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AAPG Division of Professional Affairs (DPA) Playmaker Forum
Legacy of Discovery: Resources for Explorers
Midland, Texas, January 14, 2015

Search and Discovery Article #90231 (2015)
Posted August 24, 2015




OOIP Utilizing GEOCHEM [ECS] Data, Triple Combo Data Only, and Pyrolysis S1 Data, Permian Wolfcamp "A" and "B" Shales, Midland Basin, Texas,
      George B. Asquith

Geologic Architecture & Potential of the Lower Atoka, (Mississippian), Midland Basin,
      Previous HitDavidTop J. Entzminger

Culture of Greatness – The Hunt for Unusual Resources,
      Rick Fritz

Preliminary Results from Wolfcamp Spacing Pilots and Microseismic in Southwestern Martin County, Texas,
      Michael Langeler

Applications of Isotope Geochemistry for Resource Plays,
      Christopher Laughrey

Optimization in U.S. Shale Plays: Emerging New Techniques and Technologies,
      Susan Nash

Atoka Horizontals, Martin County, Texas,
      J. Michael Party

Applying Fundamentals "101" of Unconventional Shale Production to the Exploration and Development of the Wolfcamp "A", Wolfcamp "B", and Lower Spraberry Shale – A Case Study,
      Keith Skaar

Legacy of Discovery: Resources for Explorers,
      Charles A. Sternbach

Midland Basin Wolfcamp Horizontal Development,
      Greg Wilson

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