--> Alternative to Improve Seismic Imaging of a Structurally Complex Subsurface
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AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region, Optimizing Previous HitExplorationNext Hit and Development in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins.

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Alternative to Improve Seismic Imaging of a Structurally Complex Subsurface


There is inherent ambiguity in velocity model building that generates inaccurate subsurface images in structurally complex areas. This issue is subject of analysis by the geoscience community, who researches for Previous HitinnovativeNext Hit techniques to improve seismic images. In a strategic collaboration between Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) and Halliburton we implemented an integral methodology to reprocess seismic data, analyze multiple velocity models and the amplitud effects on the target. To this purpose we used Halliburton Landmark single platform to integrate seismic interpretation and processing tasks. Among the benefits of this integration were the optmization of Previous HitexplorationNext Hit targets and facilitate the decision making process, by using a high-performance cloud environment. Such scheme enhanced the collaboration between users and contributed to de-risk new opportunities. The implemented methodology includes interpreting seismic data, generating several velocity models, demigrating the stacked seismic data, remigrating for each velocity scenario, illumination analysis and evaluation of seismic amplitud and repositioning of target reflectors. This work addresses data integration, cloud computing, imaging enhancement of geologically complex structures and optimization of uncertainty in oil and gas Previous HitexplorationNext Hit.