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AAPG Asia Pacific Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW)
Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific

February 12-13, 2015, Brisbane, Australia

Search and Discovery Article #90234 (2015)

Posted June 15, 2015

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Stratigraphic Forward Modelling through the Surat Basin: Testing Controls on the Basal Unconformity of the Springbok Fm (Late Oxfordian),
      V. Bianchi, J. Esterle, and T. Salles

Coalbed Methane Potential and Current Realisation in Indonesia,
      Michael Bowe and Tim A. Moore


Laboratory Experiments at Reservoir Pressure and Temperature of the Biogenic Methane Potential of Coal Seam Reservoirs,
      L.D. Connell, N. Lupton, R. Sander, M. Camilleri, D. Heryanto, and D. Down


Unlocking the CBM Potential in Sanga Sanga,
      Caecilia Damayanti and Glenn Orr


Evaluating Dynamic Behaviour of Complex In-Situ Gas Composition from a Coal Seam Reservoir – A Case Study from Fairview Early Permian East Coals,
      Gerardo Guillen Falcon

Optimising Production through Novel PCP Life Enhancement Technologies,
      Hugo Flores


Measurements of Gas-Liquid Relative Permeability of Queensland Coals,
      Lei Ge, Chawarwan Khan, Thomas E. Rufford, and Victor Rudolph

Permeability Measurement in Coals and the Importance of Stress Path,
      Ian Gray

Characterising the Hutton Sandstone in the Northeastern Surat Basin,
      Sam Guiton, Rachel Kieft, James Churchill, and Christine Sheerin


The Endogenetic Fracture Characteristic and its Indication on Permeability of Coal Seam 2 Reservoir in Yanchuannan CBM Field, Southeastern Ordos Basin, China,
      Shihui Hou, Xiaoming Wang, Xingjin Wang, Sidong Pan, and Min Wu


Is it the Geological Environment, Engineering Skill or Luck that Differentiates the Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Australian Coal Seam Gas Projects?,
      Raymond L. Johnson, Jr.


Challenges of Solids Management in Thinly Bedded Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs,
      Abbas Khaksar

Coal Bed-Methane Reservoir Simulation Study,
      Chawarwan Khan, Lei Ge, Shilo Mahoney, Tom Rufford, Victor Rudolph, Karen Steel, Brian Towler, and Vahab Honari

Sedimentological and Hydrostratigraphical Characterisation of the Springbok Sandstone,
      Rachel Kieft, Sam Guiton, James Churchill, and Previous HitRobertNext Hit Webber

Using Innovations in Managed Aquifer Recharge to Improve Coal Seam Gas Water Management,
      Shaun Kies


Studies on Mechanism of Coal Powder Suspending Agent and Evaluation of Its Performance,
      Liang Li, Liu Yuting, Liu Ping, Guan Baoshan, and Jiang Wei

Log Data Used to Predict Coal Reservoir Permeability: A Case Study from the Yanchuannan CBM Field, China,
      Ke Liu, Xiaoming Wang, Xingjin Wang, Sidong Pan, and Zhenghua Jing


Creation of Micro Channels in Bowen Basin Coals Using UV Laser and Reactive Ion Etching,
      Shilo Mahoney, Victor Rudolph, Thomas E. Rufford, Karen Steel, Kai Yu, and Sandra Rodrigues

Modelling Considerations and Correlation of the Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia,
      Mike Martin and Jenny Morris

Reserves Estimation and Influences on Coal Seam Gas Productivity in Eastern Australian Basins,
      Bruce McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Michael Creech, Lucas McLean Hodgson, Anargul Kushkarina, and Edward Lewis

A Farm and Industry Economic Evaluation of the Use of Coal Seam Water in Agriculture: A Case Study of Chinchilla District, Queensland,
      David Monckton, Jim Cavaye, Sue Vink, and Neil Huth

Concurrent In-Situ Measurement of Permeability, Gas Content and Gas Saturation,
      Quentin Morgan


Visualising Sweet Spots on 2D Seismic Data through 3D Volume Interpretation Techniques – CBM Case Study in Botswana,
      Ralf Oppermann and Michael Scherer


Learn from the Past: Economic Production of Coal Seam Gas,
      John M. Pope


Hydrochemical Evolution of Coal Seam Gas Groundwaters and Implications for Inter-Aquifer Connectivity: Examples from the Clarence-Moreton and Surat Basins,
      Matthias Raiber, Tao Cui, David Rassam, and Sreekanth Janardhanan

Groundwater Balance Research to Improve the Accuracy of Drawdown Predictions in the Surat Basin, Queensland,
      Lucy Reading, Greg Keir, Neil McIntyre, and Josh Larsen

Monitoring Aquifer Integrity in a Multi-Zone Environment – A Fit-for-Purpose Single-Trip Solution,
      Previous HitRobertNext Hit Rees


Review and Outlook on Technologies of Well and Completion for CBM in China,
      Ruichen Shen, Zijian Wang, Lei Qiao, Kailong Wang, and Aiguo He

Insights into the Regional Sedimentary Organisation of the Walloon Subgroup, Surat Basin,
      Daren Shields and Joan Esterle


Characterisation of Organic Compounds That Could Potentially Leach From Coal under Field-Simulated Conditions during CSG Development,
      Mauricio Taulis and William Stearman

Application of Hyperspectral Core Logging for Coal Mineral Characterisation in CSG Reservoirs,
      Natalya Taylor, Frank Honey, Ronell Carey, Sandra Rodrigues, and Joan Esterle

The Impacts of Clays in the Walloon Subgroup: Production and Aquifers,
      Ian Troth, Previous HitRobertNext Hit Webber, Rachel Kieft, Kris Jewett, and Heidi Sutton


Prediction of Seals Performance for CSG Production Impact Assessment,
      Jim Underschultz, Peter Pasini, and Micaela Grigorescu


Enhancement of CBM Production by Optimising Operation Pressure,
      Xingjin Wang

Predicting Coal Connectivity in an Extremely Heterogeneous Sedimentary System; A Case Study of the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia,
      Zana Williams, Leon Erriah, Kat Norman, and Colin Zimmer

New Evidence Indicating Fracture Development in Coal Reservoirs Using Hydraulic Fracturing Curves: A Case Study in Yanchuannan CBM Field,
      Wenhui Wu, Xiaoming Wang, Xingjin Wang, Sidong Pan, and Shihui Hou


Towards Multiscale Multiphysical Modelling of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs,
      Huilin Xing, Jinfang Gao, Yan Liu, Quanshu Li, Zhiting Han, Qin Li, Fei Ren, Jie Yi, Steve Tyson, and Hans Muhlhaus


Physical Simulation Experiments: Impact of Coal Maceral and Coal Structure Difference on Coal Fines Generation Characteristics,
      Zheng Yao and Daiyong Cao

A Review on Development of CBM Industry in China,
      Qin Yong and Ye Jianping

Research and Application of Super Low Concentration Guar Gum Fracturing Fluid System in Coalbed Methane Wells,
      Liu Yuting, Liang Li, Liu Ping, Guan Baoshan, and Jiang Wei


Understanding Permeability Controls in the Surat Basin – Structure, Stress and Natural Fractures,
      Colin Zimmer, Previous HitRobertTop Webber, Justine Masson, and Graham Hicks

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