--> 2003 AAPG Hedberg Conference: "Paleozoic and Triassic Petroleum Systems in North Africa", February 18-20, 2003, Algiers, Algeria; #90016 (2003)
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AAPG Hedberg Conference

"Paleozoic and Triassic Petroleum Systems in North Africa"

February 18-20, 2003 - Algiers, Algeria

Search and Discovery Article #90016 (2003).

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.

Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  JK  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  UV  W  X  YZ


Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Indications of Deep-Seated Faults and Their Impact on Trapping System (Hassi-Messaoud area)
by S. Agounizera

Couvinian Reservoir Characterization of Ahnet-Timimoun Basin
by Farida Aissani and Kamel Bennamane

Petroleum Exploration and Sandbody Prediction, Triassic Paleosols of the Saharan Platform: Example of the Rhourde Nouss Region
by Hamid Ait Salem, Berrached Fekirine, and Fatma Ouaichouche

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*Natural Fracturing of Rocks in the Southwestern Basins of the Algerian Sahara
by M. Badsi, D. Bekouche, F. Braik, T. Tenkhi, and M.C. Cacas

*Charge Previous HitModelingNext Hit in the Ahnet-Timmimoun Basin, Algeria - Timing of Gas Generation and Migration
by A.J.G. Barwise, P.N. Clarke, C.D. Bishop, and B. Malek

Avo Case Study in the Illizi Basin - Algeria
by Bellahcene Amin, Mouggari Ali

Tin Fouyé Tabankort (TFT) Ordovician Field Case Development
by Aida Benaicha, Terbah Amar

Giant Hassi R’Mel Gas Field
by D. Bencherif

*Hydrocarbon discoveries and remaining potential of the Paleozoic play of the Murzuk Basin, Libya
by Francesco Bertello, Alessandro Fattorini, and Claudio Visentin

*An Overview of the Evolution and the Petroleum Systems of the Eastern Ghadames (Hamra) Basin - Libya
by Francesco Bertello, Claudio Visentin, and Walter Ziza

*Magnetic Properties of Oil Sand at El Borma; Paleomagnetic Dating of Oil Emplacement
by Claus Beyer

*The Use of Structural Modelling in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: An Example from the Tarija Basin, South American Andes as an Analogue for Algerian Atlas Uplift Reservoirs
by Stuart Bland, Carlo Sanders, Massimo Bonora, and Alan Gibbs

*North Africa – Mediterranean Present-day Stress Field Transition: Implications for Fractured Reservoir Production
by William Bosworth

Hydrocarbon Potential of Petroleum System, Oued Mya Basin, Algeria
by H. Bouabdallah, A. Hameg

Structural Evolution 3D Seimic Approach on Sif Fatima
by A. Boucetta, C. Hellal

Structural Evolution of Ahnet Basin, Algeria
by Saad Boukhallat, Athmane Rahmani, and Ouassila Tahir

Salt Structures from Different Structural Domains in Algeria
by R. Bracene, H. Koyi, J.C. Guezou, and D. Frizon de Lamotte

*Basin Previous HitModelingNext Hit: Results Obtained and New Trends
by Jean Burrus

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*Petroleum Geology Overview of the North Africa Sahara Platform
by Lorenzo Casati, Jonathan Craig

Siluro-Devonian (F6 Interval) Reservoir Characterisation from the Ohanet and Dimeta West Fields, Algeria
by Anthony J. C. Cave, Guy Philippe, Hocine Khemissa, and Bruno Murat

Petroleum System of Southeastern Sahara Platform (Illizi-Berkine)
by Ahmed Chaouche, Harry Dembicki Jr.

The Use of Acoustic Impedance in Evaluating the Tournaisian Reservoirs in Block 405a - Algeria.
by S. Cherry, I. Mcneil, and A. Hughes

*The Petroleum Systems of the Berkine and Illizi Basins, Their Potential Based on Geochemistry and Basin Modelling
by G.A. Cole, J. Binnie, J. Exton, A. Yu, M. Arab, and M. Jones

*Fractured, Tight Gas Reservoirs- Impact of Uncertainties on the Development Plan
by R. Courtial, J.M. Daniel, L. Escaré, and E. Portier

Critical Events in the Geology of Algeria
by Robin Crawford

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*Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Quality Prediction in the Ahnet-Timimoun Basin, Central Sahara, South-West, Algeria
by Mohamed Daoudi

Core Poster. Algerian Triassic Reservoirs
by G. Desaubliaux, R. Eschard, C. Ravenne, A. Hamel, D. Bekkouche, M. Benhamouda, S. Belhaouas, M. Djemal, and D. Henniche

Core Poster. Siluro-Devonian Reservoirs of The Illizi-Berkine Basin
by G. Desaubliaux, R. Eschard, R. Deschamps, L. Montadert, D. Bekkouche, F. Braike, H. Hussein, S. Belhaouas, M. Benkouider, N. Maache, R. Mouaici, and D. Henniche

New Evidences on the Specific Character of the Late Ordovician Striated Surfaces and Implication for Ice-Sheet Dynamics
by Max Deynoux, Jean-François Ghienne

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*Factors Controlling Hydrocarbons Habitat in the Intracratonic Palaeozoic Basins of North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya)
by K. Echikh

*Challenges of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Siluro-Devonian Succession of the Sahara Craton
by R. Eschard, F. Braik, D. Bekkouche, G. Desaubliaux, and A. Hussein

*Stratigraphic Architecture of the Triassic Basins in Algeria
by R. Eschard, A. Hamel

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Cambro-Ordovician Sequence Stratigraphy of the Saharan Platform, Algeria
by Berrached Fekirine, Dokka A. N. Murty

*Depositional Environments of the Upper Ordovician Mamuniyat Formation, NW Murzuq Basin, Libya
by Nuri M. Fello, Abdulmageed M. Litha

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Meeting the Exploration and Development Challenges in North Africa
by Malcolm Francis, M. Ait Messaoud, M.Z. Boulegroun, A. Gribi, R. Kasmi, M. Touami, J. Ebbern, R. Lounis, D. Lowden, J. Quigley, M. Robinson

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*Full Field Fracture Previous HitModelingNext Hit: an Integrated Approach with Application to Three Carbonate Fractured Reservoirs
by B.D.M. Gauthier

*Architecture Of A Late Ordovician Ice-Proximal Multistorey Palaeovalley in the Murzuq Basin (Libya): Implication for Sequence Stratigraphy
by Jean-François Ghienne, Julien Moreau, Max Deynoux, Jean-Loup Rubino

*Contribution to the Stratigraphy of Murzuq Basin, SW Libya from the View of NC-115 Data
by S. Ghnia, A. Alshaibi

Prediction of Reservoir Fracture Potential and its Distribution in Three Dimensions in an Ordovician Reservoir in Algeria
by Ali Gholipour, Ramin Haftbaradaran

*3D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Attributes and Geostatistical Techniques Designed to Enhance Interpretation. An Experience in the Illizi Basin
by Cándido Gómez Nacarino, María Rodrigo Viñuela

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Hercynian Compressional Deformations of the Ahnet-Mouydir Basin, Algerian Saharan Platform: Far-Field Stress Effects of the Late Paleozoic Orogeny
by Hamid Haddoum, René Guiraud, and Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine

Hassi R’Mel Triassic Reservoirs-Tectonic and Differential Subsidence Control on Sand Body Architecture
by A. Hamel, O. Mokaddem, and M. Benlacheheb

The Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Saharan Platform in Algeria
by Richard J. Hedley, Stephen McKenna, Francois Gauthier, and Van Mount

*Depositional Models and Reservoir Architecture of the Siluro-Devonian Series in Outcrops and Subsurface of Illizi Basin (Algeria)
by Messaouda Henniche, Rémi Eschard, Jean Noël Proust, Aïcha Hamel, and Florentin Paris

Paleozoic and Triassic Sandstones of North Africa and the Middle East: Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality
by S.J. Hill, N.E. James-Rutledge, A.C. Canham, and J. Franques-Faixa

Continental Sequence Stratigraphy and its Application to the Trias Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur (TAGI), Berkine Basin: A Critical Review
by C. Howells, N. Lee, and A.J. Scott

The Trias Argilo-Gréseux Inferieur, Berkine Basin, Algeria: Lithologies, Interpretation and Application from Core
by Chris Howells, Al Scott, and Nick Lee

A Fully Integrated Approach to Understanding Complex Triassic Tag-I Reservoirs: Block 405A, Berkine Basin, Algeria.
by A. Hughes, S. Cherry, and I. McNeil

Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tournaisian F1 and F2 Sands Block 405a , Berkine Basin
by Andrew Hughes, Andy Lever, and Nick Miles

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*Integration of a Surface Geochemical Survey and the Previous HitSeismicNext Hit And Geological Data in the Northern Flank of the Tindouf Basin: Implications on Exploration Risk Assessment
by N.Ibrihen

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J, K

*Diagenesis of Ordovician Sandstones from the Ahnet Basin, Algeria
by Mohamed Kaced

Sedimentology and Stratal Geometry of the Strunian-Carboniferous Sandstone Beds, Berkine Basin, Algerian Sahara
by M. Kaced.

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Fracture Processes in Sandstone: Insights to Guide Prediction and Characterization
by Stephen E. Laubach, Jon E. Olson, Robert H. Lander, Linda M. Bonnell, Randy Marrett, and Robert M. Reed

Outcrops Sedimentological Model for the Late Ordovician Stratigraphic Interval, Algeria
by Alain Laval, Guy Philippe

Palaeozoic Reservoirs and Depositional Environments from the Algerian Berkine Basin
by Nick Lee, Neil Mountford, Chris Howells, and Lewis Gilhespy

*Palynological Tracers of Sea-Ice Cover Extent During the Latest Ordovician on the North African Margin
by A. Le Herisse, A. Bourahrouh, M. Vecoli, F. Paris

*Late Ordovician Palaeovalleys and Glacitectonics on the Gargaf Arch, Libya: Reservoir Heterogeneities and Implications for Development in the Murzuq Basin
by D.P. Le Heron, K. Bourgig, J. Craig, O.E. Sutcliffe, and R.J. Whittington

Structural Analysis and Evolution of the Rhourde Nouss Area During Mesozoic and Cenozoic Times
by Thierry Lorin, Fatima Bouchenak, Malik Ait Messaoud, Mourad Boucherat, Virginie Picornell

*A Third-Order Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Devonian of Morocco: Its Implications for Enhanced Regional Correlation of the Devonian in North Africa
by Stefan Lubeseder, Ian D. Carr, and Jonathan Redfern

*Silurian 'Hot Shales' in North Africa: Mapping Anoxia in Time and Space
by Sebastian Lüning

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Petroleum System in Ahnet and Timimoun Basins
by Ibrahim Maarouf, Nadir Abdelouahab, and Hafida Berguellah

Petroleum System in Reggane Basin
by Ibrahim Maarouf, Hussein Abdallah, Fettouma Hadjilah, and Mohamed Arab

Geochemistry of the North-Eastern Saharan Basins: Correlation between Oils and Source Rocks Based on Isotope Ratios in Polar Compounds
by M. Makhous

Thermal and Maturation Histories in the Saharan Basins
by M. Makhous, Y. Galushkin

Study Sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Member of the Tagnana Formation of Upper Serpukhovian in the Chebket-Mennouna-Djihani of Basin Of Béchar (Western Of Algerian Sahara)
by Fatima Zohra Malti, Larbi Mekahli

*Applications and Implications of High Resolution Gravity Data in the Block NC190, Murzuq Basin, Libya
by Jose Joaquin Martin, Ali Bengheit, and Didier Wloszczowski

*The Upper Ordovician of the Illizi Basin, Algeria: a Core-Based Study of Unit IV Palaeovalleys
by N.D McDougall, F. Braik, P. Clarke, and M. Kaced

Glaciers and Grabens: The Origin of Palaeovalleys in the Tamadjert Formation (Unit IV) of the Algerian Sahara
by N.D. McDougall, P. Clarke, W.R. Fitches, A. McDonnell, N. Mokhtari, and A.Hussein

*Effect of Gas Cycling on Oil Recovery “Algerian Field Case Study”
B. Medjani, D. Chaussumier

Detection of the Subtle Traps in the Bechar Basin by Using The Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reflexion
by Lamara Mehenni, Madjid Badsi

Fault-Plane Analysis in Seal Studies. Gourara and Oued Namous Case Study
by Lamara Mehenni, Madjid Badsi, and Mohammed Lounis

Associated Gas Potential to Low Resistivity Reservoir in the Northern Ahnet Gedinnian
by Abdenour Merabet

Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Strunian Tournaisian Reservoir in Sbaa Basin (Southwestern, Algeria)
by Souhir Merabet, Nora Hamiham

Algeria - Exploration in the Berkine Basin: Optimization of 3D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Acquisition Parameters
by François Mercier, Marc Girard, and Thierry Parisot

*The Ordovician Tight Gas Reservoir of the Ahnet-Timimoun Basin
by Nasser Mokhtari

Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environment and Diagenesis of the Silurian sandstone Reservoirs, South-East Triassic province and Berkine Basin, Algeria
by R. Mouaïci, B. Kadi

Ourhoud Field Case History in Preparation for First Oil Production
by John Myres, Juan Antonio Vera, Sid Ali Boucedra, and Ahmed Hadbi

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Structural Studies of Fault Behaviour and Trap Integrity in the Ahnet and Berkine Basins, Algeria
by D.T. Needham, R.J. Knipe, J. Craig, J. Warburton, J.R. Porter, Q.J. Fisher,and G. Jones

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Subcrop Mapping "Ante-Mesozoique" Using Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Attribute Analysis. Application on the Block 423
by Abdelkader Ouazar

Geologically Oriented Reservoir Previous HitModelingNext Hit of a Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoir: The Tagi of the Ourhoud Field, Berkine Basin, Algeria
by Aziz Oudjida

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*Chitinozoans: A Powerful Tool for High-Resolution Biostratigraphy of Early Ordovician to Latest Devonian Marine Strata from Northern Gondwana Regions
by Florentin Paris, Kheira Boumendjel

In Situ Stress State – Tiguentourine Field, Southeastern Algeria
by T. L. Patton, A. S. Batchelor, K. A. Foxford, T. J. Hellman, and N. Maache

Surface and Subsurface Structural Expression of a Major Saharan Crustal Lineament: the Fadnoun Fault
by T. L. Patton, B. Taylor, and N. Maache

Late Ordovician (Unit IV Interval) Reservoir Characterisation from the Ohanet/In Adaoui Fields, Algeria
by Guy Philippe, Anthony J C Cave, Hocine Khemissa, and Bruno Murat

Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon System of the Sbaa Basin (Western Algeria) by Basin Previous HitModelingNext Hit
by G. Philippe, M. Pernelle, M. Achache, and D. Bekkouche

Alluvial Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the TAG-I
by D. Pilling, P.Turner, D. Lawton

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*A Comparative Analysis of Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of Illizi and Murzuq Basins (Algeria and Libya)
by Santiago Quesada, Eduardo Figari, Nestor Bolatti, David Craik, Roberto Arnez, Mark Jones, Jose Maria Jauregui, Ana Serrano, and Juan Arregui

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*Late Ordovician Glaciation in Northern Gondwana, Reappraisal and Petroleum Implications
by J-L. Rubino, M. Deynoux, J-F. Ghienne, J. Moreau, C. Blanpied, F. Lafont, R. Andres-Calatrava, S. Galeazzi, T. Mynth, F. Sommer

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Basin Previous HitModelingNext Hit: Fluid Distibution Arounding Hassi-Messaoud
by Rachid Soulali, Arezki Lassal

*NC-186 Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Interpretation (2D), a Case Studies in Murzuq Basin, Western Libya
by Monsef Swedan

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*Exploration in Algeria – The Success Will Continue
Djilali Takherist, Kamel Eddine Chikhi, and Fadhila Braik

Reservoir Detection from Previous HitSeismicNext Hit - Krechba Field, Central Algeria
by Brian Taylor

Enhanced Resolution in the Tiguentourine 3D Dataset Through Q Compensation
by B. Taylor, R. Crider

Impact of Chlorite Cement on Reservoir Quality of the Lower Devonian Sandstones in the Gas Field of Teguentour, Algeria
by Tayeb Tenkhi, Madjid Badsi, and Lounes Addour

Exploration Opportunity in the Bechar Forland Basin and its Margins in the Western Sahara, Algeria
by Tayeb Tenkhi, Madjid Badsi, and Lounes Addour

*Development of the Hassi Berkine South (HBNS) Field – Case Study
by Joel Thilliez, Abdessalem Hadjaz, Djamel Guergour, and Mike Vickers

Field Case, Hassi Messaoud
by M. Touami, A. Gribi

Optimising The Development of a Multi-field Gas Resource: The In Salah Gas Project, Algeria
by A. Tourqui, C.D Bishop

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U, V

*Reservoir Characterisation Using Fmi and Cores of an Ordovician Play, Illizi Basin
by José A. Varela, Israel Polonio, Marc Jones, Alan Chambers, and Jesús E. Sotomayor

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2D and 3D Previous HitModelingTop the Petroleum System of the Berkine and Illizi Basin, Eastern Algeria
by J. Wendebourg, N. Yahi, M. Pernelle, M. Vandenbroucke, F. Braik, M. Arab, B. Carpentier, S. Sciamanna, and M. Abdelhouahab

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New Remote Sensing Data and Techniques in North African Frontier Zones
by J.P. Xavier

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Y, Z

Sequence Stratigraphy of Mesdar Field (Cambro-Ordovician, Algerian Sahara). Influence of Diagenesis and Fracturing on the Petrophysic Properties of Reservoirs
by Khemissi Zellouf, Hamid Ait Salem, Sihem Diguer, and Faîza Dekdouk

Paleozoic Depositional System in Morocco: Geology and Play Concepts
by Mahmoud Zizi, Mustapha Belarbi, Ouazzaba Mouloud, Abdelmajid El Ouatatoui, Jaboubker Azzedine, and Mustapha El Ktam

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