--> AAPG Annual Meeting, March 10-13, 2002, Houston, Texas; #90007 (2002).
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AAPG Annual Meeting, March 10-13, 2002 - Houston, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90007 (2002).

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.

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M. Y. Ali, A. B. Watts, I. A. Hill
Seismic Stratigraphy and Deep Water Bright Spot Reflections of the Cape Verde Flexural Moat

Abdulrahman M. I. Alissa, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall
3D Seismic-Morphology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Middle Upper Miocene Siliciclastic Successions, Case Study, South March Island, Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico

Salem G. Aljuhani
The Impact of the Khuff Formation on the Unayzah Seismic Response

J.R. Allan
Controls on Reservoir Performance during Primary and Enhanced Recovery: Lessons Learned from 100 Fractured Giant Fields

Zainab Al-Musallam, Christopher F Elders, Kenneth R McClay
4D Analysis of Inversion Kinematics, Southern North Sea

Zuhair Al-Shaieb, James Puckette
Hydrocarbon-Induced Diagentic Aureoles (HIDA): Indicators of Deeper Leaky Reservoirs

Zuhair Al-Shaieb, James Puckette, Phebe Deyhim, Han Li, Amy Close, Ryan Birkenfeld
Improved Characterization of Vicksburg Sandstone Reservoirs Using Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy and Petrophysics

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan
Petroleum Geology and Factors Characterized the Richness and Potential Plays of Hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Suez Rift Basin, Egypt

Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan
Sequence Stratigraphy and Source Rock Potential of Upper Jurassic Diyab Formation in the United Arab Emirates

Hisham A. Al-Siyabi, John P. Grotzinger
New Model for Tectonic Evolution of Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Huqf Supergroup Basins, Oman

Juan Carlos Alzate Diaz
Facies Distribution and Genetic Relationships of Cimarrona Formation, Guaduas Area, Colombia

William A. Ambrose, Tim Wawrzyniec, Khaled Fouad, Mark Holtz, Shinichi Sakurai,
Rebecca Jones, Edgar Guevara, Hector Solis, Jose Berlanga, Lino Miranda, Roberto Rojas, Javier Meneses-Rocha, Jorge Lugo Pliocene and Miocene Shoreface Gas Plays in the Macuspana Basin, Southeastern Mexico

Fred Aminzadeh, Paul. F. M. de Groot
Use of Seismic Character for Intelligent Facies Analysis and Reservoir Property Estimation

Joachim E. Amthor, John P. Grotzinger, Stefan Schroder, B. Charlotte Schreiber
Tectonically - Driven Evaporite-Carbonate Transitions in a Precambrian/Cambrian Saline Giant: Ara Salt Basin of South Oman

John B. Anderson
Response of Texas Rivers to late Quaternary Sea-Level Variations

Anyadike, Emeka Andrew
Depositional Processes, a Key towards understanding Depositional Environments in Siliciclastic setting

Rosa Adriana Anguiano-Rojas
Lankahuasa Prospect: Open Door to Deeper-Water Exploration in Offshore Veracruz Area

*Phil D. Anno, Mark E. Wuenscher, Robert J. Corbin, John M. Hooper, Frank J. Chlumsky
Three-dimensional prestack inversion, Lobo Trend, South Texas

Flavio S. Anselmetti, Alexandra R. Isern, Peter Blum Shipboard Scientific Party
The Marion Plateau carbonates (NE-Australia): A platform-slope-shelf edifice shaped by sea level change and ocean currents

Alex F. Antunes, Emanuel F. Jardim de Sa, Renato M. D. Matos, Fernando C. Alves da
Silva, Alvaro A. S. Souza, Odilon Keller, Francisco F. Lima Neto, Anderson Moraes
Structural Characterization of the Trairi Carbonate Reservoir in the Xareu Oil Field (Ceara Basin, Northeast Brazil)

Bruce S Appelbaum
The Path to Agbami......Stalking an African Giant

Martin S. Appold, Jeffrey A. Nunn
Numerical Modeling of the Generation and Flow of Petroleum in Viscously Deformable Sediments

Mario Aranda-Garcia, Daniel Velez-Scholvink, J. Antonio Cuevas-Leree
Lankahuasa Area: A Promissory Gas Potential Province at the Veracruz Continental Platform

Paulo de Tarso Araripe, Flavio L. Fernandes
Brazilian bid rounds - Block definition strategy

Pau Arbues, Marta Puig, Santiago Sanchez-Villanueva, Mariano Marzo, Josep Anton
Controls on the Variability of the Turbidite Systems in the Ainsa Slope Complex (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain)

John Ardill, Ting Chang Huang, Orla McLaughlin
The Stratigraphy of the Oligocene to Miocene Malembo Formation of the Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola

Ian A. Armitage, S George Pemberton
Facies Architecture and High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Falher "C" Member, Spirit River Formation, Deep Basin, West-central Alberta, Canada

LE BEC Arnaud, van BUCHEM Frans
Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform and basin evolution of the SE Arabian Plate : Sequence stratigraphy and stratigraphic forward modeling

Jennifer L. Aschoff, K.A. Giles
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of a Shelfal Siliciclastic Succession in an Upper Cretaceous- Lower Tertiary Salt Diapir Influenced Basin, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico

*Wenche H. Asyee, Anthony L. Cortis
Seismic Visualization of Subtle Fault/Fracture Zones in Carbonate Reservoirs: Two Case Studies (Fahud - Oman and Waterton - Canada)

Stacy Atchley, Mark McMurray
Devonian (Frasnian) Leduc- and Nisku-Equivalent Outcrops near Canmore, Alberta: 1-D Outcrops as a Guide to Subsurface Stratal Architecture

Charles T. Aubourg, Jean C. Guezou, Brigitte R. Smith, Xavier J. Braud, N.R. Guya, H. R.
Kinematic of Zagros-Makran Syntaxis. New insights from structural analysis and paleomagnetic data

Katharine Lee Avary, Douglas G Patchen
New Life in an Old Basin: The Upper Ordovician Trenton-Black River Limestone, Appalachian Basin, USA

William K. Aylor
Enabling the Cycle Time Frontier - Daily Satellite Transmission of Raw 3-D Seismic Data

Nilo Chagas de Azambuja Filho, Rodolfo Dino, Martin Perlmutter
Mesozoic Rift Sedimentation and its Relationship with Climatic Belts Along the Brazilian Atlantic Margin

Izaskun Azpiritxaga, Xiomara M Marquez
Exploration for "Sweet Spots"in Cretaceous Reservoirs, Western Venezuela

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Nathalie Babonneau, Bruno Savoye, Michel Cremer, Martine Bez
Processes and Sedimentary Architectures along the Present Zaire Turbidite Channel (ZAIANGO project)

Marcello Badali`
Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Section in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Matthew J Badiali, Louis R. Bartek
Variable Thickness of Transgressive Systems Tract on the East China Sea Shelf

Ashish Bagga, Hanadi Rifai
In Situ Bioremediation Of MTBE Through Biostimulation And Bioaugmentation

Inna Ye Balanyuk, Anatoly N. Dmitrievsky, Yuri A. Poveschenko, Zalina Djatieva
Self-Oscillating Model of Formation of the Deposits - Giants (on an Example of the Astrakhan Deposit)

David Barbeau, Taher N Hamid, Jeffrey K. Geslin
Growth Strata and Fluvial Reservoir Distribution

David L. Barbeau, Jeffrey K. Geslin
Kinematic Sequences and Systems Tracts: A Perspective from Growth Strata

Charles E. Barker, Matt Gose, Robert J. Scott, Peter D. Warwick, John R. SanFilipo,
Jennifer M. Klein, Robert W. Hook
The Sacatosa Coalbed Methane Field: A First for Texas

Charles E. Barker, James G. Clough, Stephen B. Roberts, Bob Fisk
Coalbed Methane in Northern Alaska: Potential Resources for Rural Use and Added Supply for the Proposed Trans-Alaska Gas Pipeline

Carly R. Barnett, S. George Pemberton
Integrated Lithofacies and Ichnofacies of the Aklavik Formation, Mackenzie Delta and Northern Richardson Mountains, NWT, Canada: An Outcrop Study from a Frontier Basin

Antonio Barnolas
Outbank Trigger Mechanisms of the Eocene Carbonate Debris Sheets in the South Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin

Mary L. Barrett
The History and Environmental Impact of Crude Oil Earthen Storage, Southeast Texas

Giorgio Basilici
From Sand to Sand-Mud Deep-Water Ramp: The Apiuna Unit (Early Cambrian, South Brazil)

Philip Bassant, Frans Van Buchem, Andre Strasser
Reasons for The Development and Demise of An Isolated Carbonate Platform Complex: The Early Miocene (Burdigalian) of The Mut Basin, Southern Turkey

*Dr. Tanwi Basu, Robert Dennis, Dr. Debnath Basu, Waleed Al Awadi, John Isby, Edwin
Vervest, Raja Mukherjee
Automated Facies Estimation by Integrating Core, Petrophysical Logs, and Borehole Images

Paul A. Batson, Martin R. Gibling
Architecture of Ancient Channel Bodies and Paleovalley Fills in High-Frequency Carboniferous Sequences, Sydney Basin, Atlantic Canada: Implications for Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration

Daniel A. Bean, William R. Bryant, Niall C. Slowey, Erik Scott, Michael A. Whitehead
Past and Present Furrow Development in the Green Knoll Area Determined from 3D Seismic Data

Richard Beardsley
The Appalachian Basin, Most Drilled and Least Explored

Andrew Beaton, D. Chen, C. Pana, R.J.H. Richardson
Coal and Coalbed Methane Potential of Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary Strata in the Plains Region, Alberta, Canada

*Thomas Nkafu Bechem, Jacques Ayamba Ita
The Relationship of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) and the Associated Disasters in the Recent Years

Ronald Behrens, Patrick Condon, William Haworth, Mark Bergeron, Zhijing Wang,
Christine Ecker
4D Seismic Monitoring of Water Influx at Bay Marchand: The Practical Use of 4D in an Imperfect World

Jerome A. Bellian, David C. Jennette, Charles Kerans, James Gibeaut, John Andrews,
Brad Yssldyk, David Larue
3-Dimensional Digital Outcrop Data Collection and Analysis Using Eye-safe Laser (LIDAR) Technology

M. D. Belonin, V. I. Nazarov
Conception of Development of North Caspian Shelf Hydrocarbon Resources

Andrei V. Belopolsky, Andre W. Droxler
Controls on the Oligo-Miocene Isolated Carbonate Platform Evolution in the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia

Lakhdar Benchilla, Rudy Swennen, Francois Roure, K. Akhtar, T. M. Jaswal
Fluid circulation and diagenesis of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs in foreland fold-and- thrust belts: a case study of the Salt Range-Potwar Basin (N-Pakistan)

Samuel Bentley, Harry H. Roberts
Fluid Mud: Worldwide Importance in Rapid Coastal Dispersal of Fine-Grained Sediments

Tom Berkman, Leroy Ellis, David Grass
Integration of Mud Gas Isotope Data with Field Appraisal at Horn Mountain Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Asdrubal Bernal, Rob Gawthorpe, Stuart Hardy
Variability in Structural Style and Fault Interaction in Thrust Belts: A Case Study from the Eastern Venezuela Basin

Serge Berne, Gilles Lericolais, Pierre Vagner, Marina Rabineau
A Comparison of Late Quaternary Deltaic/Estuarine Depositional Systems from Wave- and Tide- Dominated Shelves

Elena Bespalova
Tectonic-Sedimental Domes of the Western Siberia Neocom Clinoform Deposition is Important Source of New Oil Reserves

Janok P. Bhattacharya, Carlos V. Aiken, Rucsandra M. Corbeanu, George A. McMechan,
Xueming Xu, Xiaoxian Zeng, Christopher D. White
3D Outcrop Reservoir Characterization

Janok P. Bhattacharya, Charles D. Howell, Fanny Marcy, George A. McMechan, Cornel
Olariu, Xiaoxian Zeng
Facies architecture of an ancient delta front deposit using GPR: Cretaceous Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming

Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan Paul Byrnes, Paul Gerlach, Ricardo Olea
Reservoir Characterization to Inexpensively Evaluate the Exploitation Potential of a Small Morrow Incised Valley-fill Field

Anne Bialkowski, Isabelle Cojan, Maurice Renard
Chemostratigraphy of Paleosols for Correlating Continental Sections and Sequential Stratigraphy

Dale E. Bird
Gulf of Mexico Evolution: a Basin-Wide, Well and Seismic Refraction Supported Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation

K.K. (Adry) Bissada, Angel Callejon, Noel Holguin Quinones, Ernesto Caballero Garcia,
Hilario Ramos Gallardo
Biogenic Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Basin – Significant Resource or Secondary Contaminant

Stuart C. Bland, Michael C. A. Goodwin
Optimising Seismic Acquisition Through Combined Ray Tracing and Structural Modelling

Jon Frederic Blickwede
Cuba: An Overview of its Geology, Hydrocarbon Systems and Petroleum Industry

Mike Blum
Stratigraphic Signatures of Climate vs. Sea-Level Change in Quaternary Continental Margin Fluvial Systems

Kevin M. Bohacs, George J. Grabowski, Alan R. Carroll, Paul J. Mankiewicz, Kimberly
Production, Destruction, Dilution, and Accommodation— The Many Paths to Source-Rock Development

Geoffrey C. Bohling, John D. Doveton
A Petrophysical Education: Learning Borehole Geology in a University Setting Using Web-based Technology

Jim Boles
Methane seepage along faults in the Santa Barbara coastal area, California: geologic and modern evidence

J.R. Booth, Bradford E. Prather, Gary S. Steffens
Depositional Models for Ponded and Healed-Slope Accommodation on Above-Grade Slopes: Implications for Reservoir Characterization

*Max L. Bordenave
The Mid-Cretaceous to Early Miocene Petroleum System in the Zagros Domain of Iran, and Its Prospect Evaluation

*Max L. Bordenave
Gas Prospective Areas in the Zagros Domain of Iran and in the Gulf Iranian Waters

William J. Bosl, Amos Nur, Jack Dvorkin
Ab Initio Computational Rock Physics

Paul Boucher, John Freeman, Vince Felt, Tom Williams, Hammouda Nada, Moataz Kamel,
Bill Bryant
Extending the Successful Plio/Pleistocene Slope Play Fairway in the Offshore Nile Delta

Scott A. Bowman, Ronald B. Meers, Peter E. Gale
Prediction of Depositional History with a Forward Stratigraphic Simulation through the Santos Basin, Southeast Brazil

Ron Boyd, Peter Roy, Jennifer Wadsworth
Response of the Hunter River to Quaternary Changes in Sea Level and Sediment Supply

Ron Boyd, Jennifer Wadsworth, Kevin Ruming, Simon Lang
The Sediment Dispersal System on the Southeast Margin of Australia

Guido Bracco Gartner, Gregor P. Eberli, Gregor Baechle, Michael L. Incze, Flavio S.
Effects of Pore Types and Cementation on Velocity and Permeability in Carbonates

F. Clayton Breland, Chacko J. John
Regional Trends and Exploration Potential for Coal Bed Methane in Louisiana

Derek L. Brooks
Surface Remediation Lawsuits: Scientific Theories on Trial

Etienne Brosse, Yann Le Gallo, Caroline C Magnier
Long-Term Mineral Trapping of CO2 in Aquifers and Reservoirs: Integration of Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Reservoir Engineering and Geological Simulations

Laurie Brown
Petroleum Prospectivity of the MSGBC Basin Northwest Africa: an Emerging Deepwater Petroleum Province?

Alton A. Brown
Petroleum Charge Analysis of the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California: Implications for Future Exploration

Alton A. Brown, Robert G. Loucks
Isolated Platform Top-Set Sequence Development: Role of Island-Margin Back-Cutting and Infill: Pleistocene of Providenciales, Caicos Platform, BWI

Alton A. Brown, Robert G. Loucks
Controls on Late Guadalupian Toe-Of-Slope Bedding-Termination Patterns, Guadalupe Mountains: Implications for Carbonate Sequence Analysis

Dominique Bruel, Sophie Violette
Coupling Diagenetic Effects in a Basin Model for Mass Transfer Predictions at the Regional Scale

M. Bruemmer, M. Summervill, M. Turner-Williams, W. Yang
Where Layer-Cake Stratigraphy Breaks Down - The Coeval Development of Highstand Deltas, Condensed Sections, and Platform Carbonates of the Virgilian Oread Cycle, SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma

Jean-Pierre Brun, Xavier Fort
Compressional Salt Tectonics in Nature and Experiments

Tim S. Buddin, Mark C. Williams, Steve H. Hall
An Evolutionary 3D Model for the Development of the Frontal Fold-Belt, Atwater Valley and Southern Green Canyon Areas, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico

Scott. A. Bullimore, William Helland-Hansen
Coastal Plain Facies and Shoreface Thickness: a Predictive Relationship?

Matthew Buoniconti, Gregor Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith
The Roles of Tectonics and Climate Change on The Carbonate Facies Architecture Development of an Active Foreland Ramp Margin: Evidence from The Madison Group, Southwest Montana

Kevin Burke
From Earth's Core to the Industrial Ecosystem in Africa

Beverly, A. Burns, Robert, S. Tye, Doug Knock, Kremer Meg, Gingrich Dean, Alan, J.
Scott, James MacEachern
The Late Jurassic Alpine C Sandstone – A Bioturbated, Paralic Reservoir Deposited During a Slow Transgression: North Slope, Alaska

Jamie M. Burgess, Andrew L. Johnstone
Application of Non-Seismic Geophysics to Exploration in the Onshore Amadeus Basin, Central Australia

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Raul Cabrera, Thomas L. Davis
Use of Time-Lapse Shear Wave Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit for Dynamic Characterization of the San Andres Carbonate Reservoir

Orlando Campos, Jean-Yves Chatellier, Merys D.C. Moreno, Fady R. Chaban, Carlos J.
Porras, Juan Carlos Porras
Integrating Rock Types Based on Capillary Pressure and Lithofacies in Deep Compressive Structures of Norte Monagas - the Problem and some Solutions

P. Jan Cannon
The Hydrocarbon Potential of Buried Impact Craters

Luis E. Cardozo, John D. Pigott, Elmer Ferro
Episodic Tectonic Control of the Petroleum System of La Concepcion Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Bernard Carpentier
New Concepts for Biodegradation Evaluation in Oil fields, a Combined Geological and Numerical Approach

Timothy R. Carr, James A. Drahovzal, John A. Rupp, Beverly Seyler, Lawrence H.
Wickstrom, Scott W. White
Midcontinent Interactive Digital Carbon Atlas and Relational Database (MIDCARB)

Mariano Carrera, Tricia Andrew, Dane Mayers, Hasely Vincent, Noel Tyler, Douglas
The Cruse Formation in Parrylands Oilfield Trinidad and Tobago

Maria Veronica Castillo, Paul Mann, Albert Bally
3-D Seismic Reflection Interpretation of the Southern End of the Icotea and VLE Fault Trends in the Southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Maria Veronica Castillo, Paul Mann, Albert Bally
Deeply Buried, Mid-Cretaceous Limestone Karst Surface, Southern Maracaibo Basin, Inferred from 3D Seismic Reflection Data

Lawrence M. Cathles, Chen Dofu, Harry H. Roberts
Estimation of the Hydrate Gas Content of the Bush Hill Vent Site, Green Canyon Block 185, Gulf of Mexico

Lawrence M. Cathles, Steven L. Losh
The Hybrid Petroleum System of the Onshore and Offshore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico Basin

Ibrahim Cemen, Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Justin Evans, Jeff Ronck, Syed Mehdi, Ata Sagnak, Kris
Structural Traps along the Frontal Ouachitas-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone, Southeastern Oklahoma

Philip F. Cerveny, Robert J. Humphreys, Edwin H. Westergaard, Margaret S. Wong,
Donald W. Ince
Structural and Stratigraphic Traps in Kuparuk Formation Reservoirs: Examples from Milne Point, Borealis and Aurora Fields, North Slope, Alaska

Richard L. Chambers, David H. Zamora Guerrero, Enrique Ortuno Maldonado, Jeffrey M
Implementing a Geostatistical Stochastic Modeling Methodology to Compute Volumetrics and Original-Oil-in-Place

Alvin W. Chan, Mark D. Zoback, Thomas Finkbeiner, Jens Zinke
Production Induced Faulting and Fault Leakage in Normal Faulting Regions: Examples from the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico

Mark Chapin, Jonathan Hinchey, Martijn Blaauw, Christopher Varley
Bonga Field Development, Offshore Nigeria – A Deepwater Giant

Mark Chapin, Craig Shipp, Charles Winker
Bonga Field, Deepwater Nigeria: Comparison of Near-Surface, Well-Calibrated Submarine Channels with Reservoir Channel Sands

Jean-Yves Chatellier, Orlando Campos, Juan Carlos Porras
Petrophysical Trend Analysis, a Useful Tool to Understand Reservoir Geometry and Quality in Santa Barbara Field, Norte de Monagas, Venezuela

Farid Chemale
A New Insight in the Research in Brazil -- The CTPETRO Program

Pete J. Chimney, Chuck Kluth
Evidence for Low-angle Sub-horizontal "Hanging" Faults in Rotated Fault Blocks, Cabinda, Offshore Angola

Pete J. Chimney
Seismic Evidence for a Low-stand Toca Carbonate Unit, Malongo West Field Area, Cabinda, Offshore Angola

Kyung Sik Choi, Robert W. Dalrymple, Sung Pil Kim, Yong Ahn Park, Seung Soo Chun
Sedimentology of Modern, Inclined Heterolithic Stratification from the Tide-dominated, Han River Delta, Korea

*Janice M Christ, William G Dickson, and James W. Granath
Finding the Pearl in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore China: A Deepwater Turbidite Oil Play?

Fawad Ahmad Chuhan, Knut Bjørlykke
Evidence of Grain Cushing during mechanical Compaction of Reservoir Sandstones-A Comparison with Experimental Results

Sabatino Ciarcia, Silvio Di Nocera, Fabio Matano, Mario Torre
Pliocene Depositional Sequences in Wedge-Top Depozones of Apennine Foreland Basin System (Irpinia-Daunia Mts., Southern Italy)

Irfan Cibaj, Carine Grelaud, Aurelien Pierre, Jean-Loup Rubino, Francois Temple, Patrice
Example of Facies and 2D Geometrical Relationships Between Turbidite Channel Fill and Levees: The Tertiary Champsaur Sandstones, SE France Basin

Leslie L. Cirilo, Henry S. Chafetz
Transgressive Estuarine Fill of an Incised Paleovalley, Upper Mississippian Chesterian Series, Shuck Field Area, Seward County, Kansas

Gary P. Citron, David M. Cook, Peter R. Rose
Performance Tracking as a Portfolio Management Learning Tool

Michael S. Clark, Victor Pusca, Tim Gorham
Sequence Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Controls on Trap Development of a Miocene Diatomite- Sandstone Reservoir, Lost Hills Field, San Joaquin Basin, California

Peter R. Cobbold, Eduardo A. Rossello
Complex Structural Traps in the Foothills of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Products of Oblique Convergence since 100 Ma

Richard B. Coffin, John W. Pohlman, Kenneth S. Grabowski, David L. Knies
Analysis of Methane Hydrate Formation

Hughbert A. Collier
Techniques for Determining Groundwater Quality from Borehole Geophysical Logs

Ricardo I Combellas-Bigott, William Galloway
Depositional History and Genetic Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Middle Miocene Depositional Episode South Louisiana

Kimberly D. Combs, Kevin J. Smart, Roger M. Slatt
Surface Fracture Characterization of Jackfork Group Turbidite Sandstones in the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma: Implications for Gas Exploration

David, L. Connolly, Robert K. Sawyer, Fred Aminzadeh, Paul. F. M. de Groot, Herald J.
Gas Chimney Processing as a New Exploration Tool: A West Africa Example

Harry E Cook, Dmitriy V Alexeiev, Alexander V Mikolaichuk, Alexandra Djenchuraeva,
James J Corboy
Development of an Isolated Carbonate Platform from an Underlying Attached Platform: A Newly Discovered Devonian-Carboniferous Carbonate Platform in the Tian Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Michael J. Cope
Prospectivity of Ultra-Deep Offshore Kwanza Basin, Angola

Stephen Martin Corfield, Tom Dreyer, Steen Petersen, Rob Gawthorpe
Integrated use of 3D Visualisation, Sedimentology and Seismic Modelling of Subtle Syn-rift plays on the West Flank of the Oseberg Field, Norwegian North Sea

*Marcus L. Countiss
Rejuvenation of a Mature Field through Application of a Unique Frequency Enhancement Technology

Clinton A. Cowan, Donald F. McNeill
Facies and Stratigraphy of the Modern Estuarine and Nearshore, Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Coastline of the Southern Belize Lagoon, Central America

Vicki Cowart
History of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Colorado

Marie D Cremer, John B. Aultmann
Fresh Interpretation and Evolution of an Old Field

Bryan T. Cronin, Andrew Hurst, Hasan Celik
Low Net:Gross Canyon-Fill with Meandering Deep-Water Channel Elements, Baskil, Eastern Turkey -- Comparison with Offshore West Africa

Timothy A. Cross, Andres Fajardo, Jorge Rubiano
Anatomy of an Aggradational Braidplain

Aureal T. Cross, Kurtis C. Kelley
Palynology of a Marginal Marine and Terrestrial Prograding Delta System, Upper Cretaceous (Turonian), Central-Western New Mexico

Jason A. Crux, Iraida Paredes, Diana Cabrera, Maritza Canache, Andres Pilloud, Oswaldo
The Role of the El Totumo/El Palmar-Avispa Highs in Controlling Paleogene Sedimentation Patterns and the First Phase of the La Luna-Misoa (!) Petroleum System, Western Venezuela

Anita E. Csoma, Robert H Goldstein, Luis Pomar, Lucia Simone, Andrea Mindszenty
Diagenetic Salinity Cycles: A Link Between Carbonate Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy

J. Antonio Cuevas-Leree, M. Alfredo Marhx-Rojano
The Misantla Basin: A Century of Exploration Success with Enormous Remaining Potential

Stephen P. Cumella, Stephen Laubach, Orlando Ortega, Astrid Makowitz, Peggy Rijken
Natural Fracture and Diagenetic Controls on Producibility of Low Permeability, Upper Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation Sandstones, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Jane Cunneen
A Geometric Analysis of Neogene Fault Systems in the Timor Sea, Australia

Jane Cunneen
Analysis of Neogene Structures as a Tool for Determining Trap Breach in the Timor Sea, Northwest Australia

Joseph Curiale, Eko Lumadyo, Rui Lin
Petroleum and Source Rock Geochemistry of the Salayar Basin (Offshore Sulawesi), Indonesia

Marcos da Cunha Lana, Valeria Tiriba Appi
Petrobras Partnerships for E&P Projects in Brazil: Legal Framework Aspects, Main Activities and Current Status

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Alula B. Damte, Peter E. Putnam
Looking for Gas in the Canadian Frontier

John E. Damuth, Carlos Pirmez
The Amazon-HARP Fan Model: A Key to Sandy Reservoir Facies Distribution in Submarine Fans and Channel Systems

John E. Damuth, Hilary C. Olson
Comparison of Latest Quaternary Depositional Processes of the Texas-Louisiana Intraslope- Basin Province and the Deep GOM Basin Floor Seaward of the Sigsbee Escarpment

Jean-Marc Daniel, Nicolas Belhasen, Sylvie Schuller
The role of inherited discontinuities on fault propagation: impact on fault modeling techniques

*Clare Davies, E Blanc, L Voronova, R Flecker, D MacDonald, S Poynter, V Galversen, A Rechkin
Interaction of Sediment Supply, Sea Level, Ocean Circulation, and Tectonics on Cenozoic Sedimentation on Sakhalin, Russian Far East

Cara L. Davis, Lisa M. Pratt
Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry of Early and Late Cretaceous Black Shales from Western Venezuela: Implications for the Paleoceanographic Evolution of Northern South America

Donna A Davis, Kurt Marfurt, Charlotte Sullivan, Ian Evans
Seismic Stratigraphy, Reservoir Characterization, and 3-D Visualization of Seismic Attributes of Carbonate Facies and Karst in the San Andres Formation, Vacuum Field, Lea County, New Mexico

Nancye H. Dawers, Sanjeev Gupta, Alexander L. Densmore, Ruth E. Gilpin, Alexander
Synrift Catchment and Fan Development at Normal Fault Relays

William C. Dawson, William R. Almon
Early Marine Cementation at Parasequence and Sequence Boundaries: Implications for Seal Development and Reservoir Compartmentalization

Nilo Chagas de Azambuja Filho, Ciro Jorge Appi
Royalties Boosting Partnership in Research between Brazilian Universities and Oil Industry

Maria de Salazar, Ricardo Ramirez de Arellano, Yajaira Sanchez
Significant New Hydrocarbon Find within a Mature Province: Results of Reexploration Efforts Along the South Lama Trend, Lake Maracaibo

Paulo de Tarso M. Guimaraes
The Exploratory Challenge of the Brazilian Basins: New Players on the Role

Pascal Debec, Jean-Philippe Mathieu
Another Bridge between Seismic and Geology : Uses of Geological Multi-Substack Inversion

Giovanna Della Porta, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Juan R. Bahamonde
Prograding vs. Aggrading Slope to Platform Transitions in a Steep and High Relief Carbonate Platform Margin (Pennsylvanian, Northern Spain)

Timothy M. Demko, P. A. Drzewiecki, H. R. Feldman, J.K. Geslin, S.T. Hasiotis, G.G.
McCrimmon, J. C. Van Wagoner, R.W. Wellner
The Influence of Climatically Mediated Stream Discharge and Sediment Flux on the Sedimentary Record of Landscape Evolution: Implications for the Sequence Stratigraphy of Continental Strata

C. N. Denison, R. C. Preece, . Pujiarko
Tidal Flats v. Marine Shales: Biotic Signals Applied to Sequence Stratigraphy in the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

Silvio Di Nocera, Fabio Matano, Mario Torre
Eustatic and Tectonic Control on Messinian Depositional Sequences in Irpinia-Daunia Apennines (Southern Italy)

Elizabeth Diaz, Manika Prasad, Mario A. Gutierrez, Jack Dvorkin, Gary Mavko
Effect of glauconite on the elastic properties, porosity, and permeability of reservoir rocks

Patricia Wood Dickerson, James F. Reilly, William R. Muehlberger
Field and Remote Sensing Training for Human Exploration of the Planets

*Jacob O. Diedjomahor, Charles F. Kluth, Eric G. Frost, Rob Mellors
The Role of Fault Kinematics and Capture in the Western Niger Delta and the Control of Sediment and Reservoir Distribution

Phan Trung Dien
Forming Effective Porosity in Granitoid Basement Reservoir of the Cuulong Basin

Kimberly Dimmick-Wells
Syndepositional Marine Dolomitization at Bulkhead Shoals Mudbank, Northern Belize

Joseph D. Dischinger, Shankar Mitra
Structural Model of the Painter and East Painter Reservoir Structures, Wyoming Fold-Thrust Belt

John C. Dolson, Paul J. Boucher
The Petroleum Potential of the Emerging Mediterranean Offshore Gas Plays, Egypt

John Dombrowski, Richard Morgan, Nick R. Cameron
Could Guinea-Bissau (NW Africa) and Not Brazil Host the First Amazon Delta?

Tim Dooley, Ken McClay, Mark Hempton
Salt Tectonics above Complex Basement Extensional Fault Systems: Results from Analog Modeling

James A. Drahovzal
The Deep Natural Gas Potential of the Eastern Midcontinent, USA

Jeffrey J. Dravis, Harold R. Wanless
Influence of Physiographic Setting on Facies Patterns: Applications to the Development of Isolated Platform Reservoirs Like Kashagan in the Caspian Sea

Hendrik Johan Droste, Mia Van Steenwinkel
Stratigraphic Architecture of Cretaceous Platform Interior Carbonates: Impact on Flow Unit Geometry and Continuity

Andre W. Droxler, Andrei V. Belopolsky, Katharina Billups, Edith Vincent
Miocene Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy Pattern in the Maldives Reconciled with Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotope Records Used as Proxies for Ice Volume Variations

Laurence Droz, Tania Marsset, Bruno Savoye, France-Lucie Spy-Anderson
Channel Transfer Processes in the Zaire Turbidite System (ZaiAngo Project)

*Peter A. Drzewiecki
Depositional Controls and Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Debrites on Prograding, Draping, and Retrograding Carbonate Slopes, Cretaceous of South-Central Pyrenees, Spain

Xavier Du Bernard, Peter Eichhubl, Atilla Aydin
Deformation Bands in Sandstones: Fluid Pathways or Barriers?

Russell Dubiel, Janet Pitman, David Taylor
Seismic Evaluation of Deep-Water Depositional Systems in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa- Woodbine Trend, Louisiana and Texas: Application to Exploration for Deep Gas

Martin K. Dubois, Scott W. White, Timothy R. Carr
Co-generation, Ethanol Production and CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery: a Model for Environmentally and Economically Sound Linked Energy Systems

Leonardo Duerto
Three-dimensional geometry and evolution of shale diapirs in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin

Dennis W Dull, B Blake Sherman
The Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Maestrichtian Reservoir: Key to the Geostatistical Modeling and Reservoir Development, Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Mirela Dumitrescu, Richard M. Kettler
Carbon-Sulfur-Iron Relationships in Condensed Intervals of the Cretaceous Mancos Shale

Nader C. Dutta, Mike Zimmer, Manika Prasad
Rock Physics based Overpressure Detection

Jack Dvorkin
On Universality of Diagenetic Trends

T.S. Dyman, R.E. Wyman, V.A. Kuuskraa, M.D. Lewan, T.A. Cook
Geologic, Technologic, and Economic Aspects of Deep Natural Gas Resources in North America

Leon Dzou, Andrew Pepper
Kuparuk Field, Alaskan North Slope: Did Alteration by Evaporative Fractionation Really Occur during Trap Filling?

Return to top



Gregor P. Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith, Mark D. Sonnenfeld
Vertical and Lateral Distribution of Dolomitized Reservoirs within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Madison Formation, Wyoming and Montana

Gregor Eberli, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, G. Michael Grammer
Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Lessons Learned from Great Bahama Bank

Gregor P. Eberli, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Daniel Bernoulli, Christian Betzler, Jan-Henk Van
Calibration of Seismic Data from the Western Margin of Great Bahama Bank with Exposed Strata in the Maiella Mountains (Italy)

Brett Edwards, Alfredo E. Guzman, David E Sanders
Implementation of an Integrated Exploration Risk Analysis & Portfolio Management Process - Keys to Success

Vsevolod I. Egorov, Yuri P. Goryachev
Application of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data for Sedimentary Cover Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration

S. N. Ehrenberg, P. H. Nadeau
Post-Depositional Sm/Nd Fractionation in Sandstones: Implications for Neodymium-Isotope Stratigraphy

S. N. Ehrenberg, N. A. H. Pickard, T. A. Svana, N. Oxtoby
Cement Geochemistry of Photozoan Carbonate Strata (Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian), Finnmark Carbonate Platform, Norwegian Barents Sea

Peter Eichhubl, Peter D'Onfro, Atilla Aydin, John Waters, Martha Gerdes
Deformation and Alteration of Shale in Fault Zones: An Example from the Black Diamond Mines, California

Andreia R. D. Elias, Luiz Fernando De Ros, Alexandre J. M. Figueiras, Sylvia M. C. Anjos
Diagenetic Controls upon the Quality of Giant Gas Reservoirs of Brazilian Amazonia

Geoffrey S. Ellis, Christopher A. Scholz, Barry J. Katz, Peter K. Swart
Depositional Controls on Lacustrine Petroleum Source-Rock Potential: Case Studies from Several African Lakes

Jim Emme, Bob Stancil
Anadarko's Bossier Gas Play -- A Sleeping Giant in a Mature Basin

Axel Emmerich, Thilo Bechstadt, Valeria Zamparelli, Rainer Zuhlke
The Linkage between Lagoonal Interior, Reefal Margin and Slope of an Isolated, Mid-Triassic Atoll: the Latemar, Dolomites, Italy

Chidi Eneogwe, Olusegun Ekundayo
Geochemical Correlation of Northwestern Niger Delta Oils: Evidence from Light Hydrocarbons

Gavin L England, R Stuart Haszeldine, Stuart A Barclay, Patrick Corbett, Helen Lewis,
David Potter, Colin M Graham, Tony Fallick, Andrew Cavanagh, A Bhullar, AC Aplin, BWD Yardley, Q Fisher Scaling-up Diagenesis : Petrographic Micro-samples to Engineering Macro-simulations

Remi Eschard, Emily Albouy, Remy Deschamps, Fabrice Gaumet, Tristan Euzen
Detailed Reservoir Architecture of Turbiditic Channel Complexes in the Pab Sandstone Outcrops (Maastrichtian, Pakistan)

Remi Eschard, Philippe Joseph
Comparison of Reservoir Architecture in a High Transport Efficiency Basin Floor Fan (Pab Sandstone, Pakistan) and in a Confined Basin Turbiditic System (Annot Sandstone, France) from Outcrop Models

Mateu Esteban, S. Qing Sun
Carbonate Reservoirs: How Important Is the Late Diagenesis?

Douglas G Evans
Gabon Deepwater Hydrocarbon Prospectivity

Cynthia A Evans, Michael T Lee, Julie A Robinson
Changes in the Yellow River Delta, 1989-2000

John R. Everett, Ronald J. Staskowski, Christopher M. Jengo, Cynthia K. Dacre, David
Mapping Hydrocarbon Seeps in Varied Terranes with Advanced Spectral Image Processing Techniques

Thomas E. Ewing
Clastic Shelf-Margin Failures of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Jurassic-Tertiary): Mechanism for Deep-Water Sandstone Deposition and Generation of Pseudosequences

George Eynon
Onshore US & Canada – Trying to Increase Oil & Gas Self-Sufficiency

Return to top



*Ida Lykke Fabricius
Porosity Loss in Chalk Facies Sediments by Physical Compaction or by Cementation - Consequences for P-wave Modulus

Alphonsus Fagan, Larry Hicks, Ian A. Atkinson
An Overview of Newfoundland and Labrador Petroleum Exploration

Bill Fairhurst
The Perfect Exploration and Development Investment Portfolio

Laura Faulkenberry, Ben Kneller, Jeff Peakall
A Comparative Seismic Architectural Analysis of Shallow Analogue Channel Systems, Focusing on the Einstein Channel, Gulf of Mexico

Olalekan K. Fawumi, Scott E. Brame, James W. Castle, Fred J. Molz, Ronald W. Falta,
Caitlin J. Lorinovich
Reservoir Simulation Using Fractal-Based Petrophysical Models of Heavy Oil Sands in West Coalinga Field, California

Zhiqiang Feng, Xiaoguang Li, Zhihui Feng
The sequence stratigraphic characteristics in the northwest Songliao Basin, China

Kevin Ferdinand
The Integration of Seismic Attributes and Rock Properties for Mapping Porosity Thickness in the Heterogeneous Grayburg Carbonate Reservoir, Corrigan Cowden Unit West Texas

David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Deborah J. Waiting, Futoshi Tsuneyama, Yoshihiko
Tamura, Darrell W. Sims
Relay Ramp Style in Massive Limestone: Examples from the Sierra Del Carmen, West Texas

Carlos Elmer Ferro, Andre W. Droxler
Evolution of the Belize Barrier Reef: from an Isolated Carbonate Platform to a Rimmed Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic Shelf

B D Field, D Darby, A Nicol
Fractured Reservoirs on an Oblique Subduction Margin, East Coast, North Island, New Zealand

Carlos Figueiredo, Murthy Inkollu
Pinda Reservoirs and Prospectivity, Angola

Carlos Figueiredo
Exploration and Production Activities of Angola

Andrea Fildani, Angela Marie Hessler, Stephan Graham
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tectonically-Active Talara Basin: Andean Forearc, Northwest Peru

Richard H. Fillon, Harry H. Roberts, Barry Kohl
Stratal and Eustatic Constraints on Deposition and Paleobathymetry, Late Pleistocene Lagniappe Delta Complex, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Richard H. Fillon
Deep Water Benthic Foraminiferal Faunas: Depositional Systems and Reservoir Quality

Robert J Finch
Precipitation of Neptunium Solids During the Aqueous Corrosion of Np-Doped Uranium Oxides

Keith Firmin
Unlocking the Athabasca Oil Sands Bitumen Resource

William L. Fisher
The Geological Surveys of Texas

Neil S. Fishman, Jennie L. Ridgley, Donald L. Hall, Paul G. Lillis
Timing of Biogenic Methane Generation in Cretaceous Rocks of the Northern Great Plains, Southeastern Alberta and Southwestern Saskatchewan: Petrologic and Fluid Inclusion Evidence

Roy Fitzsimmons, James Buchanan, Chris Izatt
Initiation of Collision: tectonics and Sedimentation within the Suliaman Fold Belt, NW Pakistan

Roy Fitzsimmons, Robert J. Hooper, Neil Grant, Eric G. Michael
On how the interaction of tectonics and sedimentation within the Niger Delta has created a complete petroleum system

Kathy J. Flaherty
After Drake: People, Places and Petroleum

*Atle Folkestad, Nicholas Satur, Torben Olsen, Arnfinn Rømuld
The Aggradational to Retrogradational Stacking Pattern of the Hugin Formation (Callovian - E. Oxfordian) Southern Viking Graben, North Sea

Monina Tesalona Forbes
Petrographic Characterization of Coals of the Semirara Formation in Maniguin Wells, Sibay Basin, Central Philippines: A Preliminary Presentation of Results

Michael C. Forrest
Gulf of Mexico "Bright Spots" - Early Shell Discoveries

Xavier Fort, Jean-Pierre Brun
Block Rotation Induced Compression in the Extensional Domain of the Angolan Margin

Lotfi Fourati, Habib Troudi, Kamel Ben Boubaker, Moncef Saidi
Petroleum Systems of the Eastern Central Onshore Tunisia - North Africa

Raymond C. Franssen, Peter J. Nederlof, Christon M. Achong
The Influence of Allochtonous Salt on the Petroleum Systems in the Central Gulf of Mexico

Gerald M. Friedman
Petroleum Geology in Selected States

Julio Friedmann, Peter Vrolijk, Xudong Ying, Anil Despandhe, Gordon Moir, David Mohrig
Quantitative Analysis of Sandstone Intrusion Networks, Panoche Hills, California

Bob Fryklund, Gene Brush, Allen Huckabay, Robert Strauss, Jim Chodzko, Frank Love
Unlocking the Potential in Brazil: Some Prospectives on New Plays

Return to top



Andy S. Gale
Milankovitch Control on Sequence Formation; Evidence for Sea-Level Change Forced by the 400KYR Long Eccentricity Cycle in the Cretaceous and Paleogene

Cyril Galvin
Applying Lofquist's (1978) Experiments to Geological Interpretation of Wave-Generated Ripples

M. Royhan Gani
Fluvial Facies Architecture in Small-Scale River Systems in the Dupitila Formation, Sylhet Town, Northeast Bengal Basin, Bangladesh

Christine R. Gans, Meredith Brislen, Kiram E. Lezzar, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Andrew S. Cohen,
Annie Henderson, Kamina Chororoka
New Structural Data Constraining the Kinematic Evolution of the Kalya Ridge, Slope and Platform, Lake Tanganyika Rift Basin, East Africa

Richard A Garrard
Alaska North Slope - The Resurgence of Exploration

Grant Garven, Michael A. Simms, Ross R. Large
A Fluid Flow Model for Sediment Hosted Pb-Zn Ore Genesis in the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia

K. A. M. Gasem, J.E. Fitzgerald, Z. Pan, M. Sudibandriyo, R. L. Robinson
Modeling of Gas Adsorption on Coalbeds

Fabrice Gaumet, Jean Letouzey, Jean-Claude Lecomte, Isabelle C. Moretti, Philippe
Lapointe, Jerome Mondin, Serge Zimine, Jorge R. Sanchez Arango, Evelio Linares Cala
Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis of the South-Eastern Gulf of Mexico (NW Offshore Cuba) - Regional Mesozoic Tectono-Stratigraphy and Platform Evolution

Fabrice Gaumet, Frans S. van Buchem, Darius Baghbani, Reza Ashrafzadeh, Hossein
Assilian, Forooz Keyvani
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Sedimentation Patterns in the Dezful Embayment and Fars Area, SW Iran

Fabrice Gaumet, Remi Eschard, Emily Albouy, Guy Desaubliaux, Tristan Euzen
Importance of Gravity Flow Deposits within a Pure Pelagic Carbonated Ramp (Cenomanian- Campanian, North-Western Indian Margin)

Vilen E. Gavura, Alla S. Rovenskaya
Largest West Siberia Oil and Gas Bearing Basin: Giant and Unique Petroleum Systems

Rob Gawthorpe, Chris Jackson, Mike Young, Jim Stewart, Dave Pivnik, Ian Sharp
Compartmentalisation and Evolution of Tilted Fault Blocks as Expressed by the Lower Miocene Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations Suez Rift, Egypt

Rob Gawthorpe, Stuart Hardy, Bryan Ritchie, Emma Finch
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Eustatic vs Local Controls on Depositional Sequences

G. C. Geary, A. E. Constantine, I. S. A. Reid
New Perspectives on Structural Style and Petroleum Prospectivity, Offshore Eastern Otway Basin

George V. Georgiev
Exploration Results in SW Black Sea Region (Bulgaria) and Petroleum System-Play Assessment

Martha Gerdes, W. David Wiggins, Alan Bernath, Wendy Sumner, Eric Flodin, Stephan
Fault Transmissibility Estimation and Its Impact on Reservoir Simulation

Jeffrey K. Geslin, T. M. Demko, P.A. Drzewiecki, H. R. Feldman, S.T. Hasiotis, G.G.
McCrimmon, J. C. Van Wagoner, R.W. Wellner
Relative Role of Stream Discharge, Sediment Flux, and Baselevel Change in Stratal Architecture of Continental and Nearshore Sequences: Results From Forward Numerical Modeling

Piero Gianolla, Alfonso Bosellini, Michele Morsilli, Marco M. Stefani
Carbonate Production, Relative Sea Level Fluctuations and Slope Geometry: Case Histories from the Middle-Triassic of the Italian Dolomites

Richard G. Gibson, Leon Dzou
Petroleum Migration Patterns in Faulted Traps Deduced from Geochemical and Fault-Seal Studies, Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad

K. A. Giles, R. K. Goldhammer
Isolated to Coalesced Carbonate Buildups Developed on Passive Salt Diapir Bathymetry, La Popa Basin, NE Mexico

Jerry Gill, David Cameron
3D Revives an Old Play: Result; An Aptian Subsalt Discovery, Etame Field, Offshore Gabon, West Africa

Eberhard Gischler
Late Quaternary Lagoon Development of Isolated Carbonate Platforms of Belize, Central America

Bosiljka Glumac
Stable Isotopes of Carbon as a Tool for High Resolution Stratigraphy of the Sauk II–Sauk III Sequence Boundary

Hal Gluskoter, Ron W. Stanton, Romeo M. Flores, Peter D. Warwick
Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Low-Rank Coals and the Potential for Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide

Donald A. Goddard, Ronald K. Zimmerman, Christopher D. White, Li Hongmei
Affects of Eocene Beach Rock on Reservoir Compartmentalization in Livingston Field: Livingston Parish, Louisiana

Yadok Z. Godwill
Post Paleocene Deformation Along the Eastern Margin of Kerri Kerri Basin (N.E. Nigeria)

Robert K. Goldhammer, Michael J. Cope, Eric Tuitjer
Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphic and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Southern Kwanza Basin, Angola: Implications for Upper Cretaceous Siliciclastic Reservoirs

Robert H Goldstein, Evan K. Franseen
Point-Sourced Fill-and-Fan Sediment Gravity-Flow Deposits Along a Low-Relief Basin Margin, Miocene Carbonates, Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain

Elias Gomez, Teresa E. Jordan, Kerry A. Hegarty
New Exploration and Production Opportunities in Colombia: Lessons from Basin-Analyses Studies and a Look Forward

*Julio Goncalves, Sophie Violette, Ghislain de Marsily, Dominique Bruel, Emmanuel
Ledoux, Cecile Robin, Francois Guillocheau
3-D Modelling Of The Fluid Flow, Compaction, Pore Pressure and Thermal Evolution Of The Paris Basin, France, Over It's 248My history

Felix T. T. Goncalves, Antonio Rangel, Cesar Mora, Joao G. Mendonca Filho, Diego F.
Garcia, Blanca N. Giraldo, Christian H. Nino, Yolima Blanco, Luz S. Vargas, Wilson H. Zamora, Diego F. Dias Bulk, Biomarker, Isotopic and Kinetic Variability of the Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Bambuca Creek Section, Upper Magdalena Basin (Colombia): Paleoenvironmental Controls and Exploratory Implications

Richard R. Gottschalk
The Lower Congo Basin, Deep-Water Congo and Angola: A Kinematically Linked Extensional / Contractional System

Didier Granjeon, Marie-Christine Cacas, Remi Eschard, Philippe Joseph
Stratigraphic Modeling : a New Tool to Construct 3D Geological Models for Basin Modeling Purposes

Todd J. Greene, K. Cheng
Depositional Controls on Oil Family Composition Based on a Biomarker Calibrated Rock-to-oil Correlation Model from the Turpan-Hami Basin, NW China

Lisa A. Griffith, Joe Stuhec
3D Reservoir Model of an Estuarine Valley-fill Based on 3D Seismic and Detailed Sedimentology, Glauconite Fm, Central Alberta, Canada

John P. Grotzinger, Joachim E. Amthor
Facies and Reservoir Architecture of Isolated Microbial Carbonate Platforms, Terminal Proterozoic-Early Cambrian Ara Group, South Oman Salt Basin

Ronald L. Grubbs
Australia's Position In Uranium

*Claudia G. Guargena, Guy B Smith, Jon Wardell, Bjorn V Nystrand, Tor H Nilsen, Thor M
Baffles or Barriers _ Stretching the Recovery Envelope by Introducing Stochastic Heterogeneity to the Analysis of Palaeocene Deep-Marine Fans in the Jotun Field, Offshore Norway

Sean A. Guidry, Henry S. Chafetz
Siliceous Cements: Geochemical Constraints on the Precipitation Process

Quanxin Guo, Ahmed S. Abou-Sayed, John D. McLennan
CO2 Geological Sequestration Engineering and Economic Challenges

Mario A. Gutierrez, Jack Dvorkin, Amos Nur
Grain sorting effect on seismic velocities: rock physics models for reservoir quality prediction

Alfredo E. Guzman, Brett Edwards
The Process for the Evaluation of Exploration in PEMEX Exploration and Production

Alfredo E. Guzman
The Petroleum Geology of Mexico, Past, Present and Future

Jose I. Guzman, S.G Pemberton, Antonio Pico, Howard R. August, Damaris Narvaez
Distinguishing Autocyclic Events from Allostratigraphic Discontinuities: A Case Study from the Oficina Formation of Eastern Venezuela

Mario Alberto Guzman-Vega, Prinzofer Alain
Geochemistry Of The Macuspana Basin (Mexico): Thermogenic Accumulations In Bacterially Impregnated Sediments

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Richard C. Haack, P. Sundararaman, Jacob O. Diedjomahor, Nicholas J. Gant, Hongbin
Xiao, Val A. Onyia, Elliot E. Ibie, Eric D. May, Ken Kelsch
Niger Delta Petroleum Systems: Regional Geology, Organic Facies and Thermal Maturity

Richard C. Haack, P. Sundararaman, Elliot E. Ibie
Tertiary (Deltaic) Petroleum System, Niger Delta

Michel T. Halbouty
The Subtlety of the East Texas Field

Don L. Hall, Richard L. Chambers
3-D Stochastic Modeling of Norwegian Sea FIS Data Depicts Regional Petroleum System

Don L. Hall, M. Ashley Bigge, Daniel M. Jarvie
Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Alteration of Crude Oils

Cathy M. Hamel
A Petrographic Comparison of Sandstones from the Hibernia Formation, Missisauga Sands and the Avalon Formation

De-hua Han, Michael Batzle
'Fizz' water and low gas saturated reservoirs

De-hua Han, Michael Batzle
Simplified and Constrained Gassmann's Equations

William B. Hansen
Gas Resources of Montana

Steven M. Hansen, Tom Pickens, Rob Laronga
Oil-Base Mud Formation Imager Tool: Applications in the Gulf of Mexico

Claudio Haring, Oscar Mancilla, Daniel Figueroa, Daniel Soubies, Alicia Salinas, Viviana
Meissinger, Nelson Ucha Vallo, Hector De Santa Ana, Jean-Michel Gaulier, Romain Debarre, Guillaume Smagghe, Didier Granjeon, Sabine Schmidt Integrated stratigraphic and basin modeling study of a frontier offshore area:The Colorado basin, Argentina

Stuart D Harker, Robert Cooper, Lucy Sides, Graham Richardson
New Reserves for a Mature Asset: Triassic Main - Deep Gas Condensate of the Alwyn Field, Northern North Sea

Nicholas B. Harris, Paul F. Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, Ian R. Duddy
Distribution, Timing And Intensity of Major Tectonic Events on The West African Margin from Gabon to Namibia: Results of A Regional Apatite Fission Track Study

Richard G. Harris, Mark Cooper
Structural Analysis in Eastern Yemen Using Remote Sensing Data

Richard G. Harris, Mark Cooper
A Digital Workflow for Structural Analysis Using Remote Sensing Data : A Case Study from Eastern Yemen

Nicholas B. Harris
Organic Carbon-Sulfur Relations in Lacustrine Shales of the West African Basins: Implications for Paleoclimate and Source Rock Potential

Patrick E. Hart, Alan K. Cooper
Geophysical Characterization of Potential Long-Core Sites for Northern Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Studies

Bruce S. Hart, Tom Engler, Robin Pearson, Ryan L. Robinson
3-D Seismic Horizon-Based Approaches to Fracture-Swarm Sweet Spot

Richard J. Hartwell, Katharine A. Guiles, Meagan J. Eagle, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Kiram E.
Lezzar, Andrew S. Cohen, Derrick Zilifi, Kamina Chororoka
Organic Carbon Contrast Between The Kalya Ridge and Slope, Lake Tanganyika, East African Rift

Robert D Hatcher, Richard T Williams, Michael W McCown
Structural Complexity and Implications of Success in New Discovery Wells in the Appalachian Thrust Belt in Tennessee

Brad J.R. Hayes, Peter E. Putnam
High-Impact Exploration Potential of Western Canada - The Big Plays Are Still Out There

Sean Joseph Hayes, David Mundy, Kim Safton
Improving Recovery Predictions from Fluvial and Shallow Marine Reservoirs Using Combined Boolean and Gaussian Facies Models

Sheng He, Mike Middleton
Pressure Seal and Modelling of the Jurassic Overpressure in the Barrow Sub-basin, North West Shelf of Australia

Jason E. Heath, Anthony P. Williams, James P. Evans, Zoe Shipton
Structural and Geochemical Analysis of the Little Grand and Salt Wash Faults to Investigate the Leakage of CO2 from a Natural Reservoir

Dan Hebert
Using eAnalytics to Improve Decision-Making in Energy and Oil and Gas Organizations

Hans Martin Helset, James C. Matthews, Caroline Lowrey, Jorgen Samuelsson
Contribution of Different Petrographically Defined Pore Types to Permeability

Terry Hemphill, B. Murphy, K. Mix
Optimization of Rates of Penetration in Deepwater Drilling: Identifying the Limits

Kim D Hemsley, Fangjian 'Jack' Xue
Exploration Potential in the Miocene Trend of South Louisiana

William L. Henderson
The History of Petroleum Geology in Michigan

James Hendry, Deborah Bliefnick, V. Paul Wright, Andrew Racey, Maurizio Viaggi,
Antonio Giovanelli, Susan Longacre, G. Michael Grammer, Terry O'Hearn, Torichellij Yugai, Yuri Pisarenko Geological Characterisation of Upper Devonian to Lower Permian Intervals in the Karachaganak Reservoir, Kazakhstan: Technical Challenges and Initial Conclusions

James Hendry, Deborah Bliefnick, Susan Longacre, Mike Grammer, Antonio Giovannelli,
Terry O'Hearn, Mark Votier
Extensive Dolomitization and Anhydrite Cementation of a Permo-Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platform by Large-Scale Seawater Circulation: Karachaganak Field, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan

Steve Henry, Al Danforth
Central Africa’s Cretaceous Rifting: Examples from Chad

Steven G. Henry, Al Danforth
Application of Paleogeographic Maps for New Play Development in West Africa

Tucker F. Hentz, Hongliu Zeng, Lesli J. Wood
Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Distribution of Miocene Plays: A Case Study from Starfak and Tiger Shoal Fields, Offshore Louisiana

Vicente Hernandez, Margarita I. Alberdi, Maria A. Vivas, Angel F. Callejon, Leonardo Rojas
Geological Processes Controlling the API Lateral Variations in Naricual Formation. Bosque- Bucare Area. Eastern Venezuela

Richard A P Hesketh, John R Underhill, Charlotte Martin
The Impact of High-Resolution Biostratigraphic Calibration on Sequence Stratigraphic Correlations within the Upper Jurassic Humber Group of the North Sea

Debra Higley
The Talara Basin Province of Northwestern Peru: Cretaceous-Tertiary Total Petroleum System

David J Hinds, Michael D Simmons, Mark B Allen, Elmira Aliyeva, Salomon B
Kroonenberg, Stephen Vincent, Clare Davies
Fluvial Sedimentology of the Neogene Productive Series, Azerbaijan: Implications for Reservoir Quality and Exploration in the South Caspian Basin

Susan J. Hippler, Francesco V. Corona
Implementation of Fault Trap Analysis Best Practices into the Exploration and Development Cycle

David Hodgetts, John Kavanagh, David Hodgson, John Howell, Nick Drinkwater, Kevin
Keogh, Stephen Flint, Erik P. Johannessen, De Ville Wickens, Alexei Petrov, Willem Van Der Merwe Methods and Tools for Digital Data Collection and Construction of 3-D Geological Computer Models in the Field; Examples from the Tanqua Karoo Turbidites, South Africa

David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, Kevin Pickering
Variations in Turbidite Bed-thickness Distributions as a Function of Basin Confinement and Submarine Fan Environment

David Hodgson, Wietze van der Werff, Nick Drinkwater, David Hodgetts, John Howell,
John Kavanagh, Kevin Keogh, Erik P. Johannessen, De Ville Wickens, Alexei Petrov, Stephen Flint Contrasting Lateral and Oblique Frontal Submarine Fan Pinch-outs from the Tanqua Basin, South Africa

Albert G. Holba, Bradley J. Huizinga
Depositional Environment Indicators: How to Optimize Your Indicator to Avoid the Pitfalls of Conventional Indicators

John Holbrook, Robert W. Scott, Franca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Michael Evetts, Stavena Akins
Sequence Stratigraphic and Paleoecologic Lowstand Model of Ephemeral Connections in Epeiric Seaways, U.S. Western Interior Cretaceous

Anthony R. Holden, John M. Jacques, Heather Clegg, Carl C. Palmer
Mexican Petroleum Systems - Past Success and Future Potential

Stephen A. Holditch
Upstream Research -- Who Will Do It and How Will They be Trained?

Noel Holguin, Joel Lara, Luis Medrano, Bernie Bernard, James M. Brooks, John
PEMEX's Surface Geochemical Exploration Studies in the Southern Gulf of Mexico

Robert J. Hooper, Ian Walker
The Mesozoic and early Tertiary opening of the North Atlantic and its impact on the development of the Faeroe-Shetland basin system

*Tiffany Lynn Hopkins, Wayne M. Ahr
Determining Reservoir Quality by Combined Stratigraphic, Petrographic and Petrophysical Methods As Part of Optimized Recovery Programs: Womack Hill Smackover Field, Clarke and Choctaw Counties, Alabama

Kathleen O. Horkowitz, James A. Thomson, Andrew W. Hill
Characterizing Turbidite Depositional Elements in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico with High- Resolution AUV Seabed Imagery and High-resolution 3D Seismic

Brian W. Horn, Timothy A. Cross, J.A. Hornbeck, M. Vielma, M. Zavala
Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Strata: A Comparison of Fluvial and Tidal Reservoirs in the Almond Formation, Wamsutter, Echo Springs and Rock Springs Fields, Washakie Basin, Wyoming

Junsheng Hou, Hong Dong, Hao Wan
Evaluation Methods for Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Using Log Data and Their Application to the Eastern Hollow,Liaohe Basin, China

Nancy J. House, Paul Cunningham, K. Paul Allen, Stefan Seyb, Lynne Edleson
Economic Impact of Limited Three Dimensional (LTD) Seismic Acquisition in a Complex and Expensive Exploration Setting

David W Houseknecht, Kenneth J Bird
Petroleum Potential of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Coastal Plain, Northeast Alaska

Jean-Pierre Houzay, Bernard Pradier
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Geochemistry Study of the Raven Ridge Lacustrine Eocene Series (Uinta Basin, Colorado, USA) : Implications on Organic Matter Accumulation

John I. Howell, Lillian H. Warren, Anita L. Howell
Implementing Portfolio Management: Integrating Tools, Process and People

Xiaojun Huang, Zhenya Zhu, Daniel R. Burns, M. Nafi Toksoz
Stress Profile Estimation Using Sonic Logs

A.Y. Huc, F.S.P. Van Buchem, B. B. Colletta
A Theory Accounting for The Stratigraphic Control on Sedimentary Organic Matter Distribution at The 1st And 2nd Order Scales

Michael R. Hudec, Martin Jackson
Estranged Neighbors: Independent Tectonic Evolution of the Onshore and Offshore Kwanza Salt Basins, Angola

Andrew Hurst, Joseph Cartwright, Davide Duranti, Mads Huuse, Bryan Cronin
Sand Injectites: Controls on their Formation and Reservoir Character - an Assessment of Reserve Potential

Andrew Hurst, Bryan Cronin, Caroline Ball
Temporal Relationships in a Deep-Water Channel-Levee System and Application to Seismic Interpretation

Tore Husmo
The Hydrocarbon Systems of the Caspian Basins - Giants and Failures: What are Future Directions?

*Mahbub Hussain, Mohammad Jowaher Raza
Source Beds for the Mesozoic and Younger Oils in Saudi Arabia: Constraints of Biomarker Applications

Alasdair R Hutchison, Mike W Schlorholtz
Extended reach drilling & implementation of new technology in the Chirag field, Azerbaijan

Kiseong Hyeong, Regina M. Capuano
Origin of Low Salinity Pore Water in the Seal Overlying the Geopressured Regime, Northeast Texas Gulf Coast: Implications for Fluid Flow and Sealing

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Muhammad Wijdan Ismail Ibrahim
Missed, Bypassed and Under-Estimated Hydrocarbon Traps: Analysis of Basic Exploration Records Reveals "Undiscovery Wells" in Northern Arabia

Patrice Imbert, Carlos Cramez, Manik Talwani
Basement Morphology along a Continent-Ocean Transect in the Eastern GOM: Evidence for a Volcanic Margin

*Matthias G. Imhof
Heterogeneity Cubes: a Family of Seismic Volume Attributes

Simon Inger, Mark Allen, Eric Blanc, Hossein Hassani, Morteza Talebian, James Jackson
Regional- to reservoir-scale Tectonic Evolution of the Zagros Orogenic Belt

Alexandra R. Isern, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Peter Blum Shipboard Scientific Party
Sea-Level Magnitudes Recorded by Continental Margin Sequences on the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia: ODP Leg 194

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Haddou Jabour, M'hamed El Mostaine
Petroleum Potential and Future Outlook of the Rabat-Safi Area: a Segment of the Promising Atlantic Margin of Morocco

Harrison C. Jamison
Prudhoe Bay Revisited - A 35-Year Perspective

Xavier Janson, Gregor P. Eberli, Anthony J. Lomando
Redeposition along Steep Platform Margins at the Seismic Scale and Beyond

Jean-Jacques Jarrige, Pierre Allix, Jean-Michel Enjolras, Guy Butteux
Key Role of Regional Experience and Technical Know-How: Example of the Lower Congo Basin

Daniel M. Jarvie, Alejandro Morelos, Roger Sassen, Pierre-Yves Chenet, Jeffrey W. Brame
Hydrocarbon Charge Assessment, Gulf of Mexico: Rates of Oil/Gas Generation from Source Rocks and Oil Asphaltenes

*Creties D. Jenkins, W. C. Riese, R. A. Lamarre
The value of core description in characterizing coal bed methane reservoirs

Creties D. Jenkins, Tom Eggert
Increasing Reserves through Optimized Waterflooding: The Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Field, California

David C. Jennette, Khaled Fouad, Francisco Grimaldo, Rafael Munoz, Carlos Williams,
David Barrera
Stratigraphic Traps in Miocene Turbidite Reservoirs, Veracruz Basin, Mexico: New Plays for the Gulf Coast Basin

David Jennette, K Fouad, Tim Wawrzyniec, Javier Meneses-Rocha, Mark Holtz, Shinichi
Sakurai, Francisco Grimaldo, Rafael Munoz, Suhas Talukdar, Jorge Lugo, David Barrera, Shirley Dutton, William Ambrose, Arturo Escamilla, Dallas Dunlap, Edgar Guevara, Jerome Bellian Past and Future Gas Play Potential of the Neogene in the Veracruz Basin, Southern Mexico

James W. Jennings, F. Jerry Lucia
Predicting Permeability from Well Logs in Carbonates with a Link to Geology for Interwell Permeability Mapping

Sinisha A. Jikich, William A. Schuller
A CO2 Sequestration Pilot Screening: Geologic and Simulation Modeling

James W. Johnson, John J. Nitao
Enhanced Cap Rock Integrity and Self-Sealing of the Immiscible Plume through Mineral Trapping during Prograde and Retrograde CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration in Saline Aquifers

Ronald C. Johnson, Stephen B. Roberts
Estimate of Undiscovered Gas Resources in the Mesaverde Total Petoleum System, Uinta and Piceance Basins, Colorado and Utah

Brann Johnson, Elena N. Zhurina
Inferring Spatial Variation of Transmissibility of Faults in an Aquifer Using Spatial and Temporal Pressure Data From Westbay Multilevel Monitoring Wells

Victor T. Jones, Patrick N. Agostino
Forensic Geochemistry – The Key to Accurate Site Characterization

J. Richard Jones, Donald K. Harrison, Curt White, Kenneth A. LaSota
An Assessment of the Potential of North American Brine Aquifers to Sequester Anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub> through Carbonate Mineral Formation

Victor T. Jones, Dennis D. Coleman, David F. Becker, Thomas H. Anderson, Paul A.
Witherspoon, Gary A. Robbins
Surface and Near-Subsurface Hydrocarbon Migration Patterns Associated with a Macroseep

Clive R. Jones, J. C. Van Wagoner, Timothy M. Demko, R.W. Wellner, G.G. McCrimmon,
S.T. Hasiotis, R. T. Beaubouef, H. R. Feldman
Large, Prograding Fluvial Megafan Complexes: Influence of Climate Cyclicity on Reservoir Architecture

Clif Jordan, James Lee Wilson
The Burgos Basin - a Geological Summary

Rosanne J. Jowitt, Chris M. Crescini
Sequence Stratigraphy as a tool in understanding Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Santos Basin, Brazil

Return to top



Marek Kacewicz, John Decker, Rui Lin, Charlie Stuart, Paul Taylor, Elizabeth Johnson
A New Regional Heat Flow and Hydrocarbon Migration Model for the Kutei Basin and Central Makassar Straits

Alexander R Kaiko
Post-rift Tectonic Subsidence and Palaeo-water Depths in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: Implications for Modelling Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration

John G. Kaldi
Upstream of Upstream: Preparing Professionals for the Petroleum Industry

Ayako Kameda, Jack Dvorkin
Linking Texture and Diagenesis to Porosity and Permeability of Sandstones

Pawel Henryk Karnkowski, Rafal Kudrewicz
Surface Modeling as a Tool for Reconstruction of the Palaeogeography in the Carpathian Foredeep (SE Poland)

Barry Jay Katz, Kenneth Williams
Biogenic Gas Potential Offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia

R. William Keach, Gary Jones, Nicholas Purday
Seismic to Simulation - Accelerate Your Understanding of the Reservoir

David G Keighley, Murray Gingras
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Quality of Alluvial/Lacustrine Reservoirs in the Albert Formation, Horton Group (Mississippian), Moncton Basin, New Brunswick, Canada

Lorenz Keim, Wolfgang Schlager
The Interplay of Micrite Precipitation And Mechanical Deposition on a Steep Platform Slope - Alpine Triassic, Italy

Stanley B. Keith, Monte M. Swan, Jan C. Rasmussen
Fluid Flow in Strike-slip Fault Regimes: a Co-Dynamic Model for Petroleum Fluid Formation, Movement, and Deposition by Analogy with Porphyry Metal Deposits

Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Nassir S. Alnaji
Carbonate Response to Changing Base Level: Case Histories and Comparisons from the Permian of West Texas and the Jurassic of Saudi Arabia

Lorcan J G Kennan
Subduction Geometry and Volcanic Activity in the Andes: Key to Understanding Thick-skinned Foreland Uplifts and Changes in Foreland Basin Sequence Stratigraphy

Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris
Prograding Steep and High Relief Carbonate Platform Margins

Jeroen A.M. Kenter, H. Braaksma, G.G. Drijkoningen, N. Filippidou
Field laboratories integrating Geology, Petrophysics and Geophysics: Late Jurassic siliciclastic rocks (Boulonnais, northern France)

Charles Kerans
Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Systems -- Revisiting the Reciprocal Model

Mohamed Kamel Kerdjidj, Merzak Mahmoudia, Mustapha Benamara
High Resolution Stratigraphy Genetic Sequences and Modeling of the Fluvial Triassic Formation in the Oued Mya Basin (Central Sahara, Algeria) by Using: XR Diffractometer of the Clay Fraction and the Geostatistic Method

Vanessa R Kertznus
Biostratigraphic Analysis and Environmental Implications of La Luna Formation, Rio Loro Section, Western Venezuela

Arjun D. Keswani, S. George Pemberton
A Comprehensive Genetic Model For Ancient Allochthonous Carbonate Deposits: A Paleobiological Foundation Provides New Insights On An Old Problem

J.M. Ketzer, S. Morad, M. Holz
Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy and Diagenesis: an Integrated Approach

M. Keyang, Miryam Glikson, Bruce McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Suzanne Golding
Petrology & Geochemistry Of Source Rocks In Western Papua: Correlations With Oil Seeps And Reservoir Hydrocarbons

Abdul Salam Khan, Gilbert Kelling, Mohammad Umar, Akhtar Mohammad Kassi
Depositional Environments of the Pab Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the Kirther Fold-Belt, Pakistan

Stephen Kirby, Michael Helgerud, William Waite, Laura Stern, Sue Circone, William
Challenges to Reliably Measuring the Fundamental Properties of Hydrocarbon Hydrates: A Status Report

Mark A. Kirschbaum, Laura N.R. Roberts, Vito F. Nuccio, Troy Cook
Assessment of Undiscovered Gas Resources in the Mancos/Mowry Total Petroleum System, Uinta-Piceance Province, Colorado and Utah

Mark A. Kirschbaum, Robert D. Hettinger
Variations in System Tract Architecture and Accommodation Space in Upper Campanian Strata, Eastern Book Cliffs, Cororado and Utah

Seiki Kisamori, Masahiro Mitani, Akihiko Okui
Potential of Quinoline Compounds for the Secondary Oil Migration Indicator

Ronald W. Klusman
Search for Surface Leakage from a Large-Scale CO2 Injection Project: Rangely, Colorado

*Steve Knapp, Nigel Payne, Tony Johns
Imaging through Gas Clouds: Case histories from the Gulf of Mexico

Connie Dodge Knight, Robert A. Basse
PUSHING BACK THE FRONTIER ... Geologic Characterization of a Tight Sand near the Economic Limit of Production, West Flank Moxa Arch , Wyoming, USA

Ven Kolla, Hanry Posamentier, Jasim Imran
Deepwater Sinuous Channels and Reservoir Architectures

J.J. Kolle, M. D. Max
Seafloor Drilling of the Hydrate Economic Zone for Exploration and Production of Methane

Ven Kolla, Henry Posamentier, Charles D. Winker, Philippe Bourges
Deepwater Lobe- and Sheet-form Depositional Elements in Open Ocean and Intra-slope Basin Settings

Jesse T. Korus, Kenneth A. Eriksson
Paleogeomorphology and Facies Architecture of Pennsylvanian Trunk-Tributary Incised Valley Systems: New River Formation, Southern West Virginia

Eduard Kosa, D. Hunt, W.M. Fitchen, G.P. Roberts, M.-O. Bockel-Rebelle
Diagenetic and Sedimentary Evolution of Syndepositional Fault Zones in Response to High- Frequence Sea-Level Fluctuation, Permain Seven Rivers, Yates and Tansill Formations, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Implications for Faulted Carbonate Reservoirs

Elisabeth C. Kosters, Frans J. Jorissen, Gijsbert J. VanderZwaan, John R. Suter
Predicting Deltaic Source Rock Facies Using Sequence Stratigraphy

*E.A. Kozlov, A. Lowrie, V.N. Haydukov, J. Watkins, I.A. Garagash, V.V. Makarov, T.N.
2D/3D Geophysical Modeling of Mezozoic Onshore Rocks and Tertiary Offshore Sediments

Christine Krohn, Tom Steinhilber, Judy Amery-Ryland, Jan Mikkelsen, Emin Jafarov,
Elena Effendiyeva
A Strike 3D Seismic Survey at the Zafar and Mashal Prospective Structures, South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan: Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation

Piotr Krzywiec
Decoupled vs. Coupled Mesozoic Evolution of the Mid-Polish Trough - Role of Salt During Basin Extension and Inversion

*Rafal Kudrewicz
GIS-Based Knowledge Management and Decission Making Support

Nathan J. Kuhle, Judith S. Chester, Frederick M. Chester
Fault and Fracture Fabrics of Inversion Structures: Effect of Burial History and Rock Ductility

B R Kundu, K K Prasad, Chatar Singh
Performance of High Resolution Induction Tool(HRI) in WRBC

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Stephen W. Lambert, Tracy E. Lombardi
Illinois Basin Coal Gas, Unlocking a New Frontier Using Old Keys

John P. Land, Richard L Coons, J. David Lazor
Airborne Micromagnetics' Ability to Produce Prospect Leads in the Gulf Coast's Transition Zone and Onshore

John P. Land, Richard L. Coons, J.David Lazor
Near-Surface Magnetic Anomalies, Potential Indicators of Seepage andDeep-Seated Faulting

R. H. Lander, J. F. W. Gale, S. E. Laubach, L. M. Bonnell
Interaction Between Quartz Cementation and Fracturing in Sandstones

Willem Langenberg, Andrew Beaton, Mike Berhane
Regional evaluation of the CBM Potential of the Foothills/Mountains of Alberta, Canada

Willem Langenberg, Fran Hein, Sarah Richardson, Don Lawton, Rudi Meyer
Seismic modeling of Upper Cretaceous coal-bearing strata east of Drumheller, Alberta, Canada: implications for CBM exploration

Richard P. Langford, Depret Pierre Andre
Differences in the Early Diagenesis of Sand Dune Sea along a Transect from the Marine Margin to the Playa Margin, Cedar Mesa Sandstone, Southern Utah

Bruce G. Langhus, Dan Arthur, Jim Halvorson, Tom Richmond
Managing Coal Bed Methane Produced Waters to Minimize Present Costs and Environmental Liabilities

Steve Larter, Arnd Wilhelms, Michael Erdmann, Christian Zwach, Andy Aplin
Deterministic modelling of deep subsurface biodegradation -progress and prognosis

D. K. Larue
Outcrop Modeling Using a 3-D Conceptual Approach: Applications to Deep-Water Reservoir Uncertainty Studies

Stephen Laubach, Julia F. W. Gale, Jon E. Olson
Are Open Fractures Necessarily Aligned with Maximum Horizontal Stress?

W. F. Lawson
The Future of Petroleum R&D: DOE's Viewpoint

Joel H. Le Calvez, Bruno C. Vendeville, Michael R. Hudec
3-D Visualization and Fault-Slip Analysis of Physical Models of Normal-Fault Relays above Evaporites

Carmen Lee, Bruce Sellwood
The Early Cenozoic Tectonostratigraphic Evolution and Sedimentology of the Judge Daly Basin, northeastern Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic

Christoph Lehmann, Ingo Steinhoff
Detailed Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Mixed Carbonate-Evaporite Reservoir Systems: The Permian (Zechstein) of Germany and the Lower Cretaceous of NE Mexico

Daniel J. Leiphart, Bruce S. Hart
Imaging Basin-Floor Channel Systems of the Basal Brushy Canyon Fm with 3-D Seismic Attributes

Reservoir Characterization of a Basal Quartz Fluvial Incised Valley in South Central
Alberta, Canada
M. Scott Leroux, Lisa Griffith, Brian A. Zaitlin

Jean Letouzey, S. Sherkati, Jean Marie Mengus, H Motiei, M. Ehsani, A. Ahmadnia, J.L.
A Regional Structural Interpretation of the Zagros Mountain Belt in Northern Fars and High Zagros (SW Iran)

Raymond A. Levey
Research Institutes -- Answering Industry's Call for Applied Research Applications

Robert A. Levich, Russell L. Patterson, Ronald M. Linden
Closing the Uranium Fuel Cycle: Deep Geologic Disposal at Yucca Mountain and WIPP

Kiram E. Lezzar, Christopher A. Scholz
Control of Rift Segmentation on Depocenter Distribution on top of the Kavala Island Ridge Accommodation Zone, Central Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

Maowen Li, Chunqing Jiang, Yongsong Huang
Use of Compound Specific Hydrogen Isotopes Characterizing Crude Oils from the Canadian Williston Basin, SE Saskatchewan

Cyrus Liaghat, Thierry Villemin, Francois Jouanne
Ground Surface Deformation Induced by Salt Diapirism in Oil Field Zones: Some Examples in SE Zagros (IRAN)

Paul G. Lillis, Jennie L. Ridgley, Elizabeth L. Rowan
Timing of Microbial Gas Generation in Upper Cretaceous Petroleum Systems of Northeastern Montana

Siang J. Lim, Stephen H. Snelgrove, Craig B. Forster, Kevin Thomas
How to Build a Fault Zone Permeability Model in Aeolian Sandstone

Zuleide M. C. Lima, Helenice Vital, Venerando E. Amaro, Walter E. Medeiros, Pedro Xavier,
Perycles R.O. Andrade
Sand Spits from NE Brazil: High-Resolution Quaternary Analogs for Reservoir Models

Meng Ling, Hanadi S. Rifai, Julia J. Aziz, Charles J. Newell, James R. Gonzales
Development of An Integrated Methodology for Optimizing Groundwater Long-Term Monitoring Programs

Hans-Gert Linzer
Structural and Stratigraphic Traps in Channel Systems and Intraslope Basins of the Deep-Water Molasse Foreland Basin of the Alps

Louis M. Liro, Mary Kadri, Peter Montecchi, Nathan Weber, Steve O'Hara, Susan Lock
Williams, Mo Etemadi, Mary Cubanski, Chuck Yough
Dynamics of Allochthonous Salt Emplacement and Deformation: Walker Ridge, Keathley Canyon and Garden Banks Areas, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Xijin Liu, Ritchie Wayland
Lower Tertiary Deepwater Channel Systems In Offshore Douala Basin, Cameroon

Qunling Liu, Richard T. Buffler
Post Mid-Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Northeastern Gulf

Juan Carlos Llinas
New Perspectives in the Geological Interpretation and Reservoir Characterization of Vocation Field, Alabama, USA

Lies Loncke, Bruno C. Vendeville, Virginie Gaullier, Jean Mascle
Contribution of Physical Modeling to Understanding Salt Tectonics in the Eastern Nile Deep-Sea Fan

John Londono, Juan Lorenzo, Geoff O'Brien
Geodynamic Analysis of the Miocene Northwestern Australian Foreland Basin: Constraints from Seismic and Well Data

Susan Longacre, G. Michael Grammer, Jean C. Hsieh, Denise Pfeffer, James Hendry,
Deborah Bliefnick, Antonio Giovannelli, Maurizio Viaggi, Terry O'Hearn, Andrei Samsanov, Torichellij Yugai, Yuri Pisarenko Evolution of the Geologic Model of the Karachaganak Field, Northwest Kazakhstan

Simon Lopez, Jacques Rivoirard, Isabelle Cojan, Alain Galli
Identification of Some Physical Key Parameters for a Fluvial Process-based Stochastic Model

Simon Lopez, Isabelle Cojan, Alain Galli
Accommodation Space in a Fluvial Meandering Process-based Stochastic Model

Simon Lopez, Alain Galli, Isabelle Cojan
Vertical Proportion Curves: Insights from Fluvial Process-based Stochastic Modeling

Robert D. LoPiccolo, Roger A. Young
(Non)Amplitudes Are What You Make of Them

John C. Lorenz, Scott P. Cooper
Reservoirs in the Abo Formation, Southeastern NM: A Fractured Play within the Perturbed Stress Field at the Termination of Wrench Faults

Steven L Losh, Lawrence M Cathles
Gas Washing of Oil Along A Regional, North-South Transect in the Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Louisiana

Robert G. Loucks, Paul Mescher, David Entzminger, Davis Braaten
Geologic Reservoir Characterization of the Willard Unit in the San Andres Wasson Field, West Texas

F. Jerry Lucia, James W. Jennings, Charles Kerans, Stephen C. Ruppel
Locating New Oil in Old Carbonate Reservoirs

Jeffrey Lund, J. Roffers
Using Portfolio Models to Optimize and Communicate Strategy

Barbara Luneau, Jeff May, Joseph Garbee, Charles Hinson
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional Variations of Miocene Lowstand Systems Tracts, South Louisiana

Don R. Lyons
Deep Ocean Access

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David Macdonald, Rachel Flecker
Structural Control of Deltas: Are Deltaic Sediments Predictable?

Luis Claudio Ribeiro Machado, Adriano Roessler Viana, Renato Oscar Kowsmann,
Waldemar de Almeida
The modern sediment drainage system of the Campos Basin, Brazil

Mark K MacLeod, Brian Grant, Gunnar Rornes
Quantifying Subsurface Uncertainty at the Hebron Asset, Grand Banks, Newfoundland

Isiris Madrid
New Ways to Evaluate Pelagic Sedimentation: An Example from La Luna Formation, Western Venezuela

Caroline C. Magnier, I. Kowalewski, L.A.F. Trindade, D. Levache, B. Carpentier
Metal Trace Elements in Oils for Quantifying the Degree of Biodegradation in Reservoirs

Caroline C. Magnier, Jose O. Lopez, Isabelle Moretti
Biodegradation vs. Thermal Maturity in Type IIS Crude Oils of Northern Cuba

Gianni Mallarino, Robert H. Goldstein, Pietro Di Stefano
A New Technique for Quantification of Water Depth Applied to the Demise of a Carbonate Platform

K Mallick, KK Sharma
Revival of Potential Fields in Search for Hydrocarbon

Oscar H Mancilla, Alicia Salinas, Eugenio D. Soubies, Romain Debarre, Didier Granjeon
Exploration of a Frontier Area Using Numerical Stratigraphical Modeling, Application to the Offshore Colorado Basin of Argentina

Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett
Cretaceous Transgressive-Regressive Cycles for Intrabasin and Interbasin Chronostratigraphic Correlation, U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain

Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell
Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Shoal and Reef Reservoirs of the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain and Outcrop Analogs from Western Europe

Ernest A. Mancini, Willliam C. Parcell, Marcello Badali, Juan Carlos Llinas, T. Markham
Mesozoic Thrombolitic Reef Play, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Charles J. Mankin
Research and Development for the Domestic Petroleum Industry

Denis Marchal, Elmer Ferro, Enrique Peralta
New Geologic Model for the Cretaceous Reservoir of the La Concepcion Mature Oil Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Tim R. Marchant
Exploration Technologies

Xiomara M. Marquez C, Isabel C. Serrano, Felipe E. Audemard M
Hydrocarbon - Bearing Paleozoic Rocks: A Prediction in Venezuela

Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Richard N. Hiscott, Sherif A. M. Awadallah, Hitoshi Fukusawa
Surprising(?) Eustatic Signals in Deep Marine Pliocene Sections From Two Widely Separated Tectonically Active Basins: Alboran Basin, Westernmost Mediterranean Sea and Woodlark Basin, Near Papua New Guinea

Arden Marsh, Hairuo Qing
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Mississippian Frobisher Carbonate-Evaporite Sequence, Steelman Field, Southeastern Saskatchewan

Tania Marsset, Laurence Droz, Bruno Savoye, France-Lucie Spy-Anderson
Major Erosional Surfaces in the Zaire Turbidite System (ZaiAngo Project)

Gyorgy Marton, Douglas Haun, Jake Hossack, Tony Barwise, Thomas Mason, Mateta
Domingos, Herlander Meneses, Paulino Gomes, Tommy Egebjerg
Petroleum Geology and Exploration Potential of Block 5, Offshore Angola, West Africa

J.L. Masaferro, R. Bourne, J.C. Jauffred
3D Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs and Structures

Fabio Matano
An example of continental upper unit in "Underfilled Trinity": the Anzano Molasse (Messinian southern Apennines peripheral foreland basin, Italy)

Joseph P. Matoush, Julie C. Kickham, Susanne U. Janecke
The Interaction Between Basin-Scale Extensional Folding and Sedimentation in a Supradetachment Basin

*Justin Matresu, Traian Rabagia
Tectonic Evolution of Western Part of the Moesian Platform- Implications on the Exploration of Hydrocarbons

Fumiaki Matsuda, Yulfi Indra, David DesAutels, Beng Yap Chua
Integration of geological and geophysical data to reconstruct depositional models of Miocene carbonate reservoirs from Southeast Asia

Nilo Siguehiko Matsuda, Celia Tiemi Onishi, Ryo Matsumoto, Nilo Chagas Azambuja
Filho, Ichiko Shimizu
The Use of Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM) Method in The Pennsylvanian Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs of the Amazon Basin, Brazil

Ryo Matsumoto, Hideaki Machiyama, Ryoichi Iwase, Takeshi Matsumoto, Hitoshi Tomaru,
Lika Takeuchi
Methane Seep, Chemosynthetic Communities, and Carbonate Crusts/’Towers’ and Chimneys on the Kuroshima Knoll, Offshore Ryukyu Islands

James C. Matthews, Hans Martin Helset, Paul Reemst, Jorgen Samuelsson, Caroline J.
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality and Seal Integrity: Deep Jurassic Targets, Norwegian Sea

Gary Mavko
Rock Physics Signatures of Reservoir Heterogeneities

Robert D. Maxwell
Domestic Uranium Resources and Their Availability

Jeffrey A. May, John E. Warme
Subaerial and Submarine Unconformities and their Correlative Conformities in a Middle Eocene Fluvial, Shallow-Water, and Submarine-Canyon Succession, San Diego, California

Keith C Maynard, Iain Murray
One Million Years From The Upper Arang Formation, West Natuna, Implications For Reservoir Distribution And Facies Variation In Fluvial Deltaic Deposits

S. J. Mazzullo, Chellie S. Teal, Kimberly Dimmick-Wells, Brian Wilhite, William D. Bischoff
Platform-Wide Dolomitization in Northern Belize: Modern Analog of Widespread, Early Platform Dolomitization

Eddie McAllister, Robert Smallshire, Paul Griffiths
Validation of Discreet Fracture Network Reservoir Models

John M McArthur, Matthew F. Thirlwall
Pushing the limits of Sr isotope stratigraphy in the Pliocene, Jurassic and Cretaceous

Randolph A. McBride, Harry H. Roberts, Thomas F. Moslow, Rick Diecchio
Sedimentology and Depositional History of a Major Shelf Sand Sheet in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico: Modern Analog for Ancient Shallow-Marine Sandstones

Francine M. G. McCarthy, Jennifer A. Hopkins, Sarah H. Tiffin
The Palynological Response to Sea Level Change

Ken McClay, Tim Dooley, Paul Whitehouse
Analogue Models of Complex Fault Traps in Extensional Terranes

Ken McClay, M Coral, N Comrie-Smith, E Russell
3D Inversion Traps, South Natuna Sea

Kathleen M. McColgin, Jana M. Van Alstine, J.A. Toni Simo
Mixed carbonate and siliciclastic slope deposits, SE Spain

Buddy McDaniel, D. E. McMechan, N. A. Stegent
Proper Use of Proppant Slugs and Viscous Gel Slugs can Improve Proppant Placement during Hydraulic Fracturing Applications

Heidi L McDonald, Martin R Gibling
Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Late Carboniferous Sydney Mines Formation at Morien Bay, Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia

Thomas M. McGee, Carol B. Lutken, Vaughn S. Goebel, J. Robert Woolsey
Seismic Images of Structures Associated with Gas Hydrates Near the Sea Floor: Initial Results

Michelle M. McGee, Michael T. Whalen
Facies stacking and reservoir potential of greenhouse and icehouse carbonates: Carboniferous Lisburne Group, northern Alaska

John J. McGuckin, John E. C. Meredith, Mikael D. Frorup, Creties D. Jenkins, Gerald
Maximizing field recovery through improved reservoir characterization and simulation: The L-P sands of Dacion Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin

Kenneth McKellar
Value Creation through Portfolio Management

Virginia T. McLemore
Uranium Resources in New Mexico

Donald F. McNeill
Late Neogene Carbonate Platforms and Margins: Refined Quantification of Accumulation Rates

David P. Meaux, Bob Pawlowski, Ally von den Steinen, Gabor Tari, Jim Molnar
The Application of High-resolution Aeromagnetics for Igneous Risk-assessment, Offshore West Africa

W. Scott Meddaugh
Pragmatic Considerations for Reservoir Modeling Using Geostatistical Techniques

Daniella Medeiros, Marcio R. Mello
Environmental Licensing of Offshore E&P Activities in Brasil – Previous Experiences and New Advances

Ronald B. Meers, Peter E. Gale
Exploring Brazil's Southeast Atlantic Margin Basins: What Are the Geologic Keys to Success?

Paul Meldahl, Roar Heggland, Bert Bril, Paul de Groot, Fred Aminzadeh
Identifying Seismic Objects by their Texture, Orientation and Size: A New Interpretation Tool

Marcio Rocha Mello, J Macedo
The Last Frontier for Giant Petroleum Systems in the Brazilian Marginal Basins

Efrain Mendez-Hernandez
Seismic technology in Mexico: past, present, future

Javier J. Meneses-Rocha
Petroleum Geology in Southeastern Mexico... is the Past the Key to the Future?

Raul Mengual, Margarita I. Alberdi, Norelia Millan, Jesus Maguregui, Armando Ruggiero,
Karem Alejandra Khan, Oswaldo Moreno
El Furrial Field Tar-Mat in Venezuela

Cheryl L. Metz
Ancient Hydrocarbon Emission Sites, North America Western Interior Cretaceous Basin Cold- Seep Mounds (Tepee Buttes) - Geographic, Stratigraphic, and Age Distribution

Franz O. Meyer, G.W. Hughes
Applied High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Defining Khuff Reservoir Facies Partitioning, Uthmaniyah Area Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia

Franz O. Meyer, G.W. Hughes
Integrated bio- and lithofacies relationships of the Dhruma Formation (Lower Fadhili Reservoir), Khurais and Qirdi Fields, Saudi Arabia

Karsten Michael, Hans G. Machel
Effects of Basin-Scale Fluid Flow and Diagenesis on the Evolution of Formation Waters in the West-Central Part of the Alberta Basin, Canada

Karsten Michael, Stefan Bachu
Coalbed Methane Producibility in the Cretaceous Succession of the Alberta Basin as Affected by Hydrogeology and Stress Regime

Jose Felix Mijares, Luisa Alcala, Jose Rodriguez, Jose Delgado, Angela Lezama, Teresa
Maita, Gerad BrinK, Gerad Kidd
Freites Formation`S Prospectivity South Of The Tacata Field. Eastern Venezuela Basin

Alexei V. Milkov, Roger Sassen
Economic Geology of Offshore Gas Hydrates: Where to Explore for Reserves?

Alexei V. Milkov, Roger Sassen, Harry H. Roberts
Rapid Hydrocarbon Venting From A Seafloor-Piercing Mud Diapir on SS 286, Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf

Steven Millan, George S. Langdon
Garden Hill South Oilfield, Western Newfoundland: an Ellenburger Analogue in the Northern Appalachians

Richard D. Miller, James G. Clough
Delineation of Coal Beds for Coalbed Methane Using High Resolution Seismic Reflection at Ft. Yukon, Alaska

Byron Miller, Richard P. McCulloh, Chacko J. John, Brian Harder, Reed Bourgeois
Occurrence and Structural Control of Hydrocarbon Production Associated with the Baton Rouge Fault Zone, Louisiana

Galen Miller, John Senko, Lee Krumholz, Thomas Dewers
Geochemical and Microbiological Aspects of Two Terrestrial Methane Seeps, Oklahoma USA

Kitty Milliken
Petrography of Ankerite Cement, Grain Replacement, and Fracture Fill in Foreland Sandstones of the Central Rocky Mountains

Tomonari Minezaki, Richard Jagerman, Rui Lin
The Occurrence and Origin of Anomalously High CO2 Gas Reservoirs in The Pattani Trough, The Gulf of Thailand

Ray W. Mitchell, Kenneth J. Fredricks, Peter D. Bowser, Alessandra Menegatti
Reservoir Alteration at the Mid to Late Cenomanian Unconformity, Falah Field, Offshore Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Robert M. Mitchum, Grant D. Wach
Offshore Niger Delta Pleistocene/Holocene Leveed-Channel Fans -Models for Offshore Reservoirs

Kenneth W. Mohn, Donald C. Rusk, Kara C. Bennett
Regional Geology and Stratigraphy of the Deepwater Basin Offshore Sierra Leone and Liberia

David Mohrig, Paul L. Heller, John B. Swenson, Chris Paola
Experimental Evidence for Basin Subsidence Enhancing the Landward Incursion of Flooding Surfaces and its Implication to Parasequence Generation

*Stephen J.M. Molyneux, Joe Cartwright, Lidia Lonergan
Large Scale Deepwater Sediment Remobilisation : examples from North Sea 3D Seismic and Outcrop

Fred J Molz, Cynthia L Dinwiddie, Alper Elci, James W Castle
GEOPHYSICAL Measurements on Outcrops: The Role of Instrument Spatial Weighting Functions

Paul Montgomery, Paul Enos, Daniel J. Lehrmann, Wei Jiayong
High-Resolution Magnetostratigraphic Correlation of Triassic Carbonate Platforms, Nanpanjiang Basin, South China, Indicates Differential Platform Subsidence

Leonard V. Moore, Christopher A. Johnson
Early Silurian Qusaiba Source Maturation Modeling on the Arabian Plate

Maggie D. Moorhouse
Beyond Regulatory Compliance, How to Implement an Environmental Management System

Isabelle Colette Moretti, Francois Cornet, Jean Marc Daniel, Jean Pierre Delhomme,
Pascal Bernard
Monitoring of Active Fault through Limestones

Isabelle Colette Moretti, Fabrice Gaumet, Serge Zimine, Raphael Tenreyro, Evelio Linares,
Jean Letouzey, Clothilde Magnier
Petroleum system of offshore Cuba : a revaluation

William A. Morgan, Dave Hanley
Stratigraphic Framework and Exploration Potential of Sligo Formation Carbonates (Lower Cretaceous) in South Texas

Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Deborah J. Waiting, Yoshihiko Tamura, Darrell W. Sims,
Futoshi Tsuneyama, Hitoshi Okamura
Estimation of sub-seismic fault populations

Ernie Morrison, Michael Maroney, Kitt Noah, Robert O'Dell
Depositional Model and Exploration Potential in the St. Louis Carbonates Beneath the Hugoton Field of Kansas

Christopher H Morton, Paul Weimer
High Resolution, 3-D Seismic Interpretation of a Late Pleistocene Mississippi Fan Channel, Northern Deep Gulf of Mexico

Fausto Mosca, David A. Wavrek
Petroleum System Characteristics of the Giant Oil Fields of Val D' Agri Region, Southern Apennines, Italy

Ian W. Moxon, Steve A. Graham
Forearc Basin Architecture: A Guide to Discerning Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Convergent Margin Deposits

William R. Muehlberger
Global Tectonics as Viewed from Manned Spacecraft

Tapan Mukerji, Gary Mavko, Isao Takahashi
Statistical Rock Physics for Identifying Lithologies and Pore Fluids from Seismic Data

Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, John A. Wade, Michael A. Kruge, Alain Samoun, Paul J
Deepwater Petroleum System of Jurassic-Tertiary Sediments of the Scotian Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia, Eastern Canada

John Murtagh, David G. Peace
Laser Scanning Applications for the Oil Exploration Industry

Maria Mutti, Cedric John, Andrea Knoerich
Evolution of a Non-Tropical Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate System in the Ragusa Platform (Central Mediterranean) Closely Reflects Global Climatic Events

Return to top



Seiichi Nagihara, Jared Wright, Joe Hargis, Ramey Goss, Glenn Hill
Use of a Portable 3-D Laser Scanner for Digitally Capturing Outcrop Topography and Lithology in High Spatial Resolution

Takeshi Nakajima, Mikio Satoh
A New Process Model for Turbidity Current Mudwaves (Sediment Waves) : Evidence from Toyama Deep-Sea Channel Levees, Japan Sea

Akif Narimanov
Geological Results of Well Drilling in the South Caspian Basin

Marcos A. L. Nascimento, Zorano S. Souza
The Cabo Magmatic Province and its relationship in the generation of oil and gas in the Pernambuco Basin (Northeastern Brazil)

C. Hans Nelson
Basic Types of Turbidite Systems Based on Modern Sea Floor Images

C. Hans Nelson, John E. Damuth, Hilary C. Olson, David Twichell
Comparison of Modern Intraslope Mini-Basins to Deep-Sea Fan Turbidite Systems in the Gulf of Mexico

Ronald A. Nelson
Creating Static Conceptual Reservoir Models for Fractured Reservoirs

Tatyana N. Nemchenko
Petroleum Systems at a Depth Below 5000 m of Giant Oil and Gas Bearing Caspian Basin

Ken A Nibbelink, James D Huggard, A Maclean
Volta Fan Fold Belt Hydrocarbon System, Keta Arch, Ghana

Ken A Nibbelink, S Budihardjo
Paleo-Congo River Fan in Northern Gabon

Andrew Nimegeers, Hairuo Qing
A Depositional Model for Carbonate-evaporite Sequences in the Mississippian Midale Bed, Steelman Field, Southeastern Saskatchewan

Emmanuel Sone Njumbe, K. Mosto Onuoha
Velocity Distribution Within the Anambra Basin, S.E. Nigeria: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration

Ian Norbury, Hamish Wilson, Flemming Rolle
Processes for Managing Exploration Risk and Reward – Some Insights

*Hege Marit Nordgard Bolas, Christian Hermanrud
Relationships between hydrocarbon leakage and retention capacities in the Haltenbanken and North Sea areas offshore Norway.

G. Earl Norris, Debra H. Phillips
Rediscovering Bitter Creek Field as a Basin Centered Gas Play In The Washakie Basin Area Of The Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A

Dag Nummedal
The Hydrocarbons of the South Caspian Basin: How Exploitation Depends on the Understanding of Neogene Paleoclimate

Dag Nummedal
Lacustrine and Marine Sequences - How They Differ in Phase and Architecture

Amos Nur
Rock Physics for Seismic Oil Detection and Recovery Monitoring

Return to top



Andre Obligado, Frank G. Ethridge, Sally J. Sutton, William R. Almon, William C. Dawson
Sequence Stratigraphy, Shale Characteristics, and Potential for Hydrocarbon Seal Development of the Middle Eocene Juncal Formation, Ventura Basin, Southern California

Mark E. Odegard
Proto-Oceanic Crust: How Does it Influence Deep and Ultra-Deep Water Exploration Offshore Eastern Canada, Greenland, Iberia and Northwest Africa?

Akihiko Okui, Shogo Hirahara, Kiyoshi Matsubara, Osamu Kitamura
Re-evaluation of Oil and Gas Migration in the Northern North Sea Area by 3D Basin Modeling

Cornel Olariu, Xueming Xu, Rui Ge, Carlos L. V. Aiken, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Digital Mapping of Outcrops, Techniques for Building 3-D Delta Front Architecture. Example from the Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone, East-Central Utah

Cornel Olariu, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Modern Deltas as a Model for Study of Ancient "Terminal" Distributary Channels in Fluvial- Dominated Delta Front Deposits, Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone, Utah

Ivan Dario Olaya-Lopez, Jorge Luis Rubiano-Ortiz, Jersahin Lamilla-Galindo
Re-Exploring Old Oilfields Through Multidisciplinary Studies: Examples in the Ortega Field (Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia)

Oscar Antonio Olima, German Diego Merletti, Eduardo Breda
High Resolution Reservoir Characterization. The Effectiveness of Multi-Disciplinary Technologies in the Cerro Bayo Field, San Jorge Basin, Argentina

Carolina C. Olivares A, Lopez Liliana, Alvarez Maria M
Are the Barinas-Apure crude oils all Cretaceous sourced?

Luis Otavio Aguiar Oliveira, Ken McClay, Dave Waltham, Gary Nichols
Sequence Stratigraphic Features in the Gulf of Suez Rift and an Evaluation of their Controls

Thomas D. Olszewski
Stratigraphic Architecture of an Icehouse, Epeiric Platform: Climatic and Eustatic Influences in the Pennsylvanian-Permian Succession of the Midcontinent

Val A. Onyia, Adedoja R. Adejobi, Elliot E. Ibie, Unwana U. Nkeme, Richard C. Haack
Regional Geologic Framework and Chronostratigraphy of the Northwest Niger Delta

Val A. Onyia, Adedoja R. Adejobi, Elliot E. Ibie, Unwana U. Nkeme
Channel Formation and Distribution in the Northwestern Niger Delta

Val A. Onyia, Adedoja R. Adejobi, Elliot E. Ibie, Unwana U. Nkeme
Northwest Niger Delta Regional Geologic Framework and Chronostratigraphy

Maria Ornelas-Sanchez, Sonia Franco-Navarrete, Monica Granados-Martinez
Biosequences of the Oxfordian - Aptian of the Tampico - Tuxpan Basin, Northeastern Mexico

Peter J. Ortoleva, Kagan Tuncay, Anthony J. Park, John Comer
Model Automated Informatics (MAI): Integration of Basin Simulation and Data

Cheikh A. Ould Ahmed Benan, Jacques Vittori, Martine Bez, Marta Puig
Deepwater Channelized Lobe Complexes : Architecture and Resevoir Potential. Some Insights From One Shallow 3D Seismic Example

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Nathan D Palmer
Principal Tectonic Events in the Exmouth Sub-basin and their Relationship to Palaeo-stresses along the Australian Northwest Shelf

Duane A. Pankhurst
Class I AVO Analysis in a North Texas Mid-Continent Reservoir

Boris Semenovich Panov, O. V. Chayka, O. A. Shevchenko
Methane of the Donbas: A Future of Ukraine's Energy Sector

Efthimia Papastavros, Richard M. Kettler
High TOC Values in Sedimentary Rocks of the Victoria Land Basin (Ross Sea, Antarctica) Mark the Initiation of Glacial Advances

William C. Parcell
Correlation of Upper Jurassic Carbonate and Reef Facies Across the Burgundy and Ardennes Platforms, Eastern Paris Basin, France

Harry W. Parker
A Scenario for Water Acidization of CO2 Sequestration Wells in Carbonate Aquifers

Mark A. Partington, Jahangir Kabir, Pierre Eliet, Edward A. F. Willett, Julian D. Fowles
A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for Bangladesh

Jack C. Pashin, Richard E. Carroll
Influence of Coal Quality on the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Black Warrior Basin

Jack C. Pashin, J. Wayne Payton, Guohai Jin
Application of Discrete Fracture Network Models to Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Black Warrior Basin

Stanley T. Paxton, R.A. Marston, S.J. Smith, A.R. Simms
Downstream Fining of Sediment in a Modern Fluvial System: Lessons from the Canadian River Drainage, Oklahoma, USA, and Implications for Regional Reservoir Performance

David G Peace, Richard Morgan, Sami Khan
The Arafura Sea - Natural Oil Seeps and Exploration Leads

Nikolai Pedentchouk, Katherine H. Freeman, Nicholas B. Harris, David J. Clifford
Sources of 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene in Lower Cretaceous Lacustrine Source Rocks, West African Basins as Revealed by Compound-specific Carbon Isotopic Analysis

H. W. Pennline, J.S. Hoffman, M.L. Gray, R.V. Siriwardane, E.J. Granite
Recent Advances in Carbon Dioxide Capture and Separation Techniques at the National Energy Technology Laboratory

Renee J. Perez, James Boles
Evidence and scale of mass transfer associated with a Quaternary thrust fault: examples from the Wheeler Ridge oilfiled, southern San Joaquin Basin, California

G.E. Pfau, R.L. Chen, A.K. Ray, S.J. Kapoor
Seeing Through The Fog: Improving The Seismic Image At Crazy Horse

D. W. Phelps, J. W. Bedingfield, D. M. Allard
The Western Nile Delta Frontier Deep-Water Play

Zeno G. Philip, James W. Jennings, Jon E. Olson, Stephen E. Laubach
Modeling Coupled Fracture-Matrix Fluid Flow in Simulated Fracture Patterns

A. T. Picarelli, R.R. Savini, V. Abreu, S. Groso, J. Arguello, D. Salas
Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of the Oficina Formation, Eastern Venezuela Basin: Depositional Systems and Sand Body Geometry in a Non-Marine to Estuarine Environment

Leonardo H Piccoli, Juan Antonio Simo
Stranded Carbonate Slope Deposits: Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Evidence from Basin Outcrops in the Wolfcampian (Permian), West Texas

Jeffrey T. Pietras, Meredith K. Rhodes, Alan R. Carroll
Controls on Lacustrine Reservoir Development: Examples from the Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming

Neil Piggott, Rashid Djevanshir, Bahram Husseynov, Mike Bilbo, Greg Riley, Mark Eller
Exploration Strategy and Regional Petroleum Potential of the South Caspian Basin

Leszek Pikulski, Tadeusz Wolnowski, Jolanta Zielinska-Pikulska
Lithofacial and Seismic Analysis of Main Dolomite (Ca2) in Western Poland in the Aspect of Hydrocarbons Discoveries

James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan
Tectonic Model for Eastern Venezuela and Trinidad since 12 Ma

James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan, Roger Higgs
Paleogene “Negative Flexure” Basins in Colombia and Venezuela

James Pindell, Lorcan Kennan
The East-Mexican Shear Margin of the Gulf of Mexico

Oleg V. Pinous, Mikhail Kourenko, Thomas Ryer, Gareth Archard
New sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the Jurassic Vasyugan sandstone reservoirs of the West Siberia

Piret Plink- Bjorklund, Ron Steel, Bryn Clark, Anna Ponten, Louise Sjogren
Hyperpycnal Flow Turbidites as an Indicator for Sequence Boundary in Slope Turbidite Systems of Spitsbergen Central Basin

John E. Plunkett, Frances Toro, Ray M. Boswell, James H. Dean
Welcome to the National Methane Hydrate R&D Website - A Meeting Place for the Research Community

Steve R. Polis, M. Terry Angelich, Charles R. Beeman, Will B. Maze, D. Mark Steinhauff,
Mark V. Wood, Andrei Tudoran
Structural Controls for Preferential Deposition and Preservation of Source Intervals and Syn-Rift Reservoirs for the Northeastern Red Sea and the Suez

Luis Pomar
Biotic Control on Architecture of Carbonate Depositional Sequences

Michael C. Pope, Jessica B. Steffen
3rd-Order Subtidal Sequences in the Upper Ordovician Montoya Group, New Mexico and West Texas: A Record of Global Glaciation?

*Jesus S. Porras, Eduardo Vallejo, Denis Marchal
Extensional Folding in the Eastern Venezuela Basin: Examples from Fields of Oritupano-Leona Block

Henry W. Posamentier, Conor Byrne, Juan Pablo Collazos, Nelda Haraldson-Radford,
Christina Johnson, Dan Krentz, Reg McLaughlin, Mike Miller, Marlene Mitchelmore, Mark Schoomaker Analysis of Depositional Systems Based on Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy Integrated with Borehole Data: Case Studies from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Henry W. Posamentier, Ven Kolla
Anatomy and Evolution of Deep-Water Channels: Case studies from Nigeria and the Gulf of Mexico

Henry W. Posamentier
3D Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of Deep-Water Debris Flows

Manika Prasad
Experimental Rock Physics: the Past and the Future

R. C. Preece, C. N. Denison, . Pujiarko
Sequence Stratigraphy in the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: A Statistical Approach to Enhanced Biostratigraphic Resolution

Christopher M. Prince, John L. Shafer
Routine Core Analysis From Digitally Archived Core Images

Alain A. Prinzhofer
Distinction of Bacterial and Thermogenic Gas Using Radiogenic Isotopes of The Noble Gas Family

Kirk Purdy, Chris Gordy
Drilling Challenges of the Offshore Caspian

Victor A. Pusca, Michael S. Clark
High–Relief Bypass Surfaces- A New Perspective on The Architecture of A Diatomite/Clastic Reservoir in The Monterey Formation of California



Jin Qiang, Zha Ming, Liu Zhen, Gao XianZhi, Peng Dehua, Lin Lamei
Geology and Geochemistry of Source Rocks in the Qaidam Basin, NW China

*Albert Gasu Quarmyne, Emmanuel Adjei Owusu
Application of Geoinformation Techniques in Identifying and Mapping Land Degradation Problems within Amasaman-Pokuase (Northeast of Accra) and Its Surrounding Areas

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Riyadh A. Rahmani, Ronald J. Steel, Abdulaziz A. Al Duaiji
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of a Shoreface and Estuarine Embayment Succession: A Devonian Gas Reservoir in the Ghawar Super Giant Field, Eastern Saudi Arabia

Eugene C. Rankey, Kent Vander Velden, Jimmy Joe Morgan
Insights into Sedimentology and Evolution of a Modern Carbonate Tidal Flat from Historical and Satellite Imagery: Andros Island, Bahamas

*Eugene C. Rankey
Sizes, Shapes, and Patterns of Sediment Accumulations on a Modern Tidal Flat and Stratigraphic Implications: Three Creeks Area, Andros Island, Bahamas

Claudia Rassi
Predicting Reservoir Performance Through Sequence Stratigraphy - a Viable Approach?

Rodmar Ravnas
Tectonostratigraphy of Sedimentary Basins Subjected to Multiphase Rifting – Learnings from the Middle-Upper Jurassic of Northern North Sea

Teresa Redondo-Lopez, Alan McInally
Quantitative Integration of 4D Seismic for Field Development

Stefan K. Rehm, Dietrich Horn, Gilbert F. Camoin, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Philippe Lapointe
Miocene Carbonate Platform Development in the Philippines: Comparison of Offshore Data and New Outcrops in SW Palawan

Rocky Robert Reifenstuhl
Reservoir Characterization Pilot Study: Porosity, Permeability, Petrography, and Facies Analysis of 75 Upper Cretaceous to Mississippian Age Outcrop Samples, Eastcentral Brooks Range Foothills and North Slope, Alaska

John J.G. Reijmer, Jens Zinke, Bernard Thomassin
Mixed Terrigenous-Carbonate Lagoonal Infill During the Holocene Transgression (Mayotte, Comoro Archipelago, SW Indian Ocean)

James F. Reilly, Patricia W. Dickerson, William R. Muehlberger
Want a Shot? We Can Get It! Astronaut Photographs as Research and Teaching Tools

John I. Reistroffer, Christopher C. St. G. Kendall, Gerald Baum
Eustatic Controls on Incised Valley Shape and Geometry: La Pascua Formation, Eastern Venezuela

Hilmar Rempel
The Caspian Region – Source for Oil Supply to Europe and Asia

Rebecca Rendle, John J.G. Reijmer
Quaternary Slope Development of the Western, Leeward Margin of Great Bahama Bank

Juan Pablo Reyes, Maria Cristina Rueda, Martin Mantilla, Luis Ernesto Ardila
Evolution and Exploration Implications of the Colombian Caribbean Accretionary Prism

Antony David Reynolds
Use of Pressure Data to indicate Vertical and Lateral Compartmentalisation in the Chirag Culmination of the ACG Oil Field, South Caspian

Gary K Rice, John Q Belt
Integration, Probability, and Surface Geochemistry

Greg Riley, Neil Piggott, Mark Osborne, Norman Oxtoby
Hydrocarbon migration and entrapment at Shah Deniz: A few clues for the South Caspian

*Adi FM Ringoringo, Tengku Muda Syaifullah, Bambang Sugiyanto, Jayant Jethnani
Implementation Strategy of Horizontal Short Radius Drilling in Turbidite Deposits of Pertamina Pangkalansusu Oilfield North Sumatra Indonesia

Sheena Ritchie, Robert Smallshire, Paul Griffiths
Modelling Complex 3-D Salt Body Geometry Using Alpha Shapes

Nestor A Rivera, Shubhankar Ray, Andrew Chan, Jerry L Jensen
Well-log Feature Extraction Using Wavelets and Genetic Algorithms

Deborah J. Roberts, David C. Herman
The Use of an Anaerobic Closed Bottle Test to Determine the Relative Biodegradability of Synthetic Base Fluids

Harry Roberts, Richard H. Fillon, Barry Kohl
Fluvial-Deltaic Facies and Depositional Architecture of the Lagnaippe Delta: Within-Delta Variability

James D. Robertson
Tangguh - The First Major Pre-Tertiary Discovery in Indonesia

Edward Robinson
Age and Paleoenvironment Using Larger Foraminifera: Examples from the American Tertiary

Jorge Francisco Rodriguez, Felix Ruben Oyarzabal, Eduardo Eugenio Sanchez, Simone
Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Maturation, Petroleum Generation and Migration in the Central Tucano Basin, Brazil

Antonio B. Rodriguez, John B. Anderson
Facies Architecture and Holocene Evolution of the Trinity Incised-Valley System, Texas

Mark A. Rogers, Scott Stevens, Scott Tye
Natural CO2 Reservoirs as Analogs for Gas Sequestration

Flemming Rolle, Nicki Bourne, MIchael Larsen
Portfolio Management - Implementing the Right Tools to Support the Process

Maria Anunziata Romero, Christian Cassaigneau, Marco Flores, Andre Vayssaire, Rebeca
Navarro, Jean Michel Gaulier
Future Exploration Strategy of a Frontier Offshore Campeche Area Provided by Basin Modelling

Delphine Roques
Growth Faults and Diapir Development in the Neogene Sandakan Basin Offshore Sabah- Malaysia – New Insight from 3D Modelling

Peter R. Rose, Gary P. Citron, Mark A. McLane
Current Status of E&P Portfolio Management as a Corporate "Best Practice" -- Obstacles, Solutions, and Consequences

Joshua H. Rosenfeld
The Origin of the Macuspana Basin of Southeastern Mexico with Implications for Petroleum Systems in the Surrounding Area

Christopher P. Ross
Quantifying AVO Attributes and their Effectiveness

Sven Roth, John J.G. Reijmer, Anja Muller, Miriam Pfeiffer
High-Resolution Sedimentologic Variations in a Holocene Sedimentary Wedge (Leeward Margin, Great Bahama Bank)

Mark G. Rowan, Katherine A. Giles, Timothy F. Lawton
A Tale of Two Diapirs: The Effects of Shortening on Passive Growth

J.L. Rudkiewicz, S. Sherkati, J. Letouzey, J.M. Mengus, A. Ahmadnia, S.A.M. Ashkan
Thermal and Maturity Reconstruction in Northern Fars and Zagros Mountain Belt (Iran)

Stephen C. Ruppel
Integrating Outcrop Data and Modern Subsurface Logs to Define New Opportunities for Exploitation of Remaining Oil in Carbonate Reservoirs: Permian, West Texas

Jason Rush
Sequence Architecture of a Late Guadalupian Rimmed Shelf, Walnut Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Evidence of Lowstand

Debra Rutan, E. Charlotte Sullivan
Morrow incised valley fill, Eddy County, New Mexico

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*Arthur H. Saller, Jesse T. Noah, James C. Waugaman, Alif Prama Ruzuar
Sequence Stratigraphy of Isolated Carbonate Buildups in a Deltaic Province, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Francesco Salvini, Fabrizio Storti, Stefano Tavani
Modeling the Structural and Deformational Architecture of Complex Hydrocarbon Traps by HCA Numerical Techniques

Marel A. Sanchez
Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Framework of the Southeast Caribbean Margin: Offshore Orinoco Delta, Venezuela

Carlo Sanders, Estanislao Kozlowski, Massimo Bonora, Claudio A Sylwan, David
From 2D Data to 4D Fracture Network Models: Structural Modelling of a Complex Thrust Trap, a Case Study from the Tarija Basin, Argentina

Salih Saner, Khattab Al-Hinai, Dogan Perincek
Surface manifestations of the Ghawar Structure, Saudi Arabia

Stan Sansone
Seismic Phase, The Next Exploration Frontier

Rick Sarg
The Saline Giants - Sedimentary Extremes that are part of the Earth's Rhythms

Ghulam Sarwar
Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Passive or Passive Active Margin?

Roger Sassen, Alexei V. Milkov, Harry H. Roberts
Environmental Significance of Gas and Oil Seeps, Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope

Roger Sassen, Alexei V. Milkov, Debra A. DeFreitas, Stephen T. Sweet
Molecular and Isotopic Properties of High Flux Gas Seeps, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Allan W Sauter, LeRoy M. Dorman
A Deep-Water Seafloor Implosive Source with Applications for Off-Shore Instrumented Oil Fields and Sub-Sea Exploration

Bruno Savoye, Alain Morash, e ZaiAngo team
The ZaiAngo Project : a Major Research Project for Deep Offshore Industry.Morphology, Seismic Structure and deposits of the Congo deep-sea fan

Charles E. Savrda
Shallow- Versus Deep-water Mechanisms for Firmground Development at Transgressive Surfaces

Sabine Saxena, Christian Betzler, Alex Isern, Peter Swart, Noel James
The Building Block of Non-Tropical Periplatform Carbonates: New Insights from Southern Australia

Colin M. Sayers
Seismic Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit of Sedimentary Rocks: A Unique Probe of Rock Fabric

Juergen Schieber
Sequence Stratigraphy in a Black Shale Succession: Recognition of Rising and Falling Sea Level in the Chattanooga Shale

Craig F. Schiefelbein
Petroleum Geochemistry as an Exploration Tool as Applied to the South Atlantic Margin

Susanne Schmid, Richard H. Worden, Quentin J. Fisher
Early Diagenetic Dolomite in Early Triassic Sandstones, Offshore West of Ireland

Harrison H. Schmitt
Lunar Field Geology: Past and Future

Frederic J. S. Schneider, Helizabeth Hernandez, Francois Roure
Ceres Fluid Flow and pressure Modelling of an Eastern Venezuelan Transect

Martin Schoell, Chris Clayton
Formation and Occurrence of Bacterial Gas

Wolfgang E. Schollnberger
The Innovation and Application of Upstream Technology

Christopher A. Scholz, Keely M. Brooks, Geoffrey Ellis
Lake Bosumtwi Ghana, A Modern Analogue for an Impact Structure Hydrocarbon System

D. D. Schultz-Ela
Modeling of "Drag" Folds Bordering Salt Diapirs

Dietmar Schumacher, Luis Clavijo, Daniel Malizia, Daniel Hitzman
Geochemical Exploration in Northern South America: Recent Successes in Venezuela and Colombia

Dietmar Schumacher
Managing Exploration Risk: Lessons Learned from Surface Geochemical Surveys and Post- Survey Drilling Results

A.M. Schwab, P.W. Homewood, F. Van Buchem, P. Razin
Enhanced Seismic Interpretation Using Outcrop Based Synthetic Seismic: Natih Formation, Oman

John Scotchmer, Richard Patience
Predicting Petroleum Biodegradation in Undrilled Prospects: How Far Can You Go?

Paul D Scott
Best Management Practices for Discharge of Synthetic Mud Cuttings

Erik D. Scott, William R. Bryant, Frank J. Peel, Carl Taylor, Daniel Bean
Processes of Large Scale Sedimentary Furrows: Implications for Deep Water Sediment Reworking

Robert W. Scott
Controls on Lower Cretaceous Sequences, Texas Gulf Coast and Arabian Gulf

M. Sdrolias, M. Gurnis, R. D. Muller
Geodynamic Modelling of the SW Pacific and Its Application to Petroleum Exploration

Marylin P. Segall, Freyd K. Rad, Paul Wellman, Jacob Umbriaco
Geohazard Zonations in the Gulf of Guinea - Considerations for Offshore Exploration and Production

Marylin P. Segall, Jacob Umbriaco, Lung-Chuan Kuo, Daniel R. Burggraf
Seabed Stability in the Alboran Sea -- Considerations for Offshore Exploration and Production

M. Sepehr, J. W. Cosgrove, M. P. Coward
The Major Fault Zones controlling the Sedimentation, Deformation and Entrapment of Hydrocarbon in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Iran

Beverly Seyler, John P. Grube, Bryan G. Huff, Curt S. Blakley
Reservoir Characterization for an Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flood of Pennsylvanian and Cypress Sandstone Reservoirs in Lawrence Field Illinois

Mike Shade, Mike Mullen, Calvin Kessler, Georgios Varsamis, Joakim Blanch
Improved Reservoir Understanding Using Crossed Dipole Sonic Previous HitAnisotropyTop Analysis

Selim S Shaker, Michael A Smith
Pore Pressure Profile Predictions in the Challenging Supra / Sub-Salt Exploration Plays in Deep Water, Gulf of Mexico

*G. Shanmugam
Ten Turbidite Myths

Vladimir M. Shaposhnikov, Semen D. Tseytlin, Geliy G. Mirzoev, Isaak G. Golbraykh, Josef I. Gaportsin, Vladislav I. Sokolov, Parda M. Khaydarov, Alimakhmud K. Karimov
Successful Application of a New Oil Production Optimization System at the Kokdumalak Field in Uzbekistan

Charu Sharma, David B. Scott
Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Drowned Drainage System - Sunda Shelf, South China Sea: Foraminiferal Evidence

Ian Sharp, Rob Gawthorpe, Ian Carr, Chris Leppard
Anatomy of a Half Graben – Coupled Sequence Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Southern Hammam Faraun Fault Block, Suez Rift, Sinai, Egypt

R. Craig Shipp, J.A. Nott, L.J. Gibson
Depositional Setting of the Seafloor and Near-Surface Interval on the Continental Slope Off the Nile Delta, Deepwater Egypt

Gretchen L. Shorr, Hanadi S. Rifai
Characterizing the Intrinsic Remediation of MTBE at Field Sites in Texas

R. Michael Shuck
Reserves Change with Time

George W. Shurr
Shallow Gas Systems in Tight Reservoirs on Basin Margins

Michael D Simmons
Biostratigraphic Recognition of Sea-Level Change and Sequence Stratigraphy in Middle East Mesozoic Carbonates

Ivan d. A. Simoes Filho
An Overview of the Brazilian Licensing Rounds

Darrell W. Sims, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Deborah J. Waiting, Futoshi Tsuneyama,
Yoshihiko Tamura, Hitoshi Okamura
Influence of Regional Strains in the Development of Faulted Domes in the Offshore Middle East

I.K. Sinclair, S. Flint, R. Stokes
Similar Sequence Geometry and Hierarchy in River-dominated Deltaic Systems of the Syn-rift Hibernia Formation (Offshore Newfoundland) and the Breathitt Group Foreland Basin Succession of Eastern Kentucky

Roger M. Slatt, David. R. Pyles, Carl Bracklein, Roger Young, Julie Staggs
Sub-seismic Scale Architecture of a Sinuous Submarine Channel Complex, Lewis Shale, southern Wyoming

Rod Sloan
A Global Look at Recovery Efficiency in 300 Mature Clastic Fields

Robert Smallshire, Paul Griffiths, Chris McKeown
Determining Well Connectivity - Topological Modelling of Natural and Synthetic Fracture Systems

Harry D. Smith
Technology Development in a Major Service Company Today: Processes, Issues, and Future Challenges

Robert B. Smith
The Role of Exploration in the Coming Uranium Boom

Kenneth L. Smith, A. D. Gault, D. E. Witt, C. E. Weddle
SubSea MudLift Drilling Joint Industry Project: Delivering Dual Gradient Drilling Technology to Industry

Derek C. Smith
Maritime Boundary Disputes Affecting Deep-Water Development and their Resolution

Taury Smith, J. Fred Read
Timing, Possible Causes and Impact on Reservoir Distribution of the Onset of Major Late Paleozoic Glaciation on Gondwana: Evidence from the Midcontinent, USA

John W. Snedden, J.F. (Rick) Sarg, Ken Peters
Major Deltas as Complete Petroleum Systems: a Sequence Stratigraphic Perspective

Robert M. Sneider
Worldwide Examples of Low Resistivity Pay

John S Sneider
Tectonic, Eustatic and Sedimentary Controls on Depositional Sequences during the Middle to Upper Jurassic in the Viking Graben Area, North Sea

Carl Sondergeld, Chandra Rai
Seismics, Rock Physics and Reservoirs

Rasoul B Sorkhabi, Shutaro Hasegawa, Kiyofumi Suzuki, Miki Takahashi, Masamichi
Fujimoto, Naofumi Sakuyama, Shoji Iwanaga
Modeling of Shale Smear Parameters, Fault Seal Potential, and Fault Rock Permeability

A. R. Sprague, P. E. Patterson, R.E. Hill, C.R. Jones, K. M. Campion, J.C. Van Wagoner, M.
D. Sullivan, D.K. Larue, H.R. Feldman, T.M. Demko, R.W. Wellner, J.K. Geslin
The Physical Stratigraphy of Fluvial Strata: A Hierarchical Approach to the Analysis of Genetically Related Stratigraphic Elements for Improved Reservoir Prediction

A. R. Sprague, M. D. Sullivan, K. M. Campion, G. N. Jensen, F. J. Goulding, T. R. Garfield,
D. K. Sickafoose, C. Rossen, D. C. Jennette, R. T. Beaubouef, V. Abreu, J. Ardill, M. L. Porter, F. B. Zelt The Physical Stratigraphy of Deep-Water Strata: A Hierarchical Approach to the Analysis of Genetically Related Stratigraphic Elements for Improved Reservoir Prediction

Anna Stafford, Nancy House
Integrated 3-D Reservoir Modeling Using Neural Networks: Weyburn Field, Williston Basin, Saskatchewan

*Marco M. Stefani, Marco Bondesan, Antonio Cattaneo, Igor (Ugo) Cibin, Annamaria
Coreggiari, Stefano Vincenzi
The Interplay of Eustatism, Tectonics and Climate in the Shaping of the Late Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy in the Northern Adriatic and Po Delta Area of Italy

*Marco M. Stefani, Piero Gianolla, Adelaide Mastandrea, Edoardo Perri, Franco Russo
The Role of the Syndepositional Cementation and the Microbial Boundstone Accumulation in the Depositional Dynamics of the Triassic Platforms of the Italian Dolomites

Scott H. Stevens, J. Dale Nations, Steven L. Rauzi
Black Mesa Coal Basin, Northeastern Arizona: An overlooked Rocky Mountain coalbed methane play

Claudia L. Stewart, Larry J. Reimann
Using Mineralogy to Enhance Mining and Restoration

Edward G. Stokes
The Business Case for Research and Development

Sebastien B. Strebelle, Andre G. Journel
Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics

Christian J. Strohmenger, Timothy M. Demko, John C. Mitchell, Patrick J. Lehmann,
Howard Feldman, Adel Douban, Ahmed Al-Edan, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Hamdah Al-Enezi
Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Burgan and Mauddud Formations (Lower Cretaceous, Kuwait): Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Quality

Nikki Strong, Chris Paola, Ben Sheets, Tom Hickson
Chi Characterization of Alluvial Architecture

John S. Stuckless
The Yucca Mountain Project: a Major Earth Science Investigation

*Shengjie Sun, John P. Castagna, Robert W. Siegfried
Examples of Enhanced Spectral Processing in Direct Hydrocarbon Detection

Victor Ohis Sunday
Exploration and Production Geology

Mark T. Sunwall, Robert J. Alexander
Garden Banks 625 - A Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Post-drill Review

Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Jiao, Nicholas K. Boyd, Yuri Ganshin
Energy Potential of a Huge, Underdeveloped North American Gas Resource

Saul Suslick, Ricardo Furtado
A Lognormal Model for the Bidding Process in Brazil

John R. Suter
Are Major Deltas Complete Petroleum Systems Unto Themselves?

Monte M. Swan, Stanley B. Keith
Petroleum Geology of Mexico: A Futuristic Integrative Approach Based on 'Out of the Oil Box' Research

Richard E. Swarbrick
Developing Pressure Histories Though Basin Modeling

Peter Swart
Recrystallization and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Pore Waters Associated with the Diagenesis of Periplatform Sediments

M. L. Sweet, Manu Schnetzler, Frank Hamtak, Teresa Becker, David Tieman, David Cope,
Matt Richards, Fadjar Budhijanto
Geologic Modeling Of The T1B Reservoir, Medusa Field, Mississippi Canyon Blocks 538 and 582, A Pliocene, Deepwater, Amalgamated Channel Reservoir

Zoltan Sylvester, Donald R. Lowe
Textural Trends in Deposits of Collapsing Turbidity Currents: Sedimentology of Turbidites and Slurry Beds from the Oligocene Flysch of the East Carpathians, Romania

Dennis A. Sylvia, William E. Galloway
Climatic and Sea-Level Variation - Controls on Fluvial Incision and Aggradation: A Study of the Latest Pleistocene Brazos River Valley (TX)

Dennis A. Sylvia, William E. Galloway
The Relative Importance of Climatic and Eustatic Variation on Boundary Formation in an Incised Valley: A Study of the Latest Pleistocene Brazos River Valley (TX)

Pavel E. Syngaevsky, Alexand A. Grausman, Segey F. Khafizov, Alexander E. Syngaevsky
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, Log Motifs and Reservoir Architectue of Turbidite Systems (A Comparison of Arkansas Outcrops and Neocomian (<i>K<sub>1</sub></i>) Section of West Siberia Basin)

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Werner F. Tabosa, Helenice Vital, Venerando E. Amaro
Morphologic and Structural Characterization of the Rio Grande do Norte Northern Coast, Northeast Brazil, Based on Remote Sensing Images

Suhas Talukdar, Tim Wawrzyniec, Khaled Fouad, David Jennette, Dallas Dunlap, Edgar
Guevara, Agustin Galindo, Laura Villanueva, Emilio Vasquez, Javier Meneses-Rocha, Jorge Enrique Lugo Exploration Significance of Petroleum Systems Evaluation in the Veracruz Basin, Mexico

Gabor C. Tari, Paul R. Ashton, Jim S. Molnar, Philip Thompson
Expression of the Atlas Inversion Tectonics in Deep-water Offshore Morocco: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration

Gabor C. Tari, Paul R. Ashton, Katrina Coterill, Jim S. Molnar, Michael Sorgenfrei, Philip
Thompson, David Valasek
Examples of Deep-water Salt Tectonics from Africa

Andrew W. Taylor, Bradley D. Ritts
Detailed Facies Architecture, Sedimentology, and Reservoir Characterization of Lacustrine Rocks, Eocene Green River and Colton Formations, Uinta Basin, Utah

Penny M. Taylor, Henry S. Chafetz
Stable Isotopic Variability in Travertine-depositing Streams: Implications for Paleoclimate Interpretations

Daniel J. Tearpock, James C. Brenneke
Shared Earth Modeling: A True Multidisciplinary Approach to E&P

William A. Tedesco, R. P. Major
Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Controls on Production from Smackover Formation Reservoirs, Womack Hill Field, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain

Marilyn E. Tennyson
Regional Patterns in Growth of United States Giant Oil Fields, 1945-1998: Influence of Reservoir Drive Mechanism and Recovery Technology

Geoffrey Thyne, Anthony Park, Peter Ortoleva
Composition Driven Diagenesis: Stratigraphic, Burial History and Sedimentologic Control on Mass-transfer

Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Kiram-Eddine Lezzar, Bernard Le Gall
Source Rocks and Reservoirs in Rift Lake Basins over the Past 300 Ma in Central and Eastern Africa

Scott W. Tinker
Fractures, Salt, Seismic, and Ice: Vital Research Components of America's Natural Gas Energy Future

Steven P. Tischer, Daniel R. Womochel, Shea Penland
Myette Point Natural Gas Condensate Spill and Subsequent Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Steven Tobias, Johan B. Roosma, Michael S. Benrud, Dr. Robert V. Schneider
Tuning 3D volumes to geology: the use of “reservoir metrics” in the processing of seismic data for the development of non- to marginal amplitude plays

Kenneth J. Tobin
Diagenetic influences on Early Paleozoic marine oxygen isotopes

Mark Tomasso, Mike J. Young, John R. Underhill, Rob Cooper, Lucy Sides
Unmasking Triassic Structural and Depositional Patterns in the Northern North Sea: A New Vision for the Evolution of the Triassic System

Max A. Torres, Wenceslao I Martinez, Ignacio Brisson
The Peruvian Maranon Basin Hydrocarbon Potential. Petroleum Systems Evaluation Based on New Chronostratigraphy and Sourcing Framework

Jennifer M. Totterdell, Andrew A. Krassay, Heike I.M. Struckmeyer
Late Cretaceous Deltas of the Bight Basin, Southern Australia: Petroleum Systems in a Frontier Basin

*Robert J. Traylor, John D. Estepp
Salt Water Contamination of the Chicot Aquifer from Historic Oil Field Operations, Tomball Field, Harris County, Texas

Ramon H. Trevino, C.I. Smith
Facies and Depositional Environments of the Boquillas Formation

Don M. Triplehorn, Kenneth P. Severin
DMSO Disaggregation of Sandstones Impels a Re-evaluation of Sandstone Diagenesis

Habib Troudi, M.Hedi Acheche, Moncef Saidi, Jomaa Friha
Mid-Cretaceous Platform Carbonate Play in Tunisia, North Africa: Attributes and Evidences from Producing Fields

Robert G. Tscherny, Axel Emmerich, Rainer Zuhlke, Carsten Buker, Ralf Littke, Thilo
2D Sedimentary and Subsidence History of the Slope of a Mid-Triassic Carbonate Platform: the Rosengarten/Catinaccio, Dolomites, Italy

Hsin-Yi Tseng, Robert J. Pottorf, William A. Symington
Compositional Characterization and PVT Properties of Individual Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions: Method and Application to Hydrocarbon Systems Analysis

Kunihiro Tsuchida, Akihiko Okui, Yoshinobu Yamade, Noburo Yamazaki, Ryotaro
Computer Simulation of Organic Matter Sedimentation in Lacustrine Environment: a Case Study on Present Lake Tanganyika

Andrei Tudoran, Bernard Laugier, Ashley Douds
Shelf to Slope Depositional Systems of Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil

James W. Turner
Gas in Antithetic Fault Blocks of the Pattani Trough, Thailand. An under appreciated play?

David C. Twichell, VeeAnn A. Cross, Mark Rudin
Mapping Turbidites in Lake Mead from Source to Sink

Willis W. Tyrrell
Atlas of Well Log Cross Sections Helps Relate Permian Sequences, Guadalupe Mountains Area, New Mexico and West Texas

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*Theophilus Ukpohor
Dynamic 3D/4D Modeling of Natural Gas Reservoir : Resolving the Ciomplexities of the Niger Delta Formation for Effective Gas Production

Douglas H. Underhill
Analysis of Uranium Supply to 2050

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Volker C. Vahrenkamp, Frank David, Peter Duijndam, Paul D. Crevello
Growth Architecture, Faulting and Karstification of a Middle Miocene Carbonate Platform, Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Volker C. Vahrenkamp, Sallah Dhahab, Richard Henning, Mehedi Hossain, E.R.
Telatovich, Pascal Richard
The 3D Modeling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Ghaba North Field, Oman

Boyan Krustev Vakarelov, Tobi Payenberg, Andrew D. Miall
Evidence Of First Order Tectonic Control and Point Load Migration in the Upper Cretaceous Milk River - Basal Belly River Interval in the Alberta Foreland Basin

Frans S. van Buchem, Fabrice Gaumet, Darius Baghbani, Reza Ashrafzadeh, Hossein
Assilian, Forooz Keyvani
Middle and Upper Cretaceous Sedimentation Patterns in the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran

Wouter van der Zee, Janos L. Urai
Fault seal processes in layered sand-mudstone sequences

Donald S. Van Nieuwenhuise
Defining High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy with Graphic Correlation and Composite Standards

Gordon W. Van Swearingen
Interpreting Complex Traps From Seismic outcrops

David B. Vance
Stimulated Anaerobic Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Robert E. Vance
Uranium Resources in Canada

Ricardo D. Veiga
Basin Modeling and Migration Pathways in the Central Portion of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: New Ideas in the Origin of Gas Accumulations from Physical-Chemical Models

Bruno C. Vendeville, Mark G. Rowan
3-D Kinematics of Minibasins and Salt Ridges Remobilized by Late Contraction: Physical Models and Seismic Examples (SE Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico)

*Lev Vernik, David Fisher, Steve Bahret
Estimation of Net-to-Gross from P and S Impedance: Integration of Petrophysics and 3D Seismic Inversion

Hernan Jose Verzi, Hernan Maretto, Jorge Hechem, Marcela Fernandez, Jose Loza,
Hernan Arroyo
Seismostratigraphic Analysis, Quintuco Formation, Loma La Lata Field, Neuquen Basin, Argentina

Stephen J. Vincent
Sand Supply to the West African Margin

Stephen J. Vincent, Mark B. Allen, Arif Ismail-Zadeh, Rachel Flecker
The Paleogene Evolution and Sedimentary Fill of the South Caspian Basin: Insights from the Talysh of Southern Azerbaijan

*Daniela Vlad
Lithofacial Geostatistical Analysis in the Central Part of the Getic Foreland Basin, Romania

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Grant D. Wach, Dan Shaughnessy
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Nazareth Association, Offshore Guajira, Colombia

Grant D. Wach, Alastair H. Ruffell
Baffles and Barriers- Lessons from the Lower Cretaceous of the Channel Basin and Isle of Wight (southern England)

Grant D. Wach, David Long
Distal Incised Valley Deposits- Starfish Field, Offshore East Coast Trinidad

Boguslawa Wajda-Karpoluk, Lukasz Karski
Recovery of Seismically Invisible Top Ca2 via Geostatistics - a Case Study from the Polish Zechstein Basin

Feiyu Wang, Baoming Zhang, Shuichang Zhang
Anoxia vs. Bioproductivity Controls on the Cambrian and Ordovician Marine Source Rocks in Tarim Basin, China

Mario Wannier, Philip Lesslar
An Interactive, Multimedia Presentation of the Miocene Stratigraphy of Northern Sarawak (Borneo, Malaysia)

Matthew J C Warner, Chris Elders, Tara Davis, Malene Rank
Salt Tectonics Above Complex Basement Extensional Fault Systems: Results from 3D Seismic Analysis of Central Graben Salt Structures

Jeffrey D. Warren, Louis R. Bartek, Karrie L. Miller
Stratigraphic Architecture of the East China Sea Continental Margin: A Case Study of Eustacy and Sediment Supply

W. Lynn Watney, John H. Doveton, John R. Victorine, Geoffrey C. Bohling, Saibal
Bhattacharya, Alan P. Byrnes, Timothy R. Carr, Martin K. Dubois, Glen Gagnon, Willard J. Guy, Kurt Look, Mike Magnuson, Melissa Moore, David R. Collins Geo-Engineering Modeling through Internet INformatics (GEMINI)

Diane Watson, Helen Talbot, Ian Head, Paul Farrimond
Bacterial Hopanoids as Markers for Depositional Environments

Tim F. Wawrzyniec, Javier Meneses-Rocha, Khaled Fouad, William Ambrose, David
Jennette, Rebecca Jones, Mark Holtz, Shinichi Sakurai, Edgar Guevara
The Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Margin of North America: Insight from an Interdisciplinary Investigation of Basin Evolution along the Southern Gulf of Mexico

Krysti Weed, S. J. Mazzullo
Pleistocene-to-Holocene Carbonate Platform Evolution in Northern Belize

David M. Weinberg, Dennis C. Kunerth, Clark L. Scott
Acoustic Technology for Monitoring Hydrate Phase-Changes

David M. Weinberg
Petroleum R&D - A Paradigm for the 21st Century

Kate S. Weissenburger, Ian R. MacDonald
Natural Fluid Seepage in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Petroleum Systems, Environment, and Ecology

Johannes Wendebourg, Khomsi Trabelsi
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in basin modeling to quantify the value of data

Brian P. West, Steve R. May, John E. Eastwood, Christine C. Rossen
Interactive Seismic Facies Classification of Stack and AVO Data Using Textural Attributes and Neural Networks

T. E. West, J. L. Cowthran, G. E. Jarvis, K. A. Aziz, S. L. Dougherty, T. V. Kane
Development of the Sacate Anticline, Offshore California: Structural Modeling and Extended Reach Drilling Success

Edwin H Westergaard, Phillip F Cerveny, Raymond L Eastwood, James J Hickey, Art D
Donovan, Stephen Lowe, Frank A Paskvan, Fred E Bakun, George Bolger, John Sneider, Bo Henk, Francis O Rollins, Josef Chiemlowski, Gary T Molinero, Manmath Panda, Margaret S Wong, Beverly A Burns Aurora Borealis: Shining Light on Two New North Slope Alaska Satellite Fields

Edwin H Westergaard, Raymond L Eastwood, Austin Boyd, Greg Gubelin
Using NMR Logs to Enhance Permeability Estimates in Siderite Rich Intervals at Aurora and Borealis, North Slope Alaska Satellite Fields

Barry Wethington, Chris Reddick, Bahram Husseynov
Development of a Super Giant, ACG Field, Offshore Azerbaijan: An Overview

Stanley Rich Wharton, Ed Shaw, Sean Mohammed
Using Stratal Slicing To Enhance Structural And Stratigraphic Analysis In A Complexly Faulted Growth Fault Province, Columbus Basin, Trinidad

Elizabeth Blanche Whatley
Factors Controlling Brittle Deformation in Active Accretionary Prisms: Insights from the Nankai Accretionary Prism

Jean King Whelan, Lorraine B. Eglinton, Harry H. Roberts, Lawrence Cathles, Michael
Wizevich, Steven Losh
Surface and Subsurface Manifestations of Gas Movement Through a North-south Transect of the Northern Gulf of Mexico - an Overview

Jennifer B. Whisner, Robert D. Hatcher
Developing A Regional 3D Model of Deformation in The Valley And Ridge Province, East Tennessee

Tony Whitbread, Todd Nicholson, Stephen Buckert
The Structural and Stratigraphic History of the Prolific Gas Bearing Vicksburg Province of South Texas: An Integrated Study of 3D Mapping and Well Correlation

David N. Whitcombe, J. Marcus Marsh, Graeme Bagley, Andrew J. Lewis, John P.
McGarrity, Tim Nash, Ronald S. Parr, Ian P. Saxby
Systematic Application of 4D in BP's NW Europe Operations

Robert Whiteside, Richard Pawlowicz, Lynn Whitehead
Safely Plugging and Abandoning High-Risk Wells on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Mark Wilkinson
Brazil's Seismic Opportunities

M Justin Wilkinson, N Cameron
Global Geomorphic Survey of Large Modern Fans: Distribution and Exploration Implications

*Graham Williams, Andrew Richards, David Meredith, Stuart Clarke, Stuart D Burley
4-Dimensional Modelling of Structural Geology: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation

Brian J. Willis
Formation of Deep Incisions into Tidal Deltas of the Sego Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA

James Lee Wilson, Clif Jordan
Mexican Petroleum Geology--Historical Review

Louise J. Wilson, Brian S. Cabote, Douglas R. Weaver, Myrt E. Cribbs, Arthur W. Leibold
Champlain: A Subsalt Discovery in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Simon Winchester
The Making of "The Map that Changed the World"

David J Wiprut, Mark D Zoback
Fault Reactivation, Leakage Potential, and Hydrocarbon Column Heights in the Northern North Sea

Robert J. Withers, James Gruening, Ricardo Rosso
Real-time Drilling Assistance for Fast Drilling Horizontal wells

Jonathan Wonham, Jeff Suiter, Jean Gerard, Fred Walgenwitz
Reappraisal of Fulmar Formation Correlation and Impact on Reservoir Quality Distribution: Elgin and Franklin Fields, UK Central North Sea

Warren T. Wood, Joseph F. Gettrust
Seismic Modeling of Near Vertical Heat and Fluid Flux Conduits in the Methane Hydrate Stability Zone

Richard H Worden
Basin Scale Fluid Flow: Does It Occur and Does It Matter? A Case Study of the Paris Basin, France

Walter W. Wornardt
Reservoir Sequence Analysis: A New Risk Reduction Tecnology for the 2000's and Its Application to Oil and Gas Fields

Laura L. Wray, Nicole V. Koenig, John P. Seidle
Preliminary Assessment of Coalbed Methane Potential of the Low Rank Denver and Laramie Formation Coals, Denver Basin, Colorado

Laura L. Wray, Neal DeShazo, David E. Eby
Heterogeneous Carbonate Buildups in the Colorado Portion of the Blanding Sub-Basin of the Paradox Basin, Colorado and Utah: Possible Targets for Increased Oil Production Using Horizontal Drilling Techniques

Xinxia Wu, William E. Galloway
Upper Miocene Depositional History of Central Gulf of Mexico Basin

Bjorn P. Wygrala, Christof Keuser, Michael Hertle
Multi-Dimensional Petroleum Systems Modeling Applied to Atlantic Margin Basins

Thomas C. Wynn, J. Fred Read
High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Transition from Greenhouse to Ice-House Conditions of a Carboniferous Ramp, West Virginia, USA

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Min Xu
Mesozoic Sequence Stratigraphy and Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration of North Eastern Roebuck Basin, North West Shelf, Australia

Tianguang Xu, Yongtai Yang, Shuhao Xue
Two Different Types of Nonmarine Source Rocks and Reservoirs of Jurassic Deposits of the Northern Qaidam Basin, NW China

Xueming Xu, Carlos L. V. Aiken, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Photorealistic Virtual 3-D Geologic Outcrops with Examples in Texas, Utah, Arkansas and California:the Virtual Fieldtrip is Here

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Qiu Yan
Tertiary Reefs of the South China Sea and their Oil-Gas Bearing Characters

*Yunlai Yang, Adrew C. Aplin, Steve R. Larter
Quantification, Permeability And Compaction of Mudstones: Some Applications To Basin Modelling And Pore Pressure Prediction

Yongtai Yang, Wenzhi Zhao, Baomin Zhang, Caineng Zou
Application of Chronostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy to Petroleum Exploration in the Northern Qaidam Basin, Northwest China

Wan Yang, Daniel Lehrmann, Eric Hiatt, Jiayong Wei, Youyi Yu, Paul Wignall
Productivity-Controlled Peritidal Carbonate Cycles in a Super-Greenhouse Climate in the Aftermath of the End-Permian extinction, the Lower Triassic (Olenekian) Great Bank of Guizhou, South China

Jeffrey M. Yarus, Richard L. Chambers, David H. Zamora Guerrero
Principles of Reservoir Characterization and Geostatistical modeling; Applications for Early and Late Stage Field Development

Scott (Liangmiao) Ye, Michael J. King, Dirk Seifert
Lessons learned while modeling the Gravity Drainage Water Flood Interaction (GDWFI) area of the Prudhoe Bay Field, North Slope of Alaska

C. A. Yeilding, B.Y. Yilmaz, D.I. Rainey, G.E. Pfau, R. L. Boyce, W.A. Wendt, M. H. Judson,
S.G. Peacock, S.D. Duppenbecker, A.K. Ray, R. Hollingsworth
The History Of A New Play: Crazy Horse Discovery, Deepwater Gulf Of Mexico

Oz Yilmaz
A Unified 3-D Seismic Workflow

SUN Yongge
13C/12C Isotope Fractionation Accompanying Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in A Natural Laboratory: Implications for Source Identification

Lyndon A. Yose, J. F. Collins
Windward-Leeward Models for Carbonate Platforms Revisited

Shuji Yoshida, Andrew D. Miall, Andrew Willis
Spatial Variation of Fluvial-Estuarine Style within The Sheet Sandstone of The Lower Castlegate Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) in The Book Cliffs Area, Utah, USA

Ronald E. Young, Erik W. Young
Cyclical Variation in the Length of the Earth's Radius as the Primary Mechanism for Deep Ocean Basin Development of Global Cycles of Kilometer-Scale Ocean Level Fluctuation and Ocean Low-Stand Surfaces of Erosion, Transportation and Deposition

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Laura C. Zahm, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Donald H. Caldwell, Steven R. Clawson, Hai-Zui
Meng, Thomas P. Wingate
Multi-scale Data Integration for 3D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit

William Zempolich, A. Negri, C. Leo, K. Van Ojik, A. Verdel
The Kashagan Discovery: An Example of the Successful Use of a Multidisciplined Approach in Reducing Geologic Risk

Michal Zywiecki
Hot Fluid Flow Episodes in Sealed Carbonate Reservoir Compartment as a Gas Field Creation Agent, Upper Devonian from SE Poland

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