--> Carbonate Microfacies as a Source Rock: Heat Flow and Carbonate Source Rock Modeling of Kais Formation Indonesia
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2018 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition

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Carbonate Microfacies as a Source Rock: Heat Flow and Carbonate Source Rock Previous HitModelingNext Hit of Kais Formation Indonesia


We present Heat Flow combined with biomarker analysis aim to get source rock maturity map from Kais Formation carbonate microfacies, which is known as a productive reservoir. Part of Kais Formation which is consist of carbonate rock, rarely considered as an internal source rock. The microfacies of Kais Formation has controlled the maturity of source rock. The study area is located at Salawati Basin, Indonesia. Multi cluster analysis, carbonate micro facies typing, facies Previous HitseismicNext Hit characterization, are conducted to obtain facies classification and environmental deposition. Biomarker evaluation and frametogram m/z focused on Klamono Block. showed biodegradation phase and origins of the hydrocarbon. We conducted 1D burial history analysis to obtain basin evolution and 3D burial history for Previous HitmodelingTop source rock maturation. History of submergence on the onshore area (Kawista-1) indicates that the maturity of Kais Formation (figure 1) as a source rock begins in Early Miocene and reaches 0.9 % Ro at the bottom. Kais formation achieves ideal maturity in the area of the research block, maturity ranges from 0.55 to 1.3% Ro in the north, and maturity rises towards the northwest.