--> CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2012, May 14-18, 2012 Calgary TELUS Convention Centre & ERCB Core Research Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; - Abstracts, #90174 (2014).
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CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2010
Working with the Earth
May 10-14, 2010 Calgary Stampede BMO Centre &
ERCB Core Research Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Appreciation is expressed to Emma MacPherson,
CSPG Publications Coordinator, for providing the abstracts.

Search and Discovery Article #90172 (2014)

Posted July 14, 2014

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Chemical Mass Transfer in Polycrystals and Polyphase Aggregates,
      R. Abart, K. Hartmann, L. Keller, and B. Joachim

Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds Reveal Oil Sands Source,
      Jennifer Adams, Norka Marcano, Thomas Oldenburg, Bernhard Mayer, and Steve Larter

Conodont Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Cardonal Formation (Cambrian-Ordovician) from the Cajas Range, Cordillera Oriental, Northwestern Argentina and Paleobiogeographic Interpretation,
      Guillermo L. Albanesi and Fernanda E. Pacheco

REE Concentrations in Zircon and the Origin of Uranium in the Unconformity-related U Deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada,
      P. Alexandre, T. K. K. Kyser, and D. Layton-Matthews

Structure of Earth's Shallow Outer Core: No Evidence for Stratification,
      Catherine Alexandrakis and David W. Eaton

An Approach to Relate Major Silicates and Monazite Growth in Metamorphic Rocks: Application to the Upper Granite Gorge (Grand Canyon, USA),
      Julien Allaz, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit L. Williams, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit J. Jercinovic

Close Link Between Sedimentary Facies, Folds and Fracture Zone Distribution in the Atlantic High-Atlas (Morocco): Flows Properties in the Folded and Fractured Zones,
      Mostafa Amrhar, Hassan Ouanaimi, Loïc Bazalgette, and Jean Pierre Petit

Early Oxygen,
      D. Anbar, Y. Duan, and B. Kendall

Hydraulic Pathways between and within the Scollard and Paskapoo Formations in Alberta: Implications for Pressure Distributions atop the Underpressured Envelope of Central Alberta and Resource Management,
      Laurence D. Andriashek and Kevin Parks

Sill Emplacement in a Plateau: Examples from the Coast Mountains, British Columbia,
      Christopher L. Andronicos and Gabriela Depine

Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Provenance Analysis Applied to the Franklinian Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands,
      Owen Anfinson and Andrew Leier

Facies Distribution and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Upper Devonian – Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation of Subsurface Saskatchewan: Integrating Sedimentologic and Ichnologic Data,
      Solange Angulo and Luis Buatois

The Role of S-Type Granite Emplacement and Structural Control in the Genesis of the Athabasca Uranium Deposits,
      I. R. Annesley, K. Wheatley, and M. Cuney

Dielectric Permittivity of Clay Adsorbed Water: Effect of Salinity,
      Sanaa Aqil and Douglas R. Schmitt

Turbidites, and the Case of the Missing Dunes (and Sometimes Ripples),
      R. W. C. (Bill) Arnott

Tectonic History of the Southwestern Margin of the Rae Province in Northwestern Saskatchewan,
      K. E. Ashton, C. D. Card, R. P. Hartlaub, K. M. Bethune, and N. Rayner

An Overview of the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook,
      Barry Ashton

Straddle-Packer Hydraulic Testing in Low Permeability Formations at the Site of the Proposed Deep Geologic Repository, Tiverton, Ontario: Equipment, Methodology, and Results,
      J. D. Avis, R. L. Beauheim, D. A.Chace, R. M.Roberts, and N. J. Toll

Natural Hazard Lesson Plans and Teacher Resources for Canadian Classrooms,
      Janice Aylsworth


Reservoir Continuity Assessment with Mass Moments of Inertia: Application to SAGD Performance Prediction,
      Olena Babak and Clayton V. Deutsch

A Matrix Approach to Reproduce a Correlation Matrix in Multivariate Sequential Gaussian Simulation,
      Olena Babak and Clayton V. Deutsch

Geochemical Evidence for Late Holocene Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Variability in Anoxic Basins, Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex, Central Coastal Mainland, British Columbia,
      L. O. Babalola, R. T. Patterson, and A. Prokoph

Dielectric Dispersion Field Test Results in Western Canada,
      Rob Badry

The Effect of Microseismic Array Configuration on the Determination of Hydraulic Fracture Parameters,
      Adam Baig, Ted Urbancic, and Margaret Seibel

Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality and their Petrophysical Prediction within the Upper Cretaceous Doe Creek Member of the Kaskapau Formation at Valhalla Field, northwest Alberta,
      Nathaniel H. Ball, Stacy C. Atchley, and Luke E. Hunt

Application of Seismic Stratigraphy, Multi-attribute Analysis and Neural Networks to Mitigate Risk in New Exploration Frontiers – West Newfoundland Example,
      Valentina Baranova, Azer Mustaqeem, and Friso Brouwer

Prediction of Earthquake Event Susceptibility in Low Seismic Regions by Numerical Modeling, Case Study of Zagros Fold-Belt,
      Arash Barjasteh and Khalil Sarkarinejad

The Groundwater Vector in the Reclaimed Oil Sand Mining Landscape: Learnings from the Operational Phase,
      J. F. Barker, N. R. Thomson, A. A. L. Oiffer, K. U. Mayer, and T. G. Tomkins

Investigating Extreme Marine Environments through the NEPTUNE Canada Cabled Ocean Observatory,
      Christopher R Barnes, Mairi M. R. Best, Fern Johnson, and Benoit Pirenne

Microtectonic and Metamorphic Evidence for a Decompression Phase of the "Triple Point" Terrane of Northern New Mexico,
      Katherine R. Barnhart, Pamela J. Walsh, Lincoln S. Hollister, and Christopher L. Andronicos

An Overview of Saleski: The First SAGD Project in Carbonates,
      Kent R. Barrett

Geophysical Exploration for Water Resources in Buried Valleys in Western Canada,
      Paul D. Bauman and Brad Hansen

The Carboniferous-Permian Reef Play in the Sverdrup Basin: Dare to Dream,
      B. Beauchamp, M. Wamsteeker, and J. Peña

Potential CO2 Geological Storage Sites for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Québec St. Lawrence Lowlands – A Preliminary Analysis,
      K. Bédard, M. Malo, Y. Duchaine, E. Konstantivovskaya, and B. Giroux

3D Reservoir Characterization in the Grand Rapids,
      Laurie Weston Bellman and Marnie E. Connelly

The Long-term Management of Used Nuclear Fuel in Canada – A Geoscientific Perspective,
      Mahrez Ben Belfadhel

Reservoir Quality Function "RQF" for SAGD Geo-model Ranking and Well Pair Elevation Optimization,
      Khaled Benzaoui

The Collisional Snowbird Tectonic Zone Revisited: New Constraints on the Chesterfield Inlet Segment Provided by Detrital Zircon, Metamorphic Monazite, and 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology,
      R. G. Berman, H. M. Sapers, W. J. Davis, N. Rayner, S. Pehrsson, H. Sandeman, M. Sanborn-Barrie, and S. Carr

Groundwater Inflow and Utilization, No. 7 Underground Mine, Grande Cache, Alberta,
      D. W. Bernard, B. Martens, and U. Renk

Potential Hydrocarbon Source Rocks and Thermal Maturity of Paleozoic Succession of Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec,
      Rudolf Bertrand, Michel Malo, and Denis Lavoie

Applying the Concept of 'Holistic' Basin Analysis to Unconformity-related Uranium Prospects in Under-explored Paleoproterozoic Basins,
      Steve R. Beyer, Kurt Kyser, Eric E. Hiatt, Chris Pettman, Ian Fraser, and Terrence K. O'Connor

Application of Isotope Techniques for Understanding of the Role of Peatlands in Boreal Hydrology: A Regional Perspective,
      S. J. Birks, J. J. Gibson, Y. Yi, and S. Kumar

Stable Isotope Techniques for Evaluating Water Yields and Groundwater Surface Water Interaction: Applications in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region,
      S. J. Birks, J. Gibson, K. Tattrie, A. Schmidt, and M. C. Moncur

Earth, Ocean & Space Environmental Operations Simulator,
      Andrew P. Blaber and Stephen P. Braham

XRD, EPMA and CL Study of the Lithologies within the Tagish Lake Meteorite,
      Alexandra Blinova, Christopher D. K. Herd, Richard A. Stern, and Sergei Matveev

An Atypical Copper Porphyry Occurrence – A Case Study of the Hopper Property, Yukon,
      Vered H. Blumenthal and Robert L. Linnen

Pilot High School Geology Course in Calgary, Alberta,
      K. J. E. Boggs, G. Nowlan , A. Miall, B. Legault, and B. Toblan

What are the Cognitive Processes that Students Experience as they Learn to Use a Stereonet?,
      K. J. E. Boggs, D. Bennett, and R. Gale

Before the Manikewan Ocean: Bridging the Superior, Hearne and Sask cratons in Manitoba,
      Christian O. Böhm and Scott D. Anderson

Groundwater Information Network (GIN) – Interoperability Framework for Groundwater Information,
      Eric Boisvert, Boyan Brodaric, and David Sharpe

Transmission Imaging: Moving Source Offset VSP (MSOVSP) Case Study,
      Emmanuel Bongajum, Bernd Milkereit, and Douglas Schmitt

Are Geostatistical Gaussian Realizations Equi-Probable?,
      Gilles Bourgault

En-Echelon Fracture Growth Behaviour Associated with Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations as Determined from Stress- Strain Analyses of Microseismicity,
      Sheri Bowman, Ted Urbancic, and Adam Baig

Seismic Dispersion in Extra-Heavy Oil Saturated Rock,
      Todd D. Bown and Douglas R. Schmitt

Resolution Revolution: Advances in Palynostratigraphy Over Three Decades,
      Dennis R. Braman

Full-Waveform Inversion of Field Data in the Foothills: Results and Challenges with Long-Offset Seismic,
      Andrew J. Brenders, R. Gerhard Pratt, and Sylvestre Charles

The North Group – A Possible Multiple Impact Crater Site in Southwestern Nova Scotia,
      Trevor Brisco, Ian Spooner, Peir Pufahl, Edward King, and George Stevens

The Challenge of Delivering Geoscience Data for Public Use,
      John Broome

An Overview of a New Data-driven Workflow for Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation,
      Friso Brouwer, Geert de Bruin, and Paul de Groot

Diamonds in an Archean Greenstone Belt: Diamond Suites in Unconventional Rocks of Wawa, Northern Ontario (Canada),
      Loryn F. Bruce, Maya G. Kopylova, Micaela Longo, and John Ryder

Assembly of Laurentia: Evidence from the Paleomagnetic and Barcode Records of Magmatic Events in the Western and Central Canadian Shield,
      K. L. Buchan, R. N. Mitchell, W. Bleeker, A. N. LeCheminant, D. A. D. Evans, and R. E. Ernst

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Peace River Formation: Abrupt Facies Changes across a Flexural Depocentre,
      Robin Buckley, Jessica Krawetz, and A. Guy Plint

Field Scale Static Reservoir Modeling Workflow for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands, NE Alberta, Canada,
      Sorin Bujor, Damien Thenin, and Ian Perry

Structural Topologies of Uranyl Nanoclusters,
      Peter C. Burns

Atmospheric Oxygen and Biological Evolution in the Aftermath of the GOE,
      Nicholas J. Butterfield


The Joggins Fossil Cliffs World Heritage Site: Coal Age Galápagos,
      John H. Calder

Optimization of Remediation of Salt-Affected Soils by Leaching,
      M. V. Callaghan, L. R. Bentley, and E. Cey

Hydrogeology and Management of Water Issues in the Development of Shale Gas in the Horn River Basin in northeastern British Columbia,
      Ken Campbell and Wade Zaluski

Geometries of Fluvial Reservoir Facies and Trapping of Unconventional (Basin-Centred) Gas Accumulations,
      Doug Cant

Chronologic Surface: A New Method for Dating Martian Landforms,
      Radu Dan Capitan, Gordon R. Osinski, and Marco Van de Wie

The Case for Separate Taltson and Thelon Orogenies: Evidence from the Shield in Western Saskatchewan,
      C. D. Card, K. E. Ashton, and K. M. Bethune

Modelling the 3D Architecture of Rocks and Structures of the Athabasca Basin: How Saskatchewan is Tackling the Challenge from Down Under,
      C. D. Card, M. Fairclough, P. Heath, G. Gouthas, and T. Baker

Rates and Scales of Metamorphic Equilibration: The Importance of Intergranular Solubility Controlled by Fluid Composition,
      William D. Carlson

Discovery and Significance of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale,
      Jean-Bernard Caron

Glacial Lake Gayhurst: Insights into the Midwisconsinan History of the Southeastern Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet,
      Olivier Caron, Michel Lamothe, and William W. Shilts

The not so Passive Western Canadian Lower Paleozoic Cordilleran Margin – Plate Structure, Rift Basin (Misty Creek Embayment) and Alkalic Volcanism,
      M. P. Cecile

Professional Geoscientists Role and Responsibilities in Disclosure of Technical Information,
      Michel Champagne

Bioremediation in Extremes: Feasibility of Scale-Up Biostimulation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sub-Arctic Soils During Soil Freezing,
      Wonjae Chang, Sara Klemm, Lyle Whyte, and Subhasis Ghoshal

A Precambrian Porphyry Mo-Cu ±Au ±Ag Occurrence in the Superior Province: the Tilly Property, James Bay area, Québec,
      B. Chapon, Michel Jébrak, Pierre-Simon Ross, Ross Stevenson, André Poirier, and Stephane Roudaut

Lead Isotope Age of Chondrules in the CR2 Chondrite NWA801 by a Progressive Stepwise Dissolution,
      Christopher R.J. Charles and Donald W. Davis

Can Seismic Operations in the NWT Be Optimized for Environmental Constraints within Current Regulatory Framework?,
      Allan Châtenay and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Enachescu

Early Prediction of Ultimate Production Calibrated to Historical Data, Method for Unconventional Gas,
      Jean-Yves Chatellier

Uranium Mineralization in the Ordos Basin: A Comparison with Classical Tabular Sandstone Uranium Deposits,
      G. Chi and C. Xue

High-resolution Reservoir Mapping by Simultaneous Vibratory Sources,
      Stephen K. Chiu, Peter M. Eick, and Joel Brewer

Tidal and Seasonal Controls on the Morphodynamics of Macrotidal Sukmo Channel in Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea &ndash Implication to the Architectural Development of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification,
      Kyungsik Choi

Detecting Stratigraphic Features Via Cross-Plotting of Seismic Discontinuity Attributes and their Volume Visualization,
      Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

Influence of Partial Gas Saturation on Solute Transport: Michigan Basin, Southwest Ontario,
      I. D. Clark, T. A. Al, R. E. Jackson, and K. Raven

The Late Devonian Biota of the Miguasha National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site,
      R. Cloutier

A Paleozoic Northwest Passage and the Timanian, Caledonian and Uralian Connections of some Exotic Terranes in the North American Cordilleran,
      Maurice Colpron and JoAnne L. Nelson

West Athabasca Grand Rapids Formation – A New SAGD Play,
      M. E. Connelly

Back to the Future – A Wabamun Drilling Prospect from the 1950's,
      John Cosgrove and Cameron Fink

Hudsonian Regional Metamorphic Isograds and Bathozones in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba,
      Chris G. Couëslan and David R.M. Pattison

The Koorae Prospect: Geological Setting of Porphyry Style Copper Mineralization in the Topsails Intrusive Suite, West-Central Newfoundland,
      Dean Courage, Stephen J. Piercey, Dale O'Reilly, Irvine R. Annesley, and Lawrence Winter

Multi-stage Corona Development During Early Tertiary, High-temperature Exhumation of the Grand Forks Complex, British Columbia,
      Joel Cubley and David R.M. Pattison

Formation of Unconformity-related Uranium Deposits: Perspectives from Numerical Modeling,
      Tao Cui, Jianwen Yang, and Iain M. Samson

Dinosaur Provincial Park, One of the Greatest Outdoor Laboratories for Understanding Late Cretaceous Ecosystems,
      Philip J. Currie

Well Numbering and Naming Around the World,
      Trudy Curtis, Dave Fisher, and Bruce Smith


A Faster, More Accurate Gaussian Simulation,
      Colin Daly, Sandra Quental, and Darcy Novak

Integrating Monazite Thermometry and Geochronology into the P-T-t-D Path of the Al2SiO5 Triple-point Rocks of the Picuris Mountains, Taos County, New Mexico, USA,
      Christopher G. Daniel

Low Temperature Thermochronology from the Athabasca River Valley, Rocky Mts., Alberta,
      Keith D'Arcy, David Baque, Dale Issler, Bernard Guest, Daniel Stockli, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit McDonough

Developing Predictive Facies Models for the McMurray Formation: How to Recognize and Employ a Suitable Modern Analogue,
      Shahin E. Dashtgard, Stephen M. Hubbard, and Murray K. Gingras

Developing and Managing Science Language for Enterprise Geoscience Data Management Systems,
      Peter H. Davenport

Differentiating Deep-Marine Overbank from Crevasse Splay Deposits in Outcrop: an Example from the Windermere Supergroup, Castle Creek, British Columbia,
      Leena Davis, Zishann Khan, Andres Altosaar, and Bill Arnott

Characterization of Mineralization and Deposit Style of the Mountain Lake Uranium Deposit, Hornby Bay Basin, Nunavut,
      Rebecca Dayboll, Robert Rainbird, and Katherine Hahn

Assessment of Subsidence and Riverbank Stability in Edmonton using X-band and C-band InSAR,
      John F. Dehls, Yngvar Larsen, Tom R. Lauknes, Corey Froese, and Don Lewycky

SAGD Well Planning Using Stochastic Seismic Inversion,
      Franck Delbecq and Rémi Moyen

The 'Slope Detachment Zone' on the Western Scotian Slope, Offshore Nova Scotia: Structural Style and Implications for Margin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity,
      Mark E. Deptuck

Geology of the Hanging Wall to the Schist Lake and Mandy Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada,
      Y. M. DeWolfe and R-L. Simard

Fluid Evolution and Structural Control on Uranium Deposits in the Beaverlodge Successor Basin, Canada,
      S. Dieng, K. Kyser, and L. Godin

Evaluating Current Plate Tectonic Models in the Light of Newly Acquired Geophysical Data in the Amerasian Basin,
      Menno G. Dinkelman, Bridget Ady, and James Helwig

3D Seismic Imaging in the Pakistan Foothills: A Case History,
      Victor Dolgov, Rob Vestrum, Jon Gittins, and Géza Wittman

Promoting Geoheritage through Collaboration,
      J. Allan Donaldson

Hands-on Public Outreach in the Internet Age,
      B. Jean Dougherty, Richard K. Herd, and Ann M. Therriault

Quartz Veining in Archean Shear Zones, Abitibi (Quebec), Canada,
      R. Doutre, M. Jébrak, and A. Amortegui

Azimuthal Simultaneous Elastic Inversion,
      Jon Downton and Benjamin Roure

SAGD Production Monitoring by Seismic Refraction,
      D. Dubucq, Tuhin Bhakta, and P. Thore

Effect of Heavy Oil Reservoir Rock Texture on the Vp/Vs Ratios Derived from Logs,
      Carmen C. Dumitrescu and Larry Lines

Evidence for a Neoarchean Snowbird Tectonic Zone from the Athabasca Granulite Terrane,
      Gregory Dumond, Kevin H. Mahan, Philippe Goncalves, Rebecca M. Flowers, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit L. Williams, Samuel A. Bowring, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit J. Jercinovic

Geothermal Energy Exploration and Development for Remote Community in Ft. Liard, NWT,
      Craig Dunn

How Much Will Your Carbonate Flow?,
      Taras T. Dziuba


Geophysical Studies of the Deep Lithosphere Beneath Hudson Bay and Environs: Implications for Paleoproterozoic Assembly of Laurentia,
      David W. Eaton, Meghan S. Miller, and Fiona Darbyshire

A Revised Stratigraphic Architecture and History for the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Southern Alberta Plains,
      David A. Eberth

Fossil Microbial Communities Preserved Within Chemical Sediments of the Ferriman Group, Labrador Trough, Canada,
      Cole T. Edwards, Peir K. Pufahl, and Eric E. Hiatt

Performance of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation and Aerobic Biodegradation to Attenuate Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater,
      Jared. M. Ehgoetz

Object Modeling for Reservoir Characterization in Carbonates,
      Chris Eisinger and Jerry Jensen

Moving Towards Gigaton Scale CO2 Storage in the Wabamun Area, Alberta, Canada,
      Chris L. Eisinger, Rob Lavoie, Seyyed Ghaderi, Bernhard Mayer, Jerry L. Jensen, Don Lawton, Somayeh Goodarzi, and David Keith

Beyond the Dots in the Box – Microseismicity-Constrained Fracture Models for Reservoir Simulation,
      Leo Eisner, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Andrew Hill, Peter Duncan, and Mike Thornton

An Overview of Oil and Gas Evaluation, Classification and Disclosure, and its use for Securities Disclosure,
      David C. Elliott

Petroleum Prospectivity of the Triassic-Jurassic Succession of Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Archipelago,
      Ashton Embry

Stratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous Isachsen Formation, Sverdrup Basin and Postulated Sandstone Occurrence on the Arctic Continental Shelf,
      Ashton Embry

Professionalism in Using Non-Exclusive Seismic Data with Examples,
      M. Enachescu and P. Einarsson

Breakdown of Phlogopite in Presence of Carbonate: Metasomatic Agents in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle,
      Andreas Enggist and Robert W. Luth

Petroleum Exploration in the Southern Barents Sea, Norway's Present Arctic Frontier,
      Timothy D. J. England

Gas Exsolution and Flow during Supersaturated Water Injection in Porous Media: Experiments and Simulations,
      Robert Enouy, Andre Unger, and Marios A. Ioannidis

Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Fluvial Deposits in the NE Siberia (Lena River, Chekurovka Area),
      V.B. Ershova, J.M. Holbrook, A.K. Khudoley, and A.V. Prokopiev

Biogeochemical Defluoridation,
      Kerry Evans-Tokaryk and F. Grant Ferris

Reconstruction of Nuna: A Working Hypothesis,
      David A.D. Evans, Ross N. Mitchell, Taylor M. Kilian, and Joseph E. Panzik


Folding and Faulting Patterns of the Northeastern Mackenzie Mountains: Implications for Petroleum Exploration,
      Karen M. Fallas

Ecotoxicology of Oil Sands Aquatic Environments,
      Andrea Farwell and D. George Dixon

Techniques for Integrating Seismic, Outcrop and Well Data in Geomodeling of Deepwater Systems: Example from Offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria,
      Oluwaseyi A. Fatoke

Two Sources of Uranium at the Millennium Uranium Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada,
      M. Fayek, A. Camacho, C. Beshears, D. Jiricka, and J. Halaburda

Ligand-Based Partial Extraction of Near-Surface Soil Samples: An Innovative Geochemical Approach to Shallow Gas Exploration, Southwestern Manitoba,
      Mark A.F. Fedikow, Ruth K. Bezys, Michelle B. Nicolas, and Pierrette Prince

Thermal Springs and Geothermal Exploration,
      Grant Ferguson

Geological Processes over Time in Central Canada as Recorded by the Geoelectric Structure,
      Ian Ferguson

The Lower to Middle Triassic Toad Formation (Montney-Doig equivalent) in Northwestern Halfway River Map Area (94B/14),
      Filippo Ferri, Martyn Golding, Jim Mortensen, John-Paul Zonneveld, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Orchard

Applied Modeling of Metamorphic Phase Equilibria for Alteration Vectors in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Systems,
      Criag I. Fitchett, Doug K. Tinkham, and Harold L. Gibson

Inheritance and Pb-loss in Multiple Generations of Metamorphic Monazite: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls on Accessory Phase Behaviour at Ultra-High Temperature,
      Ian C. W. Fitzsimons, Chris Clark, and Pete Kinny

Challenges of Reaching Broad Audiences with Popular Publishing: Lessons learned from the Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles,
      Eileen Van der Flier-Keller

Mentoring and Training of Internationally Trained Geoscientists: A Professional Responsibility of the Geoscience Community,
      Donald Ford and Nicole Pereira

Use of a Regional Hydrogeologic Model to Identify Candidate Areas for Borehole and Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage,
      Donald Ford and Bill Wong

Benefits of Hydrophones for Land Seismic Monitoring,
      Eric Forgues and Estelle Rebel

Are Double-Couples Over-Represented in Microseismic Focal Mechanism Studies?,
      Farshid Forouhideh and David W. Eaton

Spontaneous Potential as a Method for Mapping Degrading Organic Contaminants: An Explanation of its Variable Efficacy,
      Sarah Forté and Laurence R. Bentley

Controls on Porphyroblast Nucleation in High-grade Metapelites,
      C. T. Foster, Jr. and B. L. Dutrow

Assessing Community Vulnerability and Adapting Infrastructure Development to a Changing Northern Environment: the Example of Tuktoyaktuk NT,
      John Fraser and Deon Bridge

Trends and Architecture of Low Density Turbidites of the Lower Ordovician Meguma Supergroup, Nova Scotia,
      Adam Fraser and Grant D. Wach

Delineating Anomalous Mantle in the Western Superior Province,
      Andrew W. Frederiksen and Dave Toni

Sedimentology and Hydrodynamics of Strait-Margin Beach/Shoreface Complexes, Strait of Juan de Fuca, British Columbia,
      Shannon E. Frey and Shahin E. Dashtgard

Highly Metamorphosed Iron Formation on Arcedeckne Island, Boothia Peninsula, Arctic Canada, and the Paragenesis of Harrisonite, Ca(Fe,Mg)6(SiO4)2(PO4)2,
      Thomas Frisch and Richard K. Herd

Geologic Investigation of the Bruce Nuclear Site for Development of a Deep Geologic Repository,
      Rob Frizzell and Andy Parmenter

Use of Static and Dynamic Data in Geological Modelling and Numerical Simulation for Optimal Placement and Selection of SAGD Well-Pairs for AOSC's MacKay River Commercial Project,
      W. Fu, A. Bernal, C. Heron, M. Caplan, L. Sullivan, and E. Herle

Object Based Modeling – A New Approach for McMurray Formation Visualization and Reservoir Characterization,
      Milovan Fustic and Dany Cadiou


Revised Stratigraphic Framework of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group, North-western British Columbia,
      Jean-François Gagnon, Tony Barresi, John W.F. Waldron, JoAnne L. Nelson, T.P. Poulton, Fabrice Cordey, and Larry M. Heaman

Controls on Gahnite Formation: Insights from the Lalor Metamorphosed Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposit, Snow Lake (Manitoba),
      S. Gagne, A. E. Williams-Jones, and A. Hynes

On the Kinetics of Surface-controlled Crystallization,
      Fred Gaidies, David Pattison, Christian de Capitani, and Lukas Baumgartner

Seismic Evidence of Formation Damage in the Lower Colorado Group Shales,
      J. Gallop

Prograde, Retrograde a Structural Isograds in the Monashee Complex of the Canadian Cordillera,
      Félix Gervais

Geothermometry of Mn-Fe Exchange Between Garnet and Ilmenite Inclusions In Pelitic Rocks,
      Edward D. Ghent

Using Process Ichnology to Refine Interpretations of Sedimentary Rocks,
      Murray K. Gingras, James A. MacEachern, and Shahin E. Dashtgard

Epsilon Machine Computation in Paleoclimate Proxy Data: Implications for Testing Climate Models,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit R. Gipp

Linking the Quaternary Glacial History with Hydrogeology: A Case Study from the Becancour River Drainage Basin, Southern Quebec,
      Pierre-Marc Godbout, Michel Lamothe, and Marie Larocque

Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase Relations and Metasomatism in Shear Zones: An Example from a Metagranodiorite in the Aar Massif (Central Alps),
      P. Goncalves, E. Oliot, and D. Marquer

Cenozoic Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Suriname Margin, South America,
      Shawn J. Goss, David C. Mosher, and Grant D. Wach

Self-Sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation (STAR): Overview of Scientific Principles and Initial Field Applications for the Treatment of Coal Tar in Soils,
      G.P. Grant, D. Major, J.I. Gerhard, P. Pironi, J.L. Torero, and C. Switzer

Influence of Till Provenance on Regional Groundwater Geochemistry,
      Stephen E. Grasby, Jerry Osborn, Zhuoheng Chen, and Paul Wozniak

Principal Stress Estimation in Shale Plays using 3D Seismic,
      David Gray, Paul Anderson, John Logel, Franck Delbecq, and Darren Schmidt

Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs using New and Existing NMR Methods,
      Derrick P. Green and Dragan Veselinovic

A New Yttrium-rich Garnet Species, {(Y,REE)(Ca,Fe2+)2}[(Mg,Fe2+)(Fe3+,Al)](Si3)O12: Implicationsfor the Prograde Metamorphic Path in the Parry Sound Domain, Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Orogenic Province,
      Edward S. Grew, Jeffrey H. Marsh, and Martin G. Yates

Geothermal Energy in Alberta – Opportunities and Challenges,
      Matthias Grobe and David Bechtel

Shallow Geothermal Energy Resource in Canada – Heat Gain and Heat Sink,
      Matthias Grobe

Hydrocarbon Potential of Source Rocks of the Paleozoic (Cambrian to Devonian) Petroleum Systems of the Gaspé Peninsula (Québec, Canada),
      G. Grundman, F. Behar, M. Malo, and F. Baudin

Seismic Facies Classification Using Bayesian Networks,
      Gu Yuan, Zhu Peimin, Rong Hui, Hai Yang, and Zeng Fanping

Numerical Model of Microseismicity in Hydrofracturing: Our Prediction for Seismic Moment Tensors,
      A. Guest and Tony Settari

Cenozoic Dextral Shear in the Zagros: What We Know and some Viable Models,
      Bernard Guest


Q-estimation from Uncorrelated Vibroseis VSP Model Data,
      Arnim B. Haase

Sm-Nd and Detrital Zircon Provenance of Cambrian to Devonian Strata, Mackenzie Mountains, South Great Bear Lake, and Victoria Island, NT,
      T. Hadlari, Y. Lemieux, B. L. Cousens, W. G. Davis, K. Dewing, L. M. Heaman, and L. Ootes

Slope and Submarine Fan Depositional System of the Frasnian-Famennian Imperial Formation, Mackenzie Mountains,
      Thomas Hadlari, Bernard C. MacLean, Robert B. MacNaughton, and John Utting

Explore Geoheritage Day: Bringing the People to the Outcrop,
      B. McLarty Halfkenny

Comparison of Low-Frequency Data from Co-Located Receivers Using Frequency Dependent Least-Squares-Subtraction Scalars,
      Kevin W. Hall, Gary F. Margrave, and Malcolm B. Bertram

The Mackenzie Corridor, Northern Mainland, Canada: A Comprehensive Assessment of Conventional Petroleum Potential,
      Peter K. Hannigan, David W. Morrow, and Bernard C. MacLean

Climatic Change in the Canadian Arctic: A 400 Million-year Perspective Based on Vertebrate Remains,
      C. R. Harington

Empowering Canadian Geothermal – 5, 000 MW by 2015!,
      Stephen Harper

A Four Billion Year Journey through the Circumpolar Region: Paleogeographic Perspectives Provided by the "Geological Map of the Arctic" Database,
      Christopher Harrison and Marc R. St-Onge

Baffin Fan and its Inverted Rift System of Arctic Eastern Canada; is this Another Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin?,
      Christopher Harrison, Thomas A. Brent, and Gordon N. Oakey

Grid Free Object/Event based Facies Modeling of Estuarine System,
      R. M. Hassanpour and C. V. Deutsch

Natural Barriers to Leakage from Potential CO2 Storage Sites in the Redwater Area of Central Alberta, Canada: Geological and Hydrogeological Characterization,
      Tyler E. Hauck, Dan Palombi, Jesse Peterson, and Stefan Bachu

Brackish-Water Ichnological Proxies for Embayed Estuarine Settings: Kouchibouguac, New Brunswick, Canada,
      Tyler E. Hauck, Shahin E. Dashtgard, Murray K. Gingras, and S. George Pemberton

The Bond Topology of Structural Units in Oxysalt Minerals,
      Frank C. Hawthorne

The Deep Basin Development Entity – Enhancing Exploitation of Alberta's Deep Basin Tight Gas Resource,
      Brad J. Hayes

Characterizing Subsurface Aquifers to Support Development of Horn River Basin Shale Gas, Northeastern British Columbia,
      Brad J. Hayes

Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of Salt Impacted Soil and Groundwater,
      Kevin Hayley, Laurence Bentley, and Adam Pidlisecky

Bringing Earth Science to Life: A Resource from EdGEO for Teacher Workshop Facilitators,
      S. Heenan and L. A. Clinton

Rivers, Estuaries and Bays: Fragmented Stratigraphy of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Northeast Alberta,
      Frances J. Hein

Three Segments of the Arctic Continental Margin, Beaufort Sea, Canada: Deep Seismic Profiles of Crustal Architecture,
      James Helwig, Naresh Kumar, Pete Emmet, and Menno G. Dinkelman

Correcting PS Receiver Statics using Hybrid Raypath Interferometry,
      David C. Henley

Professional Practice and Ethical Issues in the Estimation of Mineral Resources,
      B. T. Hennessey, W. J. Lewis, C. Z. Murahwi, R. E. Pressacco, and J. Spooner

The Course-Embedded Research Project in Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Introduction to Research, Development of Communication Skills and Means of Programmatic Assessment,
      Darrell J. Henry and Barbara L. Dutrow

Astromaterials Curation and Research in Canada: Why It Matters,
      C. D. K. Herd, D. N. Simkus, R. W. Hilts, and G. F. Slater

How the National Meteorite Collection Supports Astromaterials Expertise in Canada,
      Richard K. Herd

Petrological and Geochemical Investigation into the Michelin Uranium Deposit, Central Mineral Belt, Labrador,
      Christopher Hicks and Derek Wilton

Micro-XRF Study of Buzzard Coulee Meteorite,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit D. Higgins, Chris Herd, and Erin L. Walton

Origin of K-feldspar Megacrysts in Dacites from Taapaca Volcano, Chile: Cathodoluminescence Imaging and Quantitative Petrological Evidence,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit D. Higgins

Sedimentary Hosted Statiform Copper Mineralization – Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland: Insights on Mineralizing Processes and Controls,
      John Hinchey

Deciphering the Tectonostratigraphy of a Deformed and Metamorphosed Paleoproterozoic Volcano-sedimentary Sequence: A Study of the Aillik Group, Makkovik Province, Labrador,
      Alana M. Hinchey

An Experimental Inquiry into Grossular Nucleation Rate: First Results,
      David M. Hirsch and Craig E. Manning

The Southern Termination of the Stateline Fault, Eastern California Shear Zone, California and Nevada: Preliminary Constraints from Geologic Mapping,
      Ann Hislop and Bernard Guest

3D Inversion of Transient EM Data: A Case Study from the Alvheim field, North Sea,
      Bruce Hobbs, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Zhdanov, Alexander Gribenko, Alan Paterson, Glenn Wilson, and Craig Clarke

Exploration and Relationships North of 60: A Primer on Oil and Gas Exploration in the Settlement Regions of the Central Mackenzie and the Delta,
      John R. Hogg

Digital Core Workflow: Efficient Approach to Large-Volume Oil Sands Core Handling,
      Y. Greg Hu

Detecting Groundwater Storage Change within the Great Lakes Water Basin using GRACE,
      J. Huang, J. Halpenny, W. van der Wal, C. Klatt, T. James, and A. Rivera

Sequence Stratigraphic and Depostional Controls on Reservoir Continuity within the Cretaceous Doe Creek Member of the Kaskapau Formation, Valhalla Field, Alberta, Canada,
      Luke E. Hunt, Stacy C. Atchley, and Nathaniel H. Ball

Am I Really Predicting Natural Fractures in the Tight Nordegg Gas Sandstone of West Central Alberta? Part I: Theory and Statistics,
      Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Tyson Brown, Scott Hadley, Jon Downton, and Satinder Chopra

Am I Really Predicting Natural Fractures in the Tight Nordegg Gas Sandstone of West Central Alberta? Part II: Observations and Conclusions,
      Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Tyson Brown, Scott Hadley, Jon Downton, and Satinder Chopra

Xenoliths and Xenocrysts from the Renard Kimberlites, Quebec: A Comprehensive Study of Mantle Samples to Determine the Evolution of the Superior Craton,
      Lucy Hunt, Thomas Stachel, and John Armstrong

Nisku Multiple Attenuation with Interpolation and Sparsity: A Case Study,
      Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Mark Hadley, Scott Hadley, Mike Perz, and Ye Zheng

Garnet Porphyroblast Inclusion Trails as an Independent Kinematic Indicators,
      Tyler E. Huth, David E. Wolf, and Christopher L. Andronicos


Ti Concentrations in Zircon from the Boggy Plain Zoned Pluton; Implications for Zircon Petrology and Hadean Tectonics,
      Ryan B. Ickert and Ian S. Williams

Metamorphic P-T Profile and P-T Path Discontinuity of the Main Central Thrust in Far-eastern Nepal,
      T. Imayama, T. Takeshita, and K. Arita

Slimy Playas and Sliding Rocks in the Basin and Range Province,
      Janelle R. M. Irvine and Gerald Osborn

Case Study Surfactant Enhanced Ex-situ Bioremediation of Oil & Gas Pipeline Spill Soil,
      George A. Ivey


Limits of Successive Middle and Late Pleistocene Ice Sheets in Alberta-western Montana,
      Lionel E. Jackson, Jr. and Laurence D. Andriashek

Fracture Evolution on Fold Limbs: Interplay between Bed-parallel Extension and Shear,
      William Jamison and Steve Jolley

Tracing Fluid Migration via Stable Isotopes within the Mississippian Aquifers in the Williston Basin, Canada-U.S.A.,
      Gavin K. S. Jensen and Ben J. Rostron

Ontario Power Generation's Proposed L&ILW Deep Geologic Repository: An Overview of Geoscientific Studies,
      Mark Jensen, Tom Lam, Dylan Luhowy, Jim McLay, Branko Semec, Laura Kennell, Andy Parmenter, and Robin Frizzell

The Micro-/Macro-Diamond Relationship: A Case Study from the Artemisia Kimberlite (Northern Slave Craton, Canada),
      Catherine N. Johnson, Thomas Stachel, Karlis Muehlenbachs, and John Armstrong

Microseismic Event Location Accuracy Enhancement using Anisotropic Velocity Models,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Jones, Richard Parker, and Shawn Maxwell


Automicrites, Buildups, and Reservoir Shaping in Late Devonian Basins Of the East European Craton,
      P. B. Kabanov, A. N. Betekhtin, N. N. Chikina, V. V. Fedorcov, N. P. Devyatka, M. A. Konstantinova, and O. N. Khorosheva

The Effect of a Doubling of the Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere as Depicted by Quantum Physics,
      Norm Kalmanovitch

Inserting Stratigraphic Deconvolution into the Possessing Flow to Improve the Resolution of AVO,
      Norm Kalmanovitch

Carbonate Formation and Distribution during Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Accelerated Concrete Carbonation,
      Sormeh Kashef-Haghighi, Subhasis Ghoshal, and Subhasis Ghoshal

Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Foreland Initiation in the Northern Alberta Basin: Sediment Distribution and Provenance of the Minnes and Nikanassin Groups,
      M. Keegan Raines, Ross B. Kukulski, Stephen M. Hubbard, Brett D. Miles, and Andrew Leier

Direct Dating of Epigenetic Hydrothermal Gold Deposits in Newfoundland using Re-Os Pyrite Geochronology,
      Andrew Kerr and David Selby

Horizontal Cased Hole Shale Gas Well Evaluation – A Case Study,
      Salman Khalid, Ken Faurschou, and Trevor Gorchynski

Evaluating Caprock Integrity of a Carbon Storage Site Using 3D Coupled Reservoir Geomechanics Modeling,
      Safdar Khan, Hongxue Han, Sajjad Ansari, Nader Khosravi, and Robert J. Mitchell

Carbonate Fracture Case History from Russia and Implications for HTD Plays in North America,
      Inga Khromova and Brian Link

U-Pb Detrital Zircon and Sm-Nd Isotopic Studies of the Neoproterozoic to Triassic Sandstones from the Taimyr Fold and Thrust Belt: Implication for Tectonic Evolution,
      Andrei K. Khudoley, Vasily F. Proskurnin, Alexander N. Larionov, and Sergei A. Sergeev

Peak-Metamorphic and Post-Collisional Growth of Staurolite and Aluminosilicate Polymorphs in the Barrovian Metapelites of the Imjingang Belt, Central Korea,
      Yoonsup Kim

The Kimberlite Olivine Phenocryst/Macrocryst/Xenocryst Problem, Re-Visited,
      B. A. Kjarsgaard, D. G. Pearson, and J. Malarkey

Assessing Natural Attenuation in AMD Contaminated Aquifers – "The Integrative Dual Isotope Approach",
      Kay Knöller and Nils Hoth

Right Here: Embedding Geoscience in Place-based Interpretive Signage in Northwest Calgary, Alberta,
      Polly L. Knowlton Cockett

The Results of the Investigation of the Whitecourt Crater (Alberta, Canada),
      Randolf S. Kofman, C. D. K. Herd, and D. G. Froese

Hydrogeochemical Prospecting for Natural Gas: The Geochemical Chimney, Shallow Groundwater Hydrogeology, and Interpretation of Near-Surface Data,
      Matthew V. Kohlbecker and Dimitri Vlassopoulos

Contributions from the Wally's Beach Site, Alberta,
      Brian Kooyman

The Origin of Hydrocarbons in Fluid Inclusions in Diamonds,
      Maya G. Kopylova

Efficient Broadband Marine Acquisition and Processing for Improved Resolution and Deep Imaging,
      Ed Kragh, Tim Brice, Tony Curtis, Josef Heim, Deepak Kapadia, and Morten Svendsen

Geology, Geochemistry, and Geochronology of Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba: a Unique Glimpse into and under the Trans-Hudson Orogen,
      P. D. Kremer, M. T. Corkery, and N. Rayner

Increasing the Alkalinity of the Ocean to Enhance its Capacity to Act as a Carbon Sink and to Counteract the Effect of Ocean Acidification,
      T. Kruger

Fluvial Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Tight Gas Reservoir: The Monach Formation, Uppermost Nikanassin Group, NW Alberta,
      Ross B. Kukulski, Stephen M. Hubbard, Brett D. Miles, M. Keegan Raines, and Thomas F. Moslow

Tectonic and Stratigraphic Interpretation of a New Regional Deep-seismic Reflection Survey offshore Banks Island: A Potential New Petroleum Province in the Canadian Arctic,
      Naresh Kumar, James Helwig, Pete Emmet, and Menno G. Dinkelman

The Emperor's New Clothes: Looking Beyond to New Ways of Thinking about Uranium Deposits,
      Kurt Kyser


Ichnology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Trace Fossil-Permeability Relationships in the Medicine Hat Member of Southeastern Alberta, Canada,
      A. D. La Croix, M. K. Gingras, and S. G. Pemberton

Shifting Transition Element Abundances in Banded Iron Formations Mark the Great Oxidation Event,
      Stefan V. Lalonde, Ernesto Pecoits, and Kurt O. Konhauser

Geomechanical Characterisation and Long-term Emplacement room Stability Analysis, Ontario Power Generation's proposed Deep Geologic Repository, Tiverton, Ontario,
      Tom Lam, Mark S. Diederichs, and Branko Damjanac

Generalized Frames for Gabor Operators in Seismic Imaging,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit P. Lamoureux, Gary F. Margrave, and Peter C. Gibson

Technology Development and the Challenges for Mineral Exploration and Discovery in the 21st Century: A Canadian Perspective,
      Tom E. Lane

Detrital Zircon Provenance of the Neruokpuk Formation, Northwest Laurentia,
      Larry S. Lane, George Gehrels, and Paul Layer

Tectonic Implications of pre-Jurassic Paleogeography, Northwestern Laurentia,
      Larry S. Lane

Fracture Analysis and use of LiDAR, Turtle Mountain, Alberta,
      C. Willem Langenberg, Andrea Pedrazzini, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Tijmen (Tim) H.D. Hartel

Energy, at What Cost: Is $15 Billion per Year Enough to Bury Alberta's Carbon Footprint?,
      C. Willem Langenberg

The Making of a Geological Map of the University of Saskatchewan Campus,
      Adam Larsen, Kevin Ansdell, and Tim Prokopiuk

An Initial Evaluation of Some Biogeochemical-engineering Routes to Carbon Management,
      Steve Larter, Ian Gates, Jennifer Adams, and Ian Head

Geological Setting and Petroleum Potential of the Paleozoic Hudson Platform, Northern Canada,
      Denis Lavoie, Jim Dietrich, Mathieu Duchesne, Shunxin Zhang, Nicolas Pinet, Virginia Brake, Keith Dewing, Esther Asselin, Kezhen Hu, Patrick Lajeunesse, and Jonathan Roger

Mg Isotopes and Hydrothermal Saddle Dolomites; Current Data for Paleozoic Dolomites of Eastern Canada and Implications for Mg Source,
      Denis Lavoie, Simon Jackson, and Isabelle Girard

Assessment of Key Processes Affecting Vertical Transport of Brines in Low Permeability Till Beneath the Potash Salt Piles,
      Karl Lawrence, Willy Zawadzki, Mike Trembley, Greg Misfeldt, Jeff Randall, and Scott Donald

Geology of the Gull Lake North Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer Tertiary Flood, Upper Shaunavon Formation, Southwest Saskatchewan,
      Sid Leggett

Informing Planetary Science Operations Scenarios through Underwater Analog Mission Activities at Pavilion Lake, Canada,
      Darlene S. S. Lim, Allyson L. Brady, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Gernhardt, R. Shepard, M. M. Marinova, M. Wilhelm, A. Forrest, Z. Cardman, A. Abercromby, M. Deans, D. Lees, R. Arnold, B. Cowie, G. F. Slater, B. Laval, D. Reid, and C. P. McKay

Improving the Statics Solution through De-migration: A Canadian Foothills A-PSDM Case History,
      Jiwu Lin, Sylvestre Charles, and Josef Heim

Estimation of Gas Hydrate Daturation using Geostatistical Inversion,
      Yexin Liu, Zhouheng Chen, and Kirk Osadetz

Modeling the Impact of Deep Structures on Liquid Production in the Bakken Oil Shale Play of the Williston Basin of Canada and the USA,
      Ruikun Liu, Andrew C. Newson, and Terry Buchanan

Sedimentology and Petroleum Source-Rock Potential of Hyperpycnites in the Laberge Group (Jurassic), Whitehorse Trough, Yukon, Canada,
      Grant Lowey

Stereoisomeric Behaviour of Octahedral [[6]4] Chains,
      Aaron J. Lussier and Frank C. Hawthorne

Groundwater in Harmony with Oil Sands Development: A Blueprint,
      Lucien S. Lyness and Jon W. Fennell

Communicating Geologically-Underpinned Issues: Drivers and Mechanisms,
      Lucien S. Lyness and Claire V. Lyness

Geostatistical Determination of Sand-Body Geometry in the Paskapoo Formation,
      Steve Lyster and Laurence Andriashek

Requirements of TSX and TSX V Regarding NI 51-101 and NI 43-101 Reports filed by Listed Issuers,
      Leon Lyszkiewicz


Stratigraphic Architecture of Deep-Water Channel Complexes: Outcrop Analogue Insight for Base of Slope Deposits, Tres Pasos Formation, Chilean Patagonia,
      Ryan V. Macauley and Stephen M. Hubbard

Ichnofabrics vs. Ichnofacies: A Field-Based Test of Spatial Recurrence in Shallow-Marine Successions,
      James A. MacEachern, Kerrie L. Bann, Murray K. Gingras, S. George Pemberton, Shahin E.Dashtgard, Cindy D. Hansen, Lynn T. Dafoe, John Lerette, and Nadine J. Pearson

Analysis of the Structural Style and Fracture Distribution of the Agdagh Anticline in Southern Kurdistan, Iraq A Model for Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs,
      Paul A. MacKay and William Matthews

High Resolution Deterministic Inversion in the Arab-D Carbonate Reservoir of the Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia,
      Costas G. Macrides and Ayon Dey

The Geology and Geochemistry of the Ashley and Floodplain Troctolite Intrusions, Voisey's Bay, Labrador, Canada,
      Luke Maddigan, Derek Wilton, and Greg Dunning

Mistastin Lake Crater, Labrador, as a Lunar Analogue Site,
      Marianne M. Mader, Gordon R. Osinski, Cassandra Marion, and Paul Sylvester

Heat Flow, Depth – Temperature Variations and Stored Thermal Energy for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) In Canada,
      Jacek Majorowicz and Stephen E. Grasby

Source Rock Evaluation and Paleoenvironment of Some Prerift Rock Units at the Central Part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
      Abubakr F. Maky, Ahmad S. Mousa, and Nadia I. Mohamad

Applications of Advanced Borehole Geophysics to Groundwater Resources Management,
      Robert G. Maliva and Thomas M. Missimer

Carbonate Precipitation in Engineered Environments; Carbon Sequestration by Design,
      David A. C. Manning, Phil Renforth, and Carla-Leanne Washbourne

Nonstationary Predictive Deconvolution,
      Gary F. Margrave and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit P. Lamoureux

Utilization of Digital Photogrammetry in Spatiotemporal Knowledge of Landslides,
      M. Mastere, L. Aït Brahim, B. Van Vliet-Lanoë, N. Elfahchouch, E. Guelzime, H. Jirari, and A. Abdelouafi

Fault Activation During Hydraulic Fracturing,
      S. C. Maxwell, M. Jones, R. Parker, S. Leaney, M. Mack, D. Dorval, D. D'Amico, J. Logel, E. Anderson, and K. Hammermaster

A New Interpretation of Early Jurassic Basin History in Western Canada,
      Tannis McCartney, Andrew Leier, Michele Asgar-Deen, and Keegan Raines

Fall and Initial Examination of the Sept. 25, 2009 Grimsby H5 Ordinary Chondrite,
      Phil J. A. McCausland, Peter G. Brown, Alan R. Hildebrand, Roberta L. Flemming, Ivan Barker, Desmond Moser, Gordon Osinski, David W. Holdsworth, Jim Renaud, and Wayne Edwards

Insights into the Crystal Chemistry of Platinum-Group Minerals: Issues Facing Development of a PGM Classification Hierarchy,
      Andrew M. McDonald

Tectonically Influenced Platform Development in the Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Formation, Southwestern Manitoba,
      David McDonald and Nancy Chow

Geodynamic Constraints on Mineralization and Metamorphism at the Griffin's Find Gold Deposit, Western Australia, from Calibrated T-t Trajectories,
      Christopher R. M. McFarlane

Combining Aerobic Bioremediation with Chemical Oxidation for the In Situ Remediation of a MTBE Plume,
      Rick McGregor and Bruce Tunnicliffe

A "Green Oxidant" for In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for the Treatment of Contaminated Soils and Application at a Fractured Bedrock Site,
      Rick McGregor, Bruce Tunnicliffe, and Todd Herrington

Geology of the Aley Creek Area, Northeastern BC Rocky Mountains: A record of Mississippian orogenesis in the Cordilleran Foreland Belt?,
      Duncan F. McLeish, Stephen T. Johnston, Mitch G. Mihalynuk, and James K. Mortensen

Mammoth Steps: an Overview of the Fauna of Wally's Beach (DhPg-8), a Late Pleistocene Locality from Southwestern Alberta,
      Paul E. McNeil, Len V. Hills, Brian Kooyman, and Shayne Tolman

Origins of Diamond-forming Fluids from the Slave Craton: Trace Element Constraints on a Variety of Diamonds from the Ekati Mine,
      J. McNeill, D. G. Pearson, G. M. Nowell, and C. J. Ottley

Field Investigation of E. Coli Contamination of a Shallow Vulnerable Aquifer, Abbotsford, British Columbia,
      Andrea Mellor and Edwin Cey

A Case History in Community Engagement Good Practice – Avalon Rare Metals Inc Engagement with Aboriginal People in the Northwest Territories,
      Bill Mercer

U-Pb Chemical and Isotopic Ages, and Associated REE Patterns of the Hook Lake Showing, Way Lake Project, Northern Saskatchewan,
      Julien Mercadier, Irvine R. Annesley, and Tom Bonli

Formation Water Salinity from Core Analysis,
      Craig Merritt and Robert Lee

Reservoir Distribution and Architecture of the Monteith Formation (Nikanassin Group), NW Alberta: Insights into Deltaic Reservoir Complexity,
      Brett D. Miles, Stephen M. Hubbard, Ross B. Kukulski, M. Keegan Raines, and Holly C. A. Rose

Evidence for Craton-wide Ferropicritic Underplating of the Neo-archean Ungava Craton,
      Dejan Milidragovic, Don Francis, and Marc Constantin

Pre-fall Orbit of the Buzzard Coulee Meteoroid,
      E. P. Milley, A. R. Hildebrand, P. G. Brown, M. Noble, G. Sarty, A. Ling, and L. A. Maillet

Waterflood Optimization Using Data-driven and Modeldriven Approaches,
      Mahyar (Matt) Mohajer, Anne Valentine, and Lynn Murphy

Sulfur, Trace Metals, Microbial Community Structure, and the Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen,
      Stephen J. Mojzsis

Shale Gas in the Quebec Lowlands, the high Potential of a New Frontiers Area,
      Marianne Molgat, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Lynne Davies, and Pawel Flek

Using Stable Isotope and Groundwater Geochemistry to Trace Sulfur Cycling at an Abandoned High-Sulfide Tailings Impoundment,
      M. C. Moncur, C. J. Ptacek, B. Mayer, D. W. Blowes, and S. J. Birks

Common Patterns of Rare-earth-element Distribution in Garnet,
      Stephanie J. Moore and William D. Carlson

Impact of Pervasive Migration and Crystallisation of Anatectic Magmas in Opinaca Metasediments, Québec,
      Samuel Morfin and Edward W. Sawyer

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Reservoir Characteristics of Glaciogenic Reservoirs Using High-Resolution Quantitative Mineralogical and Textural Analysis of Drill Cuttings,
      Andrea Moscariello, Matt Power, Suzi Burns, and Adriaan Janszen

Seismic Exploration and Sedimentation in Canada Basin, Western Arctic,
      David C. Mosher, J. Shimeld, R. Jackson, D. Hutchinson, C. B. Chapman, D. Chian, and J. Verhoef

Reservoir Distribution and Characterization: Continental Slope Depositional Systems along the Scotian Margin,
      David C. Mosher, G. D. Wach, D. C. Campbell, M. K. Giles, and V. I. Brake

Vadose Zone Soil Treatment of Nutrients and Bacteria from Secondary Municipal Wastewater Discharged through an At-Grade System,
      Erin Motz, Angus Chu, Edwin Cey, Cathy Ryan, and Alf Durnie

Public Outreach and Acceptance Associated with CCS: an Example from the Province of Québec,
      J.-P. Moutenet, K. Bédard, and M. Malo

Lessons from the Isotopic Analyses of Surface Vent Flow Gas, Western Canada Basin,
      Karlis Muehlenbachs

Understanding the Regional Hydrodynamics in the Normal and Sub-hydrostatic Regimes of the Canadian Rockies Foreland Basin, Alberta,
      Abhijit Mukherjee, Steven Lyster, Sheila Stewart, and Benjamin J. Rostron


Strain-Heating as a Mechanism for Partial Melting and UHT Metamorphism in Convergent Orogens in View of Temperature-Dependent Diffusivity and Rheology,
      Peter I. Nabelek, Alan G. Whittington, and Anne M. Hofmeister

Interpolation of Aliased Seismic Data in the Curvelet Domain,
      Mostafa Naghizadeh and Mauricio D. Sacchi

Diagnostic Characteristics of Extreme Events in South East Coast of India,
      Rajesh R. Nair, Ilya Buynevich, Ron J. Goble, P. Srinivasan, S. G. N. Murthy, C. S. Vijayalekshmi, Deshraj Trivedi, and S. C. Kandpal

When Life Got Big: the Mistaken Point Assemblage of Newfoundland (Ediacaran, 579-560 Ma),
      Guy Narbonne

Thermal Modelling of the Central Scotian Slope, Offshore Nova Scotia: The Effects of Salt on Heat Flow and Implications for Hydrocarbon Maturation,
      E. Negulic, K. E. Louden, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, H. Wielens, and M. R. Nedimović

A Balanced Cross Section across the Southern Kirkuk Embayment, Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt, Kurdistan,
      Andrew C. Newson

Effects of Channels on Fold Geometry and Fracture Patterns in the Grande Cache Area, West-Central Alberta,
      Melissa Newton and Deborah Spratt

Baffles and Barriers within a Braided Channel Complex – The Triassic Wolfville Formation, Nova Scotia,
      Jordan Nickerson and Grant Wach

The Bakken Oil Play of Southeast Saskatchewan: Stratigraphy, Facies Analysis and Sedimentology,
      Erik H. Nickel and Dan Kohlruss

Shale Gas Petrophysics – Montney and Muskwa, Are They Barnett Look-Alikes?,
      John Nieto, Robert Bercha, and Jim Chan

Structural and Geochronological Investigations of (meta) Granitoids of Western Cameroon, Central-Africa: Implications on the Evolution of the Pan-Africano/Brazilian Belt,
      G. Njiekak, A. Gerdes, Jean-Pierre Tchouankoué, and G. Zulauf

Elementary: Dry Well Analysis Solves a Mystery,
      Jon Noad

Mangrove Channels: Morphoplogy, Magnitude and Migration,
      Jon Noad


Application of a Tomographic Velocity Model to the Prestack Depth Migration of a Buried Valley,
      Oluwafemi Ogunsuyi and Douglas R. Schmitt

Receiver Function Analysis of Crustal and Upper Mantle Stratigraphy Across the Western Superior Province,
      Morounkeji Olaleye and Andrew W. Frederiksen

Prospect of Natural Gas Industry in Iran,
      Hedayat Omidvar

The Internship Program and the Online Reporting of Experience,
      Jason Ong

The Ontario Mining Association: An Important Stakeholder in Education and Outreach,
      Ontario Mining Association

Physical Testing of the Effect of Tilting on the Reflection Coefficient in an Anisotropic Material,
      Miryam Ortiz-Osornio and Douglas R. Schmitt

Exploring Other World's by Exploring Our Own: Bringing Earth and Planetary Science to the Public,
      Gordon R. Osinski, Marianne Mader, Laura Thomson, and Cassandra Marion

Luminescence Dating of Old Crow and Dawson Tephras using Fading-corrected Feldspar IRSL,
      Stéphanie Ouimet and Michel Lamothe


Regional Hydrogeological Characterization in the Northeastern Margin of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan- Manitoba, Canada,
      Dan Palombi and Ben Rostron

Applications of Natural Alpha-particle-induced Defects in Quartz to Exploration of Uranium Deposits,
      Yuanming Pan, Sanda M. Botis, and Gary Yeo

A Phase Shift Plus Interpolation Extrapolation for Two-way Wave Equation Migration,
      Jianhua Pan

Uranium in Shales as a Proxy for the Evolution of Surficial Redox Conditions,
      Camille Partin

Constraining Kimberlite Magma Composition using Kimberlite Pelletal Lapilli Compositions,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit V. Patterson and Don Francis

Petrologic Implications of Variations in Metamorphic Reaction Affinity,
      David Pattison

Diamond-Forming Fluids: Elemental and Radiogenic Isotope Studies of Fibrous and Non-Fibrous Diamonds from Diamondiferous Peridotite and Eclogite Xenoliths,
      D. Graham Pearson, O. Klein-BenDavid, F. Laiginhas, J. C. R. McNeill, J. J. Gurney, G. M. Nowell, and C. J. Ottley

Revisiting The Slave Point: A Junior's Experience in a Challenging Oil Resource Play Using Real Time Subsurface Imaging Through the Integration of 3D Seismic and Logging-While-Drilling Boundary Detection,
      W. Pearson, Garnet Giroux, S. Johnston, and D. Boskovich

Oceanic Oxygen Depletion and Dead Zones: Physical Causes and Human Dimensions,
      Thomas F. Pedersen and Rainer Zahn

Basement to the Thelon Basin, Nunavut – Revisited,
      S. Pehrsson, C. W. Jefferson, T. Peterson, J. Scott, L. Chorlton, B. Hillary, Judith Patterson, U. Concordia, D. Lentz, Y. Shelat, and K. Bethune

Pre-Nuna Supercontinent Reconstruction: the Role of the Global Arrowsmith Orogeny and its Impact in Western Canada,
      S. J. Pehrsson, R. G. Berman, Haijun Qui, W. J. Davis, and J. Ryan

Climate Dynamics of the Final Glacial-Interglacial Transition,
      Richard Peltier

From Salinity-Stressed Suite to Recurring Ethological Grouping: The Rise of the Teichichnus Ichnofacies,
      S. George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras, Shahin E. Dashtgard, Kerrie L. Bann, and James A. MacEachern

Artifact-Free Population of Geologic Models from Seismic Inversions,
      John V. Pendrel, Sumon Bhattacharyya, and David Fowler

Hydrothermal Alteration in Hydro-fractured Athabasca Sandstone: Distal Expression of Uranium Mineralization?,
      Jeanne B. Percival, Sean A. Bosman, Eric G. Potter, Paul Ramaekers, Katherine E. Venance, Pat A. Hunt, and Charles W. Jefferson

A Robust and Practical Approach to VTI Parameter Estimation in a Non-Structural Setting: Case Study from the Vulcan Field, Alberta,
      Mike Perz, Warren Pearson, Darren Betker, and Earl Heather

Use of Strontium Isotopes to Detect Produced-Water Contamination in Surface Water and Groundwater in the Williston Basin, Northeastern Montana,
      Zell E. Peterman, Joanna Thamke, and Kiyoto Futa

Attribute-Assisted Stratigraphic Interpretation,
      Fred M. Peterson

Proterozoic (1.85-1.7 Ga) Igneous Suites of the Western Churchill Province: Constraints on Tectonic Assembly and Crust-Mantle Dynamics,
      Tony D. Peterson and Sally Pehrsson

Correlation of Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution on Svalbard (Barents Shelf), North Greenland and Ellesmere Island (Canadian Arctic) in the Last 650 Million Years,
      Karsten Piepjohn and Werner von Gosen

What's the St. Lawrence Estuary Shallow Subsurface and Seafloor Made of? A Regional Appraisal based on an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Study,
      N. Pinet, V. Brake, M. Duchesne, and C. Campbell

Matrix, Fractures, Karst, Bitumen: an Integrated Modeling Approach to Help Solve the Grosmont Puzzle of Northern Alberta, Canada,
      Emmanuelle Piron and Amir Hosseini

Enhanced Primary Productivity in the Aftermath of the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen,
      Noah Planavsky, Andrey Bekker, Axel Hoffman, and Timothy W. Lyons

Reservoir and Seal Pairs: Carbon Sequestration in Atlantic Canada,
      H. D. Pothier, G. D. Wach, and M. Zentilli

Subduction, Asthenospheric Flow, and the Evolution of Foreland Thrust-and-fold Belts: Insights from the Southern Canadian Cordillera,
      Raymond A. Price

Determination of Critical Parameters for Mineral Carbonation Kinetics,
      J. Pronost, G. Beaudoin, Faiçal Larachi, Réjean Hébert, Josée Duchesne, and Marc Constantin


Formation of Non-hydrothermal Saddle Dolomite in the Ordovician Yeoman Formation, Southeastern Saskatchewan,
      Hairuo Qing

Is Illite Still a Pathfinder Mineral for the Geological Environment of Athabasca Unconformity-type Uranium Deposits??,
      David H. Quirt


Working Hypotheses for McMurray Formation Stratigraphy: Focusing the Search for Modern Analogues,
      Mike Ranger

Radiogenic and Stable Isotopic Compositions of mid-Cretaceous Intrusions in the Selwyn Basin, Yukon and Northwest Territories,
      Kirsten L. Rasmussen, James K. Mortensen, and Greg B. Arehart

Geoscientific Site Characterization of the Proposed Deep Geologic Repository, Tiverton, Ontario,
      Kenneth G. Raven, Sean N. Sterling, Richard E. Jackson, John D. Avis, and Ian D. Clark

Time Domain Least-squares Prestack Migration,
      Ricardo C. Rebollo and Mauricio D. Sacchi

Regional Setting and General Characteristics of the Centennial Unconformity-related Uranium Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan,
      Kyle Reid, Kevin Ansdell, Dan Jiricka, Gary Witt, and Colin Card

Detection of Low-level Carbon Dioxide Leakage from Carbon Sequestration Sites using Real-time 13C Analysis,
      Chris W. Rella, Iain Green, Samuel Krevor, and Sally Benson

3D Geological Modeling for SAGD Application at Surmont,
      Weishan Ren, Grant Byerley, Bryan Vandal, and JeanPierre Fossey

Selecting a Geological Realization for SAGD Simulation,
      Weishan Ren, Pierre Schreiber E., Pradeep Ananth G., and JeanPierre Fossey

Moose Mountain: New Insight into its Internal Structure and Relative Timing of Deformation,
      David Repol, Martin Kraemer, Ben Stephenson, and Irma Eggenkamp

Fluid History and Uranium Mineralization in the Hornby Bay Basin, Nunavut, Canada,
      Sarah Rice and Kurt Kyser

ERT and Seismic Tomography in Identifying Subsurface Cavities,
      Grey I. Riddle, Craig J. Riddle, and Douglas R. Schmitt

The Ellesmerian Orogeny: Fact or Fiction?,
      Stephen Rippington, Robert A. Scott, Helen Smyth, Olga Bogolepova, and Alexander Gubanov

Groundwater Recharge and in Storage at the Scale of Canada,
      Alfonso Rivera and Harold Vigneault

Evaluating the Significance of Mineral Parageneses in Very Low Grade Metabasites,
      D. Robinson, R. Powell, and R. E. Bevins

Mineralogy of Duvernay, Muskwa, and Montney Formations for Shale Gas Resource Evaluation,
      C. D. Rokosh, Andrew Beaton, John Pawlowicz, Shar Anderson, and Mike Berhane

An Integrated Basin-wide Study into Petroleum Generation and Migration: the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems Project,
      Ben J. Rostron, Steve Whittaker, Stephen Bend, and Chris Gilboy

Regional and Local Structural Controls on the Distribution of Jurassic Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo and Epithermal Au-Ag Deposits in the Toodoggone District of North-Central British Columbia, Canada,
      Stephen M. Rowins, Paul Duuring, Bradley S. M. McKinley, Jenni M. Dickinson, Larry J. Diakow, and Robert A. Creaser

Thrust or land slide: The origin of Black Butte Nevada and implication for offset estimates along the Stateline Fault, California and Nevada,
      Anthony Rowley, Austin Springer, and Bernard Guest

Eurypterids and More – The Eramosa and Bertie Lagerstätten (Silurian), Southern Ontario,
      Dave Rudkin

The Emerging Oil Revolution in Western Canada,
      Dave Russum and Alexei Belonogov


Simultaneous High-Precision Measurement of 13C/12C and D/H in Short Chain Hydrocarbons using Gas Chromatography-combustion-cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy,
      Nabil Saad, Eric Corsson, and Bruce Richman

Active Fans and Grizzly Bears: Reducing Risks for Campers,
      M. E. Sakals, D. J. Wilford, D. W. Wellwood, and S. A. MacDougall

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Montney Fm in the Groundbirch-Saturn Region, Peace River Arch Block, BC,
      C. J. Salas, D. W. Hume, G. R. Davies, and Brad Torry

A Comparison of Glacier Fluctuations on Mount Rainier to Regional Glacial Histories,
      Mary A. Samolczyk, Gerald Osborn, Brian Menounos, John Clague, P. Thompson Davis, Jon Riedel, and Joe Koch

Monitoring Multi-Zone Gas Wells to Reduce Operational Cost and Risk,
      Alejandro Sanchez

Turbidite-hosted, Auriferous, Orogenic Quartz Veins at the Jaclyn Deposit (Golden Promise), Central Newfoundland,
      H. A. Sandeman, H. Rafuse, and D. A. Copeland

Seismic Frequency Wave Speed Measurements on Micro-cracked, Fluid-saturated Synthetic Rock,
      Heather Schijns, Ian Jackson, and Douglas R. Schmitt

From Mantle Source to an Unusual Late-stage Mineral Wealth in Highest Crustal Levels: A Case Study from the Alkaline-peralkaline Mont Saint-hilaire Complex, Quebec, Canada,
      Julian Schilling, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Marks, Thomas Wenzel, Dorrit Jacob, and Gregor Markl

Borehole Stress Measurement Methods: Experiences from Scientific Drilling,
      Douglas R. Schmitt

Science with Impact – by Let's Talk Science,
      Bonnie Schmidt

Epizoans and Predation Traces of Devonian Hay River Formation Brachiopods: Indicators of Complex Ecosystems and Ties to the Iowa Basin,
      Chris L. Schneider and Lindsey R. Leighton

Review of Geophysical Methods to Support Evaluations of Potential Candidate Sites for a Used Nuclear Fuel Deep Geological Repository,
      G. W. Schneider, S. J. Emsley, M. E. Monier-Williams, R. K. Davis, F. L. Paillet, R. M. Turpening, S. J. Y. Sol, and A. Vorauer

Analogy at the Facies Level: Architecture, Sedimentology and Ichnology of Modern and Pleistocene Deposits at Willapa Bay,
      Jesse A. Schoengut and Murray K. Gingras

Complex Deformation along the Maacama Fault Zone, Part of the Young PAC-NAM Transform Boundary,
      Rick Schroeder

2.46 to 2.50 Ga Magmatism in the Queen Maud Block, Northern Canada: An Early Phase of the Arrowsmith Orogeny or a Separate Rifting event Preceding Orogeny?,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit E.J. Schultz, Thomas Chacko, Larry M. Heaman, Hamish A. Sandeman, and Robert A. Creaser

Organic Nitrogen Pool and Nitrate Leaching From Agricultural Soils: Isotopic Tracing (δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3-) and Modeling,
      Mathieu Sebilo, Bernhard Mayer, and André Mariotti

Subduction of Altered Basalts and Serpentinites into the Transition Zone and the Lower Mantle Recorded in the Chemical and Li-isotopic Features of Inclusions in Diamonds from Juina, Brazil,
      Hans-Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Seitz, Gerhard P. Brey, Soodabeh Durali-Müller, Heidi E. Höfer, Jeff W. Harris, and Thomas Ludwig

Source to Sink (S2S) Control on the Deepwater Depositional Systems in Gulf of Papua: Insights from Seafloor Morphology, Acoustic Facies and Turbidite Sand Provenance,
      Erlangga Septama and Samuel J. Bentley

3D Imaging of Hydrocarbon Contamination Plumes from Geoelectrical Data,
      Lei Sha, Volkan Tuncer, Fatih Doğan, and Julien Lambert

Pressure-Temperature-Time-Deformation Paths Derived from Fias, Pseudosections and Zoned Garnets: Significance and Potential for ~1700 Ma Deformation and Metamorphism in the Big Thompson Region of Colorado Rockies, USA,
      A. A. Shah

Sedimentology and High-resolution Stratigraphy of a Muddy Ramp: Cardium Formation (Turonian-Coniacian), Southern Alberta,
      Joel A. Shank and A. Guy Plint

Methane-oxidizing Communities Associated with Hydrothermal Systems,
      C. Sharp, S. E. Grasby, and P. Dunfield

Application of Engineering Geology in Land Reclamation Project from Persian Gulf,
      Morteza Sheshpari

The Wabamum Area Sequestration Project (WASP): Modeling CO2 Injection into an H2S Containing Saline Aquifer using Toughreact,
      Maurice Shevalier, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Nightingale, Bernhard Mayer, and Ian Hutcheon

Widespread Deposition of a Seismically Distinctive Unit Across Canada Basin and Southern Alpha Ridge During the Initial Period of Basin Subsidence,
      J. W. Shimeld, D. Chian, H. R. Jackson, D. Hutchinson, D. C. Mosher, J. A. Wade, and C. B. Chapman

Geochemistry and Cathodluminescence Study on the Carbonate of Upper Cretaceous (Ilam Formation), Payun Anticline, Zagros Basin, Izeh, Iran,
      F. A. Shushtarian, M. H. Adabi, A. Sadeghi, M. Hosseini-Barzi, and M. Lotfpour

The Development of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in a Tidally Influenced, Fluvially Dominated River, Fraser River, British Columbia,
      Chad F. Sisulak and Shahin E. Dashtgard

Application of Steam Flushing for Remediation of Multicomponent DNAPL Subsurface Contamination,
      Brent E. Sleep and Zheng Zhang

The Upper Cretaceous Bad Heart Ooidal Ironstones: An integrated Mineralogical-sedimentological-ore Characterization,
      Jon Sliwinski, Chris Gunning, Kathryn Sheridan, Barry Caplan, and Bruce Smith

Integrated Shale Gas Evaluation: A study of QEMSCAN , SEM and Optical Petrography, XRD and Geochemistry of Selected Potential and Producing North American Gas Shales,
      Jon Sliwinski, Matt Power, Peta Hughes, and Jay Harrington

Multiple Origins of Eclogitic Diamonds from the Jericho Kimberlite, Nunavut,
      K. A. Smart, T. Chacko, L. M. Heaman, T.Stachel, and K. Muehlenbachs

Variability of Modern Meandering Fluvial and Tidal Estuarine Systems: A Re-examination of Lithofacies Models,
      Derald G. Smith, Stephen M. Hubbard, Peter E. Putnam, Jason R. Lavigne, Dale A. Leckie, and Milovan Fustic

X-ray Diffraction Study of the Mineralogy of Microinclusions in Fibrous Diamond,
      Evan M. Smith, Maya G. Kopylova, and Leonid S. Dubrovinsky

Post-Wildfire Geologic Hazards in the BC Southern Interior,
      Timothy Smith

Evolution of the Sverdrup Basin: New Insights from Field Studies, Integrated Biostratigraphy & Sediment Provenance Analyses,
      Helen R. Smyth, Andy Morton, Robert A. Scott, Jenny E. Omma, Simon R. A. Kelly, Steve Rippington, Bill Braham, John Gregory, and David Jolley

Public Disclosure of Reserves and Resources Estimates by APEGGA Members,
      D. T. (Tom) Sneddon

The Influence of Stress and Geologic Structures on Mining-induced Seismicity in the Creighton Mine, Sudbury, Ontario,
      Paige Snelling, Laurent Godin, and Steve McKinnon

Do Diamondiferous Kimberlites Preferentially Erupt at Margins of Archean Blocks within the Canadian Shield?,
      David B. Snyder

A few Steps Toward a 'Subcrop' Map of the Trans-Hudson Orogen and Neighbouring Cratons at Uppermost Mantle Depths of 70-120 km,
      David B. Snyder, Ian D. Bastow, and David A. Thompson

Prediction of Structure Topology from Chemical Composition in Ti Silicates,
      Elena Sokolova

GFREE Approach to Geologic Characterization of "Tight Gas" Reservoirs,
      N. Solano, C. Clarkson, F. F. Krause, R. Lenormand, and R. Aguilera

Reconstruction of the Volcanic-sedimentary Environment of Strata Hosting the La Pitarrilla, Silver-Zinc-Lead Deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico,
      C. M. J. Somers, H. L. Gibson, and R. Burk

The Kitts Deposit – An Example of High-grade, Vein-hosted Uranium Mineralization, Labrador, Canada,
      G. W. Sparkes

Persulfate Oxidation of a Gasoline Source Zone,
      Kammy Sra, Neil Thomson, and Jim Barker

Partial Disequilibrium within the Garnet Core of Upper Amphibolite Facies Rocks: Limitations on the use of Combined Ion-Exchange and Net-Transfer Reaction Thermobarometry,
      Reid D. Staples, Dan D. Marshall, H. Dan Gibson, and Derek J. Thorkelson

Geology "On the Box",
      Iain S. Stewart

An Automated Method to Store, Search, and Retrieve Wellbore Data,
      Case Struyk

Imaging and Computing the Physical Properties of Gas Shale,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Suhrer, Timothy Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Diaz, Avrami Grader, and Ed Joussaume

Problem Solving Applications of Palynology in Cretaceous and Paleogene Basins, Western Canada,
      Arthur R. Sweet

Hydrogeologic Modeling in Support of Ontario Power Generation's Proposed Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste, Tiverton, Ontario,
      Jonathan F. Sykes, Stefano D. Normani, and Yong Yin


Structural Styles of the of the Central Alberta Foothills, Brown Creek Area,
      Rob Taerum and Deborah Spratt

The Crystal Chemistry of Manitobaite, (Na16 ) Mn2+25 Al8 (PO4)30, ANew Phosphate Mineral of the Alluaudite-Group (sensu late) from Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada,
      Kim Tait, Mark A. Cooper, Yassir Abdu, Frank C. Hawthorne, and T. Scott Ercit

Interpretation of Natural Fractures from the Traveltime Variation with Source-receiver Azimuth in the Alberta Foothills,
      Draga A. Talinga and Don C. Lawton

Can Alkaline Magmatism Destroy a Craton? Lessons Learned from the Greenland-Labrador Diamond Province,
      Sebastian Tappe and Larry M. Heaman

Northern Petroleum Development from the Perspective of the People of the North,
      Peter Taptuna, Gordon MacKay, and Peter Frampton

Earth Materials Collections Management at Natural Resources Canada,
      Ann M. Therriault, B. Jean Dougherty, and Richard K. Herd

Variable-factor S-transform for Time-frequency Decomposition, Deconvolution, and Noise Attenuation,
      Todor I. Todorov and Gary F. Margrave

Seismic Characterization of Statoil's Leismer Heavy Oil Reservoir,
      Rainer Tonn

The Preglacial Missouri-Yellowstone and Interglacial Spiritwood Buried Valleys in the Brandon Area, Southwestern Manitoba,
      David Toop

Impact of the June 2005 Storm Groundwater Levels in the Bow River Basin, Alberta,
      David Toop

Rank-Reduction-Based Trace Interpolation,
      Stewart Trickett, Lynn Burroughs, Andrew Milton, Larry Walton, and Rob Dack

Using Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Exploration to Accelerate Geological Mapping in Greenfield Areas of Northern Canada,
      Volkan Tuncer, Lei Sha, Fatih Doğan, and Julien Lambert

Mapping Buried Paleo-valleys with Integrated Visualization of Airborne Geophysical Data,
      Volkan Tuncer, Lei Sha, Fatih Doğan, and Julien Lambert

Geoelectric Response of the Crust and Upper Mantle, Lake Nipigon Area, Ontario,
      Cassandra Tycholiz and Ian Ferguson


Guideline for the Ethical Use of Geophysical Data,
      Doug Uffen, Bruce Palmiere, Hans den Boer, John Boyd, Lee Hunt, Mark Sykes, Charles Welsh, and Ray Chopiuk

Guideline for the Ethical Use of Geophysical Data Part II: Panel Discussion,
      Doug Uffen, Bruce Palmiere, Hans den Boer, John Boyd, Lee Hunt, Mark Sykes, Charles Welsh, and Ray Chopiuk

Gravity Driven Deformation Processes in the Bushveld Complex Contact Aureole, South Africa,
      Ron Uken, Brendan Clarke, and Jürgen Reinhardt

Utilizing b-values and Fractal Dimension for Characterizing Hydraulic Fracture Complexity,
      Ted Urbancic, Adam Baig, and Sheri Bowman

Applicability of TTI RTM to Structured Land Datasets,
      Charles Ursenbach and Yan Yan

Geohazard Mapping using LiDAR in Nova Scotia,
      D. J. Utting, G. J. DeMont, T. A. Goodwin, T. Broughm, and T. Webster

Crystal Chemistry of Sheet Silicates,
      Yulia Uvarova, Elena Sokolova, and Frank C. Hawthorne

The Uranium Mineralization Potential of the North-eastern Part of the Paleoproterozoic Thelon Basin,
      Yulia Uvarova, T. Kurt Kyser, and Larry Lahusen


A Workflow for Selection of Stimulation Candidates in the Deep Basin,
      Anne Valentine, Mahyar (Matt) Mohajer, and Lynn Murphy

Accurate Modeling of AEM Data for Oil and Gas Exploration in Semi-layered Environments,
      A. Viezzoli, Anders V. Christiansen, and Esben Auken

Advances in Surface-Groundwater Modelling in Lagoon Environment with Airborne Electromagnetics and High Resolution Seismic: Example from the Venice Lagoon,
      A. Viezzoli, Pietro Teatini, and Luigi Tosi

Spatial Data Access, Creating Structure for Managed and Unmanaged Data,
      Jim Vos and Leonard Hendricks


The Geoscience Garden: Building an Outdoor Simulated Mapping Environment for Geoscience Education,
      John W.F. Waldron, Andrew Locock, Anna Pujadas-Botey, and Tom Chacko

Facies Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy, Diagenesis and Reservoir Potential of Pennsylvanian-Permian Sandstone-Grainstone Cycles, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: a Preliminary Assessment,
      Victoria M. Walker and Benoit Beauchamp

Martian Regolith in EETA 79001 Shock Melts? – Evidence from Major Element Composition and Sulfur Speciation,
      Erin L. Walton, Pedro Jugo, D. K. Herd, and Max Wilke

Modelling the Response of Surface Water Cycle to Rising Atmospheric CO2: Implications for Impact Assessment on Groundwater Recharge,
      Shusen Wang

Testate Amoebae (Protozoa) and Microbial Communities as Bioindicators in Wetlands Impacted by Oil Sands Processed Materials (OSPM),
      Barry G. Warner, Allison M. Legg, Robin M. Slawson, Jessica Morrison, Edward Mitchell, AndreaFarwell, and D. George Dixon

Equilibrium Calculation and Real Metamorphic Process – Scenes from a Troubled Relationship,
      David J. Waters

Multipoint Facies Modeling – Examples of a Turbidite and a Fluvial System,
      Jeannette Watson and Paul Hodson

Data Integration is Key to Solving the Shale Gas Reservoir,
      Jeannette Watson and Keith Tushingham

Sediment Interfacial Interactions Controlling Nutrient and REDOX Flux within Experimental End Pit Lake Tailings,
      C. Wesiener, M. Chen, and S. Goudey

Acquisition Geometry and Pre-Stack Data Interpolation Comparisons for Oil Sands AVO Applications,
      Laurie Weston Bellman, Keith Wilkinson, and Jeff Deere

Insights into Tectonic Assembly and Crustal Substrate of the NE Trans-Hudson Orogen from the Cumberland Batholith,
      Joseph B. Whalen, Natasha Wodicka, and Bruce E. Taylor

High Resolution Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Ordovician-Silurian Boundary on Anticosti Island,
      Steven Wickson, André Desrochers, and Jan Veizer

Geomorphic Fans and Their Watersheds: Managing Risky Systems,
      David J. Wilford and Matt E. Sakals

Geoscience Curriculum Change and Learning, a British Columbia Perspective,
      Erica Williams

Heterogeneous Deformation in a Strong Deep Crust: The Proterozoic Character of the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Athabasca Granulite Terrane,
      Previous HitMichaelNext Hit L. Williams, Gregory Dumond, Kevin H. Mahan, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit J. Jercinovic

Delineation of Oil Bearing Intervals in Unconventional Reservoirs, Examples from Alberta Light Oil Plays,
      Jay Williams and Peter Bauman

Applying Field Work to De-Risk Exploration: The Inner Foothills Thrust Carbonate Play, Central Brooks Range, Alaska,
      Elizabeth Willson

Mineralization of Atmospheric CO2 Under Conditions of Isotopic Disequilibrium: Implications for Fingerprinting CO2 Sequestration in Ultramafic Mine Tailings,
      Siobhan A. Wilson, Shaun L.L. Barker, Gregory M. Dipple, Ian M. Power, Gordon Southam, Viorel Atudorei, and Stewart J. Fallon

Trace Interpolation and Elevation Statics by Conjugate Gradients,
      Marcus Wilson and Robert J. Ferguson

Three Views of Eocene Life in British Columbia,
      Mark V. H. Wilson

The Nature of Uranium Mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic Aillik and Post Hill Groups, Labrador Central Mineral Belt,
      Derek H. C. Wilton, Paul McNeill, Chris Hicks, Matt Tracey, Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, Chris Lee, Gary M. Thompson, and Stephen Piercey

Meta Incognita Microcontinent Revisited: Insights from U-Pb Geochronology and Nd Isotopes,
      Natasha Wodicka, Joseph B. Whalen, Marc R. St-Onge, and David Corrigan

Thermal Evolution of the Central Gneiss Complex, British Columbia, Constrained by Garnet Geochronology,
      David E. Wolf, Christopher L. Andronicos, and Jeffery D. Vervoort

Mineralisation and Geochemistry Associated with the Dinkidi Alkalic Cu-Au Porphyry, Northern Luzon, Philippines,
      Rohan Wolfe, Pete Hollings, and David R. Cooke

Change Peoples' Behaviour with GeoHazard Knowledge,
      P. Jane Wynne, Arvind Anand, Jan Aylsworth, Maurice Lamontagne, and Malaika Ulmi


Event-directed Spectrum Extrapolation for Upsampling Seismic Traces,
      Zhengshong Yao and Elvis Floreani


The Horn River Basin Shale Gas Play – Past, Present and Future,
      Tyler Zerbe

When was Maximum Transgression on Laurentia during Late Ordovician? New Evidence from Slave Craton and Hudson Bay Basin,
      Shunxin Zhang

Numerical Modeling of Shear-wave Splitting and Azimuthal Velocity Analysis in Fractured Media,
      Zimin Zhang, Don C. Lawton, and Robert R. Stewart

Drilling Induced Core Fractures and Crustal Stress,
      Lei Zhang, Claire A. Currie, and Douglas R. Schmitt

Estimation of Q-factor and Phase Velocity Using the Recovered Stress-strain Relaxation Spectrum,
      Dali Zhang, Previous HitMichaelTop P. Lamoureux, and Gary F. Margrave

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