--> First MAPG International Conference & Exhibition, October 28-31, 2007, Marrakech, Morocco - Abstracts, #90074 (2008)
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First MAPG International Conference & Exhibition

October 28-31, 2007, Marrakech, Morocco

Search and Discovery Article #90074 (2008)
Posted February 1, 2008

*Appreciation is expressed to the officers of the Moroccan Petroleum Geologists (MAPG) for permission to post these abstracts on Search and Discovery.

Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author or of first author.



The Agoundis-Ounein Group, High-Atlas, Morocco: A Witness of the Cambrian Rift
by Abdellatif Aarab and Mohamed Bouabdelli

Modelling Test of a Subsidence: Example of the Ksour Basin during the Jurassic (203-137 MA) (Western Saharian Atlas, Algeria)
by Marok Abbas, Sebane Abbés, Hadji Fatiha, Benyahia Mohammed, Bensefia Kamer Eddine, et al.

Jurassic Hydrocarbon Potentiality In Northern Western Desert of Egypt Emphasizing Khalda Areas
by Ahmed Abd El Aleem and Ali El Awdan

New Geometry of a 3D Design
by Ladmek Abdeldjebar

Contribution of Gravimetric and Magnetic Data for Making 3D Modelling of the Geological Structures and Formations in Eastern Morocco
by A. Abdelouafi, L. Ait Brahim, B. Tadili, A. Manar, and A. Bouaza

Thrusting Fronts Frame (3D) and Their Relations with the Main Strike-Slip Faults in the Rifian Limestone Dorsale (Northern Morocco)
by A. El Adraoui and L. Ait Brahim

Two-Stage Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Betic-Rif Orogen Recorded by Inclusion Trails with Regionally Coherent Trends in the Nevado-Filabride Complex
by Domingo Aerden and Mohammad Sayab

Time-dependent Flow Partitioning in Weakly Deformed, Giant Carbonate Reservoirs
by Susan M. Agar, Ravi Shekhar, Michael Tsenn, and Paul Benkendorfer

Sedimentary Dynamic in the Triassis Series of Imini and Ighrem n Ougdal Area (Hight Atlas of Marrakech, Moroocco)
by H. Aiche, S. Azzami, R. Essamoud, and E.H. El Arabi

Reservoir Rocks developments in the Moroccan Atlantic Margin
by A. Ait Salem and M. El Mostaine

Sedimentary Evolution and Palaeogeography of Upper Lias-Dogger Deposits of the Central High Atlas, Morocco
by Abdellah Aitaddi

Akkas Oil and Gas Field, Western Iraq Assessment of Hydrocarbon Generation Potential in Silurian Akkas and Ordovician Khabour Formations
by Thamer Al-Ameri and Mohamed Zine

Geochemical Characterization Of Upper Cretaceous Source Rocks In Morocco
by Chakor Alami

Using Spatial Remote Sensing and DEM to Map the Landslides Hazard in the Tangier Peninsula (Northern Morocco)
by Faical Sossey Alaoui, Lahcen Ait Brahim, Abdellah Abdelouafi, Tachfine Ouchani, and Ali Chaouni Ali

An Open-Access Archive on Historical Seismology
by Paola Albini and Massimiliano Stucchi

Sequence Strartigraphy of the Neogene Sedimentary Basin of Boudinar (Easternal Rif, Morocco)
by Azdimousa Ali, Rezqi Halima, Bourgois Jacques, Asebriy Lahcen, and Poupeau Gérard

Explosive Remnants of War Risk Assessment
by Peter Alm

Shale Facies and Seal Variability in Deep Marine Depositional Systems
by William R. Almon, William C. Dawson, and Kelly Dempster

Sedimentology and Petrophysical Character of Cretaceous Marine Shale Sequences on Passive Deep Water Margins: Anomalous Seismic Response of Seal Horizons
by William R. Almon, William C. Dawson, and Eike Rietsch

The Stratotype Section of the Neogene in the Bou Regreg Valley. Geological and Patrimonial Interests
by S. Amal, N. Ait Idir, F. Atrassi, N. El Fahchouch, and A. Khouakhi

Recent and Active Normal Faults and Paleostresses in Boudinar and Nekor Basins (Central Rif Cordillera)
by Latifa Ameza, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Omar Azzouz, Ahmed Chalouan, Patricia Ruano, et al.

Tectonic and Sedimentation in the Southern Alboran Sea
by A. Ammar, A. Mauffret, and C. Gorini

GIS application in the study of Liasic Aquifere of Saïs
by F. Amraoui, L. Bouchaou, H. Rhinane, and F. Sami

Jurassic Basins of Agadir-Essaouira: Post-Rift Evolution of an Atypical Passive Atlantic Margin (Atlantic Atlas, Morocco)
by Mostafa Amrhar

Constraints on Deformation Mechanisms During Folding by Combined Analyses of Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS), Calcite Twins and Fractures. Example of Sheep Mountain Anticline (Wyoming, USA)
by Khalid Amrouch, Philippe Robion, Jean-Paul Callot, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen, and Jean-Marc Daniel

New Gravity and Magnetic Data of the Al Hoceima Bay and Boudinar Basins
by Farida Anahnah, Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar, Ahmed Chalouan, Patricia Ruano, Latifa Ameza, et al.

Detection of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Imaging
by David Andréis and Lucy MacGregor

The Stratigraphic, Paleogeographic, and Educational Interest of the Standard Paleozoic Section in Rabat Area
by S. Aoufiq, A. Mansouri, A. Touzani, I. El Basta, and Y. El Kabbaj

Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Landscape Evolution in the Ouarzazate Foreland Basin (Morocco)
by M.-L. Arboleya, J. Babault, L.A. Owen, A. Teixell, and R.C. Finkel

Siliclastic Continental Deposits in the Karnian (Late Triassic of the SE and S Iberian Peninsula: Tectonic, Climatic, and Eustatic Controls
by Alfredo Arche, José López-Gómez, and José Bienvenido Díez

Microbial reefs from the late Viséan of the Jerada Synclinorium (NE Morocco)
by Markus Aretz, Hans-Georg Herbig, and Stefan Huck

Deep-Water Deltas: Exploration Potential of Shelf/Margin Lowstand Prograding Wedges
by John M. Armentrout

Deep-Water Plays in a Forearc Depositional System: Shelf-Margin Deltas to Basin Floor Fans, Northern San Joaquin Basin, California
by John M. Armentrout, Denise H. Harrison, David H. Suek, Steve D. Jones, Paul J. Harrison, et al.

Close Link Between Sedimentary Facies, Folds and Fracture Zone Distribution in the Atlantic High-Atlas (Morocco)
by Mostafa Amrhar, Hassan Ouanaimi, Loïc Bazalgette, and Jean Pierre Petit

Mirror (the Deep Moroccan Margin as Imaged by Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data: Ocean Continent Transition of a Rifted Margin) a Project to Study the Crustal Structure of the Moroccan Continental Margin
by D. Aslanian, F. Klingelhoefer, J.-L. Olivet, M. Sahabi, J. Perrot

Organic Sedimentation in Sud-Rifain Jurassic Basin
by Siham Assaoud, Mohamed El Maataoui, Ahmed Chalouan, Habib Belayouni, and Mohamed Rouai

The Jurassic Evolution of Guercif Basin Reconstructed from Seismic Line Interpretation
by H. Attar, A. Chalouan, and M. Alji

Relationships Between Prograding and Sharp-Based Depositional Sequences of Onshore to Offshore Miocene Series of Eastern Tunisia
by Soumaya Ayadi, Narjess El Euch, Mouhamed Ouaja, Serge Ferry, Mourad Bedir, and Fouad Zargouni

Geophysical and Geodetic Studies in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco: Past, Present and Future Perspectives
by P. Ayarza, A. Teixell, F. Alvarez-Lobato, M.L. Arboleya, A. Kchikach, et al.

The Structure of the Ras Afrou and Temsamane Units (Eastern External Rif, Morocco)
by A. Azdimoussa, A. Jabaloy, L. Asebriy, G. Booth-Rea, and F. Gonzalez-Lodeiro

Evidence of Cretaceous Metamorphism in the External and Flysch Unites (Rif, Morocco)
by Ali Azdimoussa, Lahcen Asebriy, Jacques Bourgois, and Gerard Poupeau

Synsedimentairy Tectonic Instabilities of the Triassic Series of the External Dorsale Calcaire of Bokoya Massif(Internal Rif, Morocco): Geodynamic Implications
by Omar Azzouz and Ahmed Chalouan

Stratigraphy and Sequential Organization of the Triassic Series of the External Dorsale Calcaire of Bokoya Massif (Internal Rif, Morocco)
by Omar Azzouz, Ahmed Chalouan, and Mohamed Laadila

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High Atlas Morphology: Insight from the Drainage Pattern
by Julien Babault, Jean Van Den Driessche, Alain Crave, and Antonio Teixell

Geological Evidence for the Timing of Long-Wavelength Surface Uplift of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco
by J. Babault, A. Teixell, M.-L. Arboleya, M. Charroud, and B. Charai

Methodology Using Remonte Sensing and GIS for Mapping Areas at Risk of Water-Erosion: Atlas of Beni Mellal as a Case Study (High Atlas of Morocco)
by Bahija Bachaoui, El Mostafa Bachaoui, Abderrazak El Harti, Abderrazak Bannari, and Abderrahméne El Ghmari

Magnetic Susceptibility of Jurassic Mafic Rocks in Beni Mellal High Atlas
by M. El Baghdadi, A. Barakat, J. Guezal, and J. Rais

Chirp and Bathymetric Data: A New Approach of the South Morocco Continental Margin, Offshore Dakhla
by A.Baltzer, D. Aslanian, M. Rabineau, F. Germond, and B. Loubrieu

Bref Aperçu Sur le Potentiel Minier de la République de Guinée : Le Birimien Guinéen a-t-il Fini par Livrer Tous Ses secrets
by Alkaly Yamoussa Bangoura

Predicting Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change by Using a Coupled Catchment Hydrologic Model: Preliminary Results for Sidi Taibi Subbasin, Maamora, Morocco
by Brahim Ben Kabbour and Claudio Paniconi

Mineral Exploration in Semi-arid Environment Using Hyperion (EO-1) Hyperspectral Data
by A. Bannari, K. Staenz, S. Brunet, A. Saquaque, A. Zegan, et al.

Provenance and Geotectonic Setting of the Ourika Gneissic Rocks (High-Atlas, Morocco)
by Ahmed Barakat, Mohamed El Baghdadi, and Jamila Rais

Mesozoic Denudation of the Moroccan Atlas Constrained by Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology
by J. Barbarand, B. Saint Bézar, and M. Pagel

Biostratigraphy of Late Miocene of North Eastern Morocco Contribution of Planktonic Foraminifera
by Nadia Barhoun, Abdelkhalak Ben Moussa, and Khalil El Hajjaji

Tectonic Control on Depositional Sequences in Foreland Basins: The South Pyrenean Basin Case Study
by A. Barnolas and I. Gil-Peña

Jurassic Extensional Faulting and its Control on Distribution and Extent of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Marine Source (?) Rocks, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: A Preliminary Report
by Claudio Bartolini

Deep-Water Prospectivity Along The NW African Margin: An Integrated, Remotely Sensed Technique To Assess Hydrocarbon Potential
by Pedro Barreto and Mike Oehlers

The Rwenzori, a Small Mountain Range in a Rift System Uplift and Exhumation History
by F. Bauer, U.A. Glasmacher, P. Reiners, U. Ring, A. Schumann, et al.

Massive Hydrothermal Dolomites in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) and Their Relation to the Late Variscan Geodynamic Setting
by Thilo Bechstadt, Maria Boni, Marta Gasparrini, and Fabio Lapponi

Palaeosismic Approach in Agadir Region Using Wintimdouine Cave Speleothems Analysis (South-Western High-Atlas, Morocco)
by M. Alaeddine Belfoul, Sophia Bouzid, and Farid Faik

Decollement and Tectonic Inversion Duality During Tangential Processes Initiation in the Palaeozoic Cover of South-Western Anti-Atlas and its Zemmour Extension (Morocco)
by Mhamed Alaeddine Belfoul, Farid Faik, and Mohamed Bouabdelli

Post-Panafrican Structural Inheritance: An Hemi-Graben Geometry of the North-Western Border of West-African Craton (South-Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
by Mhamed Alaeddine Belfoul, Farid Faik, and Mohamed Bouabdelli

Interactions Between Surface Waters and Groudwater of the Oued Mekkis Basin
by K. Belhassan, M.A. Hessane, O. Fassi Fihri, and S. El Rhaouti

Introduction to Hydro - Geothermal Exploration of the Couloir sud Rifain, Morocco
by L. Benaabidate, O. Sadki, and A. Zian

Deformation Style, Sedimentology and Petrology of the Flysch of Tisirene Nappe and Internal "Dorsale Calcaire" in the Jebha Area (Jebha Sheet 1/50000, Central Rif) : A Preliminary Survey
by T. Ben Ali, J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, A. Di Staso, P. Mazzoleni, V. Perrone, et al.

Eustatic Sea Level Changes and Dynamic Strategy of Stromatoporoïds of Oulad Abbou and DKL1 Well of Middle Devonian (Western Meseta)
by Abdelmajid Ben Bouziane, Mohammed Laadila, Bouchra Cherradi, AbdelhadiKaoukaya, Abdeslam El Kochri, and Atika Hilali

Hydrocarbon Opportunities Offshore Atlantic Morocco: Agadir-Ifni segment
by A. Benarchid, M. El Mostaine, and H. Jabour

Approach the Saline Intrusion in Chaouia Coastal Aquifer by Groundwater Budget Analysis
by F.Z. Benfarji, J. Filali-Moutei, I. Kacimi, and B. El Mansouri

Contribution to Moroccan Palaeozoic Biostratigraphy by Microfossils Conodonts. Example: Devonian of North-Western Meseta
by El Mostafa Benfrika, Mohamed Raji, Piere Bultynck, and Ahmed El Hassani

On the Intracarixian Unconformity Into Initial Carbonates Platform of the Ouarsenis Block (Tellian Domain, Algria): Siginfication and Consequence
by Miloud Benhamou and Mohamed Bendella

Kinematics and Paleostresses in the Jebha-Chrafate Transcurrent Fault (Northern Rif, Morocco)
by Mohamed Benmakhlouf, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Ahmed Chalouan, Carlos Sanz de Galdeano, M'fedal Ahmamou, and Angel Carlos López-Garrido

Contribution of Geophysics to the Characterization of the Basaltic Formations Application to the Rommani Area, Morocco
by Anasse Benslimane, Hassane Sahbi, ElMostafa Mili, and Ahmed Benamara

Halokinesis-Controlled Mud Volcanism in the Gulf of Cadiz
by Christian Berndt, Matthias Haeckel, Christian Hensen, Katja Heeschen, Dirk Klaeschen, et al.

Geology and Petroleum System of the Cote d'Ivoire Sedimentary Basin
by N'Zalasse Bleoue

Composition of Hydrocarbon Fluids from Mud Volcanoes of the Moroccan Margin (Gulf of Cadiz)
by V. Blinova, M. Ivanov, A. Stadnitskaia, L. Mazurenko, and E. Kozlova

The Mantle under Betics and Gibraltar Arc from Seismic Previous HitAnisotropyTop and Body-Wave Dispersion
by Götz Bokelmann, Emeline Maufroy, Luisa Buontempo, Jose Morales, and Guilhem Barruol

From Slab Pull to Plate Convergence, Active Inversion Tectonics in the Granada Basin, Betics (Western Mediterranean)
by G. Booth-Rea, V. Pérez-Peña, F. Torcal, J.M. Martínez-Martínez, and J.M. Azañón

Seismic Images of the Middle to Upper Miocene Alboran Magmatic Arc
by G. Booth-Rea, C. Ranero, J.M. Martínez-Martínez, and I. Grevemeyer

Contribution of Geophysics to Structural Recognition and Prospecting Groundwater in the Guelmim Plain, Bas Draa Basin, Morocco
by Mustapha Boualoul

Contamination in Traces Metals of Superficial Sediments at the Exitoire of Tensift River-Souira Qdima (Marocan Atlantic Margin)
by S. Bouasria, O. Sadki, L. Benaabidate, and N. Hamoumi

The Use of Spot-Vegetation Imagery to Study the Spatiotemporal of the Snowy Cover in the High Atlas of Marrakech
by A. Boudhar, B. Duchemin, L. Hanich, A. Chaponnière, P. Maisongrande, et al.

Source-to-Sink, Difference Between Coarse-Grained and Fine-Grained Turbidites
by A. H. Bouma

Characteristics of Turbidites in a Few Ancient Deposits
by A. H. Bouma

Important Details on Depositional Fine-Grained Deposits. Center for Shale Studies: Plans
by A. H. Bouma

Combined Electrical and Acoustic Imaging for Fracture and Fault Characterization: Cases Studies from Cambro- Ordovician Tight Sands of Algeria
by Nouredine Bounoua, Arnaud Etchecopar, and Philippe Montaggioni

Lithologic Effects on the Quality of Water in the Oued Innaouen Watershed (Upstream of the Idrissi Dam, NE of Morocco)
by S. Boutaleb, M. Hajji, L. Bouchaou, Z. Lgourna, N. Edoullati, and L. Laarej

New Geochronological Dating of Zircon, Monazite and Thorite from the Granulite of the Beni Bousera Massif (Internal Rif)
by M.L Bouybaouene, T. Theye, H.J. Massonne, and R. Alami

Aïn Maarouf Prehistoric Site of El Hajeb Region, (Moroccan Middle-Atlas): A Scientific Patrimony Almost Desapeared
by Sophia Bouzid

Diagenetic history of the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Carbonate Series of Lalla Fatna Area, Safi Basin, Morocco
by Ouajhain Brahim, Ettachfini El Mostafa, and Ettachfini Mohssine

The Ordovician of Tafilalt-Taouz (Eastern Anti- Atlas Oriental, Morocco): Depositionnal Systems and Control
by El Maazouz Brahim and Hamoumi Naima

Use of Spatial Remote Sensing and MNT for the Fracturing Analysis in the Al Hoceima (Relationship with the Distribution of the Landslides) Rif, Morocco
by L. Ait Brahim, C. Nakhcha, and Abdellah Abdelouafi

New Seismotectonic Zoning of Northern Morocco
by L.A. Brahim, B.A. Tadili, S. El Hajji, A Abdelouaf, and J.Laassiri

The Jurassic Succession of the Inner Northern Apennines (Italy) and Rif Belt (Marocco): Records of the Pangea Break-Up in the Mediterranean Area
by Andrea Brogi, Alessio Cerboneschi, Ahmed Chalouan, Lorenzo Fabbrini, Khalil El Kadiri, et al.

The Early Jurassic Heracles Sequence, Scotian Basin, Canada: Recognition of Latest Stage Synrift Tectonism and Correspondence to Structures Offshore Morocco
by David E. Brown, Sonya A. Dehler, Keith Louden, and Yue Wu

Clastic Deposition of Chlorides from Marginal Basins – Examples from the Neogene of Poland and Slovakia
by Krzysztof Bukowski and Grzegorz Czapowski

Coupled Lithosphere Mantle Circulation Models
by H.-P. Bunge

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The Petroleum Geology of the Moroccan Basins Facing Nova Scotia
by Nick Cameron, Haddou Jabour, and Driss Bouhaddioui

Central Atlantic Petroleum Systems
by Nick Cameron, John Zumberge, and Harold Illich

A New Method to Quantify Carbonate Accumulation: Application to the Ziz Section (Upper Cenomanian - Turonian, Preafrican Trough, Morocco)
by Lezin Carine, Robette Aude, Andreu Bernard, Perrin Christine, and Ettachfini El Mostafa

Hydrocarbon Generation Modelling in the Atlantic Margin Basins of Morocco: The Effect of Water Pressure
by Andy Carr

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic Deposits and Associated Clastic Marginal Marine Reservoir Deposits of M'rabtine Formation (Gulf of Gabes, Offshore Tunisia)
by Soufiane Chaeib, Mohamed Soussi, and Hella Benjemia

Evidence of Two Alpine Orthogonal Deformations in the Northwestern Rif Chain: Implications on the Convergence of Iberian, African and Alboran Plates
by A. Chalouan, Kh. El Kadiri, A. El Mrihi, A. Bahmad, and F. Salhi

Quaternary Erosion-Induced Isostatic Rebound in the Western Alps
by J.D. Champagnac, P. Molnar, P. van der Beek, R.S. Anderson, C. Sue, and B. Delacou

Quaternary Neotectonic Elevation of the Sais Basin Between the Rifian and Atlasic Belts (Morocco): Sedimentary Dynamics and Geomorphologic Impact
by M. Charroud, B. Cherai, J. Babault, and M. Benabdelhadi

Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution in Southern Tethyan Margin: The Moroccan High Plateaux During the Jurassic Times
by Mohammed Charroud and Edgard Laville

Structural Aspects and Reservoir Rocks of Prerifan Ridges (Prerif, Morocco)
by Ali Charroud, Driss Nachite, Kacem Souid, Bouazza Fedan, and Mohamed Mokhchane

The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for Spatialization of Water EROSION: Application to the Rheraya Catchment (High Atlas, Morocco)
by Aouatif Cheggour and Vincent Simonneaux

Lower Devonian of Oulad Abbou Area (Coastal Meseta, Morroco): Dynamic of Sedimentation, Diagenesis and Petrophysical Impacts
by Bouchra Cherradi, Mohamed Laadila, Abdelmajid Benbouziane, Abdeslam El Kochri, Abdel Hadi Koukaya, and Atika Hilali

The Basin Architecture ,Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Habits of the Cenozoic Rifting and Foreland Basins,Western Taiwan, Eastern Asia
by Wen-Rong Chi

Sedimentological and Paleo-Oceanographic Changed as Recorded in a Pistoncore of the Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz
by A. Chiguer, T.C.E. van Weering, F. Mienis, H.C. de Stigter, H. de Haas, and N. Hamoumi

Evolution and Control of Ordovician Sedimentation in the Western and Central High Atlas (Morocco)
by Chacrone Choukri and Hamoumi Naïma

Contribution of the GPS in the Exploration of the Pipeline State by the Use of the Intelligent Pig
by Mohamed Choura

Paleoenvironmental and Chronological Significance of the Foraminiferal Record in the Pliocene Asilah Basin (NW Morocco)
by J. Civis and J.A. Gonzalez Delgado

The Final Frontier? Dividing the Outer Continental Shelf
by Robin Cleverly, Lindsay Parson, and David Roberts

Thermo-Mechanical Models for Basin (De)formation
by S. Cloetingh, J.D. van Wees, and F. Beekman

Mud Volcanism at the Alboran Sea: Insingts for Oil and Gas Prospecting
by Menchu Comas, Michael Ivanov, and Juan-Ignacio Soto

Discovery of Carbonate Mounds in the Alboran Sea: The Melilla Mound Field
by Menchu Comas and Luis M. Pinheiro

Shale Tectonics and Sedimentation of the Offshore Niger Delta
by Christopher D. Connors, Barbara Radovich, Al Danforth, and Sujata Venkatraman

High Geothermal Prospect in North-Eastern Morocco
by A. Correia, J. Carneiro, A. Rimi, Y. Zarhloule, N. EL Rharnathi, et al.

Classification of Sedimentary Basins According to Their Structural Genesis, Evolutionary History and Calculated Hydrocarbon Maturation Zones: Study Area Pannonian Basin System
by Maarten Corver, Harry Doust, Jan-Diederik van Wees, Gabor Bada, and Sierd Cloetingh

Integrated Analyses of the Messinian Post-Evaporitic Section of Maccarone (Northern Apennines, Italy): Insight into Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironments During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
by Domenico Cosentino, Paola Cipollari, Fabio Florindo, Rocco Gennari, Elsa Gliozzi, et al.

Mode of Building of the Betic-Rif Orogenic Arc (Westernmost Mediterranean): A Structural, Seismic and Paleomagnetic Approach
by A. Crespo-Blanc, J. C. Balanyá, I. Expósito, M. Díaz Azpiroz, F. Torcal, and M. Luján

The Oligocene Calciturbiditic Event in the Western Mediterranean Chains
by S. Critelli, A. Di Staso, V. Perrone, S. Perrotta, and M.N. Zaghloul

A Review of Global Elephant with a Focus on Africa and the Middle East; 2006-2010
by Ian Cross

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The Prérif Domain and its Forelands, Northern Morocco: Geology and Petroleum Play Concepts
by M. Dakki, M. Hssain, M. El Alji, and R. El Abib

Deepwater Compressional Salt Tectonics along Passive Margins: Examples from the Atlantic Margins
by Ian Davison

Cold-Water Corals, Carbonate Concretions and Carbonate Mud Mounds in the Gulf of Cadiz
by Henk de Haas, Furu Mienis, Cees van der Land, Mihkail Tokarev, Nikolay Kuzub, and Tjeerd C.E. van Weering

The CAMP Controversy, New Data from the Argana Basin, Morocco
by M.H.L. Deenen, M.J. Reitsma, W. Krijgsman, C.G. Langereis, M.J. van Bergen, and et al.

Offshore Evidence for Contractional Tectonic Reactivation of the North Africa Margin, Western Mediterranean Sea, and Geodynamic Implications
by Jacques Deverchere, Abdelkarim Yelles, and the MARADJA-MARADJA Scentific Parties

3-D Geological Maps: A Pioneering Tool for Underground Geology
by Damien Dhont, Pascal Luxey, and Janine Somma

Building of a Real 3-D Geologic Map from Analysis of Reference 3D data in the Ain Sefra Area (Western Saharian Atlas Mountains)
by Damien Dhont, Pascal Luxey, Jean-Paul Xavier, Jean- Francois Gouyet, Emmanuel Pajot, and Yves Hervouet

Deep Seismic Imaging of Continental Margins: Examples from the 9-km Long Offset, 18 Second NovaSPANTM and Beaufort-MackenzieSPANTM Data Sets
by Menno G. Dinkelman

Crustal Structure of the US Chukchi Shelf: Insights From 9-Km Long-Offset ArcticspanTM 2-D Seismic Data
by Menno G. Dinkelman, Naresh Kumar, James Granath, and Pete Emmet

Architecture and Dynamics of a Maghrebian Carbonate Platform-Basin Transition Around the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary: Sciacca Zone, Sicily
by P. Di Stefano, M.S. Cacciatore, and G. Zarcone

The Use of Cable-Less Multi-Component Seismic Acquisition Systems for Improved Reservoir Characterisation
by Brian Donnelly

Hydraulic Fracturing at the Root of the Field Development Plan
by G.C. Dozier

Mass Transport Deposits in Offshore Morocco, Safi Haute Mer Area
by Dallas Dunlap, Chad Weisenburger, Lesli Wood, and David Valasek

Exploring Giants: Some Thoughts on Success Drivers
by Bernard C. Duval

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Salt Tectonics in a Synrift and Strongly Tilted Salt Basin, Safi Haute Mer Basin
by T. M. Egebjerg, X. Fort, L.W. Kuilman, and A. Groth

Central Atlasic and Western Atlasic/Atlantic Permian to Early Liassic Rifts and their Tertiary Inversion
by El Hassane El Arabi and Mohamad Hafid

Analysis of Gravimetric Anomalies and 3D Modelling of Mekkam Granite Intrusions (Morocco)
by D. El Azzab and Y. Ghfir

Three Dimensional Modelling of Magnetic Structures in the Amjar-Saidia Region (Morocco)
by D. El Azzab, A. Koulali Idrissi, and L. Seddaoui

The Liassic of the High Atlas, Morocco (Ait Bou Guemmez Area): Sedimentologic and Structural Pattern
by Fatima El Bchari and Abdellatif Souhel

The CAMP Basalts in the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco). Physical Volcanology, Petrology and Geochemistry
by H. El Hachimi, H. Assafar, N. Youbi, A. Marzoli, H. Bertrand, et al.

Comparative Review of the Variscan Granitoids of Morocco and Iberia: Proposal of a Broad Zonation
by Hassan El Hadi, J. Fernando Simancas, Abdelfatah Tahiri, Francisco González-Lodeiro, Antonio Azor, and David Martínez-Poyatos

An Example of Calc-Alkaline, Orogenic-Type Volcanism Emplaced in a Rift Setting (Cambrian Oued Rhebar Horst, Western Meseta, Morocco)
by Hassan El Hadi, Abdelfatah Tahiri, Fernando Simancas, Francisco Gonzalez Lodeiro, Antonio Azor, et al.

Coral Reef Bioconstructions and Their Biodetritic Equivalents: a Tool for the Terminal Miocene Paleogeography of the Southern Edge of the Southern Riffian Corridor (Morocco)
by Omar El Hamzaoui, Jean-Paul Saint Martin, Christian Chaix, Abdelkhalak Ben Moussa, Simona Saint-Martin, and Khalil El Hajjaji

Jurassic Radiolarite Pulses from the Dorsale Calcaire (Internal Rif Belt, Northern Morocco): Lithostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Review
by Khalil El Kadiri, Mark Horstemeyer, Federico Oloriz-Saez, Haitham El Kadiri, Liemlahi Hoda, and Ahmed Chalouan

The Role Of High Magnitude Turbidity Current Events Triggered By Shelf-Edge Delta Collapse In Fashioning The Stratigraphy And Sedimentation Of Delta-Driven, Deep-Water Systems
by Trevor Elliott and Andy Pulham

Atlantic and Tethyan Geodynamic Impact on the Evolution and Subsidence History of North African Margins
by N. Ellouz-Zimmermann, M. Patriat, R. Bartolome, R. Bracene, and J.L. Faure

Importance of the Thermal Gradient on the Stratification of the Oil Fluids in the Rocks Reservoirs
by Mohamed El Maataoui, Siham Assaoud, Abdelilah Dekayir, El Mati El Faleh, and Aissa Masrour

Use of GIS in Groundwater Modelling: Advantages in Fitting Processes
by B. El Mansouri, J. Chao, and M. Kili

3D of Gharb Aquifer. Use of GIS in the Cartography
by B. El Mansouri, J. Chao, and M. Kili

d13C Isotope Geochemistry, a Tool to Place the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary in Morocco
by Ettachfini El Mostafa and Andreu Bernard

Integrated Biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary in Morocco
by Ettachfini El Mostafa and Andreu Bernard

Impact of the Friction Along the Subducting Floor at Muroto Transect (SW Japan) on the Formation of the Thrusting Wedge Revealed by Experimental Analogue Models
by Driss Elouai and Yasuhiro Yamada

Tectonic Evolution of an Intra-Arc Basin in Central Japan Based on Physical Analogue Modeling Methods and Seismic Reflection Profiles
by Driss Elouai, Yasuhiro Yamada, and Ming Zhang

Integrated Basin Analysis of the Atlantic Margin, Tarfaya Basin, Morocco
by Axel Emmerich, Manfred Bockmann, Hans-Hermann Ecke, and Jurgen Schober

Tectonics and Volcanic Edifices in a Collisional Zone of the Neogenic Massif of Siroua (Moroccan Atlas) - Combined Effects of a Local Transform and the Panafrican Suture Zone
by Anas Emran and Jean Chorowicz

A View From Across a Major Transform/Transfer Zone: Petroleum Exploration Potential on the Atlantic Margin of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
by Michael Enachescu, John Hogg, and Paul Einarsson

Apportion of the Modelling to Reconstitution of Oil Histiry of the Qasbat-Tadla Basin (Central Morocco)
by Hassan Er-Raioui, Habib Belayouni, and Mohamed Bouabdelli

Geodynamic and Thermal Evolution of the Organic Matter: Example of the Qasbat-Tadla Basin (Central Morocco)
by Hassan Er-Raioui, Mohammed Bouabdelli, Habib Bélayouni, and Hassan Chellai

Tectonostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and Magnetostratigraphy of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Red Beds in Morocco: An Overview
by Mohammed Et-Touhami, Paul E. Olsen, Dennis V. Kent, Sarah J. Fowell, and Jessica H. Whiteside

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3D Modelling of (Upper Triassic) Continental Mixed Fluvial Systems Integrating Digital Outcrop Images with High-Resolution Sedimentology: High Atlas, Morocco
by Ivan Fabuel-Perez, Jonathan Redfern, and Dave Hodgetts

Geological Map of the Moroccan Central Massif; a Structural Interpretation of the Hercynian Belt
by Driss Fadli, Mohamed Bouabdelli, Yves Cailleux, Ahmed El Hassani, Mohamed El Wartiti, et al.

Laurentian Basin - A Strike Slip / Extensional Conjugate Depocentre to the Moroccan Margin
by Phonse Fagan and Michael Enachescu

The Early Paleozoic Extension of the West African Craton Northern Edge (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
by Farid Faik, Mhamed Alaeddine Belfoul, and Mohamed Bouabdelli

Basement Blocks' Behaviour and Impact Upon the Hercynian Structuration of the Western Anti-Atlas (Morocco)
by Farid Faik, Mhamed Alaeddine Belfoul, and Mohamed Bouabdelli

The Streamflow Modelling by Use of GR4J model. Ourika Basin Case
by F. Faouzi, V. Simonneaux, and L. Hanich

Egypt Recent Exploration Success and Future Hydrocarbon Potentiality - Yet to Find
by Ashraf Farag

New Exploration Approach in the Downthrown Side of Gulf of Suez Emphasizing, Belayim Marine Field
by Ahmed A. Fattah and Said Shalby

Present-Day Kinematics of Ibero-Maghrebian Region as Observed by GPS Data
by R.M.S. Fernandes, J.M. Miranda, L. Matias, L. Bastos, and R. Azzouzi

The Lithospheric Structure across the NW Moroccan Margin. Evidences for Large-Scale Tectonic Inversion
by M. Fernàndez, I. Jiménez-Munt, J. Vergés, H. Zeyen, J. Fullea, and D. García-Castellanos

Borehole Breakout Analysis Characterizes Present-Day Stress Field in the Alboran Sea and the Betics
by F. Fernández-Ibáñez, J.I. Soto, and M.D. Zoback

Recent Tectonics and Crustal Rheology in the Gibraltar Arc
by F. Fernández-Ibáñez, J.I. Soto, and J. Morales

Transpressional Evolution of the Variscan Belt in the Tinerhir Area (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
by Andrea Cerrina Feroni, Alessandro Ellero, Marco Malusà, Giovanni Musumeci, Giuseppe Ottria, and Riccardo Polino

Kinematic Analysis of the High Atlas in the Tinerhir Area (Southern Morocco): Evidence of a Transpressional Foldthrust Belt
by Andrea Cerrina Feroni, Alessandro Ellero, Giuseppe Ottria, Marco Malusà, Riccardo Polino, et al.

Salt sediment interaction Offshore Libya: "Where is the Salt?"
by J. Carl Fiduk, Lynn E. Anderson, and Thomas R. Schultz

Triassic Allochthonous Evaporites Emplaced During Cretaceous Passive Margin Stage in the Betic Cordillera. Are They Extensive to the Rif and Tell Cordilleras?
by Joan Flinch and Hassen El Euchi

Seepage-Induced Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Oil and Gas Fields: Onshore and Offshore Examples
by Robert S. Foote and Dietmar Schumacher

Origin of Large Antithetic Rollovers in the Lower Congo Basin: the Role of Conjugate Strike-Slip Shear Zones
by X. Fort and J.-P. Brun

Sedimentary Infill as a Response to Tectonic Inversion in the US and Canadian Arctic, Identified by Regional 2D Geomechanical Restoration
by Jordi Franques-Faixa, Irene Gomez, Robert Gruenwald, Manuel Gutierrez, Xavier Legrand, et al.

Neoproterozoic Petroluem System of the Taoudenni Basin, Mauritania
by Jordi Franqués-Faixa and Ricardo Veiga

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Neotectonic and Active Tectonic Deformations in the Tabernas Desert (Almeria, Betic Cordillera, Spain)
by C. Sanz de Galdeano, J. Galindo-Zaldivar, S. Shanov, A. Radulov, and G. Nikolov

Recent and Active Tectonics Related to the Large Seismicity in Al Hoceima Region (Rif Cordilleras)
by Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar, Ahmed Chalouan, Omar Azzouz, Latifa Ameza, Patricia Ruano, et al.

A New Local Non-Permanent GPS Network to Constraint Tectonic Motions in Al-Hoceima Region (Rif Cordillera)
by Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Antonio Gil, Omar Azzouz, Antonio Ruiz, Farida Anahnah, et al.

Numerical Modeling Constraints on the Uplift of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco
by Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Antonio Teixell, Manel Fernàndez, Maria-Luisa Arboleya, and Jaume Vergés

Role Of Thick-Skinned Tectonics on Thin-Skinned Salt Tectonics in the Western Mediterranean: A Comparison Between the Algerian and North-Balearic Basins
by V. Gaullier, B.C. Vendeville, J. Déverchére, L. Droz, A. Domzig, et al.

Neogene Turbidites in Tanger-Larache Blocks (Offshore Morrocco): From Seismic Interpretation to Sand Prediction
by J. Gérard, B. Blake, N. Antich, M. Escalante, X. Legrand, and R. Ferrando

Clastic Reservoir Facies and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis Of Eastern Tunisia Miocene Deposits
by Ramzi Gharsalli, Mohamed Riadh Chebbi, Mohamed Soussi, Mourad Bedir, and Sami Khomsi

Structural Model Approach of the Chelif Basin, North Algeria
by Rachida Ghazli

Unexpected Jurassic to Neogene Vertical Movements in "Stable" Parts of NW Africa
by B. Ghorbal, G. Bertotti, P. Andriessen, and J. Foeken

Active Deformation and Seismic Risk in the Oriental Tunisia
by Raouf Ghribi, Noamen Rebai, and Samir Bouaziz

Petroleum Systems of the Zag Basin, Morocco
by L. Gillhespy and J. Exton

The Reconstruction of the Deformational History in Northern Sicilian Maghrebides and South-Western Calabrian Arc
by Giuseppe Giunta

Hunting Deep Marine Reservoir Sandstones off Nova Scotia, Canada
by John Gjelberg, Boye Flood, Trond Lien, Mogens Ramm, Lars Russwurm, et al.

Tight Gas Development Concepts for a Dutch Offshore Rotliegend Reservoir
by R. Godderij and J.A. Kokkedee

New Paleontological Data in the Neogene of Safi (Morocco)
by J.A. Gonzalez-Delgado, J. Civis, G. Alonso Gavilan, K. El Hajjaji, A. Ben Moussa, et al.

The Cretaceous Topographic Evolution of Africa - Siliciclastic Sediment Budget
by F. Guillocheau, N. Rolland, C. Helm, J.P. Colin, C. Brezinsky, et al.

Cenozoic Structure, Volcanism, and Evolution Of Relief In The Central and Eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco)
by J. Guimerà, M.L. Arboleya, and A. Teixell

The Gulf of Cadiz Accretionary Prism: The Active Offshore Link Between the Rif and Betic Mountain Belts
by Marc-Andre Gutscher, Stephane Dominguez, Graham Westbrook, Pascal Gente, Nathalie Babonneau, et al.

Active Deformation and Paleoseismology of Northern Morocco: Onshore and Offshore Faults and the Source of the Great 1755 Earthquake and Tsunami
by M.-A. Gutscher, P. LeRoy, D. Graindorge, N. Babonneau, N. Maad, et al.

Active Subduction as the Driving Force Behind Recent Deformation and Long-Term Seismicity in the Gibraltar - Gulf of Cadiz Region
by M.-A. Gutscher, P. LeRoy, D. Graindorge, N. Babonneau, N. Maad, et al.

Return to top


Subsalt Exploration Potential of the Moroccan Salt Basin
by Jabour Haddou and Gabor Tari

Role of Salt Tectonics in the Evolution of the Safi-Agadir Segments of the Moroccan Atlantic Margin and its Onshore Basins
by Mohamad Hafid and Gabor Tari

Geology Evolution of the Atlantic Margin Basins of Morocco
by M. Hafid, G. Tari, D. Bouhadioui, A. Ait Salem, I. Mousaid, et al.

Seabed Logging - Changing the Dynamics of Exploration - New Information Enabling New Discoveries
by Patrick Hamou and Dave Ridyard

Upper Crustal Thermo-Kinematics and Lithosphere's Rheology, inferences on Vertical Motions from the SE Canadian Cordilleran Foreland Belt
by N.J. Hardebol, J.P. Callot, G. Bertotti, and P. Fermor

Overview of the Geology and the Petroleum Systems Associated with the Jurassic Aged Carbonate Bank, Scotian Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia
by Paul J. Harvey and Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay

Mound Drilling for Science and Industry
by Jean-Pierre Henriet, Christian Dullo, Menchu Comas, Davy Depreiter, Anneleen Foubert, et al.

Pre-Salt and Salt Geometry as Controlling Factors in Post-Salt Tectonics
by Steve Henry, Al Danforth, Gabor Tari, and Sujata Venkatraman

Viséan Basin Fill of the Jerada Synclinorium (NE Morocco) - Sedimentary Dynamics and Geodynamic Implications
by Hans-Georg Herbig and Markus Aretz

Piezometric Impact of Recharging Waters on the Bruxellien Aquifer at the Lake Detroit of Louvain-La-Neuve
by M.A. Hessane and L.W. De Backer

A Combined Method for the Determination of the Transfer and Retention Parameters in Unsaturated Zones
by M.A. Hessane, H. Karrat, and W. De Backer

Physico-Chemical Evolution of the Soil Water During an Artificial Recharge
by M.A. Hessane, H. Karrat, and W. De Backer

Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Late Littoral Quaternary Deposits of the Casablanca-Mohammedia Coast (Morocco)
by S. Hichour, A. Hourimeche, and H. Ejjaouani

Morphostructuration of Hmar Lakhdad Mounds (Anti-Atlas, SE of Erfoud, Morocco)
by Atika Hilali, Lahssen Baïdder, Hassan Rhinane, Abdehadi Kaoukaya, and A. Benbouziane

Genesis and Paleoenvironment of the Emsian Kess Kess of Hmar Lakhdad (South East of Erfoud, Tafilalet)
by Atika Hilali and Hassane Lachkhem

GPR and Ert Modelling to Detect Pipeline
by M. Himi, A. Casas, R. Lázaro, J. Tápias, M. Jettafi, et al.

Serravalian Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Architecture of the Northern Vienna Basin
by Jana Hlavata, Slavka Sopkova, Michal Kovach, and Lubomir Sliva

Lithostratigraphy and Provenance of the Syn-Orogenic Terrigenous Deposits of the El Haouz "Dorsale Calcaire" (Northern Internal Rif, Morocco): A Review of Its Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution
by R. Hlila, M.N. Zaghloul, C. Sanz de Galdeano, and D. Puglisi

The Ordovician of South- Western Anti- Atlas, Morocco: Depositionnal Systems and Control
by El Kabous El Houssain and Hamoumi Naima

Dinoflagellate Cyst Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Cretaceous Sequences in the Agadir -Tarfaya Region, Southwestern Morocco
by Touria Hssaida, Aicha Slimane, and Fatima Oumalch

Structural Style of Inversion of Rifts and Passive Margins: Feedback Between Mountain Building and Surface Processes. Application to the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountains
by Ritske Huismans, Christopher Beaumont, and David Pedreira

Complex Rifted Margins Explained by Dynamical Models of Depth-Dependent Lithospheric Extension
by Ritske S. Huismans and Christopher Beaumont

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Structural Delineation with VSPs
by Muhammad Idrees and Zahia Djebbar

Mathematical Model of the Salt Water Intrusion in Rhis Nekor Coastal Aquifer (El Hoceima Region, Morrocco)
by Nisrine Iouzzi and Abdelkader Larabi

The Paleozoic Geodynamic Evolution of Reggane Basin (Algeria)
by Mourad Issad and Rachida Ghazli

Terrain Derivative Computation in Potential Field Interpretation
by F. Italiano, M. Fedi, P. Bernardelli, I. Giori, and M. Antonelli

Shallow Gas Hydrate Accumulations in the Gulf of Cadiz
by M. Ivanov, L. Pinheiro, N. Hamoumi, and V. Blinova

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Vertebrate Fossils from Morocco, Prosperity or a Decadence?
by N. Jalil, N. Feddi, A. Nahid, A. Qajoun, and S. Sebbane

Improving Accuracy of Structural Model in Thrust Belt Using Integrated Workflow
by Anne Jardin, Martin Bêche, Muriel Thibaut, Siegfried Lallemant, and Donna Kirkwood

HP West Central Africa and the Oil and Gas Industry
by Fouad Jellal

Numerical Modelling of Intracontinental Mountain Building and Drainage Evolution in the Atlas
by Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Julien Babault, Antonio Teixell, and Maria-Luisa Arboleya

Evolution of Sedimentary Systems Tracts in the Tarfaya Basin (Moroccan Atlantic Margin) from the Lower Cretaceous to the Present: Interaction of Structural Evolution, Climate and Eustasy
by L. El Jorfi, M.P. Süss, T. Aigner, N. Mhammdi, and El Mourabet

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The Tizi-Bent-Hazim Sponge Mound (Late Sinemurian, South Versant of Central Eastern High Atlas, Morocco): Identification and Mode of Edification
by A. Kaoukaya, M. Laadila, A. Hilali, L. Baidder, A. El Kochri, and A. Benbouziane

Liassic Plateform in North of Errachidia: Edification Stages and Controling Processes (Southern Border of Central Eastern High Atlas, Morocco)
by A. Kaoukaya, M. Laadila, A. Hilali, B. Fedan, L. Baidder, A. El Kochri, and M. Nassili

The Triassic-Liassic Rifting Related to the Central Atlantic Opening: Geometry at Ground and Sea
by Azzouz Kchikach, Jacques Malod, Jean-Pierre Rehault, Mohammed Jaffal, and Mostafa Amrhar

Deepwater Carbonate Signal - the Central High Atlas as a Type Example
by Christopher G. and C. Kendall

The Penobscot prospect offshore Nova Scotia, Canada: a New Look at an Old Opportunity
by Kris Kendell

Insights Into Hydrocarbon Source Systems Offshore Mauritania
by Stephen Kenyon-Roberts, Andrew Beckly, Andrew Carr, Gareth Harriman, and John Downey

The Paleogene Structural Inversion and the Oligo-Miocene Subsidence in Tunisia: Toward an Unified Tectonic Interpretation of the Maghrebian Atlas System
by Sami Khomsi, Dominque Frizon de, Mourad Bédir, Mohamed Ghazi Ben Jemia, Mohamed Soussi, and Kmar Ben Ismaîl-Lattrache

Crustal Structure of the Morrocan Margin from Wide-Angle and Reflection Seismic Data
by F. Klingelhoefer, D. Aslanian, J.-L. Olivet, M. Sahabi, J. Perrot, et al.

How tight are tight reservoirs: The answer comes from NMR Measurements
by W. Klopf

Organic Matter from the Rock Clasts and Matrix in the Mud Volcanoes of Moroccan Continental Margin
by E. Kozlova, M. Ivanov, V. Blinova, and N. Hamoumi

Salt tectonics of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
by Csaba Krezsek and Albert W. Bally

Influence of Basement Fault Zones and Basin Inversion on Salt Tectonics - Examples from the Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough
by Piotr Krzywiec

Role of Evaporites in Compressional Tectonics – Examples from the Frontal Carpathians, Southern Poland
by Piotr Krzywiec

Devonian-Cretaceous Tectonostratigraphic Evolution along the Tornquist - Teisseyre Zone in SE Poland - New Models Based on Seismic Data
by Piotr Krzywiec

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Paleostress Magnitudes an Active Foreland Fold-Thrust Belts from Tectonic Analysis of Calcite Twins. Examples from Taiwan and the Zagros
by Olivier Lacombe, Khalid Amrouch, and Frédéric Mouthereau

Evidence for Early Miocene Pre-Orogenic Margin Inversion/Basement Faults Reactivation and Related Vertical Movements in Central Zagros (Iran)
by Olivier Lacombe, Frédéric Mouthereau, Faram Ahmadhadi, Jean-Marc Daniel, Julien Tensi, and Khalid Amrouch

A New Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials RSCM: Application in the Helvetic Nappes (Switzerland) and Big Franciscan Complex (California)
by A. Lahfid, O. Beyssac, E. Deville, and B. Goffe

A New Method to Estimate Paleotemperatures in Deep Petroleum Basin: The Use of RSCM Geothermometer
by Abdeltif Lahfid, Olivier Beyssac, Eric Deville, and Bruno Goffe

JDZ and JDA, Solution to Pending Maritime Disputes
by A. Lahlou and M. El Mostaine

The Role of the West African Craton in the Post Visean Structuration of the Moroccan Meseta and Anti-Atlas
by Abdellah Lakhloufi

Constraints for Carbonate Mound Formation: Sediment Architecture, Facies Patterns, and Early Diagenesis (Jurassic, Atlas Mountains, Morocco)
by Stephanie Larmagnat and Fritz Neuweiler

The Early Infill of the Triassic Fundy Basin: Architecture of the Wolfville Formation and Basin Evolution
by Sophie Leleu, Brian P.J. Williams, and Adrian J. Hartley

Outcrops as One of the Keys in Reconstruction of Petroleum System in the Carpathian Flysch
by G. Lesniak, I. Matyasik, P. Such, and L. Jankowski

Late Neoproterozoic Convergence Between the West African Craton and the Pan-African Terranes: Metacratonic Evolution, Post-Collisional Magmatism and Cenozoic Volcanism in the Tuareg Shield and the Anti-Atlas
by Jean-Paul Liegeois

Lithospheric Isostatic Rebound during the Messinian Salinity Crisis in Mediterranean
by Nicolas Loget, Mikhail Karpytchev, and Jean Van Den Driessche

Diapirism and Folding Associated to Recent Tectonics in the Guadix-Baza Basin (SE Spain)
by Angel Carlos López-Garrido, Carlos Sanz de Galdeano, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Pedro Alfaro, and Francisco Juan García-Tortosa

Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hercynian Koudiat Aïcha Massive Sulphide Deposit (Zn, Pb, Cu), Central Jebilet, Morocco
by F. Lotfi, A. Belkabir, A.C. Brown, E. Marcoux, and S. Brunet

The role of FOSS GIS for Various Applications in Heritage Preservation of the Atlas Mountain Ranges, Morocco
by Peter Löwe and Ralf Löwner

Structural relation between the High and the Middle Atlas Mountains (Morocco) During the Jurassic-Cretaceous Transition
by Ralf Löwner, Abdellatif Souhel, Joseph Canérot, and Wilhelm Dominik

A Concept for Worldwide Gas Hydrate Data Dissemination - the Gas Hydrate Markup Language (GHML) and Network Applications
by Ralf Löwner, Willa Wang, Tom Smith, and Dendy Sloan

Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Flysch Trough Thrust Imbricate in the Northern Branch of the Gibraltar Arc Orogenic Wedge
by M. Luján, A. Crespo-Blanc, and J.C. Balanyá

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New High-Resolution Seismic Data Through the Rharb Continental Shelf (North-Western Morocco): Characterisation of the Recent Evolution of the Western Termination of the Southern Rif Corridor
by Nissrine Maad, Pascal Le Roy, Mohamed Sahibi, Mohamed Dakki, Mohamed Hssain, et al.

The Steady State Modelling of The Haouz Aquifer
by Z. Ait Mbarek, L. Hanich, and B. Berjami

Sediment Distribution of Upper Triassic Reservoirs in SW Morocco: Evidence for Inter-Rift-Basin Connection Between the Argana Sub-basin and the Central Essaouira Basin
by Nadine K. Mader, Jonathan Redfern, and El Ouataoui Abedelmajid

Seepage-Related Authigenic Carbonates in the Gulf of Cadiz: Distribution and Controls
by V.H. Magalhães, L.M. Pinheiro, and M.K. Ivanov

Review of the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board's Digital Data Management Centre
by Carl Makrides

Seismic and Structural Data from the Puebla de Guzmán Anticline: An Overview of Crustal Architecture in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Iberia)
by Elena M. Mantero, Encarnación García-Navarro, Francisco M. Alonso-Chaves, and Antonio Azor

4-D Evolution of Detachment Folds in the South Portuguese Zone (SW Iberia) Linked to Thin-Skinned Tectonics
by Elena M. Mantero, Encarnación García-Navarro, Francisco M. Alonso-Chaves, and Antonio Azor

An Unsual Sedimentary and Stratigraphic System: the 1st Bani Group (Middle Ordovician, Anti-atlas, Morocco) - Lower Paleozoic vs. Present-Day Platforms?
by Adrien Marante, Philippe Razin, Cécile Robin, François Guillocheau, and Jean Loup Rubino

Tectonics of the Coral Patch Ridge Area and Adjacent Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains (Gulf of Cadiz) Based on New Multichannel Seismic Data
by Sara Martínez, Eulàlia Gràcia, Rafael Bartolomé, Pedro Terrinha, Abdelouhad Birouk, et al.

Recent Wrench Tectonics at the Alboran-Ridge and Yusuf Fault Zones: Unraveling Evidences from Seismic Images
by Pedro Martinez-Garcia, Menchu Comas, and Juan-Ignacio Soto

Salt Tectonics of the Continent-Ocean Transition, Deep-Water Angola
by Gyorgy Marton and Gregor Schoenborn

The Echinoid Faunas of the Lower Cretaceous in the Atlantic High Atlas Region (Morocco): Paleontological and Stratigraphical Interest
by Moussa Masrour, Mohamed Aoutem, and Francois Atrops

Inventory and Valorization of the Geotopes in the High Atlas (Morocco)
by Moussa Masrour, François Atrops, Mohamed Aoutem, Abel Prieur, and Jérôme Thomas

The Role of Old Paleogeography and Paleotectonic in Differentiation of Terrigenous Jurassic in Western- Maghrebian Tethyian Margin
by Aïssa Masrour, Mohamed El Maâtaoui, El Maati El Faleh, and Siham Assaoud

Dinoflagellate Impact in Petroleum Geology
by Edwige Masure

Biogeography of Late Albian Dinoflagellate Cysts as Climatic and Stratigraphic Proxy
by Edwige Masure, Touria Hssaida, and Bruno Vrielynck

Gas Worldwide Reserves, Resources and Production
by Yves Mathieu

Mixed Wetted Carbonate Reservoir: Origins of Mixed Wettability and Affecting Reservoir Properties
by I. Matyasik, G. Lesniak, and P. Such

Al Idrissi Active Fracture Zone
by A. Mauffret, A. Ammar, and C. Gorini

Evolution of Stratal Anatomy and Depositional Patterns in a Lower Jurassic Isolated Carbonate Platform Captured by GIS (Djebel Bou Dahar, Southern High Atlas, Morocco)
by Oscar Merino-Tome, Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Klaas Verwer, Mitch Harris, et al.

The Pliensbachian Hemipelagites of Ait Moussa (Middle Atlas, Morocco): Petrogenesis of an Effective Source Rock
by Rachidi Merouane, Fritz Neuweiler, and Donna Kirkwood

Serpentinite Slivers and MP-LT Metamorphism in the External Maghrebides: A Hint for an Intracontinental Suture in the North African Paleomargin (Morocco, Algeria)
by André Michard, Michel Durand-Delga, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte, and François Negro

Applied Multidisciplinary Biofacies Analysis of the Khafji and Safaniya Member of the Wasia Formation (Cretaceous) of Saudi Arabia
by Merrell Miller, Wyn Hughes, Jim Riding, and Osman Varol

Evolution of the Calabrian Accretionary Prism
by L. Minelli, P. Casero, and C. Faccenna

Vertical Movements of the Moroccan Atlas Domain During Cenozoic
by Yves Missenard, Jocelyn Barbarand, Omar Saddiqi, Pascale Leturmy, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte et al.

Salt Tectonics in Atlantic-type Sedimentary Basins: Brazilian and West African Perspectives Applied to the Iberian and NW African Margins
by Webster Ueipass Mohriak

Neogene Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Guercif Basin
by Giovanna Moratti

Neogene Exhumation in the High Atlas of Marrakech (Morocco)
by Giovanna Moratti, Maria Laura Balestrieri, Giulio Bigazzi, and Ahmed Algouti

Analytic Mapping of Faults Affecting the Anti-Atlasic Chain (Maroc)
by N. El Mortaji, A. Fekkak, and M. Er-Raji

Seafloor Morphology and Processes Active in Offshore: Anthropogenic Implications of Mass Failure Processes
by Lorena Moscardelli, Lesli .J. Wood, and Dallas Dunlap

Connectivity of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs in Clastic Transitional Depositional Environments: Learnings from Subsurface and Outcrop Study
by Andrea Moscariello, Manon Stoiver, Alberto Saez, Stefan Luthi, and Birgit Dietrich

Carbon in the Witwatersrand Goldfields: Its Nature and Origin
by David J. Mossman

Moroccan Continental Shelf and Maritime Boundaries Delimitation
by M. El Mostaine and A. Lahlou

Brasilian and Angolan Passive Margins: The Kinematic Constraints
by Maryline Moulin, Daniel Aslanian, Jean Louis Olivet, Cinthia Labails, Frauke Klingelhoefer, et al.

Petroleum Systems of the Scotian Basin and Its Implications of Finding Oil and Gas within deepwater Sable and Shelburne Subbasins, Offshore Nova Scotia
by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki), Paul J. Harvey, and Kris Kendell

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Ordovician paleogeography in north Gondwanan Moroccan Margin
by Hamoumi Naima

Electrical Tomography and Geological Radar Investigation: Detection and 2D Modelling of Underground Cavities in the Beni Mellal "Medina"
by A. Najine, M. Filahi, D. El Azzab, K. Elkhammari, and M. Himi

Thermochronological Data and Denudation History Along a Transect Between Chañaral and Pedernales (≈26º S), North Chilean Andes: Orogenic Implications
by Thierry Nalpas, Gérard Hérail, Constantino Mpodozis, Rodrigo Riquelme, Jorge Clavero, and Marie-Pierre Dabard

Hydrocarbon Exploration Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean Basins: Challenges and Opportunities
by Mohamed Nashaat

The Calciturbidites of the Lower Aaleno-Bajocien in the Northeastern Middle Atlas: Sedimentary Organization and Geodynamic Context
by M. Nassili, M. Laadila, M. Ahmamou, A. El Kochri, and M. Hadri

Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Temsamane Units, External Rif, Northern Morocco. Implications for the Evolution of the Rif and the Betic-Rif Arc
by F. Negro, P. Agard, B. Goffe, and O. Saddiqi

40Ar/39Ar Dating of White Micas in the Temsamane Units (External Rif): New Constraints on the Tectono-metamorphic Evolution of the Rif
by F. Negro, I. Villa, J. de Sigoyer, B. Goffe, and O. Saddiqi

Biodiagenesis of Modern Siliceous Sponges (The Bahamas) and the Origin of Early Jurassic Sponge Mounds (Central High Atlas, Morocco)
by Fritz Neuweiler and Isabelle Daoust

Tectosedimentary Features in Pelagic Swells During Late Jurassic (External Subbetic, SE Spain)
by Luis M. Nieto, José M. Molina, Federico Oloriz, Matías Reolid, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar, and Pedro A. Ruiz-Ortiz

Petroleum Systems Modelling in Algeria and Its Implications in Terms of Lithospheric Speculation and Vertical Movements
by Christian Nino, Rod Graham, and Dean Griffin

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Pore Pressure Profiles in Deep Water Environments: Case Studies from around the World
by Stephen A. O'Connor and Richard E. Swarbrick

Tectono-Eustatic Sequence Interpretation — A Key for Interpreting Mid-to-Major Palaeoenvironmental Changes in the Mexico-Caribbean Area During the Late Jurassic and Earliest Cretaceous
by Federico Olóriz, Jorge Cobiella, and Ana Bertha Villaseñor

Paleogeography and Sea-Level History Forcing Eco-Sedimentary Contexts in Late Jurassic Epicontinental Shelfs (Prebetic Zone, Betic Cordillera)
by Federico Olóriz, Matías Reolid, and Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar

High-resolution Transect from the Tropics to the Temperate Zone in Triassic Pangea
by Paul E. Olsen, Dennis V. Kent, Mohammed Et Touhami, and Peter M. LeTourneau

Hydrocarbon Potentiality in the Egyptian Part of Red Sea
by Adel Omar, Hesham Fawzy Mansour, and Mosaad Elleboudy

Successive Development of Large-Scale Recumbent Fold and Boudinage Structures in Extensional Shear Zones. Examples from the Alboran Domain
by Miguel Orozco, Francisco Manuel Alonso-Chaves, and Carlos Sanz de Galdeano

Thermal History and Epicratonic Basin-Forming Mechanisms: Williston Basin
by K.G. Osadetz, B. P. Kohn, and S.Feinstein

Dolomitization, Porosity Evolution and Diagenetic History Of Upper Jurassic Reefal Prograding Shelf Sediments, Agadir Basin,Western High Atlas Of Morocco
by Brahim Ouajhain, Thilo Bechstaedt, Rainer Zuehlke, Hadou Jabour, Kamal Labbassi, and Mhamed El Mostaine

Burial Diagenesis Comparison Between Agadir and Essaouira Jurassic Series (Western High Atlas - Morocco)
by Brahim Ouajhain and Lahcen Daoudi

18O & 2H Compositions of the Precipitation at Three Moroccan Stations: Influenced by Oceanic and Mediterranean Air Masses
by B. Ouda, A. Elhamdaoui, H. Marah, and M. Ibn Majah

The Aït Makhlouf massif (IGherm Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco): an example of Late-Pan-African Metamorphic Core Complex
by Moulid Oudra, El-Hassan Beraaouz, and Abderrahmane Soulaimani

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Exploitation of the Radar Images Geometric Deformations to the Quantification of Dips and 3D Modeling
by Emmanuel Pajot, Jean Paul Rudant, and Damien Dhont

Sovereign Rights to Africa's Maritime Space - the Practical Pathway for Coastal States to Secure Exploration and Exploitation Rights for Marine Resources
by Lindsay Parson

Did a Mantle Thermal Anomaly Cause Uplift of the Scandes?
by C. Pascal and O. Olesen

Fault and Fold Development, Crustal Structure and Seismic Activity in the Almanzora Depression (Eastern Betic Cordillera)
by Antonio Pedrera, Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar, Ana Ruiz-Constan, Carlos Duque-Calvache, Angel Carlos López-Garrido, et al

An Updated North Moroccan Poissonian Seismic Catalog (1045-2005)
by J.A. Pelaez, M. Chourak, B.A. Tadili, L. Ait Brahim, M. Hamdache, et al

Triassic Rupture and Liassic Marine Invasion in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) - a Shift from Tectonic to Thermal Subsidence
by R.P. Pena dos Reis, N.L.V. Pimentel, and A.J.V. Garcia

Dinosaur Footprints in Central High-Atlas: Ichnodiversity, Restoration and Valorization
by Felix Perez-Lorente, Mohamed Boutakiou, Youssef Ennadifi, Susana Caro, Majid Hadri, and Jaouad Nouri

Petrographic Features of Oligocene to Lower Miocene Volcaniclastic turbidites in the Apenninic Chain (Italy)
by S. Perrotta, S. Critelli, A. Di Staso, M. Mattioli, and V. Perrone

Intrabasinal Oligocene-Lower Miocene ophiolitic Turbidites in the Val Marecchia Nappe (Northern Apennines; Italy)
by S. Perrotta, S. Critelli, and V. Perrone

Subsidence and Uplift in the Carboniferous Basins of Northern England: Interplay Between Asthenospheric Processes and Crustal Architecture at the Variscan Margin of Laurussia
by Tim Pharaoh

The Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) and Its North-American Counterparts - a Comparative Approach
by N.L.V. Pimentel, R.P. Pena dos Reis, and A.J.V. Garcia

Geochemical Preconditions of Oil-Gas-Bearing Capacity of the Alboran Basin
by E. Poludetkina, M. Comas, E. Kozlova, and M. Ivanov

Mantle Deformation Below a Back-Arc Continental Rift: Example from the Ronda Peridotites
by Jacques Precigout, Frédéric Gueydan, Juan-Carlos Garrido, Denis Gapais, Abderahim Essaifi, and Nathan Gogne

"Why it is Necessary to Constitute Collections "Ex Situ" and "In Situ" of Geology in Morocco"
by Abel Prieur, François Atrops, Moussa Masrour, Mohamed Aoutem, and Jérôme Thomas

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Shallow shelf sedimentation of the Jurassic Samana Suk Limestone, Kala Chitta Range, Lesser Himalayas, Pakistan
by Muhammad Kaleem Akhter Qureshi, Aftab Ahmad Butt, and Shahid Ghazi

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Palynological Biozonation in the Moroccan Upper Palaeozoic. Correlation with Biozonations Established in Europe, North America and North Africa
by K. Rahmani-Antari

Conodont Color Alteration (CAI), A Thermal Maturation Index and its Application to Devonian Outcrops of the Western Moroccan Meseta
by Mohammed Raji, El Mostafa Benfrika, and Abdelmajid Benbouziane

Pn Tomography in Northern Morocco and Geodynamic Implications
by Faiçal Ramdani, Inmaculada Serrano, Ihssane Ibnsaid, and Jose Morales

Detrital Modes and U-Pb Ages of Zircons from Middle Ordovician Strata of the Murzuq Basin, Libya: Implications for Provenance and Tectonics of the Western Gondwanan Margin
by E. Ramos, J. Fernández-Suárez, D. Barsó, M. Marzo, K. S. Tawengi, et al.

Conception Object Oriented and Integrated in a Geological Data Base in a Mobile GIS: Geological Electronic Notebook
by Noamen Rebai, Samir Bouaziz, Mohamed Soussi, and Mohamed Moncef Turki

HP Malfunction Solutions
by Jai Hokimi Ahmed Reda and Bruno Torterat

Fe-Mn Macrooncoids in the Eastern External Subbetic (SE Spain): Evidence for Microbial Mediated Origin
by Matías Reolid, Luís M. Nieto, and Juan Jiménez-Millán

Implications of the Tectono-Sedimentary Soft Sediment Structures in Lower Pliensbachian Sediments of the SW Algarve Basin, Portugal
by Carlos Ribeiro, Brahim Ouajhain, and Pedro Terrinha

New Evaluation of the Heat Flow in Morocco
by A. Rimi, F. Lucazeau, B.Goutorbe, N. Mhammdi, Y. Zarhloule, et al

First Results on the Palynology of the Pliocene of the Safi Region (Morocco)
by Rosario Rivas-Carballo, Maria Valle, Jose Angel Gonzalez- Delgado, Jorge Civis, and Gaspar Alonso-Gavilan

An Isostatic Residual Gravity Map of the Iberian Chain and the Significance of Isostatic Residual Anomalies
by Luís Rivero, Joan Guimerà, Ramon Salas, and Albert Casas

Very Low Term (250 Myr) Quantification of the Eustasy During Mesozoic - Cenozoic Time Based on Coastal Onlap Measurement at the Tethys and World-Scale
by C. Robin, F. Guillocheau, and B. Vrielynck

Middle to Late Miocene Thrust and Piggyback Basin Development in the External Betic Chain
by J. Rodríguez-Fernández, F.J. Roldán-García, J.M. Azañón- Hernández, and G Booth Rea

Long Lasting Interactions between Tectonic Loading, Unroofing, Post-Rift Thermal Subsidence and Sedimentary Transfers along the Western Margin of the Gulf Of Mexico: Some Insights from Integrated Quantitative Studies
by François Roure, Humberto Alzaga, Jean-Paul Callot, Helga Ferket, Didier Granjeon, et al.

The Role of Palynology for Dating the Liassic Successions of the Silici Volcanic Deposits of Oued El Maleh, Coastal Meseta, Morocco
by S. Rouh, Z. Youssfi, R. Zahour, T. Hssaida, and F. Oumalch

Allochthonous Salt Tectonics in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia: Testing Models of the Subsurface With Exposed Analogs
by Mark G. Rowan, Thomas E. Hearon IV, P. Tyler Hannah, Timothy F. Lawton, and Katherine A. Giles

Shortening of Salt Diapirs and Minibasins in Both Passive Margin and Convergent-Margin Settings
by Mark G. Rowan and Bruno C. Vendeville

Interaction of Main Strike-Slip Faults in Eastern Betic Cordilleras (SE Spain)
by Patricia Ruano, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Antonio Pedrera, and Carlos Marín-Lechado

The Mexican Sierra Madre Oriental Orogeny During Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Time
by Jaime Rueda-Gaxiola

A Pliocene Climatic Proxy for Abrupt Gain of Denudation in Orogens: Example and Implications from the Central Andes - Peru
by G.M.H. Ruiz

Orogenic Growth and Tectonic Geomorphology in the Atlas Mountains of SW Morocco
by G.M.H. Ruiz, F. Negro, O. Saddiqui, R. Wieler, S. Ivy- Ochs, et al.

Andean Mountain Building: A Review of 10 Years Study in Eastern Ecuador
by G.M.H. Ruiz, D. Seward, W. Winkler, and R. Spikings

Crustal Structure of the Western Transect of the Betic Cordilleras (Southern Spain) from Geophysical Data
by Ana Ruiz-Constán, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, and Antonio Pedrera

New Paleomagnetic and Geochronologic Data from the Middle-Atlas, Morocco
by Vicente Carlos Ruiz-Martínez, Gregg McIntosh, Víctor Villasante, Ahmed Chalouan, Khalil El Kadiri, and Margarita López-Martínez

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Triassic-to-Present Exhumation History of Moroccan Meseta Massifs Assessed by Dpatite Thermochronology on Granite Samples: How to Explain Apparent Age Discrepancies Between the Jebilet and Rehamna Massifs
by Omar Saddiqi, Fatima-Zahra El Haimer, El Mehdi Mansour,Andre Michard, and Dominique Frizon De Lamotte

First Zircon Fission Track Analysis in Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco: Evidence of Early Variscan Deformation of the Mauritanide Foreland Belt
by Omar Saddiqi, Samira Sebti, Lahssen Baidder, Andre Michard, and Dominique Frizon De Lamotte

Gases in thermal waters of North of Tunisia
by O. Sadki, L. Benaabidate, and A. Charef

Petrophysical Analysis in Reservoir Characterization - Application in the Triassic Hamra Gas Field, Algeria
by Eladj Said and Rafik Baouche

States of Stresses in the Moroccan Permian Mesetian Basins
by Amal Saidi, Abdelfatah Tahiri, and Lahcen Ait Brahim

Nature and Structures of the Filling of the Paleo-Channels of the Straits of Gibraltar in the Threshold of Camarinal New Data of Drillings (1997/2005) Fixed Link Europe-Africa Project
by Fouad Salhi, Ali Bahmad, Khalil El Kadiri, Ahmad Chalouan, and Abdel Aziz El Mrihi

Evaporites of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Natural Radioactivity in the Gessoso-Solfifera Fm of Central Italy from Surface and Subsurface Data
by Gianluca Sampalmieri, Domenico Cosentino, Annalisa Iadanza, and Vincenzo Pasquali

The Significance of the Active Tectonics and Seismicity in the Central Part of the Betic Cordillera (Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, Southern Spain)
by C. Sanz de Galdeano, C. López Casado, and J.A. Peláez

New Data from the Early Pliensbachian Tethyan Ammonite in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)
by Soumia Sarih, Khadija El Hariri, Jean-Louis Dommergues, Driss Chafiki, Jean-Pierre Garcia, and Amélie Quiquerez

3D Density and Temperature Distribution at Passive Continental Margins –an Example from the North Atlantic
by Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth and Yuryi Maystrenko

Outcrops Of Deep-Water Facies Of The Cobblestone Sandstone of the Fortress Mountain Formation, Central North Slope, Alaska: Possible Analogs for Reservoirs in the Foredeep of the Colville Basin
by C.J. Schenk and D.W. Houseknecht

Surface Geochemical Exploration in Deserts of North Africa and the Middle East: Strategies for Success
by Dietmar Schumacher, Luigi Clavareau, and Daniel Hitzman

Active tectonics of the High Atlas
by Michel Sébrier, Lionel Siame, El Mostafa Zouine, Thierry Winter, Yves Missenard, and Pascale Leturmy

Fault-Slip Analysis and their Constraints on Paleostress State Evolution
by Judith Sippel and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

Dinoflagellate Cyst Biostratigraphy Across the Cretaceous- Paleogene Boundary at the Ouled Haddou Section, Southeastern Rif, Northern Morocco
by Hamid Slimani, Stephen Louwye, and Abdelkabir Toufiq

Review of Nova Scotia's Deepwater Drilling and Its Effect on the CNSOPB's 2002 Resource Assessment
by Brenton Smith

Sedimentary Processes and Deposits of Saline Lakes, Saline Pans, and Playas in Early Mesozoic Rocks of Subtropical Pangea
by Joseph P. Smoot

Structural Development of the Precaspian Basin
by Konstantin Sobornov and Anatiliy Nikishin

Rifting Evolution of the Mesomediterranean Continent
by R. Somma, I. Martín-Rojas, F. Delgado, A. Estévez, and V. Perrone

Basin Evolution and Tectonics of the Northern Alboran Sea During the Plio-Quaternary (Western Mediterranean)
by Juan I. Soto, María del Carmen Comas, Asrar Talukder, Rick A. Mountfield, and Yves M.R. Chevalier

Shale tectonics in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)
by Juan I. Soto, Asrar Talukder, and María del Carmen Comas

Petroleum Potential of the Jurassic of Central Tunisia as Deduced from Outcrops and Boreholes
by Mohamed Soussi

A Synchronous Alpine and Corsica-Sardinia Rotation
by F. Speranza, M. Maffione, C. Faccenna, A. Cascella, G. Vignaroli, and L. Sagnotti

600 Ma of Peri-Gondwana Plate Tectonics and Geodynamic Evolution
by Gérard M. Stampfli, Cyril Hochard, Caroline Wilhem, and Juergen von Raumer

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Contamination of Groundwater in Irrigated Areas under Arid Climate (Souss-Massa Aquifer, Morocco)
by Tarik Tagma, Youssef Hsissou, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, and Latifa Bouragba

Moroccan Meseta and SW Iberia Lithostratigraphic Correlations of Upper Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic
by Abdelfatah Tahiri, Fernando Simancas, Hassan El Hadi, Francisco Lodeiro, Antonio Azor, and David Poyatos

Sequence Stratigraphy of Passive Margin: Agadir and Essaouira Basins (Morocco) during Berriasian - Aptian and Maestrichtian Oligocene
by Kamal Taj-Eddine, Omar Witam, Ahmed Algouti, Mouhssine Ettachfini, Jacques Rey, and Abdellah Algouti

Exploration Activities, Opportunities of Investment and Future Hydrocarbon Potentiality
by Tamam Mohamed Tamam and Ashraf Farag

Correlation of Syn-Rift Structures Between Offshore Morocco and Nova Scotia, Canada
by Gabor C. Tari

Comparison of Salt Tectonic Styles in Nova Scotia and Morocco
by Gabor C. Tari

Exploration Potential of Offshore Madagascar Based on Regional-scale Seismic Imaging
by Gabor Tari, Al Danforth, Elise Razaka, Barbara Radovich, Bill St John, et al.

Salt Tectonics in the Atlantic Margin of Morocco: An Overview
by Gabor Tari and Jabour Haddou

Expression of the Atlas Inversion Tectonics in Deepwater Offshore Morocco: Influence of Syn-Rift Structures on Post-Rift Deformation
by Gabor C. Tari and Mahmoud Zizi

Tithonian Extension by Double Flat Listric Faults in the Sierra de Crevillente (Betic, SE Spain)
by J. E. Tent-Manclús, J. E. Caracuel, A. Estévez, and A.Yébenes

Cold Water Corals and Associated Biota of the Pen Duick Escarpment (Gulf of Cadiz)
by Loubna Terhzaz, Tjeerd Van Weering, Henk de Haas, Furu Mienis, and Naima Hamoumi

Preliminary Magnetostratigraphic Dating of the Ouarzazate Basin: implications for the Timing of Mountain Building in the High Atlas of Morocco
by E. Teson, E.L. Pueyo, A. Barnolas, A. Teixell, J. Agustí, and M. Furió

Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Post-Collisional Granitoids from the Aouzioua - Lac Ifni Area, Anti-Atlas (Morocco)
by A. Toummite, M. Ikenne, J.P. Liegeois, D. Gasquet, and E.H. Beraaouz

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Comparative Analysis of the Palinoflora in Pliocene Basins of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Realm (Spain and Morocco)
by Maria Valle, M. Rosario Rivas-Carballo, Jorge Civis, and J. Angel Gonzalez-Delgado

Tracking Mountain Belt and Foreland Basin Evolution from Detrital Thermochronology and Numerical Modelling: An Example from the Central Himalaya (Nepal)
by P.A. van der Beek, X. Robert, J. Braun, and M. Bernet

Integration Of Borehole Image Log And Surface Seismic Data For Improved Characterisation Of Complex Fault Zones
by J.A. Van Doorn

Exceptionally Preserved Faunas from the Lower Ordovician of the Anti-Atlas, Morocco
by Peter Van Roy, Bertrand Lefebvre, Khadija El Hariri, and Ahmid Hafid

Intraplate Deformation in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco Subsequent to the Pyrenean Collision
by R. Vegas, G. DeVicente, and A.J. Olaiz

Basin Modeling and Thermal Maturation in the Rio Muni Basin-Equatorial Guinea Offshore
by Ricardo Veiga and Jordi Franques-Faixa

Gravity Spreading and Collapse of Sedimentary Overburden Along Salt-Bearing Continental Margins: Basic Mechanical and Kinematic Characteristics Illustrated by Analogue Modeling
by Bruno C. Vendeville and Virginie Gaullier

The Betic-Gibraltar-Rif System: a Squeezed Plate Boundary
by Jaume Verges and Manel Fernаndez

High Resolution Spatial Models of a Carbonate Platform Margin (Early Jurassic, Djebel Bou Dahar, Southern High Atlas, Morocco)
by Klaas Verwer, Oscar Merino-Tome, Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A. M. Kenter, Ted Playton, et al.

Late Neogene and Quaternary Reactivation of a Paleozoic Basement: The Western Morroco Platform. Results from a Morphostructural Analysis Based on DEM, Field Data and Datings
by Brigitte Van Vliet-Lanoe, Pascal Leroy, Ait Brahim, Nadia Mhammdi, D. Lefévre, and Nissrine Maad

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Large-scale Monitoring of Gully Erosion in Semi-Arid Landscapes (Morocco)
by Annika Wachsmuth

Turbidite Modelling: Importance for North Africa
by Dave Waltham, Deirdre Duggan, and Stuart Mclean

The Influence of Salt Tectonics on Sedimentation and Basin Development in Block Safi Haute Mer, Offshore Morocco
by C. Weisenburger, G. Tari, and L. Wood

Carbon Isotopic Excursion Below CAMP Basalts
by Jessica H. Whiteside, Paul E. Olsen, and Mohammed Et-Touhami

Exhumation History of Fuerteventura
by Martin Wipf, Ulrich Anton Glasmacher, Thilo Bechstädt, and Axel Emmerich

Revisiting the Concept of "Steady State Withdrawal" in Salt Systems: Minibasin Evolution and Seismic Morphology
by Leslie J. Wood

Shale Tectonics and its Importance in Hydrocarbon Basin Evolution: A Rather Muddy Subject
by Lesli J. Wood

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Lithostratigraphy and Provenance of the Syn-Orogenic Terrigenous Deposits of the Bokoya "Dorsale Calcaire" (Internal Central Rif, Morocco): Geodynamic Significance and New Palaeogeographic Scenario
by M.N. Zaghloul, A. Distaso, D. Puglisi, and O. Azzouz

Lithostratigraphy and Provenance of the Syn-Orogenic Terrigenous Deposits of the "Dorsale Calcaire" (S. S.) (Northern Internal Rif, Morocco): Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution and Palinspastic Reconstruction
by M.N. Zaghloul, D. Puglisi, and R. Hlila

First Evidence of Upper Oligocene Strata within the Internal Tanger Unit and the Melloussa Unit (Northern External Rif, Morocco): New Scenario for the Palaeogeography of the Massylian Domain (s.l.).
by M.N. Zaghloul, A. Di Staso, V. Perrone, and M. Durand Delga

Basin Migration and Asymmetry in the Dead Sea Rift
by Israel Zak

Evolution of the Dead Sea Brines
by Israel Zak

Residual Caprock and Fossil Salt Table of the Mount Sedom Diapir, Dead Sea basin, Israel
by Israel Zak

Geothermal Gradient in the South Moroccan Basins Determined from Oil Well Temperature Data
by Y. Zarhloule, M. Boughriba, A. Lahrach, A. Rimi, and L. Boudchich

Thermal Regime, Hydrodynamics and Petroleum Occurrences in the Essaouira Basin
by Y. Zarhloule, M. Boughriba, L. Boudchich, A. Rimi, M. Verdoya, et al.

Genetic Sequences and Correlations of the Lower Paleozoïc Series in the Illizi Basin and Tassilis Outcrops. Propositions of Geodynamic Evolution and Comparisons with the Ahnet-Timimoun Basin (Algerian Sahara)
by Khemissi Zellouf and Hamid Aït Salem

Contribution of Gis and Remote Sensing in Assessing Of Landslides Hazard: A Case Study from Northern Area of the Central Rif, Morocco
by A. Zenasni, L. Asebriy, and H. Rahali

Thermochronology evidence for Tertiary Inversion of the Continental Margin of Nova Scotia, Canada
by Marcos Zentilli and Alexander M. Grist

Oilfield Technologies for Characterization of Fractured Clastics
by Smaine Zeroug

Lithospheric Structure of Maghreb and Western Mediterranean
by Hermann Zeyen, Javier Fullea, and Manel Fernаndez

Tight Paleozoic Reservoirs in North-West Arabia
by Mohamed Zine

The Tectono-Sedimentary Framework of the Jurassic Carbonate Platform in the Atlantic Passive Margin of Morocco
by Mahmoud Zizi and Mohamed Nahim

Quantitative Meso-/Cenozoic Development of the Eastern Central Atlantic Continental Shelf, Western High Atlas, Morocco
by Rainer Zühlke, Mohammed-Said Bouaouda, Brahim Ouajhain, Thilo Bechstädt, and Reinhold Leinfelder

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