--> Recovery Factor Geo-Cellular Tool A Simple Digital Testing Workflow
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2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition:

Datapages, Inc.Print this page

Recovery Factor Geo-Cellular Tool A Simple Digital Testing Workflow


Traditional surveillance tools are used in reservoir engineering to infer the Previous HitverticalNext Hit and lateral extent of reservoirs. These techniques provide indirect means to estimate the ability to flow in the reservoir. We propose a static Previous HitsolutionTop using 3D geo-cellular reservoir properties that complement traditional techniques resulting in a more robust evaluation of reservoir performance, in lieu of using only traditional technics. The workflow allows for the evaluation of multiple 3D development scenarios in the geologic model before running full dynamic simulation. Recovery factor estimation is difficult. Here we present a workflow to draw conclusions based on reservoir understanding by the technical team, to support hypotheses on the effective reservoir to be drained. This is especially applicable in reservoirs where high water cuts beyond expected water recovery suggests high water saturation. While this technique is applicable to many reservoir types, in this technical note we will focus on these high-water-cut reservoirs. For the case presented here, large water saturation adds another tool; water recovery factor, to the traditional measure of hydrocarbon recovery factors. When comparing water production and estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) per well to the original water in-place (OWIP), and sensitivities thereof, one can place reasonable bounds on the extent of the flow unit being drained. We propose a workflow to compare outputs from a regional geo-cellular model to actual (production history) or expected production profiles. This provides a tool that the integrated multidisciplinary team can use to evaluate, produce recommendations to leaders, and make better informed business decisions. The results of applying the workflow can influence and optimize development plans based on better supported well performance predictions.