--> Optimizing lateral placement and production while minimizing completion costs: an Eagle Ford case study
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AAPG Pacific Section and Rocky Mountain Section Joint Meeting

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Optimizing lateral placement and production while minimizing completion costs: an Eagle Ford case study


Shale plays are an extremely difficult arena in which to explore. Lack of heterogeneity is not the only problem. The Eagle Ford play, for example, has numerous hydrocarbon sources and multiple stacked zones which result in mixed drilling success. Conventional logging technologies provide important information during drilling as to the presence of hydrocarbons. However, these logging technologies do not measure hydrocarbons directly, but rather measure hydrocarbon proxies and infer hydrocarbon presence and phase based on this data. These technologies, while sophisticated, can lack specificity and sensitivity when trying to accurately identify hydrocarbons. This case study shows how Downhole Geochemical Logging was used to create a granular hydrocarbon profile throughout the well. This enabled identification of optimum selection for placement of the horizontal well. Additionally, cutting Previous HitanalysisNext Hit from the lateral well enabled identification of lateral sweet spots containing higher porosity and hydrocarbon intensity. The data was also able to aid the client in determining the optimum number of fracture stages required for the lateral well resulting in a potential savings of approximately $600,000 while maintaining similar production. In the lateral well the data helped to:

  • Improve production by Previous HitfocusingTop lateral placement in hydrocarbon & porosity rich zones
  • Reduce completion costs by optimizing the number of fracing stages
  • Identify when drilling efforts were in or out of the target formation
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    In the vertical well the data helped to:

  • Clearly distinguish between various hydrocarbon phases (i.e. gas, condensate, or oil)
  • Infer separate sources in the San Miguel, Austin Chalk, and Lower Eagle Ford Fms
  • Identify by-passed pay
  • Infer seals at the top of the Anacacho Fm and Eagle Ford Fm
  • Infer there was no seal between the San Miguel Fm and the Olmos Fm
  • Infer there was no seal throughout the Eagle Ford, Buda, and Del Rio Fms
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