--> 2016-2017 AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series; - Abstracts, #90290 (2017).
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2016-2017 AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series

Search and Discovery Article #90290 (2017)
Posted April 7, 2017


Eliciting Expert Opinions and Uncertainty Assessments for Decision Making,
      Stephen H. Begg

Gas Hydrate Petroleum System Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit in Marine and Arctic Permafrost Environments,
      Timothy S. Collett

Arctic and Marine Gas Hydrate Production Testing – Lessons Learned,
      Timothy S. Collett

Integrated Seismic and Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitLogNext Hit Previous HitAnalysisTop of Gas Hydrate Prospects,
      Timothy S. Collett

Indian National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 02 Technical Contributions,
      Timothy S. Collett

Three-Hour Short Course – A Primer on Natural Gas Hydrates,
      Timothy S. Collett

Grain Coatings & Hydrocarbons as Inhibitors of Cementation in Sandstones,
      Thomas L. Dunn

The Value of Looking at Rocks in the Era of Advanced Instrumentation & Computer Modeling,
      Thomas L. Dunn

Mudrocks (Shales, Mudstones) at the Scale of Grains and Pores: Current Understanding,
      Kitty L. Milliken

Half-day Short Course on the Micro- to Nano-scale Features of Mudrocks,
      Kitty L. Milliken

Marine Muddy Depositional Systems – Bedforms to Stratal Architecture and Play Fairways,
      Per Kent Pedersen

Unconventional Tight Light Oil Play Types, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
      Per Kent Pedersen

Cognitive Bias, the Elephant in the Living Room of Science and Professionalism,
      Pete Rose

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