(By Author)
AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW)
Fourth Annual Eagle Ford Shale
San Antonio, Texas, March 9-11, 2015
Search and Discovery Article #90227 (2015)
Posted May 25, 2015
Eagle Ford Development Case Study Utilizing 3D Seismic in Structurally Complex Area, Atascosa County, Texas,
Lee Billingsley
Limestone Frequency and Well Performance, Eagle Ford Shale (Cretaceous), South Texas,
John Breyer, R.H. Wilty, Y. Tian, A. Salman, K.W. O'Connor, B. Kurtoglu, R.J. Hooper, R.M. Daniels, R.W. Butler, and D. Alfred
Reservoir Characterization for Optimizing Production: Eagle Ford Case Study,
Queena Chou
Exploration Insight and Input that Changed Organizational Focus, Strategies and Economic Outcomes: Several Resource Play Examples,
Bill Fairhurst and Frank Reid
Depositional Processes and Architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation: Insights from Outcrops and Cores,
Gregory Frebourg
Re-fracturing Horizontal Shale Wells in the Woodford and Eagle Ford – A Case History,
Samuel French
Collaborative Field Development and Optimization in Unconventional Plays,
Princess Helin
Understanding the Importance of Data Integration on Well Spacing in the Eagle Ford Shale,
Phil Lindner
A New Approach to Optimizing Recovery PRTISP Process,
Harold Nikipelo
A New Approach to Modeling Produciton Decline in Unconventional Formations,
Babafemi Ogunyomi, Song Dong, and Kabir Shah
Seismic Attribute
and the use of Unsupervised Neural Networks and Principal Component
in Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs,
Deborah Sacrey
Well Performance and Completion Optimization: Striving to Optimize Returns in the Eagle Ford Shale,
Jon Scheidt
Creating a 3-D Hydrocarbon Profile in the Eagle Ford Shale Play and Relating that Information to Field Production,
Rick Schrynemeeckers
Geomechanical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing: Why Mechanical Stratigraphy, Stress State, and Pre-existing Structure Matter,
Kevin J. Smart, Goodluck Ofoegbu, Alan P. Morris, Ronald McGinnis, and David Ferrill
Wettability Alteration in the Eagleford: How to Design Drilling Fluids to Improve Recovery in Shale Plays,
Geoffrey Thyne
The Eagle Ford Formation in Northern Coahuila, Mexico: Ongoing Exploration Activities in the Galaxia Area (Burgos Basin),
Ricardo Torres-Vargas
Restimulating Horizontal Oil Wells – Success and Failure,
Mike Vincent
Propped Fracs Are Collapsing – What Are the Causes and Ramifications?,
Mike Vincent
Eagle Ford Pore Architecture for Reservoir Optimization,
Joel Wall
Correlation of Eagle Ford South Texas Eaglebine East Texas and Tuscaloosa Louisiana-Mississippi Using Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis
Walter W. Wornardt
Perforating Best Practices for Horizontal Plug and Perf Completions,
Kevin D. Wutherich
An Integrated Petrophysics and Geomechanics Approach for Fracability Evaluation in Shale Reservoirs and Complex Carbonates, Including the Mississippian Lime of Oklahoma and Kansas,
Xiaochun "Jacob" Jin, Subhash Shah, Jean-Claude Roegiers, and Bo Zhang