--> AAPG Middle East Region Meeting; - Abstracts, #90271 (2016).
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AAPG Middle East Region Meeting
Exploring and Producing Fractured Reservoirs in the Middle East
Amman, Jordan, April 22-24, 2013

Search and Discovery Article #90271 (2016)
Posted May 1, 2017




Application of Resistivity and Acoustic Images to Characterize Fractured Reservoirs, Middle East Case Histories,
      Mohsen Abdel Fattah

Enhanced Dynamic Simulation through Continuous Fracture Modelling of Carbonate Reservoir, Oman,
      Arafa Al-Harthy, Yusuke Kato, Pankaj Neog, Dr. Muatasam Al-Raisi, Saud Al-Azri, and Iman Al-Rashedi

Imaging Subtle Faults Using Azimuthal Coherence Attribute: A Case Study from Central Saudi Arabia,
      Faisal Al-Qahtani and Abdullatif Al-Shuhail

Fracture and In-Situ Stress Characterization of the Unayzah-B/C, Saudi Arabia,
      M. S. Ameen, K. A. T. MacPherson, Maher I. Al-Marhoon, and Zillur Rahim

Principal Displacement Zone Evaluation over the Jurassic Section of Kra Al-Maru and Riksah Areas, NW Kuwait,
      Aimen Amer, Heyam Al-Ammar, Abdulazziz Sajer Ali, Ali Abu Ghneej, Talal Adwani, Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Ramachandra Srigiriraju, Awni Jaradat, and Refat Sharaf El Din

The Importance of a Late Stage Deformation History on the Quality of Fractured Reservoirs: A Field Based Approach,
      L. Davies and A. Sasvari

Geodynamic Evolution of the Zagros Fold-and-thrust Belt: Fold-growth and Fold Linkage,
      Bernhard Grasemann and Stefan Schmalholz

International Geomechanical Analogues,
      Jorg Herwanger

Quantification of Fractures using Helical CT Scan Technology,
      Laura Kennedy and Previous HitDavidTop James

Tawke Field, Kurdistan – Producing a Giant Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir,
      Havard Morset Klokk

Natural Fractures and In-Situ Stresses in the Naturally Fractured Najmah Reservoirs in Kuwait – Exploration Implications,
      Rinaldi Mulyono, Riyasat Husain, Nada Al-Ammar, Ahmad Al-Kandary, and Abdulaziz Al-Fares

Role of Geomechanics on Natural Fractures in Different Reservoirs: A Middle Eastern Perspective,
      Satya Perumalla

Fractured Reservoir Modeling, Surveillance and Management in the World's First TAGOGD Project, Oman,
      Keith Rawnsley, Mohammed Gharbi, Ibrahim Ismaili, Solenn Bettembourg, Pristiwanto Putra, and Majdi Breiki

Quantification of Fractured Carbonate Rock Characteristics Using Structural Geology, from Fault Zone to Microscale,
      Theresa-Christina Schröckenfuchs, Helene Bauer, and Maarten Voorn

Structural Analysis of a Fractured basement Reservoir, Central Yemen The relation between fracture generations and hydrocarbon migration,
      R. Veeningen, B. Grasemann, K.Decker, A.H.N. Rice, and D. Schneider

Analysis of Narrow Natural Fractures in a Reservoir Dolomite (Vienna Basin, Austria) by 3D Micro-Imaging,
      Maarten Voorn, Stefan Hoyer, and Ulrike Exner

Improving Prediction of Fractured Basement Reservoir Performances – An Integrated History Matching Approach – Block S2, Yemen,
      Isabelle Zabalza, Nicolas Legrand, and Pascale Neff

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