--> AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90303 (2017).
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AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop
Drones and UAVs: Solving Problems, Finding Resources
Houston, Texas, May 23-24, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90303 (2017)
Posted August 30, 2017


Leveraging Deep Learning Analytics for Drone Enabled Services in the Energy Sector,
      Ross Bohnstedt and Dr Yang Liu

Emerging New Directions in Unmanned Vehicles,
      Daniel DeClute-Melancon

Starting a Drone Services Business from a Geologist's Perspective – With a Focus on Aerial Mapping,
      Bob Heim

Utilizing Drone Imagery to Build Virtual Outcrops: Upper Cambrian Microbial Reefs, Mason, Texas,
      Pankaj Khanna

UAS BVLOS Operations for the Oil and Gas Industry,
      George Kirov

Petroleum Geology and Airborne Images: What We Can Do,
      Dave Koger

Remote Sensing / Working with Images,
      Dave Koger

In-class Exercise: Remote Sensing / Getting Images,
      Dave Koger

Unmanned Aerial Systems: Next Generation Sensors and Applications,
      Jonathan Kohn

Drones for Tank Farm and Infrastructure Inspections: Case Study,
      Previous HitDavidTop Lacy

Drone Recharging and Data Delivery Stations: A New System (RDISt),
      Brian Meier

Cost Effective UAS Solutions for Coastal Zones,
      Mike Montgomery

Drone Reality Check – What Drones Can't, Won't, and Flat-Out Refuse to Do,
      Michael Nash

New Developments in Drones and Methane Detection for Monitoring, Emissions Detection, and Regulatory Compliance,
      Susan Nash

Emerging Technologies for Identifying and Monitoring Fugitive Methane and Carbon Sources,
      Maria Pirone

Geiger Mode Lidar for Efficient Terrain Mapping and Feature Extraction,
      Mark Romano

Choosing the Most Appropriate Sensor and Unmanned Vehicle,
      Alex Wehmann

Integrating the Sensors and Vehicle, Support Hardware,
      Alex Wehmann

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