AAPG Foundation 2019 Grants-in-Aid Projects
ABSTRACTS (by Author)
Geochemical Evaluation of the Mississippian Limestone, Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma
The origin and timing of CO2 reservoired in the Duperow Formation, Kevin Dome, Montana.
Causes and extent of elevated groundwater methane concentrations in Eastern Kentucky
Sedimentary structure preservation as an indicator of channel mobility
Facies description of contourites in the Southern Riffian Corridor, Morocco
Paleoecology of Late Devonian microbialite reef builders and implications for petroleum exploration
Understanding Unconventional Potential of an Early Kimmeridgian Calcareous Mudstone
Diversity and function of petroleum-degrading microbes in subsurface environments
Molecular Controls of Mobilization of Ancient Organic Compounds from Devonian Black Shales
Quantitative Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of the Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Australia
Petrophysical analysis of Utica-Point Pleasant Formation in Noble and Muskingum County, Ohio
Deciphering the tectonostratigraphic history of the Ventura Basin using Automated Mineralogy
Regional sequence stratigraphy and rock properties of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk in Texas
Characterizing the Evolution of Paralic Tidal Deposits
Pore Characterization of Bakken Shales (Mississippian-Devonian) in the Williston Basin
Forward and Inverse Modeling of Fluid Migration Reservoirs using Muon Tomography
Sea Level and Current Dominated Diagenetic Regimes of the Kardiva Platform, Maldives.
Dynamic anoxia and organic enrichment in the Western Interior Seaway during the Cenomanian-Turonian
Shelf-margin clinoforms of the Vaca Muerta- Picún Leufú system in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
The Use of Foraminifera as Indicator of Tidal Effect and Sea Level Changes in the Sundarban Region.
Mitigating Induced Seismicity in the Utica Shale Formation of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Deformation mechanism variation and CPO fabric development along the Willard thrust fault, Utah
Geophysical Investigation of Active Layer Dynamics in Permafrost Soils from Interior Alaska
Temporal evolution of reservoir permeability in fault damage zones: An experimental approach
Revise the Paleozoic North American regional time scales by volcanic ashes in the Midland Basin
Timing of Emplacement and Regional Correlations of the Panamint Thrust, Panamint Mountains, CA.