--> AAPG Asia Pacific Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW), April 21-22, 2015, Wellington, New Zealand; - Abstracts, #90235 (2015).
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AAPG Asia Pacific Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW)
Modern Depositional Systems as Analogues for Petroleum Reservoirs

April 21-22, 2015, Wellington, New Zealand

Search and Discovery Article #90235 (2015)

Posted June 15, 2015

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High-Frequency Multi-Channel Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Investigations of Active Processes at the Waitaki Canyon – Northern Otago Shelf,
      Cameron J. Abbey, Andrew R. Gorman, Jess I.T. Hillman, and M. Hamish Bowman

Application and Integration of Modern Depositional Analogues into Reservoir Modelling Workflows,
      Bruce Ainsworth

Virtual Worlds and Ancient Depositional Systems: The Use of Earth System Modelling to Understand the Geological Past,
      Peter A. Allison, Alexandros Avdis, Jon Hill, Dan J. Lunt, and Naomi Jordan


A Sediment-flooded Subduction-to-Strike Slip System: Canyon, Channel and Basin Floor Turbidites of the Southern Hikurangi Trough, New Zealand,
      P.M. Barnes, J.J. Mountjoy, C.K. Paull, J.S. Mitchell, A. Pallentin, T. Kane, L. Chaumillon, M. Argoud, L.J. Strachan, M. Jeromson, B. Rip, L. Northcote, and G.J. Crutchley

Early Cretaceous to Paleocene North American Drainage Reorganization and Sediment Routing from Detrital Zircons: Significance to the Alberta Oil Sands and Gulf of Mexico Petroleum Provinces,
      M. Blum

Production – to Exploration-Scale Analogs from Quaternary Systems: A Source-to-Sink Perspective,
      M. Blum, K.T. Milliken, J.W. Snedden, and W.E. Galloway

Thinly Bedded Pay in Clastic Reservoirs, Recognition, Geological Occurrence, Understanding, and Quantification,
      Dirk Bodnar

Modern Fluvial Sandy Gravels of the Canterbury Plains and Their Immediate Post Depositional Modifications: Implications to Ancient Coarse-Grained Reservoirs,
      Greg Browne


Initiation and Death of Normal Faults, Northern Graben, Taranaki,
      Hamish Cameron

'Storm-Flood' Coastal Systems in Relation to Delta Front-Shoreface Facies Models: Applications to Miocene Successions in the Baram Delta Province, NW Borneo,
      Daniel S. Collins, Howard D. Johnson, and Peter A. Allison

The Potential Impact of Evolving Basin Physiography and Tidal Dynamics on the Mangrove Biome and Hydrocarbon Charge System in the Tertiary South China Sea,
      Daniel S. Collins, Peter A. Allison, Howard D. Johnson, Alexandros Avdis, Jon Hill, and Matthew D. Piggott


Modern Depositional System of Kepulauan Seribu Carbonate, Offshore Jakarta, North West Java Basin as An Analogue for Petroleum Reservoir,
      Muhammad Tressna Gandapradana, Taufan Tryastono, Achmad Chaidar, and Muhammad Irwan

Detecting Lateral Continuity of Taranaki Basin Reservoir Sand Based On Sequence Stratigraphy and Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Attribute Analysis,
      Joseph Gnapragasan and Umar Hamzah

Meander Loop Migration and its Effect on Liquefaction Susceptibility: Liquefaction along the Heathcote River during the 2010-12 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence,
      Kieran Grace

Taranaki Basin Miocene Channel Systems and their Impact on Prospectivity,
      Stephen Greaves and Gareth Reynolds


Geochemical Insights into the Depositional Conditions of Prospective Late Cretaceous – Paleogene Marine Source Rocks of the East Coast Basin, New Zealand,
      B.R. Hines, M.F. Gazley, K. Bland, G.T. Ventura, J.S. Crampton, and K.S. Collins


The Modern Mahakam Delta: An Analogue for Trangressive-Phase Deltaic Sandstone Reservoirs on Low Energy Coastlines,
      Joseph J. Lambiase and Salahuddin Husein

Reservoir Characterization of Tidally-Influenced Reservoirs – Analogues for Exploration and Development,
      Dale Leckie

Understanding and Previous HitModelingNext Hit the Tidally influenced Fluvial Reservoirs of a Supergiant Oil Field,
      Dale A. Leckie and Milovan Fustic


The Role of Longshore Drift in Sand Accumulation on the Sedimentary Shelf,
      Christine McLachlan, Gary Wilson, Andrew Gorman, and Lionel Carter

The Studies of Modern Fluvial/Alluvial Depositional Systems as Analogues for Interpreting the Rock Record,
      John G. McPherson

Petroleum Core Summary Resource for the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
      Aidan G. Milner, Greg H. Browne, Mark J. F. Lawrence, and Cliff B. Atkins

Understanding Avulsion Events in a Tropical River – Applications for Fluvial Reservoirs,
      Sara Morón, Kathryn Amos, and Tobias Payenberg

Assessing Lateral Variability along Modern Transgressive Coastlines to Improve Ancient Analog Comparisons: Examples from the U.S. Atlantic Coast and the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway,
      Julia Mulhern, Cari Johnson, and Lisa Stright


Large Canyon-Channel Complexes from South Island of New Zealand Show Contrasting Morphologies,
      Helen Neil, Alan Orpin, Scott Nodder, John Mitchell, Lisa Northcote, Kevin Mackay, and Tim Kane


Documenting the On-Going Processes Occurring within Modern Submarine Canyons: Offshore California,
      Charles K. Paull


Visual Kerogen Analogues and Palynofacies Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration in New Zealand,
      Lucia Roncaglia, Christopher Clowes, Erica Crouch, and Joe Prebble


Application of Modern and Ancient Depositional Environments to Construct Paleo-Depositional Environment Maps of the Canterbury and Great South Rift Basins,
      Robert C. Shoup and Nick Cozens

Evolution of Submarine Gullies over Geologic Time: Constraining Modern Analogs with Shallow 3D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
      Lauren E. Shumaker, Stephan A. Graham, and Zane R. Jobe


Reprocessing of Controlled-Source Previous HitSeismicTop Data from New Zealand Hikurangi Margin Offshore East Coast Basin,
      Hanyan Wang

Modern Carbonate Sediments and Systems as Analogues for Subsurface Reservoirs,
      Moyra E.J. Wilson, Ahmed A.S. Al Aghbari, Amy Hoppenbrouwers, Pattaraporn Kananan, Robert H.C.Madden, Akram Zafir, Maxim Lebedev, Nigel R. Deeks, and Omer O. Yussuf

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