--> Shale Gas/Oil Reservoir Seismic Characterization for the Mexican Eagle Ford in the Galaxia Project
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AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition

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Shale Gas/Oil Reservoir Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Characterization for the Mexican Eagle Ford in the Galaxia Project



In this work we present an integrated multi-disciplinary methodology with the purpose of identifying optimal well locations, landing zone and completion for the exploration and development of the Mexican Eagle Ford shale resource. High Density (HD), Full-Azimuth (FA), 3D-3C Previous HitseismicNext Hit data from the northern Mexico Galaxia project are employed with the aim of performing a reservoir analysis that will encompass an evaluation of the geologic and geomechanical heterogeneities using a Previous HitseismicNext Hit driven approach. The methodology employs primarily the results of computing TOC from geophysical well logs using a modified Passey technique, meanwhile an AVO analysis is utilized in order to compute the Previous HitseismicNext Hit operator that numerically propagates the well-tied property that characterize the reservoir formation across the 1500km2 of the study area. Same procedure is applied from the cross-plots computations to investigate shale anisotropy. The exploration risk reduction is estimated through the Previous HitmodelingTop of the rock properties using simultaneous inversion where elastic parameters as P- & S- Impedances, Density, Lambda*Rho, Mu*Rho, Young's Mod*Rho, Poisson's Ratio, Vp/Vs and Brittleness are obtained. To support the taking of decisions, an example of engineered well design and completion for Galaxia field is proposed by incorporating fracture characterization, stress and TOC maps.