(By Author)
AAPG Annual Meeting, May 11-14, 2003 - Salt Lake City, Utah
Search and Discovery Article #90013 (2003)
Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.
Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).
*Seismically Derived Aquifer Characteristics, Across Faulted Coastal Plain Sediments Savannah River Site, South Carolina
by Rolf K. Aadland (deceased), Douglas E. Wyatt, Michael G. Waddell, David R. Watkins,
and Paul A. Thayer
Best Practices for the Collection and Analysis of Seabed Geochemical Samples
by Michael A. Abrams
Near Surface Hydrocarbon Migration: Mechanisms and Seepage Rates
by Michael A. Abrams
Architectural Analysis of Sinuous, Erosionally Confined Channels: The Under-Appreciated Deepwater Channel Type
by Vitor Abreu, Morgan Sullivan, David Mohrig, and Carlos Pirmez
Reservoir Elements in Deep Water Sinuous Channel Complexes: Similarities to Fluvial Incised Valleys
by Vitor Abreu, Tao Sun, Neal Adair, Paul Dunn, Bret Dixon, and John Van Wagoner
Structural Style and Source Rock Maturation in the Upper/Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia by Forward Modeling Along Two Distinct Transects
by Jorge E. Acosta Garay, Rodney H. Graham, and William Sassi
Sequence Boundaries, High-Frequency
Cyclicity, and Porosity Evolution in the Early Cretaceous of Saudi Arabia
by Roy D. Adams and G.W. Hughes
Influence of Slope Gradient on the Distribution and Architecture of Deep Water Channels and Fans Inferred from Near Surface 3-D Seismic Data, Niger Delta Slope, Nigeria
by Adedayo Adeogba, Tim R. McHargue, and Stephan A. Graham
Seismic Facies and Growth History of Miocene Carbonate Platforms, Wonocolo Formation, North Madura Area, East Java Basin, Indonesia
by Rahadian Adhyaksawan and Steven L. Dorobek
Optimizing 3-D Fracture Networks Using Connectivity Analysis
by Stephen G. Ahlgren and Paul Griffiths
Closing the Loop: Multiple Scenario 3-D Reservoir Modeling, Seismic Inversion and Synthetic 3-D Seismic to Reduce Reservoir Uncertainty
by R.B. Ainsworth, M. Angelatos, A. Leonard, A. Panting, P. Martin, T. Andersen, M. De Jong, R. Hamp, J. Williams, and S. Tay
Salt Tectonics—South Oman Salt Basin
by Badar H. Al-Barwani, Ken McClay, and Chris Elders
Structural/Stratigraphic Forward Modeling in the Central Apennines
by Emily Albouy, Piero Casero, Remi Eschard, Laurie Barrier, and Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz
Integration of Core and Wire-Line Logs to Generate a High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the
Permo-Triassic Khuff A, B & C Carbonate Reservoirs, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia
by Ra’id Al-Dakhil, Ghazi Al-Eid, Aus Al-Tawil, Rick Davis, and Shoaib Rawasia
Documentation of a New Petroleum System in the South Atlantic
by Jeff Aldrich, Robert Zilinski, Janell Edman, Werner Leu, Tim Berge, and Kevin Corbett
Controls on Distal-to-Proximal Facies Variability Within a Eustatically Driven, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Khuff C Carbonate Succession, Southern
Ghawar, Saudi Arabia
by Ghazi Al-Eid, Ra’id Al-Dakhil, Rick Davis, Aus Al-Tawil, and Shoaib Rawasia
*Recent eruptions of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan
(geologic-geochemical aspect)
by Adil Aliyev
Plio-Quaternary Reorganization of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision
by Mark B. Allen, J.A. Jackson, S.J. Vincent, E.J.P. Blanc, M.R. Ghassemi, C. Davies, M.D. Simmons, and A. Ismail-Zadeh
Geological Storage of CO2 Beneath the Southern Rocky Mountains— Colorado Plateau Region
by Rick Allis, Tom Chidsey, Craig Morgan, Joe Moore, and Stephen White
Will Geoinformatics Change the Way We Work?
by M. Lee Allison, Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS
The Central Oklahoma Carney District: A Unique Hunton Oil and Gas Play
by Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Kenneth J. Rechlin, and David Chernicky
Reservoir Geology of Giant Permian Gas Fields in the Arabian Gulf Basin
by A.S. Alsharhan and F.N. Bou Rabee
Eustatic Overprints on the Diagenetic Evolution of Mesozoic Platform Carbonates from the Arabian Plate
by A.S. Alsharhan and F.N. Sadoonl
Characterization of Grain Size, Sorting, Heterogeneity and Facies Trends from Upper Cretaceous Shallow Marine Reservoirs: Relevance of the Stratigraphic Context in Reservoir Characterization
by Marco Alvarez-Bastos
Stratigraphic Architecture of Upper Cretaceous Coastal Plain and Shallow Marine Strata: Gallup Sandstone, Crevasse Canyon Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
by Marco Alvarez-Bastos
Upper Cretaceous
Shoreface/Tidal Couplets in the San Juan Basin: Significant High Frequency Events Resolved from the Gallup Clastic Wedge
by Marco Alvarez-Bastos
The Macuspana Basin, South Gulf of Mexico: Impact of Shale Tectonics and Late Contraction of an Extentional Basin on Hydrocarbon Accumulation
by William Ambrose, Khaled Fouad, Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Bruno C. Vendeville,
and Javier Meneses-Rocha
Linked Falling
Stage-Lowstand Valley/Delta/Fan Complexes of the Late Quaternary Northern Gulf of Mexico: The Exception Rather than the Rule
by John B. Anderson
Depositional Response to Structurally-Generated Topography in Deep Water Thrust Belts: Comparison of the Grès d’ Annot Basin (Southeast France) with Modern Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts
by Gillian M. Apps and Frank J. Peel
3-D Reconstruction of the Geometry and Architecture of the Ainsa Turbidite System from Outcrop Data
by Pau Arbués, Josep Anton Muñoz, Oscar Fernandez, Mariano Marzo, and Marta Puig
*Structural and Intrinsic Fluvial Controls on the Geomorphology of an Integrated, Incised-Valley Network in the Lower Cretaceous of Southern Alberta, Canada
by George W. Ardies, Robert W. Dalrymple, and Brian A. Zaitlin
The Role Of Fluid- and Sediment-Gravity Flow Processes During Deposition of the (Subsurface) Carrot Creek Conglomerates
(Cardium Formation, Upper Cretaceous), West-Central Alberta
by R. William C. Arnott
An Upper Jurassic Fluvial-Alluvial Valley Fill Reservoir in the Northeastern Border of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Carlos Daniel Arregui, Martin De La Cruz Olmos, and Peter Malcom McGregor
*Study of the Formation Mechanism of Inverse Grading in Turbidity Deposits
by Marcelo Devenutte Ávila, Renata Dos Santos Giacomel, Richard Eduard Ducker,
Rogerio Dornelles Maestri, and Ana Luiza De Oliveira Borges,
Contribution of the 3-D Seismic Data in the Development of Producing Fields in Tunisia, North Africa
by N. Ayari, J. Friha, K. Abbassi, and F. Messaoudl
Applications of Coalbed Gas Systems in Exploration and Development
by Walter B. Ayers
Looking Inside Turbidity Currents: The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Changes In Velocity, Concentration and Grain Size on Depositional Properties
by Jaco H. Baas, William D. McCaffrey, Caroline Choux, and Peter D.W. Haughton
Ultrasonic Velocities as a Function of Confining Stress and Dispersion in Carbonates
by Gregor T. Bächle and Guido Bracco Gartner
Dynamics of Mud Diapirs in the South Caspian Basin and Its Influence on the Petroleum System
by Elchin Bagirov, O.W. Baganz, and Michael B. Krenov
A Khuff Reservoir Giant Field 3-D Geological Model Integrating an Uncertainty Approach
by Catherine Bagliniere
New Career Patterns and New Adaptive Skills: The Other Half of a Successful Independent Geologist’s Brain
by Lyle F. Baie, Kenneth F. Wantland, and John ‘‘Jack’’ Gallagher
New Developments in Reservoir-Scale Noble Gas Isotope Techniques
by Chris J. Ballentine
Evidence of Reservoir Compartmentalization from a Coupled Study on Brine Chemistry and Stratigraphy in and Around the South Liberty Salt Dome, Texas
by Tat Banga, Regina M. Capuano, and Donald Van Nieuwenhuise
Consequences of Multiple Phases of Tertiary Uplift and Erosion on the Thermal Evolution of Mesozoic Source Rocks, North Slope—Chukchi Sea, Alaska
by Scott A. Barboza, Steve Creaney, Bob J. Ferderer, Feng Chi Lin, Keith I. Mahon, Joe Paul, Krishnan Srinivasan, and Michael A. Sullivan
Sequence Startigraphic Context of the World’s Oldest Forest Deposit: Middle Devonian (Givetian) Near-Shore/Paralic Facies, Eastern New York State
by Alexander J. Bartholomew and Carlton E. Brett
Modeling Uncertainty in Discount Factors for Turbidite Channel Reservoirs
by Mark Barton
(U-Th)/He Dating and Thermotectonic Re-Evaluation of Red Sea Rift Development in Yemen
by Geoffrey E. Batt and Anthony J. Hurford
Earthquake Budgets for the Middle America Trench: Chaos and the Last 40 Years
by Bradley Matthew Battista and Allen Lowrie
Controls of Structural Geometries Associated with Rift-Basin Inversion
by Mark S. Baum, Martha Oliver Withjack, and Roy W. Schlische
*Ultra-High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Deep-Water Deposits-I: A New Approach to Understanding the Stratigraphic Evolution of Intra-Slope Depositional Systems
by R.T. Beaubouef, V. Abreu and N.L. Adair
*Ultra-High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Deep-Water Deposits- II: Insights into the Evolution of a Submarine Fan and Comparisons with River Deltas
by R.T. Beaubouef, J.C. Van Wagoner, and N.L. Adair
Energy from Canada’s Arctic Basins
by Benoit Beauchamp
The Late-Quaternary Climatic Signal According to Palynology in a Deep-Sea Turbiditic Levee (Rhône Neofan, Gulf of Lions, Northwest Mediterranean)
by C. Beaudouin, B. Dennielou, S. Berné, A. Huchon, and F. Guichard
The U.S. Department of Energy Carbon Sequestration Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) Program
by David J. Beecy
Paleo-Reservoir Characteristics and Diagenetic Bleaching in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southern Utah
by Brenda Beitler, Marjorie A. Chan, and William T. Parry
The Influence of Oblique Reactivation of Faults on Basin Structure: An Experimental Study
by Nicolas Bellahsen and Jean Marc Daniel
Dual-Purpose Geologic Analysis Using Airborne and Ground-Based Lidar, Coastal Southern California: Quantitative 3-D Characterization of Modern Coastal Erosion and Ancient Reservoir Architecture
by Jerome A. Bellian, David C. Jennette, and Roberto Gutierrez
Textural Mapping with Lidar and Real-Time Kinematic GPS on the Flow-Unit Scale: An Example from the Pipe Creek Early Albian Rudist Buildup, Central Texas
by Jerome A. Bellian, Charles Kerans, and Ted Playton
*Definition of a 3D Integrated Geological Model in a Complex and Extensive Heavy Oil Field, Oficina Formation, Faja de Orinoco, Venezuela
by Jean-Paul Bellorini, Jhonny Casas, Patrick Gilly, Philippe Jannes, Paul Matthews, David Soubeyrand,
and Juan-Carlos Ustariz
*Recognition of Tectonic Events in the Conformation of Structural Traps in the Eastern Oriente Basin, Ecuador
by Hugo Belotti, Jose Silvestro, Gustavo Conforto, Miguel Pozo, Jorge Erlicher, Jorge Rodriguez,
and Eduardo Rossollo
Facies and Fracture Variation in a Deep Shelf Carbonate: Core and Log Comparison
by Terry W. Belsher and Paul M. Harris
*Thrust Kinematics, Uplift and Erosion in
Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belts: Comparative Study of Canadian Rockies and the Saharan Atlas-North Algeria
by Z. Narimane Benaouali, Jean-Luc Faure, Rabah Bracene, François Roupe, Dominique Frizon De
Lamotte, and Kirk Osadetz
Quantification of Model Uncertainty by Automated Calibration of Dynamic Models to Multiple Geostatistical Realizations
by Fletcher Bennett
A Complex Fluvial-Estuarine Geologic Model, Cerro Negro, Venezuela
by G. S. Benson, J. Adame, T.L. Kirst, D.J. O’Donnell, and V.D. Rahmanian
Integrated 3-D Geocellular Model—A Strategic Deep-Water Reservoir Management Tool: Cmac Reservoirs, Allegheny Field, Green Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico, USA
by Eduardo A. Berendson, Janet Rigler, David Shumbera, Elena Pavanel, Filippo Maioli, and Robert A. Archer
The Application of Horizontal and Deviated Wellbores as a Means of Increasing Gas Productivity from Cretaceous Shales Along the Western Interior Seaway: Example from the Lewis Shale, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, USA
by S. Robert Bereskin, Glen E. Christiansen, and Gregory L. Jennings
Improving Curvature Analyses of Deformed Horizons Using Scale-Dependent Filtering Techniques
by Stephan Bergbauer, Tapan Mukerji, and Peter H. Hennings
Structural Controls on Stratigraphic Architecture in Extensional Basins Above the Early Cretaceous Hohhot Detachment, Inner Mongolia, China
by Adrian K. Berry, Bradley D. Ritts, Cari Johnson, Brian J. Darby, and Lynde L. Nanson
Miocene Incised-Valleys System (IVS) Related to
Western Alps Foreland Basin Evolution (Southeast France Basin)
by David Besson, Olivier Parize, and Jean-Loup Rubino
*Complex Features in Sedimentology and Truncated Pluri-Gaussian Simulations
by Helene Beucher; Francois Geffroy, and Brigitte Doligez
Cost-Effective Integration of Geologic and Petrophysical Characterization with Material Balance and Decline Curve Analysis to Develop a 3-D Reservoir Model for PC-based Reservoir Simulation to Design a Waterflood in a Mature Mississippian Carbonate Field with Limited Log Data
by Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan P. Byrnes, and Paul M. Gerlach
Chemostratigraphy in a Miocene Foreland Continental Basin: A New Appraisal of Timing, Preservation of Depositional Sequences
by Anne Bialkowski, Isabelle Cojan, and Maurice Renard
Identifying and Remediating High Water Production in Basin Centered Formations
by Randal L. Billingsley and Leta K. Smith
Next Generation Integrated Natural Fracture Reservoir Prediction and Modeling Tools
by Randal L. Billingsley, Eugene Williams, Vello A. Kuuskraa, and William Gwilliam
The 2002 Oil and Gas Assessment of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey
by Kenneth J. Bird
Surface Geochemistry as an Exploration Tool in Frontier, Deep Water, Areas—Case Studies
from Atlantic Margin Areas
by Malvin Bjorøy and Ian L. Ferriday
Generating Reservoir Models from High Resolution Outcrop Studies
: A Case Study from the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta
by Barton Blakney and Murray Gingras
Deformation Styles in the Zagros Simple Folded Zone, Iran
by Eric J-P. Blanc, Mark B. Allen, Simon Inger, and Hossein Hassani
Reservoir Prediction from Hydrocarbon Migration Using RMS Amplitude
by Stuart Bland, Dan Hodge, and Delphine Roques
Development of a Conceptual Fluid Flow Model Based on the Tanqua Karoo Turbidites, South Africa
by Louise C. den Boer, Stefan M. Luthi, Rudi Ephraim, Jack H.L. Voncken, David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, and Erik P. Johannessen
How Hot Springs are Colonized by Thermophilic Bacteria
by George T. Bonheyo, Jorge Frias-Lopez, James Klaus, and Bruce W. Fouke
Feldspar Dissolution as a Source of Cations for Carbonate Growth in a Carbon Sequestration Context: EQ3/6 Modeling and Laboratory Experiments
by Lawrence H. Boram, Steven R. Higgins, Kevin G. Knauss, and Carrick M. Eggleston
The Ladyfern Gas Field--Canada is Still Hiding Mammoths
by Thomas D. Boreen and Kelvin Colquhoun
Outcrop-Based Heterogeneity Modeling of Brushy Canyon Submarine Fan Deposits: Enhancing the Value of an Outcrop Analog Through Modeling
by James M. Borer, Safian Atan, Mary Carr, Marieke Dechesne, and Michael Gardner
Evolution and Architecture of Base of Slope Stratigraphic Pinch Outs, Lower Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Mountains, West Texas
by James M. Borer, Michael H. Gardner, and Nicola Mavilla
Uncertainty Assessment in Static Reservoir Simulation by Using Stochastic and Stratigraphic Forward Modeling
by Jean Borgomano, Kees van der Zwan, Georg Warrlich, and Paul Van der Geest
*Integrated Characterization for CBM: The RECOPOL example
by Dan Bossie-Codreany, K.H.A.A.Wolf, Hans Bruining, Bernd Krooss, and Andreas
Assessing Subeconomic Natural Gas Resources: Phase I–Greater Green River and Wind River Basins
by R.M. Boswell, A.S.B. Douds, H.R. Pratt, K.K. Rose, J.A. Pancake, J.H. Dean, and K.R. Bruner
The Thermal History of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland, Constrained by Apatite Thermochronology
by Dariusz Botor, Finlay M. Stuart, Andrew Carter, and Dan Barfod
Processes Governing Characteristics and Distribution of Deep-Water Sands: Tanqua Karoo and Mississippi Fan
by Arnold H. Bouma
Estuaries and Incised Valleys on the Southeast Coast of Australia
by Ron Boyd
Promgaz Kuzbass Project—-Coalbed Methane Exploration in the Kuznetsk Coal Basin, Russia
by Charles M. Boyer, Nikolay M. Storonsky, and Vladimir T. Khiroukine
Rift-Basin Inversion: Evidence from Small-Scale Structures
by Jennifer A. Elder Brady, Roy W. Schlische, and Martha Oliver Withjack
*Questioning the Global Eustacy Paradigm - Evidence from Thermal History Data, West Africa
by Richard J Bray, Steve Lawrence, and Paul F Green
Forced Regressive, Lowstand and Incised Valley Reservoir Development in a Strike-Slip Setting: East Sakhalin Shelf, Russian Pacific
by Matthew Brettle, Stephen Flint, and Julian Bessa
Using S5 Benchmark Wireline Logs to Characterize the Sequence Stratigraphy of Depositional Systems in Growth-Faulted Intraslope Basins
by L. Frank Brown, Robert G. Loucks, and Ramón H. Treviño
Cyclo-Stratigraphic Architecture and the Controlling Processes of Upper Pennsylvanian Oread Cyclothem in the Transition Zone Between Shelf and Deltaic Depositional Systems, Southeast Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma
by Michael Bruemmer, Wan Yang, and Monica Turner-Williams
*Peripheral-bulge controlled depositional architecture of a clastic foredeep succession, Paleocene, Spitsbergen
by Rikke Bruhn and Ron Steel
Reservoir Properties of a Gravitationally Unstable Shelf Edge Dispersal System: Olympen Formation (Upper Callovian-Lower Oxfordian), Jameson Land, East Greenland
by Rikke Bruhn and Finn Surlyk
Early Diagenesis and Compaction of Carbonates and Implications to Reservoir Limestone Properties: A Basin.RTM Simulation of the Florida Carbonate Platform
by David A. Budd, Anthony J. Park, and Peter J. Ortoleva
The Effects of Ponding Infill on the Spatial Distribution of Turbidite Grainsize: Examples from the Laboratory and the Peira Cava Sub Basin of Southeast France
by Rufus Brunt, William McCaffrey, Lawrence Amy, and Ben Kneller
Using Neural Networks to Understand the Effects of Geologic Variables on Fracture Spacing in Folded Carbonates
by Thang Dinh Bui, Catherine L. Hanks, and Jerry L Jensen
Salinity-Driven Fluid Flow Controls Thermal and Diagenetic History, Pennsylvanian-Permian, Western Kansas
by Govert J.A. Buijs and Robert H. Goldstein
Identifying and Predicting Mobile Water, Cerro Negro Block, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Eastern Venezuela
by J.R. Bulau, L.M. Linares, and D.J. O’Donnell
Geovolume Visualization and Interpretation: Using 3-D Visualization and Seismic Attributes to Examine Stratigraphic Features and Discontinuities
by Terra E. Bulloch, Tatum M. Sheffield, Jennifer C. Budlong, Julie N. Craun, Charlie J. Mickey, Marc Hildebrand, and Steve Galiette
*Large Volume Reconnaissance Using 3-D Visualization Software, Desert Springs Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
by Robert Bunge
The Development of the Antler Foredeep and Its Impact on the Facies Architecture of a Prograding Carbonate Fill, the Lower Mississippian Madison Group, Southwest and Central Montana
by Matthew Buoniconti, Gregor P Eberli, and Langhorne Smith
Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Colville Basin of Northern Alaska from Burial and Thermal History Modeling
by W. Matthew Burns, Daniel O. Hayba, David W. Houseknecht, and Elisabeth L.
The Late Jurassic Alpine C Sandstone—A Bioturbated, Paralic Reservoir Deposited During a Slow Transgression: North Slope, Alaska
by Beverly A. Burns, Robert S. Tye,Doug Knock, Meg Kremer,Dean Gingrich, Dave Shafer, Al Scott,
and James A. MacEachern
Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations During Basin Evolution
by Robert C. Burruss and Thomas M. Parris
Integration of Outcrop, Process Models and High Resolution 3-D Seismic in the Development of the Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: A Subsurface Analog for Ponded-Basin Turbidite Reservoirs
by Tom Byrd and Eric J. Ekstrand
Application of Outcrop, Process Models and High Resolution 3-D Seismic in the Development of the Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: A Subsurface Analog for Ponded-Basin Turbidite Reservoirs
by Tom Byrd, Eric J. Ekstrand, Donald C. Bruce, and Kim Syrowski
The Role of Moldic Porosity in Paleozoic Kansas Reservoirs and the Association of Original Depositional Facies and Early Diagenesis with Reservoir Properties
by Alan P. Byrnes, Evan K. Franseen, W. Lynn Watney, and Martin K. Dubois
Source Rock Potential of Coal and Carbonaceous Shales of Petroleum Systems in the Eastern Venezuela Basin
by Angel Francisco Callejon and Adry Bissada
Basin-Center Gas or Subtle Conventional Traps?
by Wayne K. Camp, Andrea B. Brown, and Lindsay L. Poth
The Role of Syn-Depositional Salt Tactonics and the Development of Los Chivos Mesa, Northeast Mexico
by Matthew A. Campbell and Robert K. Goldhammer
San Clemente State Beach, California: A Classic Example for Stratal Hierarchy and Prediction Within Deep Water Channels
by Kirt Campion, Anthony Sprague, and Morgan Sullivan
Resource Assessment and Regional Geology of the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit, McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta: A Synthesis
by Mark Caplan
Tamarugal Basin, Chile: A Sleeping Giant?
by Dennis Carlton, Fred E. Digert, and Robert E Zilinski
Evolution of a Petroleum Play in the Falkland Islands
by Dennis Carlton and Robert E Zilinski
Process-Based Numerical Modeling of Turbiditic Systems Along a Passive Margin (Pab Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Pakistan)
by Emmanuel Caroli, Rémi Eschard, Tristan Euzen, and Didier Granjeon
First-Order Basin-Range Extensional Architecture, Southern Nevada Region
by James A. Carpenter
Online Tools to Evaluate Saline Aquifers for CO2 Sequestration
by Timothy R. Carr, Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Christopher P. Korose, R. Stephen Fisher, Wilfrido Solano-Acosta, and Nathan Eaton
Use of Information Technology for Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Permian Gas Fields of the Hugoton Embayment
by Timothy R. Carr, Kenneth M. Dean, Martin K. Dubois, Paul Gerlach, Michael H. Maroney, Ernie Morrison, K. David Newell, Kitt E. Noah,
and Harald Poelchau
Use of Borehole Imaging (FMI TM) Data to Define Prospectivity Near the Los Bajos Fault
, Southwest Trinidad
by Mariano Carrera, John Chambers, and Vishram Rambaran
Source Rock Heterogeneity of the Eocene Green River Formation Estimated from Fischer Assay Analysis
by Alan R. Carroll and Jeffrey T. Pietras
Predicting Deep-Water Sand Deposition from Shelf-Edge Trajectory in the Latest Cretaceous, Lance-Fox Hills-Lewis Depositional System, Washakie Basin, Wyoming
by Cristian R. Carvajal
Lower Silurian Incised-Valley Deposits in the Appalachian Foreland Basin: Regional Variation and Structural Control
by James W. Castle
Application of the Fractal/Facies Concept to Predicting Sedimentologically Controlled Permeability Variation for Reservoir Modeling
by James W. Castle, Fred J. Molz, Cynthia L. Dinwiddie, Silong Lu, Ronald W. Falta, and Scott E. Brame
Regional Thin-Skinned Extension in a Foreland Basin: Eastern Black Warrior Basin, Alabama
by Luke Martens Cates and Richard H. Groshong
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Neogene Sequences in the Gulf of Mexico
by Octavian Catuneanu, Edmundo Heredia, Vicente Ortega, Jose Robles, Carlos Toledo, Luis Pablo Boll, and Fernando Lopez
External Controls on Fluvial Facies: The Scollard Sequence, Western Canada Foredeep
by Octavian Catuneanu, Ahmed Khidir, and Rabindra Thanju
Fibrous Illite and the Critical Moment of Oil Charge in the Northern North Sea
by Andrew James Cavanagh, R.S. Haszledine, and G.D. Couples
Sequence Architecture in Distal Lake Bonneville (Late Quaternary), Northwestern Utah
by Matthew Cavas and Gregory C Nadon
Late Miocene/Pliocene Inversion History of the North Alpine Foreland Basin
by Charlotte Cederbom, Hugh Sinclair, and Fritz Schlunegger
The Influence of Stress Evolution on Hydrocarbon Production
by Alvin W. Chan and Mark Zoback
Integrated Exploration: Surface Geochemistry and Basin Modeling of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Sale 181
by Ahmed Chaouche, Pablo Eisner, and Steve Crews
Permeability Effects of Systematic Deformation Band Arrays in Sandstone
by Jeffrey Chapin, Kurt Sternlof, David Pollard, and Louis Durlofsky
*Tectonic Denudation of the Cordillera Central
Linked to the Eastern Venezuela Thrust Belt Emplacement
by Jean-Yves Chatellier
*Deformation Phases of the Furrial Producing Trend, Eastern Venezuela Thrust Belt
by Jean-Yves Chatellier and Sergio Olave
*Preservation of Sandbanks within Present-Day Estuaries (Atlantic Coast of France) Revealed by Very High Resolution Seismic Surveys
by Eric Chaumillon, Nicolas Weber, Michel Tesson, and Bernadette Tessier
Structural Style of a Normal Fault
System Above the Salt Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Utah
by Patrice C. Chauvin and Michael R. Hudec
Inversion Tectonics and Oil-Gas Accumulation
by Zhiyong Chen and Heping Ge
Adopting Risk Analysis Procedures for Development and Production Problems
by Gary P. Citron, J.A. Alexander, Mark A. McLane, James Gouveia, and Peter R. Rose
Characterization of Deep-Water Turbidite Sub-Environments from the Shelf-Edge to Basin Floor, Storvola, Spitsbergen
by Bryn E. Clark
*Mapping of Reservoirs and Subsurface Structures Using Selective Analysis of the Surface Chemistry of Soil Particles
by J. Robert Clark, Gregory T. Hill, and Reed Tompkins
*Integrated Modeling of the Taratunich Field, Bay of Campeche, Southern Mexico
by W.J. Clark, F.O. Iwere, O. Apaydin, J. Moreno, R. Leon Ventura, R. Hernandez, J. Garcia,
and F. Trevino
Facies Architecture of a Diatomite-Sandstone Reservoir from Integrated Core and Log Analysis, Lost Hills Field, California
by Michael S. Clark, Dale Julander, and Thomas Zalan
An Improved Method to Evaluate the Ferron Coalbed Methane Reservoir, Drunkards Wash Field, Uinta Basin, Utah
by Thomas A. Cloud, Yuanhai Yang, and Craig W. Van Kirk
Analysis of Facies and Permeability from Cores, Cottonwood Creek Area, Wyoming
by Edward B. Coalson and Richard F. Inden
Tectonic Inversion of a Passive Continental Margin (Southeast Brazil) and its Effects on Sedimentation and Petroleum Systems
by Peter R. Cobbold and Kristian E. Meisling
Mechanism of Thin-Skinned Detachment in the Amazon Fan: Assessing the Importance of Fluid Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Generation
by Peter R. Cobbold, Régis Mourgues, and Kevin Boyd
Process-Based Stochastic Modeling of Meandering Channelized Reservoirs
by Isabelle Cojan, Alain Galli, Simon Lopez, and Jacques Rivoirard
Fluvial Process-Based Stochastic Model Outputs of the Almedina Outcrop (Triassic, Central Spain)
by Isabelle Cojan, Simon Lopez, and Jacques Rivoirard
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Facies in Process-based Stochastic Fluvial Reservoir Modeling
by Isabelle Cojan, Simon Lopez, and Jacques Rivoirard
A 10 My Long Record of Sedimentation in a Continental Active Strike Slip Basin (Upper Cretaceous, Provence, France)
by Isabelle Cojan and Marie-Gabrielle Moreau
Assessment of Deep Gas Potential of the Eastern Green River Basin, Southern Wyoming
by J.L. Coleman, D.M. Stone, and D.H. Phillips
The Eileen-Tarn Gas Hydrate Petroleum System, Northern Alaska
by Timothy S. Collett and Tom Lorenson
Regional Stress and Seismotectonics in Northern South America
by Lourdes Colmenares and Mark Zoback
Origin and Evolution of the Middle Miocene Submarine Fan System, East-Central Gulf of Mexico
by Ricardo I. Combellas-Bigott and William E. Galloway
The Distribution of Coeval Depositional Elements Within a Stepped Slope Setting, Offshore Brunei
by Daniel L. Cook and T.A. McGilvery
Mid-Cretaceous Extension in Liaoning Province, Northeast China: Extensional Collapse of an Intraplate Orogen?
by Tim D. Cope
The Permian Basin Petroleum Systems, Simpson-Ellenburger and Woodford-San Andres—New Insights for Exploring a Mature Petroleum Province
by James J. Corboy and Harry E. Cook
Synchronous Modification of Upper Ordovician Facies Gradients Along Two Shelf-to-Basin Ramps: Influences of Taconic Tectonism on Eustatic Cycles
by Sean R. Cornell, Carlton E. Brett, and Patrick I. McLauglin
Simulating Natural Hydraulic Fractures in Muddy Rocks—Implications for Seal Capacity and Primary Migration
by Gary D Couples, Jennifer Ellis, Gael Riethmuller, and Helen Lewis
Role of Fault
Damage Zones in the Thermal State of Basins
by Gary D Couples, Campbell G Fleming, Helen Lewis, and R Stuart Haszeldine
Evolution of Structural Damage—Role of Geomechanical Simulations
by Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Nigel G. Higgs, and Peter W.H. Olden
Facies Architecture and Shoreline Trajectory in the Sandstone Tongues of the Lower Iles Formation, Mesaverde Group (Campanian), Northwest Colorado
by Jeff P. Crabaugh
Architecture and Distribution of Deep-Water Channel Complexes, Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Foreland Basin, Chile
by William H. Crane, Donald R. Lowe, Erin Duerichen, Amy Weislogel, Tzvetina Erohina, Brita Graham, Stephen Hubbard, Cari Johnson, Alexandra Krull, Elizabeth Mason, and Michael Tice
Framework, Architecture and Exploration Potential of the Tertiary Strata—Offshore, Southwestern Nova Scotia
by Gela Crane, Garth Syhlonyk, H. Karin Michel, and John McGilvary
Coarse-Grained Deep-Water Debris Flow Fans in a Seismically Active Foreland Basin: Maras Basin, Miocene, Eastern Turkey
by Bryan T. Cronin, Kemal Gurbuz, Hasan Celik, Adrian J. Hartley, Murat Gul, and Elaine Aiken
3-D Stratigraphic Inversion of Mission Canyon Reservoirs, Little Knife and Billings Nose Trends, Williston Basin, USA: A New Technology for Reservoir Assessment
by Timothy A. Cross, Margaret A. Lessenger, and Michael L. Hendricks
Sheet-Like Lowstand Fluvial Deposits, Lower Cretaceous Missisauga Formation, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphic Models and Deep-Water Exploration
by Don Cummings, R.W.C. (Bill) Arnott, and Bruce S Hart
Oil-Prone Lacustrine Source Rock Potential in Central Indonesia
by J.A. Curiale, John Decker, Charles A. Caughey, and H. F. Schwing
Potential Contribution of Rocky Mountain Natural Gas to U.S. Energy Supply—Resource, Demand and Price Considerations
by John B. Curtis
Overview of Scientific Studies
Conducted as Part of the 2002 Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research Well Program
by Scott R. Dallimore, Timothy Collett, Takashi Uchida, and Michael Weber
The Rate of Normal Fault
Growth: Insight from Analog Experiments
by Jean-Marc Daniel, Camilo Montes and Nicolas Bellahsen
Dichotomy: Impact of Deformation Mechanism and
by Nichals C. Davatzes, Peter Eichhubl and Atilla Aydin
The Significance of Coal Seam Splits for Correlation Between Shallow-Marine and Coastal Plain Strata
by Roy C. Davies, John A. Howell, Stephen S. Flint, Claus Diessel, and Ron Boyd
Primary Mud-Clast Conglomerates: Under-Utilized Clues to Sedimentary Processes in Lower Paleozoic Terrestrial to Shallow Marine Environments
by Neil S. Davies, Andrew J. Rees, and Peter Turner
Climatic and Tectonic Controls on the Deposition of the Neogene Productive Series, Azerbaijan
by C.E. Davies, S.J. Vincent, M.D. Simmons, D. J Hinds, M.B. Allen, and E. Aliyeva
Impact of Outcrop Analog-Guided Modeling in the Brent Group, Brent Field, United Kingdom North Sea: A ‘Reoriented’ Delta System
by Paul Davies and Huw Williams
New Tectono-Stratigraphic Models and Their Impact on the Reservoir Quality and Distribution in the Eastern Black Sea Basin
by Byron Davis and Ryan Wilson
Narrow and Wide Salt Basin Comparisons
by Ian Davison
Sedimentology and Petrophysical Character of Cretaceous Marine Shale Sequences in Foreland Basins: Seismic Response of Seal Horizons
by William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, Frank G. Ethridge, Sally J. Sutton, and Bellatrix Costeblanco
Neogene Tectonics as a Major Control on Hydrocarbon Plays of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
by Mario G. De Freitas, Jose A. Rizzi, Luz M. Duarte, and Alejandro Mora
Early 3-D Evaluation Using Parallel Volume Interpretation Techniques on the Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by Blas De La Peña, Miguel Morales, Hector Bello, Jonathan Hernandez, and Gerald Kidd
Impact of Flow Oscillations in the Depositional Geometry and Architectural Elements Distribution of Sand-Rich Density Current-Driven Deposits
by Antonio Cosme Del Rey, Adriano Roessler Viana, Rafael Manica, Rogério Dornelles Maestri, and Ana Luiza de Oliveira Borges
Facies Analysis, Early Diagenesis and Depositional Environments in a Paleocene Reef, La Popa Basin, Northeast, Mexico
by Jose Francisco Delgado and Robert K. Goldhammer
*Depositional Architectures and Lithofacies of a Pennsylvanian High-rising Carbonate Platform (Sierra del
Cuera, Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain)
by Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Juan R. Bahamonde, and Klaas Verwer
An Integrated Chronostratigraphic Evaluation and Calibration of the Early Miocene Oficina Formation at Petrozuata, Venezuela
by Thomas D. Demchuk, Enrique Gonzalez-Guzman, Ian Gordon, and John R. Suter
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Burgan and Mauddud Formations (Lower Cretaceous), Kuwait
by Timothy M. Demko, Penny E. Patterson, Howard R. Feldman, Christian J. Strohmenger, John C. Mitchell, Patrick J. Lehmann, Ghaida Alsahlan Hamdah Al-Enezi, and Menahi S.
Upper Tertiary Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploration in Offshore Bohai, China
by Yunhua Deng
Integrated Fractured Reservoir Characterization with Multiple Attributes and Forward Modeling
by Lin Deng and Feng Shen
Age Control on the Zaire Deep-Sea Fan: From 100 ka to Decadal Scale
by Bernard Dennielou, Jean-Marie Jouanneau, Tania Marsset, Laurence Droz, Bruno Savoye,Sébastien Migeon, Michel Lopez, Jean-Pierre
Suc, and Jean-Louis Volat
Paleocene and Eocene ‘‘North Sea-Like’’ Submarine Fans in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland, Eastern Canada
by Mark E. Deptuck and David J. W. Piper
Detailed Anatomy and Evolution of a West African Channel-Levee System: Response to Changing Bathymetry and Gravity Flow Processes
by Mark E. Deptuck, Gary S. Steffens, and Carlos Pirmez
U.S. DOE-Sponsored Development Case Study of a Karsted Carbonate ‘‘Island’’ Hydrocarbon Reservoir: West Carney Hunton Field, Lincoln and Logan Counties, Oklahoma
by James R. Derby, Jason C. Andrews, Joe Podpechan, and Sandeep Ramakrishna
*Quantification of Uncertainty in Gas Resources of Deep Panuke
by Clayton Deutsch, Richard Wierzbivki, Robert Riddy, and John Slade
*Processes of Mud Volcanism in the Barbados-Trinidad Compressional System: New structural, Thermal and Geochemical Data
by Eric Deville, Anne Battani, Roger Griboulard, Sophie Guerlais, Siegfried
Lallemant, Alain Mascle, Alain Prinzhofer, and Julien Schmitz
Allocyclic and Autocyclic Controls During Deposition of the Ferron Sandstone:
Using Depositional Environments and Architecture Analysis to Understand Sea Level and Facies Distributions
by John A. Dewey and Thomas H. Morris
Imaging Basement-Influenced Sedimentation with Potential Fields Data: Examples from Tertiary Petroleum Systems Around the World
by William G. Dickson, Janice M. Christ, Mark E. Odegard , and James W. Granath
Geometries, Cyclicity and Facies of a Temperate-Water Carbonate Succession Deposited During Icehouse Conditions: Pliocene Carboneras Basin, Southeast Spain
by Peter Dillett, Robert H. Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen
Threading the Needle with 3-D Visualization Problem Solving and Well Bore Planning-Matagorda Island 623 Field Case History
by James B. Dischinger, Franklin L. Mitchum, and James E. Wolfe
Slope Channel Morphology and Depositional Controls: The Pleistocene-Holocene Niger Delta Slope as an Analog for Ancient Slope Systems
by Barrett T. Dixon
Hydrocarbon Formation in the Subduction Zones of the Thrust Belts
by A.N. Dmitrievsky, Inna E. Balanyuk, and L. Sh. Dongaryan
Structural Controls on Leakage from a Carbon Dioxide Reservoir in Southeastern Utah, USA
by Ben Dockrill, Zoe K. Shipton, and James P. Evans
Geologic and Geodetic Evidence of Present-Day Rapid Motion on the Baton Rouge Fault
and Its Relationship to the Ongoing Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico ‘‘Passive’’ Margin
by Roy K. Dokka and Araya Kebede
*Use of Seismic to Constrain Geostatistical Reservoir Models: A Quantitative Approach Using Proportions of Facies
by Brigitte Doligez; Gomel Perrine; Andrieux Benoit; Fournier Frederique, and Helene
Composite Sequences, Seismic Facies, and Reservoir Distributions in the Dianna Hoover Basin: Gulf of Mexico
by Arthur D. Donovan, J. Mick Casey, Diego I. Sanabria, Darryl K. Willis, and Doug A. Stauber
The Huesca Project: Integrated Sedimentary Architecture Modeling of a Low Net-to-Gross Fluvial Succession
by Marinus E. Donselaar and Cees R. Geel
Conditions Conducive to Coalescence of Isolated Platforms in the Miocene Wonocolo Formation, North Madura Area, East Java Basin, Indonesia
by Steven L. Dorobek and Rahadian Adhyaksawan
Transport of Allochthonous Carbonate Sediment and Its Influence on Mud Mound Growth Histories, Mississippian Lake Valley Formation, New Mexico: Autocyclic Influences Driven by Relative Sea-Level Change
by Steven L. Dorobek, Steven L. Bachtel, and Michael F. Hoffmann
Unraveling the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Bossier: Pseudo-Seismic Correlation of Well Logs in Dew-Mimms Field, Freestone County, Texas
by Jean-Pierre Dube, Kirk Chatawanich, Josh Borella, and Paul Pearce
Statistically-Based Lithofacies Predictions for 3-D Reservoir Modeling: An Example from the Panoma (Council Grove) Field, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas
by Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Geoffrey C. Bohling, Shane C. Seals, and John H.
*Genesis of mass wasting seismic facies deduced by CAT-scan analysis
by Mathier Jacques Duchesne and Bernard Francois Long
*Influence of the Finer Material Portion in Physical Simulation of Density Currents
by Richard Eduard Ducker, Marcelo Devenutte Avila, Rogerio Dornelles Maestri,
and Ana Luiza De Oliveira Borges
Shale Diapirs in an Oblique Contractional Range: Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by Leonardo Duerto and Kenneth R McClay
Wafra First Eocene Reservoir ModelCApplication of Sequence Stratigraphy and Geostatistics
by Dennis W Dull, W. Scott Meddaugh, and Paul Montgomery
Regional Outcrop Study and 3-D Stratigraphic Modeling in a Foreland Basin Setting: The Example of the Grès d’ Annot Turbidite Formation (French Alps)
by Elodie du Fornel, Philippe Joseph, François Guillocheau, Tristan Euzen, and Didier Granjeon
Oscillatory and Combined Flow Bed Forms Produced in the Laboratory: Implications for the Shallow Marine Rock Record
by Simone Dumas, R.W.C. Arnott, and John B. Southard
Turbiditic Sedimentary Environments Definition and Petrophysical Modeling with Seismic Constraints for an African Field Case
by Christophe Dumay
Permeability Structure of an Exhumed Faulted and Folded Reservoir: A Study of the Navajo Sandstone and the Teasdale Fault
by Jeffrey T. Dunn, Craig B. Forster, and Laird B. Thompson
*Hierarchical, Self-Affine Fluvial Sand Body Shapes from Ancient and Modern Settings
by Paul A.J. Dunn, C. Van Wagoner, and M. Deffenbaugh
Long-Term Evolution of Normal Fault
Systems: Controls on the Development and Evolution of Extensional Structures in the Neotectonic Kenyan Rift, East Africa
by Jonathan P. Dunningham, John R. Underhill, and J. Barry Dawson
Reliability of West African Deep Offshore Reservoir-Model Using Biological Signatures of the Architectural Elements
by Gerard Dupont
Play Analysis of Major Oil Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, West Texas
by Shirley P. Dutton, Eugene M. Kim, and Mark H. Holtz
A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault
Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth
Family, Offshore Angola
by David Dutton, and Dustin Lister
The Distinctive Role of Relay Ramps in the Tectono-Stratigraphic and Thermal Evolution of a Transtensional Basin, Offshore Côte d’Ivoire
by David Dutton, Bruce Trudgill, Justin Morrison, and Victor Boblai
Controls on the Genesis, Evolution and Breaching of Relay Ramps: New Insights from Field Studies
, Southwest Utah) and 3-D Seismic Analyses (Offshore West Africa)
by David Dutton, Bruce Trudgill, and David Sanderson
Rock Physics for Gas Hydrate Reservoir Characterization
by Jack Petrovich Dvorkin and Amos Nur
Effect of Diagenetic Cements on Seismic and Transport Properties in Sandstones: Data and Theory
by Jack Dvorkin, Gareth Taylor, Richard Uden, Maggie Smith, and Joel Walls
Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources and Assessment Units of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Cotton Valley Group, Northern Gulf Coast Region
by T.S. Dyman, S.M. Condon(1) U.S. Geolog
Porosity Partitioning in Sedimentary Cycles: Implications for Reservoir Modeling
by Gregor P. Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith, Elena Morettini, and Layaan Al-Kharusi
Regional Facies Trends in the Upper Ismay Zone of the Blanding Sub-Basin of the Paradox Basin, Utah: Aids for Identifying Possible Targets for Horizontal Drilling
by David E. Eby, Thomas C. Chidsey, Craig D. Morgan, and Kevin McClure
Controls on the Depositional Patterns in the Santonian Emery Sandstone Member and Surrounding Strata, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
by Chris M Edwards, John A Howell, and Stephen S Flint
Carbonate Porosity Control by Aluminosilicate Distribution: Finnmark Carbonate Platform (Pennsylvanian-Permian), Offshore North Norway
by Stephen Neville Ehrenberg
Stromatolites, Floods and Regional Correlation in the Navajo Sandstone
by Leonard Irwin Eisenberg
Characterizing Subsalt Prospect Structural Uncertainty, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Richard A. Eisenberg and Donald A. Medwedeff
Quantified Carbonate Platform Development: The Rosengarten Transect (Middle Triassic, Dolomites)
by Axel Emmerich, Robert G. Tscherny, Thilo Bechstädt, Carsten Büker, Ralf Littke, and Rainer Zühlke
Applying Ion-Microprobe Technology in Reconstructing Quartz Cement History in an Upper Jurassic Sandstone Reservoir of the Outer Moray Firth Basin, North Sea, United Kingdom
by Gavin L England, R Stuart Haszeldine, Janes Cleverley, Stuart A Barclay, Bruce W.D. Yardley, Quentin J. Fisher, Colin M. Graham, and Tony Fallick
New Play Concepts for the Deep-Water Shelf of Sao Tome and Principe
by John A. English and Douglas Evans
A Fuzzy Expert System for Detection of By-Passed Intervals in a Geologically Complex Reservoir Using Production-Calibrated Well Log Data
by I. Ershaghi, M. Kashfi, Karen Christensen, and Tim Rathmann
Kinematic Evolution of Detachment Folds, Offshore Brunei, Indonesia
by Eric A. Erslev, and Peter H. Hennings
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Characterization Studies
of D-07, D-08 and E-01 Sands, BlockMeren Field, Offshore Niger Delta
by Adegbenga O Esan, Steven L. Dorobek, Jerry L Jensen, and Brian J. Willis
*Paleogene depocenter along the NE margin of the Maracaibo basin: Structure along an exhumed, Eocene age lateral ramp fault
in the Maracaibo basin, western Venezuela
by Alejandro Escalona and Paul Mann
Heterogeneity Distribution and Sequence Evolution of Turbiditic Channel Complexes in the Pab Formation, Pakistan
by Remi Eschard, Emily Albouy, Remy Deschamps, and Tristan Euzen
Identification of Vuggy Gas Zones in the Ordovician Beekmantown Dolomite
by Eric Eslinger and R. V. Everett
A Strategy for Integrating Conventional Unconventional Exploration Tools, Yemen
by John R. Everett, Dana Jurick, David Nollsch, W.F. Bott, Dietmar Schumacher, and Ronald J. Staskowski
Canada’s East Coast Exploration Offshore Newfoundland: Paying Your Tuition
by Derek Evoy and R. John Knight
Canada’s Oil and Gas Resources — Surplus to Requirements?
by George Eynon
Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Belanak and Gabus Fields, West Natuna Basin, Indonesia
by Mochammad Fachmi and Lesli J. Wood
*Comparative Response of Seismic Signatures in Deep-Water Reservoirs Offshore Brazil and West Africa
by Roberto Fainstein
Mesozoic Plate Tectonic Controls on Rift Basin Development in North Central Africa: A Major Cretaceous Basin System
by J. Derek Fairhead and R. Guiraud
Uncertainty Analysis and Management in Integrated Studies
: Example from a Brown Field Onshore Niger Delta
by Oluwaseyi A. Fatoke, Denis Chantreau, Olumuyiwa O. Awojuyigbe, and Mona Kalu
Incised Valleys Without Lowstand Deltas: Examples from the Clearwater Formation at Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada
by Howard Feldman, Tim de Frietas, Burns Cheadle, and Glen McCrimmon
Regularity, a Parameter Quantitatively Defining the Development Degree of a Meandering River
by Zhiqiang Feng
Organic Geochemical Evidence of Source Rock and Its Depositional Environment, the Nonmarine Santanghu Basin, Northwest China
by Qiao Feng, Yiqun Liu, and Wan Yang
*Integration of Dynamic Data in a Mature Oil Field Reservoir Model to Reduce the
Uncertainty on Production Forecasting
by Mathieu Feraille; Emmanuel Manceau; Isabvelle Zabalza-Mezghani; Frederic Roggero; Lin-Ying Hu; and Leandro Costa Reis
*Geological Conditions and Peculiarities of the Mud Volcanoes Formation
by Akper Feyzullayev
Large Geologic Models for Evaluation and Development Planning for Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Zuata Area, of the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, Eastern Venezuela Basin
by Gordon W. Fielder and Oscar Gonzalez
The Burdekin River Delta of Northeastern Australia: A Model for Shallow-Water, Flood-Dominated Sandy Deltas
by C.R. Fielding, J. Alexander, and J.D. Trueman
*The Stratigraphic Evolution of Monterey Fan
Area and Growth Patterns of Related Channel Complexes
by Andrea Fildani and William R. Normark
Lithologic, Hydrocarbon Migration, and Source Rock Implications of Condensed Sections Based on Paleoecological Studies
of Fossil Taxa
by Richard H. Fillon and Paul Weimer
A Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Lacustrine System in the Central Andes: Cretaceous-Paleocene El Molino Formation, Bolivia
by Richard J Fink and Brian K Horton
Mauritania, Northwest Africa—the Story Unfolds
by Mike W Fischer
Geological Controls of Hydrocarbon Seeps in Santa Maria Basin, Offshore
by Peter J. Fischer and Joseph M. Saenz
Application of High-Resolution Geologic Modeling to Environmental Remediation in Coastal Plain Sediments
by Gregory P. Flach, Mary K. Harris, Margaret R. Millings, Guillaume Jean, Jeffrey M Yarus, Jeffrey J. Thibault, William W. Pidcoe, and Gerald C. Blount
Gas Exploration and Development Strategies in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by David W. Flint and Robert K. Dixon
Petrophysical Properties and Sealing Capacity of Fault
Rock from Sheared-Joint Based Faults in Sandstone
by Eric Flodin, Martha Gerdes, Atilla Aydin, and William D. Wiggins
*Modeling Seismic Signature of Small Faults from Outcrop Analogues
by Juan Florez and Gary Mavko
*Porosity-Velocity Distribution in Stratigraphic Sequences: The Marion-Yin Model
by Juan Florez, and Gary Mavko
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of a Deltaic-to-Estuarine Clinoform (Battfjellet Formation, Norway) Influenced by Syn-Sedimentary Faulting
by Atle Folkestad and Trine Gjessen
*Perforating System Selection for Optimum Well Inflow Performance
by Kent Folse, Melissa Allin, Chris Chow, and John Hardesty
Application of Propellant High-Energy
Gas Fracturing in Gas-Injector Wells at El Furrial Field in Northern
Monagas State, Venezuela
by Kent C. Folse, Edgar Almanza, Pedro Chira, and Arguimedes Salazar
Successful High Grading of Coal Bed Methane Gas Fields with Soil Gas Geochemistry: A Test of Multiple Methods Over the Prairie Dog Creek Field in the Powder River Basin, Sheridan County, Wyoming
by John V. Fontana, Jame H. Viellenave, Arthur F. Jacob, and Harry TerBest
Paleoenvironmental Variability Across the Cretaceous-Tertiary
by Robert M Forkner, Stacy C. Atchley, and Lee C. Nordt
A Risk Analysis Process for Amplitude Anomaly Prospects
by Michael C. Forrest, Rocky R. Roden, Roger C. Holeywell, and Peter R. Rose
Once it is Quantified, How Does Fault
Architecture Affect Enhanced Oil Recovery?
by Craig B. Forster, Sangeetha M. Pasala, Milind D. Deo, and Siang J. Lim
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Carbonate Platform, Sierra Madre Oriental (Northeast Mexico)
by Tina R. Foster and Robert K. Goldhammer
Partitioning of Bacterial Communities in Hot Spring Travertine Depositional Facies
by Bruce W. Fouke, George T. Bonheyo, Beth Sanzenbacher, and Jorge Frias-Lopez
Climate vs. Eustacy: Forces of Change in Delta System Evolution and Upper Slope Sedimentation
by Carmen M. Fraticelli and John B. Anderson
*A Model-Based Method to Supply Missing Log Information
by Michael A. Frenkel
Coral Black Band Disease: A Single Symptom Associated with Different Cyanobacteria in Widely-Spaced Ocean Basins
by Jorge Frias-Lopez, George Bonheyo, Qusheng Jin, and Bruce W. Fouke
A Large-Scale Geological CO2 Sequestration Project in the Northern Rocky Mountains: Feasibility, Economics, and Scientific Gain
by S. Julio Friedmann, Dag Nummedal, Carrick Egleston, Mark Sonnenfeld, Hai-Ziu Meng, Peigui Yin, and Donna Anderson
Shale Diapirism Versus Down-Building in the Quinault Formation, Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Key Criteria for Interpreting the Origin of Diapiric Structures
by Shawn M. Fullmer
A Case for Direct Thermogenic Hydrocarbon Detection and Exploration Risk Reduction
by Victor Gabela, Keith Phipps, and Jay W. Hodny
Related Subsidence and Land Submergence in Southeastern Louisiana
by Sherwood M. Gagliano, Louis D. Britsch, E. Burton Kemp, Karen M. Wicker, and Kathleen S. Wiltenmuth
*Converted Shear-Wave Anisotropy Attributes for Fractured-Reservoir Management
by James E.Gaiser and Richard R. Van Dok
Fracture Characterization in the Austin Chalk: A Horizontal Core from the Lower Austin Chalk, Pearsall Field, Frio County, Texas
by Julia F. W. Gale and Jon Holder
Bed-Scale Facies Architecture of an Ancient Delta Lobe Deposit of the Wall Creek Member, Central Wyoming, U.S.A.
by M. Royhan Gani and Janok Bhattacharya
*Object Based Simulations in Fluvial Environment at the Reservoir Scale and at a Local Scale
by Marta Benito Garcia-Morales; Helene Beucher; Francois Geoffroy, and Brigitte
Pronounced Grain-Size Partitioning Between Shoreface and Fluvial Strata: A Stratigraphic Signature of Base-Level Rise
by Michael H. Gardner, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, and Jonathan Sukanto
Determining the Line of Correlation Between Two Wells: Application to Multivariate Biostratigraphic Data
by A.C. Gary, G.W. Johnson, D. Ekart, and E. Platon
Structure and Prospectivity of the European Atlantic Margin West of the Rockall Trough
by Robert W Gatliff and Ken Hitchen
Role of Basement Architecture During Salt Tectonics in the Northwest and Southeast Mediterranean: Comparison Between the Rhone and Nile Deep-Sea Fans
by Virginie Gaullier, Bruno Vendeville, Lies Loncke, Agnes Maillard, and Jean Mascle
Improved Stratigraphic Modeling of Miocene Carbonate Ramps and Reef-Rimmed Platforms by Integrating Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Carbonate Productivity and Paleoclimatology
by Fabrice Gaumet,Rémi Eschard, Didier Granjeon, Frans Van Buchen, Luis Pomar, Sandrine Grataloup, and Aure ´lien Pierre
Debris Avalanches and Debris Flows from Source to Sink
by Martin J R Gee
Stochastic Modeling of Seismic Velocity Fields
by David Geraets, Paolo Ruffo, and Alain Galli
Depositional Geometry and Morphology of a Modern Confined Sandy Lobe (Eastern Corsican Margin, Western Mediterranean)
by Anne Gervais, Bruno Savoye, and Thierry Mulder
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tertiary Section of the Tacat Region, Northern Anzoategui and Monagas States, Eastern Venezuela
by Genaro F. Giffuni, Rosa Aquino, José Mijares, and Luisa Alcalá
Characterization of the Coalbed Methane Potential in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Evidence from the Upper Cretaceous Horseshoe Canyon Formation of South-Central Alberta
by Dwayne F. Giggs and S. George Pemberton
The Role of Antithetic Faulting in Setting Up the Hudson Play, East Shetland Basin, UK Northern North Sea
by Caroline E Gill, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Controls on the Rate of Deformation, Strain Localization and the Migration of the Locus of Extension in the Northern North Sea Rift System
by Caroline E Gill and John R. Underhill
Lower Cretaceous Incised Valley Complexes, Northern British Columbia, Canada
by Murray Gingras, Barton Blakney, and John-Paul Zonneveld
The Incised Valley Fill of the McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta, Comprises Estuarine and Deltaic Deposits
by Murray Gingras, Michael J. Ranger, and Mark Caplan
Paleosols in the Eocene Carroza Formation, La Popa Basin, Mexico: Indicators of Diapiric Tectonics and Depositional Environments
by Elizabeth M. Glowiak, Brenda J. Buck, Timothy F. Lawton, Brent R. Waidmann, and Andrew D. Hanson
Improving Turbidite Geological Models with Borehole Imaging: An Integrated FMI, Cores, and Outcrop Study, Tanqua Karoo, South Africa
by Jan Willem Goedbloed, Stefan M. Luthi, Cees R. Geel, Philippe Montaggioni, and Francoise Sinet
Paleocene La Popa PlatformCComplex Sequence Architecture and Facies Tracts of an Isolated Platform Driven by Synpdepositional Salt Tectonics, La Popa Basin, Northeast Mexico
by Robert K Goldhammer and Katherine A Giles
Resurrection of the Allocyclic Interpretation of the Latemar Cycles (M. Triassic, The Dolomites): View from a Coeval Platform
by Robert K Goldhammer, Linda A Hinnov, Lawrence A Hardie, and Robert Forkner
New Techniques in Fracture Imaging and Quantification: Applications in the Ellenburger Group, West Texas
by Leonel Gomez, Julia F.W. Gale, Robert M. Reed, Robert G. Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Stephen E Laubach
Tectonic Controls on Delta-Front and Deepwater Sandstone Stratigraphy: Lewis Shale and Fox Hills Sandstone of the Northern Great Divide Basin, Wyoming
by Angel P. Gonzalez, Donna S. Anderson, and Neil F. Hurley
Controls on the Development of Dissolution-Collapse Features in Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Platform Strata, DeSoto Canyon Area, Offshore Alabama-Florida
by Christine Iannello Gonzales and Steven L. Dorobek
Porosity Prediction in Quartzose Sandstones by Diagenetic Modeling: Application to Petroleum Exploration in the Area of Urica-Mundo Nuevo, Venezuela
by Sylene Gonzalez, Gabriela Marcano, Bernabé Aguado, and Giselle Gedler
Measuring Uncertainty in Seismic Lithology Prediction Using Statistical Rock Physics: Application to Heavy Oil Orinoco Belt of Eastern Venezuela
by Ezequiel F. Gonzalez, Tapan Mukerji, Reinaldo J. Michelena, and Gary Mavko
More Than Just Access to the Arctic: Mackenzie-Liard Valley Hydrocarbon Basins, NWT
by J.R. Good and J. R. Taylor
Middle and Lower Ordovician Carbonates in Central Kentucky—A Comparison of Porosity and Permeability Between an Uplifted and Faulted Surface Exposure and Cores from a Fractured Reservoir Along a Fault
by Patrick J. Gooding
Characteristics of Reservoir Rocks in Kentucky
by Patrick J. Gooding
The Modernization of Old Log Suites
by Steven M. Goolsby and Mark H. Franklin
Contrasting Hydrodynamic and Capillary Pore-Throat Trapping Mechanisms to Explain the Weyburn Field Accumulation in Saskatchewan, Canada
by Steven M. Goolsby, Mark H. Franklin, Edward B. Coalson, and Micheal L. Hendricks
Interpretations of Near-Marine and Fluvial Deposits Affect the Development and Consequent Production at Zuata Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
by Ian Gordon, Carl Curtis, Robert Kopper, Daniel Vitiello, Mario Junguito, and Tony Cole
3-D Kinematics and Growth Strata Architecture of the Frampton Anticline, Atwater Valley-Southern Green Canyon Area, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Gianluca Grando, Ken McClay, and Tim Buddin
Use of 3-D Stratigraphic Modeling to Quantify the Influence of Topography and Basin Deformation onDeep Water Systems
by Didier Granjeon, Tristan Euzen, Philippe Joseph, Remi Eschard, Marie-Christine Cacas, Emmanuel Caroli,
and Elodie du Fornel
Success! Using Seismic Attributes and Horizontal Drilling to Delineate and Exploit a Diagenetic Trap, Monterey Shale, San Joaquin Valley, California
by Anne Grau, Robert Kidney, and Robert Sterling
Partial Ponding of Turbidite Systems in a Basin with Subtle Growth-Fold Topography: An Example from Laingsburg-Karoo Basin, South Africa
by Martin Grecula, Stephen S Flint, Peter Sixsmith, Graham Potts, and De Ville Wickens
Climatic Control on Vertical Diagenetic Zonation in Permian Eolian-Fluvial Reservoirs, Northern Netherlands
by Martin Grecula and Danny Soo Kwong Yin
Integrated (U-Th)/He Dating, AFTA and Vitrinite Reflectance Results in Seven Otway Basin Wells Confirm Regional Late Miocene Exhumation and Validate Helium Diffusion Sytematics
by Paul F Green, Ian R Duddy, and Peter V. Crowhurst
Depth Volume Visualization and Interpretation of Shallow Geologic Features at Abqaiq Field, Saudi Arabia
by Arthur E. Gregory, Andrew M. Knowlton, Gregory S. Douglass, Barton A. Payne, Luke F. LaFreniere, and Mohammed A. Tayyib
Structural Controls on Fracture Permeability Distribution Indicated by Coalbed Methane and Water Production in the Black Warrior Basin, Alabama
by Richard H. Groshong, Jack C. Pashin, Michael Cox, Guohai Jin, and Marcella McIntyre
Reservoir Characterization of the Cypress Sandstone (Mississippian) in the Illinois Basin: A Model for Multiple Purposes
by John P. Grube and Beverly Seyler
3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of Big Piney Field, Sublette County, Wyoming
by Thais A. Guirigay, Rafael R. Sanguinetti, and Neil F. Hurley
*South Caspian Basin – Excitement and Movement of Sedimentary Masses: Mechanism and Geologic Consequences
by Ibragim Guliyev
Palaeokarst and Diagenetic Alteration in Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs of Northeast Arabia
by Li Guo, Mike Simmons, and Eric J-P. Blanc
Reconstructing Submerged and Buried Valley Systems on the Northern English Channel Shelf
by Sanjeev Gupta and Jenny Collier
Constraining Rates of Normal Fault
Growth Using In Situ Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Dating of Relict Fluvial Landforms, Canyonlands Graben, Utah
by Sanjeev Gupta, Deirdre Commins, William M Phillips, and Joseph A Cartwright
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene Overthrust Giant Fields of Eastern Venezuela
by José I. Guzmán, Jesús Maguregui, Flor Luna, and Marta Carrillo
Stratigraphic Evolution of the Magnolia Field and Surrounding Area, Garden Banks Blocks 783 and 784, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by Geoffrey A. Haddad, Matthias Petersen, Ron F. Waszczak, Susan W. Young, Jon V. Hufnagel, C.J. Liu, John R. Palmer, Frank J. Chlumsky, Tim Borbas, Johanna J. Moutoux, David T. McGee, Roy F. Fitzsimmons, and Patty D. Travis
Comparison Between Salt-Related Compressional Structures in Mauritania and the US and Mexican Gulf of Mexico
by Steve H. Hall
An Explanation for the Gas Oil Ratio Variation Among Central Arabian Petroleums
by Henry I. Halpern, Peter J. Jones, Abdalkareem M. Al-Jaziri, Jaffar M. Al-Dubaisi, William J. Carrigan, and Mohammed A.
Outcrop-Based Modeling of Shallow-Marine and Marginal-Marine Reservoirs: Examples from the Book Cliffs, Utah
by Gary Hampson, John A Howell, and Matthew D. Jackson
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional Systems of the Arab-D Reservoir in Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia
by C. Robertson Handford, Thomas H. Keith, Harry W. Mueller, and Robin Dommisse
Progressive Fracturing and Folding During Burial, Deformation and Unroofing in the Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska
by C.L. Hanks, W.K. Wallace, and M. Parris
Salinity Structure of the National Petroleum
Reserve, Alaska: Implications for Pathways of Regional Fluid Flow
by Jeffrey S. Hanor, Jeffrey A. Nunn, Youngmin Lee
Northern Montana Thrust Belt: A Giant Gas Field Province Ripe for Exploration
by William B. Hansen
A Dissected Triangle Zone in the Montana Thrust Belt: Clues to a New Exploration Play
by William B. Hansen, James W. Sears, M. Hoffman, R. Ambrose, E. Burtis, A. Hennes, N. Laatch, and B. Pallister
The Gulf of Cadiz: Example of an Unstable Giant Contouritic Levee
by Vincent Hanquiez, Thierry Mulder, Pascal Lecroart, Eliane Gonthier, Eliane Le Drezen, Michel
Ordovician Tectonic Dolostones in Central Kentucky: Analogs for Trenton-Black River Reservoirs in the Appalachian Basin
by David C. Harris, James A. Drahovzal, Clay A. Wilcox, Edward W. Woolery, William F. Reid, Langhorne T. Smith, Thomas H. Mroz, and Richard W. Beardsley
Steep Microbial-Dominated Platform Margins-Examples and Implications
by Paul M. Harris and Jeroen A. M. Kenter
A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of Fluid Flow Through Fault
Damage Zones
by Simon D Harris, Robert J. Knipe, Noelle E. Odling, and S. Freeman
Origin of Dolomite in Loessitic Paleosols of the Lower Permian Abo/Tubb Units, Northeastern New Mexico
by K.A. Hartig, G.S. Soreghan, and R.H. Goldstein
Using Ichnofossils to Better Understand Depositional Processes, Facies Relationships, and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Early Cambrian Sekwi Formation
by Stephen T. Hasiotis, Kelly Dilliard, Michael C. Pope
Oil Charge Preserves Deep-Burial Porosity in Sandstones and Limestones
by R. Stuart Haszeldine
Deposition from Sustained Sandy Suspension Clouds on Confined Basin Floors
by Peter D.W. Haughton and William McCaffrey
Are Those Who Guard the Door Keeping You Out or In, Energy Economics 2002-?
by David H. Hawk
*The Deep Basin – A Hot ‘‘Tight Gas’’ Play for 25 Years
by Brad J.R. Hayes
*New Deep Basin Gas Plays at Hooker, Alberta – Extending Deep Basin Prospectivity Southward
by Brad J.R. Hayes, Marc Junghans, Kim Davies, and Murray Stodalka
Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) Kamik Formation in the Parsons Lake Gas Field, Mackenzie Delta Region, Northwest Territories, Arctic Canada: Anatomy of a 2.0 TCF Frontier Gas Field
by Michael D. Hearn and S. George Pemberton
Structural and Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Fault
Zones Leaking CO2 -Charged Fluids: The Salt Wash and Little Grand Wash
Zones, Emery and Grand Counties, Utah
by Jason E. Heath, Anthony P. Williams, and James P. Evans
Gas Systems in the Central Region of Neuquen Basin, Argentina
by Jorge J. Hechem, David A. Wavrek, Marcela L. Fernández, Francisco Pangaro, and Hernán J. Verzi
Geometric Evolution of the Northern Chelungpu Fault
, Taiwan: Effects of Ramps and Erosion on
by Richard Heermance and Jim Evans
*Application of Chimney Cu+B23bes in the Design of Geochemical Surveys
by Roar Heggland
*Vertical Hydrocarbon Migration at the Nigerian Continental Slope: Applications of Seismic Mapping Techniques
by Roar Heggland
How Sequence Stratigraphy Impacts the Dynamic Modeling of Bypassed Oil Accumulations in Two Upper Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs, Berri Field, Saudi Arabia
by Richard J. Heil and E. J.Pavlas
Comparison of Modern Eolian Sand Deposits, with Core and Image Log Data from the Permian Unayzah Formation, Saudi Arabia
by Christian J. Heine, John Melvin, and Yasir Mubarak
From Source to Sink— Linking Shelf and Slope Bioclastic Deposits in the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Record of Wanganui Basin, New Zealand
by Austin J.W. Hendy, Adam J. Vonk, and Peter J.J. Kamp
Stress Perturbations and Strain Localization in Evolving Fold-and-Thrust StructuresCInsights from Numerical Models
by Andreas Henk and Michal Nemcok
Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy Offshore Brazil: High Frequency Sequence Development and Giant Avulsion
by Sverre Henriksen and Bruce Tocher
A Comparison of Deepwater Petroleum Systems: Southern and Central Morocco and the Northeastern United States and Nova Scotia
by Stephen Hermeston, Jeff Lund, and John Meredith
Using Sub-Regional Scale Forward Models to Condition Reservoir-Scale Stochastic Scenarios
by Caroline Hern, Pete Burgess, Henne Lammers, and Madelon Nijman
Global and Environmental Significance of Enhanced Bioproductivity at the Silurian/Devonian Boundary
by Ulrich Herten and U. Mann
Stratigraphic and Tectonic Controls on the Distribution of Upper Jurassic Sandstones in the North Sea
by Richard Hesketh and John R. Underhill
Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs—A Play Whose Time Has Come
by Robert G. Hickman, W. Norman Kent, Mark Odegard, Nicola Henshaw, and Jeff Martin
A Flood-Events Matrix for Dryland Fluvial and Lacustrine Delta and Terminal Splay Sedimentation in Lake Eyre, Central Australia
by Timothy R Hicks, Simon C. Lang, Jim Benson, and Mark Reilly
Geometry and Architecture of the Neales Delta, Ephemeral Terminal Splay System, as an Example of the Complexity of Flooding Event Expressions in Dryland Fluvial and Lacustrine Sedimentation
by Timothy R Hicks , Simon Lang, Jim Benson , and Mark Robert William Reilly
Critically Tapered Wedges Above Viscous Detachments: Influence of Detachment Layer Geometry
by I.C. Higuera-Diaz
A Triassic Geochronology Controversy: Milankovitch Versus Zircon Radioisotope Time Calibration of the Latemar Platform Cycles
by Linda A. Hinnov, Nereo Preto, and Lawrence A. Hardie
Best Practices for Onshore Hydrocarbon Microseepage Surveys
by Daniel C. Hitzman, Dietmar Schumacher, and Luis Clavijo
Integrated Ichnological, Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Along-Strike Variations in the Albian Falher A Member, Northwest Alberta and Northeast British Columbia, Canada
by Travis W. Hobbs and James A. MacEachern
A Reservoir Model of the Tanqua Karoo Turbidites, South Africa, from Digitally Mapped Outcrop Data
by David Hodgetts, David Hodgson, Eirik Vik, Steve Flint, and Nick Drinkwater
Sill-and-Fill Systems: Deep-Water Submarine Slope and Basin-Floor Systems that Become Increasingly Confined Through Time
by David Hodgson
Poorly Confined Submarine Channels: Distribution, Evolution and Architecture
by David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, Stephen Flint, John Kavanagh, John Howell, Kevin Keogh, Nick Drinkwater, and Erik Johannessen
Exploration Offshore Nova Scotia Canada: Recent Exploration Drilling and Future Potential
by John R. Hogg
Triassic Source Facies in High Paleo-Latitude Petroleum Systems
by Albert G. Holba, L. Ellis, I. L. Dzou, A. Fincannon, and Dallam Masterson
Base-Level Buffers and Buttresses as a Proposed Control on Fluvial Valley-Fill Geometry and Facies
by John M. Holbrook and Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe
The Evolution of Allocyclicity and Autocyclicity as Sedimentary Concepts
by John M. Holbrook, Brian J. Willis, and Janok Bhattacharya
*Generating Missing Logs - Techniques and Pitfalls
by Michael Holmes, Dominic Holmes and Antony Holmes
Pore-Scale Influences on Saline Aquifer CO2 Sequestration
by Mark H Holtz
Depositional Topography, Facies Tract Length Scales and Natih Reservoir Models (Oman, Middle East): Insights from Outcrop Analogs
by Peter W. Homewood, Rheda Al-Lawati, and Volker Vahrenkamp
On the Development of Salt-Related Structures in the Polish Trough
by Robert J. Hooper, Lech Antonowicz, and Ewa Iwanowska
Critically Pressured Free Gas Reservoirs Below Gas Hydrate Provinces
by Matthew J. Hornbach, Demian M. Saffer, and W. Steven Holbrook
*New Indications for the Genesis and Migration of Nitrogen-rich Gases in Northern Germany – Fluid Inclusion and Nitrogen Geochemistry Studies
of Permo-Carboniferous Rocks
by Peer Hoth, Birgit Mingram, and Volker Luders
The Alpine Play-Incised Shoreface Systems in the Kingak Shale, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA)
by David W. Houseknecht
Topographically Controlled, Mixed-Influence Top-Truncated Deltas: Turonian Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A
by Charles D. Howell, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Adam B Robinson, William R. Griffin
The Stratigraphic Expression of Parasequences in a Coastal Plain Setting, Examples from the Book Cliffs of Eastern Utah: A Sediment Portioning Model for Improved Correlation
by John A Howell, Roy C Davies, Stephen Flint, and Diane Kamola
Testing Reservoir Sensitivity in Heterogeneities Shallow Marine Reservoirs
by John A Howell, Alister McDonald, Bjørn Fjellvoll, Arne Skorstad, Alex
Fordham, Stephen Flint, and Saigup Consortium
*Sedimentation from Jets: A Depositional Model for Clastic Deposits of all Scales and Environments
by D.C. Hoyal, J.C. Van Wagoner, N.L. Adair, M. Deffenbaugh, D. Li, T. Sun, C. Huh and
D.E. Giffin
Crestal Fault
Patterns Above Turtle Structures in the Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: The Influence of Trap Timing
by Michael R. Hudec and Martin P. A. Jackson
Paleoenvironments of the Whitmore Point Member of the Jurassic Moenave Formation, St. George, Utah
by Samuel Hudson, Marjorie A. Chan, and James I. Kirkland
Coalbed Methane Resource Potential in Canada
by J.D. Hughes
Influence of Micropalaeontologically Determined Antecedent Topography on Reservoir Quality in Saudi Arabian Carbonates
by G. Wyn Hughes, R.D. Adams, and Franz O. Meyer
Resource Characterization and Quantification of Natural Gas-Hydrate and Associated Free-Gas Accumulations Prudhoe Bay—Kuparuk River Area, North Slope of Alaska
by Robert B. Hunter, Scott A. Digert, Robert R. Casavant, Timothy S. Collett, Shirish L. Patil, Roy A. Johnson, Mary M. Poulton, Charles E. Glass, Kenneth M. Mallon, and Abhijit Dandekar
Modeling of Seismic Character from Rock Descriptions
by Andrew Hurst, Anne Schwab, and Bryan Cronin
*Application of Neural Networks Technique in Lithofacies Classifications used for 3-D Reservoir Geological Modelling and Exploration Studies
. - A Novel Computer-Based Methodology for Depositional Environment Interpretation. (X-Field Example, Niger Delta, Nigeria)
by Emeka M. Iloghalu, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Seismic Heterogeneity Cubes and Corresponding Equiprobable Simulations
by Matthias Imhof and William Kempner
The Changing Face of Corporate Financial Regulation
by Kenneth Israel, US Securities & Exchange Commission, Salt Lake City, UT
Coeval Shortening on Synsedimentary Thrust Systems and Diapirs, Deepwater
by Martin P.A. Jackson and Michael R. Hudec
The Great West African Tertiary Coastal Uplift: Fact or Fiction? A Perspective from the Kwanza Basin, Angola
by Martin P.A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec, and Kerry A. Hegarty
An Assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources on Federal Lands in Western Washington State
by James S. Jackson, David Percy, and Michael Cummings
Identifying Trenton/Black River Targets in the Northern Appalachian Basin (NYS): Demonstration of Integrated Exploration Tools
by Robert D Jacobi, John C. Fountain, Courtney Lugert, Travis Nelson, Gerald Smith, Thomas Mroz, and John Martin
*Reservoir Zonation of Lower Cretaceous Deep-water Limestones in the Danish North Sea - New Insight from Improved Core-to-Log Correlation
by Finn Jakobsen, Jon Ineson, Lars Kristensen, and Lars Stemmerik
Tectonic Origin of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela: Pull-Apart, Extinct Pull-Apart or Fault
-Normal Extension?
by Martha Alexandra Jaimes-Carvajal, and Paul Mann
The Late Cretaceous-Eocene Turbiditic Sedimentation in the Sinop Basin, North-Central Turkey: Response to Tectonic Changes in Basin Morphology
by Nils Erik Janbu, Beate L.S. Leren, Ediz Kirman, and W. Nemec
Structural Evolution and Its Influence on Sedimentation of the Domi (Fukue) Basin, Offshore Korea
by H.R. Jang
Coherent Fault
Interpretation and Modeling in the Rosa-Lirio Channels Using High Resolution Seismic and Attributes
by Jean-Michel Janiseck, Laurent Menard, Jacques Clavel,Sébastien Guillon, and Naamen Keskes
Geochemical Fingerprinting of Crude Oils, Shaybah Field, Saudi Arabia: Evidence Of Reservoir Charging History
by Peter D. Jenden, Mohamad A. Al-Amoudi, Mohammad I. Al-Eid, Roy K. Sadler, and Salam P. Salamy
Influence of Paleogradients on Deepwater Reservoir Architecture: Miocene and Pliocene of the Veracruz Basin, Southeastern Mexico
by David Jennette, Javier Meneses-Rocha
Geological 3-D Modeling of Southeastern Tertiary Coastal Plain Sediments, Savannah River Site, South Carolina- An Applied Geostatistical Approach
by Guillaume Jean, Jeffrey M Yarus, Mary K. Harris, Gregory P. Flach, Margaret R. Millings, and Frank H. Syms
Preliminary Reservoir Simulation for Selection of a Pilot Site for CO2 Sequestration: Effect of Reservoir Properties and Operational Parameters
by Sinisha A. Jikich, W. Neal Sams, Grant Bromhal, and Duane H. Smith
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Hamaca Development Area, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
by Steven J Johansen
Sequence Stratigraphy of Bangko Field, Sihapas Group (Miocene), Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
by Steven J Johansen and Alwin Djamaoeddin
Strategies for Gas Hydrate Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico
by Arthur H. Johnson, William P. Dillon, and Michael D. Max
Geochemical Characteristics and Correlation of Oil and Non-Marine Source Rocks from Mongolia
by Cari Johnson, Todd J. Greene, D. Zinniker, J. M. Moldowan, Marc A. Hendrix, and Alan R. Carroll
Transgressive Systems Tract Deposition, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA: A Combined Facies and Micropaleontologic Approach
by Kimberly A. Johnson, Diane L. Kamola, and Stephen J. Culver
CO2 Reservoirs: Are They Natural Analogs to Engineered Geologic Storage Sites?
by James W. Johnson, John J. Nitao, Stephen C. Blair, and Joseph P. Morris
A New Technique to Combine Structural and Basin Modeling to Assess Reservoir Presence and Charge Risk—Offshore Norway Exploration Target
by Serena Jones, Paul Griffiths, Rob Satter, Steve Wiggler, and Niall McCormack
New Applications to Assess Reservoir Quality in Oil Reservoirs Using Pyrolytic Techniques
by Peter J. Jones, Henry I. Halpern, Daniel M. Jarvie, David Weldon, Jaffar M. Al-Dubaisi, and Salman M. AlQathami
Turbidite Pinchouts: Relative Influence of Palaeotopography, Timing of Deformation and Sedimentary Dynamics on the Geometry and Net-to-Gross Evolution
by Philippe Joseph, Rémi Eschard, and Frédéric Gas
*Thermal Models for Post-Glacial Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone: Storegga Slide, Norwegian Margin
by Woo-Yeol Jung and Peter R. Vogt
*Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Controls on Texture and Petrophysical Attributes of a Tide-dominated Reservoir Sandstone: Upper Naricual Formation, Carito Field, Venezuela
by Thierry Kabbabe and Timothy Cross
Stochastic Model of the S5-T Sand, Melones Field: A New Image of an Old Heavy Oil Reservoir
by Thierry M. Kabbabe, Jose Rendon, Jose Betancourt, Ricardo Muñoz, and Vicente Murgueytio
*Gravity Model of Mud Volcanoes
by Fakhraddin Kadirov, Ian Lerche, Ibrahim Guliyev, Azer Kadyrov, Abdulvahab
Mukhtarov, and Akbar Feyzullayev
Effect of Diagenesis and Deposition on Porosity and Permeability of Sandstone: Numerical Study
by Ayako Kameda, Jack P Dvorkin, and William Bosl
Progressive Confinement of a Turbidite Lobe System in Response to Intrabasinal Normal Fault
Growth: North Halibut Graben, Outer Moray Firth, North Sea
by Karla Kane, Sanjeev Gupta, Howard Johnson, Bruce Trudgill, and Philip Cox
Turbidite Dispersal Patterns Controlled by Fault
Array Evolution in Late Jurassic Sub-Basins of the Moray Firth Rift, North Sea
by Karla Kane, Sanjeev Gupta, Howard Johnson, Bruce Trudgill, and Colin Murray
Coalbed Methane Product Water Quality Across the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by Jayaram Reddy Katta
Mesozoic-Cenozoic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy: Links Among the Carbon Cycle, Phytoplankton Evolution, Sea-Level Change, and Geologic Proxies
by Miriam E. Katz, Paul G. Falkowski, Kenneth G. Miller, and James D. Wright
Numerical Aspects of Petroleum Systems Modeling–How Fast Can We Go?
by Armin I. Kauerauf and Thomas Hantschel
Evaluating Reservoir Continuity Using Reservoir Pressure and Fluid Composition Data — A Geochemical Perspective
by R.L. Kaufman
Influence of Fault
Modeling Parameters on a Simple Injector-Producer Pair
by Peter S. Kaufman, Lindsay Birt, and Dave S. McCormick
Lacustrine Mega-Flooding Surfaces and Overlying Sequence Boundaries in Nested Lake Basins: Recent and Ancient Examples
by David G Keighley, Stephen S Flint, and John Howell
Oil, Gas, and Oil Shale Resources of Southern New Brunswick, Eastern Canada
by David G Keighley and Clint St. Peter
Integrated Hydrothermal Dolomite (HTD) Gas Conceptual Exploration Model and the Identification of an Unrecognized Major Mg-Hydrocarbon Source
by Stanley B. Keith, Monte M. Swan, and Jan C. Rasmussen
Petroleum Source Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Mudstone Succession of the NPRA and Colville Delta Area, North Slope Alaska, Based on Sonic and Resistivity Logs
by Margaret A. Keller and Kenneth J. Bird
Complex Production Behavior in a Topographically Controlled Turbidite Reservoir: Gannet A Field, United Kingdom Central North Sea
by Sean Kelly, Paul Hague, Craig McMeekin, and Toon Weisenborn
3-D Modeling of Deepwater Carbonate Outcrops Using Laser Technology (Lidar)
by Charles Kerans, Jerome Bellian, and Ted Playton
*Seismic Volume Processing for Geologic Interpretation : A review of its use with 3D visualization software
by John Kerr and Gary Jones
Anoxia Versus Productivity and Its Effects on Paleoecology: A Case of Study of the La Luna Formation Black Shales in the Venezuelan Andes
by Vanessa R Kertznus, Eglee Zapata, and Victor Padron
Regional Fluid Flow in the Weyburn CO2 Project Area: Implications for CO2 Sequestration
by D.K. Khan and Benjamin J. Rostron
Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Robert Kidney, John Arestad, Anne Grau, and Robert Sterling
Geologic Modeling for Production Surveillance and Field Development at Cerro Negro Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt Venezuela
by T.L. Kirst, J. Adame, J.A. Andrew, G.S. Benson, B.C. Caspar, J.R. Bulau, J. Llerena, A. Lopez, L.M. Linares, D.J. O’Donnell, and V.D. Rahmanian
Seawater Chemistry and Microbial Communities Associated with Healthy Tissues of Caribbean Reef Corals
by James S. Klaus, Jorge Frias-Lopez, George T. Bonheyo, and Bruce W. Fouke
Patterns of Sedimentation Along a Starved Basin Margin, Permian Brushy Canyon Formation, Southern Delaware Mountains, West Texas
by Erik R. Kling
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Depleted Oil/Gas Fields: Evaluation of Gas Microseepage and Carbon Dioxide Fate at Rangely, Colorado U.S.A.
by Ronald W. Klusman
Analysis of Low Permeability Intervals in a Heavy-Oil Braided Stream Deposit Using a Combination of Core and Log Analysis, Kern River Field, California
by Larry C. Knauer, Robert Horton, and Allen Britton
Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Anomalies in Aerobic Sediments Off Coastal Svalbard
by Jochen Knies, Ellen Damm, and Laurence Pinturier Geiss
Identification and Exploitation of Remaining Reserves Through Integrated 3-D Reservoir Modeling of a Complex Mature Upper Jurassic Reservoir
by Simon Knight, Ingrid Magnus, Solveig Sael, Jon Vold, Staale Monstad, Martin Gowers, Harald Selseng, and Mike Darke
Understanding the Gyda Sandstone: A Matter of
Ichnology, Fault
-Timing and Diagenesis
by Simon Knight, Staale Monstad, Jon Vold, Mike Darke, Solveig Sael, Ingrid
Magnus, and Martin Gowers
Fluid Flow Behavior of Faults: Critical Variables, Uncertainty Limits and Prediction
by Robert J. Knipe, Q.J. Fisher, G. Jones, D.T. Needham, R.K. Davies, H.E. Edwards, S. Freeman, S.D. Harris, M. Kay, A. Li, H. Lickorish, G. Phillips, J.R. Porter, D. Condliffe, P. Jones, S. O’Connor, N. Odling, and A.C. Barnicoat
Impacts of Buoyancy and Pressure Gradient on Field-Scale Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Saline Formations
by Paul R. Knox, Christine A. Doughty, and Susan D. Hovorka
Corrected Fracture Evaluation Using Borehole Image Data
by Randolph J Koepsell
3-D Interpretation Using Borehole Image Derived Dip Data
by Randolph J Koepsell and Erhard Ted Bornemann
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Glauconitic Member (Mannville Group) in the Jenner Upper Mannville ‘‘E’’ Pool, Southeast Alberta, Canada: Implications for the Development of an Established Oil Reservoir
by André M. Koladich and R.W.C. Arnott
Lobe- and Sheet-Form Depositional Elements and Channel Avulsions and Occurrence in Deepwater Settings-Allocyclic Versus Autocyclic Controls
by Ven Kolla, Heny Posamentier, and Philippe Bourges
Deep-Water Reservoir Facies Prediction Techniques: A Case Study in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
by Fanchen Kong and John J. Girgis
An Economic Development of Extra Heavy Oil from Thin Heterogeneous Sands, Requires Complex Horizontal Well Geometries, Faja del Orinoco Venezuela
by Robert J. Kopper, Greg York, Mario Junguito, Carl Curtis, Daniel Vitiello, and Vladimir Caicedo
*Seismic-Based Geomechaical Modeling Provides Attributes for Directional Well Planning
by Evgenii Kozlov, Igor Garagash, and Allen Lowrie
Application of Gas Chromatographic Fingerprinting to Reservoir Management: Successes and Pitfalls from the Niger Delta
by Festus M. Kpenkaan
Modern Day Analogues of Fluvio-Aeolian Reservoir-Type Rocks from the Skeleton Coast Erg, Northwest Namibia: Controlling Factors, Variabilities and Resulting Processes
by Carmen B.E. Krapf and Harald Stollhofen
Morphology and Fluvio-Aeolian Interaction of the Tropical Latitude, Ephemeral Braided River Dominated Koigab Fan, Skeleton Coast, Northwest Namibia
by Carmen B.E. Krapf, Harald Stollhofen, and Ian G. Stanistreet
Structural Styles and Sedimentary Patterns in Intracratonic Setting D uring Extension and Inversion: Permian-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough
by Piotr Krzywiec
The Role of Salt During Basin Extension and Inversion: A Comparative Study of the Southern North Sea and Mid-Polish Trough
by Piotr Krzywiec and Bruce Trudgill
*Performance of High Resolution Induction Tool (HRI) in WRBC
by B.R. Kundu and K.K. Prasad
Market Potential and Economic of ‘‘Value-Added’’ Geologic Sequestration
by Vello A. Kuuskraa
Estimates of the Rates at Which Crude Oil Seeps Naturally Into the Oceans
by Keith A. Kvenvolden and Cortis K. Cooper
Core Based Sequence Stratigraphy, Subtropical to Temperate Shelf Succession, North Carolina Paleogene
by Jenny H. LaGesse and J. Fred Read
Characterization of the Lower Atoka Formation, Arkoma Basin, Central Arkansas
by Kelly LaGrange and Arnold H. Bouma
High Frequency Sequence Stratigraphic Models of the Upper Pennsylvanian to the Middle Permian Sedimentary Facies of the Midland Basin
by Paul David Lake, Christopher C. St. G. Kendall, Brian Horn, Phil Moore, and Arthur Cohen
*Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sediment Supply to the Shelf Edge During Lowstands Caused by Sub-Basin Scale Tectonics, Offshore Brunei Darussalam
by Joseph J. Lambiase, Angus J. Ferguson, Ira Nolira, and Miskiah Masri
The Shublik’s Petroleum Systems of the Alaskan North Slope—a Numerical Journey from Source to Trap
by Carolyn Lampe, Kenneth E. Peters, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth J. Bird,
and Paul G. Lillis
Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Coalbed Methane Resources of Cherokee Group Coals (Middle Pennsylvanian)—Southeastern Kansas
by Jonathan P. Lange, Timothy R. Carr, and K. David Newell
Reservoir Analogues for Ephemeral Fluvial, Lacustrine Delta and Terminal Splay Successions-Examples from the Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia
by Simon C. Lang, Timothy R Hicks, Jim Benson, Mark Reilly, and Jochen Kassan
Impact of Interactive Textural, Compositional, and Diagenetic Controls on Potential Reservoir Quality of Low Permeability Sandstones
by Richard E. Larese and Donald L. Hall
On Stratigraphic Architecture and Recovery by Waterflooding
by D. K. Larue, F.Jian, H. Legarre, J. Toldi, A. Chawathe, and Y.Yue
Modern Lacustrine Dolomite: Search for the Holy Grail Down Under
by William M. Last
*Rates and Kinematics of Folding based on Milankovitch Rhythms in Cretaceous Carbonates, NE Mexico
by Diana Latta, David Anastasio, and Kenneth Kodama
Progressive Diagenesis, Evolving Mechanical Stratigraphy, and Fracture Patterns in Tight Gas Sandstone
by Stephen E. Laubach
Impact of Structural and Autocyclic Basin-Floor Topography on the Stratal Architecture of the Deepwater Valparaiso Forearc Basin, Central Chile
by Jane Laursen and William R. Normark
Developing an Advanced Environmental Management System to Work in Alaska’s Sensitive Oil and Gas Fields
by Graeme Lawrie
Implications of Upper Cretaceous Nonmarine Sequence Architecture for Foreland-Basin Dynamics, Central and Southern Utah
by Timothy F. Lawton and Ruth A. J. Robinson
Morphometric and Textural Characteristics of Natural Levees from Two Modern Fluvial Systems
by Ovidiu Remus Lazar and Norman D Smith
Passive Margin Geodynamic, Insights of Two Examples of Thick Margins with Salt/Gravity Tectonic: Gulf of Guinea and Nova Scotia
by Alain Le Marrec, P. Lafay, G. Kern, F. Quesney, and P. Unternehr
Interpretation of a Soil Hydrocarbon Vapor Survey Over Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat Oil Fields, Nye County, Nevada
by Jay S Leaver
Case Studies
Relating Soil Iodine Geochemistry to Subsequent Drilling Results
by Jay S. Leaver and M. Ray Thomasson
Coal Accumulation in a High Accommodation Setting—Greta Coal Measures, New South Wales, Australia
by Dale A. Leckie and Ron Boyd
Tide-Dominated Sedimentation in an Arid
Rift Basin - Cretaceous Qishn Clastics, Masila Block, Republic of
by Dale A Leckie and Tom Rumpel
Cretaceous Depositional Environments of the Bermejo Field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador
by Gwang H. Lee, Mohamed A. Eissa, Carrie L. Decker, John P. Castagna, Daniel J. O’Meara, and Horacio D. Marin
Model Automated Informatics (MAI) Determination of Reservoir Location and Characteristics
by Jejung Lee, Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmad, Kagan Tuncay, Anthony J. Park, John Comer, John Rupp, and Peter Ortoleva
Fluvial Deltaic Deposition in a Cratonic Basin
by Hannes E. Leetaru
A Distinctive Calcimicrobial Horizon Developed Across the Eastern Tethys and Panthalassa Following the End-Permian Extinction
by D.J. Lehrmann, J.L. Payne, E.S. Krull, Paul Enos, and Jiayong
Tracking Oil Slicks from the Coal Oil Point Seep Field
by Ira Leifer, Bruce Luyendyk, and Kris Broderick
*Tracking Seep Oil from Seabed to Sea Surface and Beyond at Coal Oil Point, California
by Ira Leifer, Bruce Luyendyk, and Kris Broderick
Deep Marine Sedimentation Adjacent to a
Submarine Fault
Scrap: An Example from the Hammam Faraun
Suez Rift, Egypt
by Chris Leppard, Rob Gawthorpe, and Mike Young
The Danube Deep-Sea Fan Functioning in a Freshwater Environment
by Gilles Lericolais, Irina Popescu, Eliane Le Drezen, Hervé Nouzé, Hervé Gillet,
and Timothy R. Garfield
*Deep-Water Seismic Geomorphology, Continental Margin Progradation and Process Interaction off NW Britain
by Alick Leslie, Dave Long, Martyn Stoker, Joe Bulat and Sheila Jones
Salt Tectonics and Compressive Structures in the Central Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt (Iran)
by Jean Letouzey, Sharam Sherkati, and Homayone Motiei
Upscaling Fluid-Flow and Mechanical Properties in Coupled Matrix+Fractures+Fluids SystemsCthe HYDRO-DDA Approach
by Helen Lewis, Gary D Couples, Mark Reynolds, Nenad Bicanic, Christopher Pearce,
and Mohamed Rouainia
Distribution and Origin of a Reservoir in Igneous Rock, Zhanhua Seg, Eastern China
by Qi Li and Renhua Kang
Effects of Fluid Pressure on Seismic Responses in Fractured Shale Reservoirs
by Qi Li and Feng Shen
*Geostatistical Shale Models for a Deltaic Reservoir Analog: From 3D GPR Data to 3D Flow Modeling
by Hongmei Li
The Transgressive Events and Mechanism of Coal Formation in Epicontinental Sea Basin
by Zengxue Li and Jifeng Yu
*Control Factors of Fluid Migration, Entrapment and their Dynamic Process Simulation in the Central Diapiric Belt, Yinggehai Basin
by Sitian Li, Yin Xiulan, and Yang Jihai
Formation of Synthetic Petroleum Inclusions in Quartz at Low Temperature
by Fang Lin and Robert J. Bodnar
Grayburg Formation (Permian, Guadalupian) Reservoir Facies and Non-Reservoir Facies, McElroy Field, Permian Basin, West Texas
by Robert F. Lindsay, Jimmie D. Gillespie, and Wilson S. McClung
Imbricated Channel Systems in the Molasse Foreland Thrust Belt: The Effect of Lateral Orogenic Float of the Eastern Alps
by Hans-Gert Linzer
Lacustrine Depositional Environments of Guadalupian Source Rocks in the Turpan, Junggar, and Santanghu Basins, Northwestern China
by Yiqun Liu and Wan Yang
Jurassic Coal is Not the Source Rock of Jurassic Oil in Tu-Ha Basin, Northwest China-Insights from New Organic Geochemical Data
by Yiqun Liu, Wan Yang, and Qiao Feng
Scour and Amalgamation in Turbidite Sand-Bodies of the Gres d'Annot (Tertiary, Southeast France): The Influence of Confining Slopes
by Simon A Lomas
Facies Analysis and Prediction of Architecture in Deep-Water Clastic Reservoirs Using Borehole Image Logs
by Simon A Lomas, Vincent C Hilton, and Stephen A Morris
Resource Assessment and Analysis of Produced Water Disposal Options North Cheyenne Reservation, Southeast Montana
by David A. Lopez
Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: New Insights Learned from Giant Piston Coring
by Thomas D. Lorenson, William J. Winters, Charles K. Paull, and William Ussler
Syn-Sedimentary Deformation in the Central Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico: A Potential Control on Sandbody Orientation
by John C. Lorenz, Scott P. Cooper, and Russell G. Keefe
Building Reservoir Model Using Virtual Outcrops: A Fully Quantitative Approach
by Tore M. Loseth, John Thurmond, Kristian Soegaard, Jan C. Rivenaes, and Ole J. Martinsen
Gas Chimneys--Indicating A Fractured Cap
by Helge Loseth, Lars Wensaas, and Borge Arntsen
1000 Meter Long Gas Blow-Out Pipes
by Helge Loseth, Lars Wensaas, Borge Arntsen, Nils Martin Hanken, Basire Christophe, and Knut Gaue
Fluid Injection Causing Shallow Mud Diapirism in the Hordaland Group, North Sea
by Helge Loseth, Lars Wensaas, Borge Arntsen, and Martin Hovland
Migration Direction and Compartmentation Deduced from Reservoir Brine Geochemistry, South Eugene Island Block 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana
by Steven Losh and Lawrence Cathles
Origin of Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group Brecciated and Fractured Reservoirs in West Texas: Paleocave, Thermobaric, Tectonic, or All of the Above?
by Robert G. Loucks
Low Temperature Fluid Inclusions in Modern and Ancient Halites
by Tim K. Lowenstein
Stability and Structural Strength Along Continental Margins
by Allen Lowrie and Bradley Matthew Battista
Strike-Slip Tectonics and Multi-Phase El Nino Development Contribute to Northwest Peru’s Complex Hydrocarbon System
by Allen Lowrie, Ian Lerche, and Bradley Matthew Battista
Proposed Thin-Skinned Tectonics Along Basement of Gulf of Cadiz Continental Margin Enhances Petroleum Potential
by Allen Lowrie, Luis Somoza, Adolfo Maestro, Bradley Matthew Battista, and Thomas C. Klekamp
*Three-Dimensional Architecture of
Shelf-Building Sediment Drifts in the Offshore Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
by Hongbo Lu, Craig Fulthorpe, and Paul Mann
Characteristics of the Lowstand Subaqaeous Fan Deposits in Deep Lacustrine Basin and Their Tectonic Control, Dongying Half Graben of Bohaiwan Basin
by Yongchao Lu, Sitian Li, Jianye Ren, Youliang Feng, and Fenggui Sui
Approaching Risk Reduction Through Applications of Vizualisation and Seismic Classification
by John A Luchford and Rutger Gras
Constructing a Static Model of a Fractured Reservoir with Disparate Data Sets: Antonio J. Bermudez Complex, Reforma District, Southern Mexico
by Barbara Luneau, Michael Doe, J. Leif Colson, Steven Stancel, Ernest Gomez, Fabian Iwere, Carlos Suarez-Castenada, Maqsood Ali, Raymond Moore, Helen Bressler, Ildefonso Correa-Perez, and Neftali Pintado-Moscoso
Migration Pathway Patterns and Residual Loss
by Xiaorong Luo, Faqiang Zhang, Sheng Miao, Weimin Wang, Didier Loggia, and Guy Vasseur
Sinter Aging and Radiocarbon Dating of Hot Spring Deposits in Dixie Valley, Nevada: Dating Normal Faults in Geothermal Areas of the Great Basin
by Susan Juch Lutz and S. John Caskey
Turbidite Sedimentation in Active-Margin Basins: Case Studies
in the Influence of Syn-Depositional Deformation of the Sediment Surface on Turbidite Emplacement
by David Macdonald, Rachel Flecker, and Peter Butterworth
Sedimentology and Ichnology of a Transgressively Back-Stepped Wave-Dominated Deltaic Reservoir: Middle Jurassic Tarbert and Heather Formations, North Sea, Norway
by James MacEachern and Tore M. Loseth
Oil-Shale Yield in the Green River Formation as a Proxy for Relative Lake-Depth
by Malka Machlus, Paul E Olsen, Nicholas Christie-Blick, and Sidney R Hemming
Mineral Estate vs. Surface Real Estate Development: A Colorado Example
by Logan MacMillan, C. Bargell, Leslie Hope, W.C. Pearson, and Ed Sutton
Proposed Statigraphic Framework for the Wasatch/Mesaverde/Mancos Petroleum System, Uinta Basin, Utah
by Logan MacMillan, R.A. Castle, Robin Dean, and M.K. Decker
3-D Geomechanical Modeling Technique for Constraint of Subseismic Fault
Simulation in Reservoirs
by Laurent Maerten, Paul Gillespie, and Jean-Marc Daniel
Alaskan North Slope Petroleum Systems
by Leslie B. Magoon, Paul G. Lillis, Kenneth J. Bird, Carolyn Lampe, and Kenneth E. Peters
Deterministic High-Resolution Seismic Reservoir Characterization
by Sailendra N. Mahapatra, Matthias G. Imhof, and William Kempner
Quantifying Brittle Deformation During Burial Compaction of Sandstones: A Comparison of Values from the Frio and Mount Simon Formations
by Astrid Makowitz, and Kitty L. Milliken
Upper Jurassic Microbial Outcrop Analogs for Characterization of Thrombolitic Reserviors in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini, Marcos Aurell, Beatriz Bádenas, William C. Parcell, and Juan Carlos
DOE Class II Project-Improved Oil Recovery from Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonates, Womack Hill Field, Alabama, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini and Brian J. Panetta
Late Quaternary Transpressional Deformation Along the Submarine Extension of the Warm Springs-Central Range Fault
Zone, Eastern Offshore Trinidad
by Paul Mann and Lesli J. Wood
Linking Normal Fault
Propagation Processes with Oil Bearing Reverse-Drag Folds: A Case Study from Leona Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin
by Denis Marchal, Jesus S. Porras, Carlos Selva, Daniel Salas, and Misael Alvear
Integrated Structural Model for the Superposed Cretaceous Fractured Carbonate and Eocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the La Concepción Field, Western Venezuela
by Denis Marchal, Raúl Sanchez, Elmer Ferro, Luis E. Cardozo, Enrique Peralta, and Jose Calderon
Modeling the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Landscape Using a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM and Detailed Global Paleo-DEM
by Paul J. Markwick and Paul J. Valdes
3-D Seismic Structural Interpretation of the Northern Monagas Giant Producing Trend, Venezuela: Time Versus Depth
by Carlos Marquez , Laszlo Benkovics, Javier De Mena, Jorge Reveron, and James Helwig
Improved Reservoir Management of a Mature Heavy Oil Field Through an Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Approach, LL-04 Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
by Leonardo Márquez, Milagro González, Scott Gamble, Ernest Gomez, Marco Vivas, Helen Bressler, Lawrence Jones, Syed Maqsood Ali, and Gary Forrest
Seismic Attribute-Based Characterization of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs: An Example from the Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin
by Ivaán Dimitri Marroquín and Bruce S. Hart
*Helping Evaluate New York’s Marginal and Inactive Oil and Gas Wells - Assets or Liabilities?
by John P. Martin, Donald Drazan, Robin Petrusak, and Julio Manik
Synsedimentary Tectonic and Sediment Supply Influences on Basin Physiography and Depositional Regime of the Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway, Wyoming
by Randi S. Martinsen
Deep-Water Sedimentation in Some Circum-Atlantic Basins: Controls and Comparisons
by Ole J. Martinsen, Trond Lien, John Gjelberg, Tore M Loseth, and Kristian Soegaard
*Present-Day Deep Marine Tectonic, Mud
Diapirism and Sedimentary Processes at the South-Eastern Edge of the Barbados Ridge (Lesser Antilles Active Margin) and
North-Eastern Edge of South America (Eastern Margins of Trinidad and Venezuela)
by Alain Mascle, Pascale Huyghe, Eric Deville, E. Aubry, M. Babic, H. De Gouveia, G. Desaubliaux, N. Ellouz, M. Foata, R. Griboulard, S.H.Guerlais, S. Lallemant, F. Lebrun, G. Mascle, C. Padron, D. Perez, D. Poirier, A. Prinzhofer, J. Schmitz,
and D. Wendenbaum
*From the Geologists' Eyes to Synthetic Core Ddesciptions: Giological Log Modelling using Well-Log Data
by Benoit Mathis, Jean Pierre Leduc, and Thibault Vandenabeele
Extensional/Transtensional Basins in the Western Part of Moesian Domain—Still Promising Hydrocarbon Provinces from Romania
by Justin Matresu, Clement Matracaru, Camelia Ovessea, and Florin Pene
High-Frequency Valley-Fill Sequences: Depositional Control on Giant Gas Fields of the Messinian Abu Madi Formation, Nile Delta, Egypt
by Jeffrey A. May, Sharon A. Stonecipher, John C. Steinmetz, Thomas A. Mazza, James N. Dyess, and Randy S. McKnight
Interfluve Paleosol Variability on a Dissected Coastal Plain: Implications for Nonmarine Sequence Stratigraphy
by Paul J. McCarthy
*Middle Eocene Sedimentary and Volcanic
Infilling of an Evolving Supradetachment basin: White Lake Basin, south-central British Columbia
by Jason D. McClaughry and David R. Gaylord
The Filling History of the Valhall Field, Norway: Implications for Future Development
by Niall J. McCormack, Lorraine Beacom, Per Christian Mjelde, and Corfield
*The Bittern Field: Topographic Control of an Eocene
Aged ‘‘Channel-Fill’’ Turbidite Reservoir in the U.K. Central North Sea
by Dominic McCormick, and Markus Leishman
Drill Core Helps Breathe New Life into Appalachian Basin Oil Fields
by Ronald R. McDowell, Khashayar Aminian, Katharine L. Avary, Michael Ed. Hohn, David L. Matchen, and Benjamin H. Thomas
From Fill to Spill: Partially Confined Depositional Systems, Magnolia Field, Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico
by David T. McGee, Roy F. Fitzsimmons, and Geoffrey A. Haddad
*A Vertical Hydrophone Array for Imaging the Hydrate Stability Zone
by Thomas M. McGee, Paul Higley, and J. Robert Woolsey
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Lisburne Group Carbonates, Northeastern Brooks Range, Northern Alaska
by Michelle M. McGee and Michael T. Whalen
Sediment Dispersal Patterns, Gradients, and Accommodation Space Across a Stepped Slope Profile, Offshore Brunei
by T.A. McGilvery and Daniel L. Cook
Fracture Architecture of the Tensleep Sandstone at Zeisman Dome and Brokenback Anticline, Wyoming
by Sheila R. McGinty
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Hanifa Reservoir in Berri Field, Saudi Arabia
by Michael D McGuire
Structural Controls on Gas Production in Cedar Cove and Peterson Coalbed Methane Fields, Balck Warrior Basin, Alabama
by Marcella R. McIntyre, Richard H. Groshong, Jack C. Pashin, and Hongwei Yin
The Stratigraphic Distribution of Seismites in Heterolithic Marine Successions: Examples from the Early Paleozoic, Eastern Laurentia
by Patrick I. McLaughlin and Carlton E. Brett
Comparison of Listric Normal Faults in a Pennsylvanian Delta Front of the Mingus Formation, Bennett, Texas and Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone
by Karen D. McLinjoy, Janok P. Bhattacharya, and Russell K. Davies
Core-to-Log Calibration and Permeability Distribution in Eocene Peritidal Carbonates, South Florida Basin
by Donald F. McNeill
Assessing Reservoir Connectivity Uncertainty in Geostatistical Models
by William S. Meddaugh
Integrating Paleogeography with Regional Salt Tectonics — Implications for Sub-salt Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico
by Andrew Mehlhop
Deepwater Creeping Deformation Inducing Lateral Channel Migration on the Slope of an Eocene Margin, San Llorenc del Munt, Spain
by Donatella Mellere, Stefania Mattei, Ronald J. Steel, Mariano Marzo, and Miguel Lopez-Blanco
High Resolution Geochemistry Technology (HRGT) and Geochemical 3-D Modeling Applied to the Petroleum System Approach
by Marcio R. Mello, J. M. Moldowan, J. Dahl, J.M. Macedo, and B. Wygrala
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Reservoir Quality of Permian Siliciclastic Reservoirs (Unayzah and Basal Khuff), Ghawar Field, Eastern Saudi Arabia
by John Melvin and Christian J. Heine
Integrated 4-D Structural Restoration and Basin
by David J. Meredith, Graham D. Williams, and Jay E. Leonard
Simulation of Canyon and Fan Development Using Analog Modeling of Erosional and Depositional Gravity Flows
by Francois Metivier, Eric Lajeunesse, and Marie-Christine Cacas
Application of Reservoir Geochemistry to Heavy Oil, Venezuela
by G. Eric Michael
Analogues for CO2 Geological Sequestration in the Alberta Basin
by Karsten Michael, Jennifer J. Adams, Beate E. Buschkuehle, and Stefan Bachu
Coalbed Methane Producibility in the Alberta Basin
by Karsten Michael and Stefan Bachu
Reservoir Geochemistry Application In A Fractured Carbonate Reservoir
by G. Eric Michael, Krys Swirydczuk, and Jon Gaynor
Assessing the Economic Potential of Individual Gas Hydrate Accumulations in the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
by Alexei V. Milkov and Roger Sassen
Global Distribution and Significance of Mud Volcanoes
by Alexei V. Milkov and Roger Sassen
High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Hydrate Stability Zone: Mallik, Canada
by Richard D. Miller, James A. Hunter, William E. Doll, Bradley J. Carr, Ron L. Good, Robert A. Burns, David R. Laflen, and Marten Douma
InSAR: A New Space-Based Imaging Geodetic Tool
by Jean-Bernard Minster
A Tectonic Role in Drowning of Carbonate Platforms: Triassic of South China
by Marcello Minzoni
Triassic Evolution of the Margin of the Yangtze Platform, Southwest Guizhou, China
by Marcello Minzoni, Paul Enos, Xiao Jiafei, Wei Jiayong, and Daniel J. Lehrmann
Surface to Subsurface: 3-D Structural Interpretation and Visualization of Complex Fold-Thrust Structures
by Shankar Mitra, Joseph Dischinger, and Subhotosh Banerjee
Comparative Salt Tectonics of South Atlantic Sedimentary Basins--the Western African and Eastern Brazilian Conjugate Margins
by Webster Ueipass Mohriak, Renato Pimenta Azevedo, and Joaquim Boavida
The Fractal/Facies Concept: An Alternative to Using Variograms for Generating Subsurface Heterogeneity
by Fred J. Molz, James W. Castle, and Silong Lu
Interrelationships Between Carbonate Diagenesis and Fracture Development: Example from Monterrey Salient, Mexico and Implications for Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterization
by Faustino Monroy-Santiago and Randall Marrett
*Assessment of Hydrocarbon Seepage on Fort Peck Reservation, Northeast Montana: A
Comparison of Surface Exploration Techniques
by Lawrence M. Monson and George W. Shurr
Post Mortem in Guizhou: Rates and Reasons of Post-drowning Deposition
by Paul Montgomery, Paul Enos, Daniel J. Lehrmann, Wei Jiayong, and Brooks B. Ellwood
Geothermal Gradient of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by W. Richard Moore
Phased Coalbed Methane Prospect Assessment Process
by Thomas R. Moore, Robert A. Farnan, Bill J. Crabtree, Kevin T. Raterman, and Randahl D. Roadifer
Association of Deformation and Fluid Events in the Central Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Alaska
by Thomas E. Moore, Christopher J. Potter, Paul B. O’Sullivan, Kevin L. Shelton,
and Michael B. Underwood
Diagenesis and Fracturing Effects on Sandstones Reservoir Quality in Wells Located in the Tacata and Zacarias Areas, Eastern Venezuela
by Julymar M. Morantes, Bernabe Aguado, and Margarita Navas
CO2 Pilot Results, Belridge Diatomite, Lost Hills, California
by Michael F. Morea and Pat R. Perri
Characterization of Complex Grainstone-Microbial Reef Reservoirs, Vocation and Appleton Fields, Escambia County, Alabama
by Dylan Morgan and Wayne M. Ahr
Controls of Sequence Stratigraphy and Turbidite Elements on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties in the Tarn Field
by William R Morris
Data Constraints in 3-D Reservoir Characterization of Illinois Mt. Simon Gas Storage Fields
by David G. Morse and Hannes E. Leetaru
Synrift Delta Architecture Reveals Evidence for Episodic Fault
-Slip Behaviour on a Basin-Bounding Normal
by Estelle Mortimer, Sanjeev Gupta, and Patience Cowie
Can the Reservoir Continuity Technique be Applied to a Compositionally Graded Oil Column? Methodological Remarks and Case History Application
by Fausto Mosca, David A. Wavrek, and Daniel M. Jarvie
Loessitic Origin, Provenance, and Paleoclimatic Significance of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Earp Formation Siltstone, Arizona
by Andrew M. Moses, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, Michael J. Soreghan, and Michael A. Hamilton
Tectonic Evolution and Its Control on Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration, Northern Taiwan Thrust Belt
by Duenchien Mou and Fu-Chen Su
Petroleum Systems of Deepwater Scotian Basin, Eastern Canada: Challenges for Finding Oil Versus Gas Provinces
by Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay
*Geothermal Energy Discharge from Mud Volcano
by Abdulvahab Mukhtarov
*Analysis of Geophysical Fields of Mud Volcanoes Southeast Absheron (Azerbaijan)
by A.Sh. Mukhtarov and F.A. Kadirov
Probabilistic Fault
Seal Assessments Northwest Australia: Data Elicitation Versus Data Mining
by Titus Murray, Greg Christie, and Michael Wiltshire
Autostratigraphy: A Norm in Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis
by Tetsuji Muto and Ron Steel
Facies Architecture and Diagenesis of the Lower Carboniferous Shallow Marine Carbonate Rocks of the Irish Midlands: Implications for the Fluid-Flow System and Mineralization
by Zsolt R. Nagy, Stephen P. Becker, Jay M. Gregg, Ian D. Somerville, Aaron W. Johnson, and Kevin L. Shelton
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Triassic Western Ordos Basin, North-Central China
by Lynde L. Nanson, Bradley D. Ritts, Brian J. Darby, Andrew D. Hanson, and Adrian K. Berry
The Western Pacific Warm Pool: A Probe of Global Sea Level Change and Indonesian Seaway Closure During the Middle to Late Miocene
by Stephen A. Nathan, R. Mark Leckie, Brooke Olson, and Robert M. DeConto
*The Western Pacific Warm Pool: A Probe of Global Sea Level Change and Indonesian Seaway Closure During the Middle to Late Miocene
by Stephen A. Nathan, R. Mark Leckie, Brooke Olson, and Robert M. DeConto
Direct Detection of Methane Hydrates: Volume Estimates from Velocity Modeling
by Jeffrey W. Nealon, W. Steven Holbrook, Andrew R. Gorman, Matthew J. Hornbach, and Kara L. Hackwith
Oil and Gas in Compressional Belts—a Review of Current Understanding
by D. Tim Needham, R.W.H. Butler, and S.J. Matthews
When Everybody Follows, Where Do They Go? Why We Need to Rethink Current North American Exploration and Exploitation Strategy
by Richard Nehring
Deep Coalbed Gas Plays in the U.S. Rocky Mountain Region
by Charles R. Nelson
Sand-Rich Holocene Turbidite Systems Along the Active Transform Fault
Margin of Northern California
by C. Hans Nelson, Chris Goldfinger, Eugene Karabanov, Eulalia Gracia, Joel Johnson,
Drew Ericksson, and Jason Chaytor
*The Comparative Analysis of oil-gas-bearing basins of East Siberia and Northern China on the example of Lena-Tungus and Tarim basins
by A.S. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya, V.E. Gavura , T.N. Nemchenko N.P. Zapivalov,
Shubao Xu , and Jianjun Wang
Rift Initiation and the Resultant Structural Terranes of the Southern MoroccoCGeorges Bank Atlantic Segment: Controls on Reservoir Distribution
by Michal Nemcok and Stephen Hermeston
*Linking Diagenetic Styles to Reservoir Quality: the Eolian Nugget Sandstone (Jurassic), SW Wyoming
by Laura I. Net
*The Foothills of Western Canada, a Fold and Thrust Belt Natural Gas Play
by Andrew Newson
Atlantic Basin Deep Water Play
by Ken Nibbelink
The Neoproterozoic Play in Saudi Arabia
by Paul G. Nicholson and Dominique Janjou
Facies-Based Petrophysics
by John A Nieto
Modeling Reality—Importance and Impact: A 3-D Modeling Sensitivity Study on the Grassy Member of the Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah
by Madelon Nijman, and Caroline. Y. Hern
Near-Surface Depositional Framework of the Central Scotian Slope, Atlantic Canada
by Jerry A. Nott, R. Craig Shipp, J. Larry Gibson, and Lawrence C. Nolte
Expression of Milankovitch Cycles in Mid-Pliocene Strata of the Productive Series, Azerbaijan
by Dag Nummedal, S. Julio Friedmann, Maureen Steiner, Elmira Aliyeva, and Dadash Huseynov
Bending Stresses, Faulting, and Deep Migration of Fluids in the Arkoma Basin
by Jeffrey A. Nunn
Migration Pathways in the Colville Basin, Northern Alaska: Geochemical Constraints on Fluid Flow Simulations
by Jeffrey A. Nunn, Jeffrey S. Hanor, and Youngmin Lee
Integrating 3-D Seismic Data and Multiple, Independent Remote Sensing Technologies to Constrain Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Migration and Seepage Rates and Leakage Mechanisms on the North-western Australian Margin
by Geoffrey W. O’Brien, Andrew Barrett, and Megan Lech
Laboratory Studies
on the Carbonation Potential of Basalt: Applications to Geological Sequestration of CO2 in the Columbia River Basalt Group
by William K. O’Connor, Gilbert E. Rush, and David C. Dahlin
Offshore and Deep Water Morocco: New Plays from the Mediterranean to Mauritania
by Mark E. Odegard
Integrated 3-D Salt Dome Modeling in ArcView
by Mark E. Odegard and W. Robert Weber
Influence of Mouth Bar Processes on
Delta Distributary Avulsion
by Cornel Olariu
Morphology of a Modern Lacustrine Delta Changes with River Discharge: Red River Delta, Lake Texoma, Texas-Oklahoma
by Cornel Olariu, Janok P. Bhattacharya, and Robert J. Stern
Characterization of Key Heterogeneities Within the Jurassic Skarv Field, Offshore Mid-Norway
by Tina R. Olsen, Simon Thomas, Timothy A. Berg, Margit Espevoll, Carole Ross, and Grete B. Vagle
*Sedimentary Environments And Organic Matter Composition of The Holocene Sediments in The Niigata Plain, Central Japan, And Their Implication for Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Incised Valley Fill
by Omura Akiko, Koichi Hoyanagi, Mamiko Yoshida, Azusa Yamazaki, Miyuki
Yamagishi, and Atsushi Urabe
The Implications of Hydrocarbon Seepage, Gas Migration and Fluid Overpressures to Frontier Exploration and Geohazards
by Daniel Lewis Orange, Martin Hovland, H. Gary Greene, James D. Huggard, Ken Nibbelink, Norman Maher, Adam Heffernan, Philippe Jeanjean, Demian Saffer,
and Ana Garcia-Garcia
Thermochronologic Constraints on the Cenozoic Thermal History of the Southern North Slope Foreland Basin, Alaska
by P. B. O’Sullivan, T. E. Moore, C. J. Potter, and W. K. Wallace
Ferric Iron-Bearing Minerals as Geologic Traps for CO2 Sequestration: Iron Reduction Using SO2 or H2S Waste Gas
by James L. Palandri and Yousif K. Kharaka
How to Increase the Value of a Highly Volatile Oil Reservoir in a Developed Gas Market Environment
by Gyorgy Palasthy, Lajos Benedek, János Geiger, István Papp, and Veronika Pipicz
New Findings of Plays in China
by Jiping Pan
Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, North Blowhorn Creek Oil Field, Lamar County, Alabama
by Brian Panetta
Methodologies for Reservoir Prediction in South Angola
by Kelly Ku Papesh, Elizabeth Allison, Anthony Sprague, Steven J. Keidel, and Vicki K. Singer
Thrombolite Buildups in the Middle Jurassic Piper and Gypsum Spring Formations, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by William C. Parcell and Monica K. Williams
A 3-D Model of Sand Injectite Network from Outcrop and Shallow High Resolution Seismic Data: The Rosans Clastic Sills and Dykes Field Example (Southeast France)
by Olivier Parize, Dominique Rousset, Emilie Deloof, Jean-Michel Champanhet, Hervé Perroud, and Didier Rappin
Coupled Dynamic Evolution of Stress, Fracture, Porosity, Permeability and Fluid Flow: Basin.RTM Simulation Results from U.S. Basins
by Anthony J. Park, Kagan Tuncay, and Peter J. Ortoleva
Cartography of the Seeps in the Orocual Field
by Gilberto Efrain Parra Rivero
Origin, Conditions, and Timing of Gas Generation in the Lewis Shale, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
by T.M. Parris, Neil S. Fishman, Mark J. Pawlewicz, and Glen E. Christiansen
Simulating the Impact of Faults on CO2 Sequestration in Sandstone Aquifers
by Sangeetha M. Pasala, Craig B. Forster, Milind D. Deo, and Siang J. Lim
Defining the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Window for Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Black Warrior Basin: Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
by Jack C. Pashin and Richard E. Carroll
Compartmentalization Analysis of Joint and Cleat Systems Associated with Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Black Warrior Basin: A Discrete Network Approach
by Jack C. Pashin, Guohai Jin, and J. Wayne Payton
Reservoir-Scale Porosity Trends in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Tilston Field, Williston Basin, Canada
by Simon A.J. Patisson
Application of Extensional Basin Evolution Models to Heterogeneous Crustal Settings: Insights from South Africa
by Douglas A. Paton and John R. Underhill
3-D Massive VSP at Wilmington Oil Field, Long Beach Unit
by Bjorn Paulsson, Martin Karrenbach, and Karen Blake
*A New Approach for Interpreting Lithofacies and Sequence Stratigraphy using Borehole Image Data in Wells Drilled with Non-Conductive Mud Systems
by Mitch D. Pavlovic and Milan Markovic
Evidence for the Influence of the Sweetgrass Arch on Sedimentation of the Late Cretaceous Eagle Formation, Northern Montana, Based on a High-Resolution Allostratigraphic Framework
by Tobias H.D. Payenberg
Early Triassic Recovery from the End-Permian Extinction on the Great Bank of Guizhou, Guizhou Province, China
by Jonathan L. Payne, Daniel Lehrmann, Jaiyong Wei, and Andrew H. Knoll
*CO2 -Pore Water-Rock Interactions From Natural CO2 Gas Pools - A Case History from the Southeast Basin of France
by Jonathan Pearce, Tom Shepherd, Jean-Pierre Ggirard, Yves-Michel Le Nindre, Simon Kemp, Helene
Pauwels, and Isabelle Czernichowski
Fracture Characterization in the Georgetown Formation (Central Texas) with AVO
by Robin Pearson, Bryan DeVault, Sri (Sam) Kulkarni, and Jeff Copley
Changes in Depth of Incised Valleys Within a Transgressive Sequence Set of the Albian Bow Island Formation, Southwest Alberta—Implications For Sequence Stratigraphic Models
by Per Kent Pedersen, Claudia Schröder-Adams, and Olga Nielsen
Characterizing Secondary Seals for Geologic Storage of CO2 in the Weyburn Field of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada
by Per Kent Pedersen, Steve Whittaker, Jim E. Christopher, and Melinda Yurkowski
Styles, Mechanisms and Hydrocarbon Implications of Syndepositional Folds in Deepwater Fold Belts: Examples from Angola and the Gulf of Mexico
by Frank J Peel
On the Calibration of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring
by Wayne Pennington, Terra E. Bulloch, Joshua I. Haataja, Deyi Xie, Horacio Acevedo, Anastasia Minaeva, Shawn Len, and Aaron M. Green
Whale Prospect: Exploration of the Westernmost Marine Lithofacies within the Almond, Northwestern Green River Basin, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
by James M. Perkins and Robert L. Horine
Formation Conditions and Current Forms of Natural Gas Existence in Gas Hydrate/Free Gas Accumulations in Shallow Permafrost of Northwest Part of the Yamal Peninsula (West Siberia, Russia)
by Yelena Vladimir Perlova, Vladimir Stanislav Yakushev, and Evgeny Mikhail Chuvilin
Uncertainty Approach for the Geological and Petrophysical Modeling of a Structurally Complex Field
by Marie-Pascale Perruchot
Distribution, Richness, Quality, and Thermal Maturity of Source Rock Units on the North Slope of Alaska
by Kenneth E. Peters, Kenneth J. Bird, Margaret A. Keller, Paul G. Lillis, and Leslie B. Magoon
*Depositional Processes and Facies of the Early Mississippian Joana Limestone: An Example of Encrinite Formation within a Foreland Basin Setting, Western United States
by William T. Phelps and Mary L. Droser
Using Seismic Attributes in the Wamsutter Development Area of the Washakie Basin in Wyoming to Identify Stratigraphic Facies
by Debra Hays Phillips and G. Earl Norris
Upper-Eocene Fault
-Controlled Deep Water Systems in the Talara Forearc Basin, Northwest Peru: Sand-Transport Paths, Sand-Body Geometry and Exploration and Development Opportunities
by A. T. Picarelli, E. G. Pozo, J. Daudt, J. Leyva, P. Arriola, and A. Arispe
Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Wolfcampian (Permian) Carbonate Platforms, Hueco Mountains, West Texas, USA
by Leonardo H Piccoli, Juan Antonio Simo, Neal Lord, Robert Pyzalski, and William
A 2-D Petroleum System Modeling for Compressive and Extensional Terrains
by Carmen Piemonti and Enrique Novoa
The Middle Miocene Badenian Leitha Limestone of the Central Paratethys — Not a Climate Controversy
by Werner E. Piller
*Study in the Development of Main Dolomite (Ca2) in Western Poland in the Aspect of Hydrocarbons Search
by Leszek Pikulski, Tadeusz Wolnowski and Jolanta Zielinska-Pikulska
*Study in the Development of Rotliegendes Basin in Western Poland in the Aspect of New Gas Play Discoveries
by Leszek Pikulski and Jolanta Zielinska-Pikulska
Petroleum Inclusions: Markers of Tectonic and Diagenetic Evolution of a Foreland Petroleum Basin (Columbia)
by Jacques Pironon,Jörg O.W. Grimmer, and Frédéric Walgenwitz
Experimental Quartz Growth: Implications to the Study of Reservoirs Using Fluid Inclusions and Oxygen Isotopes
by Jacques Pironon, Stéphane Teinturier, and Frédéric Walgenwitz
Incorporation of Seismic Facies Analysis in 3-D Geological Modeling
by Patricia G. Pistoun, R. E. Sheriff, and Grover Gonzales
Pattern Matching in Facies Analysis from Well Log Data—a Hybrid Neural Network-Based Application
by Emil Platon, Anthony Gary, and Glenn Johnson
Boom-Bust and Financial Pressures in the Energy Industries
by Jeremy Platt
Repeated Cycles of Fluvial Incision and Estuarine Backfill in Eocene Central Basin, Spitsbergen
by Piret Plink-Björklund
Reconstructing the Sequence Stratigraphy of Early Cambrian Rocks in the Selwyn Foreland Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada
by Michael C. Pope, Kelly A. Dilliard, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Bruce S. Lieberman
Surface to Subsurface Correlation of the Late Ordovician Montoya Group, Southern New Mexico and Western Texas
by Michael C. Pope, Jessica B. Steffen, Huaibo Liu, Glenn Bixler, and David M. Thomas
Seismic Geomorphologic and Seismic Stratigraphic Analyses Using 3-D Seismic Visualization Techniques: Examples from the Gulf Of Mexico and the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
by Henry W. Posamentier
Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of Submarine Canyons—Insights Regarding Genesis, Evolution, and Fill, Based on 3-D Seismic Data
by Henry W. Posamentier
Anatomy of a Deep-Water Channel Avulsion—Example from the Basin Floor of the Desoto Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico
by Henry W. Posamentier and Ven Kolla
Evolution of a Shallow Ponded Basin, Niger Delta Slope
by B. E. Prather and C. Pirmez
The Plate Boundary Observatory: The Geodetic Component of Earthscope
by William Prescott
Wet-Dry, Terminal Fan-Dominated Depositional Sequences on the Lake Plain: A Case Study in the Lower Green River Formation of Southern Uinta Basin
by Victor A. Pusca and Ron J. Steel
*Stochastic Surface Modeling in Mud Rich, Fine-grained Turbidite Lobes
by Michael J. Pyrcz and Clayton V. Deutsch
Reservoir Characterization of Mississippian St. Louis Carbonate Reservoir Systems in Kansas, Stratigraphic and Facies Architecture Modeling
by Lianshuang Qi and Timothy R. Carr
Related Quartz Cementation and Basin Scale Fluid Flow, Hopeman Sandstone, Scotland
by Oliver F. Quinn, R.Stuart Haszeldine, John R. Underhill, and John E. Dixon
Sequence Stratigraphy Study and Sedimentology of the Terry (Sussex) Sandstone in a Portion of the Denver Basin Colorado
by Magaly C. Quintero
Technical and Operational Accomplishments of ODP Leg 204
by Frank R. Rack and Shipboard Scientific Party ODP Leg 204
Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Reservoir Characterization, Cerro Negro Field, Venezuela: A Genetic Foundation for Reservoir Quality Prediction in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
by V.D. Rahmanian, B.C. Caspar, J.A. Andrew, D.J. O’Donnell, G.S. Benson, A. Lopez,
and J.R. Bulau
Characterization and Origins of High Amplitude Reflection Packets Along the Gulf of Mexico Margin
by David Brian Rains, Steven Dorobek, Jason M. Francis, and Charles Winker
Internal Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of Middle Mississippian (Visean) Grainstones, Eastern Missouri
by Eugene C. Rankey
Unraveling Complexity on Carbonate Tidal Flats: Insights from Integrated Modeling and Field Observations
by Eugene C. Rankey and Peter B. Burgess
Lithofacies and Sequence Stratigraphy from Well Logs for the Cyclic Morrowan to Wolfcampian Hermosa Group Strata, Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado
by Donald L. Rasmussen and Dalton L. Rasmussen
Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group Depositional Trends During Progressive Burial of Pre-Hermosa Terrain in the Early Structural History of the Paradox Basin in Utah and Colorado
by Donald L. Rasmussen and Dalton L. Rasmussen
*Enhanced reservoir characterisation of the Triassic Argilo Greseux-Inferieur, Algeria using high resolution chemostratigraphy
by K.T. Ratcliffe, A. D. Hughes, T.J. Pearce, and J. Martin
*Whole rock geochemical analysis of a low accommodation fluvial reservoir: an example from the (Lower Cretaceous) Basal Quartz, Southern Alberta
by K.T. Ratcliffe, A.M. Wright, D. S. Wray, B.A. Zaitlin, D. Potocki, and M.C.
Subsurface Sequence Architecture of the Cromwell Sandstone (Morrowan), Oklahoma
by Bryant Reasnor and Dennis Kerr
Gas Hydrate Studies
in Kerala-Konkan Offshore Region of India
by Soma Innayya Reddi, Naresh Kumar Thakur, Ramesh Khanna, Kalachand Sain, Azhisur Ranganathan Sridhar, Pasupuleti Prasada Rao, Uma Shankar, A. Rastogi, and Gautham Biswas
Horizontal Miscible Water Alternating Gas Development of the Alpine Field, Alaska
by R. Scott Redman
Evaluating Controls on Sandstone Diagenesis: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Carboniferous Strata in the Appalachian Basin
by Jason S. Reed, Kenneth A. Eriksson, and Michal Kowalewski
Constraining the Burial and Geomorphic Evolution of the Appalachian Plateau Using Pennsylvanian Sedimentary Rocks
by Jason S. Reed, James A. Spotila, Robert J. Bodnar, and Kenneth A. Eriksson
Modern Analogue of an Ephemeral Fluvial-Lacustrine Inland DeltaCUmbum Creek, Lake Eyre, Central Australia
by Mark Robert, William Reilly, Simon Christopher Lang, and Jochen Kassan
Autocyclic Versus Allocyclic Control on Delta and Incised Valley Fill Deposits, Alberta Foreland Basin
by Gerry E. Reinson and J. Dennis Meloche
Reservoir Characterization and Facies Modeling Utilizing Seismic Acoustic Impedance Data in Medusa Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by David Reiter, Lee Wilson, Teresa Becker, Ken McMillen, Karen Jay, Manu Schnetzler, and Fadjar Budhijanto
Late Eocene Global Plate Reorganization and Development of Extensional Basins in East China
by Jianye Ren, Sitian Li, Kensaku Tamaki, and Junxia Zhang
Structural Uncertainty in Fault
Seal and Transmissibility Analysis
by David J. Reynolds
Two-Phase Flow in Fractures
by Mark A Reynolds, Gillian E Pickup, and Gary D Couples
The Fruitland Formation CBM Hydrocarbon System: A Step-by-Step Analysis
by W. C. Riese, W.L. Pelzmann, G.T. Snyder
Stratigraphic Architecture of a Non-Uniformly Subsiding, Sea Level-Dominated, Icehouse Shelf: A Case Study from the Antler-Sonoma Foreland of the Western United States
by Scott M. Ritter, Ty S. Robinson, and Rebecca Stewart
Sedimentation in Response to Complex Continental Intraplate Deformation: Jurassic-Cretaceous Northwest Ordos Basin, North-Central China
by Bradley D. Ritts and Brian J. Darby
Tectonic Setting and Petroleum System Significance of Upper Triassic-Jurassic Strata, Qaidam Basin, Northwest China
by Bradley D. Ritts, Yongtai Yang, Qun Luo
Stratigraphy and Diagenesis of Pleistocene Eolian Deposits from the Northern Coast of Puerto Rico
by Janiel Rivera Pinet, Wilson Ramirez Martinez, James Joyce, Hernán Santos Mercado, William C. Ward, and Ivan P. Gill
Seafloor and Subsurface Geology of Gas Hydrate Exposure Sites—Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
by Harry Roberts, James M Coleman, Jesse M Hunt, W. W. Shedd, and Roger Sassen
Response of a Surficial Gas Hydrate to Thermal Loading by a Weak Loop Current Eddy—Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
by Harry H. Roberts, Alexandru Sheremet, William J. Wiseman, and Jesse L. Hunt
Geology of Three Natural Carbon Dioxide Reservoirs
by Mark A. Rogers and Scott Tye
Patterns of Permian Basinal Sedimentation in the Western Delaware Basin, Cutoff, Brushy Canyon, and Cherry Canyon Formations, West Texas, USA: A New Stratigraphic Model for Deep-Water Clastics
by Brian W. Romans and Michael H. Gardner
A Promising Prospective Area in the Eastern Venezuela Basin: Matching Geochemical, Geological and Structural Data
by Irene Romero, Victor Jones, Blas Gonzalez, and José Humberto Sánchez
Tectonic Control of Precambrian Basement Architecture on the Localization and Timing of Neogene Thin-Skinned Productive Structures of the Potwar-Salt Range Petroleum Province (Pakistan)
by Francois Roure, Tariq Jaswal, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte, William Sassi, and
Sylvain Grelaud
Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy In and Immediately Adjacent to Salt Bodies-an Overview
by Mark G. Rowan
Turtle Structures and Expulsion Rollovers: Lessons Derived from a Comparison Between the Northern Gulf of Mexico and the Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan
by Mark G. Rowan
Sandstone and Shale Compaction Curves Derived from Sonic and Gamma Ray Logs in Offshore Wells, North Slope, Alaska-Parameters for Basin Modeling
by E. L. Rowan, D. O. Hayba, P. H. Nelson, W. M. Burns, and D. W. Houseknecht
Expressions of Forced Regressions and Sequence Boundaries in the Miocene of Provence, (Southeast France Basin)
by Jean-Loup Rubino, Olivier Parize, Yann Dexcote, Henri Soudet, Remy Borgovini, and Jean-Jacques Cornee
Patterns of Porosity Evolution in Permian Waning-Icehouse Carbonate Platform Successions
by Stephen C. Ruppel
Outcrop-Based Stratigraphic, Petrophysical, and Geostatistical Characterization and Modeling of a Carbonate Platform Reservoir Succession: Middle Permian, Permian Basin
by Stephen C. Ruppel, F. Jerry Lucia, and James W. Jennings
Top Truncated Deltas in the Western Interior Seaway: An Example from Subsurface Analysis of the Turonian Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation
by Junaid Sadeque and Janok P. Bhattacharya
Stratigraphic Correlation and Seriation as a Traveling Salesman Problem
by Peter M. Sadler
Dolomitization and Cyclicity: Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Quality in Mississippian Livingstone Formation, Waterton Complex, Southwest Alberta
by Guillermina Sagasti, Jose Luis Massaferro, and Gregor Eberli
Distribution of the Sedimentary Facies of a Middle Miocene Third Order Sequence, in Tiger Field, South Marsh Island, Offshore Louisiana Using Integration of Seismic Attributes and Sequence Stratigraphy
by Josgre Salazar, Christopher Kendall, and Abdulrahman Alissa
Regional Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Lower Pennsylvanian Reservoir Sandstones, Southwestern Kansas
by Galo Aristides Salcedo and Timothy R. Carr
Sequence Stratigraphy of a Linked Shelf to Basin Floor System, Pleistocene, North Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
by Arthur H. Saller, Jesse T. Noah, Rhys Schneider, and Alif Prama Ruzuar
North Alaska Petroleum System Analysis: The Regional Map Compilation
by Richard W. Saltus and Kenneth J. Bird
An Integrated Framework For the Understanding of the Petroleum and Reservoir Systems in the Mars-Ursa Basin: Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
by D. I. Sanabria, L.M. Smith, W. H. Crane, A. D. Donovan, D. K. Willis, T. Matava, J. C. Turner, K. Meisling, B. A. Lanan, J. W. Thompson, L. K. Antrim, and T. Burch
Integrated Analysis of the Mars-Ursa Basin: Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
by D.I. Sanabria,L.M. Smith, W.H. Crane, T. Matava, A.D. Donovan, D.K. Willis, J.C. Turner, K. Meisling, B.A. Lanan, J.W. Thompson, L.K. Antrim, and T. Burch
3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of North La Barge Field, Sublette County, Wyoming
by Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Thais A. Guirigay, and Neil F. Hurley
Seismic Modeling of a Tidal-Bar / Incised-Valley Complex: Sego Sandstone of Eastern Utah
by Hasan Sarikaya and Lesli J. Wood
Mechanical Reconstruction of Fracture Development in Weber Sandstone Formation, Split Mountain (Utah)
by William Sassi, Martin L.E. Guiton, Jean-Marc Daniel, Jean-Luc Faure, Jean-Marie Mengus, Julien Schmidtz, Sylvie Delisle, Yves M. Leroy, and Jérôme Massot
Sequence Stratigraphy of Small Modern Sandy Turbidite Systems Deposited Off the East Corsican Margin (Western Mediterranean)
by Bruno Savoye, Anne Gervais, and David J. W. Piper
Heavy Oil Resources of Utah: An Emerging Opportunity?
by Steven Schamel and John Baza
Horizontal Core for Fracture Description in the Naturally Fractured Spraberry Trend Area
by David S. Schechter and John Lorenz
*Practical Analysis for Reservoir Uncertainty
by Claude Scheepens
Structural Geology and Petroleum Systems of the Dagestan Fold-Thrust Belt and Adjacent Terek-Caspian Foredeep
by Daniel D. Schelling, David A. Wavrek, Dimir Mirzoev, Zilfikar Dashtiyev, and Dimitri Shlygin
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Montana Thrust Belt Province, Northwestern Montana
by Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald Charpentier, Troy Cook, Thaddeus S. Dyman, Christopher French, Mitchell Henry, Timothy R. Klett, William J. Perry, Richard M. Pollastro, and Christopher J. Potter
Shale Facies Stacking in Parasequences of the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah
by Juergen Schieber
Seismic-Scale Architecture and Properties of Phanerozoic Microbial Carbonates
by Wolfgang Schlager and Lorenz Keim
Massive Accumulations of Methane Hydrate in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea: Basin Analysis, Origin, and Resource Potential
by David W. Scholl, Ginger A. Barth, and Jonathan R. Childs
*Seismic Anomalies Indicating Leakage: examples from the Southern North Sea
by Barthild M. Schroot
Cyclicity in Paralic Deposits, Mid-Cretaceous, United States Western Interior
by R. W. Scott, J. H. Holbrook, F. E. Oboh-Ikuenobe, M. J. Evetts, and D. G. Benson
Evolution of the Taimyr Peninsula (Arctic Siberia) and the Implications for Surrounding Hydrocarbon Basins
by Robert A. Scott, Trond H. Torsvik, Elizabeth A. Eide, Harald J. Walderhaug, and Torgeir B. Andersen
Numerical Modeling of Middle Triassic Passive Continental Margin and Carbonate Platform Development in the Lombardian Alps (Italy)
by Michael Seeling, Thilo Bechstädt, and Rainer Zühlke
Modern and Antecedent Topography: Focussing Agents for Reservoir Sands—Central and Western Scotian Basin
by Marylin Segall, Russell K. Murphy, Sean McPherson, Douglas G. Neese, Michal Nemcok, and Richardson Allen
Origin and Significance of Concreted Paleosols in Onshore-Offshore Deposits
by Marylin P. Segall, and Cleverson G. Silva
Role and Contribution of Pressure Regime Modeling in Well Planning and Formation Evaluation Process, Gulf of Suez Oil Fields, Egypt
by Saber Moustafa Selim, Bassem Ahmed El-Badawy, Khaled Mohamed Abd Allah, and Ayman Khorshid
Establishing the Role of Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Delivering a Lower Carbon Energy Future
by William J. Senior, Anthony A. Espie, and Charles A Christopher
Application of New Technologies Leads to Discovery of Prolific Reservoirs in the Geneva Dolomite (Middle Devonian), West-Central Illinois Basin
by Beverly Seyler, John P. Grube, and Zakaria Lasemi
Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration in Northeast Egypt
by Fouad Shaaban, Rudiger Lutz, and Ralf Littke
Fracture Pattern Identifications Based on Borehole Images: Example from the Foothills, Western Canada
by Richard Y. Shang and Malcolm Lamb
Controls on Prolific Gas Production from Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs in Basin-Centered Regions: Implications from the Rocky Mountain Region for Resource Assessment, Prospect Appraisal, and Risk Analysis
by Keith W. Shanley, Robert C. Cluff, Lee T. Shannon, and John W. Robinson
North Africa and Arabian Plate First and Second Order Sequence Stratigraphy
by Peter R Sharland, David Boote, David M Casey, Roger B Davies, and Michael D Simmons
Comparative Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Silurian Along the Eastern Flank of the Findlay-Algonquin Arch: Evidence for a Migrating Forebulge
by Bryan Shepard, Carlton E. Brett, and Patrick I. McLaughlin
Subsidence History of the East Java Basin, Indonesia and its Implications for Oil and Gas Exploration
by Martin L. Shields, Alan R. Carroll, Anthony J. Simo, and Essam Sharaf
Stratigraphic Architecture of Upper Miocene Stevens Sandstone Turbidite Reservoir, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Michael R. Shultz
Slump-Generated Topographic Control of Deepwater Sediment Dispersal and Preservation Patterns and Resultant Stratigraphic Architecture, Tres Pasos Formation, Southern Chile
by Michael R. Shultz and Steve Hubbard
Natural Gas Systems in Cretaceous and Tertiary Reservoirs in the Rocky Mountain Region
by George W. Shurr
The Effects of Antecedent Topography on Incised Valley Incision and Fill, Nueces River, Central Texas
by Alexander R. Simms, John B. Anderson, Antonio Rodriguez
EarthScope and USArray
by David W. Simpson
Basin-Floor Topography and the Scaling of Turbidites
by Hugh Sinclair and Patience Cowie
Reservoir Characterization for Field Rejuvenation — a Case Study
by Kasarie Singh
*Reservoir Characterization from Seismic and Well Control with Intelligent Computing Software
by Mark Sippel
Ichnology, Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Mississippian (Visean) Kiskatinaw Formation, Northwest Alberta: Development of an Incised Valley Model
by Natalie A. Sirman and S. George Pemberton
The Effect of Active Growth Folding onTurbidite Deposition: Insights from the Karoo Basin of South Africa
by Peter J. Sixsmith, Stephen Flint, Graham Potts, Martin Grecula, and De Ville
Unravelling Transgressive Depositional Systems Using Detailed Outcrop Analogues: The Cretaceous Hosta Sandstone, New Mexico, USA
by Peter J. Sixsmith, Sanjeev Gupta, and Gary Hampson
Quantification of Uncertainty in Recovery Efficiency Predictions: Lessons Learned from 250 Mature Carbonate Fields
by Rod Sloan and S. Qing Sun
GIS Technology: A Pathway for Regional Geospatial Analysis of Coalbed Methane Assessment and Future Energy Resource Development
by Ernie R Slucher and Mark Vinciguerra
Quantitative Visualization of Spatial Uncertainty in 3-D Structural Models
by Robert Smallshire, and Simon Stewart
Finite Element Modeling of Inversion Tectonics: Application to the Elgin-Franklin Field, North Sea
by Kevin J. Smart, Younane Abousleiman, and Jieliang Pan
*Clastic Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Acadian Foreland Basin in Western New York State
by Gerald J. Smith and Robert D. Jacobi
The Use of Reservoir Simulation for the Design of a Pilot Project for Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Production
by W. Neal Smith, Sinisha A. Jikich, Grant Bromhal, Duane H. Smith, Turgay Ertekin,
and Olufemi Odusote
Integrated Characterization of Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in Trenton-Black River Carbonates of New York
by Langhorne B. Smith, Courtney M. Lugert, and Richard E. Nyahay
Integrated Sedimentological, Ichnological and Sequence Stratigraphic Model of a Coarse Clastic Fan Delta Reservoir: Middle Jurassic Oseberg Formation, North Sea, Norway
by Kristian Soegaard and James MacEachern
Assessment of Oil and Gas Fields in Indiana for CO2 Sequestration
by Wilfrido Solano-Acosta, Charles W. Zuppann, and John A. Rupp
Operational Sequence Stratigraphy for 3-D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit (SSAU), Permian Basin, West Texas
by Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Thomas P. Wingate, K. Lyn Canter, Hai-Zui Meng, and Laura C. Zahm
A Dynamic Model for the Permian Panhandle and Hugoton Fields, Western Anadarko Basin
by Raymond P. Sorenson
Overpressuring, Diagenesis, and Fluid Flow at the Matagorda Island 519 Field, Offshore Texas, Gulf of Mexico
by Kera Gautreau Spears and Jeffrey S. Hanor
Ichnology of an Ancient, Shallow Marine Embayment: Using Bioturbation Patterns to Enhance Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction
by Michelle V. Spila, S. George Pemberton, and Iain K. Sinclair
Dynamic Reservoir Characterization of a Complex Carbonate Reservoir at Weyburn Field, Saskatchewan
by Anna Stafford and John Humphrey
*Permian-Jurassic Tectonic and Depositional Control on Oil Fields Distribution in the Central Moesian Platform, Romania
by Aurelia Liliana Stan and Adriana Raileanu
Productivity of U.S. Unconventional Gas Reservoirs-Benchmarks for Future Plays
by Philip H. Stark and Leta Smith
*Fracture Analysis For Petroleum Exploration Of Ordovician To Devonian Fractured Reservoirs In New York State Using Satellite Imagery
by Ronald J. Staskowski, John R. Everett, and Robert D. Jacobi
Shelf-Edge Deltas: A Key to the Delivery of Sands into Deepwater
by Ron J. Steel and Szczepan J. Porebski
*New Methods for Extracting and Constructing Fault
Surfaces from 3D Seismic Data
by Øyvind Steen, Stein Inge Pedersen, Trygve Randen, and Christophe Basire
The North Shafter and Rose Oil Fields: A Seismically Defined, Diagenetic Stratigraphic Trap in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, CA
by Robert Sterling, Anne Grau, Robert Kidney, Barbara Ganong, Paul Pendleton, Larry Drennan,
and Angela Bosse
Structural Heterogeneities and Paleo-Fluid Flow in an Analog Sandstone Reservoir
by Kurt Sternlof, Eric Flodin, Peter Eichhubl, Atilla Aydin, and David Pollard
Evaluating the Origin of Isolated Cretaceous Sandstones Encased in Marine Mudstone: The Prairie Canyon Member of the Mancos Shale, Hatch Mesa, East-Central Utah
by Kimberly M Stevens and Nikhom Chaiwongsaen
Deciphering Thermal Histories Through Apatite (U-Th)/He Multi-Grain-Size Analysis
by Daniel F. Stockli and Kenneth A. Farley
Sedimentology and Diagenesis of an Oligocene Cool-Water Carbonate Platform and Basin, Costa Blanca, Southeast Spain
by Michelle L. Stoklosa, J.A. (Toni) Simo, and Jana Van-Alstine
Architecture of Shallow-Marine Sequences: Insights from Numerical Modeling
by Joep E.A. Storms and Donald J.P. Swift
Avulsion, Autogenic or Allogenic Controlled?
by Esther Stouthamer and Henk J.A. Berendsen
Autogenic Variation in Experimenal Depositional Systems: Time and Space Scales, and Response to Allocyclic Forcing
by Nikki Strong, Michael Kelberer, Ben Sheets, Dan Cazanacli, and Chris Paola
Originality, Persistence and Adaptability: Keys to Survival
by David H. Suek
Sequence Stratigraphy and Incised Valley Architecture of the Domengine Formation, Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve and the Southern Sacramento Valley
by Morgan D. Sullivan and Raymond Sullivan
Evolution of the Blue Nile Gorge, Ethiopia, from Optical and Radar Remote Sensing and Digital Elevation Models Data Integration
by Dewan Nahid Sultana and Mohamed G. Abdelsalam,
Information Technology: The Underlying Enabler in Visualization, Geosteering, and Collaboration
by Roger R. Sung and Jawad M. AlKhalaf
The Bijaygarh and Rampur Shales of the Vindhyan Supergroup, India: Transgressive System Tract Source Rocks of Mid-Proterozoic Age
by Sohini Sur, Juergen Schieber, Santanu Banerjee
Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of the Oficina Formation in the Zuata Area of the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, Eastern Venezuela Basin
by John R. Suter and Gordon Fielder
Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Productivity: Ursa Field, Gulf of Mexico
by Michael L. Sweet, Mike E. Farrell, and Alan E. Schwartzbard
Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Through the CenozoicCa 3-D Visualization Tour
by Dennis A. Sylvia, William E. Galloway, and Ricardo Combellas
*Frontier Areas for Coalbed-Gas Exploration in Utah
by David E. Tabet and Jeffrey C. Quick
Integration of 3-D Structural Modeling and Fault
Seal Analysis to Reduce Reservoir Uncertainty
by John R. Tabor and Jay P. Busch
Late Paleozoic Foreland Deformation in the Southwestern Midland Basin and Adjacent Areas: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Permian Basin, West Texas
by Po-Ching Tai and Steven L. Dorobek
*Gas Hydrates on the Amazon Submarine Fan, Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil
by Maira Damiao Tanaka, Cleverson Guizan Silva, and Michael Ben Clennell
*A Large-Scale Tertiary Salt Nappe Complex at the Leading Edge of Kuqa foreland fold belt, Tarim basin, Northwest China
by Liangjie Tang, Chengzao Jia, and Zhijun Jin
Petroleum Systems in the East-Mediterranean Basin Onshore and Offshore Israel
by Eli Tannenbaum and Michael Gardosh
Regional Upper Cretaceous (Senonian) Petroleum Source Rocks in the Middle East and North Africa
by Eli Tannenbaum and M.D. Lewan
Comparison Between the Salt Basins of Morocco and Madagascar
by GaborTari, Paul Ashton, James Molnar, Michael Sorgenfrei, Philip Thompson, and David Valasek
Carbonate Cementation in Contrasting Foreland Basin Marine Sequences: A Quantitative Outcrop Study
by Kevin G Taylor, Rob L Gawthorpe, and Phil G Machent
*Coal-bed Methane Potential and Activity of the Illinois Basin
by Steven Tedesco
*Coal-bed Methane Potential and Activity of the Western Interior Basin
by Steven Tedesco
Use of Mechanical Logs to Evaluate Gas in Place in Pennsylvanian Age Coals
by Steven A. Tedesco, and Jack Bowler
Evaluation of Fluid Communication Between Gas Caps and Oil Legs: Applications to Reservoir Characterization and Identifying Down Dip Oil
by Stan C. Teerman and Rong J. Hwang
Recognition of Systems Tracts through Changes in Fluvial Facies Architecture, Paleocene Fort Union Formation, Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming
by Sam R. Teeters and Diane L. Kamola
The Use of Seismic Stratigraphy for Waste Site Characterization
by Tom J. Temples, Michael G. Waddell, William Domoracki
Optimization of Infill Drilling in Naturally-Fractured Tight-Gas Reservoirs in the San Juan Basin
by Lawrence Teufel and J. Matthew Herrin
*Upper Ordovician Montoya Sequence Stratigraphy And Chert Porosity in Southeastern Delaware Basin
by David M. Thomas III and Huaibo Liu
Modeling Gulf of Mexico Microfossil Paleoecology
by Peter R. Thompson
Quantitative Measurements of Porosity Reduction Around Deformation Bands in a Porous and Permeable Sandstone
by Laird B. Thompson, James P. Wallace, and James P. Evans
Uncertainty Assessment: Its Impact on a Development Well Planning
by Pierre Thore, Cesar Mugerin, and Mathieu Sartoretti
*The Middle Jurassic Elko Orogeny - A Major Tectonic Event in Nevada-Utah
by Charles H. Thorman and Fred Peterson
Evidence for a Hydrodynamic Origin of Guadalupian-aged Carbonate Mud-Mounds
by John B Thurmond and Peter Drzewiecki
Effects of Compositional Variations, Texture and Burial History on Composition Driven Diagenesis
by Geoffrey Thyne, Anthony Park, by Peter Ortoleva
Distinguishing Tidal Bank-Margin Accretion Bars from Fluvial Point Bars
by Roderick W Tillman and H. Edward Clifton
*Bed and Facies Scale Selectivity During Late-Stage Dolomitization: Lower Ordovician El Paso Group, Franklin Mountains, West Texas
by Barbara A. Tillotson and Robert K. Goldhammer
Deep-Water Sedimentation on an Evolving Fault
-Block: Insights from the Annot Sandstones
by Mark Tomasso and Hugh D. Sinclair
Stratigraphic Architecture of a Deep-Water Deposit in Northwest Borneo
by Felix Tongkul
*Depositional Turbidity Currents in Diapiric Minibasins on the Continental Slope: Theory, Experiments and Numerical Simulation
by Horacio Toniolo and Parker Gary
Paleotopographic Controls on Carbonate Facies During an Interval of Warming Climate: Miocene, Cerro de Ricardillo, Southeast Spain
by Niall D. Toomey, Robert H. Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen
How Widespread Are Nonlinear Responses to Allogenic Perturbations in the Stratigraphic Record?
by Torbjörn E. Törnqvist
High-Resolution Chronostratigraphy of a Late Quaternary Compound Paleovalley Fill (Rhine-Meuse System, The Netherlands)
by Torbjörn E. Törnqvist, Jakob Wallinga, Freek S. Busschers, and Henk J.T. Weerts
Quantitative Integration of 3-D Seismic Data, Geological Information, Production Data, and Well Logs into Hydrocarbon Reservoir Models Amenable to Dynamic Prediction of Fluid Production
by Carlos Torres-Verdin, Mrinal K. Sen, Omar J. Varela, Zhan Wu, Indrajit G. Roy, and Maika Gambus-Ordaz
Gas Shale Petroleum Systems in the Second White Speckled Shale (SWS) and Belle Fourche Formations (Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group), Alberta, Canada
by Sarah Travis, Cynthia L. Riediger, and Brian McKinstry
Drilling Gas Hydrates on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Continental Margin
by Anne M. Trehu, Gerhard Bohrmann, and Leg Two-Hundred and Four Science Party
Defining Systems Tracts and Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture from Well Logs: Example from the Oligocene/Lower Miocene Section, Offshore Mustang Island, South Texas
by Ramón H. Treviño, L. Frank Brown, and Robert G. Loucks
Geological Sonification: Using Auditory Signals to Represent Geological Data
by Alan C. Tripp and A.A. Ekdale
Ghadames Basin, Southern Tunisia: A Reappraisal of Paleozoic Petroleum Systems and Future Prospectivity
by H Troudi, D. Kebaier, M.H. Acheche, and Y. Haddar
Unraveling 75 Million Years of Stratigraphic Evolution Around a Salt Wall in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah
by Bruce Trudgill, Nicholas J. Banbury, and John R. Underhill
Geotectonic Evolution of the Central Southern Alps (Dolomites) derived from Thermal Maturity Data and Basin Modelling
by Robert G. Tscherny, Carsten Büker,S. Nöth, and Ralf Littke
Seismic Architecture of Turbidites in Lake Mead
by David C. Twichell, VeeAnn Cross, Brenda Buck, Andrew Hanson, Thomas Hickson, Mark Rudin, and Jonathan Zybala
Micro-Variability of Floodplain Paleosols in the Snyderville Shale Member, Oread Limestone Formation (Late Pennsylvanian), Southeast Kansas
by Monica Turner-Williams, Wan Yang, and Michael Bruemmer
Origin and Migration of Methane in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments in the Nankai Trough: Implication for Subsurface Occurrence of Natural Gas Hydrate
by Takashi Uchida and Amane Waseda
Evolution of the Triassic in the Northern North Sea
by John R. Underhill, Mark Tomasso, Richard A. Hodgkinson, Nicholas J. Banbury, Euan W. Mearns, and Robert Cooper
Comparative Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Salt Basins
by Patrick Unternehr and Philippe De Clarens
Late Jurassic Sub-Basin Differentiation Defines Significant Exploration Potential in the Southern Lusitanian Basin, Portugal
by T. L. Uphoff, D. P. Stemler, M. J. Stearns, and P. H. Monteleone
Depositional Model for the Oligocene Deltaic
Succession of El Furrial Field, Northern Monagas, Venezuela
by Carlos Alberto Uroza, Carolina Machillanda, Gabriela Arostegui, and Lourdes Rondón
3-D Depth Migration of the Northern Monagas Trend: Eastern Venezuela
by Omar Uzcategui, Elieser Perez, Carlos Marquez, and Ricardo Plata
Multiple Petroleum Systems in the Caspian Region: Implications for Prospectivity Evaluation and Oil Quality Prediction
by Ger W. Van Graas, John Scotchmer, Arnt-Eirik Rørnes, and Tore Husmo
*Energy Dissipation and the Fundamental Shape of Siliciclastic Sedimentary Bodies
by J.C. Van Wagoner, D.C.J. D. Hoyal, N. L. Adair, T. Sun, R.T. Beaubouef, M.
Deffenbaugh, P.A. Dunn, C. Huh, and D. Li
Fine-Scale 3-D Architecture of a Deepwater Channel Complex
by Staffan VanDyke, Roger Slatt, Julie Staggs, Roger Young, and Alan Witten
Coal Stratigraphy of the Southern Powder River Basin: Converse County, Wyoming
by Adam R. VanHolland
Late Holocene Patterns of Estuarine Sedimentation in the Mississippi Sound, Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Brian M. Velardo, Samuel J. Bentley, and Yoko Furukawa
Similarities and Differences between Salt and Shale Tectonics
by Bruno C Vendeville
Contrasts in Style of Minibasin Evolution in the Sigsbee Area (U.S. Gulf of Mexico) and the Nile Deep-Sea Fan
by Bruno C Vendeville, Virginie Gaullier, Lies Loncke, and Jean Mascle
Combination of Structural Balancing, Reverse Basin and Forward Stratigraphic Modeling: New Methods Applied to Old Rocks (Southern Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)
by Zbynek Veselovsky, Thilo Bechstädt, and Rainer Zühlke
Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Eastern Black Sea Basin
by Stephen J. Vincent, Larisa G. Voronova, Michael D. Simmons, Teimuraz Barabadze, and Simon Inger
Morphology and Diagenesis of Low Resistivity Cotton Valley Reservoirs, East Texas Salt Basin, Freestone County, Texas
by Ann Vlad, Kent Newsham, and Jay Rushing
*A Case for Cores: The Reservoir Geology of ERT (Penn Sand) Field, Potter Co., Texas
by Robert W. Von Rhee
Middle Eocene Regional Climate Instability and Palaeoceanography of the Western North Atlantic: Implications for the Position of the Proto Gulf Stream
by Bridget S. Wade and Dick Kroon
Improved Depositional and Sequence Stratigraphic Models for the Basal Sandstone, Lower Sandy Member, Blair Formation, Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming
by Michael C. Wall
Geometry and Evolution of Detachment Folds in Deformed Foreland Basin Deposits of the Brooks Range Foothills, Northern Alaska
by Wesley K. Wallace
Anatomy of Flat Spots
by J.C. Wan
Paleotopography and Sea-Level Controls on Facies and Thickness Variability of Transgressive Limestones: Upper Pennsylvanian Merriam Limestone, Northeast Kansas
by Edward L. Washburn and Evan K. Franseen
Spatial Scales and Distribution of Hydrocarbon Seeps near Coal Oil Point, California
by Libe Washburn, Phaedon Kyriakidis, Eun-Hye Yoo, and Jordan F. Clark
Delineation of Reservoir Compartments with Geochemical Technologies—Applications to Gas and Gas-Condensate Systems
by David A. Wavrek
Petrology and Petrophysics of the Middle Lance Formation (Upper Cretaceous), American Hunter Old Road Unit No. 1, Sublette County, Wyoming
by John C. Webb, Suzanne G. Cluff, Catherine M. Murphy, and Alan P. Byrnes
*Variation of Quaternary Stratigraphic Pattern along an Incised Valley Fill Revealed by Very High Resolution Seismic Profiling : The Paleo-Charente River (French Atlantic Coast)
by Epshom Nicolas Weber, Eric Chaumillon, and Michel Tesson
Stratigraphy, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Distribution: Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan
by L. James Weber, B. P. Francis, Paul Harris, and Michael Clark
*Surface Geochemical Exploration in Three Frontier Basins: Lessons Learned-Takutu Basin, Guyana; General Levalle Basin, Argentina; and Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia
by Robert E. Webster
*General Levalle Basin, Argentina: A Buried Lower Cretaceous Rift
by Robert E. Webster, Gualter A. Chebli, and J. Fritz Fischer
Peculiar Diagenetic Processes and Preservation: Nearshore Marginal Marine Taphonomy in the Upper Lance Formation, Elk Basin, Wyoming
by Marilyn D. Wegweiser
New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of an Undrilled Mud Diapir Province, West Alboran Basin, Morocco-Spain
by Andrew C. Weinzapfel, Richard A. Mountfield, Yves M. Chevalier, Lung-Chuan Kuo, Khalid A. Soofi, Geoffrey A. Haddad, and Matthew O. Strickland
Prospect Generation with Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Northeast Lea Example
by William W. Weiss, Robert A. Balch, Tongjun Ruan, and Vishu Subramaniam
Gathering Seismic Attribute Analysis Techniques to Refine Prospective Area Limits
by Ana Maria Wessolossky, Maria Auxiliadora Perez, and Ezequiel F. Gonzalez
The West African Atlantic Margin—A New Focus for Exploration Portfolios
by Lyndon West
Dynamic Gas-Driven Petroleum Systems?
by Jean K. Whelan
A Methodology to Predict Fracture Permeability at Depth in Coalbed Methane Prospects, with the Ferron Coal, Utah as an Example
by Amy E. Whitaker and Julia Caldaro-Baird
3-D Analog Modeling of Cover Deformation Associated with Extensional Reactivation of a Variable Displacement Basement Fault
by Paul Whitehouse, Ken McClay, and Tim Dooley
Brine Impact on Water Quality in Seminole County, Oklahoma
by Laurie A. Whitesell
Online Tools to Evaluate Oil and Gas Fields for CO2 Sequestration
by Lawrence H. Wickstrom, James McDonald, Ronald A. Riley, Timothy R. Carr, Brandon Nuttall, John A. Rupp, Wilfrido Solano-Acosta, Charles W. Zuppann, and Beverly Seyler
China’s Onshore Gas Resources: A Discussion of Reservoir Data from the Bohai, Ordos and Tarim Basins
by Maarten Wiemer and Jerry Yu, Shell
Canada’s Oil Sands and Heavy Oil: The Future is Now
by Daryl M. Wightman
Dating Multiple Hydrocarbon Charges from Diagenetic Evidence, United Kingdom North Sea Sandstones
by Mark Wilkinson, R. Stuart Haszeldine, and Tony E. Fallick
Stratigraphic Relationships Within the Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation (Bajocian and Bathonian), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana
by Monica K. Williams and William C. Parcell
Avulsion of Valleys and the Continuity of Sequence Boundaries
by Brian J. Willis
Physical Properties of Sediment Containing Natural and Laboratory-Formed Gas Hydrate
by William J. Winters, William F. Waite, David H. Mason, Ivana Novosel, Olga M. Boldina, Scott R. Dallimore, Timothy S. Collett, Thomas D. Lorenson, Charles K. Paull, Rudy E. Rogers8 , William R. Bryant, and Thomas M. McGee
Mapping Large-Scale Faults in the Michigan Basin Using Tops Data
by James R. Wood
Surface Geochemical Analysis of Oil Potential in Selected Fields in the Michigan Basin Using Microbial Technology
by James R. Wood
*Chlorine Residual Salts Analysis: a New Geochemical Tool to Characterize Oil Reservoirs
by Veronique Woule Ebongue, Nathalie Jendrzejewski, Frederic Walcenwitz, and
Marc Javoy
Conformance Improvement with Low Concentration Polymer Gels in a Heterogeneous Multilayer Reservoir
by C.J. Wouterlood, E. D. Falcigno, and C.A. Norman
*A Method for Synthesizing and Averaging Capillary Pressure Curves
by Tao Wu and Robert R. Berg
Upper Miocene Depositional History of the Central Gulf of Mexico Basin
by Xinxia Wu and William E. Galloway
*Formation Damage Caused by Excessive Borehole Fluid Pressures During Environmental Drilling in Unconsolidated Coastal Plain Sediments: A Petroleum Engineering Analog
by Douglas E. Wyatt
Linking Structural and Petroleum Systems Modeling- Concepts and Applications
by Björn Wygrala, Heike Synofzik, and Carolyn Lampe
Log Curve Amplitude Slicing—Visualization of Log Data and Depositional Trends in the Devonian Traverse Group, Michigan Basin, United States
by Albert S. Wylie and Jacqueline E. Huntoon
Sequence Development on a Foreland Carbonate Ramp, Mississippian Appalachian Basin, West Virginia
by Thomas C. Wynn and J. Fred Read
Rapid Lateral Facies Change in an Upper Ordovician Depositional Sequence (Central Kentucky): Evidence for Synsedimentary Reverse Faulting Along the Northern Margin of the Rome Trough?
by Eric J. Wysong, Patrick I. McLaughlin, and Carlton E. Brett
An Overview of Ghawar Structure as Revealed by Ghawar SuperCube
by Hong-Bin Xiao, Barton Payne, Allen Neville, and Greg Gregory
Application of 3-D Seismic Classification Techniques to Reveal Prospective Targets in Optimizing E&P Activities
by Fangjian Xue, Dave Paddock, and Kim Hemsley
Resources of Natural Gas in Shallow Permafrost Accumulations of Relict (Self-Preserved) Gas Hydrates in Russia
by Vladimir Stanislav Yakushev
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Rates of Sediment Accumulation of Holocene Shallow-Marine Sediments, Belize
by Wan Yang, S. J. Mazzullo, and Chellie S. Teal
New Oil and Gas Plays in the Pearl River Mouth Basin
by Shaokun Yang, Heshen Shi, Hujun Hao, Xiong Pang, and Jiayuan Du
Identifying Subtle Stratigraphic and Facies Trends Using Advanced Variography
by Jeffrey M. Yarus, Richard L. Chambers, and Guillaume Jean
Understanding the Key Challenges of 3-D Reservoir Geological Modeling
by Scott Ye
*Evaluation of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical
Controls on Soluble Benzene Migration within the Uinta Basin Using Computer
Models and Field Sampling
by Ye Zhang, Mark A. Person, Enrique Merino, and Michael Szpakiewcz
*Upper Cretaceous Tight Gas Sands in Wyoming Basins
by Peigui Yin
Tidal Signatures, Architectures and Processes in Regressive Versus Transgressive Shorelines: Comparative Studies
of Holocene, Quaternary and Ancient Tide-Influenced Deposits within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework-—a Review
by Shuji Yoshida, Robert Dalrymple, and Ron Steel
*Alamein Basin Hydrocarbon Potentials, Northern Western Desert, Egypt
by M.A. Younes and Moharrem Bek
Seismic Interpretation and Classification of Mud Volcanoes of the South Caspian Basin, Offshore Azerbaijan
by M.Z.Yusifov and P.D.Rabinowitz
The Use of 3-D Strain in Outcrop to Predict Subsurface Reservoir Compartmentalization, Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by C. K. Zahm, Ali S. Raba’a, Neil F. Hurley, Peter H. Hennings, and Eric A.
Recent Advances in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation Techniques for Incised Valley Systems: Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by Brian A. Zaitlin
*Interplay between Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Lower Pliocene Fill of the Crotone Basin, Southern Italy
by Massimo Zecchin, Donatella Mellere, Francesco Massari, and Giacomo Prosser
Geomorphology-Based, Automated Seismic Facies Analysis: Applied to 3-D Reservoir Mapping
by Hongliu Zeng
Realistic Reservoir Model from Seismic DataCLessons from Seismic Modeling and Inversion of Prograding Carbonate-Ramp Sequences
by Hongliu Zeng, Bruno Courme, and Charles Kerans
*Resources Assessment: Methodology and Its Application in Tarim Oil/Gas Exploration and Development Activities
by Xiangning Zhang, Hongbin Ren, and Xuewen Zhang,
Qingxi Oilfield in Jiuxi Basin and Its Enlightenment for the Exploration in the Thrust Belts of Foreland Basins in Central and Western China
by Wenzhi Zhao, Jianaun Chen, and Zecheng Wang
*Dating Groundwater Associated with Coalbed Methane Gas Wells in the San Juan Basin, USA
by Zheng Zhou, Chris J. Ballentine, Rolf Kipfer, Martin Schoell, and Steve
Oil and Gas Exploration Review in Offshore China
by Weilin Zhu
Heat Flow and Surface Geochemistry on the Brunei Continental Margin
by Gary W. Zielinski, Malvin Bjoroy, and Robyn L. B. Zielinski
Scientific Drilling into the San Andreas Fault
: The SAFOD Experiment
by Mark Zoback, Stephen Hickman, and William Ellsworth
Reservoir Architecture of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Shallow Marine Strata: Outcrop Exposures of the Triassic Baldonnel Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by John-Paul Zonneveld, Tyler W. Beatty, Barton J. Blakney, Murray Gingras, and Michael J. Orchard
Quantitative Meso-Cenozoic Development of the Eastern Central Atlantic Continental Shelf, Onshore Agadir Basin, Western Morocco
by Rainer Zuehlke, Mohammed-Said Bouaouda, Brahim Ouajhain, Thilo Bechstaedt, and Reinhold Leinfelder
Sediment Coring in Lake Mead Reservoir, Nevada and Arizona: Implications for Deep Marine Sandstone Distributions
by Jonathan G. Zybala, David C. Twichell, Brenda J. Buck, Robyn A. Howley, Thomas
A. Hickson, Andrew D. Hanson, Mark J. Rudin, Spencer Steinberg, and VeeAnn Cross