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2017 AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition

100 Years of Science Fueling 100 Years of Prosperity

April 2-5, 2017, Houston, Texas

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Posted March 31, 2017
Search and Discovery Article #90291 (2017)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)



Middle Triassic Source Potential and Lateral Variation in Organic Facies, Southwestern Barents Sea and Svalbard

Understanding Reservoir Properties of the Organic-Rich Qusaiba Shale, a Potential Shale Gas Reservoir, NW Saudi Arabia: An Outcrop Approach

The Influence of Regional Uplift and Exhumation Upon Paleo and Active Petroleum Systems, Libya

Modern Facies Change: The Replacement of Corals by Crustose Coralline Algae and Rhodoids in Southwestern Puerto Rico Reefs

Evaluation of Near-Surface Gases in Marine Sediments

Assessing Oil-In-Place and Oil Mobility in Liquid Rich Unconventional Resource Plays Using Multi-Step Thermal Extraction

A Simplified Guide For Sequence Stratigraphy: Nomenclature, Definitions and Method

Variation in Particle Size on the Determination of Permeability in Crushed Shale Samples

Reservoir Heterogeneity and Quality of Khuff Carbonates (Central Saudi Arabia)

Gassmann With Texture Dependent Effective Grain Moduli

Structural Domain Mapping in the Mexican Perdido Fold Belt Trend, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Description and Characterization

Utilising Stratigraphic Driven Approaches and Simulations to Build Robust 3-D Geologic Models for Miocene Reservoirs, “Josh” Field, Niger Delta

Analysis of Shallow Seismic Data for Improved Understanding of Sediment Geobodies

Decoding Molecular Geochemistry of Kerogen From Marcellus Shale

The Giant Perla Field: Discovery and Impact in the Western Caribbean

Depositional Setting and Reservoir Quality of the Lockhart Limestone (Lower Paleocene) in the Hazara-Kashmir Basin (NW Lesser Himalayas, Pakistan)

Conducting Integrated Reservoir Studies in the Quartzite Hamra Reservoir-Tight Oil, Southern Periphery of Hassi-Messaoud Field, Algeria

Permeability Prediction and Distribution in the Confined South Georgia Rift Red Beds With Implications for CO2 Storage

Isotopic Biogeochemistry of Lipids and Organic Matter in Deep Subsurface Sediments of the Marcellus Shale

Sequence Stratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of the Upper Khuff Carbonates, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia

Regional Stratigraphic Architectures and Depositional Settings of the Giant Shu'aiba Reservoir in the Arabian Basin, and Their Implication in Reservoir Characterization and Exploration

Oman Challenging Geology: Success Never Ends

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southern Red Sea, Jizan Basin, Saudi Arabia

Benchmarking and Calibration of 3-D Geomechanical Models

Ten Steps to Successful Exploration and Development

Up-scaled Petrophysical Analyses Using Micro-Level Field-Of-View Petrographic Images for the Kapuni Group, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Modeling Elastic Properties Changes and Overpressure Generation Due to Smectite to Illite Transformation in the Thunder Horse Mini-Basin, Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Facies Characterization and Sequence Stratigraphy of Early Cretaceous Yamama and Sulaiy Formations, Northeastern Saudi Arabia

Fault Seal Analysis Effects in Delineating the Movement Of Water Injection and Identifying New Infill Locations and Possible Upside Locations – Near Field Exploration, Ras Budran Field - Gulf of Suez

Stratigraphic, Sedimentological, and Geochemical Variability in the Eagle Ford Group Across the Stuart City Paleo-Shelf Margin, South Texas

Strain Partitioning and Variation in Style of Deformation During Continental Extension, Eastern Baffin Bay, West Greenland

Geochemical Evidence of a Large Shift in Redox Conditions and Long Term-Deep Burial Oxidation by Radiolysis Associated with Elevated Organic-Matter Content and Gamma-Ray Intensity in the Paleozoic New Albany Shale, USA

Re-Examination of the Wellbore Mechanics Basis for Interpreting Leak-off Tests – Impacts on Stress State and Pore Pressure Determinations

Recent Carbonates-Evaporites of Southern Arabian Gulf: An Analogue to the Jurassic Reservoirs Peri-Tidal and Evaporite Cycles of Arabian Basin

A Geochemical Probe of Formation Waters and Associated Crude Oils in a Source Shale Bed Toward an Understanding of the Role of Water-Mineral Interactions During Hydrocarbon Generation

Regional Crustal Structure and Heat-Flow Prediction of the Mediterranean Using Gravity Inversion

Geomechanical Modeling of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Mound Complexes: Early Fracturing Related to Differential Compaction and Evolving Rock Properties

Living on the Moon: Lessons for Mars

Natural Fractures and Their Impact on the Tight Sand Plays of the Ordovician Sarah Formation, Northern Arabia

WheelerLab: An Interactive Program for Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Seismic Sections and the Generation of Dynamic Chronostratigraphic Sections

FischerLab: An Interactive Program for Generating Dynamic Fischer Plots From Wireline Logs and Stratigraphic Data

Upslope Turbidite Stratigraphic Traps: Understanding Pinchout Development

Episodic Deformation Rates Recovered From Growth Strata, Pyrenees

Depositional Controls and Sequence Stratigraphy of Lacustrine to Marine Transgressive Deposits in an Active Rift Basin, Lower Cretaceous Bluff Mesa, Indio Mountains, West Texas

Multiscale Characterization of Organic Hosted Porosity in Gas Bearing Shales

The Libra Block Project: Pre-Salt SE Brazil

Multi-Resolution Stacking of Seismic Attribute Calculations Based on Post-Stack Seismic Characteristics to Enhance Image Quality

Artificially-Induced Changes to Organic Matter Properties as a Consequence of the Act of Observation

Characterizing Tri-linear Deformation for Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations Utilizing Microseismicity

Ripples and Levees – A Match Made in Sedimentological Heaven

Mineralogy, Porosity and Water Saturation From Simultaneous Impedance Inversion in a Turbiditic Oil Reservoir

Acritarchs in the Silurian Qusaiba Shale and Related Biomarkers: Implication for Identifying Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Charge

Stratigraphic Architecture of Bypass-Dominated Slope Channel Deposits, Tres Pasos Formation, Chilean Patagonia

High Impact Exploration Inventory in an Emerging Hydrocarbon Province, Morandava Basin, Offshore Madagascar

Application of Forward Stratigraphic Modelling in Deep-Water Shale Basins; Insights from the Devonian Horn River Basin, BC, Canada


Fluid Injection and Earthquake Size in Faulted Reservoirs

Confocal and Transmitted Light Petrography of Cementation and Grain Types in a High-Energy Upper Shoreface to Foreshore Carbonate Strandline, Pleistocene (MIS 5e) West Caicos Island, Turks and Caicos, BWI

Advances in Seismic Stratigraphy of Carbonate Platforms and the Importance of Integrated Interpretation Using Time- / Depth-slice and Well Calibration Data

Oil Recovery Potential From Organic Nanopores in Source Rocks

Source Rock Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Potential of Middle Permian P2p Source Rocks in the Kelameili Area, Eastern Junggar Basin, NW China: Implications for Tight Oil Exploration

Characterization of Microseismic-Derived Discrete Fracture Networks Through Topological Approaches

Extensional Fault Kinematics and Basin Segmentation in Highly-Extending Terrains: A Case Study From Western Turkey

Surface Geochemical Prospecting of Hydrocarbon in Brejeira and Mira Formations, South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), Portugal

Constraining the Importance of Authigenic Carbonate in the Global Carbon Cycle: A Case Study From the Bakken Formation

Integrating and Adopting Economic Uncertainty in Upstream Investment Decision Making

New Method of Defining Net Thickness in the Bone Spring Sandstones to Identify Prospective Reservoirs Using Petrophysical Attributes and Stochastic Simulation Techniques in the Delaware Basin, NM

3-D Sequence Stratigraphic Modelling of Shallow Marine Systems in Syn- to Post-rift Settings

Mapping of Basement Through Magnetic Depth Estimation Along Regional Lines, Southeastern Mexico

Water Depths of the Mississippi River Delta Clinoform Break: Implications for Generating a Global Inventory of Post-LGM Relative Sea Level Rise Estimates

Great Salt Lake, Utah: A Natural Laboratory for Assessing Potential Geobody Dimensions, Reservoir Architectures, and Controls in Lacustrine Carbonate Systems

Chemoprovenance of the Chattanooga and Woodford Shales of Oklahoma

Taking Advantage of RTM Surface Offset Gathers for Iterative Salt Modeling and Subsalt Reservoir Image Enhancement

Production Trend Analytics: Utilizing Big Data to Minimize Geoscientist Capital Input

Optimizing Subsurface Predictions With Limited Capital Investment

Are We There Yet? Geometric Modeling of the Controls on the Transit Time of River Deltas to the Shelf Edge

The Florida-Bahamas Lineament and Gulf of Mexico Opening: To Move or Not to Move?

Assessing Controls of the Woodford Shale Rock Strength at the Bed Scale, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma

Offshore CO2 Storage in Continental Shelf Stratigraphy – Global Research Needs, Storage Potential, and Technical Challenges

Review of Mesozoic Exploration Plays in the Montenegro - NW Albania Segment of South Adriatic Basin

Depositional Reservoir Quality of Deep-Water Channels and Lobes: Aínsa and Jaca Basins, Spain

Fundamentally Different Proximal and Distal Lobe Stacking Styles Within the Same Stratigraphic Interval: Upper Broto System, Jaca Basin, Spain

Integrating Sedimentology and Quantitative Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling in Field Development: A Case Study of an Onshore Field in Niger Delta, Nigeria

The Effect of Large-Scale Tectonic Activity on Rifted Marginal Basin Petroleum Systems

Establishing Foraminifera Based Biofacies Within Shallow Marine Deposits, Carpinteria Slough, CA: Implications for Southern California Sea-Level Studies

An Unconventional Exploration Tool for Unconventional Exploration

Harnessing Lightning in the Hunt for Hydrocarbons

Modeling the Effect of Borehole Orientation on Stereonets

Seismic Geomorphology and Overpressure Variation in the Shallow Water Flow (SWF) Prone Sand Units in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico

Precambrian Carbonate Platforms: A Database Approach to Querying Carbonate Deposition Through Time

Source Rocks in the Caribbean Plate

Cenozoic Neritic Carbonates in the Maldives Controlled by Sea Level and Ocean Currents

Paleogene Carbonate Dissolution Events and Their Link With Wilcox Formation Deep Water Sands

3-D Multi-Scale Lithofacies Models of the Upper and Lower Bakken Shale Members of the Williston Basin in North Dakota, USA

Operational Practices and Their Influence on Injection-Induced Earthquakes: Lessons Learned From a Statewide Survey of Brine Disposal in Kansas

An Investigation of Static and Dynamic Data Using Multistage Triaxial Test

Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics: What Can They Tell Us About Petroleum Systems?

Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Eocene Green River Formation Petroleum System, Uinta Basin, Utah

Geochemical Screening Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration: Mudrock Mineralogy, Major Element Chemistry, and Organic Content

Diagenesis, Facies, and Reservoir Quality in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: The Visean-A Platform in Tengiz Field, Republic of Kazakhstan

Mechanical Compaction of Sand and Clay: Constraints From Experimental Compaction, Chemical Reactions and Fluid Flow During Burial – An Overview

Hunting “Elephants” in the Rio Grande Rift - A New Frontier

Reconstructing Surface and Subsurface Paleohydrology Using Evidence From Caves, Paleosprings, and Travertine in the Arbuckle Mountains, Southern Oklahoma, USA

Application of Advanced Technologies for Improving the Petroleum Systems Modeling in Foreland Fold-and-Thrust (FFT) Belts: The Llanos Basin Case Study

Redox Conditions During Deposition of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin, USA: Insights Into Organic Matter Production, Preservation, and Reservoir Development

Patterns of Induced Seismicity in Central and Northwest Oklahoma

Implications of Facies and Pore Architecture on NMR-Response in Carbonate Mudrock Reservoirs: Mississippian-Lime Play Case Study

Complementary Results on Experiment-Derived Classification of Submarine Sediment Gravity Flows

Advances in Sequence Stratigraphy—Insights From 35 Years of Studying the Other 80% of the Stratal Record: Mudstones

Implications of Uplift and Erosion on Pore Pressure, Stress and Seal Integrity

50 Years of Conventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Western Desert (Egypt) and Still Going Strong

Combining Full-Volume 3-D Seismic Interpretation With Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology and Modern Process-Based Analogue Databases: The Next Generation Tools for Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Characterization

Advancement in Source Rock Porosity and Fluid Characterization Using Core NMR

Multiphase Deep-Water Slope Channel-Lobe Evolution: Cerro Toro Formation, Silla Syncline Area, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Late Carboniferous Fluvio-Deltaic Deposits (SE Kentucky, USA): Sedimentary Patterns and 3-D Digital Outcrop Reconstructions

What Role Has the Presence of the Deweyville Terraces Played in the Formation of Galveston Island and West Galveston Bay?

Developing a Rock Physics Template for Improved Seismic Mapping of New Zealand Coaly Source Rocks

Importance of Outcrop Characterization in the Development of Unconventional Shales

A Monte Carlo Approach to Calculate Stress Orientations and Differential Stress Ratios From Microseismicity Using Elastic Dislocation Modelling

The Long-Term Evolution of an Exhumed Deepwater Stepped-Slope Profile

Possible Origins for Low Thermal Maturity, High-Nitrogen Natural Gases

The Influence of Wastewater Injection Wells on Induced Seismicity in the Denver Basin Combined Disposal Zone, Weld County, Northeast Colorado

Spatial Risk Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Near Abandoned and Converted Oil and Gas Wells

Beyond the Channel-to-Lobe Transition Zone: Off-Axis Facies Distribution and Implications for Stratigraphic Pinch-Outs

Understanding Controls on EUR in the Haynesville Shale Gas Play: It's All About the In-situ Density and Pressure of Methane Gas

Down-Hole Raman Reservoir Spectrometer (DRRS): A Novel New Raman Spectroscopy Logging Technology for the Rapid Appraisal of Shale Gas Resource Potential

Effects of Convergent, Radial-Gliding “Corner” Geometry on Petroleum Charge, Port Isabel Passive-Margin Foldbelt, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Rift Shoulder Erosion and Basin Deformation Associated With the Wichita Uplift (Mountain Front): Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, USA

Triassic Palynology of the Central North Sea: Correlation and Environmental Reconstruction of a Fluvial System

Calibrating Deposition of a Tropical Mixed System: Cibao Basin, Dominican Republic

U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Undiscovered Hydrocarbons in the Deep Tertiary of the U.S. Gulf Coast Region

Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs in Levant-Cyprus Basin Frontier Zone


Secondary Migration of Petroleum Along Axis of Syncline: A Case Study on Southern Kuqa Foreland Basin

Fault Zone Development, Architecture and Fluid Migration Properties in Heterogeneous Clastic & Carbonate Strata

The Research of Hydrocarbon Accumulation Regularity of the Sandy Conglomerate in Haiwaihe Nearshore Submerged Fan

Gas of Biodegradation Origin and Their Pooling Characteristics in Shallow Reservoirs of Langgu Sag

Macroscopic to Microscopic Criteria for Assessing Spatial Changes in Material and Bounding Surface Character of Mass-Transport Deposits and Implications for Seal Quality

Has the Initial Development of the Haynesville Gas Play Impacted the Overlying Carrizo-Wilcox's Water Quality?

Digging Old Data to Drill New Wells

Post-Appraisal – the Key to Confidence in Forecasting

Lateral Variability in Upper Slope, Shelf Edge and Shallow Marine Stratigraphy Along a 70-km Strike Transect: Karoo Basin, South Africa

Organic Carbon Isotopes From Halites: A New Approach to Studying Evaporite Sequences

Imaging the Channel-to-Lobe-Transition Zone With High-Resolution AUV Bathymetry: Navy Fan Offshore Baja California

Using MBES Backscatter and Bathymetry to Assess the Distribution of Benthic Communities for Piston Coring Operations

Complex Response of Fluvial Systems to Extreme Global Warming at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary

Modeling Deltaic Stratigraphy Through Superposition of Discrete Networks

Pre-Salt Spherulites: Bacterially Induced Initiation of Precipitation

Efficiently Integrating Seismic Data Into the Geosteering Process to Accurately Position Wells for Increased Production

Source of STACK & SCOOP Fluids: Evidence From Fluid Inclusions

Predrill Prediction of Proximal Charge From a Dry Hole: An Example From the Barents Sea

Integrating Mineralogy, Process Sedimentology and Geomechanics for Development of a Mechanical Stratigraphy Model of the Bakken Formation

Flow-Back Frac Water Composition – Rock-Fluid Interaction in the Montney Shale Controlled by Faults and Maturity Domain

Lead Isotope Analyses of Crude Oils and Their Source Shale Beds Could Prove Useful in Determining the Time of Formation of Oil

Autogenic Response of Shoreline Migration to Sea Level Rise in the Incised Valley Depositional System

Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Thin Bed Reservoir in Desert Area

Architecture Analysis of Underwater Distributary Channels—A Case Study of S2L4 in Wen 79 Southern Block

A Combination of N2 and CO2 Adsorption to Characterize Nanopore Structure of Organic-rich Lower Silurian Shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for Shale Gas Sorption Capacity

An Enigmatic Transverse Structural Domain of the Northwest Passive Margin of Australia

Deciphering Interplay of Tectonism and Redox Conditions on Temporal Variation in Total Organic Carbon Content in the Marcellus Shale: Evidence From Multiple Geochemical Proxies

Genesis and Hierarchy Analysis of Mud-Rich Units Within Braided Fluvial Reservoir: A Case Study From the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela

Unusually Well Preserved Tidal Signals and Tidal Constituents on Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad

The Geochemical Characteristics of the Eocene Oils From the Rolling Anticline Belt of Chaheji in Baxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin and Their Origins Analysis

Characteristics of Lower Palaeozoic Marine Carbonate Rocks in Dongying Sag, East Bohai Bay Basin

Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in Fracture-Cave System Dominated Carbonate Reservoirs: Taking Akekule Nosing Structure (North Tarim Basin, China) for Example

A Quantitative Model of the Internal Structure of Fault Zones

A Proposed Microfossil Reliability Index and a Test Using Mid-Cretaceous Calcareous Nannofossil Data

Improving Horizontal Well Placement and Completion Effectiveness in Deltaic Tight Sands - A Case Study in Anadarko Basin

Integrated Analysis of Borehole Microseismic, Completion and Production Data to Characterize Reservoir Depletion and Determine Infill Well Spacing in Tight Sands

Morphologic and Hydrodynamic Controls on the Occurrence of Tidal Bundles in an Open-Coast Macrotidal Environment, Northern Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea

Determining Paleoenvironmental Conditions of Late-Cambrian to Pennsylvanian Sediments From the Central Kansas Uplift Using Trace Element Analysis

Exploration Assurance Team Best Practices

Influence of Tectonic Stress Regime on Fracture Porosity of Tight Carbonate Reservoirs

Controls on Sediment Delivery to the Deep-Water in Eocene Source-to-Sink Clastic Systems of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain

US Tight Oil: What's Behind the Competitive Cost Curve?

Comparison of Stratigraphic Elements and Their Spatial Distribution in a Mixed Deep-Marine Continental Slope System, Windermere Supergroup, Canadian Cordillera, BC

Career Path Choices: Technical, Managerial, or Something Else?

Numerical Modeling of Ancient Tides: The Impact of Paleogeographic Uncertainty on Shoreline Depositional Processes

Shelf-Margin Evolution in an Active Tectonic Setting: The Middle Miocene Western Baram-Balabac Basin, NW Borneo

Exploration and Delineation of the Vaca Muerta Formation: Seven Years Sorting Out the Play

Quantification of the Geometry and Compartmentalization of Fluvial Meander-Belt Reservoirs: Empirical Insight From Ancient and Modern Analogs

Supply Dominated Fluvial Sequences: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy in Continental Settings

Through the Seismic Looking Glass: Challenges of Using Reflections as Geomorphic Surfaces

Incorporating Layer Thickening and Thinning Into Kinematic Modeling of Fault-Related Folding

Stratigraphic and Geochemical Variability of The Cenomanian to Turonian Eagle Ford Group in Southwest Texas: Implications for Identifying Potentially Productive Hydrocarbon Pay Zones

Asteroid Mining: The State of the Industry and Our Future in Space

Advances in the Understanding of Key Parameters Determining Carbonate Fault Rock Permeability

Geophysical Characterization of Carbonates Reservoir Using Advanced Interpretation Techniques: Applications to Abenaki Formation, Penobscot Block, Nova Scotia

The Continental Shelf as a Conveyor or Filter: Sediment Character Analysis From Coeval Topset, Foreset, and Bottomset Deposits

Incised Valley Fill Reservoirs, From Outcrop Analogue to Subsurface Interpretations (Upper Carboniferous, Kentucky, USA)

Bio-Stratigraphy Disproves Eustacy as a Primary Factor in the Accumulation of Middle Paleozoic Rocks Around the Transcontinental Arch of North America

Tectonic Controls on Deep-Water Sediment Routing – Nanaimo Basin, Canada

Small Rivers and Big Fans: New Geochonologic Constraints From the Miocene-Pliocene Deep-Water Mexican Continental Margin

The Channel-Lobe Transition Zone: A Template for Submarine-Fan and -Channel Evolution

Does Organic Matter Have an Unacknowledged Influence on the Dynamics and Deposits of Fine-Grained Submarine Sediment Gravity Flows?

Space, Things, Time, and Events: Horacio Harrington, Derek Ager, and the Dichotomous Future of Sequence Stratigraphy

Turbidite-Contourite Interactions on Continental Margins: New Insights From the Cretaceous Uruguayan Margin

Modified Athy-Law Compaction to Account for Porosity Generation and Preservation From Kerogen Conversion in Terzaghi-Like Models of Petroleum Source Rocks

Bone Spring Formation High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, Northern Delaware Basin, Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico

Evaluation of High Quality Source Rocks in Saline Environment of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study in Laizhouwan Depression, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Valencia Trough (Offshore Spain): Petroleum Systems and Play Types

Characterizing Deep-Marine Sedimentary Architecture: A Database-Driven Meta-Analysis Approach

Using Produced Oils to Predict Quality of Shale Oil and Gas Petroleum Systems


Performance Prediction and Benchmarking Using FIRM (Forecasting Through Inferred Reservoir Modelling) for Bakken, Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Plays

Latest Quaternary Regional Sedimentation Processes in the US Gulf of Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

Deducing Reservoir Connectivity via Analysis of Slope Channel Fills Along a 35-km-long Longitudinal Transect of a Shelf Margin System, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile

Analog Modelling of the Hides Anticline, PNG: Structure of a Giant Gasfield

Application of 3-D Structural Analogue Modeling to Hydrocarbon Exploration: Examples From Subandean Bolivia, the Gulf of Mexico and Papua New Guinea

Source to Seep - A Novel Calibration Domain Concept for Petroleum Systems Models

Submarine-Cemented Pennsylvanian to Early Permian ‘Waulsortian’ and Palaeoaplysinid Reefs in the Canadian Arctic

Digital Outcrop Model of the Eagle Ford Group, Lozier Canyon, Terrell County, West Texas

Acquiring Geometries and Heterogeneities of Blowout Dunes Using GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)

Process Control on Grain Size Trends in Turbidite Levee Sequences

Characterisation and Modelling of Fine-Grained Limestones: Lessons From Four Decades of Progress in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Diagenetic History of Lower Leonardian Strata in the Eastern Midland Basin: Implications for Fluid Flow and Predicting Reservoir Quality

High-Resolution Multibeam Backscatter Reveals Dramatic Basin-Floor Fans of Varying Character in the Deep Water Mexican Gulf of Mexico

Recent High Resolution Seismic, Magnetic and Gravity Data Throws New Light on the Early Development of the Gulf of Mexico

Shoreface Ravinement of Backbarrier Bay Deposits of Follets Island, a Transgressive Island Barrier Island Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Cannot Source Sand Needed for Island Growth

From Satellite Images to Reservoired Hydrocarbons: The In-Depth Investigations of the Marco Polo Seeps, Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Influence of Pre-existing Weakness on Normal Fault Growth: Implications From Discrete Element Modeling

The Influence of Topography on Subaqueous Sediment Gravity Flows and the Resultant Deposits: Examples From Deep-water Systems in Offshore Morocco and Offshore Trinidad

Quantitative Characterization of Submarine Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) Top Surface Topography and Its Influence on “Healing Phase” Post-emplacement Sedimentation

Lithofacies and Depositional Environment of the Eocene Kongdian Shale, Cangdong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

River-Gulf System: The Most Important Place for Global Marine Petroleum Accumulations

South Kwanza Basin (Offshore Angola) as a Major Cornerstone of West African Margin

Permeability of Mudrocks Effects: Lithology, Texture, and Pore Fluid Salinity

Extraction and Analysis of Complex Geobodies in Faulted Deposits Using Relative Geological Time Model Attributes and Spectral Decomposition: Exmouth Sub-Basin, Australia

Efficiency Gains in Inversion-Based Interpretation Through Computer-Driven Classification

Oil Seep Hunting From Space: The Case of the Lower Congo Basin

Volumetric Fault Imaging Based on Seismic Geometry Analysis

Assessing Flow Potential in a Fringing Reef Matrix-Vug Dual Pore System

Late Cretaceous Magmatism and Source-to-Sink Configuration in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Geochemical Characterization, Depositional Environment, and Controlling Factors of β-Carotene—A Case Study of Jimsar Depression, Junggar Basin of China

Controls on the Evolution of Ancient, Deep Lacustrine, Sand-Rich, Fan Systems: Early Cretaceous Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the North Falkland Basin, Falkland Islands

Deep Lacustrine, Sand-Rich, Turbidite Fans: Elevated Heterogeneity and Evidence for Partial Confinement in Examples From the North Falkland Basin, Falkland Islands

Investigating the Effect of Thermal Maturity on Geomechanical Properties in Shale Reservoirs: An Example in Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Evaluation Method for Hydrocarbon Cleaning Effect in Kerogen-Rich Gas Shale

Bucket Welding: Where Does All That Salt Go?

Grain Size Fractionation Within Self-Channelized Turbidity Current Deposits

The R/V Lone Star in Belize: A Strong Showcase of Siliciclastic-Carbonate Co-habitation

Element Geochemical Characteristics and Its Paleo-environmental Significance of Permian Carbonate in Khorat Basin, Thailand

3-D-Basin Modelling of the J Block of Da'an Oilfield Under the Control of Terminal Fan

Stratigraphic Reanalysis of Seismic Data of Northern Brooks Range Alaska: Comparison of Unit Volumes and Slopes

Toward a Higher Resolution Understanding of Fluvial to Shallow Marine Clastic Reservoir Analogues as Resolved by GPR

Lateral Mobility of Minibasins During Shortening: Insights From the SE Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan

Using Ultrahigh-Resolution 3-D Seismic Data to Better Delineate Mass-Flow Deposits Within Complex Salt Structures

Giant Foresets and Giant Sediment Waves in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand.

Exhumation on the Passive Margin of Eastern North America: Results From Sonic Transit-Time and Vitrinite-Reflectance Analyses in the Newark Rift Basin

Preservation of Reservoir Quality by Chlorite Grain Coats in High-Temperature Wilcox Sandstones, Rio Grande Delta System, Western Gulf of Mexico


Silica Diagenesis in Mudstones and the Impact on Consolidation and Brittle Deformation

Geologic Characterization of Johnson County, Texas

Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy – First Principles Accommodate the Unruly Carbonate System

Pore-Structure and Petrophysical Characteristics of Hamelin Pool Stromatolites and Associated Cemented Coquina Beds

Integrating a Turbidity Current Process Model in Source to Sink Analyses: The EuroSEDS Sediment Budget Estimator App

The Largest Frontier of the Atlantic: Offshore USA

Defining Aquifer Architecture Using Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Los Angeles Basin, California: A Foundation for Future Assessment and Management of Groundwater Resources

Quantitative Structural Analysis of Newly Acquired Data From Mexican Ridges Fold Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico

Combining Sequence Stratigraphy with Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Regional Correlation and Determination of Reservoir Quality in the “Mississippian Limestone” of the Mid-Continent, USA

Understanding Estuarine Ravinement Processes at Monthly to Decadal Time Scales Through High-Resolution Geochronologies

Structural and Diagenetic Evolution of Deformation Bands in Contractional and Extensional Tectonic Regimes & Implications for Sandstone Diagenesis

A Comparative Study of the Primary Geological and Geochemical Controls on Coal-Sourced Natural Gas Accumulations in the US and China

Migrating Twin Left-Lateral Faults System Along the North Caribbean Boundary – Implications on Geodynamics Around the Haiti-Cuba Boundary

Dead Oil Viscosity Model Based on SARA Analysis for South Ratqa Oil Field

Heterozoan, Biosiliceous and Organic-Rich Deposits of Jurassic (Oxfordian) Hanifa Formation, Saudi Arabia

Softening of Organic Matter in Shales During Heating Measured With Atomic Force Microscopy

Geochemistry and Origin of Formation Waters From the Lower Eagle Ford Shale, South Central Texas

Sedimentological Characterization and High Resolution Chronostratigraphic Framework of Channel-Levee Systems Across a 135 km-Long Strike-Oriented Outcrop Transect, Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, Canada

Methane Re-Saturation in Barnett Shale Core Plugs and Determination of Post-Coring Gas Loss

Hydrothermal Venting-Induced Structural Compartmentalization in Vøring Basin, Norwegian North Sea

Pemex and the Energy Reform: Experiences So Far and Perspectives in Exploration

Hydraulic Refracturing Feasibility and Timing for Hydrocarbon Shale Reservoirs

Large-Scale Tectonic and Structural Controls on Ordovician Black-Shale Distribution (Utica and Martinsburg) During the Taconian Orogeny, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA

The Impacts of Trap-to-Kitchen Axial Orientation and Natural Gas Sweeping on Migration Efficiency: A Multi-Field Case Study From the West of Shetlands (United Kingdom)


Strike-Slip Tectonic Controlled Deepwater Channel Sedimentation in Western Border of Kendeng Basin, Java

Comparative Interpretation of Regional Seismic Profiles Offshore Portugal, West Iberian Margin

Timing of Opening and Cementation of Bedding-Parallel and Vertical Fractures, Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina

An Effective Thin Reservoir Prediction Method Which Combines Spectral Inversion and Wide-Band Ricker Wavelet Filtering

Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir Characterization of Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, China

Induced Earthquakes on Basement Faults Caused by Injection Into Sedimentary Reservoirs

An Improved Method to Discriminate the Carbonate Reservoir Types Combing the Empirical Model Decomposition and Energy Entropy Classification

Diagenesis and Its Impact on Reservoir Quality of Volcanic Rocks – Carboniferous of the Western Junggar Basin, China

A Comprehensive Geochemical Studies by Using Pyrolysis Analysis and Migration Pathway Map on Evaluating Source Rock Potential in Talang Akar Formation, Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra

From Stranded Marginal Fields to (Integrated) Medium Sized Assets: Contributions of Indigenous Independents to the Changing E&P Landscape of Nigeria's Petroleum Industry

Subsalt 3-D Modelling and HC Reservoir Prediction With Scarce 2-D Seismic Datasets: Can We Obtain Reliable Results?

Evolution of the Danube Delta and Deepsea Fan in the Black Sea

Connecting the Backwater Dynamics of Large Rivers to the Composition and Shapes of Channel Belts in the Coastal Zone

The Kinematic Evolution of Stacked Strata on Experimental Shelf Margins

Quantifying Natural Delta Variability Using a Multiple-Point Geostatistics Prior Uncertainty Model: Bridging the Gap Between Quantitative Surface Dynamics and Machine Learning

The Origin of Salt-Encased Sediment Packages: Observations From the SE Precaspian Basin (Kazakhstan)

Enhancing Seismic Data Resolution With Multi-Attribute Analysis Using Both Well Log Data and Seismic Data – A Case Study

3-D Experimental Modeling of Megaflaps Developed During Differential Loading: Application to the Gulf of Mexico

Stratal Stacking Patterns of Continental Margin Successions in Low-Accommodation and Low-Sediment-Supply Settings

The Upside Potential of the Early Miocene Kujung-1 Carbonate, Offshore East Java, Indonesia

Stratigraphic Changes in Ichnopedofacies of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Northeast Chinle Basin, Southeastern Utah: Implications for Depositional Controls, Valley Formation, and Paleoclimate

Coupled Geomechanics-Transient Fluid Flow Model to Predict Intact Zone Failure Mechanism and Sand Production: Case Study in Field X

Controls on the Evolution of Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Coastal to Deltaic Systems of the Prince Creek and Schrader Bluff Formations, North Slope of Alaska

New Time Constraints on the Karoo Deepwater Physical Sequence Hierarchy

Integrated Characterization and Multi-Well Flow Simulation of Tight Oil Shale Resources

Predicting the Distribution of Shallow Marine Facies Within Halokinetically Controlled Basins: Insights From the Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation, UKCS

Infill Evolution of a Ponded Basin and Implications for Reservoir Development, Gulf of Mexico

Identification of OAE1B on the Comanche Shelf, Central Texas, and Implications for the Impacts of OAE on Shallow Water Carbonate Depositional Systems

Redtail Field, A Thermal Anomaly on the Eastern Extension of the Colorado Mineral Belt, Denver Basin, Colorado

Regional Sequence-Stratigraphic Correlation and Basin Analysis of the Lower to Middle Triassic Moenkopi and Equivalent Formations, AZ, CA, UT, NV: Insight Into Backarc Basin Formation

Evolution of Halokinetic Sequences Adjacent to the Pine Ridge Salt Diapir, Paradox Basin, SE Utah: Implications for Salt Controlled Development

Build-and-Fill Stratigraphic Sequences in Carbonates

The Impact of Paleotopography on Transport of Reef Carbonates to Basinal Settings: Lessons From the Upper Miocene of SE Spain

The History of Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in the Wessex and Weald Basins, Southern England

Evidence of Cretaceous Plate Collisions Along the Falkland Plateau Basin – Ramifications to Petroleum Systems and Reservoir Quality Risk

Reconstructing Pre-Salt Paleodrainage Pathways and Source Terrains for the Late Triassic Eagle Mills Formation, Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin

3-D Seismic Interpretation and Geologic Evolution of an Intraslope Basin, Talara Basin, Deepwater Peru

4-D Fault Seal Analysis by Fault Displacement Backstripping

Porosity Preservation in Deep, Hot Sandstone Reservoirs

Fluvio-aeolian Interactions at a Sand-Sea Margin

Quantifying the Bed-scale Architecture of Submarine Lobe Deposits, Point Loma Formation, California

Africa Exploration - Why Does It Continue to Deliver?

The Future of Exploration - The Next Decade

Influence of Depositional Dynamics on the Internal Architecture and Facies Continuity of the Eagle Ford Formation, TX, USA

The Effect of Redox Conditions on Carbon Isotopes of Hydrocarbons During Hydrous Pyrolysis

Carbonate Pore System Influence on Displacement Behavior

Process Ichnology of the Anisian Wedge, Montney Formation: Size-Diversity Trends and Feeding-Strategy Distributions of Ichnofossils Within a Post-Extinction Environment


Modelling Stratigraphic Controls on Dolomitisation at the Inter-well Scale: The Assoul Formation Case Study (Central High Atlas, Morocco)

Stratigraphic Development of the Upper Fan From the Brazos-Trinity Slope System (Basin IV), Western Gulf of Mexico

Detailed Characterization of a Complete, New Woodford Shale Section in the Ardmore Basin of Oklahoma: The Case for a New Type Section?

From Lithostratigraphy to Sequence Stratigraphy: Still Chasing the Elusive Time Surface

Mesoscale Extensional and Contractional Structures in the Rough Creek Graben, Midcontinent Rift, Central United States: An Integrated DEM Analysis, 3-D Structural Modeling and Field-Based Approach

The Origin of Heavy Oil in Sanhecun Oilfield, Jiyang Depression, East China

Counter-Regional Detachment Structures in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Central Appalachian Basin: Implications for Marcellus Shale Gas Exploration and Production

Overpressure Generation and Evolution in Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales of Jiaoshiba Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China

Re-Evaluation of Organic Matter Deposition of Central Atlantic Black Shales

Uniting Petrophysics and Stratigraphy to Decipher Classified Facies From a Pre-Stack 3-D Inversion: Wolfcamp and Spraberry, Howard County, Midland Basin

Assessment of Undiscovered Continuous Oil Resources in the Wolfcamp Shale of the Midland Basin, West Texas

Sequence Variability in Shallow Marine/Deltaic Syn-Rift Systems: Impact of Fault Network Evolution and Sediment Supply Variations, Plio-Pleistocene of the Corinth Rift

Formation Pressure Correction to Enhance the Prediction of the OWC in a Normal Pressure Reservoir

Sand Bodies Connectivity Analysis Utilizing Measured Pore Pressure in Normal Pressure, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Paleokarst System Controlled by Unconformities, Paleogeomorphology and Faults: A Case Study From the Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin, China

Investigating the Effect of Deformation on Hydrocarbon Retention in Shale Plays

The Effect of Polygonal Faults on Petroleum Systems and Reservoir Quality – The Case Study of the Eastern Mediterranean Levant Basin

Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Perth Basin, Western Australia

Borehole Image Based Aperture Characterization to Identify Primary Versus Secondary Fracture Opening

A New Kinematic Tool for Petroleum System Modeling in Complex Structural Settings

Seismic Texture Analysis Applied to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization and Calibration: A Case Study in Central Pennsylvania, North Central Appalachian Basin

Adding Value to Seismic With Non-Seismic Techniques

The Paradox Salt Basin, Utah and Colorado: Recognition of New Types of Salt Features and Their Impact on Salt-Related Traps

Fracture Characteristics of the Wolfcamp Formation, Delaware Basin, TX

Using LIDAR Images for Quantitative Analysis of Natural Fractures in Woodford Shale Outcrops Along I-35 in Southern Oklahoma

Evidence of High Temperature Hydrothermal Regimes in the Pre-Salt Series, Kwanza Basin, Offshore Angola

Seismic Characterization of the Upper Unayzah Fairway in Eastern Saudi Arabia

Connectivity of the Oriskany Sandstone with the Marcellus Shale; Effects on Shale Gas Operations in North Central Pennsylvania

U-Pb Dating of Diagenetic Carbonates in Petroleum Reservoirs: Recent Advances and Perspectives

3-D Volumetric Interpretation – Advancing the Way We Interpret Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology

Geochemistry and Organic Petrography of Aptian-Albian Source Rocks in the Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil

Paleozoic Evolution of the Eastern European Platform in Poland and Shale Gas Potential

Geological Setting of the Shale Gas in Polish Carpathians

Fluid Geochemistry Data Providing Key Calibration for Eaglebine Play Maturity and Sweetspot Mapping

Analysis of Brittleness in Mudstone Caprock Using Conventional Well Logs: A Case Study from Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin

Pre-salt in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Evolution and Play Potential in the Syn-rift and Sag Fill in Offshore Mexico

Geomechanical Forward Modeling as a Trap-Seal Risking Tool in Rifted Margin Salt Tectonics: Applications in a Layered Evaporite Sequence (LES), Red Sea

Post-Rift Tectonics in Rifted Margins and Surrounding Domains

Tobago: Implications of 4-D Seismic in an Ultra-Deep Water Setting

Fluid Inclusion Isotope Analysis of Vein Cements as a Tool to Reconstruct Basin-Scale Fluid Circulation

Late Cretaceous-Tertiary Shortening and Uplift History in Southern Mexico, and Implications for Sedimentation in Southern Gulf of Mexico: Part 2, Restored Sections

Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Silurian (Niagaran) “Pinnacle” Reefs in the Michigan Basin – New Insights Into a Mature Reef Play

Why Not Both Conventional and Unconventional Exploration in Sub-Saharan Africa?

The Emergence of Myanmar as the New Focus for Exploration in the Region – Fact or Fiction?

Role of Supra-Salt Decoupling on Mesozoic Graben Formation in the UK Southern North Sea

Predicting Facies Distribution Within a Fluvial System in the Subsurface: Triassic of the Central North Sea

Apatite Geochemistry and Detrital Zircon Application in Provenance Studies of the Modern Mississippi

Correlation of Faunally Poor Clastic Successions Using Heavy Minerals: An Example From the Triassic Skagerrak Formation of the Central North Sea

Analysis of the Paleoclimate and Depositional Environment of the Kootenai 2 Formation, Southwestern Montana

Three Women Provide the Profound Exploration Technology Breakthrough of the 1920s

Evidence for a Jurassic Source Rock in the Guiana-Suriname Basin

Predicting Clay Mineral Distribution in Sandstone Reservoirs Using an Analogue Holocene Estuarine Succession

The Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt in Southern Bolivia: Integrated Methodology and Regional Structural Implications

Oil-Field Structural Analysis Methods Applied to a Geomechanical Model: What Works

Fabrics and Interpretations of “Microbialites” Can Both Be Full of Holes

Characteristics of Two Types of Longmaxi Gas-Shale Reservoirs in the Southern Sichuan Basin

H2S Risk Assessment at the Basin Scales

Digging Beneath the Soil: Examining the Generation of Vuggy Porosity in Eogenetic Limestones by Organic Carbon Oxidation in Vadose Zones and Water Tables

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Centaur 3-D Survey, Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia

A Seismic Method for Estimating Subsurface Vp/Vs Ratio Based on Converted Waves: A Case Study From Arabian Gulf

Evolution of Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir Properties and Driving Force in Eastern Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin

3-D Geological Modeling for Tight Sand Gas Reservoir in Braided River Facies

Identification of Potential Sweet-Spots by Integrated Analysis of Core Samples and Conventional Wireline Logs in the Barnett Shale Play

Tectonic Evolution of a Mixed Salt-Shale-Detached Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belt in the Eastern Salina del Bravo Province, Western Gulf of Mexico


Is the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Self-Sourced? Preliminary Oil-Oil and Oil-Source Rock Correlation Studies in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Group, Southern Mississippi, USA

Calibrating Apparent Resistivity Traces, Lines, and Volumes Derived From Lightning Strike Data in South Texas

Brittleness in Siliceous Mudrocks: Part 1 - Origins

Advanced Mud Gas and Fluid Inclusion Analysis—Vaca Muerta Horizontal, Argentina

Palaeogeomorphology and Its Controlling Effect on Karst Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin

The Temporal and Lateral Facies Variability and Internal Geometries of Syn-Rift Salt: Insights From the Early Mesozoic Orpheus Rift Basin, Offshore Eastern Canada

Global River Discharge Analyses: Impact of Variable Precipitation in the Context of Different Climate Zones

Hydraulically Induced Fracturing Response of the Vaca Muerta Formation From Borehole-Based Microseismic Monitoring and Subsequent Single-Well Moment Tensor Analysis

Seismic, Borehole Image Log, Core and Chemostratigraphic Interpretations of the Permo-Carboniferous Unayzah Formation, Central Saudi Arabia: An Integrated Technique for Siliciclastic Reservoir Correlation

A Multidisciplinary Workflow to Detect Fractures at Multiple Scales by Integrating Borehole Images, Core and Seismic Data, Case Studies From Saudi Arabia

Controls on the Distribution of Intra and Post-Volcanic Sediments, West of Shetland

Stratigraphic Architecture and Evolution of Submarine Canyons and Other Sediment Conduits in the SE Loppa High, Barents Sea

The Enigma of Missing Jurassic and Cretaceous Rocks - Episodic Deposition and Unroofing of the UK and Adjacent Continental Shelves During the Mesozoic and Tertiary

Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Eustatic Control on Continental-Margin Sand Distribution

High Resolution, Regional, Earth Systems Modelling in the Predictive Mapping of Reservoir and Source Rock Environments in the Caribbean

High Resolution Stratigraphic Variability in Black Shale Geochemistry: Horn River Group, British Columbia

The Role of Capitan Research in the Evolution of Carbonate Conceptual Models and Paradigms

Exploration Ramifications of Bowl Weld Variances in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Fluvial Architecture and the (Mis)use of Lithostatigraphy in Actively Deforming Salt Basins: Chinle Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah

Fluvial Systems: Scaling Relationships, Predictive Facies Models and Subsurface Application

Induced Seismicity in the Denver Basin Prompts Updated Basement Stress and Fault Configuration Model

The Influence of Structure on Pore Pressure in Confined Sediments

Source to Sink Investigation of the Central Scotian Basin Using Integrated Forward Stratigraphic Modeling Approaches

Recent Advances in Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of Giant Carbonate Reservoirs and Evaporite Systems

Opportunities for Geoscientists Beyond the Conventional

Applications of Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry for Interpreting Inclined Heterolithic Strata of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Steepbank River, NE Alberta, Canada

Quantitative Microporosity Evaluation Using Mercury Injection and Digital Image Analysis in Tight Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study From the Ordovician in the Tazhong Palaeouplift, Tarim Basin, NW China

Comprehensive Analysis the Casing Deformation in Shale Gas Reservoir Modification by Seismic and Microseismic Technology

Seismic Characterization of Stratigraphic Architecture: Outcrop- and Well-Based Three-Dimensional Forward Seismic Modeling of Permian San Andres-Grayburg Strata

Major Control Factors of Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Potential Exploration Targets of the Ultra-Deep Carbonate Sequences in China

HC Migration and Trapping in Unconventional Plays

Forward Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of a Rising Salt Diapir Considering the Effect of Basin Sand Layers

Seismic Pore Pressure Prediction Enhanced with Geomechanical Modeling

H2S Generation and Release in Salt Cavern Gas Storage

Integrated Reservoir Characterization for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tar Springs Formation, Illinois Basin, USA

Characterization of Faults on the Flanks of the Llano Uplift for Application to Understanding Seismogenic Faults in the Subsurface of the Fort Worth Basin

Geochemical (Rock Eval, δ13C and Pyrolysis GC) and Textural Characterization of Amorphous Organic Matter (AOM) in Carboniferous Mudstones From the Pennine Basin (UK)

Giant Gas Fields Offshore Tanzania, Braided Deep Water System Within Extremely Sandy Turbidite Systems Presented by: A. Ponten

Visualizing a Sub-Salt Field With Image Logs: Image Facies, Mass Transport Complexes, and Reservoir Implications From Thunder Horse, Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Interaction of Crustal Structures and Geodynamics on Passive Margin Evolution: Insights From Manet Ridge, Norway

Source-to-Sink Analysis of Marine Rift Basins Surrounding a Long-Lived Structural High: The Frøya High, Norwegian Continental Shelf

Some Controls on the Distribution of Slurry-Flow Deposits

Contourite Terraces: Sedimentary and Conceptual Implications

The Role of Source-Area Climate and Weathering on Sedimentation Along the Paleogene Gulf Coast: Onshore Wilcox Group, Texas, USA

Compositional and Sedimentary Fabric Control on Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation, Tight Light Oil Sandstone Reservoirs of the Cardium Formation, Western Alberta, Canada

Fracture Characterization and Data Analysis of the Poland Unconventional Shale Play and Relation to Other Unconventional Plays

Turbidite Grading as a Proxy for Flow Generation and Proximality: Applications and Limitations

The Transfer of Channel-Lobe Transition Zones Into the Stratigraphic Record: A Synthesis of Exhumed Examples From the Karoo Basin, South Africa

A Petrophysical Model to Distinguish Water-Wet and Oil-Wet Fractions of Unconventional Reservoir Systems Using Triple-Combo Log Suites

Sequence Stratigraphy of Continental Successions, Multi-Approach Insight From Source-to-Sink Studies in the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain

Internal Structures and Fabrics of Upper Cambrian Microbial Buildups (Mason County, Central Texas)

New Hydrocarbon Plays in the Gulf of Mexico – Potential of Jurassic Clastic Plays on Both the Yucatan and Florida Margins

Kinematics and Growth of Supra-Salt Faulting in the Paradox Basin: A Field and Subsurface Analysis

Facies Associations of Humid Terminal Splays in the Distal DFS Model and Implications for Reservoir Connectivity: A Case Study of the Raton Formation

New Insights Into Falling-Stage Delta Complexes Using Virtual Outcrop Analysis: Three-Dimensional Data From the Turonian Ferron Sandstone of Southern Utah

Induced Seismicity – Implications for Addressing Regulatory Requirements for Design, Analysis, and Monitoring of Underground Injections and Hydraulic Fracturing

New Oil in an Old Place – Geologic Framework of a Giant Oil Discovery in Arctic Alaska

The Architecture and Connective Potential of Blowout Wings in Fluvio-Deltaic Environments

Depositional Process Controls on Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deep-Water Reservoirs: Middle Pennsylvanian Cherokee Group, Anadarko Basin, Texas Panhandle

Source Rock Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Expulsion Potential of Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation in Fengcheng Area, Junggar Basin, Northwest China: Implications for Tight Oil Potential

Re-equilibration of Mg isotopes between calcite and dolomite during burial metamorphism: Outlook of Mg isotopes as geothermometer and seawater proxy

A New Type of Flower Structures in a Divergent-Wrench Fault Zone, Tan-Lu Fault Zone, East China

An Integrated Approach to Evaluate Carbonate Pore Structures of Early Triassic Reservoir, Puguang Gas Field

Basement Structure and Jurassic Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico Salt Province

Investigations Into the Mechanics and Kinematics of Extensional Fault Systems

Spatial Scaling of Normal Faults, A-Bomb Canyon, Buckskin Mountains, Arizona

Compositional Changes Related to Fluvial-Fan Sedimentation, the Miocene Sedimentary Infill of the Central Argentinian Foreland (Mariño and La Pilona Formations, Mendoza Province)

Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Deepwater Systems Modified by Large-Scale Inflections in Slope Angle Below the Shelf Break

Microporosity Quantification Using Confocal Microscopy

Rock Texture Index (RTI): Quantifying the Impact of Rock Texture and Its Mineral Composition


Seismic geomorphology observations of deep-water channels guiding reservoir prediction in the distal Paleogene Wilcox Formation, GoM

Tectonostratigraphy of Cretaceous Carbonate Platform and Slope in the Santaren Channel, Bahamas

Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Slope Sedimentation in a Foreland Basin (Lower to Middle Permian, Southern Delaware Basin, Texas)

Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems of the Delaware Basin, USA

Identifying Areas at Risk for Injection-Induced Seismicity Through Subsurface Analysis: An Example From Southern Kansas

Characteristics and Origin of Crude Oils in Dawanqi Oilfield, Kuqa Depression of NW China

Nearshore Along-Strike Variability: Characteristics, Controlling Factors and Importance for Stratigraphy and Sediment Delivery – A Case Study From the Luanping Basin, Northern China

Properties of High-Pressure Gas Flows Near a Wellbore in a Fractured Well During Well Test

Diagenesis and Pore Evolution of an Evaporate-Related Carbonate reservoir -- the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation, Sichuan Basin, China

The Genesis and Mechanism of Polygonal Fault Systems in Jinghai Sag of The Pearl River Mouth Basin

Nano- to Micron-Sized Pore Types and Pore Size Distribution in Fluvial, Lacustrine, Transitional and Marine Tight to Shale Oil and Gas Plays in China and US

The Effects of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Shale Gas Accumulation and Production – Case Study From Ordovician Wufeng-Silurian Longmaxi Marine Shale in the Sichuan Basin, China

Synthetic Digital Rock Methods for Exploring the Properties Associated With Complex Rock Textures

The Co-Evolution Process and Mechanism of Shale Hydrocarbon Generation-Reservoir-Preservation: A Case Study of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation (O3w) - Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation (S1l) in the Sichuan Basin and Its Periphery

Flow Experiments on 3-D Printed Rock Proxies: Investigating Porosity-Permeability Relationships

Micro-FTIR Imaging and Confocal Microscopy for Quantitative Characterization of Organic Rich Mudstones

Multi-Scale Pore Network Evaluation of Bimodal Carbonates: Implications for Hydrocarbon Production

Submarine Sediment Routing Systems on the Western Niger Delta Slope: Autogenic and Allogenic Signal Propagation and Preservation

A Simplified Competency Framework for Career Development of Earth Science Subject Matter Experts

Constraining Basin Models Using Fit-for-Purpose Crustal Architecture Workflows

Documenting an Ancient Large Fluvial Fan System: A Comparison to Modern Examples and Current Facies Models

Stampede Field, USGOM: An Integrated Approach

A New Method of Making the Thickness Map of the Shallow Sand Body Constrained by Seismic Attribute

Measuring the Ratio of Storm Deposited Gutter Casts in a Shallow Marine Environment of the Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone, Shiprock, New Mexico

Wallace E. Pratt: An Amazing Figure of 20th Century American Life and a True Petroleum Geologist


Controls on the Development of Cation Ordering in Dolomite

Faults in High Porosity Carbonates

A New Approach to Effectively Identifying Deep Fan-Delta Sandbodies

Primary Depositional Controls on Reservoir Architecture, Facies, and Quality in Deepwater Wilcox Sands, Gulf of Mexico

Geochemical and Foraminiferal Responses to Anthropogenic Activities Along the Coastal Regions of Matagorda and Brazoria Counties, Texas

Repeatability Evaluation of the Time-Lapse Technology Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Source

Environmental and Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Microbialite Morphology and Microfacies in a Marine Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic System, Upper Cambrian Point Peak Formation, Llano River and Mill Creek, Mason County, Central Texas

Integrated Regional Geophysical Analysis of the Deep Structural Framework of the Permian Basin

Holistic Evaluation of Basal Stress Evolution in Sinuous Submarine Channel Levee Systems: Towards Process-Based Forward Stratigraphic Modelling

Complexity of the Intra-MIS 5e Stratigraphic Record: Challenge to the One SL Pulse-One Cycle Model, West Caicos, Caicos Platform, BWI

Evaluating Exploration Potential of Suture Zones or Encased Minibasins Using an Outcrop Example From the Neoproterozoic Patawarta Salt Canopy, Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia

Upper Cambrian Microbial Reefs and Inboard/Outboard Facies Associations, Central Texas

Identification of Diagenetic Footprint and Associated Development Challenges in the Deep Conventional Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs of North Kuwait

The Tectonic Evolution of the Pegasus Basin and Implications for the Transition From a Subductive to Transform Plate Boundary, Offshore New Zealand

Health Safety and Environmental Aspect in Petroleum Industry in Africa

Statistical Comparison of Hydrocarbon Gas Composition and Isotopic Ratios From Multiple Sampling Methods

Constraining Burial History and Fluid Pressures Through Combined Structural, Clumped-Isotope, and Fluid-Inclusion Analyses

Evolution and Origin of a Large Mud Diapir in the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation

Onshore/Offshore Carbon Sequestration in the Southeastern United States

Depositional, Mineralogical, and Maturity Controls on Pore Types, Size, and Distribution in Mudstones

Morphological and Geological Characterization of Mass-Transport Deposits in the Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belt (DWFTB) of Offshore Malaysia

Along-Strike Architectural and Sedimentologic Variation of a Distributive Fluvial System, Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Utah

Understanding the Pennsylvanian Age Granite Wash Play Fairway Through Log and Core Data: Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, USA

Distribution of Natural Deformation in Organic-Rich Petroleum Systems: Reservoir Implications From Outcrop Analysis, Turonian Second White Specks Formation, Highwood River, Southwest Alberta

Eagle Ford Petroleum System as an Exploration Analog

Sinu Basin Tectonostratigraphy Between Two Fold Belts and Timing of the Panama Arc-South America Collision

Geomorphology Classification and Architecture Characterization of Braided River Reservoir: A Case Study From Guantao Upper Formation of Gudong Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, China.

Production of Coupled Sand-Mud Deposits by Remobilization in Subaqueous Transitional Flows

Lateral Variability of Turbidite-Debrite Couplets in Submarine-Lobe Fringes: Example From the Maastrichtian Lewis Shale, Washakie Basin

Origin of Chlorite Coating and Its Effect on Reservoir Quality of the Lower Tuscaloosa Sandstones at Cranfield Field, Mississippi, USA

Nature and Origin of Dry Natural Gas in the Middle Indus Basin, Pakistan

Stratigraphic Architectures of Deltas Formed During Forced and Normal Regressions, Ferron Sandstone (Turonian), Southeast Utah, USA

Hyperspectral Imaging Technology Development and Application; Implications for Thin-Bedded Reservoir Characterization

Permeability of the Eagle Ford Shale: Organic Matter “Cement,” Matrix Storage, Limestone Fractures and the Importance of Choke Management

Climate Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry

Investigation of Time-Lapse 4-D Seismic Attributes Across Discrete Frequencies to Monitor CO2-EOR in a Thin Carbonate Reservoir

1-D NMR Data Inversion

Mechanisms for Formation of “Isolated Shelf Sand Reservoirs”: Synthesis of Insights Gained From 3-D Seismic, Outcrops & Core

Looking Beyond the Bust: Energy Trends Into the Next 50 Years – Geoscientists Will Continue to Meet the World's Energy Needs

Late Cretaceous Inversion of the Polish Basin and How It Influenced Its Petroleum System

Gunflint Field: Effective Field Development in a Challenging Subsalt Environment

Micromorphological, Stable Isotope, NMR, Geomicrobial and Crystallographic Analysis of Quaternary Calcrete Formation, Puerto Rico

Architecture of Deep Water Lacustrine Fans Fed by Multidirectional Clinoforms in Dacian Basin, Romania

Geochemical Factors Controlling the Phase Behaviour of In-Situ Petroleum Fluids in the Eagle Ford Shale

Equatorial Atlantic Deep-Water OCT Structure and Crustal Type From Satellite Gravity Inversion

Carbonate-Dominated Hybrid Sediment Gravity Flows Within the Upper Wolfcamp, Delaware Basin, USA: Vectors for Transmitting Terrestrial Organics Into a Deep Marine Basin


Quantifying Reservoir Complexity in a Tight Oil Play by Integrating Detailed Facies Analysis With Stratigraphic Architecture Analysis From a Digital Outcrop Model

An Alternate Model for the Deposition of the Upper Ordovician Red River Formation (Bighorn Group; Canadocian/Ashgillian) in the Williston Basin of Southeast Saskatchewan, Canada.

The Upper Cretaceous Post Rift Petroleum Systems of the West African Transform Margin and MSGBC Basin (Benin to Mauritania), Learnings From the Past, the Present and the Identification of Future Plays

The Effects of Downspacing on Recovery Factor Using Type Curve Analysis and Accounting for Adsorbed Hydrocarbon in a Multi-Phase Unconventional Reservoir: Eagle Ford Case Study

Clastic Reservoir Quality Prediction Models: Past, Present, and Future

Are You Leaving Liquids Behind? Diamondoid Analysis to the Rescue!

Molecular and Isotopic Compositions and Origins of Sweet and Sour Gases From the Montney and Doig Phosphate Formations, Northeast British Columbia, Canada

Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Strata of Plomosas Uplift and Sierra Samalayuca, Chihuahua, Mexico: Onshore Record of Syn-rift Gulf of Mexico Fault History

Facies Control on Dolomitisation Within the Neogene Succession of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles

Evaluation of Clay Conductivity From CEC Measurement Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Techniques

The Margin of the Mishrif Platform, Rumaila Field, Southern Iraq

The Importance of Understanding Diagenesis for the Development of Pre-Salt Lacustrine Carbonates

Paleoecological Variations Recorded in a Shallow Lacustrine Formation: The Upper Eocene of the Issirac Basin (SE France)

Influence of Fault Separation on the Structural and Geomechanical Characteristics of Paired Crestal Grabens Developed Over an Uplifted Fault Block

Quantitative Evaluation of Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs: A Case Study of Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, China

Characterization of Overall Pore Size Distribution Using N2AD, MICP, NMR: A Case From Chang 7 Tight Sandstone in Ordos Basin, China

Sequence Stratigraphic Boundary Delineation Based on Adaptive Seismic Decomposition

The Geochemical Characteristics and Origin of Deep Geothermal Water in Baxian Sag, China

Reading the Sedimentary Record: A Multiple-Hypotheses Working Methodology

Scale-Dependent Nature of Porosity and Pore Size Distribution in Lacustrine Shales: An Investigation by BIB-SEM and X-ray CT Methods

Integrated Geological and Geochemical Constraints for Petroleum Fluid Charge Models in the Circum-Manjiaer Region, Tarim Basin, NW China

Numerical Modeling of the Deformation and Displacement of Salt Bodies With Embedded Carbonate or Anhydrite Stringers

The Effect of Roughness of Pore Surfaces on Elastic Wave Velocity in Pore-Scale Modeling

Control of Strike-Slip Derivative Structures on the Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Bohai Sea, Eastern China

A New Exploration Direction of North in Tarim Basin, China: An Enlightenment From Geochemical Characteristics of Deep Natural Gases

Paleo-Heat Flow Evolution of the Baiyun Sag, the Pearl River Mouth Basin

Using Global Reservoir Analogs and Stochastic Modeling to Estimate Prospect Resources

Re-Evaluating the Asymmetry of Subsurface Wave-Influenced Deltaic Systems

Pore Characterization and Shale Facies Analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian Succession of Northern Guizhou, South China: The Relationship Between Pore Distribution and Shale Facies

The Origin of Shallow Gas in Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China: Implication for Shallow Petroleum Exploration

Sedimentological and Petrographic Characteristics of a Mudstone-Dominated Succession Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Context: The Upper Cretaceous (Lower-Middle Turonian) Tununk Shale, South-Central Utah

Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Turonian Tununk Shale Member, Henry Mountains Region, Utah: Implications for a Depositional Model of Shelfal Mudstones in Epicontinental Seas

Determining Lithologic Variations, Provenance, and Depositional Environments of the Del Rio Formation in West Texas

Application of Oil Gravity and Sulfur Content Relationships to Oil Typing and Source Rock Kinetics

Decision Quality Applications for Prospect Ranking and Sequential Exploration: A Case Study in Offshore Brazil

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, Shoreline Trajectory, Accommodation Successions, and Facies Association in the Cretaceous Gallup System, Shiprock, New Mexico, USA

COMSOL Modeling of Non-linear Transport Properties in Low Permeability Samples

A Predictive Model of Dolomitization and Its Control on Reservoir Quality and Seismic Attributes in the Viola Formation, Morrison NE Field, Clark County, Kansas

Grayburg Formation Reservoir-Scale Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy, Permian Basin

Current-Related Platform Drowning in the Maldives and the Indo-Pacific Realm

Upper Ordovician Incised Valley (Karst) Fill Deposits of Central Missouri: A Reinterpretation of “Pennsylvanian Filled Sinks”

Authigenic Minerals Formation and Detrital Minerals Accumulation Associated with Tasmanites Cysts, and Initial Depositional Porosity in the New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin

Effects of Salt Chlorides on the Hydrocarbon Generation of Source Rocks

The Controlling Effect of Transfer Zones on Stratal Architectural Variability and Depositional Facies Distribution

Petroleum Resource Assessment Through Classifying Hydrocarbon Migration Stages and Their Associated Accumulation Types

The Discussion of Mechanism of Tight Sandstone's Formation by ShanXi Formation of the Eastern Part of the Ordos Basin

Sequence Architecture and Its Controlling Factors of Middle Jurassic Fluvial Successions in Western Sichuan Foreland Basin

Multiscale Characterization of Shale Oil Reservoirs Using XRF, SEM-EDS, Synchrotron-Based CT Imaging and DCM Modeling

Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation of the Suqiao Buried-Hill Zone in Wen'an Slope, Jizhong Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin

Lower Triassic Tight Sand Reservoirs Prediction Technology Combined of Post- and Pre-stack Seismic Inversion in MX Area, Junggar Basin

Energy Storage Fracturing Based on a Slick-Water System in Tight Oil Reservoirs

The Relationship Between Tempo-pressure Evolution and Accumulation Process of Deep Carbonate Reservoir in the Central Paleo-uplift, Sichuan Basin, Southwest China

Post-Breakup Magmatism in the Northern and Western Gulf of Mexico

The Fault Zone Architecture of Buried Reverse Faults in Sedimentary Basin: A Case From the Hong-Che Fault of Junggar Basin, China

Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Material in Shales: Identifying Suitable Laser Wavelength for Raman Spectra Excitation, Relationship to Thermal Maturity, Mechanical Properties, and Organic Matter Type Interpreted From SEM Images

Continental Slope Evolution in Tertiary: Northwest Australia

Environmental Conditions of Deposition, Origin, and Relative Maturity of Organic Matter in Uppermost Barremian - Lowest Aptian Limestones of the Eastern Prada Quarry Section, Organyà Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain

Abiogenic Carbonate Radial Fans and Spherulites – Important Components of Microbialite Pre-Salt Reservoirs: Insights From the Lower Cretaceous Aptian Yucca Formation, Eastern Margin of the Chihuahua Trough, West Texas, USA

Pressure Prediction in a Complex Setting Based on Field Data and Geomechanical Modeling: Mad Dog Field, Gulf of Mexico

Flow Simulations in a Detailed Facies Model of the Outcropping Pont de Montanyana Point Bar Deposits (Ypresian, Southern Pyrenees)

The Punta del Este Half Grabens, Offshore Uruguay: The Next Exploration Frontier in the South Atlantic

Shallow Seismic Reflection Images of Modern Point Bar Deposits, False River, Louisiana

Characterization and Integration of the Ellenburger, Viola, and Barnett Sections in the Northern Fort Worth Basin: Thoughts on Flow of Water From the Ellenburger Into Barnett

Domal Thrombolitic Microbial Biostromes in the Upper Albian Devils River Limestone Along the Northern High-Energy Margin of the Maverick Basin

Spectrum of Carbonate Nano- and Micropores and their Origin

Thunder Horse: A Winning Bet in GoM

Massive Dolomite on the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Shelf, Northeastern Saudi Arabia: Insights From Reactive Transport Modeling

Using Structural Restoration Techniques and Strain Tracking to Predict Fracture Distributions

Effects of Carrier Bed and Reservoir Heterogeneity on Hydrocarbon Migration, Charging, and Accumulation, Hadexun Oilfield, Tarim Basin, China

Experimental Investigation Into Fracture Closure in Caprocks in CO2 Storage Reservoirs

Long-Wavelength Compressive Related Deformation Causes Large Relative Sea Levels Shift Along the Inner Mid Norwegian Passive Margin

Discovery of Coarse-Grained Carbonate Drifts in the Maldives – Implications for Ancient Deposits


A Model for Predicting Organic Compounds Concentration Change in Water Associated with Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing

High Resolution Stratigraphic Framework Establishment of Lacustrine Shahejie Shale in Jiyang Depression, Eastern China

Formation and Preservation Mechanism of Deep Carbonate Reservoir Under Tectonic-Fluid Coupling Alterations

Calcite Vein Formation in the Utica-Point Pleasant Formations of the Appalachian Basin: Estimating Methane Density and Pressure Using Micro Laser Raman Spectroscopy, and Timing of Vein Formation Using Fluid Inclusion (FI) Microthermometry

The Development and Applications of Elliptical Fault Flow: A New Kinematic Algorithm to Model and Restore Isolated Normal Faults

Exploration Trends in Latin America

Multidisciplinary Characterization of Geomechanical Properties and Flow Behavior of the Coupled Arbuckle-Basement System, Payne County, Northern Oklahoma

Is Hydrocarbon Exploration Running Out of Resources to Find or Ideas to Find It?

Extrapolation of Reservoir Properties From Wells Using Depositional Environment Information From 3-D Seismic Data

Advanced Pyrolysis Data and Interpretation Methods to Identify Unconventional Reservoir Sweet Spots in Fluid Phase Saturation and Fluid Properties (API Gravity) From Drill Cuttings and Cores

Studying Seismic Signatures of Fluid Substitution in Reservoir Characterization

Discovery of a Bolivian Foothills Giant Gas Field: Incahuasi

Future of Energy Exploration

The Exploration Challenges and Opportunities Left in the Mature of the West Java Basin Area, Indonesia

High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization of the Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Wolfcamp and 3rd Bone Spring Sand of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, Using Combined Chemostratigraphic and Mechanical Hardness Data

Early Paleozoic to Recent Plate Animation of Gulf of Mexico Evolution as a Framework for Understanding Its Diverse Hydrocarbon Resources

Reservoir Quality Prediction in Frontier Basins

The Potential Impacts of Substrate Erosion and Facies Heterogeneity of Blocky MTDs on Reservoir Volumes and Seal Quality: Insights From the Ventimiglia Flysch Formation (Eocene, NW Italy)

Updated USGS Resource Assessment of the Spraberry Formation, Midland Basin, Texas

Controls on Fluid Quality Variations Across Four Producing Fields in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Characterization and Correlation of the Kreyenhagen Formation in the Northern San Joaquin Basin, California: A Chemostratigraphic Perspective

Predictive Stratigraphic Methods and Their Development: New Global Geological Concepts Driven by Technology Advances

Residency of Rhenium and Osmium Within Heavy Crude Oil

Sediment Dispersal Pattern of the Paleogene Wilcox Formation in the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico Basin Based on Detrital Zircon Analysis and Forward Modeling

Geodynamic Control on the Deposition of Siliciclastics and Carbonates in West-Directed Subduction Settings: An Example From Eastern Offshore of Tobago Island, Southeastern Caribbean

The Terrestrial-Marine Transition in the Phosphoria Rock Complex of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Integrated Multidisciplinary Workflow for Shale Play Characterization: Towards Selecting Best Landing Points in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina

The Falkland Islands, an Emerging Petroleum Province

Opening New Oil Basins: A Pattern of Discoveries

Practical Tools, the Beginnings of Professional Practice, and the Founding of AAPG: 1900-1917

Chronostratigraphy Across a Conjugate Margin Source-to-Sink: UruguaySPAN and NamibiaSPAN—Why Stop at Basement?

The Helium System: A Modification of the Petroleum System for Inert Gases

Mechanical Stratigraphic Controls on Natural Fracture Spacing and Penetration

Humid Terminal Splays as Sand-Sheet Reservoirs: A First Look at the Modern, Andean Foreland, and a New Look at the Ancient, Raton Basin

The Petroleum System of the Mauritania-Senegal Basin

Seeing the Big Picture – How to Use Stress Shadowing to Drive Stage Spacing

The Future of Total Exploration: One Ambition

Quantifying Organic Porosity and Predicting Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) in the Eagle Ford Formation

The Greater Gorgon Area, Northwest Australia: Exploration to Production

Saturations of Migrating Buoyant Fluids From Invasion Percolation Flow Simulation Using Small-Scale, High-Resolution Geologic Models With Realistic Heterogeneity

Reservoir Forecast Quality – Impact of Reservoir Modeling, Uncertainty Assessment of Sparse Data, and Decision Bias

Practical and Efficient Three Dimensional Structural Restoration Using “Geological Knowledge-Oriented” Earth Models

Unravelling Provenance of Condensates and Associated Natural Gases in the Almond Formation Carbonaceous Shales and Sandstone Reservoirs, Southwestern Wyoming

Three-Phase Darcy Migration in Basin Modeling

Quantitative Outcrop Characterization of Incised Valley Fill Combining UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Traditional Geologic Field Methods

Optimal Gridding Selection for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation of a Channelized Deepwater System

High-Resolution Architecture of Proximal Basin-Floor Deepwater Clastics: Examples From Outcrop, Permian Upper Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas

Probabilistic Hydrocarbon Migration Modeling in the Utsira High Area, Norwegian North Sea

Hydrocarbon Migration Phenomena and Their Relation to Charge Efficiency: A Review

The AAPG Century – Giant Fields Through the Decades

Channel Complex Fills in the Distal Palaeogene Wilcox Play (GoM): Spatial Organization and Conceptual Model

Exploration Research to Evaluation – A New Way of Working

A Review of Carbonate Continental Systems in Active Rift Settings (Offshore Angola) – A Combined Subsurface and Outcrop Study for Derisking Reservoir Presence

Integrated 3-D Seismic and Core Data for Characterization of Natural Fractures of the Hunton Limestone and the Woodford Shale in Central Oklahoma

Base Rate Neglect: A Common Logical Fallacy of Oil and Gas Explorers?

Evaluation of Coal Bed Methane Play in the Eastern Part of the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin (Botswana)

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Simplified Workflow for Target Optimization Utilizing Correlation Matrices: An Example From the Bakken Formation

The Light and Dark Side of Eagle Ford Shale Oil: Extrapolating Data Rich Wells to a Field Scale Model

Rapid Compactional Progression in Sand and Mud: Data From the Nicobar Fan, Indian Ocean

Sediment Flux Variations Correlated With Climate Zones of the Gulf of Mexico for the Past 10kyr – Testing the BQART Equation

Integrating Crustal Architecture and Syn-Rift Plate Kinematics

Applicability of Bentonites to Early Development Areas, TOC Prediction and Quantification of Lateral Facies Variation: A Case in Vaca Muerta Formation (Argentina)

The Protagonists of Sequence Stratigraphy Caught on Video

Ecological Evidence of Holocene Flooding and Eutrophication in Texas Bays

Evolution and Effects of Sequence Stratigraphy

Atlantic Margin, Stratigraphic Play: An Integrated CSEM-Seismic Approach to De-Risk Fluids?

High-Resolution Geochemical Assessment of Two Wolfcamp Formation Cores in the Southern Delaware Basin

High Stress Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit Associated With the Highly Deformed Kohat Basin, NW Himalayas, Pakistan: Its Importance and Implication in the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Developmental Strategies

Advanced Geochemical Technologies Extend Petroleum Systems to Include Previously Missed Sources Revealing New Exploration Plays

The Effects of Lamination/Bedding on the Brittleness for the Woodford Shale Silica-Rich Intervals, From the Wyche-1 Core-Well Analysis, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma

Onshore San Joaquin Basin and Temblor Range, California: New Insights Into the Structural Framework of a Complex and Mature Fold and Thrust Belt.

Recommended Practices for Baseline Sampling of Water Sources in Areas of Shale Oil and Gas Development

Scale Dependency of Pore Space and Its Impact on Flow Dynamics Within Carbonate Reservoirs

Raft-Related Structures of the Albian Madiela Formation, Offshore South Gabon

Geological Challenges in the Development of a Colombian Waterflood Using Horizontal Wells

The InSight Mission HP3 Experiment: The First Heat-Flow Determination on Mars and an Opportunity for Collecting Parameters for Use of Heat-Pumps on Mars

Microbially Influenced Waulsortian Mound Reservoirs in the Lower Mississippian (Tournasian) Lodgepole Formation, Dickinson Field Complex, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA

Exceptional Mechanisms for Preservation of Eolian Successions

Fluvial-Eolian System Interaction on a Water Table-Controlled Lower Delta Plain, Skeidarársandur, Iceland

NMR Applications for Bazhenov Shale Core Samples Analysis and Filtration Experiments Under Reservoir Conditions

Evaluating the Application of Process-Based Models as Training Images for Multiple Point Statistics

The Link Between Carbonates, Evaporites and Siliciclastics in Arid Rift Basins; El Qaa Fault Block, Suez Rift, Egypt

Grain-Size Distribution and Sedimentary Transport Patterns in Deep Water Rift Basins: Plio-Pleistocene Syn-Rift of the Corinth Rift, Greece

Petroleum Correlation in the Tampen Spur Area, North Sea: A New Approach from Molecular and Stable Carbon Isotopic Data of Light Hydrocarbons

Source Indicators to Unravel Mixtures of Oils in the South Viking Graben, North Sea: A Study Based on δ13C of Individual Hydrocarbons, PAHs and Sulfur Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Geocellular Model of a Heterogeneous Reservoir Analogue: The Sego-Neslen Formation Transition Near Harley Dome, Book Cliffs, Utah

Comparing Shale Gouge Ratio and Juxtaposition Analysis Using Stochastic Trap Analysis: Examples From Gippsland, Taranaki, Malay and Southern North Sea Basins

Sequence Stratigraphy and Modelling Carbonate Heterogenity

Salt Tectonics in Fold and Thrusts Belts: Examples From the Zagros, Pyrenees and Kuqa Basin

Correlative Study With Raman Microscopy and Optical Petrography for Investigation of Organic Matter Within Mudstones

Fault History Diagrams: Rapid Analysis of Temporal Variations in Fault Throw and Lithological Juxtaposition


3-D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Systems in Frontier Deepwater Basins: The East-Mediterranean Levant Basin Case-Study

Revisiting the Petroleum Potentials of Lebanon: What Did We Learn From Recent Studies and the New Major Discoveries in the Levant Region?

Carbonate Pore System Characterization and Porosity Prediction Using Multi-Scale Data

OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission

Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of the Upper Bakken Shale, Williston Basin

Breakthrough Business Opportunities in the Oil Industry for YPs and “Small Team” Geoscientists

Stratal Architecture and Stratigraphic Evolution of Ancient Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Slope Deposits of the First Isaac Carbonate, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Southern Canadian Cordillera

Stratigraphic Evolution of an Ancient Channel-Lobe Transition Zone (CLTZ) in the Windermere Turbidite System and Implications for Reservoir Development

Preliminary Evaluation of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Resources in Sindh, Pakistan

Detailed Reservoir Characterization by Integrating Core, 3-D CT Scan and Borehole Imaging Datasets

Structural Evolution of Encapsulated Oligocene Minibasins and Allochthonous Salt in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Two-Phase, Full-Fit, Triassic-Mesozoic Reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, Its Continental Margins and Twin Salt Basins

The Main Controlling Factors and Characteristics of Cambrian Pre-salt Dolomite Reservoirs in Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin, North-West China

Exploration Revival From Multi-Vintage Diverse Source Dataset - Bay of Biscay

Using RMS Amplitudes Derived From Synthetic Forward Seismic Models of Channelized Deep-Water Slope Deposits to Inform Stratigraphic Interpretation, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Influence of Forearc Development on Sediment Routing: Detrital Zircon Provenance of Paleogene to Neogene Strata, East Coast of New Zealand

How Have Well Economics and EURs Reacted to Low Commodity Prices and Falling Service Costs Within the United States Oil Plays?

Stress, Deformation and Failure Associated With Salt-Sheet Emplacement

Control of Stratigraphic Sequence on Karst Reservoirs: A Case Study on the Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs in the North Tarim Basin, China

Morphodynamic Modeling of Fluvial Channel Fill and Avulsion Timescales During Early Holocene Transgression, as Substantiated by the Incised Valley Stratigraphy of the Trinity River, Texas

Sensitivity of Steep-Rimmed Carbonate Platforms to Early Deformation With Respect to Changes in Mechanical Rock Properties, Slope Angle, and Sea Level

Gravitationally Induced Fracture Systems in Rimmed Flat-Topped Carbonate Platforms

The Roles of Magmatism and Loading in the Formation of Seaward Dipping Reflectors: Insights From Abandoned Volcanic Segments

Global Geomorphological Relationships of Source to Sink Segments and Implications for Predicting Subsurface Reservoir Characteristics

GTMORA: A GIS Toolset for Geometric and Topological Analysis of Sandbody and Fracture Networks From Modern and Outcrop Reservoir Analogs


Understanding Uncertainty in Pore Pressure Prediction

Multi-Scale Analysis of Fluvial Architecture and Facies of the Burro Canyon-Dakota Formations Using UAV-Based Outcrop Photogrammetry and Modeling – Implications for Reservoir Performance, Escalante Canyon, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Development of Middle Cretaceous Canyons in the Nova Scotian Margin: Significance/Nature of Gravity-Driven Deposits and Their Relationship With Slope Background Sedimentation

Microfacies Analysis of the Microbial Thrombolite Buildup in the Oxfordian Smackover Formation, Little Cedar Creek Field, Alabama

Petrophysical and Paleo-environmental Assessment of a Mississippian Rock Interval from Central Kansas, (Mid Continent-US) Using Thin Sections

Complex Carbonate Pore Systems of the Carboniferous Hodder Mudstone Formation, Bowland Basin, UK

Rock Quality Prediction Using Crossplots and Seismic Lithology Inversion: An Example of XIN Field, Eastern Niger Delta Basin

Geochemical and Isotope Data Aided Remote Sensing Interpretations of Surficial Mineralogical Heterogeneities as Possible Late Diagenetic Indicators of Microseepage in Garza, Texas

Inception of the Continental Scale Danube River: On the Time of Its Arrival Into the Black Sea Basin as It Formed From Segmented Paratethyan Basins

Fault Length, Connectivity and Reservoir Compartmentalisation – Testing Workflows With Seismic Forward Modelling

Examination of Factors Contributing to the Growth and Loss of Wetlands in Louisiana

Facies Variability and Stratal Architecture of a Large-Scale Mississippi River Point Bar, False River, Louisiana

Integrated Basinal-Scale Study on Potential Shale Plays in Abakaliki Fold Belt and Calabar Flank, Nigeria

Seismic Facies Classification of the Internal Architecture of Mass Transport Deposits: Implication for Reservoir Seal Competence

Cenozoic Evolution of Siliciclastic Sediments and Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Southwestern Barents Sea

Froude Supercritical Flow Bedforms in Deepwater Slope Channels, Eocene Forearc Basin, California: Recognition Criteria and Field Examples in Conglomerates, Sandstones and Fine-Grained Deposits, Their Morphological Changes of Bedforms From Shelf-Edge Channels to Middle Slope Channels

Geometry, Distribution, and Infill Character of Erosional Scours in a Thin-bedded, Distal Lower Shoreface Sandstone Reservoir Analog: Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, East-Central Utah, USA

The Mexican Gulf of Mexico “Gigante” Seep Hunting Program: Unprecedented Data Quality Underpins Unprecedented Success

The Outstanding Exploration Successes of Rovuma Basin After 60 Years of Disappointing Results in East African Coastal Basins

Influence of Substrate and Bathymetry on the Emplacement of Mass-Transport Complexes: Insights From the Magdalena Fan, Offshore Colombia

Onshore Mature Field Rejuvenation on Golden Lane, Mexico: Reducing Cycle Time Through an Integrated Approach

Subsalt Imaging: An Integrated Approach to Image Improvement of Vintage Data

Predictive Models for Basin Scale Alluvial Architecture: Paleocene-Eocene Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Does Vertical Effective Stress Influence Quartz Cementation?


Electrical and Acoustic Properties Evaluation of Reconsolidated Mudrocks as a Function of Organic Matter Content

Assessment of Lithium-Rich Brine From the Smackover Formation by Analyzing Core, Geochemical, Petrophysical, and Productivity Data: Insights From Deep Evaporite-Carbonate Transitions.

A New Look at Inverting Subsidence to Heat Flow in Rift-Related Basins – Deconvolution of Processes and Phases

Geodynamics and Synchronous Filling of Flexural Basins: The Northern Margin of the Levant Basin

The New Opportunity of Gas Exploration From Tight Mudstone and Shale Dominated Sequences in Miocene, Carpathian Foredeep, Poland

Comparative Analysis of Shale Gas/Oil Resources in the Baltic and the Lublin Basins (Poland) Based on 3-D Static Modelling

Expanding the Use of Seismic Amplitude and AVO From Fluid Prediction to Stratigraphic Architecture Definition

Late Oligocene Reorganization of the Drainage Divide In Western Gulf of Mexico

Pore Fabric Characterization in Sandstones Using Magnetic Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit Methods

Jurassic Gravitational Shelf Spreading in the Western DeSoto Canyon Salt Basin, Mobile, Viosca Knoll and Destin Dome Areas, East-Central Gulf of Mexico

Acquisition of Mud by Gravity Flows and the Development of Turbidites vs. Hybrid Event Beds: Insights From the Ponded Castagnola System (NW Italy)

The Whys and Wherefores of Geochemistry and Basin Modeling From Exploration to Production

De-Risking One of the Final Passive Margin Hydrocarbon Basins: Insights Into the Evolution and Play Potential of Offshore Somalia

Successful Horizontal Well Placement With Limited Data Control in the Deep Toarcian Age Carbonate Reservoir of North Kuwait: A Case Study

Evolution of Syn-Rift Crustal Architecture in Foz do Amazonas Basin, North Brazil

Stratigraphic Evolution of the Barrow Group (Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia): Controls on the Architecture of a Shelf-Margin During a Syn-Rift to Post-Rift Transition

Linking Shallow-Marine Process Regime and Slope/Basin Architecture Within the Barrow Group (Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia): Insights From Quantitative 3-D Seismic Geomorphology

Integrating a Deterministic Lithology Model for Subsurface Correlation, Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah

Chronocorrelation of Eagle Ford-Equivalent Stratigraphy in West Texas Through Integration of Biostratigraphic, Chemostratigraphic and Astrochronologic Data With High Resolution U/Pb Zircon Geochronology of Ash Beds From the Ernst Member (Boquillas Formation: Big Bend National Park) and Eagle Ford Group (Lozier Canyon)

Unravelling the Influence of Throw and Stratigraphy in Controlling Sub-Seismic Fault Architecture of Fold-Thrust Belts: An Example From the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau

Estimating Rates of Subsidence Using Sedimentation Over the Trinity River Incised Valley, Galveston Bay, Texas, and the Potential Implications for Geohazards

How to Make a 350-m Thick Lowstand Systems Tract in 17,000 Years: The Late Pleistocene Po River Lowstand Wedge

Defining Chronostratigraphic Framework and Clinothem Evolution Through Seismic Analyses of the Po River Lowstand Wedge (Adriatic Sea): Changes in Sediment Supply and Compartmentalized Basin-Floor Deposits

Storm Bed Sequences and Depositional Environments: Sedimentary Model and Well Correlation for the Utica/Point Pleasant Formations of Eastern Ohio, Appalachian Basin, Ordovician

Three-Dimensional Variation in High-Relief Shelf Margin Clinoform Architecture With Implications for Sediment Delivery to the Deep-Sea, Cretaceous Alaskan North Slope

Geochemistry, Origin, and Accumulation of Petroleum in the Eocene Wenchang Formation Reservoirs in Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea: A Case Study of HZ25-7 Oil Field

Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Late Eocene Enping Formation Mudstones in the Huilu Area, Northern Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea

Permeability Estimation Based on Pore Characterization and Flow Modeling From Thin-Sections Image Analysis of Grain-Dominated Carbonates

Laboratory Measurement of Mudrock on Porosity, Pore and Pore Throat Size, and Permeability: Learnings From Comparison of Techniques

Mixed Processes in an Asymmetic, Wave-Dominated Shelf-Edge Delta Lobe: The Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta (Moruga Formation), Trinidad

Advanced Modeling of Gas (Methane Through Pentane) Compositions and Carbon Isotopes in Petroleums and Petroleum Mixtures

Implications of Early Gulf of Mexico Tectonic History for Distribution of Upper Jurassic to Mid Cretaceous Source Rocks in Deep Water Exploration Areas of US and Mexico

Definition, Modes of Occurrence and Pitfalls in Understanding the Term ‘Bitumen’ in Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems

Mudstone Depositional Processes of the Cretaceous Colorado Group Shale, West-Central Alberta, Canada

Mechanisms for the Redistribution of Mud Across a Low-Gradient Basin: Colorado Group Shale, west-central Alberta, Canada

Quantitative Approach to Extension and Fault Characterization Within the Central and Northern Llanos Basin, Colombia

Activation Energies of Kerogen in the Eagle Ford Shale Estimated From Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Data: Comparison of Methods Using Single and Multiple Heating Rates

Bridging the ‘Gap’ to Unconventional Permeabilitys: Insights to Unconventional Tight Oil Techniques, Advancements and Understandings

Comparing and Contrasting Analytically Quantified Porosity and Pore Size Distributions in the Wolfcamp Formation From SEM Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Crushed Rock Core Analysis

Pisolite Facies in the Wuchiapingian Isolated Reefs of Western Poland

Guidelines for Kinetic Input to Basin and Petroleum System Models

Kerogen Kinetics of the Red River Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Geologically Driven Joint Inversion of Gravity, Seismic and Well Data: A Step Forward in Understanding of Geological Structure and Reducing E&P Risks

Fluvial-Aeolian-Evaporitic Interactions in Arid Continental Basins: Implications for Basin-Scale Migration and Reservoir Characterisation

Scaling Relationships in Linked Submarine Channel-Lobe Systems: Enabling Prediction of Reservoir Scales and Geometries in Deep-Water Sediment Routing Systems

Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Blackhawk-Castlegate Succession, Book Cliffs and Wasatch Plateau, Utah

Ground-Penetrating Radar Study of Gulf of Mexico Holocene Beach Ridges as Sea-Level Indicators

Sand Sheet and Protodune Development and Preservation in Aeolian Systems

Geochemical Characterization of Potential Source Rocks in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of Ramp Syncline Basins

Controls on the Distribution of Channel Sands in a Fluvial Fan System: The Effects of Tectonic Deformation and Discharge Variation on the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Brahmaputra Fan Delta

Sedimentology and XRF-Based Elemental Geochemistry of Cores From the Trenton Group and Utica Shale Along the Ordovician Outcrop Belt in Central New York

Finding the Sequence Missing Link: Recognition of the RST in Clastics and Carbonates in Outcrop, Borehole and Seismic Stratigraphy

Novel Lidar XRF Integration for Routine Outcrop Elemental and Mineralogic Analysis: Examples From the Florida Pleistocene and New Mexico Permian

Cyclicity, Dune Migration and Wind Velocity in Lower Permian Eolian Strata, Manitou Springs, Colorado

Integrated Reservoir Modeling for Water Flooding in Deep-Water, GOM

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Toe-Thrust Region of the Niger Delta Slope: Linking Structural Evolution to Basin Fill History

Guyana-Suriname Basin, South America: Hot Ultra-Deepwater Exploration Opportunities and Liza Field: Worldwide Largest 2015-2016 Hydrocarbon Discovery

Improving the Compartmentalization Definition of Prospective Areas in the Paleo-Flattened Space – An Eagle Ford Case Study

Effect of Froude Supercritical Flow on Fluvial Facies, Geometries and Architecture

Downstream Grain-Size Coarsening in Proximal Lobe Deposits of the Karoo Basin Compared With Comparable Flume Experiments

Automatic Well Log Correlation

Chemical Diagenesis and Biota in Stratigraphic Context: The Phosphoria Rock Complex (Permian), Rocky Mountain Region USA

Impact of Geological Heterogeneity on Recovery Efficiency in Deep-Water Reservoirs: Insights From an Integrated Subsurface (Wilcox Fm.) and Outcrop (T. Karoo) Study

Hiatuses in the Eagle Ford Unconventional Resource Play, Recognizing Them and Determining How They Form

High Resolution Azimuthal Diffraction Imaging of Natural Fracture Zones in Unconventional Shales

New Unconventional Potential of the Mature Petroleum Provinces in Poland

Origin of Silica in Pre-Salt Carbonates, Kwanza Basin, Angola

Deep-Water Turbidites in Not-so-Deep Basins

Seismic Stratigraphic and Seismic Geomorphologic Case Study of Deep-Water Slope Deposits: Processes and Products

Elephants? In the US Atlantic?

Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Sedimentary Systems, Transition Zones and Stratigraphic Sequences in a High-Latitude Basin Margin Succession

Unsupervised Seismic Facies Classifications of the Lower Strawn Fm. Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, TX

Diagenetic Systematics of Carbonate Associated Sulfate in Carbonate Facies of the Yates, Capitan, and Bell Canyon Formations, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX

Depositional Interpretation and Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Reservoir Quality and Distribution in the Meramec STACK Play: Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Adopting improved well data standardization methods and workflows to reduce cycle time and risk in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Basin

Fracture Systems Prediction for Exploratory Prospects Using Multiscale Data Integration - Application in a Mesozoic Carbonate Reservoir in the Southeastern of Mexico

Linking Sequence Stratigraphy and Rock Mechanics for the Unconventional Permian Tight Oil Play in the Delaware Basin: A Hierarchical Tool for Predicting Fracture Barriers and Stimulation Zones

Characterization of Organic Compounds in Produced Water From Unconventional Reservoirs Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Carbon Isotope Analysis

Computed Tomographic Core Scanning to Generate a Carbonate Diagenesis Log in Upper Cambrian Microbial Buildups (Mason County, TX)

Improved Permeability Assessment Using Directional Rock Fabric Quantification

Complex Interplay Between Depositional and Petrophysical Environments on a Holocene Tidal Flat (Al Ruwais, Qatar)

Morphometric Comparison of the Pleistocene Miami Oolite and Modern High-Energy Sand Bodies of Great Bahama Bank

Geostatistical Methods for Unconventional Reservoir Uncertainty Assessments


Organic Facies and Reservoir Characterization of Eagle Ford Shale as Determined by Stratigraphy, Source Rocks, and Oil Geochemistry

Rock-Eval Basic/Bulk-Rock vs. Shale Play Methods for Characterization of Unconventional Shale Resource Systems: Application to the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas

Nano-Scale Pore Characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas

Equatorial Atolls of Republic of Kiribati (Equatorial Pacific): Impact of Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Processes on Sedimentology and Geomorphology

Characterization of Deep Tight Carbonate Gas Plays With an Integrated Interpretation - Case Study From North Kuwait

Integrated Kerogen Characterization in Terms of Source Rock Evaluation and SCAL - Case Study From North Kuwait

Amplitude of Pair Correlation Function to Understand Heterogeneity From Well-Log and Seismic Data

Basin Analysis and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Papuan Basin, a Frontier Basin in Papua New Guinea

Altered Mafic Tuff Mounds From the Upper Cretaceous of Central Texas: The First Economical Unconventional Reservoir?

Pores Observed in Organic Matter in Mudrocks: A Ten-Year Retrospective

Pore Systems in a Volcanogenic-Grain-Bearing Mudrock: The Jurassic-Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Shale of Argentina

New Insight Into the Shark Bay Microbial System, Part 2: Carbonate Factory

Modelling Laramide Deformation to Predict Fracture Orientations in the Big Sand Draw, Wyoming: Part 2 - Fracture Modelling

Spatial Variations in the Stoichiometry and Geochemistry of Miocene Dolomite From Grand Cayman: Implications for the Origin of Island Dolostone

Facies Independent Porosity, Permeability, and Production Trends in the Micropore-Dominated Word Field (Edwards Formation), Lavaca County, TX

Asymmetrical Conjugate Margins of the South Atlantic: Effects of Variable Basement Architecture and Magmatic Additions on the Continental Rifting Process and Petroleum Systems

Partitioning of Longshore Versus River-derived Mud on the Inner Shelf of the Modern Asymmetric Wave-Influenced Brazos Delta, Texas Gulf Coast, USA

Structural Modeling and Its Impact on Development of the Piedemonte Area, Eastern Cordillera Fold and Thrust Belt, Colombia

Depositional Facies and Potential Bounding Surfaces Along an Erg Axis to Erg Margin Transect, Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone, Utah

Lithofacies, Sequence Architecture, and Petrophysical Characterization of the Lower Desert Creek Zone (Middle Pennsylvanian, Paradox Formation) in the Greater Aneth Field, Southern Paradox Basin, Utah

A Comparison of Options for the US Petroleum Industry in Dealing With Climate Change – Regulations, Carbon Fees, or “Business as Usual”

Modified Methods of Petrophysical Pore Pressure Prediction and Static Geomodel Integration in the Delaware Basin: Modeling Overpressure Generated by Fluid Expansion

An Integrated Sedimentological and Geochemical Analysis of a Lacustrine Sedimentary Cycle in the Triassic Cow Branch Formation of the Dan River Basin

Insight on the Complexity of a Paleokarst Reservoir: Examples From a World-Class Outcrop Analogue (Southern Italy)

Stable Isotopic and Trace Elemental Composition of Mollusks From the “Inland Sea” Lagoon and Channel System, Southeastern Qatar

A Diagenetic and Paleomagnetic Study of the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma

Controls on Convection Along Fault Systems and Implications for Hydrothermal Dolomitization in a Cenozoic Rift System

Salt Tectonics and Salt-Sediment Interaction Around the Bakio Diapir, Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Pyrenees

Seismic Characterisation of “Prospect B”: A Possible Carbonate Build-Up From the Late Syn-Rift (Barremian) of the Lüderitz Basin, Namibia

Stratigraphic Record of Washover Deposition Shows Rapid Response of Barrier Islands to Sea-Level Rise

San Andres Play in the Northwest Shelf: A New Insight on Its Petroleum Systems From Oil Geochemistry

The Effect of Oil Based Drilling Mud (OBM) on the Assessment of Hydrocarbon Charge Potential: Are We Underestimating Source Rock Potential?

Estimating the Ultimate Expellable Potential of Source Rocks: Defining “World Class” for Aquatic Organofacies With Examples From the Arabian, West Siberian, Bohai and Williston Basins

Diagenetic Evolution of the Cherry Valley Member of the Oatka Creek Formation, Marcellus Subgroup, New York

Evolution of E&P Risk Analysis

Ocean Bottom Seismic Inspires Major Structural Update at South Arne Field, Danish North Sea

Improving Tight Reservoir Definition Using Seismic Object Detection Within the Woodford Formation

A Comparison of Popular Neural Network Facies Classification Schemes

A View on the Past, Present, and Future Use of Paleoclimate Modeling in Hydrocarbon Exploration

Identifying Remaining Bakken/Three Forks Prospects Using Geologic, Engineering and Dynamic Well Spacing Data

Permian Stacked-Pay Potential Assessment Using Multi-Disciplinary Analytics

An Overview of Allochthonous Salt Tectonics

Salt Tectonics of the Norwegian Barents Sea and the NE Greenland Shelf

Spatial, Temporal, and Detachment-Level Variations in Thin-Skinned Deformation, Gulf Basin, USA and Mexico

Defining Lateral Lithostratigraphic and Chemostratigraphic Variability Within a Closely-Spaced Array of Drill Cores, Upper Cretaceous Strata, Austin, Texas

Preliminary Chemostratigraphic Record for the Devonian Three Forks Formation and Associated Units, North Dakota

Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization in Deepwater Settings - Offshore Colombia (Guajira Basin)

Can Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts Be Applied in Mudrock Systems?

Prediction of Fluvial Point-Bar Form, Internal Architecture and Heterogeneity From Outcrop and Morphometric Analysis of Meander Bends

Transregional Sequence-Stratigraphic Correlation of the Maastrichtian Fox Hills Sandstone: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana

Pitfalls and Unicorns: Secrets to a Successful Career While Chasing Hydrocarbons


Unravelling Complex Petroleum Filling History of Great White Field by 4-D Integrated Petroleum Systems Approach

Salt-Sediment Interaction in Sable Sub-Basin, Nova Scotia (Canada)

Is Hinterland Basin of the Hill Ranges in North Pakistan Overlooked Geological Province for the Hydrocarbon Exploration?

Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics North of the Mahakam Delta, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia

An Integration of Genetic Inversion and Seismic Frequency Attributes to Delineate Reservoir Targets in Offshore Northern Orange Basin, South Africa

The Impact of Inheritance on the Architecture of Natural Fracture Networks – A Multi-Scale Study From Southeastern Australia

South Caribbean Petroleum Systems: An Updated Overview

Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems: Dynamics and Controls, Eocene-Oligocene Browse Basin

New Insight of Fold-Thrust Belt Evolution as Implication of Hydrocarbon Prospect in the West Timor Island, Indonesia

Geomechanics and Geological Characteristic of Unconventional Plays in the South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

New Approach in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis: Case Study of Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia

Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy – An Historical Perspective

Impact of Pore Pressure Estimation Uncertainty on Well Design and Execution: An Example From Deepwater West Africa

Experimental Workflow Applied to Marine Source Rocks Sampled in the Montney-Doig Formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Mapping the Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone along the Northern Margin of the Yucatan Peninsula

From Outcrop to Reservoir: Improving Exploration in Diapiric Provinces

Structural Heritage and Salt Deposits Impact on the Sable Sub-basin Architecture

Submarine Landsliding into the Orca Basin Brine Pool, Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico

Products of Slope Failure Processes as Potential Petroleum System Elements – Seismic Examples From Offshore Northwest Shelf of Australia

Seismic Geomorphology of Cretaceous Megaslides Offshore Namibia (Orange Basin): Insights Into Segmentation and Degradation of Gravity-Driven Linked Systems

Water in the Asteroid Belt: Dawn Mapping of Vesta and Ceres

The Influence of Clay Type and Grain Size on the Bedload Deposition of Muds - An Experimental Perspective

A Conceptual Perspective on Processes That Deposit Mud and Their Impact on Shale Fabrics and Future Pore Systems

A Royal Flush in the Great Campos (Brazil's Santos-Campos) Basin

Drilling a Downdip Location: Effect on Updip and Downdip Resource Estimates and Commercial Chance

Elastic Properties of Great Bahama Bank From Platform Top to the Toe-of-Slope

Petroleum Systems Modeling Applied to Unconventional Resource Plays

Geology of Northern Alto Relex Area, Roy's Peak Quadrangle, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas

Method and Data-Acquisition Workflow for Rock-Type Definitions in the Lower Carboniferous Resource Play, NW England

Surface Geochemical Exploration After 100 Years: Lessons Learned and What More Must Be Done

Minimize Exploration Risk: The Impact of Hydrocarbon Microseepage Surveys for Distinguishing Hydrocarbon-Charged Traps From Traps Without Hydrocarbons

Predicting the Potential for Fluid-Induced Fault Reactivation: An Example From Wellington Field, Sumner County, KS

Giants in the Rift: Petroleum System Elements of Rift-Basin Hosted Giant Fields

Impact of Petrophysical Properties on Hydraulic Fracture Analysis

Direct Computation of the Oda Fractured Rock Mass Permeability Tensor From Digital Outcrop Datasets

Evidence of Exposure of the Upper Cretaceous Congost Carbonate Platform and Implications for Emergent Surfaces Identification From Subsurface Data

Peru, A High Potential Hydrocarbon Exploration Opportunity

The Jurassic Organic Rich Carbonate Mudstones of the Tauride Belt (Turkey): Their Unconventional Oil and Gas Systems

Allochthonous Blocks and Thrust Tectonics Effects to Petroleum Exploration in the Ulus Basin, Western Black Sea of Turkey

The Montney Turbidite Complex of Northwest Alberta and Northeast British Columbia: Evolution of an Oil and Gas Play From Conventional to Unconventional

Reconstructing the Evolution of the Pamir Lower Crust: Zircon U-Pb and Trace-Element Petrochronology of UHP/UHT Xenoliths

Interpreter-Assisted Interactive Delineation of Salt Domes Using Phase Congruency and Gradient of Texture Attributes

Quantitative Description of Different Facies Belts of Paleogene Volcanic Rocks in BZ349 Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin

Sediment Dispersal Patterns in the Denver Basin Foreland: Insights From Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology

Early Cenozoic Drainage Reorganization of the U.S. Western Interior-Gulf of Mexico Sediment Routing System

Seismic Efficiency vs. Fracability; Effects of Mechanical Properties on Radiated Elastic Waves With Application to Hydraulic-Fracturing-Induced Microseismicity

Pressure Evolution in Buried-Hill Reservoirs of Wen'an Slope, Jizhong Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin

Pore Characteristics of the Organic-Rich Marine Shales With High Thermal Maturity: A Case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Gas Shale Reservoirs in Southern China

Investigation of Rift Evolution Through Examining Scaling Properties of Fault Populations Within the Central Kenya Rift

The Source is in the Sink: Deep-Water Deposition From a Submarine Volcanic Arc, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Investigating Controls on Submarine Channel Evolution Through Morphometric Scaling Relationships

Does It Pay to Innovate? An Economic Lookback at the Lifecycle of the Amplitude Play in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Structural Analysis of Strike-slip Faulting in Ernst Tinaja Canyon, Big Bend National Park, TX

Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterization of the Reservoir Facies of Doig Formation in British Columbia, Triassic of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Bayhead Deltas and Shorelines: Insights From Modern and Ancient Examples

Understanding the Scale of Calcite Mass Transfer in a Nanoporous Reservoir, Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, Colorado

Characterization of Properties in Deformation Bands

Petrophysical Analysis of the 3rd Bone Spring Formation

Ultimate Demise of Upper Cambrian Microbial Reefs Through Increasing Water Column Turbidity (Mason County, Central Texas)

Application of Gamma Spectrometry to Hydrocarbon Anomalies in Shale Cores at Pomerania Region, Poland

Geochemical Drivers in Carbonate Shoreline Settings: Examples From Permian of West Texas and New Mexico

Investigating the Deep Structure of Igneous Basement Beneath a CCS Site, Illinois Basin

Diversity of Large-Scale, Deepwater Bed Forms in Mexico Offshore Areas: Neogene to Modern

Toward the Creation of Models to Predict Static and Dynamic Fault Seal Potential in Carbonates

Characterization of the Pore System and its Storage Capacity in Devonian Black Shale of Appalachian Basin

Hydrocarbon Sources and Charge History in the Ultra-Deep-Buried Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoir, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin

Professionalism and Ethics in Geology: Use It or Lose It!

Our Current Working Model for Unconventional Tight Petroleum Systems: Oil and Gas

Petroleum Exploration Potential in North America c. 1859

Lewis G. Weeks and the “Oil Habitat” Paradigm in Petroleum Geology

Stratigraphic Model for Lower and Upper Cretaceous Strata of the East Texas Basin – Constraints From Core, Wireline-Log, and 2-D Seismic Data

The Stratigraphic Expression of Slope Channel Evolution: Insights From Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Channel Fills From the Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, Southern Chile

Frequency Distribution of Bed Thickness in Slope-Channel Fills: New Insights From the Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, Chile

New Insights on the Variability of Submarine Lobe Deposits

The Exploration Dilemma – Threshold for a New Paradigm?

The Role of Buoyancy Reversal in Turbidite Deposition and Submarine Fan Morphology: Examples From Flume Experiments, Quaternary Deposits, and the Ancient Rock Record

Mid-Jurassic Shelf-Margin Growth in Neuquen Basin: Coarse-Grained, River-Tide Interaction at the Shelf Edge

Incised Valleys in the Parkman Sandstone, Wyoming: New Sequence Analysis Opens Up New Exploration and Development Opportunities in the Powder River Basin.

Assessing Novel Chemostratigraphic Correlation Tools in Carbonate Reservoir Rocks: A Mississippian Limestone Case Study

Lessons from a Decade of Discovery Thinking Forums

Influence of Deep Salt on the Style of Major Structures in Northeast Saudi Arabia

Facies-Specific Reservoir Rock Properties of a Back-Barrier Lagoon Deposit Interpreted From a Core-to-Outcrop Study in the Kaiparowits Plateau

Predicting 3-D Connectivity From Core and Seismic: An Example From Outcropping Deep-Water Slope Channels

Gypsum Stromatolites From Sawda Nathil: A Geological Relict From Salinas Along the Fourth Coastline of Qatar

Physical Models of Subaqueous Transitional Sediment-Gravity Flows: Stacked Flow Interaction and Remobilization

Development of an Early Miocene Carbonate Formation From Integrated Well Data, Modern Analogs and Geophysical Information: Case Study From Baturaja Formation, South Sumatera Basin, Indonesia

Chronostratigraphy, Correlation, and Depositional History of the Marcellus Shale in the Central Appalachian Basin: A Study of Inorganic Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, and Magnetic Susceptibility Data From Pennsylvania and West Virginia

Organic Carbon Isotopes and Silurian Chronostratigraphy in Eastern Europe

Carotenoid-Derived Biomarkers as Geochemical Tools for Petroleum Exploration and Paleoreconstruction

Fracture Characterization on Virtual Outcrop Model of Mississippian Boone Formation

Thermal Maturity Assessment for Source Rock and Producible Fluid in the Eagle Ford Shale

The Study on Characteristics of Low Permeability TZ/ROZ via CO2 Displacement

New Insight Into the Shark Bay Microbial System, Part 1: Stromatolite Provinces

Petrophysical Properties From Quantitative Multiscale Pore-Structure Characterization in an Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir: An Example From the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestones

Stable Isotope and Elemental Geochemistry Reveal Environmental Controls and Diagenetic Modification of Microbialite Facies Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Upper Cambrian Point Peak Formation, Llano River and Mill Creek, Mason County, Central Texas

Reservoir Delineation in Fluvial Architecture via Post-Stack Seismic Attributes

Development of Cutoff-Related Knickpoints in Submarine Channels: Insights From Kinematic Modeling and Implications for Reservoir Architecture

High-Resolution Geochemical Analysis of Cycles of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin

Paleogeography of the Arctic – Implications for Mesozoic Sediment Routing and Basin Fill


US Energy Trends and Projection

Exceptional Hydrocarbon Source Rock of the Conventional (Albian) Kharita Formation Reservoir in Matruh Basin, Northern Western Desert of Egypt

Advanced Analytical and Isotopic Technologies to Enhance Development Efficiency in Unconventional Resources

High-Resolution Multibeam Reveals Surficial Character of the Perdido, Mexican Ridges, and Campeche Fold Belts; Deep Water Mexican Gulf of Mexico

Macroseeps and Microseeps: A History of Unconventional Approach to Exploration Since the Start of the Petroleum Age

The Use of Iodine Surface Geochemistry Integrated With Seismic and Subsurface Geology to Find Conventional Reservoirs in the Mid-Continent USA

Lucius Field, 5 Years From Discovery to First Oil in the US GOM

Seismic Facies Classification and Characterization of Deep Water Architectural Elements. A Case of Study, North Carnarvon Basin Australia

Seismic geomorphology and characterization of deep water architectural elements and its applications in 3D modeling. A case of study, North Carnarvon Basin Australia.

TOC Distribution and Prediction in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Comparing and Contrasting Controls on Sediment Patterns in Contemporary Isolated Carbonate Platforms as Analogs for Ancient Examples – Case Studies From South East Asia

Mapping Reservoir Stress Conditions Using Hydraulic Fracturing Microseismicity

Quantification and 3-D Modeling of Architectural Variability and Controls in a Permian Carbonate Ramp, Last Chance Canyon, NM

Risk Analysis in Unexplored Areas: Application of a Response Surface Model Based Tool on the Canadian Offshore

Tectonic Development, Sedimentation and Palaeoceanography of the Mozambique Channel During the Tertiary

Geochemical Evaluation Mitigates Potential Productivity Loss in Gorgon Field, Offshore Western Australia

An Emerging Vaca Muerta Formation Unconventional Development, Sierras Blancas and Cruz de Lorena Blocks, Neuquen Basin, Argentina

The Role of Evaporites, Foreland Basin Fill, and Inherited Crustal Weaknesses on Structural Styles in the Pamir and Tian Shan Forelands, Western Tarim Basin, NW China

Geochemically Distinct Oil Families in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia Based on Chemometric Analysis of Source-Related Biomarker and Isotopic Ratios

Upper Permian Reef and Shelf Facies of the Southern Margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China Provide Insight Into Reef Ecology and Environments Prior to the End-Permian Mass Extinction

Charging of Heavy Oil Fields Surrounding the Southern End of Liaoxi Uplift From Multiple Lacustrine Source Rock Intervals and Generative Kitchens, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Mechanisms of Petroleum Accumulation in the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Origin and Occurrence of Crude Oils Presented by Rucai Zhang

Reservoir Pore Structure Classification of Carbonate Rocks Based on Lithology Analysis and NMR Experiments

Spatial Variability in the Velocity and Density Structure of Unconfined Turbidity Currents, and the Implications for Reservoir Quality of Submarine Lobe Deposits

Global Implications of the U.S. Shale Scene: Millennials, It's in Your Hands Now

Key Technologies for Processing of Seismic Data in Gas Cloud Area

Morphological and Topological Characterization of Coquinas' Porous System Through X-ray Computed Tomography and Its Correlation With Depositional Cycles

Similarities and Differences Between the Late Cretaceous Fan Complex and the Overlying Neogene Amazon Cone in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil – Implications for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration

Can Fecal Pellets in Unconventional Resource Shales Generate Hydrocarbons?

Comparison of the La Luna Formation Unconventional Resource Shale in Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia and Lago de Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Colombia Caribbean Basin: From a Frontier Area to a New Hydrocarbon Province

Assessment of Structurally Compatible Interpretation in Fold-Thrust Belts: An Example From Offshore Northwest Borneo

Integrated Core Studies of the Mishrif Formation, Rumaila Field, Southern Iraq

Offshore CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of the Northwest Gulf of Mexico Inner Continental Shelf, Upper Texas – Western Louisiana Coast

Sediment Transport Controls Ooid Growth

Influence of Lithology and Diagenesis on Mechanical and Sealing Properties of the Thirteen Finger Limestone and Upper Morrow Shale, Farnsworth Unit, Texas

Utilizing HHXRF to Assess Variable Bottom Water Anoxia Within the Late Devonian Woodford Shale in the Arkoma Basin, Southern Oklahoma

Fine-Scale Spatial Distribution of Organofacies in the Mowry Shale, Wind River Basin, Lander, WY


Is Siltstone Geomechanics on the Mixing Line Between Sandstone and Shale? Example From the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Montney Formation

Variability of Wave-Dominated and Wave-Influenced Coastlines in the Holocene - Lessons for the Subsurface

Proposed Stratigraphic Correlation Framework, Wolfcamp, Delaware Basin, West Texas

The Potential of Fluvial Crevasse Splays as (Secondary) Reservoirs

Tectonic-Geomorphologic Modeling of Paleo-Landscapes in Rifts

Derivation of Hydrocarbon Head Potential, a New Workflow for Petroleum System Analysis: Application to the Eagle Ford Formation, SE Texas

Reservoir Implications of Clumped Isotope Investigation and Micro-CT Imaging of Early Dolomite

Non-seismic Constraints in Structurally Complex Regions

Joint Estimation of the Column Height and Reservoir Distribution by Integrating AVO-Inversion and Overpressure-Driven Seismic Velocities

Structural Analysis of Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs Using Curvature Attributes, Campeche Sound, Gulf of Mexico

2-D Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Bennett Thrust Fault in the Indio Mountains of West Texas

Perdido: A Frontier Paleogene Development - 15 Years Post-Discovery

Revisiting Beachrock Cementation Processes

Impact of Geologic Description on Pore Pressure and Well Design: Shah Deniz, Offshore Caspian Sea

Salina Group Lithofacies in the Michigan Basin: Development of an Improved Depositional Model From Core Analysis

Petrophysical Signatures of Fluid Injection in Mudstones and Shales


Porosity in Vuggy Platform Carbonates Measured Over Six Orders of Magnitude

Impacts of Regional Allogenic Forcing on a Single Depositional System: Example From the Sherwood Sandstone Group, UK

Origin of Mound-Like Structures on the Outer Continental Shelf Off-Central Israel

New Insights Into the Structure and Tectonic Provenance of the Chukchi Borderland Terrane: Implications for Arctic Reconstructions

Playing It Forward – Modelling the Evolution of Deepwater Subsalt Fields on Passive Margins Using 2-D Finite Element Models

From Paleohurricanes Through Source to Sink Research: Highlighting Recent Coastal Geology Contributions From John B. Anderson

The Effect on Permeability of Step-Wise Removal of Organic Material Using Digital Rock Methods

Detecting and Quantifying Kerogen, Bitumen, and Organic Porosity From SEM Images

Issues Concerning Application of Horizontal Well Data in 3-D Modeling of Shale Reservoirs

Reservoir Characteristics, Formation and Gas Accumulation of Ordovician Ultra-Tight Paleokarst Carbonates in Eastern Ordos Basin, China

Characterization of Pore-Throat Structure and Prediction of Sweet Spots of the Eocene Low Permeability-Tight Beach-Bar Sandstone Reservoirs in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Confined Pyrolysis Study on Hydrocarbon Generation Kinetics, Residual Solid and Hydrocarbon Yield of Lacustrine Shale Source Rocks in Bozhong Depression, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Pores Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Different Types of Shale in China

Tight Oil Reservoir Characterization of the Lower-Middle Permian Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, Northwest China

Source Rock of Woodford Tight Oil Play on the Cherokee Platform (Oklahoma)

Integration of Surface Seismic, Microseismic, and Production Logs to Characterize Lacustrine Shale Plays in Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China

Overpressures and Their Significance in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

The Seismic Geomorphology, Distribution and Origin of the Quaternary Mass Transport Complexes in the Pearl River Canyon, South China Sea

Morphology, classification and controlling factors of the Late Quaternary submarine canyon system on the northern margin of the South China Sea

Baiyun Deep-Water Fans in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea: Architectures, Genesis Mechanism and Exploration Direction

Natural Fracture Characterization and Prediction of the “Mississippian Limestone” Play, North-Central Oklahoma, U.S.A

Lithofacies, Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality Evolution of Wolfbone Sandstone-Siltstone Successions in the Delaware Basin, West Texas

Prediction of Lithologies and Reservoir Quality Using Well Logs in Wolfbone Play in the Delaware Basin, West Texas

Coupled Barrier Island-Bay Collapse During the 8.2 ka Sea-Level Event and Future Implications

The Influence of Pre-Existing Thrust Faults on Normal-Fault Development in Two-Phase Experimental Models

Jack and St. Malo, USGOM: Similarities and Differences in Two Co-Developed Deepwater Wilcox Fields

Yeso Formation Along the Northwest Shelf, Southeast New Mexico, USA: Conventional or Unconventional Reservoir Development?

Vertical Intercalation of Matrix-Rich and Matrix-Poor Sandstones - A Reflection of a Compensationally-Stacked Lateral Facies Change in a Deep-Marine Channel-Margin Succession, Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia.

Crustal Architecture of the Argentinian Atlantic Margin

Quantitative Stratigraphic Applications in Mudstones Using a Combined Wavelet and Compositional Data Analysis Approach (CDA-WA): Case Study in Eagle Ford Group Mudstones of South and West Texas With Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy

Integrating Geophysics With Geology to Predict Sand Body Distribution in Fault Basin

Arid Continental Rift Systems: Exploration of the Rio Grande Rift Basin Complex

Heterogeneous Physical and Mechanical Properties Relative to Composition, Porosity, and Diagenesis in Siliceous Mudstones of the Upper Monterey Formation, Belridge Oilfied, San Joaquin Basin, California

Use of Pore Pressure Modeling to Constrain Seismic Velocities

Changes in Acoustic Properties and Velocity Previous HitAnisotropyTop in a Very Organic-Rich Marine Shale With Increasing Temperature

Three-Dimensional Characterization of Complex Depositional Architectures of Seismic Scale High Energy, Unconfined Aggradational Slope Turbidites Deposited Along Narrow Margins of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, South-Central California – Outcrop Example of a Supercritical Fan?

Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of the Yoakum/Lavaca Canyon System, South Texas, USA

Optimization of Horizontal Wells Utilizing Multivariate Analytics of Seismic Inversion in the Wolfcamp Formation of the Midland Basin

Inorganic Elemental Analysis of Woodford and Mississippian Mudrocks: Implication for Petroleum Systems Analysis

The Impact of Slope Topography on Sediment Partitioning and Depositional Architecture in a Deepwater Lower Slope Setting

The Future of Energy and Geoscience Careers

Oil-Cracking Kinetic Parameters Play a Crucial Role in the Assessment of Shale Gas Plays

Earth Stress and Seismic Hazard From the Size-Frequency Distribution of Seismic Events

Fluvial Channel Belt Reservoir Heterogeneity and Connectivity

Ambiguity of GoogleEarth Images as Shallow Marine Reservoir Analogs

The Structural Evolution of Hamilton Creek/Dry Creek Anticline and Its Relationship to the Southeast Termination of Paradox Valley, SW Colorado

The Upstream Sector Adjusts to the New Economics of Exploration

Developing a New Understanding of the Evolution of the Newfoundland-Iberia Conjugate Margins and Its Impact on Petroleum Prospectivity

Facies Characterization of the Wolfcamp B and Lower Spraberry Intervals in the Midland Basin: Implications for Reservoir Quality and Distribution

Chemostratigraphic Characterization of the Vaca Muerta Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Implications for Depositional Environment and Stratigraphic Distribution of Hydrocarbon Play Elements

Regional Scale Reservoir Characterization and Thermal History of Upper Devonian Organic-Rich Shales in the Horn River and Liard Basins, and Adjacent Western Alberta

Tectonic Controls on the Lower Eocene Upper Wilcox Deepwater Fan System Offshore Northern Mexico: Implications for Reservoir Presence and Quality Prediction

Complex Sediment Dispersal in the Campeche Deepwater Province, Offshore Southern Mexico – An Example of a Hybrid Tectonically Active Margin

Anomalous Arching During Rifting, Breakup, and Drifting: Evidence on the Passive Margin of Eastern North America for Distal Magmatic Underplating

Ancient Processes in Modern Data: Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology for Evaluating the Sedimentary Processes That Characterize the Ancient Earth

Geophysical Delineation of Megaporosity and Fluid Migration Pathways for Geohazard Characterization Within the Delaware Basin, Culberson County, Texas

Clay-Coated Sand Grains in Petroleum Reservoirs: Understanding Their Distribution Using an Analogue Holocene Estuarine Fill Succession

Prospect Investigation and De-Risking Using Cognitive Interpretation Workflows, Offshore Equatorial Guinea

Structural, Stratigraphic, and Geomorphologic Reconstruction of an Early Stage Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Raft System in Viosca Knoll-Mississippi Canyon, GOM, Using 3-D Seismic Data

Classifying Reservoir Carbonates When the Status Quo Simply Does Not Work: A Case Study From the Cretaceous of the South Atlantic

Salinity Gradients and Catastrophic Freshwater Stress on Incipient Estuarine Ichnofossil Assemblages—Trinity Bay Head Delta: A Key to Defining Modern and Ancient Brackish Water Ichnofacies

Whither the PETM? Testing Predictive Models for Climatically-Triggered Fluvial Sheet Sand Progradation in a Rapidly Subsiding Basin

Characteristics and Origin of Tight Oil Reservoir within the Middle Permian Lucaogou Formation of the Junggar Basin, NW China

Chemostratigraphy, Mineral Association and Water Chemistry Modeling of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado: An Integrated Method to Unveil the Evolution of the Uinta Lake

Sedimentary Dynamics and High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy on the Slope of Great Bahama Bank


Evidences of Localized CO2-induced Diagenesis in the Cretaceous Quantou Formation, Southern Songliao Basin, China

How Does the Pore-Throat Size Control the Reservoir Quality and Oiliness of Tight Sandstones?

Hydrogen Sulfide in the Permian Basin

High-Resolution Sequence Architecture and Seismic Sedimentology Interpretation of Fan Delta

Thermal Cracking of Oil Under Water Pressure Up to 900 Bar at High Thermal Maturities: Implication for Oil Stability in Deep Basin

Palaeogeographic Reconstruction and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Sedimentary Architectures of Different Carbonate Platform Margins: A Case Study of Carbonate Platform Margins in Feixianguan Period of the Early Triassic, NE Sichuan Basin, China

A New Method for Predicting Pore Pressure in Shale Gas Reservoir

Channel-Belt Scaling Relationship and Application to Lower Miocene Source-to-Sink Systems in the Gulf of Mexico Basin

Sediment Source of Lower Miocene Strata in the Gulf of Mexico Basin: Insight From Detrital Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and (U–Th)/He Thermochronology

High Resolution Analysis of Organic Matter Deposition in the Qingshankou Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Songliao Basin (NE China): Implication From Geochemistry and Astronomical Cycles

Thermal Evolution and Maturation of Sinian and Cambrian Source Rocks in the Central Area of Sichuan Basin, Southwest China

Attempt Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes to Reconstruct the Thermal History of Sichuan Basin

The Application of Geo-Microbial Hydrocarbon Detection and “4G” Comprehensive Research of Progressive Exploration in the Gudong Area, Shengli Oilfield

Least Principal Stress Prediction Using a Viscoplastic Stress Relaxation Model Applied to Stacked Pay in the Permian Basin

Influence of High-Variable Geothermal Background on Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion: A Case Study in Baiyun Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, Deepwater Northern South China Sea

Analysis of secondary migration of hydrocarbons in the Ordovician Yingshan Formation in the Tazhong uplift, Tarim Basin, China

Applying PCA in Seismic Attribute Analysis for Interpretation of Evaporite Facies: Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation, Sichuan Basin, China

The Study of the Influence of Stratigraphic Structure on Seismic Attribute Analysis


The Late Triassic-Late Cretaceous Flooding of the Gulf of Mexico From the Pacific Through Mexico

Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Through the Integration of Airborne Gravity Gradiometer, Magnetic and 2-D Seismic Data in the Canning Basin, Western Australia

A Forward Stratigraphic Model of Fluvial Meander Evolution, Point-Bar Facies Architecture and Heterogeneity: Subsurface Applications

The Keys to New Sub-Igneous Oilfield Discovery in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Evaluation of Reservoir Potential of Glaciomarine Sandstones in the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica: Insights from Diagenesis in Cape Roberts Project Drillcores

A Successful Test of the “Standard” Depositional Sequence Model at a Lacustrine-Fluvial Setting and Application to Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Upper-Triassic Zhangjiatan Shale, Ordos Foreland Basin, China

Application of Unconformity Identification and Evaluation in the Optimizing of Offshore Oilfield Development Plan: A Case Study of CFD Oilfield in Bohai Bay Basin

An Optimum Sample Preparation Method for Multi-element Analysis in Crude or Fuel Oils with ICP-OES and QQQ-ICP-MS by Mineralization Utilizing a Single-Reaction-Chamber Microwave System

Characteristics of Overpressure Units in a Fault-Block Oilfield with Lacustrine Dolomite Reservoirs in Tanggu Area, Bohaiwan Basin

Lithofacies Distribution of the Middle to Upper Devonian Ohio Shale in the Southern Appalachian Basin, Kentucky

The Latest Scoop: Investigating the SCOOP/STACK Trend Using Geological, Geochemical, Economic and Financial Analysis

Improving Prediction of Porosity Preservation in Thermally-Stressed Deep Marine Sandstones: A Synthesis of Grain-Coating Chlorite Observations

The Bright Prospect of Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Technique in Applications in Hydrocarbon Accumulation and a New Case Study of Tight Oil and Gas

An Improved Seismic Coherence Technology for Characterizing Faults

Cambrian Hydrocarbon Migration System and Reservoir-Controlling Pattern of Anyue Gas Field, Sichuan Basin

Tan-Lu Fault Zone and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China

Petrography, Fluid Inclusion, Isotope and Trace Element Constraints on the Origin of Quartz Cementation and Feldspar Dissolution and the Associated Fluid Evolution in Arkosic Sandstones


Utica Shale Update, SW Pennsylvania

Where Should We Drill in the Deep Waters of the Pelotas Basin, Southern Brazil and Uruguay?

The Northern Vøring Segment of the Mid-Norway Passive Margin: Crustal Structure and Pre-Breakup Tectonic Evolution

A New Approach Solving Lateral Wells Complexity, Integrating Borehole Acoustics Reflection Survey and Facies Derived Borehole Images for a Better Completion Strategy, Wolfcamp, West Texas

A Method to Interpret Cycle Stratigraphic Framework at Wireline Log-Resolution Using Seismic Data

Spectrum of Fluvial Systems and Depositional History From High-Resolution Study of Seismic Sedimentology (Lithology and Geomorphology), Neogene, SLT Area, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Numerical Modeling of Adsorption and Roughness Effects on Gas Transport in Shale Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method

4-Methyl-24-Ethylcholestane in Upper Permian Fossil Conifer Wood from Paleo-Midlatitude of NE Pangea, Wutonggou Low-Order Cycle, Southern Bogda Mountains, NW

Lithofacies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality Evaluation of Wolfcamp Unconventional Succession in the Midland Basin, West Texas

Application of 4-D Integrated Technologies to a Submarine-fan Channel System in the Niger Delta Basin: Insights Into the Reservoir Heterogeneity and Its Controls on the Fluid Flow During Development

Comprehensive Unconventional Reservoir Characterization of the Woodford Shale in Parts of Garfield and Kingfisher Counties, Oklahoma

Quantifying Sediment Supply to Continental Margins: Application to Paleogene Wilcox Group Deposition, Gulf of Mexico

Study on Intercalation of Shallow Water Delta by Integration of Logging and Seismic Data

Modeling Carbonate Diagenesis for Reservoir Quality Prediction: Predicting Cementation and Compaction as Functions of Mud Content Using Petrographic Data From a Carbonate Reservoir in a Giant Oil Field

Gas Geochemistry of the Spraberry and Wolfcamp Formations in the Midland Basin

Fluvial Reservoir Architecture Characterization of Mature Oilfields With Seismic Sedimentology Method

Fuzhou “Yu Quan”: Warning From Chinese Ancient to the Exploitation of Geothermal Resources in Contemporary China

Re-defining Depositional Model of the Buda Formation Utilizing Outcrops From West Texas and Cores From South and Central Texas

Re-Defining Depositional Model of the Buda Formation Utilizing Outcrops From West Texas and Cores From South and Central Texas

Multiple Approaches to Pore Structure Characterization of Self-Sourced Shales

Geological and Microstructural Characterization of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale in the Basin-Orogen Transitional Belt of Sichuan Basin, China

Multi-Staged Golden Zones of Hydrocarbon Exploration in Superimposed Petroliferous Basin China

A Submarine Depositional System With Straight Channels and Slope Aprons: Niger Delta Continental Slope

An Integrated Source Rock Prediction Model

The Impact of Salt Precipitates on the XRF Measurement and the Mitigation Strategy – Case Study of the Wolfcamp Formation, Delaware Basin

Sonic Properties as a Signature of Overpressure in the Marcellus Gas Shale of the Appalachian Basin

Determination of Three Tectonic Styles in the Western Margin of Ordos Basin Using HD Seismic

Discovery of Giant, Ultra-deep Paleo-Reservoirs in the Tarim Basin and Geochemical Origin of Crude Oil

Spatial-Temporal Variability in Stratigraphic Architectures of the Pearl River Mouth Continental Shelf, Northern South China Sea: An Interactive Response to Regional and Local Controls

A Fresh Look to Exploration and Discoveries in Mississippi Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Petroleum Geochemistry of Woodford-Sourced Oils From the Mid-Continent Region, USA

Characterizing the Stratigraphy of Wave-Dominated Deltas at the Oxnard Plain, California and the Elwha Delta, Washington Using Insights From Ground-Penetrating Radar

Geometries, Structures and Petrography of Tumey Injection Complex, California (USA)