--> AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90297 (2017).
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AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop
Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Styles in the Middle East
Muscat, Oman, May 9-11, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90297 (2017)
Posted June 30, 2017




Overview of the Key Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Tools for Seismic Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit and Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Model QC,
      Sultan Abdullah and Lothar Schulte

Un-locking the Pre-salt, Block6, Oman,
      Abdullah Al Gahaffi, Donald Sim, Voladri Reddy, and Erma Hj.Hassan

Structure and Rheology of the Arabia-Eurasia Zagros and Makran Plate Boundaries Inferred From Pn-Tomography,
      Ali Al-Lazki

Active Arabian Plate Fracturing: Patterns, Driving Factors, and Impact on Hydrocarbon Resources,
      Mohammed S. Ameen

Controls and Consequences of the Variations of Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Style in North Oman,
      Guillaume Backé, Buthaina Al Anboori, and Najla Moosa

New Field Scale Observations That Refine Current Previous HitStructuralNext Hit-Previous HitStratigraphicNext Hit Concepts in Oman,
      Stephen J. Calvert and Uwe P. Baaske

Interaction between the Oman Range Structures and the Eastern Part of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt,
      Núria Carrera, Mireia Butillé, Joana Mencos, Marco Snidero, Hossein Motamedi, Alireza Piryaei, Sousan Sepahvand, Bahman Soleimany, Josep Anton Muñoz, Francesc Sàbat, Josep Giner, and Pablo Santolaria

Strike-Slip Faults vs Lateral Ramps in the Zagros Thrust Belt (NE Iraq): Impacts on HC Potentials,
      R. Di Cuia and P. Pace

Kinematic Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit and Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Evolution of North Oman, Block 6, Since the Late Cretaceous and Implications for Timing of Hydrocarbon Migration into Cretaceous Reservoirs,
      Jacek B. Filbrandt, Salah Al-Dhahab, Abdullah Al-Habsy, Kester Harris, John Keating, Salim Al-Mahruqi, Sait Ismail Ozkaya, Pascal D. Richard, and Tony Robertson

The Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Style of the NW Arabian Plate: From Mesozoic Extension to the Alpine Orogeny,
      Ramadan Ghalayini

An Overview of Salt- Controlled Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Styles in South Oman: New Insights at Regional and Field Scale,
      Rodrigo Heidorn and John R. Underhill

New Ductile Microscopic Shear-Sense Indicators (Oman Mountains),
      Frank Mattern, Andreas Scharf, and Bernhard Pracejus

Thick-Skinned Contractional Folding and Saudi Arabia's Major Hydrocarbon Traps,
      Paul G. Nicholson and Richard H. Groshong, Jr.

Overview of the Key Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Tools for Seismic Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit and Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Model QC,
      Pascal Richard

Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Style Comparison between North – South Oman,
      P. Richard, Loic Bazalgette, and M. Al Kindy

North Kuwait Carbonate Fields Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Evolution,
      Pascal Richard, Loic Bazalgette, Vijay Kidambi, Kamran Laiq, Allan Odreman, Bashar Al Qadeeri, Rao Narhari, Chinmaya Pattnaik, and Khalid Al Ateeqi

Extrapolating Fold Belt-Scale Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Data to Subsurface. Example from the Zagros,
      J. L. Rudkiewicz, R. Darnault, S. Sherkati, and F. Nader

Postobduction Ooid Deformation in Mesozoic Limestone and Paleotemperature (Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains),
      Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Mohammed Al-Wardi, Luca Aldega, and Eugenio Carminati

Compaction History of Upper Cretaceous Shale and Its Relationship to Plate Margin Tectonics (Northeastern Oman),
      Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Mussab Al-Sarmi, Bernhard Pracejus, Al-Shaima Al-Hinaai, and Amira Al-Mamari

New Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Elements of Outcropped Amin Formation in Huqf Region, Oman,
      Olga Shelukhina, Mohamed El-Ghali, Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi, Mazin Al Khadouri, and Basim Al Khadouri

Reducing Uncertainties of Seismic Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit of Salt Structures by Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Modelling of Onshore Case Studies in the Fars Area,
      Marco Snidero, Josep Anton Muñoz, Núria Carrera, Mireia Butillé, Joana Mencos, Hossein Motamedi, Alireza Piryaei, Sousan Sepahvand, Bahman Soleimany, Francesc Sàbat, and Josep Giner

Influence of Deep Salt on the Style of Major Structures in Northeast Saudi Arabia,
      Simon A. Stewart

Regional Previous HitStructuralTop Styles on Opposite Sides of the Arabian Plate – Their Influence on Petroleum Traps,
      Jan Witte

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