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The Libra Block Project: Pre-Salt SE Brazil


The Libra Block is located in the Santos Basin, SSE Brazil, 160 km from the coast of Rio de Janeiro with an area of 1,547 km2 in water depths ranging from 1,800 to 2,200 m. The 2-ANP-2A-RJS was the discovery well drilled by Petrobras on behalf of ANP in 2010 reaching a final depth of 6,029 m and found an important oil accumulation of 28° API with CO2 content about 44% in microbial carbonates and Coquinas reservoirs. The block was acquired by the consortium formed by Petrobras 40 % (Operator), Shell 20%, Total 20%, CNOOC 10% and CNPC 10% in the first Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Bid Round held by ANP (Petroleum National Agency) inside the Pre Salt polygon in Oct/2013. The Production Sharing Contract was signed by all partners, including PPSA (Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A), the government representative partner. The term of the contract is 35 years, after the PSC signature date. The contracted party must meet the Local Content (LC) disposed and ensure preference for hiring Brazilian suppliers, whenever their offers present competitive price conditions, time and quality that are more favorable, or equivalent to those non-Brazilian suppliers Geologically, the area has had a complex tectonic evolution due to a rift activity that resulted in the continental break up and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in the Eocretaceous. The area presents a rectangular geometry, elongated in the NW/SE direction, showing three main structural highs associated with three major normal faults in the NE/SW direction. These structural highs conditioned the deposition of high energy carbonate rocks in a lacustrine shallow water platform environment (reservoir facies). The development strategy proposed for Libra block is a phased development, based on Petrobras' successful experience in deep water pre-salt environment. Phase 0 is focused on information gathering, including appraisal wells, extended well tests and/or early production systems and a Pilot Project. To face the present low oil price a strong cost reduction program is taking place and the Libra Applied Technologies work-stream identifies and matures technologies to mitigate challenges (risks) and to deliver opportunities for the Libra Development. Technologies assigned with the most value to Libra are recommended for detailed assessment, Previous HitmaturationNext Hit and potential deployment at Libra. A Libra Technology Work Program was developed and streamlined along 19 projects, grouped in seven technology themes, for investments in high value - high urgency (importance) technologies. These technology project plans detail the assessment, development and Previous HitmaturationTop requirements before reaching a ‘Ready for Deployment’ status. In only 3 years 8 wells have been drilled and an Extended Well Test (EWT) is planned to start in the 2Q of 2017. The object of this work is to present an updated status of Libra Block project and the main applied technologies planned for the project.