The Velkerri Conundrum: How Long Can Hydrocarbons be Retained in a Shale?,
Soumaya Abbassi, Martin Kennedy, and Bruce Schaefer
Evolution of Pore Size and Structure in Siliceous Sediments and The Influence of Discontinuous Burial or Uplift on Cementation and Formation of Secondary Porosity,
Richard J. Behl and Tesfalidet G. Kassa
Redox Conditions During Early Diagenesis Inferred from the Mode and Occurrence of Pyrite in the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone of Southwestern Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin, USA,
David R. Blood, Steve Schlaegle, Christopher M. Hefferan, Mariah Murph, and Alexa Vazquez
Documenting Mudstone Heterogeneity by use of Principle Component
of X-Ray Diffraction and Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Data: A Case Study in the Triassic Shublik Formation, Alaska North Slope,
A. Boehlke, K. J. Whidden, and W. Benzel
3D imaging and Spectroscopy of Organic Matter Diagenesis in Mudrocks with Linear and Nonlinear Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM),
R. C. Burruss, P. Jarboe, and P. C. Hackle
Diagenetic Evolution of Organic Matter Cements: Implications for Unconventional Shale Reservoir Quality Prediction,
Wayne K. Camp
Strategies for Identifying Organic Matter Types in SEM,
Wayne K. Camp
Primary and Secondary Pores of Kerogen and Bitumen By Reflected Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy,
Brian J. Cardott and Mark E. Curtis
Automated Mineral Particle
as a Tool in
and Paleoclimatic Studies,
Ricardo Celestino, Jennifer Huggett, Stephen Hesselbo, and Weimu Xu
Spatiotemporal Sedimentary Facies Variations in the Permian Whitehill Formation, main Karoo Basin,
Kenneth Chukwuma and Emese M. Bordy
Woodford Shale and the Evaporite Connection – The Significance of Aridity and Hypersalinity in Organic Matter Productivity and Preservation and Unconventional Reservoir Property Enhancement,
John B. Comer
Fracture Capture of Organic-Hosted Pores During Shale Deformation: An Explanation for Permeability and Production Enhancement?,
Hugh Daigle, Nicholas Hayman, Eric Kettl, Kitty Milliken, and Han Jiang
Impact of Compaction and Diagenesis on Strength, Stiffness and Anisotropy in the Goldwyer and Bongabinni Formations, Canning Basin, Western Australia,
Claudio Delle Piane, Bjarne Almqvist, Colin MacRae, Aaron Torpy, Arthur Mory, and Dave Dewhurst
Mineral and Organic Diagenetic Modifications in the Post Mature Marcellus Shale,
Claudio Delle Piane, Julien Bourdet, Vladimir Luzin, David N. Dewhurst, and Mark Raven
The Impact of CEC, Salinity, Mineralogy, and Particle Size Distribution on Multistage Triaxial Measurements of Reconsolidated Mudrocks,
Mohab Dessouki, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon
The Control of Starting Rock Composition on Diagenetic Processes in Fine-grained Mudstones: an Example from the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
Tian Dong, Nicholas B. Harris, and Korhan Ayranci
Mineral Diagenesis in Silt- and Clay-Rich Mudstones: Macroscopic to Microscopic Characteristics,
Patrick J. Dowey and Kevin G. Taylor
Depth of Burial for Lithification and Diagenesis of Muds and Sands on Early Mars,
Kenneth S. Edgett, Juergen Schieber, John P. Grotzinger, Kirsten L. Siebach, Kathryn M. Stack, Lauren A. Edgar, Patrick J. Gasda, Jens Frydenvang, Sanjeev Gupta, Rachel E. Kronyak, and Linda C. Kah
The Ordovician Toyen Shale, and its Eight Steps through diagenesis – an Overview,
Sven O. Egenhoff and Neil S. Fishman
Paragenesis of Mineralized Fractures in the Wolfcamp Shale,
R. Douglas Elmore, Alyssa Wickard, Gerhard Hei, Mark Curtis, Carl Sondergeld, and Chandra Rai
Diagenetic Features in the Late Cambrian Alum Shale across the SPICE Event, Sweden,
Neil S. Fishman and Sven O. Egenhoff
Silt in Mudrocks as a
Indicator and Characteristic Fabric Element,
Nicholas W. Hayman and Kitty L. Milliken
Spatial-temporal Boundaries of Shale Diagenesis Inferred from Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism,
Gerhard Heij, Doug Elmore, Jennifer Roberts, Alex K. Steullet, and Devin Dennie
Organic Matter Characterization in Shales: A Systematic Empirical Protocol,
Kultaransingh Hooghan, Lori Hathon, Mike Dixon, and Mike Myers
High Resolution Quantitative Characterization of Organic Rich Mudstones using Laser Confocal Microscopy and Micro-FTffi Imaging,
T. D. Jobe, D. Jacobi, S. Csutak, S. Eichmann, and W. Li
Use of Laser Ablation ICP-MS and SEM for Possible Correlation, and Identification of Microbially Influenced Diagenetic Phases, in Lake Mudstone of the Green River Formation, Utah, USA,
Dave Keighley, Chris McFarlane, and Mike Vanden Berg
NanoMin; Sub Micrometer Mineral Mapping to Identify Diagenetic and Depositional History in Shale,
Martin J. Kennedy, Stefan C. Lahr, Soumaya Abassi, Habibur Rahman, Catherine Stafford
Petroleum Geochemistry and Mudstone Diagenesis of the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, USA – An Integrated Approach,
C. D. Laughrey and P. F. Purrazzella
Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Material in Shales: Relationship to Thermal Maturity, Mechanical Properties, and Organic Matter Type Interpreted from SEM Images,
Zhengfan Liu, Michael T. Myers, Lori A. Hathon, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Insights into the Transformation of Mud to Mudstone from Ocean Drilling Results,
Kathleen M. Marsaglia and Kitty L. Milliken
Applicability of Micro-FTIR in Detecting Shale Heterogeneity,
Maria Mastalerz, Carley Gasawal, Fed Krause, Chris Clarkson, and Chris DeBuhr
Elucidating Diagenetic Impacts Upon Carbonate-Rich Organic Mudstones: The Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, SW Texas, USA,
Richard McAllister and K. G. Taylor
Textural and Compositional Controls on Diagenetic Mineralogy Variability in a Shale Play: An example from the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
Viviana Meissinger and Gabriela Lo Forte
Quartz Types in the Mowry Formation (Cretaceous), Rocky Mountains, USA,
Kitty L. Milliken and Terri Olson
Insights into Sedimentological and Diagenetic Processes within a Major Shale Gas Exploration Play: The Mississippian Bowland Shale, UK,
Sarah M. Newport, Kevin Taylor, Edward Hough, and Richard H. Worden
Organic Diagenesis in the Cretaceous Mowry Formation, with Associated Pore Formation and Wettability Alteration,
Terri Olson, Anna Camerup, Andrew Fogden, and Kitty Milliken
Salt Presence and Petrophysical Properties
in Reconsolidated Mudrocks,
Clara Palencia, Lori Hathon, and Michael Myers
Facies and Geochemical Variations within Cretaceous Clinoforms, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
Per Kent Pedersen and Dallin Laycock
Characterizing Influences on Diagenesis in Colorado Group Mudstone by Integrating Multiple Datasets,
Emma Percy and Per K. Pedersen
Grain-Edge Dissolution Pores in Carbonates Imaged on Ar-Ion-Milled Surfaces: Authentic or Artifacts?,
Robert M. Reed and Robert G. Loucks
Mudstone Facies, Diagenesis, and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation for Caprock Integrity Assessment of the Upper Morrow Shale and Atokan Thirteen Finger Limestone, Farnsworth Unit, Texas,
Dylan Rose-Coss, Peter Mozlel, Jason Heath, Natasha Trujillo, and Martha Cather
Pore-Scale Imaging of Solid Bitumens: Insights for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization,
Tim E. Ruble, Kultaransingh (Bobby) Hooghan, William Dorsey, Wayne R. Knowles, and Christopher D. Laughre
From Petrographic Wonderland to Hard Numbers, or How We Might Combine High End Petrography with Numerical Modeling to Understand Mudstone Diagenesis at the Rock Volume Level – Lessons Learned at a Distant Place,
Juergen Schieber, Max Coleman, Mark Reed, Dave Bish, and Elisabeth Hausrath
High Resolution Microscopic
of Mineral and Organic-matter Components in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Lacustrine Shale Deposits In Southeastern Ordos Basin, China,
Patrick Smith, Lucy Ko, and Tongwei Zhang
Microstructural Evolution of Organic Matter Pores in Middle Devonian Black Shale from West Virginia and Pennsylvania, USA,
Liaosha Song and Timothy Carr
Diagensis and Mineralization of the Kupferschiefer, Sangerhausen Basin, Germany,
Sally J. Sutton
The Effect of Bacterial Degradation on Bituminite Reflectance,
Dane Synnote, Hamed Sanei, Per Kent Pedersen, Keith Dewing, and Omid H. Ardakane
Santa Barbara Basin, California Borderland: Holocene Model for Mudrock Deposition in an Organically-rich, Silled Hemipelagic Basin during Greenhouse Earth: Analog for Unconventional Reservoirs,
Scott E. Thornton
Mudstones in the Subduction System of SW Japan: Highlights from the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment,
Michael B. Underwood, Harold Tobin, Gaku Kimura, Kyuichi Kanagawa, Michael Strasser, Demian Saffer, Greg Moore, Masataka Kinoshita, Eiichiro Araki, Yasuhiro Yamada, Nobu Eguchi, and Sean Toczko
Bridging the Gap Between Optical and Electron Microscopy: The Importance of Correlative Microscopy for Understanding Dispersed Organic Matter,
B. J. Valentine and P.C. Hackle
A Case Study of Porosity Deficit in Digital Rock Measurements,
Holly Vescogni, Jorge Sanchez-Ramirez, and Jon Capsan
Raman Micro-Spectroscopy: A Thermal Maturity Solution Where Traditional Measurements are Impractical,
Travis B. Warner
Diagenetic Pyrite and Apatite as Indictors of an Abundant Supply of Iron and Phosphorus: Evidence for Controls on high Primary Productivity in the Triassic Shublik Formation, Alaska North Slope,
K. J. Whidden and A. Boehlke
Multiscale Characteristics of Anisotropic, Heterogeneous Pore Structures and Compositions and Its Impact on Mechanical Properties of Shale,
Hongkyu Yoon, Joseph Grigg, Jason Heath, Alex Reinhart, Mathew Ingraham, Peter Mozley, and Thomas Dewers
Relationship between Litho- and Organo-Facies of Lower Permian Lucaogou Low-Order Cycle, Southern Bogda Mountains, Greater Turpan-Junggar Rift Basin, NW China,
Xin Zhan, Wan Yang, Qiao Feng, and Hong Lu
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