--> Case Study: How a Conventional Core Led to a Material Uplift in the Usano Oilfield
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The 1st AAPG/EAGE PNG Geosciences Conference, PNG’s Oil and Gas Industry:
Maturing Through Exploration and Production

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Case Study: How a Conventional Core Led to a Material Uplift in the Usano Oilfield


The Papua New Guinea Usano oil field is part of the Kutubu complex of fields with the main producing intervals being the sub-units within the Toro Formation (Toro A, Toro B and Toro C). There are currently 13 producer wells and two injector wells. One of the petrophysical challenges within the Usano field is interpretation of the basal Toro C. The Toro C is predominantly a clean Upper Shoreface sand Previous HitsequenceNext Hit with increasing bioturbation towards the base. Overall, the Toro C is shallowing/cleaning upwards. From recorded Previous HitlogNext Hit responses, an apparent, Previous HitlogNext Hit-derived oil-water contact can be inferred from petrophysical interpretation. However, an alternative view is that the Previous HitlogNext Hit responses represent a lithological change due to increasing presence of structural clays towards the base of the Toro C, resulting in a low-resistivity contrast, hydrocarbon-bearing, reservoir unit. In the absence of core, the first approach to address this issue was through formation pressure tests. However, pressure data across the basal Toro C can be problematic due to low mobilities, supercharging effects and reservoir depletion. A comprehensive core acquisition and associated Previous HitanalysisNext Hit program was planned for the UDT 13 Previous HitwellNext Hit bore, with one of the primary objectives to confirm basal Toro C as a viable reservoir. In early 2011, a total of 100m of oriented, 4” full-diameter core was recovered across the Toro and Imburu and transferred to the core laboratory for the analytic program. A total of 116 core plugs were taken for routine and special core Previous HitanalysisNext Hit experiments. The slabbed section was photographed and described. UV light core photographs confirmed the presence of hydrocarbons across the basal Toro C. Core description also confirmed viable reservoir within the basal Toro C which consisted of Upper Offshore to Lower Shoreface sands, with low to moderate porosity and permeability. The increasing bioturbation observed towards the base of the Toro C also assisted in the understanding of historically poor formation pressure test results across this interval. Integration of core program results confirmed that Previous HitlogTop responses were being affected by lithology, resulting in an extension of interpreted reservoir. Core calibration was a major contributor to a 40% uplift of field in-place volumes. Whilst the cost of acquiring the core was both costly and labor intensive, the incremental increase of in place volumes was far more significant.