--> AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Geosciences Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90282 (2016).
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AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Geosciences Technology Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 16-18, 2016

Search and Discovery Article #90282 (2016)
Posted January 9, 2017




Recent Advances in Characterization and Strategies for Profitability Improvement: Estación Fernández Oro Tight Gas & Condensate Field, Neuquén Basin,
      P. Alencastre, P. Conte, M. García, Nayibe Otalora, G. Potas, and G. Serrano

Conceptual Models Based on Outcrop Analogy: The Evolution and Impact of New Technologies,
      Daniel Alberto Boggetti

Static and Dynamic Characterization of Lajas Formation Sands: Lessons Learned and to be Learned in the Cupén Mahuida Area of the Neuquén Basin,
      R. Coppo, C. Gatica, S. Iglesias, J. Fernández, Dana Masiero, E. Rodríguez, Emiliano Santiago, G. Terrasanta, G. Valenzuela, and F. Wagner

Abnormal Pressures and Water Saturations in Tight Gas Scenarios,
      Marcelo Crotti

Quantitative Estimation of Permeability Enhancement, Production Volumes and Drainage Area from Microseismic Data,
      Peter M. Duncan

Vaca Muerta Formation Characterization in the Northern Sector of the Play,
      Manuel Fantín, D. Vallejo, H. Reijenstein, E. Lombardo, L. Crousse, I. Lanusse Noguera, and R. Varela

Centenario Field, Neuquen Basin: Recent Developments in Tight Gas Reservoir Characterization, Los Molles Formation,
      Andrés Giménez and G. Álvarez

Shale & Tight Reservoirs: Applied Technologies to Accelerate the Learning Curve,
      N. Giordano and Hernán Stockman

High-resolution Chemostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin,
      Eider Hernandez Bilbao and J. Sarg

Data Integration and Multidisciplinary De-risking of the Vaca Muerta Resource Play: Sierras Blancas and Cruz de Lorena Blocks, Neuquén Basin, Argentina,
      Vivek Jain, M. Thomas, and M. Jardon

Exploration and Delineation of the Vaca Muerta Formation: Seven Years Sorting Out the Play,
      Iván Lanusse Noguera

Loma Campana Shale Project: What We Did and What We Have Learned After Five Years,
      Diego Licitra, F. Dominguez, J. Quiroga, J. Fernandez, and M. Fantin

A Simplified Workflow for Estimation of Elastic Anisotropy in Vaca Muerta,
      Ezequiel Lombardo and S. Cuervo

Characterization and Geomechanics-Based Previous HitModelingNext Hit of Natural Fractures: Impact in Unconventional Plays,
      Rene Manceda, Ramiro López, and Damian Hryb

From Nanopore to Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Scale – the Role of Organic Matter in Vaca Muerta Shale Oil Productivity and Sweet Spot Prediction in Rincón de Aranda block,
      Denis Marchal, A. Perez Mazas, C. Naides, F. Sattler, J. Erlicher, G. Köhler, E. Nigro, S. Sommacal, and A. Fogden

Unconventional Reservoirs: New Insight on Conventional Petrography,
      Viviana Meissinger and G. Lo Forte

LWD Unconventional Shale Technologies,
      Camilo Mejia and R. Ruiz

Application of Ash Beds in Petroleum Systems Analysis,
      Daniel Minisini

Aguada Federal: Vaca Muerta Shale Case Study,
      Osvaldo Nielsen and J. Caniggia

Challenges in Vaca Muerta: Tecpetrol's Experience in the Exploration and Appraisal of the Play,
      Sebastian Olmos

Thermal Maturity Effect on Rock Properties and Their Fluids in the Vaca Muerta Formation,
      Alberto Ortiz

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Water and Solute Transport Mechanisms in Organic-Rich Carbonate Mudrocks,
      Anton Padin

Unconventional Plays Analysis and Previous HitModelingTop: Lessons Learned from an Integrated Study of the Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Canada,
      Sébastien Rohais, E. Bemer, B. Chauveau, V. Crombez, M. Ducros, T. Euzen, M. Fleury, D. Granjeon, S. Pauthier, and M. F. Romero-Sarmiento

The Role of Geology in Vaca Muerta Appraisal,
      Guillermina Sagasti

Enhanced Production After Extended Shutin (Soaking) Is the Vaca Muerta a candidate?,
      G. Salter, R. Miller, and David Hume

Tight Contributions in a Mature Gas Field – Mulichinco Fm – Aguada Pichana – Mulichinco Formation,
      Natalia Scaricabarozzi, G. Chao, and L. Skobiekas

Cased Hole Petrophysics for Gas-Oil Relationship Evaluation,
      Alejandro Schiuma and C. Mejía

Rock Mechanical Characterization on Shale Cores: How We Test, How We Use Them, and How We Can Measure Them,
      Raúl Alejandro Varela, D. Hryb, and Juan Pablo Alvarez

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