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AAPG Middle East Region Meeting (GTW)
Challenges of New Frontier Offshore Deep-water Hydrocarbon Basins:
Focus on Levant Basin and East Mediterranean

Beirut, Lebanon, May 27-29, 2013

Search and Discovery Article #90273 (2017)
Posted May 3, 2017




Advanced Seismic Techniques to Enhance Previous HitExplorationNext Hit in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin,
      Cyril Saint André, Patrick Charron, Abderrahim Lafram, and Wafik Beydoun

Besides the Natural Gas, What about the Biodiversity?,
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The Impact of Tectonics on the Provenance and Timing of Sediment Flux to the Levant Basin,
      Kathelijne Bonne, Dirk Cuthbertson, Melise Harland, Laura Hagen, and Paul Markwick

Tackling Deepwater Development Challenges,
      Christian Combet

Strike-Slip Nature of the Structure of the Levant Basin offshore Lebanon,
      John Comstock, J. Fürstenau, and C.J. Lowrey

Source Rock Potential of the Organic Rich Turonian – Upper Campanian Carbonates of Northern Lebanon,
      Samer Bou Daher, Fadi H. Nader, and Ralf Littke

Egypt's Future Petroleum Resources: A Revised Look into the 21st Century – With Emphasis on Northern Egypt and the Offshore Mediterranean,
      John C. Dolson, Mahmoud Atta, David Blanchard, Adel Sehim, Jennifer Villinski, Tom Loutit, and Karen Romine

Constrained Tectonic Heat Flow for Basin Modeling. Some Implications for Previous HitExplorationNext Hit in Eastern Mediterranean Basins,
      Rader Abdul Fattah, Hanneke Verweij, and Benjamin Halstenberg

Three-Dimensional Geological Model of Onshore Lebanon,
      Rachad Ghanem and Issam Boujaoude

Climate Evolution and its Impact on Sediment Dispersal in the Eastern Mediterranean,
      Melise Harland, Kathelijne Bonne, and Paul Markwick

The Need for Safer and More Efficient Wells,
      Peter Hendriks

Miocene Previous HitExplorationNext Hit Deepwater Lebanon,
      Neil Hodgson

Identifying Potential Hydrocarbon Reservoirs offshore Lebanon with Electromagnetics,
      Adnan Latif

Palaeocene Chekka Marls Source Rocks and their Hydrocarbon Potential in Offshore Lebanon,
      Hossam Ali Mohamed and Joseph Pape

Messinian Salinity Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean,
      Lucien Montadert

Implications of Stratigraphic Modeling on De-Risking Frontier HC Basins: The case of the Levant Basin,
      Fadi H. Nader

Crustal Setting, Structural Evolution and the Potential for Deeper Fluids Charge to the Levant Margin,
      Joseph Pape, Hossam Ali Mohamed, and Abed Hajj Chehadeh

An Integrative Approach to Characterize Deepwater Reservoir Architectures,
      Henry Posamentier, Morgan Sullivan, Mike Roberts, Tom Mooney, Larry Zara, and Riyad Ali-Adeeb

Previous HitScientificNext Hit Drilling in the Mediterranean Sea : Where and Why?,
      Marina Rabineau, Angelo Camerlenghi, and the GOLD and DREAM Previous HitscientificNext Hit teams

Prediction of Low-Maturity / Biogenic Gas Accumulations: Previous HitApplicationTop to the Offshore Lebanon,
      F. Schneider, M. Dubille, and M. Ducros

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