L. Abdessattar, S. Kawthar, and I.M. Hedi
Facies classification in lacustrine carbonates derived from geophysical data, comparison between outcrop and core measurements
Mathilde Adelinet, Rémy Deschamps, Sébastien Rohais, Elisabeth Bemer, Youri Hamon, Karine Labat, and Mario Sciuma
Reconstruction of sedimentation in Maikop paleobasin in Azerbaijan
Malahat A. Afandiyeva
Empirical Evaluation of stratigraphic control on production in clastic reservoirs of the Norwegian continental shelf
Kachalla Aliyuda, John Howell and Adrian Hartley
Analysis of the discrepancies in extension measurements in the western Iberia margin
Begoña Amigo-Marx, Oscar Fernández, Cristina Granado, Antonio Olaiz, Josep Poblet, Gonzalo Zamora, and Alfonso Muñoz
Anatomy of an isolated Cretaceous carbonate bank in the North Atlantic Porcupine basin (Ireland Offshore). Seismic facies and internal architecture.
S. Baffi, S. Scotto Di Minico, O. Borromeo, A. Corrao, and S. Tassan
Hydrocarbon Seeps and the Evidences of a Petroleum System at South Portuguese Zone, Portugal
Gabriel A. Barberes,, Rui Pena dos Reis, Paulo E. Fonseca, André L. D. Spigolon, Albert Permanyer, and Maria Teresa Barata
The Algarve Pre-salt Sequence (pre-Hettangian) – New insights for hydrocarbon exploration
Pedro Barreto, Ricardo Pereira, and Cláudia Silva
Modelling Petroleum Systems of Hyperextended Margins: the Angola Case Study
Roger Baudino, M. Pontet, M. Manas, A. Herra, C. Sanders, M. Badali, R. Tocco, S. Martinez, J. Tritlla, R. Loma, A. Carrasco, S. Padron, and S. Mora
Advances in modeling biogenic gas generation, expulsion and migration.
Narimane Benaquali and André Vayssaire
The thermal evolution of the South Atlantic marginal basins
A. Beniest, W. Sassi, A. Koptev, S. Leroy, and S. Rohais
200Myr of source-to-sink relations from a rift-passive continental margin: examining controls on sediment delivery
G. Bertotti, R. Charton, T. Luber, L. Bulot, and J. Redfern
Mass transport complexes (MTCs), their internal geometry and control on overlying turbidite deposits: Barreirinhas Basin (Equatorial margin off north-east Brazil) as a case study
N. Boehm, G. Machado, and C. Rodrigues
Crustal structure of the non-volcanic continental margin of the South China Sea: many rifts in one
Alejandra L. Cameselle, César R. Ranero, Dieter Franke, and Udo Barckhausen
Reassessment of the structure of the Galicia Interior Basin from new seismic images: Implications for the West Iberia Margin formation
Alejandra L. Cameselle, César R. Ranero, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Luis M. Pinheiro
Integrated high-resolution 3D seismic and Gravity-Magnetic modeling for frontier exploration in the northern sector of the Peniche Basin
João Casacão, Susana Fernandes, João Rocha, and Francisco Silva
Unlocking the exploratory potential of the Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin, Brazil: Multiphased rifting and thermal modeling on a salt-influenced basin
João Casacão, Ana Clara Marques, Christian Niño, and Martin Zubiri
3D velocity model building and seismic imaging combining tomography and model based approaches in the Peniche Basin
Olivier Clauss and Ylva Malmcrona Díaz-Ambrona
The use of seismic amplitude in analysing the proprieties of an offshore reservoir
Chingaru Alina Nelia and Cristea Dragos
Combining Seismic Inversion and Geostatistics to Predict Reservoir Proprieties
Cristea Dragos and Chingaru Alina Nelia
An analogue study of petroleum systems: West Iberian Basins vs East European Basins
Cristea Dragos and Chingaru Alina Nelia
Heat-flow and Source Rock Maturity Modelling in the Distal Domain of the West African Margin
T.A. Cunha, S. Lawrence, L. Garner, P. Farrimond, and J. Weston
IODP evidence for the development of source potential in the Cretaceous offshore Northwest Europe and Eastern Canada.
Ian Cutler, Patrick Barnard, Martin Fowler, Anthony Holden, and Julian Moore
North Atlantic Permian–Triassic Plays – Insights from analogues in E and NE Greenland
G. Dam, J. Bojesen-Koefoed, M. Bjerager, P. Guarnieri, and L. Stemmerik
Major normal faulting on distal parts of South Atlantic margins: geometry, timing & processes
Michael Denis, Jean-Francois Ballard, and Etienne Legay,
Hybrid margins and holistic exploration; The role of variable magma budgets in creating successful petroleum systems.
Helen Doran, Ken McDermott, Mike Norton, and Emmanuel Pettinotti
Geophysics definition of Peniche Basin, un-explored Atlantic Margin edge offshore Portugal
Roberto Fainstein and Bruno Duarte
The North Atlantic Conjugate Margins: An Integrated Approach to Understanding Regional Prospectivity
Alex Fowler, Eugene Iwaniw, Sean Humphreys, Fiona Healey, Soraya Cherry, Alexandra Ashley, Jim Harris, Laura Peacock, Sean Pyman, Ana Bento, and Jawad Afzal
Paleogeographic Controls on Reservoir Presence and Trap Generation, offshore Namibia
Robert Fox, Paul Ramsey, Julia Kemper, and Duncan Wallace
Oligocene sedimentological model for the Sub-Carpathian Basin: hypotheses and analogue models from the Parathetys .
M. Garcia Gómez, M. Ramos, I. Munteanu, F. Escandell, A. Garcia Craviotto, M. Tilita M, Matias, and A. Tulucan
Implications of Sandia-1X well results in the hydrocarbon exploration offshore Morocco
L. Garcia Del Olmo, C. García Mojonero, and N. Antich Cortes
High porosity Cretaceous carbonates in North Atlantic: sedimentology, diagenesis and reactive transport modeling (Ireland offshore).
G. Gattolin, A. Consonni, O. Borromeo, S. Cacciatore, and A. Ortenzi
Middle Miocene hydrocarbon plays in the North Eastern Carpathian foreland
N. Girneata, C. Dinu, and I. Munteanu
The Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (NE Brazil) as analogue of coquina reservoir
Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia, Maria Helena Henriques, and Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia
Mapping of crustal domains of the Western Iberia margin based on potential fields
Cristina Granado, Alfonso Muñoz-Martín,, Antonio Olaiz, Begoña Amigo, and Oscar Fernández
Understanding pore pressure regimes in deep water plays using global analogues
Sam Green and Alexander P. Edwards
Evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential of the ultra-deep offshore ara of Suriname
Clyde Griffith
The Phenomenon Albian Cenomanian Turonian Source Rocks in the Suriname part of the Guiana Basin
Clyde Griffith, Sharon Kuhn, and Mitch Jie-A-Looi
Petrographic characterization and Reservoir potential of Hybrid Deposits from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian basin (Portugal)
Eugenia Hanganu and Nuno Pimentel
Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction and Crustal Modelling for the Vøring and Møre Atlantic Margin: The Predictive Mapping of Source Rocks and the History of Hydrocarbon Charge
Jim Harris, Simone Agostini, Andy Alvey, Kelsey Beard, Lars Schanke Eikum, Ian Ferriday, Chris Gilman, Elias Kassabji, Nick Kuznir, Sean Pyman, Alan Roberts, Marta Swierczek, Paul Valdes, and John Watson
Tectonic evolution of the Kwanza basin, offshore Angola
Pablo Hernández, Oscar Fernández, Antonio Olaiz, Benedito Aida, Isequiel Pinto, Angel Carrasco, Jordi Tritlla, Mauro Ingles, and Adela Herrá1
Geomechanical modelling of a salt structure for wildcat drilling
Pablo Hernández, Oscar Fernández, Juan Manuel Jiménez, Toby Harrold, Harald Stockhausen, Jose Luis Trigo, David García, Valvanera García, Macarena Nocito, and Noemí Tur
Deepwater renaissance on the Atlanic Margins
Neil Hodgson and Karyna Rodriguez
An atlas of character: a model for the control of passive margin development
Neil Hodgson and Karyna Rodriguez
Exploring the shelf margin plays of NW Africa and the Southern Atlantic
Neil Hodgson, Hannah Kearns, David Eastwell, and Karyna Rodriguez
Predicting Plays in the Frontier Rockall Basin: Why Analogues Matter
Sarah Laird
Hydrocarbon Potential in the NE Greenland Atlantic Margin
Xiaobing Liu, Zhixin Wen, Zhaoming Wang, Zhengjun He, Feng Ma, and Chengpeng Song
The Guinea Marginal Plateau: Correlations from Seismic and Potential Fields
Andrew Long, Nick Cameron, and Ben Sayers
Ammonite-calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Bathonian ASSP (Portugal)
G.-E. López-Otálvaro and M.H. Henriques,
Ammonite-calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Toarcian/Aalenian of São Gião (Portugal)
G.-E. López-Otálvaro, A. Cortesão, and M.H. Henriques,
The Atlantic Ocean: 200 million years young and full of surprises
Sebastian Luening
Basin and petroleum systems modelling in the northern Barents Sea
Rüdiger Lutz, Peter Klitzke, Philipp Weniger, Martin Blumenberg, Dieter Franke, Kai Berglar, and Lutz Reinhardt
A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding the controls of sediment input into the Peniche Basin, Offshore Portugal
Abdul Karim Mansaray, Ylva Maria Malmcrona Díaz-Ambrona, Begoña Amigo Marx, Brian O´Connel, Manuel Gonzalez Fernandez, Khalid El Jaafari, and Gonzalo Zamora
Controls in the deposition of Lower Cretaceous clastic wedges in the southwestern Barents Sea
Dora Marín, Alejandro Escalona, Sten-Andreas Grundvåg, Snorre Olaussen, Kasia K. Sliwinska, Henrik Nøhr-Hansen, Sara Sandvik, and Bereke Kairanov
Geochemical Characterization of Rocks, Fluids and Solid Bitumens from Kwanza Basin, Angola.
Porti S. Martínez, R. Tocco , R. Baudino, A. Herra, and C. Sanders
Break-up Processes in the Presence of Plume Magmatism: New Insights into the Tectonostratigraphic Development of the South Atlantic
Ken G. McDermott, Elisabeth C. A. C. Gillbard, Carl L. McDermott, Paul Bellingham, and Brian W. Horn
Stretched and Squeezed: New Insights into the Porcupine Basin from 2D and 3D seismic
Ken McDermott, Paul Bellingham, and Brian Horn
Reservoir characterization and potential of Lower Cretaceous fluvial units of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Cátia Morgado and Nuno Pimentel
The African Conjugate Basins of the Equatorial Atlantic Margins – what are we missing?
Peter Mullin, Stephen Leslie, and Francis Inniss
3D or/and 3R (Reprocessing, Re-dating, Re-interpretation) strategy for exploration in mature hydrocarbon province, South Carpathian Foreland
I. Munteanu, M. Tilita, S. Dobre, A. Garcia Craviotto, M. Vasiliu, H. Matias, D. Popescu, A. Tulucan, D. Negut, F. Lorion, C. Lupascu, and A. Machedon
The Black Sea thermal architecture: simple or pure crustal shearing?
Ioan Munteanu, László Lenkey, Marius Tilita, and Corneliu Dinu
WAFR Salt Basins:A Regional Perspective of Crustal Architecture and Play Developments
Fariq Shazanee Mustapha, Abdhes Kumar Upadhyay, Sumangal Dasgupta, Gundogan Coskun, and Nur Qistina Salim
Exploration in the Deep Water Gulf of Guinea off eastern São Tomé and Príncipe Islands, a High Thermal Regime Setting.
Christian Niño-Guiza, Francisco Silva, Martin Zubiri, Diana Rocha, Susana Fernandes, and João Casacão
Potential Cretaceous source-rocks from the north-east Baffin Bay, West Greenland.
Henrik Nøhr-Hansen, Gunver Krarup Pedersen, Paul Knutz, Jørgen Bojesen-Koefoed, Kasia Kamila Sliwinska, and Jussi Hovikoski.
The Slyne and Erris Basins: exploring varied structural style along strike in narrow rift-basins
C. M. O’Sullivan,, C. Childs,, M. M. Saqab,, J. J. Walsh,, and P. M. Shannon,
Jurassic North Atlantic paleogeography & Porcupine Basin rifting: implications for source and reservoir development offshore Atlantic Ireland
Neil Parkinson, Rowland Thomas, and James Armstrong
Age determination of the volcanic sequence, Faroe-Shetland Basin, Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Jana Olavsdottiir, Lars Ole Boldreel, Morten Sparre Andersen, and Oluva Reginsdottir Eidesgaard
Evidence and significance of buried magmatic features offshore the West Iberian Margin
Ricardo Pereira and Pedro Barreto
Crustal architecture and polarity shift throughout Atlantic rifted margins: An overview
Ricardo Pereira, Tiago M. Alves, and João Mata
Sara L. Pestana, Christian H. Niño Guiza, and Nuno Pimentel
Structural and Petrophysical Characterization of Dolomites
Luis O. Pires , Alessandra Winter, and Osvair V. Trevisana
Alentejo Basin, offshore Portugal – Deep-water Interpretation Issues
Vanessa Tavares Pires, Salomé Custódio, Rui Pena dos Reis, Roberto Fainstein, and Nuno Pimentel
Paleogene prospectivity of the NE Atlantic volcanic margins constrained by new 3D seismic data on the Møre Margin
Sverre Planke, John Millett, Dougal A. Jerram, Ben Manton, Zastrozhnov Dmitrii, Bent E. Kjølhamar, and Reidun Myklebust
Analogues that help decrypting the Irish Dunquin carbonate play, Porcupine Basin
Adriana Ponte, Marcos García, and Mirian Ramos
Geometry Determination of Channel-fill Deposit Induced by Turbidity Current: A Study from an Outcrop Analogue
Octria Adi Prasojo, Adlirrahman Aufar, and Felix M.H. Sihombing
Regional pore pressure in challenging environments: how to get good results from old data.
M. Ramos Pérez, T. Harrold, P. Rouille, B. Popina, M. Tilita, I. Munteanu, A. García Craviotto, M. García Gómez, F. Escandell, H. Matias, and A. Tulucan
Mesozoic Rifting and Tertiary Inversion of the Gulf of Cadiz
César R. Ranero, V. Sallares, and A. Calahorrano
SW limit of the East European Platform (Romania) – insight from Palaeozoic kinematics
E. Ranete, C. Dinu, and I. Munteanu
Interplay of crustal architecture and syn-tectonic sedimentation in the hydrocarbons generation: examples from the North and Central Atlantic Conjugate Margins
Sara Camici, Stefano Dalla, Giuseppe Rea, Paola Sala, and Luca Spaggiari
The influence of halokinesis in the trajectory and geometry of prograding clinoforms: insights from the Tyddlybanken Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea
Luis Alberto Rojo, Dora Marin, Nestor Cardozo, and Alejandro Escalona
High hopes: Esperança salt revisited
C. Rosales, H. Matias, B. Amigo, and A. Arnáiz
Structural restorations in an unusual passive margin: Alentejo Basin, SW Portugal
P. Sala
Nature and distribution of post-rift deformation within the Porcupine Basin, Ireland
Muhammad Mudasar Saqab,, Efstratios Delogkos,, Conrad Childs,, and John Walsh,
An Estimate of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal
Christopher J. Schenk
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous stratigraphy of North Atlantic sedimentary basins: a review
Simon Schneider and Peter Hülse
Lithostratigraphic correlation between onshore and offshore units from the Algarve basin, Southern Portugal
Mariana Antunes Silva and Nuno Pimentel
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Aalenian–Bajocian in the Iberian Plate
S.C. Silva, M.L. Canales, J. Sandoval, and M.H. Henriques
Evolution and petroleum systems of the South-Barents and South-Kara basins
Peter Sobolev
Unconventional petroleum in Europe
Dr Fivos Spathopoulos
Alpine inversion, Neogene tectonics and East Carpathians Foreland hydrocarbon traps.
Elena Rodica Stoica-Negulescu, PhD.
Reconstructed Cretaceous Palaeosurface Geology Maps for South America and Africa
Michael C. Sturla, Michael A. Lawson, Amanda M. J. Galsworthy, Lauren K. Raynham, Henry M. Wareham, Robert G. J. Bailiff, Laura J. Tierney, Tom O. Wiggins, Laura M. Wilson, Inga Sevastjanova, Gemma L. Scougal, Richard P. Howe, Richard T. Jameson, and Sarah-Jane Kelland
Facies prediction from seismic objects: an approach for multidisciplinary purposes
S. Subías, C. Rosales, B. Amigo, H. Matias, and S. Soriano
Turbiditic facies distribution and BSR's relationships: A case study for the Western Black Sea
S. Subías, C. Rosales, S. Soriano, and H. Matias
Surface observations of salt tectonics to better understand the subsurface petroleum system in the Sab’atayn Basin, onshore Yemen
G. Tari, L, Jessen, A. Salman, and T. Rainer
An overview of deepwater petroleum play types of the Black Sea
G.C. Tari and M.D. Simmons
Inverted structures of the Atlantic margin of Morocco versus the Syrian Arc structures of the Eastern Mediterranean: how analogous are they?
Gabor Tari and Haddou Jabour
Seal Capacity for Early Stage Exploration - multiple approaches reduces the uncertainty.
Toby Harrold, Sara Martinez, German Saceda, and André Vayssaire
Geochemical Characterization of Rocks and Fluids from Liberia and Sierra Leone Offshore.
R. Tocco, Porti S. Martínez, J. Franques, and A. Franco
New insights into the Cretaceous and Cenozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the southern Lofoten and northern Vøring margins, offshore northern Norway
F. Tsikalas, J.I. Faleide, and A. Kalač
Middle Triassic Kobbe Formation reservoir potential outside Hammerfest Basin (Barents Sea) in light of Aurelia (7222/1-1) well results: mud-prone prograding clinoforms that challenge similar sand-prone global analogues
F.Tsikalas, C. Blackley, F. Alzeni, M. Van Noorden, G. Uncini, G. Farrer, M. Aldinucci, and N. Mavilla
Effective application of geological analogue databases to reservoir facies modelling
Marijn van Cappelle, Simon Lomas, Luca Colombera, Marco Patacci, Alwin ten Hove, Sarah Cobain, and Viki O’Connor
Geomechanical modeling for exploration wells, 2D or 3D? A case study from the West African Coast
Jean Joseph Hooghvorst, Toby Harrold, Maria Nikolinakou, Oscar Fernández, Pablo Hernández, and Alejandro Marcuello
Tectonic driven changes in Tertiary Burgos basin sediment provenance, Gulf of Mexico
P.S. van Heiningen and N. Kaymakci ,
Seismic Characterization and Reservoir Modeling of Turbidite Systems in Tano Basin
Riccardo Vannuccini, F.Bombaci, M.Fervari, and L.Lanza
Is a conjugate an analogue?
Edwige Zanella, Jamie Collard and Helen Doran
Reassessing the Late Cretaceous geological history of the Ionian Basin, western Greece
Nicolina Bourli, Angelos G. Maravelis, George Iliopoulos, Elena Zoumpoulis, George Pantopoulos, Sophia Kostopoulou, Fotini Pomoni-Papaioannoui, and Avraam Zelilidis
Geochemical investigation of the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene deposits in northern Corfu
Panagiotis Tserolas, Angelos Maravelis, Nikos Pasadakis, and Avraam Zelilidis