(By Author)
2014-2015 AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture Series
Search and Discovery Article #90210 (2015)
Posted May 18, 2015
Extensional and Transtensional Rift Basins in California and Mexico,
Cathy Busby
Geology of Modern and Ancient Oceanic Arcs,
Cathy Busby
Coral Reef Ecosystems on a Warming Planet: Lessons from Yellowstone Hot Springs,
Bruce W. Fouke
Human Kidney Stone Formation: Insights from Yellowstone, Roman Aqueducts and the Deep Microbial Biosphere,
Bruce W. Fouke
State-of-the-Art Oil Field Geobiology: Implications for Exploration and Production,
Bruce W. Fouke
Outcrop-Based Reservoir Models: Fieldwork
-derived Numerical Laboratories to Constrain and Mitigate Subsurface Uncertainty,
Gary J. Hampson
Re-interpretation of Sea-Level-Driven Stratigraphic Architectures as the Product of Autogenic Behaviors and Variations in Sediment Flux,
Gary J. Hampson
An Overview of Pre-Devonian Petroleum Systems – Unique Characteristics and Elevated Risks,
Barry Jay Katz
Anatomy of a Petroleum Source Rock,
Barry Jay Katz
Lacustrine Basin Unconventional Resource Plays: Key Differences,
Barry Jay Katz
Carbonate Petrophysical Rock Typing Road Map: Flexible and Fully Integrating Geological
Attributes, Petrophysical Properties and Dynamic Behavior,
Jeroen Kenter
Model the Rock! Using Diagenesis Simulation for Rock Property Prediction,
Rob Lander
A Spring in the Dinosaur's Step: Musculoskeletal Modelling Dinosaur Locomotion,
Phillip Manning
Bright Lights and Dinosaurs: Trace Metal Mapping and Synchrotron-based Imaging of Confuciusornis,
Phillip Manning
Dinosaurs, Mummies and Space-shuttles,
Phillip Manning
Dinosaurs, Trace-metals and Hydrocarbons: Decrypting the Metallome of Life,
Phillip Manning
A 100 Million-Year Record of Sea-Level and Ice-volume Variations from Continental Margin and Deep Sea Isotopic Records,
Kenneth G. Miller
A Geological
Perspective on Sea-level Rise and Its Impacts: Past, Present and Future,
Kenneth G. Miller
Sequence Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Miocene Transect: Back to Basics,
Kenneth G. Miller
An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record,
Juergen Schieber
Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the Connection between Depositional Regime, Pore Types, and Porosity in Mudstones,
Juergen Schieber
Environmental Implications of the Shale Gas Revolution and Associated Hydraulic Fracturing,
Langhorne B. (Taury) Smith
Fault-Related Hydrothermal Alteration of Carbonate Reservoirs,
Langhorne B. (Taury) Smith
Shallow Seasonal Anoxia Model for Organic-Rich Mudrocks: An Alternative Hypothesis,
Langhorne B. (Taury) Smith
Appropriate Reservoir Modeling: Integration across Subsurface Disciplines,
Lisa M. Towery
Bright Spots, Dim Spots: Geologic Controls of RockPproperties and AvO Response in the Niger Delta Basin,
Krzysztof M. (Chris) Wojcik
Exploration Risking and Impact of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators: Application of Scenario-based AvO Classification Technology,
Krzysztof M. (Chris) Wojcik