--> Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inland Basins of Nigeria – An Example of an Integrated Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Remote Sensing Study of Frontier Basins.
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2018 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition

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Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inland Basins of Nigeria – An Example of an Integrated Geological, Previous HitGeophysicalTop, Geochemical and Remote Sensing Study of Frontier Basins.


The Nigerian national oil company is actively exploring for hydrocarbon in all its inland basins that developed along the Western African Rift System. The exploration commenced in 1976 with minimal success of non-commercial discoveries of gas. This paper sets out to identify, rank and explore the most prospective areas of these basins using recent data. The Nigerian Inland Basins have not seen any drilling activities since the mid- 90’s due to unsuccessful campaign. The data collected from the exploration effort was analyzed and a new way chatted with the re-commencement of activities in 2009. A step by step approach was used to effectively advance exploration activities in the Inland basins of Nigeria. The re-entry project greatly benefited from several data sets that are not always available for the evaluation of frontier basins including: High Resolution Magnetic (HRAM) that was flown over the entire country and was used to reconstruct the size, shape and depth of all the Inland basins of Nigeria. A comprehensive geochemical survey that was collected across the basins and over key prospective structures. These data were used to assess the presence of hydrocarbon systems in each basin and identify the location of major active surface hydrocarbon micro-seepage anomalies. High resolution remote-sensing, radiometric and ground gravity data that was used to map exposed buried and obscured structures in different parts of the basins that are not covered by seismic data. The results of this project are being presented here with selected examples from the sedimentary basins that were analyzed so far. These basins include: The Chad Basin of Northern Nigeria, The Benue Trough Basins of Central Nigeria, Bida and Sokoto Basins of Western Nigeria.