--> 2006 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, November 5-8, 2006, Perth, West Australia - Abstracts, #90061 (2006).
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AAPG International Conference and Exhibition

November 5-8, 2006 Perth, West Australia

Search and Discovery Article #90061 (2006)
Posted December 15, 2006

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Oil-Prone Paralic Coals: A Case Study from the Balingian Province of Sarawak, Malaysia
by Wan Hasiah Abdullah and Peter Abolins

Source Rock Potential of Lower Coastal Plain Coals and Coaly Sediments of Northwest Borneo
by Wan Hasiah Abdullah and Peter Abolins

Petroleum Systems of South Caspian Basin: Integrated Approach to Understanding Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Entrapment
by Nazim Abdullayev, Gregory Riley, Stephan Duppenbecker, and Tim Green

Relations between Seismic Signals and Reservoir Properties of Tight Gas Sandstones in North Germany (Permian Rotliegend)
by Peter Abram and Reinhard Gaupp

Empirical Observations from Global Surface and Subsurface Calibration Geochemical Database
by Michael A. Abrams

Development of Methods to Collect and Analyze Gasoline Range (C5 to C10) Hydrocarbons from Seabed Sediments
by Michael A. Abrams, Eva Francu, and Nick Dahdah

Application of Sequence Stratigraphy in Reservoir Characterization of a Fluviodeltaic Succession: Aradeiba Formation, Muglad Basin, Sudan
by Mahmoud Hassan Ahmed, K.B. Trivedi, and Ranya Elamahi

Oil from Late Permian Coals in the Sydney Basin, Australia: A Geochemical Study
by Manzur Ahmed, Herbert Volk, Simon C. George, Mohinudeen Faiz, and Linda Stalker

Predicting Coastal Depositional Style: Influence of Accommodation/Sediment Supply and Basin Morphology
by R. Bruce Ainsworth, Stephen S. Flint, and John A. Howell

Divergent Fluid Regimes and the Formation of Hydrothermal Dolomite: Examples from Devonian Reservoirs in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by Ihsan Al-Aasm and Jeffrey Packard

Calibrating Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Response to Capillary Pressure Curves in Fine Grained Lithologies: Pretty Hill Formation, Otway Basin, South Australia
by Ali Al-Ghamdi, J. Kaldi, P. Boult, and P. Tingate

Application of Chemostratigraphy in the Study of Carbonate Reservoirs of the Campos Basin, Brazil
by Gilberto Athayde Albertгo, Pedro Paes de Carvalho, Marcelo Blauth, and Alexandre Dutra Sayd

Mass Transport Deposits of the Northwest Sabah Deepwater: Characterization from Seismic and Borehole Data
by Sam Algar, Paul Crevello, and Jon Roestenburg

New Source and Seal Types for Malaysia – the Key to Unlockingthe Oil Potential of Deepwater Northwest Borneo
by Sam Algar and Doug Waples

Tertiary Stratigraphy of the Papuan Basin: Insights from Strontium Dating
by Tony Allan, David J. Whitford, Glenn Morgan, David J. Holland, and Desmond P. Leech

Exploring the “Empty Quarter” in Saudi Arabia – the Application of a Play Based Exploration Strategy to Overcome the Challenges of a New Upstream Venture
by Patrick Allman-Ward and Walter Voggenreiter

Modeling of Miscible Filtrate Cleanup with Wireline Formation Testers
by Omer Alpak, Hani Elshahawi, Mohamed Hashem, and Oliver Mullins

Predicting Calcite Cement Distribution in the Sunrise Gas Field Using Analogues
by David B. Alsop and R. Bruce Ainsworth

New Stratigraphic Drilling in the Southern Amadeus Basin and a Review of Hydrocarbon Potential
by Gegory John Ambrose and Ian Young

A New Technology for the Characterization of Microfractured Reservoirs (Test Case: Unayzah Reservoir, Wudayhi Field, Saudi Arabia)
by Mohammed S. Ameen and E. A. Hailwood

Seismic While Drilling (SWD) Techniques: A Journey from 1986 to 2005
by Abhishek Anchliya

Distribution of Petroleum Source Rocks in Time and Space
by John M. Armentrout

Shelf/Margin Deltas: Attributes of an Ideal Hydrocarbon Trap
by John M. Armentrout

High-Resolution Outcrop-Subsurface Correlation Using Biostratigraphy: Unlocking the Late Miocene, Mount Messenger Enigma in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by Malcolm J. Arnot and Martin Crundwell

Trends in Digital Core Analysis: Treatment of Unresolved Porosity
by Christoph Hermann Arns, Abid Ghous, Tim J.Senden, and Mark Knackstedt

Shallow Reservoirs and the “Gas-Effect”, Tinta 3 Well: An Oligocene and Eocene Case in Burgos Basin, Mexico
by Hugo Avalos Torres, Hermilo Gonzalez de la Torre, and Victor Manuel Alvarez Maya

Arun and North Sumatra Offshore Carbonate Gas Fields, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
by Rakhmadi Avianto and I. Wayan Widarmayana

Artificial Neural Networks Based Seismic Facies Classification and Reservoir Property Mapping for Prospect Generation and Development: Lower Indus Basin, South Pakistan
by Khaled Azem and Mansoor Humanyon

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Petroleum Potential of the Deepwater West Calamian, Northwest Palawan, Philippines
by Jaime A. Bacud, Monina T. Forbes, and Raymundo B. Savella

Variation of Three Phase Relative Permeability in Fractured Reservoirs in Relation with Time
by Mohammad M. Bahar and Raj Rajeswaran

Phanerozoic Development and Breakup of Gondwanaland
by Peter Baillie

Analysis of Complex Rift Fault Systems Using Analogue Models
by E.A. Baker and K.R. McClay

The Ichthys Giant Gas-Condensate Field
by Shinsuke Ban and Graham M. Pitt

Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Bekasap Formation for Waterflood Optimization and Field Development, Case Study Pungut Field, Central Sumatra
by Rd. Rai Raya Barkah, Gary W. Jacobs, Jayadi H. H. Sitorus, and Sahid M. Sutanto

Wellbore Imaging: A Key to Managing the Asset Life Cycle
by Colleen Barton

Indian East Coast Basins and Hydrocarbon Play Types
by Ravi Bastia

3-D Seismic Unravels Morphology and Architecture of Channel Complexes and Other Depositional Elements in Offshore Bengal Basin, India
by Ravi Bastia, Subrata K. Chakraborty, Jaydip Guha, and Bhawani Shankar Mishra

Offshore Lamu Basin, Kenya: Comparison with Northwest Shelf Australia
by Matthew Arthur Battrick

Precision Temperature Logging as a Tool for Geothermal Exploration
by Graeme R. Beardsmore and Chris G. Matthews

Determination of Reservoir Rock Types Based on Wire Line Logs by Using Fuzzy Logic Method in a Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoir in Southwest Iran
by Bijan Beiranvand

Relationship between Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir Rock Types to Construct the Facies Modeling and Reservoir Evaluation of a Mixed Reservoir in Southwest Iran
by Bijan Beiranvand

Gondwanan Glacial Events and Their Influence on Petroleum Systems in Arabia
by Andrew Bell and Pieter Spaak

Insect Ichnofossils in Palaeosols as a Diagnostic Feature
by Eduardo S. Bellosi and Jorge F. Genise

Reservoir Systems of Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia, in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
by Andrei V. Belopolsky, Richard Woodfine, Cheree Stover, Neil Piggott, Simon Price, Bob Jones

Integrated Modeling Approach and Quantitative Assessment of Petroleum Charge to the Structurally Complex Kupe Field, New Zealand
by Lakhdar Benchilla, Vaughan Stagpoole, and Rob Funnell

Integrated Geostatistical and Simulation Model for Optimizing the Oil Recovery Factor in the U1-3 Sands, Melones Field, Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by Francisco Benitez, Hector Marquez, Jose Castillo, Jeff Bayless, Jorge Pйrez, Cristina Vera, Terry Eschner, Ana Rondon, and Rodolfo Perez

Adapting Current Knowledge on Fault Seal Analysis to Producing Fields
by Silje Stшren Berg, Alastair.I.F. Welbon, Paul Brockbank, and Signe Ottesen

Applying the Clinoform Concept to Correlation of Deltaic andShallow Marine Deposits
by Janok P. Bhattacharya

Hyperpycnal Versus Hypopycnal River Plumes and the Origin of Shelf Mud
by Janok P. Bhattacharya, James MacEachern, Boyan Vakarelov, and Charles Howell

Geophysical Exploration Using Seabed Logging in an Area with Non-Hydrocarbon Resistivity Anomalies
by A.H. Bhuiyan, T.A. Wicklund, S.E. Johansen, and S. Ellingsrud

The Canterbury Basin Petroleum System and Recent Exploration Results
by Robert Bird, Alex Kaiko, Clyde Bennett, and Duncan Cowan

Normal Faulting Compartmentalizing an Inverted Reservoir: A Case Study from Inboard Northwest Borneo
by Stuart Bland, Enrique Novoa, Armelle Kloppenburg, Mark Trupp, and Carlo Sanders

Petroleum Composition in the Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam
by Jшrgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, H. Peter Nytoft, Lars Henrik Nielsen, Henrik I. Petersen, Nguyen Thi Dau, and Hien Le van

Human Bias in Geological Interpretation – How Much Uncertainty Does It Introduce?
by Clare E. Bond, Alan Gibbs, Zoe K. Shipton, and Serena Jones

4-D Evolution of Complex Structures in Rifts and Strike-Slip Systems
by Robert MG Bond and Ken McClay

Porosity Preservation by Inhibition of Quartz Cementation: Microquartz Versus Hydrocarbons
by Linda Bonnell, Richard E. Larese, and R. H. Lander

The Mentelle Basin – a Deepwater, Frontier Gondwanan Basin
by Irina Borissova, Andrew A. Krassay, Chris Nicholson, Eric DFA Monteil, Chris Boreham, and Barry Bradshaw

The Modern East Australian Sediment Dispersal System
by Ron Boyd and Kevin Ruming

Oil from the South: Mesozoic Petroleum Systems, Proven and Potential, in Mid to High Southerly Latitudes
by Marita Bradshaw, Karol Czarnota, and Chris Boreham

Plio-Pleistocene Depositional Systems and Mass Transport Complexes of Northwest Borneo
by Alexander Bray, Bill Wilks, and Andrew Cullen

Dynamic Palaeo-Fluid Flow within Giant Gas Fields from the Browse Basin, Australia
by Mark P. Brincat, Mark Lisk, and John Kennard

Detecting and Evaluating Hydrodynamic Sealing by Faults
by Alton Brown and Quentin Fisher

Characterization of a Sandy Tide-Dominated Incised Valley Fill System Using Ichnofabric Analysis: Woollybutt and East Spar Fields, Barrow Sub-Basin, Western Australia
by Fiona Elizabeth Burns and Duncan McIlroy

Ichnological Variability of Shallow Marine Strata within the Macedon Member: A Comparison of the Enfield and Laverda Depositional Systems, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia
by Fiona Elizabeth Burns, Carl Jonathan Stark, and Duncan Lockhart

Strategies and Challenges to Set the Framework to Utilize Regional Deepwater Infrastructure for Smaller Fields
by Chris Burnside, John R. Baillie, and Sonia Dias

Map-Based Versus Grid-Based Calculation of NRV and OOIP: Methods, Comparisons, and Recommendations in Turbiditic Depositional Environments, Block 14, Angola
by Jay Byers, Armindo Domingos, and Ricardo Van-Deste

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Current Status of One Company’s Exploration on Marine Facies and Subtle Trap Plays
by Xiyuan Cai

Petroleum Geology of the Songpan-Aba Area: One of the Last Frontier Basins in China
by Liguo Cai and Deliao Ye

Coal is a Hydrocarbon Source: Oil Contribution from Coals and Coaly Shales to the Eastern Venezuela Basin Petroleum Systems
by Angel Callejon, Adry Bissada, and Mike Darnell

Stringers Evolution in Salt Diapirs, Insight from Analogue Models
by Jean-Paul Callot, Jean Letouzey, and Christophe Rigollet

Focused Seismic Processing Via Pre-Stack Migration – the Key to Structural Imaging of the Triassic Play in the Slyne-Erris Basin, Offshore Ireland
by Mervyn Campbell, Steve Smith, and Dermot Corcoran

Exploration of the East African Rift System in the Lake Albert Area, Uganda
by Bob Cassie, Chas Sheen, and Justyn Wood

Modeling Detailed Wellbore Breakout Rotations in a Single Borehole in the Papua New Guinea Area to Constrain Active Fault Geometry Away from the Borehole
by David Castillo, Jon Rowse, Gavin Douglas, Katharine Burgdorff, Juergen Streit, Dan Kendrick, and Nigel Wilson

Geothermal Energy Resources of India: Ongoing and Future Developments
by D. Chandrasekharam, Varun Chandrasekhar, and M.A. Alam

Remaining Oil Prediction Based on Geological Methods
by Zhang Changmin, Yin Taiju, Zhang Shangfeng, and Wang Zhenqi

The Discovery of an Oolitic Reservoir Play Type in the East Sichuan Basin and Its Implications
by Gansheng Chen, Yang Yu, Zeng Wei, and Zengyun Xian

Integrating Seismic Technology and Core-Log Analysis in Characterization of Reservoirs with Complex Lithologies
by Jiajie Chen and Don Caldwell

Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphy and Its Application in Lithostratigraphic Hydrocarbon Trap Exploration
by Ying-liu Chi

Successful Exploration in a Deepwater Fold Belt: Examples from the Miocene Fan Systems of the Northwest Borneo Active Margin
by Timothy Chisholm, Colin Grant, Gary Ingram, John Voon, Matthew Choo, and George Kokkoros

Litho-Facies Description and Fracture Evaluation of a Geothermal Reservoir in Indonesia: Critical Role of Electrical Borehole Imaging in Reservoir Characterization
by Vivek Chitale and Ramon Sanchez

New Technique to Estimate High Resolution Porosity and Permeability of Carbonate Reservoirs from Electrical Borehole Images: A Case Study from Offshore Southern Mexico
by Vivek Chitale, John Quirein, Rodolfo Escobar, and Antonio Sanchez Trejo

Integrating Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) as an Exploration Tool
by Matthew Choo, John Voon, MIchael Foley, Dirk Smit, and Paul Wood

1-D Inversion and Analysis of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Data
by Niels B. Christensen, Kevin Dodds, and Ian Bulley

Integrated Modeling for Brown Field Reservoir Management, Forties Field, North Sea
by Alan Clare, P.T.S. Rose, Alistair Gray, Alison Jagger, Donald Keir, Owen Vaughan, and Richard Jones

Late Jurassic Deepwater Depositional Systems of the Dampier Sub-Basin, Northwest Shelf, Western Australia
by James Clark

Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy of Central Luconia Build-Ups – New Thinking Needed
by Spencer Coca

Development of Multiphase Karstification in Central Luconia Carbonates – Imaging and Modeling the Unpredictable
by Spencer Coca, Laurent Bourdon, and Laurent Alessio

Architecture of Recent Reefs in the South China and Celebes Seas – the Perfect Analogue
by Spencer Coca and Neil Hadfield

Reservoir Modeling of a Distal Isolated Carbonate Platform, Offshore Sarawak – Stratigraphic Compartmentalization and Implications on B11 Field Development
by Spencer Coca, Miltos Xynogalas, Kumareson Paranthaman, and Benedict Polycarp

Predicting and Updating Geopressure 1000 Feet Ahead of the Bit at the Wellsite
by Julian Coker and Martin D. Matthews

Carbonate Sedimentation and Reefs on Australia’s Western Margin
by Lindsay Boyd Collins

Coral Reef Morphology and Growth History, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Lindsay Collins

Reducing Exploration Risk with Marine Electromagnetic: Hydrate Detection and Base Salt Mapping
by Steven Constable, Kerry Key, Karen Weitemeyer, and David Myer

Petroleum Systems and Recent Exploration of the Permo-Carboniferous Unayzah and Devonian Jauf Reservoirs in Eastern Saudi Arabia
by Douglas J. Cook, Arthur Kent Norton, and Allen S. Neville

Mixed braided and leveed channel turbidite facies successions, sediment partitioning and depositional elements of the Oligocene-Miocene Crocker Fan System, NW Borneo, SE Asia
by P.D. Crevello, H.D. Johnson, C.J. Jackson, A.A. Zakaria, F. Tongkul, and J.A.P. Clayburn

Cat Cay Shoals Revisited: Contrasting Morphologies in a Bank Margin System, Bahamas
by Francisco E. Cruz, Gregor P. Eberli, and Eugene C. Rankey

Reservoir Quality in Glacial Sediments: Field Examples from thePetroliferous Permo-Carboniferous Gondwanan Strata of theCooper Basin,Central Australia
by Chris Cubitt

Reservoir Effectiveness Prediction in Palaeozoic Reservoirs of the northern Murzuq Basin, Southwest Libya: An Integrated Approach
by Chris Cubitt, Tim Conroy, Andrew Buffin, Mark Partington, Georgia Boyd, Stuart King, and Adel Obeidi

Fault Seal Prediction in Unconsolidated Sediments with a Novel Experimental Apparatus
by Fabrice D.E. Cuisiat, Elin Skurtveit, Ra Cleave, and Lars Grande

Transverse Structural Segmentation of the Northwest Borneo Deepwater Fold Thrust Belt
by Andrew Cullen

Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on the Distribution of Hydrocarbons in the Greater Kinabalu Field, Sabah, Malaysia
by Andrew Cullen and Giles Phillip

Oils and Oil-Prone Coals of the Kutei Basin, Indonesia
by Joseph A. Curiale, John Decker, Rui Lin, and Robert J. Morley

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Tectono-Sedimentation Analysis of Rift Sediments of West Godavari Sub-Basin and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Krishna Godavari Basin
by Durgaprasad Dabbiru, Sushma Rawat, and Saumitra Gupta

Macedon Member Reservoirs of the Lower Barrow Group, Western Exmouth Sub-Basin, Offshore Northwestern Australia: Integrated Results from Core Logging and 3-D Seismic Data Analysis
by Kirsten L. Dahl

Depositional Environments and Seal Capacity of Fine-Grained Sediments for CO2 Geological Storage
by Richard F. Daniel and Tobias H.D. Payenberg

Hydrocarbon Charge Modeling of the Outer Taranaki Basin
by David Darby and Alex McAlpine

Reservoir Characteristics of Kutei and Baram Basin Giant Fields,Borneo
by Herman Darman and Kusumo Handoyo

Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Gondwanic Satpura Basin, Central India
by Shishir Kumar Das, Himadri Sekhar Chatterjee, and James Peters

Replicating the United States Coal Seam Gas Success in Queensland, Australia
by Nicholas P. Davies and Robert W. Day

Sequence Stratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy in the Middle East – Potential Global Consequences
by Roger B. Davies, Peter R. Sharland, Mike Simmons, Dave Casey, Frauke Schulze, and Melissa Oxford

Uncertainty Reduction through Development in the Vorwata Field, Tangguh Project
by Neil Davis, Harso Isworo, Festarina Festarina, and Curtis Bennett

New Insights into Source and Maturity of Sedimentary Organic Matter from the Vulcan Sub-Basin (Timor Sea) Using Stable Isotope Ratios of Individual Hydrocarbons
by Daniel Dawson, Kliti Grice, Dianne E. Edwards, and Robert Alexander

Play-Based Exploration to Improve Performance
by Jan De Jager and Stephen Wright

Sandakan Basin: From Wildebeest to Zebra – Where are the Elephants?
by Sriyanee De Silva, Brenton Oke, Jonathan Keall, and Don Hunter

A Comparison between Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) and Stochastic- Juxtaposition Techniques for Fault Seal
by Stephen Dee, Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman, and Peter Bretan

Contrasting Ichnologic Signatures of Wave-Dominated Deltaic and Non-Deltaic Shallow-Marine Deposits in the Miocene Carapita and Capaya Formations, Tacata Field, Eastern Venezuela
by Manuel Delgado, Luis Buatois, Solange Angulo, and Dennis Sбnchez

Integrated Electromagnetic Methods for Exploration, Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring
by Paolo Dell’Aversana

Impact of Realistic Shale Properties on Exploration-Scale Vertical Migration Modeling
by Kelly Dempster, William R. Almon, William C. Dawson, and Michael Hertle

New Exploration Plays in the Bohai Bay Basin, East China
by Yunhua Deng and Yongan Xue

Compressional Tectonics and Oil Fields Offshore Sri Lanka
by Neil DeSilva

High-Resolution, Three-Dimensional Outcrop Modeling of a Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Reservoir Analogue
by Peter E. Deveugle, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Craig S. Calvert, Michael Farrell, and Anthony R. Sprague

The Angel Formation: A Classic Example of a Sheet Turbidite Reservoir from the North West Shelf, Australia
by Dessy Dharmayanti, Alan Tait, and Richard Evans

Four Generations in a Decade: Progress in Regional Tectonic Mapping and Petroleum Systems Analysis with Satellite Altimetry Data
by William G. Dickson, Mark E.Odegard, and James W.Granath

Deepwater Exploration with 2-D Seismic Layouts Most Likely to Achieve Economic Benefit
by William G. Dickson and Jon Savage

The Mesozoic Southern Rift System: Insights into the Mode of Gondwana Breakup from Integrated Multidisciplinary Datasets
by Nicholas G. Direen, Lesja Mitrovic, and Howard M.J. Stagg

Reservoir Development, Surveillance and Management in Deepwater Slope Systems – Reservoir Architecture, Heterogeneity and Connectivity Learnings from the Zafiro Field, Equatorial Guinea
by Bret Dixon, Timothy Head, Michael B. Helgerud, Henry D. Bensmiller, David L. Mitchell, Gerrick N. Jensen, William J. Dunn, Sean C. Rochford, Brooks Clark, Alina Kalfsbeek, John Ardill, Ken Brantferger, James W. Barron, and Mike Whitsett

Application of Integrated Seismic-Reservoir Prediction in Predicting Hidden Gas Reservoirs in the Upper Palaeozoic, North Ordos Basin
by Ning Dong

Applied Rock Mechanics in the Ram Powell Redevelopment Project, Deepwater U.S.A., Gulf of Mexico
by Glenn Donovan

Neogene Carbonate Platforms in the South China Sea and Indonesian Backarc Region as Recorders of the Evolving East Asian Monsoon
by Steven L. Dorobek

Tectonic Controls on Carbonate Platform Evolution in Extensional Settings
by Steven L. Dorobek

Geological and Geochemical Controls on Crude Oil Acidity
by Lirong Dou, Maowen Li, Dingsheng Cheng, Dujie Hou, Sneh Achal, and Xiandeng Ye

SHRIMP-RG U-Pb Zircon Dating for the Basin-Floor Fans of theTanqua and Laingsburg Depocentres: A New Stratigraphic Framework for the Karoo Basin, South Africa
by Nicholas Drinkwater, Andrea Fildani, Amy Weislogel, Timothy R. McHargue, and Angela MarieHessler

Comparison of Modeled Fracture Sets from Structure Analysis with Field Data from Oman
by Agnes Dubois

Evaluation of Miocene and Oligocene Reservoirs in the Malay-Tho Chu Basin, Offshore Southern Vietnam
by Nguyen Anh Duc, Tai Phung Sy, Lars Henrik Nielsen, Nguyen Thu Huyen, and Mai Le Chi

Diagenetic History of a Hydrocarbon-Bearing Large-Scale Sand Injectite (Santa Cruz, California)
by Davide Duranti

Serendipity, Axioms, Old Areas, New Ideas and New Exploration – Cagayan Valley, Northern Luzon, Philippines
by Edward F. Durkee

Successful Decision-Making in Future Exploration: High Technology, Geological Model, Organization
by Bernard C. Duval and Jean-Marie Masset

Relating Reactivation and Inversion on the Northwest Australian Shelf to Stress Regimes through Time
by Scott Dyksterhuis, Patrick Unternehr, and Dietmar Mueller

Channel Architectural Element Analysis of Deep Marine Channels: Examples from Outcrop and Implications for the Predictability of Channel Systems
by Mason Dykstra and Benjamin Kneller

Deglacial and Postglacial Sedimentary Architecture in a Deeply Incised Palaeovalley: The Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Jejenes Formation, San Juan, Argentina
by Mason Dykstra, Benjamin Kneller, and Juan Pablo Milana

Advanced Interpretations of Stable Isotopic Composition of Gases in Working Petroleum Systems
by Leon Dzou and Alexei Milkov

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Hydrocarbon Families of the Australian Northwest Shelf: A Regional Synthesis of the Bulk, Molecular and Isotopic Composition of Oils and Gases
by Dianne S. Edwards, Chris Boreham, John E. Zumberge, Janet Hope, John Kennard, and Roger Summons

Risk Assessment, Decision Making and Play Fairway Analysis in a Fluvial Setup: Risk and Uncertainity
by Ranya Elamahi and K.B. Trivedi

Physio-Chemical Characterization of Unsaturated Zone with Special Reference to Chemical Processes
by Lakshmanan Elango and Ramasubramaniam Kannan

Eocene Rifting and Its Relationship to Strike Slip Faulting in the Western Gulf of Thailand
by Christopher F. Elders and Anongporn Intawong

Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Triassic to Late Jurassic Reservoirs in the Timor Sea, Australia: New Insights
by Grant K. Ellis

Late Authigenic Pyrite as an Indicator of Oil Entrapment: Case Histories from the Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Grant K. Ellis

Use of Log-Derived High-Resolution Mineral-Based Lithofacies from Borehole Spectroscopy Logs and Microresistivity Images for Enhanced Formation Pressure Sampling and Vertical Interference Tests
by Hani Elshahawi, Eileen Donaghy, Christina Guillory, George Kear, Anish Kumar, Mario Ardilla, David Williamson, Wesley Cantwell, and Brian Briscoe

Facies-Based Rock Physics in the Nelson Field, United Kingdom Central North Sea – Part I: Petrofacies Characterization
by Irene S. Espejo and Mark Kittridge

Outcrop Gamma Ray and Rock Properties of the Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia – a Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoir Analogue
by Richard Evans, Arthur, J. Mory, and Alan, M. Tait

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The Effects of Maceral Composition on Coalbed Methane Reservoir Properties: Differences between Australian and Northern Hemisphere Coals
by Mohinudeen M. Faiz and Neil Sherwood

Reservoir Connectivity in Fluvial/Deltaic Depositional Environments: South Timbalier 26 Field Study
by Michael Farrell and Vitor Abreu

Lateral Variations in Diapir-Constrained Deepwater Sediments of the Donkey Bore Syncline, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
by Blaise Fernandes, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, and Carmen Krapf

A Surface Geochemical Survey from Deepwater Offshore Brunei
by Ian L. Ferriday and Malvin Bjorшy

Fractures in Formation MicroImager (FMI) Log Versus Outcrop Data: Reservoir Character of a Thick-Bedded Deepwater Miocene Sandstone, New Zealand
by Brad Field, Greg Browne, and Randall Marrett

Prediction of Mechanical Compaction during Deep Burial
by Quentin Fisher, Tony Crook, and Christine Souque

Fault Seal Analysis: Integration of Empirical and Deterministic Approaches
by Quentin J. Fisher, Rob J. Knipe, and Russell Davies

Modeling Pore Pressures and Fluid Flow in a Faulted Shelf System Using a 3-D Basin Model Coupled to Seismic Velocities
by Tina Grace Fitts, Rachel H.Paez, Jim C.Pickens, Robert M.Schapiro, Pamela A.Reynolds, and David M.Chao

Pressure and Physical Property Responses in a Toe Thrust Environment
by Tina Grace Fitts, Richard J. Fink, Joann Welton, and Rachel H. Paez

Porosity Versus Depth Relationship Derived from Rock Mechanical Arguments
by Erling Fjжr, Ane Elisabet Lothe, and Шyvind Sylta

New Opportunities in a Mature Basin: Gas Discoveries in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by David W. Flint

Hydrological Fluxes during Past and Future Greenhouse Climates
by Sascha Floegel and William W. Hay

Influence of Regional Strain Variations on Fracture Development in Reservoir Rocks, Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
by Thomas Flottmann and Daniel Gillam

Influence of Regional Strain Variations on Fracture Development in Reservoir Rocks, Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
by Thomas Flottmann and Daniel Gillam

Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs) Derived from Analysis of Simultaneous Seismic Inversion Significantly Reduces Exploration Risk
by Amanda Folkers and Kevin D. Jarvis

Elemental Fingerprinting of Brazilian Petroleum: A Linkage to Gondwana?
by Teresa Cristina O. Fonseca, Christiane Duyck, Norbert Miekeley, Heloisa Fontenelle, Carmem L. Porto da Silveira, and Peter Szatmari

A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Lower to Middle Miocene Pagasa Formation, Malampaya-Camago Area, Offshore Palawan, Philippines
by Joseph M. Foronda and Jaime A. Bacud

Structure and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Waukarlycarly Graben, West Australia Clive
by Clive Foss and Peter Purcell

Reservoir Quality Controls in Permo-Carboniferous Sandstones of Saudi Arabia
by Stephen G. Franks and William J. Carrigan

Glacial-Related Sandstones of the Gondwanan Itararй Group (C-P), and the Barra Bonita Gas Field, Paranб Basin, Brazil
by Almйrio Barros Franзa

A Regional Overview of the Exploration Potential of the Middle East
by Alastair Fraser, Jeremy Goff, Bob Jones, Christoph Lehmann, and Ivor Simpson

Rendering Uncertainty in Rocks and Fluids: Stochastic Integration and Inversion in CO2 Plume and Rock-Volume Prediction and Mapping
by S. Julio Friedmann, Abelardo Ramirez, Roger Aines, and Kathy Dyer

Platform-Margin Trajectory as a Control on Neptunian Dike Distributions, Devonian Reef Complexes, Canning Basin, Western Australia
by Ned Frost, Dan Carpenter, and Charles Kerans

Platform Evolution,Facies Patterns, and Cyclicity Across the Late Devonian Frasnian/Famennian Boundary – Barnett Spring Platform, Canning Basin, Western Australia
by Ned Frost, Phillip Playford, and Charles Kerans

Geology of the Hutubi Gas Reservoir in the Eastern Margin of the Junggar Basin, Northwest China
by Xiaowen Fu, Shijia Chen, Xulong Wang, and Jun Zen

A Multi 1-D Modeling Approach for Complex Basins: An Example from Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by Rob Funnell, Phil Scadden, and Malcolm Geddes

Aspects of the Geological Development of the Phan Rang Shelf, Offshore South Central Vietnam, South China Sea
by Michael Bryld Wessel Fyhn, Lars Henrik Nielsen, Lars Ole Boldreel, Le Dinh Thang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, and Nguyen Anh Duc

Aspects of the Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Phu Khanh Basin, Offshore Central Vietnam, South China Sea
by Michael Bryld Wessel Fyhn, Lars Henrik Nielsen, Lars Ole Boldreel, Le Dinh Thang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Anh Duc, and Dang Thu Houng

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Latest Learnings from the World’s Largest “Dry” Coalbed Methane Play: Horseshoe Canyon Coal and Rock Package, Southern Alberta, Canada
by Paul G. Gagnon, Brian McKinstry, James Lee, Richard Wade, Kelly Young, and Robert J. Jackson

Multidisciplinary Examination of a Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir Outcrop Analogue, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by Anthony Paul Gartrell, Brian Evans, Derek Woodward, and Greg Browne

Fault Reactivation and Hydrocarbon Preservation Potential: (Fault) Size Does Matter
by Anthony Gartrell, Yanhua Zhang, Wayne Bailey, and Mark Brincat

Use of Outcrop Data to Constrain Reservoir Properties of Deep-Marine Mass-Transport Deposits in the Subsurface: Core- to Seismic-Scale
by Katerina Garyfalou, Benjamin Kneller, Mason Dykstra, Matteo Molinaro, David Macdonald, Philip Thompson, Vanessa Kertzus, and Magdalena Szuman

Diagenetic Mineral Reactions Related to Hydrocarbon Migration as a Tool in Deep Clastic Reservoir Prediction – Evidence from Permian Red Bed Reservoirs of the Central European Basin System
by Reinhard Gaupp and Robert Schцner

Isotopic Fractionation Effect of Primary Migration in Simulation Experiment of Selected Terrestrial Source Rocks
by Ansong Geng and Yuhong Liao

Tectonic Control on Late Devonian Reef Complex Evolution, Lennard Shelf, Northern Canning Basin, Australia
by Annette D. George, Mike C. Dentith, Nancy Chow, and Kate M. Trinajstic

Quantitative Whole Oil Gas Chromatography as a Tool for Understanding Biodegradation Processes in Oil Reservoirs
by Simon C. George and Herbert Volk

Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of the Canning Basin, Western Australia: A Review
by K. Ameed. R. Ghori and Peter W. Haines

Using Stratigraphic Heterogeneity to Maximize the Efficiency of CO2 Geological Storage
by Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Richard F. Daniel, Jonathan Ennis-King, Andy J. Rigg, Lotte Svendsen, and Maxwell N. Watson

Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Bolivia during the Gondwana Break-Up
by Raul E. Giraudo

Thermochronology and Landscape Evolution in the Basin Hinterland – Understanding Sediment Supply into Deep-Basin Environments
by Andrew J.W. Gleadow, Barry P. Kohn, Roderick W. Brown, and Kerry L. Gallagher

Scientific and Technological Challenges of Carbon Sequestration and Options for India
by Malti Goel

Basement and Crustal Controls on Hydrocarbons Maturation on the Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australian Margin
by Alexey Goncharov, Ian Deighton, and Sandra McLaren

Petroleum Charge History in the Lunnan Low Uplift, Tarim Basin, China – Revealed from Fluid Inclusion Investigation
by Se Gong, Herbert Volk, Simon C. George, Keyu Liu, and Ping’an Peng

Well Engineers Deserve a Seat at the Exploration Table: The Role of Mechanical Earth Modeling in the Early Exploration Process
by Harvey Goodman

Ground Truthing Published Stratigraphic and Geochemical Information for Petroleum Exploration Programs: An Example from the Early Carboniferous of the Southeastern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
by John D. Gorter

Fluvioglacial Deposits of the Lower Kulshill Group (LateCarboniferous) of the Southeastern Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia
by John D. Gorter and Stewart Bayford

Late Devonian and Earliest Carboniferous Shallow Water Carbonates and Associated Basinal Shales of the Southeastern Bonaparte Basin – Petroleum Potential
by John D. Gorter, Annette George, Robert S. Nicoll, and Stewart W. Bayford

Mechanics of Polygonal Fault Systems
by Neil R. Goulty

A Statistical Type Well Approach for the Effective Economic Modeling and Portfolio Selection of Unconventional Resource Plays
by James Gouveia

Origin of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Erosional Surface ofthe Browse Basin (Northwest Australia)
by Claire Gracia-Garay and Gйrard M. Stampfli

Can Apatite (U-Th)/He Dating Provide Useful Thermal History Information in Sedimentary Basins?
by Paul Green, Ian Duddy, and Peter Crowhurst

Recent Block Structure of the Earth’s Crust as Geological Base for Prediction of the Giant Hydrocarbon Resources (South America, Israel, Hindustan)
by Shelia Guberman, Yuri Galant, Maya Glasko, Vadim Maximov, Yury Pikovskiy, and Elizabeth Rantsman

Imaging Anisotropic Symmetry Using Prestack Converted-Wave Seismic Data for Fracture Analysis
by Jason E. Gumble, James E. Gaiser, and Robert H. Tatham

Empirical Analysis of Sealing Models: A Reality Check from Worldwide Field Analogues
by Josй I. Guzmбn, Rod Sloan, Shengyu Wu, and Shaoqing Sun

Return to top


Rich Oil-Prone Ordovician Source Beds, Bongabinni Formation, Onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia
by Peter W. Haines and K. Ameed R. Ghori

Petroleum System of Tanon Strait, Visayan Basin, Philippines
by Yasushi Hamada, Yutaka Tanaka, and Osamu Takano

Using Electrical Borehole Images for Bedding and Textural Analysis in Deepwater Clastic Deposits
by Steven M. Hansen and Bill M.Newberry

Carbonate Reservoir Delineation from Seismic Data – Examples of Crosswell Seismic
by Paul Harris

Palaeogeographic and Geological Constraints on Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Palaeo-Earth Systems Modeling for Source Rock Prediction in Frontier Basins
by Jim Harris, Rob Crossley, Frank Richards, Nick Stronach, Tim Hudson, Dan Burggraf, John Suter, Brad Huizinga, Samir Ghazi, Paul Markwick, Paul Valdes, and Roger Proctor

Seismic Attributes (Entropy and Instantaneous Frequency) and Well Data Integration to Fracture Detection Using 3-D Land Data in Miocene Carbonate of Tugu Field-Indonesia
by Endro Hartanto, Joko Padmono, and Syamsu Yudha

Using Traces Fossils in Deepwater Deposits to Interpret Palaeoenvironments and Facies Distributions: Examples from Angola Slope Deposits, Block 15, West Africa
by Stephen T. Hasiotis, Michael Porter, Anthony Sprague, Vitor Abreu, Keith Knabe, and Jacob Violet

Decisions and Optimal Appraisal Planning for LNG Gas Supply: A Case Study
by William J. Haskett

Tectonic Characteristics of Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belts in the Southern Junggar Basin, West China
by Dengfa He, Shuwei Guan, Geng Yang, and Chaojun Zhang

The Relationship between Thin- and Thick-Skinned Tectonics in the Papuan Fold Belt: A New Structural Concept for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Papua New Guinea
by R. Heidorn, K. Bradey, G. Bradley, G. Mansfield, and J. Iwanec

Outcrop to Desk-Top, Modern and Ancient Analogues Provide Geological Controls for Reservoir Layering and Object Modeling in a ‘Wet’ Eolian Depositional System, Unayzah ‘A’ Reservoir, Saudi Arabia
by Christian J. Heine

Post Glacial Sealevel Rise Captures a Record of the Northward Movement of the Arabian Plate through an Early Permian, Mid-Latitude, Southern Hemisphere Desert
by Christian J. Heine

Geodynamic Evolution of the Northwest Margin of Australia Since the Late Jurassic
by C. Heine and R.D. Mьller

Hydrodynamic Techniques to Assess Production-Induced Pressure Depletion and Aquifer Support
by A. Hennig, C. Otto, and J. Underschultz

Production Induced Pressure Decline and Its Impact on CO2 Containment: An Example from the Bowen Basin, Queensland
by Allison Hennig, James Underschultz, Claus Otto, Jacques Sayers, C.Marsh, and A.Scott

Bayu-Undan – Modeling Permeability Enhancement in Fault Damage Zones
by Peter Hennings, Frank W. Krieger, Dag Sanner, Chris Zahm, Ray Reid, and Tito Lozada

Relationship between Active Deformation, Stress Heterogeneity, and Fracture Permeability in the Suban Gas Field of South Sumatra, Indonesia
by Peter Hennings, Bambang Pujasmadi, Hugh Alley, Chris Zahm, Reid Ray, Milt Enderlin, Bob Lee, and Roland Kirschner

Active Tectonics of the Continental Margin Offshore Sabah, Northwest Borneo
by Susanne Hesse, Dieter Franke, and Stefan Back

Timing of Illite Authigenesis within a Tight Gas Reservoir, Onshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by Karen E. Higgs, Horst Zwingmann, Rob Funnell, and Agnes Reyes

Geothermal Energy Prospectivity of South Australia
by Anthony J. Hill

A Review of the Application of Sedimentology, High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and the Use of Modern and Ancient Analogues to Improve Reservoir Models in the Cooper Basin, Australia
by Adam James Hill, Nathan Ceglar, Simon C. Lang, and Rajendra Singh

Geosyntax: Formal Language for Analogue Models
by E. June Hill and Cedric M. Griffiths

Structural Evolution of the Samarang Reactivated Shale Diapir, Offshore Sabah, Malaysia: New Analysis of a Mature Oil Field
by Kevin C. Hill, Isabelle D. Petit, Tanwi Basu, Bernd Layh, and Robert DeLastic

An Investigation of Petroleum Systems of the Permian Basin, U.S.A
by Ronald Hill, John Zumberge, Dan Jarvie, and Jack Williams

Are Present-Day Stresses Inferred from Petroleum Exploration Data Consistent with Neotectonic Structures in Australia?
by Richard R. Hillis

The Geological Model of Kening Trough, East Java, Indonesia: A Reconstruction of Miocene Ngrayong Sand
by Yosi Hirosiadi, Bob W.H. Adibrata, Melia Surghani, and Rusalida Raguwanti

Two Dimensional Basin Modeling and Petroleum System Critical Analysis of La Concepciуn Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
by Ngoc Hoang and John Pigott

Using the Fused Fault Block Technique to Model Low Angle and Thrust Faults
by Karen S. Hoffman, John W.Neave, and Erik H.Nilsen

Optimizing Play Assessment Data and Work Processes Using GIS
by Kenneth C. Hood, Bernard C. South, and Charles Stabell

Integrated Play and Prospect Assessment – Maximizing Regional Context and Local Detail
by Kenneth C. Hood and Charles Stabell

Large Scale Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage
by Barry Hooper and Luke Murray

Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP): Beyond Time-to-Depth
by Brian Hornby

Reservoir Monitoring Using Permanent in-Well Seismic
by Brian Hornby, Olav Inge Barkved, Sverre Knudsen, F.X. Bostick, and Brock Williams

Current Status and Future Prospects of Oil and Gas Exploration of PetroChina
by Su-yun Hu

Diapiric Pathway System and Its Constraints on Migration and Accumulation of Natural Gases in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea
by Baojia Huang and Xushen Li

Structural Controls and Resulting Variations in Oligo-Miocene Carbonates of the East Java Basin, Indonesia: Examples from the Cepu and North Madura Areas
by Tina M. Hughes, James V. White, and Chengjie Liu

Offshore Lamu Basin, Kenya: Deepwater Fold Belt
by Jonathan J. Hull

Depositional Processes and Predicted Stratigraphic Development of the Modern Mahakam Delta
by Salahuddin Husein and Joseph J. Lambiase

Return to top


Hydrocarbon Discovery in the Frontier Area at Eastern Indonesia: Lessons for Future Discoveries
by Anditya Mt. Ibrahim, Awang H. Satyana, Nugrahani Pudyo, and Eka Saputra Sunjaya

3-D Structural Architecture and Evolution of the West Natuna Basin, Indonesia
by Shanty Ilona

Integrated Multidiscipline Approach for Identification of Undepleted Reservoirs on the Outskirts of Mature Fields in Western Siberia
by Valentin Ivanov, P. Mangazeev, and S. Patniyot

Bayu-Undan – Use of Downhole Pressure Monitoring to Improve Reservoir Management in a Recycled Gas Reservoir
by Igor Jacimovic, Dag Sanner, and Tito Lozada

Exploration Screening of the Deepwater Blocks of the Pearl River Mouth and Qiongdongnan Basins, Offshore Southeast China – the role of Tectonics and Palaeodrainage in Reducing Risk and Uncertainty
by John M. Jacques and Paul J. Markwick

The Importance of the ‘Davie Transcurrent Deformation Zone’ on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Offshore Blocks of the Rovuma and Tanzanian Coastal Basins, East Africa
by John M. Jacques, Kerri L. Wilson, Paul J. Markwick, and Dave G. Wright

Compositional Grading: Its Causes and Use in Subsurface Characterization
by Bruce R. James, Trey Meckel, Andrew Murray, and Bob Davis

Reservoir Characterization of the Jansz Gas Field, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Chris C. Jenkins, Wayne J. Mudge, Michael A. Williams, Peter N. Glenton, John G. McPherson, and Andrew A. Mills

Fluid Flow and Geochemistry of the Mississippian Aquifers Williston Basin, Canada and U.S.A.
by Gavin K.S. Jensen and Ben J.Rostron

Discovery of the Qingxi Oilfield and Its Implications to Petroleum Prospecting in Foreland Thrust Belts in Central to Western China
by Cheng-zao Jia, Wen-zhi Zhao, Jian-jun Chen, Ze-cheng Wang, and Yong-ke Han

Petroleum Geological Features in Major Onshore Sedimentary Basins of China
by Cheng-zao Jia, Wen-zhi Zhao, and Guang-ya Zhang

Characteristics of Oil and Gas Distribution in Sedimentary Basins of China
by Zhijun Jin

Investigation on High-Potential Oil Source Kitchen in Non-Marine Basins, China
by Qiang Jin and Guangyou Zhu

Hydrocarbon Column Height Analysis from the Gulf of Mexico Basin: An Integration of Quantitative Seal Analyses and Basin Evolution
by Matthew D. Johnson, Gavin Lewis, Rob Knipe, Michael Hertle, Stan Teerman, MichaelWelch, Diana Condliffe, and Graham Phillips

Technical Competency Assessment: A Strategy to Optimize the Value of Human Resource Assets
by Jeffrey D. Johnson, Marcelo La Prea, Clive Eckersley, and Peter M. Lloyd

Identifying False Positives in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Over the Southern Timor Sea, Northwest Australia: Implications for Remote Sensing and Acoustic Seepage Studies
by Andrew T. Jones, John M.Kennard, and Graham A.Logan

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High-Resolution Prediction of Rock Properties and Hydrocarbon Charge through an Integrated Basin Modeling/Seismic Inversion Approach
by Marek Kacewicz and Wenlong Xu

Recent Thermal Cooling in the Outer Bonaparte Basin: Evidence from Maturity Analysis and Thermal Modeling of Kelp Deep-1
by Alex R. Kaiko

Structural and Depositional Style of the Syn-rift Systems of the Northwest Australian Margin: A Comparison with Atlantic Passive Margin Systems
by Garry D. Karner

Storage and Connecting Pore Structure of Mudstone-Shale and Its Effect on Seal Quality
by T.J. Katsube, D.R. Issler, and S. Connell-Madore

Subsurface Architecture of the Late Triassic Brigadier Formation in the Goodwyn Field Area, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Bodo Katz, Benjamin Mee, and Simon S. Lang

Early Assessment of Reservoir Compartmentalization Using Geochemical Analysis of Wireline Formation Tester Samples
by R.L. Kaufman, S.C. Teerman, and M.E. Cribbs

East Timor: Structural and Tectonic History of Deformed Passive Margin Sequences
by Myra Keep, David Haig, and Eujay MCcartain

The Neogene Tectonic History of the Northwest Shelf
by Myra Keep, Mathew Harrowfield, and Warwick Crowe

Conceptual Constraints on Fault Seal Potential of Contractional Faults
by Joгo V.A. Keller, Titus Murray, Gillian Kovack, John Warburton, and Alan D.Gibbs

Fracture Characterization and Geological Modeling of the Darajat Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia
by Joгo V.A. Keller, Sri Rejeki, and Chris Harrison

Hydrocarbon Fill-History of the Cliff Head Oil Field, Offshore Perth Basin, Using Integrated Fluid Inclusion, Geochemical and Geological Data
by Richard H. Kempton, Ian L. Sayers, Peter J. Eadington, and Herbert Volk

Integrated Structural and Geomechanical Studies: South East Gobe–11 Discovery and Development
by R.D. Kendrick, G. Douglas, D. Castillo, J. Rowse, and R. Kila

WODAD – a Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analogue Database of Carbonate Platform Margins
by Jeroen A.M. Kenter and Paul Harris

Exploration and Production Trends and the Emergence of the National Oil Companies
by Jack L. Kerfoot Sr.

Climate, Sediment Supply, Accommodation, and Sea Level as Controlling Parameters on the Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Development of Slope Systems: A Comparison between Ebro and Nile Delta-Fed Slope Systems
by Vanessa Kertznus, Sacha Tremblay, Ben Kneller, Philip Thompson, Mason Dykstra, and Adrian Hartley

Pore Pressure Prediction in Highly Compressional Stress Regimes: Examples from Australia and Papua New Guinea
by Abbas Khaksar

Rock Strength Determination from Well Logs: A Review
by Abbas Khaksar and Colin McPhee

Exploration Opportunities in the Western Part of the Ukrainian Black Sea
by Oxana Khriachtchevska and Sergiy Stovba

Fold Belts, an Alternative to Thrust Belts: The Cape Fold Belt, South Africa
by Rosalind King, Graham Potts, and Stephen Flint

Present-Day Stresses of Northwest Borneo: Implication for the Neotectonics of an Active Collisional Margin
by Rosalind King, Mark Tingay, and R.R. Hillis

Present-Day Stress Field of the Northern Perth Basin, Australia
by Rosalind King, Scott Reynolds, and Richard R. Hillis

Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Intra-Barrow Group, Barrow Sub-Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Emma King, Tobias Payenberg, Simon Lang, and Kerri Auld

Stratigraphic Framework of the Cenozoic Carbonates of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf, Western Australia
by Belinda M. Kinna, Malcolm W. Wallace, and Stephen J. Gallagher

Facies-Based Rock Physics in the Nelson Field, United Kingdom Central North Sea – Part II: Rock Properties
by Mark G. Kittridge and Irene S. Espejo

Formation Evaluation and Permeability Prediction in a Highly Heterogeneous Reservoir – The Kuparuk C-Sand
by Jim D. Klein, Mark Scheihing, Laird D. Little, and Dirk Seifert

Petroleum Resource Potential of Northern Afghanistan
by T.R. Klett, G.F. Ulmishek, C.J. Wandrey, A. Amirzada, and A. Selab

Integrated Formation Evaluation of a Deepwater Exploration Well on the East Coast of India
by Theodore Klimentos, K. Seth, and G.M. Chavan

A Novel Technique for Formation Evaluation in Fractured Basalts by Integration of Elemental Capture Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Dipole Sonic Logs
by Theodore Klimentos, R.N. Pandey, B. Behera, and Arathi Mahesh

Digital Analysis of Reservoir Compaction Processes
by Knackstedt, Mark, Mohammad Saadatfar, Adrian Sheppard, Tim Senden, Rob Sok, and Christoph Arns

Structural Uncertainty and Scenario Modeling for Fault Seal Analysis
by Rob Knipe, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, Russell Davies, and Quentin Fisher

Distribution and Properties of Syndepositional Faults and Fractures in the Compaction-Modified Capitan Carbonate Platform, Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A.
by Eduard Kosa and David Hunt

Exploring for Deep Secondary Reservoirs in the Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine
by Anatoliy M. Koval, Sergey G. Vakarchuk, Tetyana E. Dovzhok, Volodimir V. Sabetski, and Alexander A. Kitchka

Contrasting Styles of Fluvio-Aeolian Interaction: The Skeleton Coast Erg – a Modern-Day Dryland Reservoir Analogue
by Carmen B.E. Krapf, Harald Stollhofen, Mario Werner, and Ian G. Stanistreet

Dryland Sequence Stratigraphy of Fluvial-Lacustrine-Aeolian Depositional Systems – Examples from the Neales River, Western Lake Eyre, Australia
by Carmen B.E. Krapf, Simon Lang, Mario Werner, Mark Reilly, Victor Waclawik, and Tobias Payenberg

The Lake Eyre Basin: A Modern Outcrop Reservoir Analogue of a Dryland Continental Interior Basin
by Carmen B.E. Krapf, Tobias Payenberg, and Simon Lang

Seepage and Leakage Next to Modern and Ancient MethaneClathrate Hydrate Accumulations: Comparative Sedimentology of the Pierre Shale Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Western Interior Foreland Basin of North America
by Federico F. Krause, Selim G. Sayegh, Renee J. Perez, and Jesse Clark

A New Chronostratigraphy for the Upper Tertiary of Offshore Sabah, Northwest Borneo, Malaysia
by William N. Krebs

Bayu-Undan – from Stratigraphy to Dynamic Simulation
by Frank W. Krieger and David R. Mabee

Critical Factors for Prospect Evaluation in Salt-Controlled Basins
by Peter A. Kukla and Janos L. Urai

Play Analysis as a Tool in the Petroleum Resource Management in Norway
by Erling Kvadsheim, Abryl O. Ramirez, Per Blystad, and Gunnar Sшiland

The United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energyand Mineral Resources (UNFC)
by Erling Kvadsheim, Per Blystad, Sigurd Heiberg, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Timothy R. Klett, and John E. Ritter

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Reservoir Geometry, Lateral Facies Continuity and Permeability Heterogeneities in Outcropping Shoreface Sandstones, Brunei Darussalam
by Joseph J. Lambiase and Ms. Ovinda

A Model for Fibrous Illite Nucleation and Growth in Sandstones
by R.H. Lander and Linda Bonnell

Dependency of Quartz Precipitation Rates on Crystal Domain Size: An Explanation for Porosity Preservation by Microcrystalline Quartz Coatings?
by R.H. Lander, Richard E. Larese, and Linda Bonnell

Moreton Bay, Southeast Queensland, a Modern Analogue for Clastic Reservoirs Deposited in Wave-Tide Dominated, Coastal and Shallow Marine and Shelf Depositional Systems
by Simon Lang and Duncan Lockhart

Clastic Shelf to Deepwater Sediment Delivery Systems – an Analogue from the Eastern Australian Continental Margin
by Simon Lang, Ross Powell, Ron Boyd, Kevin Ruming, Ian Goodwin, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, and Marianne Sandstrom

Depositional Analogues and Sequence Stratigraphy for Late Triassic Fluvial Reservoir-Prone Successions of the Rankin Trend, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Simon C. Lang, R.J. Seggie, Neil Marshall, David Alsop, Chris Cubitt, and Robert Kirk

Reverse Structures in Accommodation Zone and Early Compartmentalization of Late Jurassic Extensional System, Laminaria High (Northwest Shelf, Australia)
by Laurent Langhi and Gilles D. Borel

Reservoir Enhancement Processes for Carbonates of Northern Gondwana
by Philippe A. Lapointe, Andrew Barnett, Jacqueline Camy-Peyret, and Georges Nely

Verifiable Predictions of Fractured Reservoir Attributes
by S.E. Laubach and Jon E. Olson

Sequence Stratigraphic Controls of Reservoir “Sweet Spots” in Coastal and Shelf Deposits – Cretaceous Guadalupe Formation, Colombia
by Dale A. Leckie, Elvira Gomez, and Miguel Jose De Armas

Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Fractured Puri and Mendi Limestone Reservoir in Papua New Guinea
by Desmond P. Leech, David J. Holland, Rodrigo Heidorn, O.’karo Yogi, Tony Allan, and Stuart Barclay

Determining Reservoir Compartmentalization Using Differential Wide Aperture Seismic
by James H. Leven

Confirming Depth Models using Differential Wide Aperture Seismic
by James H. Leven

Brine and Hydrocarbon Evolution in a Salt Diapir-Oil Field Environment, Southeast Mexico
by Gilles Levresse, Julian Bourdet, Jordi Tritlla, Jacques Pironon, Alex Carrillo-Chavez, Jaime Patiсo, Miguel Varela, and Lourdes Clara

Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS)/Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM) of Carbonates – an Isolated Platform Example
by Marjorie Levy, Paul Harris, and Sebastien Strebelle

Assessment of Prospect Compartmentalization and Its Impact Upon Valuing Exploration Opportunities
by Gavin Lewis, Rob Knipe, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, Paul Bradbury, and Bader Al Busafi

Molecular and Isotopic Evidence for the Origin of Tertiary-Reservoired Oils in the Offshore Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada
by Maowen Li, Sneh Achal, Lloyd Snowdon, Yongqiang Xiong, and Dale Issler

Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on the Australian Southeast Seabed
by Fangjun Li, Cedric Griffiths, Chris Dyt, and Evelina Paraschivoiu

Formation and Accumulation of Subtle Oil Pools in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
by Sumei Li, Xionqi Pang, Keyu Liu, Zhenxue Jiang, Guiqiang Qiu, and Yongjin Gao

Current Status and Future Projection of China Natural Gas Industry
by Jingming Li, Guoqi Wei, Dongxu Li, and Guihao Jiao

Geology of Subtle Gas Pools in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan Basins, South China Sea
by Xushen Li and Yingzhao Zhang

Petroleum Seeps and Their Structural Control in North China Yellow Sea
by Shuanglin Li, Zhizhong Zhang, Heping Dong, and Fei Xiao

Identification and Characterization of Oil Types in the San Joaquin Basin, California
by Paul G. Lillis, Leslie B. Magoon, and Kenneth E. Peters

A Holistic Model to Describe Charge and Retention History of the Northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
by Mark Lisk, Anthony Gartrell, Wayne Bailey, and Mark Brincat

Dispersed Soluble Organic Matters – an Important Direct Sourcefor Natural Gas in Superimposed Basins
by Wenhui Liu, Bo Gao, and Dianwei Zhang

Elemental Geochemistry of Source-Rocks from the Buxin Formation (Lower Eocene) in the Sanshui Basin, South China
by Chunlian Liu, Liufen Li, Ping Che, and Yixin Dong

An Innovative Fluorescence Spectroscopic Method for Characterization of Heterogeneous Cores
by Keyu Liu, Xiongqi Pang, and Stephen Fenton

Characteristics of Lithologic Petroleum Reservoirs
by Zhen Liu, Zhengzhang Zhao, Yang Zhao, Xianzheng Zhao, Bo Jin, Wei Xiao, Xiaoming Xu, and Quansheng Liang

Factors Influencing Whether Induced Hydraulic Fractures Cross Pre-Existing Discontinuities
by Ella Maria Llanos, Rob Jeffrey, Richard Hillis, and Xi Zhang

Reducing Ambiguity in Controlled-Source Electromatic (CSEM) Inversion
by Andrew M. Lockwood

Active Seepage Detection, Identification and Correlation Using Geophysical and Geochemical Methods, Yampi Shelf, Australia
by G.A. Logan, Gregg J. Brunskill, E. Grosjean, K.A. Burns, N. Rollet, A.T. Jones, J.M. Kennard, and B. Opdyke

Ordovician Sedimentation in the Shackleton Range: Post-Orogenic Basin Development in the East Antarctic Sector of Gondwana
by Simon A. Lomas

Determination of Sedimentary Palaeotransport Directions in the Subsurface: A Critical Appraisal
by Simon Lomas

Is Repeatable Noise Acceptable in 4-D Seismic?
by Andrew S. Long

Stochastic Monte-Carlo Simulations of Overpressure Probability Distribution in the Halten Terrace Area, Offshore Norway
by Ane Elisabet Lothe and Are Tшmmerеs

Rapid Basin Evaluation Across Large Regions as a Basis for Play Analysis
by Tom S. Loutit and Jane Blevin

Impact of Geologically Instantaneous/High-Speed Events on the Distribution of Fluids within Great Sedimentary Wedges
by Allen Lowrie and David T.King

Tectonic Model for Closure of Tethys Ocean and Development of Caucasus Mountains, Republic of Georgia, with Possible Maintenance of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
by Allen Lowrie and David T. King

Bayu-Undan – Full Field Reservoir Modeling in a Re-Cycled Gas Reservoir
by Tito Lozada, Greg Thiesfield, Dag Sanner, and David R.Mabee

Business Drivers and Technology Advances in 4-D Seismic Monitoring
by David Lumley

Simulations of Migration in Heterogeneous Carriers
by Xiaorong Luo, Liuping Zhang, Ruiyin Chen, Jian Yu, Yang Yang, and Bo Zhou

Research Well Data from an Outcrop Analogue Study, Permian Basin Floor Fans, Tanqua-Karoo Basin (South Africa): An Aid for the Development of Fine-Grained Turbidite Reservoirs
by Stefan M. Luthi, David Hodgson, Cees R. Geel, Stephen Flint, and Jan Willem Goedbloed

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Petroleum Geology of the Northeastern Sichuan Basin and the Characteristics of Puguang Gas Field, China
by Yongsheng Ma, Tonglou Guo, and Xunyu Cai

A Fiber Optic Permanent Reservoir Monitoring System
by Steve Maas and Rune Tenghamn

Probabilistic OOIP Assessment and Reservoir Characterization Workflow used for Lianzi Development, Angola/Congo 14/K A IMI Unit
by Kathleen Elizabeth Mabe and Luis Fernandes

The Petroleum Potential of Antarctica
by David I.M. Macdonald

Topographic and Tectonic Controls on Late Palaeozoic Deglaciation of Gondwana
by David I.M. Macdonald and Ben Kneller

Controlled Source Electromagnetic Imaging in Complex Environments
by Lucy MacGregor and Anthony Greer

Dolomitization and Hydrothermal Alteration by Long-Distance Migration of Gypsum and Halite Brines in the Devonian Clarke Lake Gas Field, British Columbia, Canada
by Hans G. Machel and Jeff Lonnee

Realizing the Potential of Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
by Steven I. Mackie, Chris Smith, and Matthew Welsh

Hydrocarbon Systems within the Ragay Gulf, Southeast Luzon Province, Philippines
by Philip J. MacLaurin, Geoffrey Bennett, Edgar Cutiongco, and James Parkin

Low Permeability Triassic Gondwana Reservoirs of Mandapeta Graben, Krishna-Godavari Basin, India
by Syamalendu Mahanti, A.K Nayal, A.K. Mathur, and S.R Anand

Structures,Kinematics and Petroleum System of the Algerian Deepwater Offshore
by Slimane Mahfoud and Saadallah Nabil

Geological History of the Late Mesozoic Phu Quoc Basin and the Related Petroleum System
by Le Chi Mai, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Anh Duc, Lars Henrik Nielsen, and Ta Thi Thu Hoai

Diagenetic Modeling to Assess the Relative Timing of Quartz Cementation and Brittle Grain Processes During Compaction
by Astrid Makowitz, Rob Lander, and Kitty Milliken

Petroleum Systems of the Pattani and North Malay Basins, Gulf of Thailand
by Komut Maneechai and Rui Lin

Pladang Q Survey: High-Resolution Seismic Technology and Its Application in the Gulf of Thailand
by Komut Maneechai and Michael C.M. Tang

Integrating Ichnology, Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy to Delineate Incised Fluvio-Estuarine Valleys and Shoreface-Offshore Complexes in an Early Palaeozoic Basin of Northwest Argentina
by M. Gabriela Mangano and Luis Buatois

Catalytic Gas in Marine Shales
by Frank Mango and Daniel Jarvie

Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Data from the Papua New Guinea Highlands – an Integrated Methodology
by Geoff Mansfield, Peter Southwell, and Keith Bradey

Quantifying Undiscovered Oil and Gas Potential in theTaranaki Basin Using a GIS Based Bayesian Probability Spatial Analysis Approach
by Beatrice V. Mare-Jones

Compressional Previous HitAnisotropyTop: Understanding Sonic Logs in Non-Vertical Wells
by Jennifer Market and Wyatt Canady

Predicting Large-Scale Clastic Depositional Systems Using Global Ocean-Atmosphere, Tide and Wave Models: Modern and Maastrichtian Compared
by Paul J. Markwick, Roger Proctor, Paul J. Valdes, Judith Wolf, and John M. Jacques

Stochastic 3-D Modeling for Supporting the Santa Barbara – Pirital Full Field Compositional Simulation, Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by Hector Jose Marquez, Luis Guaiquirian, and Jeff Bayless

Australian Gondwanan Petroleum Systems
by Elizabeth Marshall, Sarah Haggas, and Paul Rheinberg

Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Non-Marine to Marginal Marine Sequence Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the Rankin Trend and Surrounds, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Neil G. Marshall, R. Kirk, S. Lang, R.J. Seggie, and D.B. Alsop

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tithonian Marine Sediments within the Laterally Confined Rift Settings of the Dampier Sub-Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by Neil G. Marshall, M. Partington, G. DiToro, and P. Robinson

High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Deepwater Miocene Reservoirs of the Chinguetti, Banda, and Tiof Fields, Offshore Mauritania
by Neil G. Marshall, G. Smith, T. Meckel, P. Ventris, T. Robertson, J. Rexilius, O. Varol, S. Powell, R. Howe, and J. Jakovoides

Ice-Sheet Dynamics of the Late Palaeozoic Glaciation in West Australia and Oman: Constraining Palaeogeographic and Sedimentological Models with Provenance Analysis
by Joe R. Martin, Jonathan Redfern, and Brian P.J. Williams

Unlocking the Potential of the Grant Group (Canning Basin, West Australia), Part of the Gondwanan Glaciogenic Hydrocarbon Province
by Joe R. Martin, Jonathan Redfern, and Brian P.J. Williams

(Palaeo)-Geomorphology of Carbonate Platform Slopes and Deepwater Coral Reefs
by Jose Luis Massaferro, Gregor P. Eberli, Karina Miguel Arrieche, Ana Sanz, Mark Grasmueck, and Thiago Correa

Seychelles and the Western Indian Ocean Palaeo-Reconstruction by Recourse to Biomarker Assemblages from Sigificant Oil Accumulations and Shows in the Present Day Indian Ocean Margin
by Chris Matchette-Downes and Eddie Belle

Distribution and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Gondwana Basin in India
by Tarun Kumar Mathuria

Seismic Identification of Facies within the Kapuni Group, Taranaki, New Zealand
by Eric Matthews

Do Listric Fault Exist in Salt Tectonics?
by Thomas Mauduit

Gravity Driven Deformation on Passive Margins – Is Analogue Modeling the Ultimate Tool?
by Thomas Mauduit

Deltaic Petroleum Systems – a Different Perspective
by Peter J. McCabe

Rigorous Approach to Geological Analysis of Petroleum Potential in Frontier Basins: Dealing with Risk in Regions of Great Uncertainty
by Peter J. McCabe and Donald L. Gautier

Reconciling Contiguous Permian-Jurassic Deep and ShallowWater Facies, East Timor
by Eujay McCartain and David Haig

4-D Evolution of Fold and Thrust Belts
by Ken McClay, Jose De Vera, and P. Whitehouse

Modeling Expelled Petroleum Fluids from Coals
by Niall McCormack, Andy Pepper, and Mike Adams

The Ultimate Expellable Potential of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Coals of the Great South Basin, New Zealand
by Niall McCormack, Jennifer Wolters, and Rob Funnell

Recognition, Analysis and Interpretation of Disturbed Deep-Marine Successions from Borehole Images
by Roderick M. McGarva, Adam J. Styles, and Deborah A. Walker

Deepwater Depositional Phase Diagram: A Strategy for Predicting the Architecture of Deepwater Reservoirs Considering Slope Gradient and Clay Percentage
by Tim R. McHargue

From Ichnofabric to Reservoir Model – a Tide Dominated Delta Front Succession from the Lajas Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Duncan McIlroy and Nikki Tonkin

Investigating the Effects that Animals have on Sediment Properties
by Duncan McIlroy and Ginette Rafuse

Understanding Reservoir Architecture: Combining Continuous Fluid Facies Mapping, Pressure Measurements, Downhole Fluid Analysis, and Geochemical Analyses
by Daniel McKinney, Hani Elshahawi, Oliver Mullins, Lalitha Venkatramanan, Matthew Flannery, Mohamed Hashem, and Chris Platt

A Global Toolkit for Maximizing Production from Shallow Litharenite Gas Reservoirs: A Case History from the Vidora Field, Southwest Saskatchewan, Canada
by Brian McKinstry, James Lee, Paul Gagnon, and Rich Wade

Residual Oil Analysis Reveals Complex Filling History of Multi-Reservoir Fields in the Southwestern Cooper Basin, South Australia
by D.M. McKirdy, K.R. Arouri, L. Schwark, and P.J. Boult

Integration of Outcrop and Seismic Data to Delineate a Structural Devonian Carbonate Reservoir in the Rocky Mountains of Northeast British Columbia, Canada
by Ross A. McLean and Don L. Buscarello

Observations and Thoughts on Sands Associated with Mass Transport Deposits
by Trey Meckel

Geologic Evolution of Unstable, Unconfined Slopes
by Trey Meckel, J.A. Robertson, and Laurent Bourdon

The Wafra Maastrichtian Reservoir, Partitioned Neutral Zone (Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) – Reservoir Description, Stochastic Modeling, and Dynamic Simulation
by W. Scott Meddaugh, Stewart Griest, Dennis W. Dull, Raymond A. Garber, Arturo J. Contreras, Ritesh Sablock, and W.W. (Bill) Todd

High Impact Palynological Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration in Indian Petroliferous Basins – A Summary
by Naresh C. Mehrotra

Sequence Stratigraphy of an Eolian Gas Sand: Layering in the Permian Unayzah, a Reservoir at South Ghawar, Eastern Saudi Arabia
by John Melvin and Christian J. Heine

The Glacial and Post-Glacial Character of the Lower Unayzah Formation in the Subsurface of East-Central Saudi Arabia
by John Melvin and Ronald A. Sprague

Anatomy of an Ordovician Glacial Palaeovalley Near Tabuk, Northwest Saudi Arabia
by John Melvin, Owen Sutcliffe, and Thomas Ferebee

Multiple Provenances: The Role of the Hinterland Sediment Composition on Predicting Reservoir Quality – an Example from the Western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia
by Saju Menacherry, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, and Simon. C Lang

Magnetic Electrokinetics: A Key to Monitoring Fluid Flow in Reservoirs
by Mike F. Middleton and Helen Anderson

Source Rock Studies of the Pedirka Basin, Australia
by Mike F. Middleton, Charles E. Barker, and John Heugh

Glacial Play Types in the Pedirka Basin, Australia
by Mike F. Middleton and John Heugh

From Play to Prospect: Petrobras Exploratory Effort in a Huge and Complex Gondwanan Province, the Paranб Basin of Southern Brazil
by E.J. Milani and A.B. Franзa

Application of Time-Lapse Geochemistry (TLG) for Reservoir Surveillance at the Horn Mountain Field in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Alexei V. Milkov, Leon I. Dzou, Evelyn M. Goebel, Allen Kutch, and David A. Fisher

Petrographic Characterization of Chemical Reactions in Clastic Diagenesis
by Kitty Milliken and Anthony J. Park

The Kikeh Field, Sabah, East Malaysia
by Christopher J. Milton

Structural Style of the Lower Cretaceous in the Woolsthorpe-Cobden Region, Western Victoria, Australia, and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Central Onshore Otway Basin
by Minarwan and Michael Hall

Environmental, Social, and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA): A Systematic Process for Assessing and Minimizing Potential Impacts of Major Capital Projects Worldwide, with an Example from the LNG Business
by Greg Minnery

Pore Pressure Modeling in the Cachar Area of Assam, India
by Premanand Mishra, Neeraj Kumar, Paul Lovatt-Smith, Steve Robinson, and David Waghorn

Evidence for Polyphase Deformation in the Cachar Fold-Thrust Belt of Lower Assam, India: Implications for State of Stress in the Area
by Premanand Mishra, Neeraj Kumar, Paul Lovatt-Smith, and David Waghorn

An Integrated Evaluation of Geoscientific Data to bring out Hydrocarbon Entrapment Model of South Nagapattinam Subbasin, Cauvery Basin, India
by Tapas Mitra, Jayanita Baral, Sukumar Pahari, and Ashish Ghosh

Study of Rift Related Transfer Zones and Their Influence on Sedimentation Pattern in North Cambay Basin, India
by Tapas Mitra, Aloke Moitra, and Ravindra S. Mishra

Stranded Accumulations Held in Retention Leases: Improving Subsurface Knowledge is the Key to Commercial Viability
by Shige Miyazaki

From Source to Sink – a Depositional Model for Upper Slope Canyons in the Lower Tertiary-Campos Basin, Brazil
by Ulrich Moeller, Rick Culpan, Markus Schleicher, Rogerio L. Fontana, and Andy Phipps

Integrated Modeling Workflow for an Explicit Representation of the Fracture Network: Present Limitations and Perspectives
by Laure Moen-Maurel, Andrй Toublanc, and Francois Gouth

Improving Recovery Factors in Central Sumatra Basin Indonesia Shaly Sand Reservoirs by Horizontal Drilling
by Hendar Suharnoko Moestopo, Gary Jacobs, Komar Edi Purwanto, and Bambang Nursyahid

Tectono-Structural of the Main Sudanese Interior Basin
by Imam A. Mageed Mohamed

New Biostratigraphic and Seismic Correlations for the Vlaming Sub-Basin, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia
by Eric DFA Monteil, Andrew A. Krassay, Irina Borissova, Chris Nicholson, Mike MacPhail, and Chris J. Boreham

Geologic Modeling of the Gorgon Gas Field Using a Multi-Point Statistics and Facies Distribution Models: Investigating the Impact of Seismically Unresolvable Sandy Bodies
by P. Montgomery, N. Miller, A.C. Villella, R. Root, T. Munckton, M. Whelan, and J. Roche

Late Triassic Pre-Rift Stratigraphy of the Gorgon Gas Field: Establishing Appropriate Depositional Analogues as Constraints for Geologic Modeling
by P. Montgomery, N. Miller, A.C. Villella, R. Root, J. Roche, and T. Munckton

Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy: A Better Approach to Unravel and Predict Reservoir-Quality Evolution of Sandstones
by Sadoon Morad and Marcelo Ketzer

3-D Mechanical Modeling of Basins with Underworld
by Louis Moresi, Dietmar Muller, and David Abramson

Stratigraphic and Sedimentary Sequence of a Large Pleistocene Glacigenic Tunnel Valley, Lake Geneva, Switzerland: Relevance for Hydrocarbon Plays and Reservoir Characterisation
by Andrea Moscariello, Andre Pugin, Walter Wildi, and Georges Gorin

Advances on 3-D Characterization of Fluvial Reservoirs Using a Process-Based Modeling Approach: Examples from the Permian Gharif Formation, Oman
by Andrea Moscariello, Yann Dexcote, Cedric Beaudelot, Isabelle Cojan, Jacques Rivoirard, Xavier Le Varlet, Jonathan Pugh, and Rene-Charles Remondot

The Triassic in Syria: An Overview — Lithostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Correlations with Adjacent Areas
by Mikhail Mouty

Stable Isotope Signatures in Carbonates as a Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by Anne Mueller, Helen McGregor, Michael K. Gagan, and Janice M. Lough

Himalayan Frontal Fold-Thrust Belt, Northwest India: Geometry, Structural Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospects
by Dilip Kumar Mukhopadhyay and Premanand Mishra

Constraining Eustatic Sealevel Variations and Palaeoclimate through Reconstructions of Palaeobathymetry and Continental Topography
by Dietmar Muller, Maria Sdrolias, and John You

Application of Probabilistic Fault Seal Analysis in the Estimation of Reserves of the South Furious Field, Sarawak, Malaysia
by Titus Murray, Nick Turner, Greg Christie, and Gill Kovack

Understanding the Stress Dependence of Velocity in Unconsolidated Sands
by Michael T. Myers and Lori A. Hathon

Return to top


Fracture Characterization of Malampaya Field, Offshore Northwest Philippines
by Wayne Narr, Updesh Singh, and Arman Vahedi

In Situ Stress Determination and Related Wellbore Features from Image Logs of the Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf
by Marie Neubauer, Richard Hillis, and Scott Reynolds

Aspects of the Geological Structures and Petroleum Resources of the Malay-Tho Chu Basin, Offshore Vietnam
by Nguyen Thu Huyen, Tai Phung Sy, Nguyen Anh Duc, Mai Le Chi, and Lars Henrik Nielsen

Aspects of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Phu Khanh Basin, Offshore Central Vietnam, South China Sea
by Lars Henrik Nielsen, Anders Mathiesen, Michael Bryld Wessel Fyhn, Jшrgen Bojesen-Koefoed, Henrik I. Petersen, Hans P. Nytoft, Lars Ole Boldreel, Ian Reid, Nguyen Anh Duc, Le Dinh Thang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Thi Dau, Dang Thu Houng, Hoang Anh Tuan, Le Van Hien, and Ioannis Abatzis

Integrated Analysis and Modeling of Geological Basins in Vietnam and an Assessment of Their Hydrocarbon Potential: Scopes and Results of Phase 1 and 2 of the ENRECA-Project
by Lars Henrik Nielsen, Ioannis Abatzis, Nguyen Anh Duc, Nguyen Hong Minh, Phung Sy Tai, L.O. Boldreel, Henrik I. Petersen, Jorgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Hans P. Nytoft, Anders Mathiesen, Le Dinh Thang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, N.T. Dau, Dang Thu Houng, Hoang Anh Tuan, L.V. Hien, Michael Bryld Wessel Fyhn, Ian Reid, Eva B. Lundsteen, and Finn Mшrk

Characteristics of Deepwater Deposits from Outcrops: Depositional Models and Processes, Architectural Elements, and Statistics
by Tor H. Nilsen, Roger D. Shew, Gary S. Steffens, and Joseph J.R. Studlick

Exploration Data Integration: An Effective Data Re-engineering Process for New Petroleum Plays in Gulf Offshore Basins
by Shastri Lakshman Nimmagadda, Kalyan Chakraborty, Mubarak Al-Hajeri, and Jayanta Ray

New Technologies in Mature Gulf Basins – Multidimensional Modeling of Ontologically Derived Historical Petroleum Exploration Data Properties for Effective Basin Knowledge Mapping
by Shastri Lakshman Nimmagadda, Heinz Dreher, Elizabeth Chang, and Mohammad Rajab

Application of Integrated Geophysical Strategies in the Albertine Graben and Its Petroleum Potentiality
by Shastri Lakshman Nimmagadda, Reuben Kashambuzi, Ernest Rubondo, and Robert Kasande

Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of Majalengka-Bumiayu Transpression Basin, Java Island, Indonesia
by Dardji Noeradi, Eddy A. Subroto, Handoyo E. Wahono, Eddy Hermanto, and Yahdi Zaim

Implications of Models for Opening of the South Atlantic on Geometry and Timing of Salt Deposition
by Ian Norton and Steve May

The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami: Understanding a Unique Geohazard
by Ian O. Norton and Leonard P. McDonnell

Unayzah-C Reservoir: A Late Carboniferous to Early PermianPeriglacial Sandstone Filling Hercynian Palaeotopography
by A. Kent Norton and Allen Neville

Permian to Cretaceous Palaeogeographic Evolution and Petroleum Systems of the Northern Margins of the Australian Plate
by Martin S. Norvick

Tubular Carbonate Concretions as Subsurface Indicators of Cold Seep Systems and Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways: Examples from North Island, New Zealand
by Stephanie L. Nyman, Cam Nelson, Kathy Campbell, and Peter Kamp

Return to top


Recent Seismic Results and Exploration of a Deepwater Foldbelt, South Falkland Basin, South Atlantic
by H. Obee and B. Farrer

A New Approach to Reservoir Prediction in Mature Basins: An Example from the Central Fields, Cooper Basin, Southwest Queensland, Australia
by Karalee O’Brien

Isotopically Light Methane Expelled from Thermogenic Mature Coal! What Is Going on?
by Sverre Ekrene Ohm and Dag Arild Karlsen

Usari BQI Paradigm Shift: 7,000 to 45,000 BOPD in 9 Months, Offshore Nigeria
by Olabisi A. Olopade, William R. Brock, Yemi Adeniji, Jeffery P. Linscott, Folarin Alege, Sam Agara, and Li-Kuan Chen

Estimating CO2 Saturation from Resistivity Change for Monitoring CO2 Sequestration
by Kyosuke Onishi, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Ziqiu Xue, Kazuhiko Tsukada, Yasuhiro Yamada1, and Toshifumi Matsuoka

The Impact of Fault Properties on Reservoir Production Behaviour
by U.O. Onyeagoro, F.F. Van der Vlugt, and S.J. Naruk

Deepwater Lithofacies Prediction from Seismically Derived Estimates of Porosity and Clay
by Shauna Oppert and Michael Farrell

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Deep Regional Fluid Flow in the Northeastern Flank of the Williston Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration
by Daniele D. Palombi and Ben Rostron

Oil Source Correlation and Petroleum System Models in the Halar Basin, Inner Mongolia, NE China
by Xiongqi Pang, Sumei Li, and Maowen Li

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pearl River Deep-water Fan Systems, South China Sea
by Xiong Pang, Changmin Chen, Ming Zhu, Yu Shu, Min He, Jun Shen, and Shiyong Lian

Mass-Balance Approach to Clastic Sediment Diagenesis Modeling: Feldspar and Calcite Interaction
by Anthony J. Park and Kitty Milliken

A Decade of 4-D Seismic Monitoring in the North Sea
by Ronald S. Parr

The Donkey Bore Syncline, South Australia – an Outcrop Analogue of a Deepwater Sediment-Filled Salt-Withdraw Mini-Basin
by Tobias H.D. Payenberg, Simon C. Lang, Mark, R.W. Reilly, Blaise Fernandes, Carmen Krapf, and Nathan Ceglar

A Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Survey of the “XYZ” Discovery Offshore “ABC” in West Africa
by David G. Peace, A.N. Other, Kambiz Safinya, Ransom Reddig, and Andrea Zerilli

Land Electromagnetic Techniques for Prospect Identification, Evaluation and De-Risking
by David G. Peace, Andrea Zerilli, Ransom Reddig, and Arnold Orange

An Ichnological and Sedimentological Facies Model for Mud-Dominated Inner-Estuarine Deposits, Bay of Fundy, Canada
by Nadine J. Pearson, Murray Gingras, and George Pemberton

Depositional Environments, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Characteristics of Gondwana Sediments in Dhansiri Valley Area, Assam, India
by Narender Pendkar, M.H. Basavaraju, P.S.Kataki, and K.C.Das

Fluid Properties: Density and Interfacial Tension (IFT) - Quantitative Impact on Petroleum Column Capacity Evaluation in Exploration and Production
by Andy Pepper

The Petroleum Geology of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
by Michael C. Pereira-Rego and Nicholas Cameron

New Exploration Understanding from the Ruvuma Block (Tanzania), and Its Regional Significance
by Michael C. Pereira-Rego and Nicholas Cameron

High Frequency Palaeoclimate Analysis: Impact on Climate Research and Exploration Strategy
by Martin Perlmutter andThomas Moore

Oil Generation Capacity and Expulsion Window of Humic Coals of Different Age: Implications for Deep Exploration
by Henrik I. Petersen and Hans P. Nytoft

Development Well and Execution Planning in a Complex Subsurface Environment – the Impact of Large and Small Scale Modeling on Well Deliverability
by Giles Philip, Steve Twartz, and Jeromy E. DePledge

Carbon Isotope Proxy for the Discrimination of Eustatic from Transgressive-Regressive Changes in Accommodation Space for Carbonate Ramps: Oxfordian Smackover of Alabama, U.S.A. Example
by Kulwadee Pigott, Michael Engel, Richard P. Philp, and John D. Pigott

Geovalidating Basin Models of Yo-Yo Tectonics – Example: Wadi El-Natrun Basin, West Nile, Egypt
by John D. Pigott and Ali Sadek

Occurrence of Coal Seam Methane in South African Coal Seams and Igneous Intrusions in Karoo Basin
by Kaydy Pinetown, Abouna Saghafi, and Phil Grobler

The Majunga Basin of Madagascar – Review of Petroleum Systems and Exploration Potential
by Theodhora Piperi and Didier Arbouille

The Frasnian-Famennian Boundary in the Canning Basin Western Australia
by Phillip E. Playford, G. Klapper, R.M. Hocking, and R.T. Becker

Strike Variability and Cyclicity of Upper Devonian (Famennian) Foreslopes, Canning Basin, Northwest Australia
by Ted E. Playton and Charles Kerans

Will Stratigraphic Traps Rejuvenate an Aging Cooper Basin in Central Australia?
by Phillip S. Plummer and Irwan Djamaludin

Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Oligocene to Miocene Carbonate Buildups, Offshore Madura, Indonesia
by Henry W. Posamentier, Priscilla Laurin, and Julie Kupecz

Processes Associated with Meandering Channel Migration in Deepwater Systems Based on 3-D Seismic and Outcrop Data
by Henry Posamentier and De Ville Wickens

Extent and Limit of Gondwana in East Coast Pericratonic Basins of India and Their Hydrocarbon Potential
by Bijai Prasad and S.Nanjuda Swamy

Successful Identification of Depleted Sands Utilizing a Formation Tester While Drilling Tool
by Mark A. Proett and Peter Kowalchuk

Correlation and Sedimentary Steering to Maximize Well Placement Certainty in Mature Reservoirs While Drilling
by Jeremy Prosser, stephen Morris, and Jeremy Lofts

Basement Control on Basin Evolution in Northwestern Australia
by Lynn L. Pryer and Karen Romine

Unstable Clastic Margins: Play Fairways and Links to Deepwater Systems
by Andrew J. Pulham, Trevor E. Elliott, and Joseph C. Fiduk

The Seismic Image of Devonian Reefs in the Canning Basin, Australia: An Historical Review
by Peter G. Purcell

Low-Latitude Ordovician Glacial Sediments of Gondwana: Reservoir Quality Prediction across the Saharan Platform
by Gregg Pyke and Jonathan Redfern

Return to top


Assessment of the Sustainable Development of PetroleumResources in China
by Zhongjian Qiu and Hui Fang

Exploration of the Miocene Turbidite Play Fairway, Offshore Palawan Basin, Philippines
by Paul Quaife

Predicting Magnetic Resonance Permeability and Porosities from Triple Combo Data for Cost Effective Field Development
by John A. Quirein, Jeff Grable, and Tegwyn Perkins

Spectral Detection of Oil and Gas Seeps on the Ocean Using Airborne and Satellite Sensors
by Andrzej P. Radlinski

Midrikah Field: An Example of a Combined Structural and Stratigraphic Trap in Saudi Arabia
by Peter D. Rafferty

New Approach Using Acoustic Impedance Modeling for Reservoir Sand Identification in Brown Field Area: A Case Study for Besitang Field, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
by Rusalida Raguwanti, R. Andi Wisnu, Zulkifli Abubakar, Made Oka Iriana, Ory Sadjati, and Slamet Riadhy

Exploration Potential of Offshore Southern Dent Peninsula, Sabah, Northeast Borneo
by Zulhaimi A. Rahman, Robert Wong, and Peter Barber

Petroleum Systems of the Philippines: Service Contract 47, Offshore Mindoro
by Ramlee Abdul Rahman, Azmir Zamri, and Paul Joseph Reyes Bernabe

Undiscovered Resources and Play Analysis in the Norwegian Barents Sea
by Abryl O. Ramirez, Erling Kvadsheim, Per Blystad, and Gunnar Sшiland

Interactive Assessment of the Sensitivity of Well Logs to Static and Dynamic Petrophysical Properties of Rock Formations
by Thaimar Rocio Ramirez, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Hee Jae Lee, and Gong Li Wang

Pictorial Geology of the Evolution of East Coast of India during Mesozoics with Special Reference to Krishna Godavari Basin
by Sushma Rawat

Evolution of Riftogenic Stratigraphic Sequences in MultiSegmented Rift Basin: It’s Role in Evolution of Petroleum Systems of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India
by Sushma Rawat and K.B. Trivedi

Reservoir Modeling and Geosteering: A Synergistic Approach
by Jayanta Ray

Facies, Outcrop Gamma Ray and Isotopic Signature of Exposed Miocene Subtropical Continental Shelf Carbonates, North West Cape, Western Australia
by J. Frederick Read, L.B. Collins, J.W. Hogarth, and B.P. Coffey

Resolving Climatic and Tectonic Controls on Grant Group Deposition, Evidence from Sedimentological and Seismic Analysis
by Jonathan Redfern, Joe R. Martin, and Brian P.J. Williams

The Perseus Field, North West Shelf – a Sleeping Beauty Awakes
by Etienne Reding, Steve Abernethy, Dave Boardman, and Peter Carter

Predicting Fault and Top Seal Behaviour: Examples of Static and Dynamic Sealing from the Exploration to the Production Phase
by Paul Reemst and Gary Ingram

Testing Geomechanical Models of Deformation Associated with an Evolving Reef Margin, Capitan System (Permian), Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A
by Phillip G. Resor and Eric A. Flodin

Canyon Formation on Clinoform Foresets of a Progradin Eocene-Miocene Carbonate Shelf, Offshore Northwest Australia
by Lars Reuning, Peter Kukla, and Stefan Back

Deepwater Offshore Southwest Palawan - a Major New Petroleum Province Beckoning (?)
by Raymundo A. Reyes, Philip M. Rimando, Ruben M. Gan, and Dennis V. Panganiban

Production Heterogeneity in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Datafrom Fort Liard
by Kenneth C. Richards

Australia’s Southern Margin: A Significant Deepwater Exploration Frontier
by Stephen M. Rigby and Mark L. Taylor

Risk Assessment of Long-Term Containment of CO2 in Geological Storage Projects
by Andy Rigg, Adrian Bowden, and Maxwell Watson

High-Resolution Quaternary Reservoir Analogues from the Northern New South Wales Shelf
by Jason J. Roberts and Ron Boyd

De-Risking Deepwater Sarawak with Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Imaging
by Kevin M. Robinson, Andrew Thomas, Paul Baltensperger, William Schneider, Alan J. Finlay, Chandra Velu, and Paula Hix

Soil Gas Sampling to Verify Geomechanical Probability of Fault Reactivation
by Claire Rogers, Maxwell N. Watson, Peter J. Van Ruth, and R.R. Hillis

The Evolution of a Holocene Barrier Estuary Revealed through Multivariate Analysis of Sediment Properties, Tuggerah Lake, New South Wales, Australia
by Timothy C. Rolph, Claudia Schrцder-Adams, C. Gregory Skilbeck, Ron Boyd, and Jennifer A. Wadsworth

Measuring What We Think We’ll Find: A 20-Year Perspective on E&P Risk Analysis
by Peter R. Rose

Risk Analysis of Exploration Plays: Retrospective and Prospective
by Peter R. Rose

Reservior Modeling of In-Reservoir Biodegradation Explains Composition of Mixed Oil
by Andrew Stuart Ross, Paul Farrimond, Steve Larter, Gordon Love, and Michael Erdmann

Using Planned Sidetracks to Efficiently Explore Lower Congo Basin Deepwater Miocene Play: Reducing Exploration Risk and Appraisal Uncertainty, Angola’s Block 14
by Joy Roth, Nelson Pacavira, and Paula Joao

The Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Bremer Sub-Basin – a Potential Deepwater Petroleum Province on Australia’s Southwest Margin
by Damien J. Ryan, Robin P.D. O’Leary, Chris J. Nicholson, Barry E. Bradshaw, and Chris J. Boreham

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CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Methane Recovery with Respect to Gas Reservoir Properties of Australian Coals
by Abouna Saghafi and Mohinudeen Faiz

Coalbed Methane Exploration in Sumatra, Indonesia
by Abouna Saghafi and Imam B. Sosrowidjojo

Tectono-Sedimentation Model and Hydrocarbon Potential of Gondwana Sediments in Pranhita Godavari and Krishna Godavari Basins, India
by Anima Deka Saikia, Santanu De, Saumitra Gupta, N.S Rana, and R.K Phukan

Gas Exploration in the Offshore North Sumatra Basin
by Sonny Sampurno, Benny Eza, John Grant, and Chris Atkinson

Intra-Delta Versus Sub-Delta Sourcing of Petroleum – a Global Review
by O.J. Samuel, G.D. Abbott, and C. Cornford

Integrating Peer Review and Lookbacks into Risk Analysis and Decision Making
by David E. Sanders and Chris Cheatwood

Coal Resources and Coalbed Methane Potential in South Australia
by Alan Sansome, Lisa Nitschke, and Peter Tingate

Palaeogene Tectonics Evolution and Sedimentation of East Java Basin: A Future Hydrocarbon Exploration Target
by Benyamin Sapiie, Agus Handoyo Harsolumakso, and Sukendar Asikin

New Insight on Tectonic of Central Java, Indonesia and Its Petroleum Implications
by Awang H. Satyana

Insights into the Genetic Controls on Production Performance of Deepwater Reservoirs: Analogies from Quaternary Case Studies
by Bruno Savoye, R.T. Beaubouef, and T.R. Garfield

Assessment and Sensitivity Considerations of a Potential Storage Site for Carbon Dioxide: A Queensland Case Study
by Jacques Sayers, Cameron Marsh, Adam Scott, Yildiray Cinar, John Bradshaw, Allison Hennig, Stuart Barclay, and Ric Daniel

The Fold and Thrust Belt Offshore Northern Sumatra
by Allan D. Scardina

Deep Structure of the Argentine and Conjugated South African Continental Margins
by Michael Schnabel, Dieter Franke, Stefan Grassmann, Soenke Neben, Volkmar Damm, Hugo Pelliza, and Paulo Ricardo Dos Santos

Evolution of Structural Traps within the Left-Lateral, Obliquely Extending Shipwreck Trough, Otway Basin, Southeast Australia
by Craig L. Schneider and Kevin C. Hill

Leakage Conditions of Rock Salt: Solid Bitumen-Impregnated Rock Salt from the South Oman Salt Basin
by Johannes Schoenherr, Janos L. Urai, Ralf Littke, Peter Kukla, Jean-Michel Larroque, Mark Newall, Nadia Al-Abry, and Zuwena Rawahi

Integrated Petroleum System Analysis of Northwest Palawan, Philippines
by Sven O. Scholten, Andrew A.P. Murray, Piet Lambregts, Andrew J.K. Chan, Peter L. Osterloff, and P. Nicholas Dancer

Managing Exploration Risk: Lessons Learned from Surface Geochemical Surveys and Post-Survey Drilling Results
by Dietmar Schumacher

Geochemical Exploration in Deserts: Strategies for Success
by Dietmar Schumacher, Luis Clavareau, and Daniel Hitzman

Seepage-Induced Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Oil and Gas Fields: Onshore and Offshore Examples
by Dietmar Schumacher and Robert S.Foote

Enhancing Risk Management Using AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management Standard
by Steffi Schwarz

Managing Environmental Risks through the Application of ISO14001: Environmental Management System Standards
by Steffi Schwarz

The Use of Bitumens as a Valuable Tool for the Timing of Charge in Basin Modeling
by Iain C. Scotchman, Will Meredith, Colin E. Snape, and Andrew D. Carr

Self-Organized Breakup of Gondwana
by James W. Sears

Hydrochemical Characterization of Produced Formation Water, and Shallow Aquifers at the Kenmore and Bodalla South Oil Fields, Queensland, Australia
by Katherine Secombe, Mansour Edraki, Thomas Baumgart, and David Mulligan

Integrated Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Rankin Trend Gas Reservoirs, Northwest Shelf, Australia
by R.J. Seggie, David.B Alsop, Chris Cubitt, Robert Kirk, S. Lang, Neil Marshall, and Steve Twartz

Post-Steam Core Analysis: Reservoir Heterogeneity Impact to Steam-Flood, Duri Field, Central Sumatra
by Habash Semimbar, Gantok Subiyantoro, Abdullah Faisal Talib, and Thomas Zalan

Breakup of Eastern Gondwanaland: Genesis of Bangladesh’s Petroleum System
by Abulhasant M. Shamsuddin and John Coleman

CO2-Oil Minimum Miscibility Pressure Predicting Model
by Eissa Mohamed El-M. Shokir

Effect of Pore Pressure on Laminated and Homogenous Rocks Permeability under Hydrostatic and Triaxial Loading
by Eissa Mohamed El-M. Shokir and Abdulrahman A. Al-Quraishi

The Relationship between Recovery Efficiency and Depositional Setting in a Deltaic Plain Environment
by Robert C. Shoup

Facies, Depositional Systems and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, Malaysia
by Ismail Elforjani Shushan, Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman, and Wan Hasiah Abdullah

The Mauddud Reservoir of the Greater Burgan Oil Field: Integrating New Technology to Promote Reserves
by David M. Sibley, Kamal Osman, Tony Lomando, Simon Stonard, Haiqing Wu, Mark Anderson, Hank Graham, Stan Ingram, and Aisha Al-Ghareeb

Proterozoic Hydrocarbon Potential of the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
by Matthew R. Silverman and Jay S. Leaver

Stratigraphic Evolution of Oligocene–Miocene Carbonates and Siliciclastics of East Java Basin, Indonesia
by Toni Simo, Essam Sharaf, Alan Carroll, Martin Shields, Mei Mei Tang, John Naranjo, and Eduard Drajan

Good Decisions Require Firm Geological Foundations
by Graeme S. Simpson, Bernard A. Vining, and Fiona E. Macmillan

A Composite Analysis for Facies Interpretation and Hydrocarbon Identification Using an Advanced Gas Data: A Case Study in Mutiara Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
by Iranta Bona Sinaga, Robert Nikijuluw, and Hamjaya Ilham

Stratigraphic Controls on Production Behaviour: M1-Jintan Carbonate Gas Fields, Offshore Sarawak
by Navpreet Singh, Paul Faehrmann, Rani Koya, and Frank Wolters

Static and Dynamic Modeling of the Malampaya-Camago Gas-Condensate Field, Offshore Northwest Palawan, Philippines Utilizing an Experimental Design Methodology
by Updesh Singh, P. Montgomery, Arman Vahedi, and Alexandre Castellini

Basin Modeling of Hydrocarbon Systems Along the Continental Margin Basins of Angola, Congo, and Brazil
by Phillip R. Smith, Ian O. Norton, Kevin Bohacs, Chris Tapscott, Robert Cunningham, Will B. Maze, and Steve Creaney

The Use of Hydropyrolysis of Oil Asphaltenes to Characterize Mixed Oils from the Clair Field
by Colin E. Snape, Will Meredith, Clement Ugama, Andrew D. Carr, Iain C. Scotchman, and Gordon D. Love

Evolution of Shallow Marine Sedimentary Bodies: A Perspective
by John W. Snedden and Ronald J. Steel

Diverging 3-D Seismic Attributes Characterize Pores and Fluid Fill of Unayzah-A in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
by Taher M. Sodagar and Abdel Fattah M. Bakhiet

Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Three Different Types of Foreland Basins, Central and Western China
by Yan Song

Reservoir Resistivity Mapping Using Nonlinear 3-D Inversion of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Data
by L.J. Srnka, D.E. Willen, J.J. Carazzone, D.A. Pavlov, K.E. Green, and C. Jing

Geochemistry of Western Australian Crude Oils: Use of Carbon Isotope Models to Delineate Active Petroleum Systems
by Linda Stalker, Cindy Barber, Jennifer Van Holst, and Birgitta Hartung-Kagi

The Role of Chemical Tracers in the Monitoring and Verification of Carbon Storage
by Linda Stalker, Chris Boreham, and Ernie Perkins

The Depositional Response to Changes in Sediment Supply and Accommodation Space within a River-Dominated Deltaic System: An Example from the Pyrenees Member, WA-12-R, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia
by Carl Jonathan Stark and Stewart Easton

Gondwana’s Enigmatic Atlantic Twins – Africa and Latin America: Challenges in Realizing their Potential
by Philip H. Stark and Andrew Layman

Depositional Architecture of a Sand-Dominated Turbidite System – Detailed Sedimentological Analysis of the Macedon Member, Permit WA-12-R, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia
by Carl Jonathan Stark, Duncan Lockhart, Fiona Elizabeth Burns, and Stewart Easton

Basin Evaluation: A Tool to Help Assess the Petroleum Prospectivity of Australia’s Offshore Frontiers
by A.E. Stephenson

A Grassroots Search for Practical Standards in Petrophysics
by Martin C. Storey

Unexplored Eastern Part of the Ukrainian Black Sea is a Highly Promising Area for Oil and Gas Prospecting
by Sergiy M. Stovba and Oxana Khriachtchevskaia

Compound-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Ratios of Coalbed Gases in Southeastern Illinois Basin
by Dariusz Strapoc, Maria Mastalerz, Cortland Eble, and Arndt Schimmelmann

New Insights into the Geology and Petroleum Prospectivity of the Northern Arafura Basin, Offshore Northern Australia
by Heike I.M. Struckmeyer, Jennifer M. Totterdell, and Karen L. Earl

Re-evaluation of the Petroleum Potential in Central Java Province, Indonesia: Innovative Approach Using Geochemical Inversion and Modeling
by Eddy A. Subroto, Handoyo E. Wahono, Eddy Hermanto, Dardji Noeradi, and Yahdi Zaim

A Molecular Organic Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Record of Depositional Environment and Organic Influx Changes in a Coaly Sequence: Implications for Coal-Derived Oil Correlation
by Yongge Sun

Sedimentology of Wonosari Carbonates Southern Yogyakarta: Outcrop Study and Petroleum Implications
by Eka Saputra Sunjaya, Aldy Amir, Drianto Sudarmawan, and Awang H. Satyana

Petroleum Potential of the Great South Basin, New Zealand
by Rupert Sutherland and Richard Cook

A Multiple Model Technique for Evaluating the Potential Hydrocarbon Volumes and Risk of an Exploration Prospect
by Chris F.J. Swarbrick, Rob S. Kimmel, Steve D. Jenkins, Peter Leiggi, and Paul M.Harris

Seal Capacity and Trap Risking: A North Sea Case Study
by Richard Swarbrick and Richard Lahann

Facies Model for Recognition of Planar and Raised Mire Coals and Why the Former are More Oil-Prone
by R. Sykes and P.E. Johansen

Capturing the Full Range of Uncertainty – an Overview of One Company’s Integrated Prospect Assessment Practices
by Mark A. Sykes, Steven N. Salzman, Katrina D. Withers, Kenneth C. Hood, and Parke D. Snavely

Unconventional Reservoirs of West Siberia Basin – New Targets of Opportunity
by Pavel Syngaevsky and Sergei Khafizov

Forward Modeling of Outcrop Data – a Tool for Improving Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction in Deepwater Architectural Elements
by Magdalena Szuman, Benjamin Kneller, Mads Huuse, Vanessa Kertznus, Philip Thompson, Matteo Molinaro, and Mason Dykstra

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Probing Fault Zone Heterogeneity on the Nojima Fault: Constraints from Zircon Fission-Track Analysis of Borehole and Trench Samples
by Takahiro Tagami, Masaki Murakami, and Kenji Nagahara

Evaluation of Source Rock Using Well Logs
by Hoda Tahani and Siavash Tarkhan

Remote Sensing, Fuzzy Logic and GIS in Petroleum Exploration
by Seyed Reza Taheri and Alan Tait

Compositional Modeling of Oil to Gas Cracking – Compositional Modeling of Asphaltene and Resin Thermal Degradation
by Yongchun Tang and Barry Katz

Quantitative Assessment of Gas Generation and Gas Typing in Petroleum Systems
by Yongchun Tang, Geoffrey S. Ellis, and Martin Schoell

Sediment Sources and Internal Variability of Miocene Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Systems, East Java, Indonesia
by J.E. Tang, J.A. Simo, and A.R.Carroll

Predicting New Plays in the Carboniferous: Milligans Formation, Bonaparte Basin
by David P. Taylor

Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Adana Basin Based on Sequence Stratigraphy of the Miocene Clastic Sediments, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey
by Serpil Teymur Pince, Ahmet Guven, Yasar Akcay, Ugras Isik, Levent Korpe, Nihal Akca, and Ozgur Temel

Blunder Management and Traceability – the Critical Requirements of the Longterm Value of Data
by Philippe Paul Theys

The “Cossack Pioneer” Oil Fields: New Subsurface Insights after Eleven Years on Production
by Peter P. Thomas

Architecture and Reservoir Properties of Submarine Channels: Outcrop Analogues from the Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation of Canyon San Fernando, Baja California, Mexico
by Philip Thompson, Benjamin Kneller, Mason Dykstra, Katerina Garyfalou, Vanessa Kertznus, and Magdalena Szuman

Present-Day Stress in Sedimentary Basins: Insights from 20 Years of the World Stress Map Project
by Mark Tingay, Birgit Mьller, and John Reinecker

Ichnofabric Analysis, Event Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: Late Miocene Strata, East Cape - Te Araroa, New Zealand
by Nikki Tonkin, K.A. Campbell, and M.R. Gregory

P-T Conditions during Methanogenesis and Oil Filling in Mesozoic Dolostones from the Saramako Oil Field, Southeast Mexico
by Jordi Tritlla, Gilles Levresse, Jacques Pironon, Alex Carrillo-Chavez, Eduardo Gonzalez Partida, S. Teinturier, Hugo Martinez Kemp, Fernando Gonzalez, Miguel Varela, and Lourdes Clara

Structural Style and Its Impact on Trap Formation: A Study from Neem Field, Muglad Basin, Sudan
by K.B. Trivedi, Saif El Islam, and Ranya Elamahi

The Journey of African Plate from Gondwana Assemblage to Present: Signatures on Sediments and Play Potential of Muglad Basin, Sudan – a Sequence Stratigraphic Preview
by K.B. Trivedi and Saif El Islam

Extorting the Subsurface: Development Planning in Vertically-Heterogeneous, Shallow-Marine Reservoirs Using a Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS) Depofacies-Based Geostatistical Simulation Model
by Eric Tuitjer, Jerome Glass, and Barry Markitell

Gulf of Thailand Reservoirs: Reassessing the “Fluvio-Deltaic” Model
by James W. Turner

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Trace Fossils and Palaeoenvironment in Shelf-Margin Clinoforms: An Example from the Central Basin of Spitsbergen
by Alfred Uchman and Ronald J. Steel

Geostatistical Simulation of Electrical Double-Layer Properties of Clay Minerals in Shaly Sand Reservoirs (Cliff Heads Oil Field, Perth Basin, Western Australia)
by Justin O. Ugbo

Reservoir Definition of Pematang Formation in the Upper-Redbed Section in Kelok and Tilan Fields, Central Sumatra Basin - a Recent Exploration Success
by Syafiul Umam and Pujiarko Pujiarko

Gippsland Falling Water Levels: Estimates of Aquifer Recovery Time and Implications for Coastal Subsidence
by James Underschultz, Reem Freij-Ayoub, Richard Leong, Wayne Bailey, and Claus Otto

Hydrodynamic Effects on Membrane Seal Capacity
by James Underschultz

Facies Analysis and Reservoir Characterization of Eocene Carbonates in East of Daman, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India
by Surinder Uppal and Rakesh Raten Sharma

Could New Zealand Join OPEC?
by Christopher I. Uruski

Sub-Basins of the East Coast, North Island, New Zealand
by Christopher I. Uruski

Carbonate Reservoirs Heterogeneity Evaluation and Prediction: The Dnieper-Donets Basin Case Study
by Sergii G. Vakarchuk, Anatoliy M. Koval, Tetyana E. Dovzhok, Volodimir V. Sabetky, and Alexander A. Kitchka

Effects of Multiple Processes on Methylbenzenes in Petroleum
by Ben G.K. Van Aarssen and Trevor P.Bastow

Prospect Identification using AVO Fluid Prediction, Relative and Field-Based Elastic Inversion in Sarawak, Malaysia
by Norbert Van de Coevering, Muhammad Fauzi, Rusdinadar Sigit, and Reza Lasman

Improving Seismic Interpretability by Integrating Well Seismic Data into Processing
by Norbert Van de Coevering, Rusdinadar Sigit, Reza Lasman, Andrew Bisset, George Soosai, Mark Newman, and Ardiek Mahargono

Internal Architecture of a Multi-Sourced, Fine-Grained Fan System in the Tanqua Sub-Basin, Permian Ecca Group, South Africa
by W. Van der Merwe and H. de V. Wickens

The Nature of Clastic Sandstone Intrusions in a Deepwater Environment – Outcrop Examples from the Southwestern Karoo Basin, South Africa
by W. Van der Merwe and H. de V. Wickens

Modeling the Malampaya reservoir: “Top Down” Rather than “Bottoms Up”!
by Jan-Henk Van Konijnenburg and Georg Warrlich

Analysis of an Unanticipated AVO Pitfall, Onshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by Roderick W. Van Koughnet, Beate Leitner, and J.M. Beggs

Can Mass Transport Complexes Form Viable Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Examples from the Silverwood Group, Southeast Queensland, Australia
by Kenrick A.A. van Noord

The Origin of Overpressure in the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia from Porosity-Effective Stress Analysis
by Peter John Van Ruth, Richard Hillis, and Peter Tingate

Fault Reactivation Potential in the Gippsland Basin, Australia: Implications for CO2 Storage
by Peter John Van Ruth, Emma J. Nelson, and Richard R. Hillis

3-D Modeling Study for Supporting Further Development of the M-19 Block, Carabobo Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
by Leonardo Velasquez, Benzaquen Isaac, Jose Fleitas, Zaida Perfecto, Hector Figueroa, and Mauricio Herrera

The ZoNйCo 11 Deep Seismic and Wide-Angle Seismic Survey: Contribution to the Petroleum Potential of Western New Caledonia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
by Roland J. Vially and Yves Lafoy

Input for Carbonate Reservoir Models: Trend Metrics of Modern Platforms and Reef Systems
by Brigitte Vlaswinkel, Paul M. Harris, and Eugene Rankey

Petroleum Charge History of a Stacked Reservoir Offshore Brazilas Inferred from the Distribution and Geochemistry of Petroleum Inclusions
by Herbert Volk, Carlos E.S. Coelho, Simon C. George, Peter J. Eadington, and Andrew S. Ross

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Improving Production from Data-Sparse Fields – Application of Outcrop Analogues for Reservoir Simulation
by Grant D. Wach and Farrukh Akram

A Pleistocene Example of a Forced Regression: Wave-Dominated Shoreface and Back/Barrier Sediments from Forster, Southeast Australia
by Jennifer A. Wadsworth and Ron Boyd

Coal as a Correlation Tool in Terrestrial Sediments
by Jennifer A. Wadsworth, Ron Boyd, and Claus Diessel

Integrated Reservoir Characterization for Evaluating Development Opportunities in Mature Oil and Gas Reservoirs (Miocene Kais Carbonates), Salawati Island, Papua, Indonesia
by Mohamad Wahyudin, Sumuyut Sardjono, Imam Setiawan, Anditya Mt. Ibrahim, Prihadi SA

A New Method for Permeability Prediction in Reservoir Sandstones
by Olav Walderhaug, Arild Eliassen, and Nils Einar Aase

Petroleum Exploration in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China
by Yi Wang, Zhijun Jin, Anlai Ma, and Zhongpei Zhang

Elastic Wave Velocity Model Analyses for Gas-Hydrate Bearing Sediments
by Dong Wang and Xiuming Wang

Sandbody Characterization from Microresistivity Images, Palaeogene Siltstone Reservoir, China
by Da Li Wang, Xuecai Zhang, and Guangjun Chen

Geochemical, Isotopic and Seismic Indicators of Fluid Flow in Pressurized Growth Anticlines and Mud Volcanoes in Modern Deepwater Slope and Rise Sediments of Offshore Brunei
by John K. Warren, Alwyn Chuang, and Ian Cartwright

Characterization of Naturally Fractured Igneous Basement Reservoir, Bach Ho Field, Offshore Vietnam
by John Keith Warren and Trinh Xuan Cuong

CO2 Fault Leakage of the Ladbroke Grove Gas Field: Establishing Potential Loss Rates for CO2 Geological Storage Risk Assessment
by Maxwell N. Watson, Paul J. Lyon, and Jьrgen E. Streit

Natural CO2 Generation, Entrapment and Water-Rock Interaction of the Otway Basin CO2 Accumulations, Australia: Evidence for Optimizing Site Selection for CO2 Geological Storage
by Maxwell N. Watson, Peter R. Tingate, Chris Boreham, and Catherine M. Gibson-Poole

Intuition and Bias in Risk Assessment: Impact and Remediation
by Matthew Brian Welsh, Steve H. Begg, and Reidar Brumer Bratvold

Hydrocarbon Exploration in Ordovician Carbonates, Tarim Basin, Western China
by Shengming Wen, Xukui Feng, Guizhong Wang, and Ping Yang

Advanced down Hole Fluid Analysis
by Stuart Weston

Connecting Oceanic Palaeo-Age Grids with Sunda Trench Kinematics, Slab Window Formation and Overriding Plate Deformation Since the Cretaceous
by Joanne Whittaker, R.D. Mьller, M. Sdrolias, and C. Heine

Heuristic Validation of Probabilistic Neural Network in Reservoir Property Estimation from Seismic
by Adi Widyantoro

The Geometric and Kinematic Evolution of the Deepwater Thrust Folds of Sabah, Northwest Borneo
by Bill Wilks

Reservoir Development of Cenozoic Carbonates in Southeast Asia
by Moyra Wilson

Tectonic Influence on Southeast Asian Carbonate Development during the Cenozoic
by Moyra E.J. Wilson

Best Practices in the Management of Uncertainty in the Upstream – Concepts and Examples
by Katrina D. Withers, Kurt W. Rudolph, Parke D. Snavely, and Aart J. Dronkers

Sequence Stratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of the Malay Basin Unravels New Exploration Plays
by Robert Wong, Mansor Ahmad, Barry Boyce, Shamsuddin Jirin, Jamaal Hoesni, Rob Kirk, Peter Barber, and Robert J. Morley

Prospect Definition in the Papuan Foreland Using Airborne Gravity
by Stephen James Wood and Peter Gunn

2-D Basin Modeling of Three Regional Seismic Profiles from Browse Basin, Northwest Australia
by Richard G. Woodfine, Alan Roberts, Nick Kusznir, Steve Matthews, Andrei Belopolsky, and Cheree Stover

Design and Acquisition of a 4-D Base Survey: A Case Study from the Pyrenees Oil Development, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia
by Jack M. Woodward, Mark Stanley, and Guy Duncan

Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic Carbonate Cements and Implications on Their Diagenetic History, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
by Estee M.S. Woon and Malcolm W. Wallace

4-D Analogue Modeling of Transtensional Pull-Apart Basins
by Jonny Wu, Ken McClay, and Paul Whitehouse

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Palaeo-Water Depth during the Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene in the Northeast Offshore Canning Basin
by Min Xu, Alan Tait, and Mike Middleton

Dynamic Modeling Aspects of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
by Josh-Qiang Xu and Geoff Weir

Quantifying CO2 Saturation from Time-Lapse Well Logging in an Onshore Saline Aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan
by Ziqiu Xue, Jiro Watanabe, and Daiji Tanase

3-D Analogue Experiment and Its Synthetic Seismic Profiles of an Accretionary Prism
by Yasuhiro Yamada, Kazuya Shiraishi, and Toshifumi Matsuoka

Sequestration of Super Critical CO2 and Alteration of Mudstones and Casing Cements: An Experimental Approach
by Yasuhiro Yamada, Daisuke Tanaka, and Sumihiko Murata

Exploration of Low-Permeability Lithological Reservoirs in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China
by Hua Yang

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Eastern Bengal Fan System in Offshore Northwest Myanmar
by Su-Yeong Yang, U. San Lwin, Heungbum Yi, Michelle Kim, and Changwon Lee

An Analysis and Comparison of Real Option Approaches for the Petroleum Investment
by Yanhua Yao, Steve Begg, John Van der Hoek, and Peter Behrenbruch

Chronostratigraphy of the Late Permian Dongara Sandstone, Northern Perth Basin
by Hamish Young

Architecture and Growth History of a Miocene Carbonate Platform: Luconia Province, Malaysia
by Valentina Zampetti, Wolfgang Schlager, Jan-Henk Van Konijnenburg, and Arnout-Jan Everts

Determining the Sequence Architecture of Incised Valley-Fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation through Multi-Well Borehole Image Analyses, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
by Pedram Zarian, Torie Vandeven, and Simon Lomas

Seismic Sedimentology for High-Resolution Reservoir Imaging
by Hongliu Zeng

Seismic Detection of Vuggy Porosity: Example from Lawyer Canyon Outcrop, New Mexico, U.S.A.
by Hongliu Zeng, Fred Wang, Xavier Janson, and Charles Kerans

Oil and Gas Exploration in the Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, China
by Xiaoxian Zhai

Perspectives of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development in China’s Offshore Basins
by Guo-hua Zhang

New Methods for Data Processing in Geochemical Hydrocarbon Exploration and Their Application in Chinese Continent
by Liuping Zhang

The Neogene Meshwork-Carpet Oil and Gas Pooling System in the Jiyang Depression, East China
by Shanwen Zhang

Diagenetic History and Gas Entrapment of the Yulin Gas Field in the Basin-Center Area of the Ordos Basin, Central China
by Liuping Zhang, Guoping Bai, Xiaorong Luo, Xinhua Ma, and Mengjin Chen

Prediction of the Deep Igneous Gas-Bearing Reservoir at Xingcheng Area Outside Daqing Oil Field, China
by Yujin Zhang, Yingshi Bian, Wei Huang, Chuanping Liu, Changhai Yin, Yingjie Hu, Fugong Zhang, and Lingfu Kong

Palaeozoic Reefs and Their Development in the Sichuan Basin, China
by Tingshan Zhang, Xiaohui Chen, and Zhaoyong Jiang

Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems in Tarim Basin, Northwest China: A Geochemical Overview and Perspective
by Shuichang Zhang, Yongge Sun, and Zhaoming Wang

Quantitative Evaluation Techniques for Petroleum Systems and Their Application
by Qing-chun Zhang, Wen-zhi Zhao, and Hui Qu

Sequence Stratigraphy and Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Tremadocian (the Latest Cambrian to Early Ordovician) in the Hunan and Hubei Region, China
by Junming Zhang, Zhiyi Zhou, Xiaowen Sun, Guoxiang Li, Wenwei Yuan, Yunbai Zhang, and Chuanming Zhou

Geochemical Processes Responsible for the Sour Gas Accumulation in the Bohai Bay Basin: A Case Study from the Northern Jinxian Sag
by Shuichang Zhang, Guangyou Zhu, Maowen Li, Jinxing Dai, Yingbo Liang, and Hongbin Liang

Timing of Illite Authigenesis and Oil-Gas Charging Histories of Sandstone Reservoirs within the Tarim Basin, China
by Youyu Zhang, Horst Zwingmann, Andrew Todd, Keyu Liu, and Luo Xiuquan

Formation Mechanisms and Distribution Patterns of a Deep Volcanic Gas Reservoir in Songliao Basin, East China
by Wen-zhi Zhao, Jian-zhong Li, Yan Zhang, and Ming Li

Structural Features and Large Oil and Gas Fields of Kuqa Foreland Basin
by Xinyuan Zhou and Zhaoming Wang

The Tectono-Sedimentary Framework of the Jurassic Carbonate Platform in Atlantic Passive Margin of Morocco
by Mahmoud Zizi and Mohamed Nahim

The Tectono-Sedimentary Framework of Palaeozoic Series in Morocco: Geology and Play Concepts
by Mahmoud Zizi and Ait Salem Abdellah

Characteristics of Chinese Lithostratigraphic Reservoir Traps and Future Exploration
by Cai-neng Zou, Cheng-zao Jia, Wen-zhi Zhao, Shizhen Tao, and Xuanjun Yuan

Gas Migration and Accumulation in the Kelasu Fold-Thrust Belt, Kuche Depression, Tarim Basin, China
by Huayao Zou, Fang Hao, and Guangdi Liu

The Role of Hysteretic Two-Phase Flow Processes During Capillary Leakage
by Peter Zweigel, Arild Moen, Frode Vassenden, and Michael Erdmann

Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality Evaluation Using Combined Petrographic, Isotopic and Geochemical Records
by Horst Zwingmann and Reinhard Gaupp

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