--> AAPG Pacific Section / SPE Western Regional Joint Meeting May 19-24, 2003, Long Beach, California, U.S.A., #90014 (2003).
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AAPG Pacific Section / SPE Western Regional

Joint Meeting

May 19-24, 2003, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.

Search and Discovery Article #90014 (2003).

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.

Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of primary author.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H,I  J  K  L  M  N,O  P,Q  R  S  T,U  V  W,X  Y  Z


Elk Hills - 5 Years Later
by Allen, John
(John Allen, President and General Manager of Occidental of Elk Hills, Inc., will discuss Occidental's successful investment in Elk Hills and the challenges going forward.)

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Growth Strata: An Overview of Kinematic Cyclostratigraphy
by Barbeau, David L.

The Geology of Sand Dunes Found on  San Nicolas Island, California
by Barron, Diana, and Pedro C. Ramirez

Microseismic Fracture Mapping in the N-Shale for Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Wells 344A-5G and 315-4G, Elk Hills Field
by Batory, Bruce

Separating Hydrocarbon and Ground Water Production Effects from Tectonic Contraction Measurements across the Metropolitan Los Angeles, California
by Bawden, Gerald W.

The Monterey Formation of Coastal Orange County, California: Preliminary Sedimentologic and Diagenetic Findings
by Behl, Richard J., Charles T. Herzig, Scott P. Singley, Charlotte T. Deason, Pamela S. Hill, and Olga K. Katsuk

Development of the Monterey Shale with Horizontal Wells, 29r Anticline, Elk Hills, CA (2003)
by Benmore, William C., and Allen B. Luthi

Sacramento Valley, Ca - 'Massaging' Exploratory Concepts and Development Strategies in a Mature Dry Gas Basin
by Blake, Richard G., and Robert G. Lindblom

Fluid Conductivity in the South Ellwood Previous HitFaultNext Hit: Communication between the Ocean and a Hydrocarbon Reservoir at One Kilometer Depth
by Boles, James R., and Steve Horner

Tsunami Hazards Offshore of Southern California
by Borrero, Jose C., Mark R. Legg, and Costas E. Synolakis 

Pliocene Age of the Etchegoin Group, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Bowersox, J. Richard

Reservoir Segmentation in the Complexly Folded, Faulted, and Fractured Lower Miocene Monterey Chert Reservoir as Evidenced from Formation Test (Schlumberger, MDT) and Production Data: Implication for Reservoir Depletion and Development, Santa Ynez Unit, Offshore California
by Bullock, B.R., D.G. Carpenter, A. Stefaniak, S. Grayson, T.L. Sims, and N.E. Reish

The Application of Kinematic Indicators to Determine Paleo-Stress Fields and Fluid Flow Paths within the Midway Sunset Oil Field
by Byington, Craig

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Multiple-Point Geostatistics: Integrating Geological and Seismic Data in the Deepwater Environment
by Caers, Jef, and Sebastien Strebelle

Lithostratigraphic, Biostratigraphic, and Magnetostratigraphic Documentation of a Major Unconformity in the Middle Eocene to Early Miocene Continental Sespe Formation, Northern Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, Southern California
by Calvano, Gino, E. Bruce Lander, David P. Whistler, Mark A. Roeder, Joshua Ludtke, Donald R. Prothero, Stephen L. Walsh, and Hugh M. Wagner

Description of a Single, Non-Fan Turbidite Channel within the Miocene Capistrano Formation, San Clemente State Beach, California
by Camacho, Hilario, Cathy Busby, and Ben Kneller

Architecture and Lithofacies of Deep-Water Channels in the Capistrano Formation, San Clemente, California
by Campion, Kirt, Anthony Sprague, and Morgan Sullivan

Structural Compartmentalization of Lower Miocene Monterey Chert Reservoirs by Transpressional Previous HitFaultNext Hit Systems with Focus on Field Development, Santa Ynez Unit, Offshore California
by Carpenter, D.G., B.R. Bullock, N.E. Reish, T.L. Sims, A. Stefaniak, and T.E. West

Subsurface Geometry and Structure of the San Andreas and Associated Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zones from High-Resolution Seismic Imaging
by Catchings, R.D., M.J. Rymer, and M.R. Goldman

Seismic Techniques Revitalize Stripper Wells
by Chilingar, George V., and John O. Robertson Jr.

Why Many "Condemned" Overpressured Petroleum Reservoirs Should Be Re-Examined!
by Chilingar, George V., and John O. Robertson Jr.

Determination of Paleoearthquakes, Slip per Event Data, and a Holocene Slip Rate for the Puente Hills Blind-Thrust Previous HitFaultNext Hit, Los Angeles, California
by Christofferson, Shari, James F. Dolan, and John H. Shaw

Basin Architecture of Diatomite-Turbidite Complexes in the Monterey-Stevens Petroleum System, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Clark, Michael S.

Preservation of Geologic Data in the United States
by Clarke, Donald, and Larry Knauer

The Role of Antecedent Rivers in Shaping the Southern California Coast
by Colburn, Ivan P.

Application of SCAT (Statistical Curvature Analysis Technique) to Define a Complex Faulted Reservoir Model - 24Z Stevens Sands, Elk Hills Field, California
by Countryman, Robert L., and Robert J. Reed

The Geology-Engineering Integration Toolkit: A Process to Integrate and Share Geologic, Production, and Engineering Data, Occidental of Elk Hills
by Cowell, Peter F.

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Secondary Processes in the Formation of Ribbon Bedded and Nodular Chert in the Monterey Formation at Mussel Rock, Santa Barbara County, California
by Deason, Charlotte T., and Richard J. Behl

Real Time Structural Interpretation of Logging While Drilling Images in Horizontal Wells
by Denichou, J. M., and L. Ortenzi

Pre- and Post-Modelo Folding in the Eastern Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California
by Denison, Frank E.

Hydrocarbon Seeps in Middle Miocene Topanga Formation North of the Beverly Hills Oil Field, Los Angeles, California
by Denison, Frank E., Joseph M. Saenz, and Mark Tribold

Sedimentology of Coarse-Grained, Thick-Bedded Turbidites, Talara Basin, Peru
by Duerichen, Erin

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Offshore Seismic Stratigraphic Controls on Saltwater Intrusion in Los Angeles Area Coastal Aquifers
by Edwards, Brian D., Kenneth D. Ehman, Daniel J. Ponti, John C. Tinsley, III, and Eric G. Reichard

Hydrostratigraphic and Geologic Controls on Defining the San Mateo Plain Groundwater Basin Boundary at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Menlo Park, California
by Ehman, Kenneth D., Helen Nuckolls, and Susan Witebsky

Fracture Formation in Response to Chemical Alteration in Monterey-Type Siliceous Mudstone
by Eichhubl, Peter

Stratigraphic Controls on the Deep Migration of Dissolved Contaminants in South Lake Tahoe, California
by Einarson, Murray D.

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Technical Competencies for Geoscience Professionals
by Fattahi, Behrooz, Anthony S. Murer, and Gary A. Myers

Fifteen Years of Thought Evolution on the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian in the Southern Great Basin: Reflections on Working with John Cooper
by Fedo, Christopher M.

Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Vinini Creek Section: Key to Understanding the Late Ordovician Graptolite Mass Extinction
by Finney, Stanley C.

Facies Architecture and Syntectonic Fold Geometry of Fluvial Conglomerate in the Cretaceous Nanushuk Formation, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska
by Finzel, Emily S., Paul J. McCarthy, and Wesley K. Wallace

Geological Controls of Hydrocarbon Seeps in Santa Maria Basin, Offshore California
by Fischer, Peter J., and Saenz, Joseph M.

Geologic Structure of the San Pedro Shelf Region, Southern California
by Fisher, Michael A., William R. Normark, and Victoria E. Langenheim

Depth Imaging Velocity Estimation Case History in a Challenging Area of California
by Fliedner, Moritz, Dimitri Bevc, and Robert Clapp

Structure and Correlation Sections, Santa Ynez Mountains to the Santa Barbara Channel and the  Channel Islands, Western Transverse Ranges, California
by Foreman, John, James Galloway, Marc Kamerling, and Tom Redin

Segmentation in the Palos Verdes Previous HitFaultNext Hit, San Pedro Bay, and Detachment Attenuation within the Inner Continental Borderland, Offshore Southern California
by Francis, Robert D., Mark R. Legg, and Donald E. Hallinger

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Innovations in Managing the Geological Operations for a Multi-Rig Drilling Program at Elk Hills Field
by Gayer, Marty

An Innovative GIS-Based Approach to Characterizing Fractures in the Monterey Formation
by Ghosh, Kajari, and Michael R. Gross

Vertical Tectonics at Peninsular Ranges-Transverse Ranges Intersections: Offshore Investigations of Pleistocene Low-Stand Shorelines
by Goldfinger, Chris, Gary J. Huftile, Mark Legg, Bob Yeats, and Marc Kamerling

3-D Geographic Information Systems at Field and Regional Scales
by Grace, John D., Anthony Dupont

Revisiting Fractures in the Monterey Formation
by Gross, Michael R.

Tectono-Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Monagas Foreland and Thrust Belt, Eastern Venezuela
by Guerrero, Luz Sophia Cobos, Raul Yssaci, and Franklin Yoris

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Utilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS) To Monitor Oil Field Subsidence - Wilmington Oil Field
by Henderson, Curtis P., David Rutledge, and Roy K. Koerner

Influence of Climate on the Development of an Ancient Paleosol
by Hernandez, Hector O, Pedro C. Ramirez, and Gabriela Noriega

Gravity-Defined Narrow Subbasins along the Margins of the Los Angeles Basin, California
by Hildenbrand, Thomas G., Victoria E. Langenheim, and Daniel J. Ponti

Use of Orbital Cyclicity as a High-Resolution Dating and Correlation Tool in the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations of the Santa Maria Basin and Offshore Equivalents, Central California Margin
by Hill, Pamela S., and Richard J. Behl

Developing Neutron Computed Tomography as an Effeicient, Non-Invasive Tool to Image Organics in Sedimentary Rocks
by Huerta, Nicolas J., and Dawn Y. Sumner

Lead Isotope Ratios in Hydrocarbons: A New Approach to Age Dating Crude Oils and Environmental Releases of Refined Petroleum Hydrocarbon Products
by Hurst, Richard W.

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An Assessment of Hydrocarbon and Geothermal Resources on Federal Lands in Western Washington State
by Jackson, James S., David Percy, and Michael L. Cummings

Chemical Oxidation and Enhanced Natural Attenuation for Oilfield Remediation
by Jacobs, James A.

Complex Compressional Structures Documented with Digital Photographs in Sepulveda Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles, California
by Jacobs, Stephen E., and Arthur R. Brown

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The Monterey Formation at South Ellwood Field, Santa Barbara Channel, California
by Kamerling, Marc, Steve Horner, and Laird Thompson

The Argentine Precordillera - A Terrane More Exotic Than Ever
by Keller, Martin

What, No Gull-Wings? Multiple Scales of Levee Failure in Outcrop and Seismic
by Kneller, Ben, and Mason Dykstra

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New 40Ar/39Ar Age Determinations for Two Tuffs in the Piuma (Upper) Member of the Continental Sespe Formation, Central Santa Monica Mountains, California
by Lander, E. Bruce, Peter W. Weigand, A. Eugene Fritsche, John M. Alderson, and Alexander Iriondo

Postglacial Environmental Record in Central Ohio
by Lazzareschi, D.

A North American Perspective on the Latest Ordovician Extinction Event: Integrative Lithostratigraphy, Conodont Biostratigraphy, and Carbon-Isotope Stratigraphy, Southern Great Basin, Central Nevada, and Anticosti Island, Canada
by Leatham, W. Britt, John D. Cooper, Fullerton), and Robert L. Ripperdan

Large Crater Structures Offshore Southern California
by Legg, Mark R., Craig Nicholson, Marc J. Kamerling, Randall Milstein, and Chris Goldfinger

Evolution of Continental Rifting to Seafloor Spreading: The South San Clemente Rift, California Continental Borderland
by Legg, Mark R., Scott M. White, Ken C. Macdonald, Chris Goldfinger, Victor-Wong-Ortega, Jorge Ledesma-Vasquez, Craig Nicholson, and Rachel Haymon

The Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Rimmed Shelf Margin of Eastern California
by Lehnert, Oliver, and John D. Cooper

Calculating Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air From Groundwater and Soil: An Evolving Science
by Liban, Cris B., Katherine Hancock, Sally Liu, Kay Johnson, and Ron Chu

Urban Oil Field Development in the Los Angeles Basin --An Historical and Current Perspective on the East Beverly Hills and San Vicente Fields
by Lindblom, Robert G., and Philip C. Dupler

Style of Deformation and Uplift Rate of the Hollywood Previous HitFaultNext Hit, Southern California
by Lindvall, Scott C., Thomas K. Rockwell, Gerald Kasman, and John G. Helms

Getting the Most out of the Inglewood Oil Field, Los Angeles, California
by Lockman, Dalton, David Jefferis, and Toni Eilerts

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Isotopic Record of Foraminifera Living in Methane-Venting Cold Seeps
by Martin, J. B., S. Day, A. Rathbun, M. E. Pérez, J. Gieskes, and C. Mahn

Tectonic Oversteepening: An Alternative to Sea-Level Lowstands as a Control on  Submarine Canyon and Fan Development
by May, Jeffrey A., and William C. Ross

Topographic Signal of Previous HitFaultNext Hit Displacement, Previous HitFaultNext Hit Propagation, and Rock Uplift in the Coyote Hills on  the Northeastern Margin of the Los Angeles (LA) Basin
by Meigs, Andrew, Sam Vanlaningham, and Robert Yeats

Occurrence and Mitigation of Petroleum Seeps in Los Angeles
by Mulhern, Mike, and Mark Oborn

Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Holocene Lake Inchiquin, Western Ireland, Using Grain Size, Loss-On-Ignition, and Diatom Analyses
by Myers, A., and K. Siân Davies-Vollum

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Paleosol Development through Intense Weathering of a Paleocene Sandstone during a Tropical Climate
by Noriega, Gabriela, Pedro C. Ramirez, and Hector O. Hernandez

Defining Hydrostratigraphic Units within a Heterogeneous Alluvial Setting-- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
by Noyes, Charles D., Richard G. Blake, and Michael P. Maley

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3D Massive VSP at Wilmington Oil Field, Long Beach Unit
by Paulsson, Bjorn N. P., Martin Karrenbach, Alan Hardin, and Karen E. Blake

Mineralization, Fluid Flow, and Sealing Properties Associated with an Active Thrustfault: San Joaquin Basin, California
by Perez, R.J., and J.R. Boles

Seawater Intrusion of Producing Aquifers in the Long Beach Area, California: Insights From New USGS Corehole Data
by Ponti, Daniel J., John C. Tinsley, III, Kenneth D. Ehman, Charles L. Powell, II, Kristin McDougall, John W. Hillhouse, and Brian D. Edwards

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Stratigraphic Dipmeter Curvature Analysis (Strat-Scat) for Reservoir Simulation / Characterization of Northwest Stevens (A3-A6) Sands, Elk Hills Field, California
by Reed, Robert J., and Robert Taylor

Using Petroleum Industry 3D  Surveys to Improve Understanding of Active Offshore Faults: The Palos Verdes Previous HitFaultNext Hit in San Pedro Bay, Los Angeles Basin, CA
by Rigor, Andrew W., Mark R. Legg, Robert J. Mellors, and Robert D. Francis

Oxygen Isotope, Sequence Stratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Constraints on Paleotemperature and Paleo Ice Volume during the Terminal Ordovician Glacial Epoch
by Ripperdan, Robert L., John D. Cooper, and W. Britt Leatham

Paleoseismic Summary of the Southern San Andreas Previous HitFaultNext Hit System: Implications of Long-Term Regional Strain Release
by Rockwell, Tom

A Review of the Issue and Data Related to Hydrolysis of MTBE to TBA during Analytical Testing Process
by Rong, Yue

Groundwater Data Analysis: MTBE Relative to Other Gasoline Oxygenates at Gasoline Impacted Sites, Los Angeles, California
by Rong, Yue, and Heesu Park

Seismic Risk Communication among Hazard Experts and Local-Level Governments Using Safety Elements
by Runnerstrom, Eric E., and Lisa B. Grant

Recent Faulting in the Gulf of Santa Catalina from San Diego to Dana Point, California
by Ryan, H.F., R. Sliter, and W.R. Normark

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Characterization of the Monterey Formation at Elk Hills
by Schwalbach, Jon R., Charles O'Brien, Robert Godfrey, and Cynthia Huggins

Channelized Deep Marine Reservoirs in the Deepwater - Modeling and Recovery
by Schwartz, Daniel E.

A Pursuit of By-Passed Oil: Redevelopment of Upper Miocene Stevens "Main Body B" Reservoirs at Elk Hills; Occidental of Elk Hills, Inc
by Scott, Dick, Peter F. Cowell, Shawn Kerns, Tom Walker, David Sharbak, Wallace Bayne, and Stephen Smart

Mentoring through Research as a Catalyst for the Success of Under-Represented Minority Students in the Geosciences at California State University Northridge
by Simila, G.W., K.M. Marsaglia, V. Pedone, and J.D. Yule

Outcrop/behind outcrop Characterization of Deepwater (Turbidite) Petroleum Reservoir Analogs: Why and How: Keynote Address
by Slatt, Roger M.

The Use of Three Dimensional Geologic Modeling for Collaborative Field Development and Surveillance
by Smart, Stephen

Structure and Kinematics beneath Santa Monica Bay, California
by Sorlien, Christopher C., Kris Broderick, Marc J. Kamerling, Michael A. Fisher, William R. Normark, Ray Sliter, and Leonardo Seeber

Drilling for Oil in Los Angeles: An Urban Legend
by Spaulding, Arthur O.

The North Shafter and Rose Oil Fields, A Seismically Defined, Diagenetic Stratigraphic Previous HitTrapNext Hit in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, CA
by Sterling, Robert, Anne Grau, Robert Kidney, Barbara Ganong, Paul Pendleton, Lawrence Drennen, and Angela Bosse

Fluvial-Deltaic Cyclicity, Ridge Basin, Southern California: Evidence for Kinematic Cyclostratigraphy
by Sullivan, Morgan D., and Kenneth D. Ehman

Tectonic Controls on  Sedimentation in the Early Tertiary Deposits of the Sacramento Basin
by Sullivan, Morgan D., and Raymond Sullivan

Carbonate Interbeds as a Key to the Depositional Environments in a Mud-Dominated Setting of the Dunderberg Shale, Nopah Formation (Upper Cambrian), Southern Great Basin
by Sundberg, F.A.

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The Digital Oilfield: Extending Reserve Life through the Use of Collaborative Digital Surveillance (CDS)
by Tasker, Jim

Occurrence and Mitigation of LNAPL and Dissolved Hydrocarbons in Groundwater beneath the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County, California - A Decade Later
by Testa, Stephen M.

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Channel Deposits in a Submarine Turbidity Current Experiment
by Violet, Jacob A., Chris Paola, Lincoln  Pratson, and Gary Parker

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Step-over Evolution along Strike-Slip Faults as a Cause of Locally Driven Basin Inversion
by Wakabayashi, John, James V. Hengesh, and Thomas L. Sawyer

26R Reservoir - Post Blowdown
by Watkins, Ralph, John Acord, and Scott Smith

A Combined Deterministic/Stochastic Approach to Multi-Scale, Nonstationary Alluvial Aquifer Characterization
by Weissmann, Gary S., and Robert S. Trahan

Stratigraphy and Hydrogeology of the Santa Clara Valley, San Francisco Bay Region, California: A Progress Report
by Wentworth, Carl, R.T. Hanson, Mark Newhouse, R.C Jachens, E.A. Mankinen, Geoffrey Phelps, J.C. Tinsley III, C.F. Williams, R.A. Williams, D.W. Andersen, and E.P. Metzger

Rotation of Sub-Domains within the Transverse Ranges Province: Sockeye Field, Santa Barbara Channel, California
by Wracher, Michael D., Marc Kamerling, and Laird Thompson

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Why Isn't the San Gabriel Basin a Major Oil Producer?
by Yeats, Robert S.

Active Tectonics of the Los Angeles Basin
by Yeats, Robert S.

Pollen Analysis of the Las Yeguas Paleoseismic Trench Site, Cholame Segment of the San Andreas Previous HitFaultTop, California
by Young, Jeri J., and J.R. Arrowsmith, and F. Rich

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Charging of Elk Hills Reservoirs as Determined by Oil Geochemistry
by Zumberge, John, and Judy Russell

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