunawan

Turbidite Stratigraphic Play in Deep Water Makassar Strait Indonesia,
      Elly Guritno, Dimmas Ramadhan, and Adam Duffy


Warukin Deep – the Hidden Potential of Warukin Field, Untouch Reserves in Mature Field,
      Muhammad Rizky Harun, Benny Nugroho Ardhiansyah, and Rifky Tri Putral

TOTAL'S Experiences in Tackling Mature Field Challenges in The Mahakam PSC,
      Henricus Herwin, Bayu Giriansyah, and Irfan Taufik Rau


Reconstruction Chronostratigraphy in Carbonate Reservoirs Surrounding Wrench Fault Zone of RMKS, Sakala Subbasin, East Java Basin, Indonesia,
      Mill Sartika Indah, Bambang Parikesit, and Darwin Kadar

Realizing Potential in The Overlooked Reservoir in Mature Krisna Field,
      Vian Indrasatwika, Doni Hidayat, and Hairunnisa


An Application Spectral Decomposition to Unlock The Potential A Thin Reservoir With Shale Pinch Out Opportunity In Mature Water Flood Of Bravo Field, Central Sumatra Basin,
      Robi Junipa, Ismail Zulkarnain, Henrikus Panjaitan, and Medika Wilza


Geological Controls on Net Pay in Reservoirs,
      John G. Kaldi

3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model on Talang Akar and Gumai Formation of Betara Structure, Jambi Sub-basin,
      Lia Reulina Ketaren, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, M.N Alamsyah, Andri Syafriya, and Lucky K. Muhtar

Exploration Challenges Ahead,
      R. P. Koesoemadinata

Seismic Reservoir Characterization in Hydrocarbon Exploration: An Effort to Unlock Gumai Play Potential in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
      Trisakti Kurniawan, Fithra H. Darmawan, Azli. B. A. Bakar, Ahmad Shahir B Saleh, Faiqah Mohamad Jahan Z. Ahmad, Mellinda Arisandy, Mawar I. Nursina, Randy Condronegoro, and Andri Syafriya

Future of Tunu Field Development: A Breakthrough of Gas Sand Identification using Automated Seismic Assessment,
      Firman B Kurniawan, Rangga A Brahmantio, Argo Wuryanto, Yudhistira Adji, Eros S Erriyantoro, and Pujo Rahmanto

Pliocene Deep Water Channel System of Celebes Molasse as New Exploration Play In Banggai Sula Foreland Basin, Eastern Sulawesi-Indonesia,
      Anggoro P. Kurniawan, Galang P. Adi, Wahyuni T. Sundari, Maikel Arifin, Muharram J. Panguriseng, and Asep S. Arifin


Look-out Below: Exploring Indonesia's Proven Basins,
      Hong Shien Lee, Emilio Intrieri, Norishah Hashim, Suhaila Suleiman, Antonio Dimabuyu, and Dylan Mair

Adding Reserves by Evaluating Turbidite Channel Reservoirs of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Beidagang Structural Belt, Bohaiwan Basin, China,
      Zhou Lyu, Li Li, Xiulin Hou, and Wenqi Zhang


Unfolding New Prospectivity in a Mature Rift Basin Previous HitthroughNext Hit Paradigm Shift in Basin Evolution Concepts: Barmer Basin Story,
      Arpita Mandal, Shubhodip Konar, Priyabrata Chatterjee, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra

Controlling Factor in Pliocene Carbonate Reservoir Quality as Key to Evaluate Play Chances: Case study from Mundu Carbonate from South Madura Strait – East Java Basin,
      Maradona Mansyur, Nurhasan, and Lawrence Grant Wooley

Integrated Evaluation of Subsurface Data: Case Study of Exploration in the Miocene of Makassar Strait,
      Befriko S. Murdianto, Kirandra Ferari Budhi Prasojo, Lambok P. Marpaung, and Lilik Iskandar


Potential Reservoir of Complex Channel in Deep Water Vulcaniclastic Turbidite System, Case Studies in Kebo-Butak Formation,
      Adi Nugraha and Ida Bagus Oka Agastya


Fractured Basement in Mature Basin Exploration: New Play Analog in Central Sumatra Basin,
      Damian Pascal and Sheila Ayu Pricilla

A New Concept for New Oil Exploration in the Mature Field, Sirikit Main Area,
      Natthaya Piyapongpan, Sireethorn Benjatanont, Thakerngchai Sangvaree, and Alisara Ngamlurdwongsakul

Increasing Oil Recovery in a Mature Oilfield Using Joint Seismic Waveform Classification and Neural-Network, Dakwah Field, Indonesia,
      Candra Arya Pradana and Ronald Chevalier


Very Low Quality Reservoirs, New Opportunity for Future Developments in Mature Field, a Case Study of Semberah Field, Kutei Basin, Indonesia,
      Ridha S. Riadi, Robhy C. Permana, Amalia Setoputri, Arief Bagus Prasetyo, and Fachmy M. Irhamsyah


Integrated Reservoir Modeling to Unlock Hidden Potential in Mature Peciko Field A Case Study of Advance Lithoseismic Attributes Interpretation and Paleo Channel Reconstruction in Complex Distributaries Channel Reservoir,
      Ehsan Sadeghi, Supriady, Agung Wiweko, Bachesa Wisatria, and Radya Senoputra

3D Fractured Basement Modeling based on 3D Seismic Attribute: A Preliminary Exploration Study of Hydrocarbon Potential in Basement Reservoir,
      Bella Dinna Safitri, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, M. N Alamsyah, Beiruny Syam, and Nyoman Suta

Reference Studies: Probability of Shale Gas in Mature Basin, Case Study from Central Sumatra Basin,
      Aulia P. Satria

Rejuvenation of Exploration Strategy and Paradigm to Discover New Prospect in Mature Basin, Case Study: Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
      Andhika Eka Satrya and Junita Trivianty Musu

Finding New Pays in Old Plays: Applications for Surface Geochemical Exploration in Mature Basins,
      Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau

Geological Cross Sections; Combining Geologic Models and Best Practices to Finding and Previous HitExploitingNext Hit Reserves,
      Robert Shoup

Unlocking Potential Previous HitResourcesTop at Shallow Zone for Future Development: Methodology and Application at Sisi Nubi Fields, Mahakam Delta,
      Aditya Suardiputra, Rahmad Hidayat, Kelik Moersidin, Saras Nawangsari, Aldyth Sukapradja, Debrina Sugiharto, Hermawan, Soegianto Tjiptowiyono, and Cepi Adam

Bekapai Field: An Old Field That Refuses to Die,
      Supriady, Yan Muhazir, and Untung Ashari

Unlocking Alluvial Facies Potential in Northern Part of South Sumatra Basin,
      Beiruny Syam, Nyoman Suta, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, and M. N Alamsyah


Fractured Intrusion and Extrusion Reservoirs in Mature Basins; Play Concept and Hydrocarbon Potential,
      Mohamed Taha

A Fresh Look at Pore Pressure Prediction: Using 'Play-Based Pore Pressure Prediction' to Identify Successful New Play Concepts,
      Mark Tingay


Locating Optimal Onshore Drilling Spot by Heuristic Passive Seismic,
      Khairul Ummah, Fatrial Bahesti, and Almas Hilman


Thin-layer Reservoir Prediction Method of Rifted Basin Based on Low-Resolution Seismic Data,
      Ke Weili, Zhang Guangya, Zheng Yonglin, Liu Aixiang, Yu Yongjun, and Huang Tongfei

Gas While Drilling (GWD) Classification in Tight Shaly-Sand Reservoir; An Effort To Unlock Gumai Play Potential In South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia,
      Wibawa, I Gusti Agung Aditya Surya, Andri Syafriya, and Beiruny Syam

Extending Kencanaloka Field Production by Developing a Hidden Potential of Eocene Carbonate Gas Reservoir, a Case Study of K-85 Zone in Kencanaloka Field, Offshore North West Java,
      Icuk Dwi Wibowo, Sobani, Linda Fransiska, and Mery Luciawaty


Tight Sandstone Oil Potential in Mature Reservoir, South of Songliao Basins,
      Wenqi Zhang, Fei Gu, Zhou Lyu, Yang Zhang, and Fang Xu

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