--> A New Look at the Petroleum System within the S-659 Area, Soldado North, Gulf of Paria
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AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition

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A New Look at the Petroleum System within the S-659 Area, Soldado North, Gulf of Paria



Soldado North Field is considered the westernmost extent of the Nariva fold belt and offshore equivalent of the Central Range, within the Gulf of Paria pull-a-part basin. This structural complexity coupled with poor Previous HitseismicNext Hit quality may be responsible for the failure of the S-659 well to encounter commercial hydrocarbons. Petrotrin has recognized that the legacy 1992 Previous HitseismicNext Hit dataset has long downplayed the hydrocarbon potential of the Northern Basin sediments within the Soldado North Field.

This research presents a detailed assessment and model from the GXT fast track dataset of the 2014 Trinmar OBC which reveals a marked increase in prospectivity and new geophysical leads identified within the westernmost Soldado North Field. One such lead, a characteristic flat spot, a direct hydrocarbon indicator (DHI) within the S-659 area, was targeted in this study to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the Miocene-Pleistocene reservoirs.

An integrated approach to the study area, including Previous HitseismicNext Hit interpretation, Previous HitattributeTop analysis, biostratigraphic evaluation and a geochemical review, was undertaken in an effort to better understand the reservoir. A combination of modern analogs contributes to the re-assessment of commercial hydrocarbon potential.

Overall, the updated and detailed structural and biochronostratigraphic models for the area highlight the importance of well placement, explain the absence of hydrocarbons in the S-659 area, and further identify numerous prospective exploration plays within the structure.