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AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition

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Flow Previous HitSimulationsNext Hit in a Detailed Facies Model of the Outcropping Pont de Montanyana Point Bar Deposits (Ypresian, Southern Pyrenees)


The Pont de Montanyana outcrop is a world class outcrop in southern Pyrenees visited by many hydrocarbon company's researchers and academic institutions. The outcrop exposes strata deposited in poorly drained alluvial plains and meandering streams in the Tremp-Graus piggy back basin. Two point bars, with thicknesses up to 10 m and 600 m width, are present in the outcrop. Our research aimed to produce a 3D facies model of the upper point bar to test and compare Previous HitreservoirNext Hit production strategies, hence understand the heterogeneity of this Previous HitreservoirNext Hit in subsurface, affecting fluids flow behavior. The dataset comprises conventional outcrop descriptions (correlated logs and paleocurrent data) with 3D interpretations of digital outcrop models acquired using DGPS, LiDAR and multiview 3D technologies. The 3D outcrop data was subsequently used to construct a horizon framework and the 3D model reproduced the bedding characteristic of each stage of the channel evolution, using a combination of deterministic and stochastic methods to build the facies model. The model was conditioned to Previous HitfieldNext Hit-measured (stratigraphic logs and pseudo-wells), derived from the digital outcrop model. The final grid was populated with petrophysical data from analogous reservoirs available in the literature constrained by the facies model. In addition, flow Previous HitsimulationsTop were performed based on water injection strategies. The results showed that more than 20% of moveable oil is trapped at the upper part of the point-bar deposits, revealing the strong control of the facies distribution on the efficiency of this type of reservoirs. Moreover, the location of the injection and producing wells can also strongly affect oil recovery efficiency in some cases positively or negatively. We acknowledge financial support from Project SEROS CGL2014-55900-P. Schlumberger and ROXAR are acknowledged for donation of Petrel and RMS licenses, respectively.