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AAPG Division of Professional Affairs
Delaware Basin Playmaker's Forum
Midland, Texas, February 22, 2017

Search and Discovery Article #90293 (2017)
Posted May 29, 2017




Building an Asset in Uncertain Times- the Panther Energy Delaware Basin Story,
      Previous HitDonaldTop Burdick

Shell's Journey: From Basin Entry to Wolfcamp Development in the Delaware Basin,
      Melanie Crisp, Brice Peterson, Marcel De Jong, and Jannie Rehnmark

An Applied Geochemical Look at Delaware Basin Petroleum Systems,
      John B. Curtis and John E. Zumberge

The Utility of Collecting Whole Rock Core for Understanding the Wolfcamp A, Delaware Basin, SE New Mexico,
      Chris Flenthrope, Erik Kvale, and Brent Roggow

Evolution of the WOLFBONE,
      David Grace

You Can't Change the Rock – Lessons Learned from the Wolfcamp Shale in the Delaware Basin,
      Travis Kinley, William Hasler, and Shannon Towne

Parsley Energy's Wolfcamp Position in the Southern Delaware Basin: From Exploration and Appraisal to Development,
      Thomas B. Layman

Exploration Potential of the Woodford Shale in the Permian Basin,
      Randall Miller

Tight Oil Reservoir Targets in the Delaware Basin,
      Randall Miller

Inter-Disciplinary Work Flow Process to Achieve Profitable Results in Delaware Basin Resource Plays,
      John Polasek

Generation of a Regional 3-D Pore Pressure Model for the Wolfcamp Formation in the Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas,
      Sarah Rittenhouse and Joanna Fritz

Pushing the Limits of the Wolfcamp Play: Jagged Peak Energy in the Delaware Basin,
      John Roesink

Permian Basin Energy Capital of Innovation: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow!,
      Charles Sternbach and William DeMis

Avalon Shale "Unconventional Unconventional Play",
      Michael Swain

Exploring the Southern Extent of the Alpine High,
      Troy Tittlemier, John Speight, Sterling Satterfield, and Allen Howard

Proposed Stratigraphic Correlation Framework, Wolfcamp of Delaware Basin, West Texas,
      Mary Van Der Loop

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