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AAPG 2016 Annual Convention and Exhibition

Redefining Reservoir

June 19-22, 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) in partnership with SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) and Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)

Posted June 23, 2016
Search and Discovery Article #90259 (2016)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

*Asterisk preceding title indicates extended abstract or supplementary information.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)



Geochemical Characterization and 1D Modeling in the Gulf of Venezuela

Change in Seawater Redox and Carbonate Saturation State: A Mechanism for Basin-Wide Shifts in Carbonate Platform Architecture and Carbonate Factories: Examples From the Permian Triassic Nanpanjiang Basin, South China

Source Rock Characterisation and Numerical Modelling of Burial and Temperature History of the Upper Cretaceous Sediments, Chad (Bornu) Basin, NE Nigeria

Proppant Damage Characterization Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements

A Biomarker Review of the Palaeoecosystem and Palaeodepositional Environment of the Bakken Shales of Saskatchewan

Risk Analysis and Prospectivity of Miocene to Recent Sediments in Parihaka Area, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Integrating Probabilistic Neural Networks and Generalized Boosted Regression Modelling for Lithofacies Classifications and Formation Permeability Estimation

Migrating Depozones and Diachronous Hot Shales: Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Puskwaskau Formation, North-Central Alberta

The Cardium Formation Production and Injection Database. Gas to Oil Ratios, Production Forecasting and GOR Risk Assessment

The Use of Seismic Technologies in Different Reserve Standards; Applications of 3-D Seismic and Micro-Seismic to the SEC, NI-51 and PRMS Reserve Catagories

Integrated Petroleum Analysis for the Albertine Graben in East Africa

Is Water Washing An Important Petroleum System Process?

Integrating Sensitivity Analysis and Igneous Activity Into Basin Modelling, Faroe-Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic

Structural Evolution of the Firebag Basin and Stratigraphic Architecture of its Cretaceous Fill, Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada. The Firebag Composite Pull-Apart/Karst Basin

Recent Hydrocarbon Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Can Industry Spur Innovation and Improvements in Civil Protection?

Fracture Development Related to Differential Compaction and Mechanical Stratigraphy, Sacramento Mountains, NM

Resource-Development and Environmental Challenges for Life on the Space Frontier

Geobiological Events in the Cyrenaican Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Sequences of Ar-Rajmah Group, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, NE Libya

Palaeo-Fault Analysis: Defining the Evolution and Impact of Faults Through Time

3-D Geology and Petroleum Chemistry of the Alberta Peace River Oil Sands — Investigating Odours and Emissions

Characterizing Fracture Networks in a Normal Fault Splay Zone

The Impact of Dual Porosity on Pore-Scale Fluid Distributions During Steady State Flow

Fault Parameters Controlling Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Northern North Sea: Insights From 3-D Basin Modelling

Enigmatic Beds of the Deep-Marine: A Depositional Continuum to Explain the Origin and Spatial Variability of Matrix-Rich Sandstones, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Western Canada

3-D Seismic Attribute Expressions of Deep Offshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

Integrated Basin and Play Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Miskito Platform, Verolania Basin and Los Cayos Basin — Western Caribbean Sea

Multi-Scale Morphodynamic Reconstruction of Cretaceous Linear Dunes in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

Seismic Architecture and Anatomy of a Basin-Scale Lowstand Wedge (Mulichinco Fm, Argentina): Implications for Tight Reservoirs Exploration

The Nature and Origin of Organic-Rich (Source) Strata in Deepwater Rocks of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup

Evaluating the Effects of Grain Statistics, Porosity and Saturation on Thermal Conductivity of Oil Sands

Multi-Scale Stratigraphic Heterogeneity Induced by Allocyclic and Autocyclic Factors in a Low Net-to-Gross Fluvial Succession

Process and Products of Long-Transit Forced Regression Driven by Dynamic Subsidence Migration in the Cordilleran Foreland Basin: Insight From Regional Analysis of the Fox Hills Sandstone From Denver, Colorado to Ft. Peck, Montana

Light Hydrocarbons Geochemistry: Insights Into Analyzing the Mississippian Petroleum Systems in Northern Oklahoma

Timing of Slope System Evolution and Intra-Basinal Sediment Recycling in the Magallanes Retroarc Foreland Basin (Chile) From Detrital Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy

Application of Sonic Logs to Estimate the Magnitude of Exhumation in the Foredeep Section of the Western Canada Foreland Basin

Fracture Patterns and Petrophysical Properties of Carbonates Undergoing Regional Folding: A Case Study From Kurdistan, North Iraq

Distribution of Depositional Environment, Diagenetic Features, and Reservoir Quality of the Middle Bakken Member in the Williston Basin, North Dakota

Generating Value Through New Logging Technology and Analytical Methods — Case Study From Offshore West Africa

Detailed Lithofacies Analysis and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Horn River Group, British Columbia, Canada

New Model of Turbidity Current Suggested After Direct Observation of Turbidity Currents in the Congo Canyon


Uncertainty Analysis in Geological Surface Modeling

The Distribution of Sediments on the Caicos Platform, B.W.I.: A Modern, High-Energy Isolated Carbonate Platform as a Guide to Understanding the Distribution of Enhanced Reservoir and Barrier Facies in Ancient Carbonate Reservoirs

Giant Cretaceous Mixed Contouritic-Turbiditic Systems, Offshore Uruguay: The Interaction Between Rift-Related Basin Morphology, Contour Currents and Downslope Sedimentation

Acoustic Characterization of Sub-Seismic Scaled Heterogeneities in Carbonate Reservoirs: Example of Barremian Microporous Limestone From SE France: An Analog of Middle East Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara Formation, Northwestern North Dakota: Extracting the Maximum from Minimal Core and Outcrop Data

The Missing Link: The Role of Basement Anisotropies in the Laramide Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Wyoming Craton

Inferring Bulk Reservoir Properties From Microseismcity

Characterizing Spatiotemporal Deformation in the Reservoir as Related to Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations

Incorporating Microseismic Ruptures to Build a Discrete Fracture Network

New High-Resolution Geodynamic and Landscape Evolution Models From the Permian to the Present Day for North America

Mineral Chemical Analysis of Glauconites Within the Upper Cretaceous Karai Shale Formation for Evaluation of Stratigraphic Condensation

Diagenetic Evolution of the Cangulo Formation Pre-Salt Carbonates (Onshore Namibe Basin, Angola)

Application of Quantitative 2-D Image Analysis to Geologic Core Description: Example From Steamflooded First Eocene Reservoir, Wafra Field, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Partitioned Zone

Capturing Uncertainty in Prospect Economics

Regional Reservoir Characterization and CO2 Storage Resource Assessment in a Geologically Complex, Deep Saline Reservoir, Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin, USA

Geology of a Carbonate Breccia Reservoir Rock: Grosmont Formation, NE Alberta, Canada

New Insights Into the Cretaceous Rayoso Formation: A Regional Overview of a Large Fluvial Fan and Implications for Reservoir Prediction

In Search of a Cordilleran Point Source to the McMurray Sub-Basin

Distributions and Environmental Controls of Microbialites in Great Salt Lake, Utah

Microseismic Event Detection and Characterization Using Sparse Surface Networks

Experimental Modeling of Orthogonal and Oblique Basin Inversion: Identifying Structures That Reflect the Paleostrain State

Using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to Improve Facies Definitions in Permian Mudrocks (Wolfcamp and Lower Leonard), Midland Basin, Texas

Fracture Size and Intensity Scaling From Core to DFN Model

The Efficient Path for Subsurface Project Delivery; Platforms for Lean Subsurface Methods

An Overview of the Sappington Project With Implications for Future Generations of Bakken Reservoir Evaluations

Can Diagenesis Restart After Hydrocarbon Emplacement? An Example From the Mauddud Formation, Kuwait

Hyperspectral Core Imaging: Spanning the Gap From Plug to Log to Reservoir Scale

Optimizing Effort in the Oil Sands: An Experiment to Determine the Relative Benefit of Additional Wells in a Seismic Quantitative Interpretation Case Study

Natural Fractures Within the Souris Valley Marker Bed ‘B’, Lodgepole Formation, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada

Talking Responsibly About Your Contingent Resource Oil Sands Project (Presented by B. Spackman)

Lateral and Vertical Changes in Deep Marine Levee Deposits — Where Intuition and Geological Reality Diverge: Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, B.C., Canada

Variation of Rivers and Their Paleo-Drainages in Mesozoic Foreland Basins of North America

3-D Facies Architectural Study of Channel Belt Deposits in the Ferron Sandstone, Hanksville, Utah

A Multiscale Method for Characterizing Shales by Downscaling and Upscaling Statistically Sampled Datasets From Multiple Imaging Modalities

Conodont Thermochronology: Expanding the Utility of the (U-Th)/He Method to Marine Carbonates and Shales

Micro to Nano-Scale Characterization of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

A Different Perspective on Critically Stressed Fractures and Their Impact on Fluid Flow

Constraints on the Burial History of Tengiz Field From Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry

Mechanical and Fracture Stratigraphy Modeling for Development Optimization in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina

The Provenance of Sands in Transcontinental Rivers: What Can Detrital K-Feldspar Tell Us?

The McMurray Conundrum: Conflicting Interpretations of Environment of Deposition and Paleogeography

Paleodrainage for the Mannville Group, Eastern Margins of the Alberta Foreland Basin System

Environmental, Health and Social Issues Raised by Those Opposing the Hydraulic Fracturing Process of Oil and Gas Production

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Walloon Subgroup, Surat Basin, Australia

Complex Depositional History of a Sinuous, Conglomeratic Submarine Slope Channel

Effect of Ionic Strength (Salinity) and pH (Acidity) on Geochemical Water-Rock Interactions During Hydraulic Fracturing in the Frontier Formation of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Basin-Scale Mineral and Fluid Processes at a Mississippian Platform Margin

Pitfalls in Geological Mapping Within Unconventional Plays

Effect of Carbonate Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality of the Middle Bakken Formation, USA

Investigating Geomechanical Principles of Hydraulic Fracturing Microseismicity Using Stress Inversion and Elastic Dislocation Techniques

Distribution of Bitumen Sand Complexes in the Northern Athabasca Deposit: Spatio-Temporal Impact of Hypogene Salt Karst Collapse on the Overlying Tectono-Stratigraphic Architecture

Geological Controls on Evaporite — Carbonate Facies Transition in Permian Seven Rivers Formation, SE New Mexico

Improving Correlation Algorithms to Better Characterize and Interpret Induced Seismicity

New Approaches on Source Rock Analysis to Improve Hydrocarbon System Analysis — Optical Kerogen Analysis of Organic Rich Mesozoic Shales (Germany, Chile)

Carbonate Buildups in the Post-Rift Sequence of the Pernambuco Basin, NE Brazil: Oil Play Implications

Spatial and Stratigraphic Distribution of Microbialite Facies in the Eocene Green River Formation: Developing an Exploration Analog to the South Atlantic “pre-Salt”

Factors Limiting Reservoir Quality of Pericratonic Silurian Shales in Poland — New Evidence From Cores in Lublin Basin

Penetrative Strain on the Field Scale: Detrimental to Reservoir Quality?

Evolution of Vitrinite Reflectance Models

A Hierarchical Classification Scheme for the Sedimentary Architecture of Fluvial Crevasse-Splay Deposits

Facies and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Fox Hills Sandstone, Eastern Wyoming: Insight Into Depositional Processes During Long-Transit Shoreline Regression

New Petroleum Systems Related to the Structuring of Meso-Cenozoic Basins in North African Plate Tunisian Margin


Seismic Stratigraphic and Quantitative Interpretation of Leonardian Reefal Carbonates, Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin: Insight Into Sea Level Effects, Geomorphology and Associated Reservoir Quality

Morphodynamic Stratigraphy of River-Dominated Deltaic Bars

Mesozoic Sedimentology, Provenance, and Subcrop Mapping of the Eastern Cordillera and Western Subandean Zone: Insights for the Extensional Record of Southern Bolivia

Hydrodynamics of Fluvial Strata in the Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation, Colorado

Carbonate Stratigraphy and Organic Matter Preservation Within the Scotian Margin, Offshore Nova Scotia

Chemofacies Characteristics of Six Bakken Cores From the Northeastern Williston Basin: Insights to Paleodepositional Conditions From Trace Element Variability in Mudrocks

Fluid Flow and Related Diagenetic Processes in a Rift Basin: Evidence From the Eocene Es4 Interval, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Feldspar Dissolution, Authigenic Clays and Quartz Cements in Buried Sandstones With Open or Closed Geochemical Systems

Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margins: Geochemical Characterization of Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Facies Offshore Ireland

The Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL)

Estimating the Required Resource Volumes and Sources to Meet Strategic Targets

The Statistical Eigenvector Analysis Technique (SEAT) for Image Log-Based Directional Measurements

3-D Geomechanics Workflow Applied to a Tight Gas Turbiditic Field, Colombia

Onshore Structural and Stratigraphic Study of the Namibe Basin (Angola)

Eustatic Control on DeepWater Deposition Revealed by Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy: Example of the Ainsa Basin, Lower-Middle Eocene Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain

Multi-Scale Investigation of Shale Using an Integrated SEM and Machine Learning Approach

Souring of Kaybob Duvernay Wells: Investigation of Frac Barrier Effectiveness, Completions Design and Pre-Duvernay Structural Features

The Heterolithic Point-Bar of the l'Eyre Estuary (Arcachon Bay, France) — A Partial Analog for McMurray Formation Estuarine Reservoirs, Alberta, Canada

Importance of Recognizing Open Fracture Networks When Estimating Shale Gas Reserves — A Geochemical and Microseismic Perspective

Pore Throat Controlling Liquid Yield in Shale — Mismatch Between Dry Produced Gas at Surface and Wet Gas or Condensate in the Reservoir

Defining Proper Boundary Conditions in 3-D Structural Restoration: A Case Study Restoring a 3-D Forward Model of Suprasalt Extensional Structures

Laboratory Experiments of Incised Valley Systems: Influence of Sediment Concentration and Sea Level Rise

Paleo-Orinoco Shelf-Margin Growth — Process Regimes and Delta Evolution

A Quantitative Study of the Creation of Secondary Porosity in Carbonate Reservoirs by Dolomitization and Mesogenetic Dissolution

Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Data Analysis and Kerogen Kinetics Comparison of Selected Producing and Potential Shale Gas Plays in Canadian Sedimentary Basins

Controls on Regional Distribution Patterns in Prolific Western Interior Shelf Sand Reservoirs: Tocito, El Vado and Gallup Sands of the San Juan Basin

Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of Liaodong Dome, Northeast Liaodong Bay, Bohai, Offshore China, Constraints From Seismic Stratigraphy, Vitrinite Reflectance and Apatite Fission Track Data

Unraveling Fluvial Complexity Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry: An Example From the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, East-Central Utah

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Point Bar Architecture in the Tidal-Fluvial Transtion of Sittaung River, Myanmar

Spectral Balancing of Seismic Data Using Spectral Decomposition

Thin Sweet Spots Identification in the Duvernay Formation of North Central Alberta

Predicting Clearwater Formation Natural Fracture Intensity, Athabasca Oil Sands Area

Use of Sequence Boundaries to Map Siliciclastic Depositional Patterns Across North America

Sea Level Controls on Deepwater Sedimentation: Lessons From the Quaternary of the Indus Canyon

Facies Variability in a Large-Scale Mississippi River Point Bar, False River, Louisiana, USA

Unconventional Gas Potential in the Northern Territory, Australia: Exploring the Beetaloo Sub-Basin

Clastic Injectites: Fracture Mechanics, Subsurface Architecture, and Implications for Basinal Fluid Flow

Reservoir Geometry of a Confined Fluvial Meander Belt Deposit, Early Cretaceous Grand Rapids Formation, Alberta

The Along-Atrike Pattern of Magmatism During Breakup in the Southern South Atlantic: Evidence From Numerical Modelling and Deep Seismic Reflection Data Sets

Compositional Density Porosity: Leveraging Geochemical Data as an Exploration and Petrophysical Tool

Mixed Wave, Tide and Fluvial-Influenced, Tropical Coastal-Shelf Deposition: Miocene-Recent Baram Delta Province, NW Borneo

Origin of the Raised Rim in the Kashagan Buildup, Kazakhstan: A Hypothesis for Diagenesis Associated With Fractures and Burial Compaction

Quantitative Characterization of the Sedimentary Architecture of Shallow-Marine and Paralic Reservoir Analogs: A Database Approach

Reservoir Modelling Insights From Experimental Stratigraphic Analogs

Ellesmerian Orogenic Structures Beneath Syn-Rift and Post-Rift Strata, Beaufort Shelf and Barrow Arch of Alaska

Identifying Causes of Disturbances in the Re-Os Geochronometer in Black Shales: A Case from the Jurassic Agardhfjellet Formation, Svalbard.

Stratigraphy and Facies Characterization of the Cenomanian to Turonian Eagle Ford Group in Southwest Texas: Implications for Identifying Potentially Productive Hydrocarbon Pay Zone

Insar Monitoring in Heavy Oil Operations

A Bold Proposal for a Manned Deep Space Mission to Rendezvous With and Sample an Asteroid and a Comet

The Tectonic Evolution of the Pachitea Sub Basin, Peru and Implications for the Petroleum System

Miocene-Pliocene Heterozoan-Dominated Systems in the Dominican Republic: Analogs for Neogene Reservoirs in the Caribbean

Correlation, Mapping and Interpretation of Geochemically Distinct Intervals Within the Duvernay Formation

3-D Thermokinematic Restoration of the Eastern Cordillera and Foothill of Colombia, and Paleogeographies Prediction

Fault Mechanics and Fluid Flow

Application of Large-N Detailed Max Depositional Age (MDA) Calculation to Determine Sedimentary Rates of a Deepwater Conduit

Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic Exhumation in the Foothills of the Brooks Range-Chukotkan Syntaxis Revealed by Apatite Fission Track Analysis

Changes in Eocene Sediment Supply to the Northern Gulf Coast and Implications for Petroleum Systems

Determining the Time-Averaged Position of the Turbidity Maximum Zone in Major Paleo-Valleys of the McMurray Formation, NE Alberta

Basin-Scale Distribution of Organic Matter in Unconventional Plays: Results From 3-D Stratigraphic Modeling of the Montney and Doig Formations (Triassic, Alberta-British Columbia, Canada)

Water Retention Characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks and its Application for Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs and Well Stimulation Optimization

From Elemental X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses to Reservoir and Mechanical Properties of Unconventional Reservoirs: A Montney Story

Cross-Strike Structures and Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation: Examples on the Relationship Between Strike Slip Faults and Lateral Ramps in Three Alpine Thrust Belts

Integration of Geochemical and PVT Data to Evaluate Regional and Well-Level Performance of Shale Liquid Plays: Examples From the Montney, Doig, Charlie Lake and Halfway Formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Identification of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Petroleum Systems Using Produced Oil Geochemistry

Reservoir Facies Impact on Drilling, Completion and Production in the Cardium Tight Oil Play


A Stratigraphic Model for the Labrador Margin, Offshore Eastern Canada: Integrating Paleoenvironmental Interpretations, Biostratigraphy and Seismic Data

Are Tides Controlled by Latitude?

Formation and Evolution of Strandplain Grainstones and Facies Variability Along the Leeward Margin of West Caicos, BWI

The Evolution of Deepwater Slope Systems on Retroarc Foreland Basin Margins: Insights From Detrital Zircon Geochronology, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Unbioturbated Carbonaceous Shales in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway Record Oxic Bottom–Water Conditions

Benthic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Morphogroup Response to Spatial and Temporal Variations in Paleo-Redox Conditions Within the Upper Cretaceous Kanguk Formation, Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Digital Outcrop Model of the Eagle Ford Group, Lozier Canyon, West Texas

Southern Gulf of Mexico Paleocene Through Miocene Paleogeography: Investigating Siliciclastic Sedimentation in Mexico Deepwater

Linking Vertical Grain Size Sorting in Turbidity Currents to Grain Size Distribution of Submarine Channel Deposits

Quantitative Evaluation and Population Statistics of Point Bar Dimensions, McMurray Formation, Northeastern Alberta

Characterization, Geo-Modeling, and Reservoir Simulation of the Wabiskaw Member, Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit, Alberta, Canada

Integrating μm-scale δ18O and δ13C SIMS Data Into Sediment Burial Histories: Diagenetic Records of Temperature and Fluid Composition in Illinois Basin Sandstones

Reflection Seismic Mapping Efforts Along the Scotian Margin: New Results, Challenges, and Enduring Questions

Correlations Between a Mudstone Heterogeneity Index and Micromechanical Properties in the Lower Mancos Shale

Rapidly Assessing Materiality and Commerciality in Organic-Rich Mudstones by Linking Geochemical Responses Back to Corresponding Acoustic and Geomechanical Rock Properties

The Truth Behind Microbes and Ooids

Connecting the Dots: Correlating Oil Geochemistries (Points) Along and Across the South Atlantic Margins

Effect of Precipitation of Asphaltenes on Re-Os Isotopic Ratios

New Insights Into the Volcanic Margin Evolution of Northern Labrador and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore Labrador

Characteristics and Origin of Source Rocks in the Small Faulted Lacustrine Basin

Bay du Nord: A Bold Chase for Oil in a Harsh Frontier Basin

Can FIB-SEM-EDS Provide Accurate Assessment of Shale Microporosity?

Characterizing the Geomechanical Properties in Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada

Deepwater Lobe Complex Characterisation and Evolution Within a Salt-Controlled Mini-Basin

Gravity and Magnetic Investigation of the South-Central Atlantic Margin of the USA (Offshore Florida to South Carolina) and its West African Conjugate Margins (The Gambia to Mauritania)

Comparison of Crude Oils Found in Mississippian Reservoir Rock and Potential Source Rocks in the Black Warrior Basin, Southeastern United States

Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Cherokee Platform Province Area of Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri

Transgressive Lag of Flat Rip-up Clasts — Substratum for Initial Growth of Upper Cambrian Large Microbial Bioherms

Characteristics and Influence Factors of Geotemperature Field in Dongying Sag Jiyang Depression, North China

Seismic Modeling of Petrophysical and Stratal Complexity of Isolated Carbonate Platforms

Toward a Higher Resolution Understanding of Coarse Grain Fluvial Point Bars as Resolved by GPR

Constraining the Dynamic Properties of Faults in Compartmentalized Oligocene Mid-Slope Turbidite Channels

What Do More Productive Tight Oil and Gas Wells Mean for the Global Business Environment?

Paleogeography, Burial History, Porosity Development and 35 Years of Production History From the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation at Slave Field, Near the Peace River Arch, Alberta

Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Realistic Marine CSEM Earth Models in the Flemish Pass Basin

Grey: De-Risking the Duvernay Formation Oil Window Through an Integrated Core Analytics, Petrographic and Geochemical Approach

Evolution of Fluvial Meander Belt Deposits With Implications for the Completeness of the Stratigraphic Record

Stratigraphic Evidence for Major Shifts in Meander Bend Planform Morphology: Examples From Late Cretaceous Meander Belt Deposits of Southern Alberta


Carbonate Drifts and Contourites and the Underestimated Role of Current Erosion and Winnowing

Event Deposition in Shales — Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, USA, and Bjørkåsholmen Formation, Sweden

An Overlooked Devonian Sequence — Sea-Level Changes During Middle Bakken Member Deposition, and the Importance of Clastic Dykes in the Lower Bakken Shale, North Dakota, USA

A Tight Carbonate Reservoir in the Mississippian Pekisko Formation: The Role of Pervasive Microvuggy Porosity

Chemical-Mechanical Interactions in Natural Fracture Growth

Chemostratigraphy of the Woodford Shale, McAlister Cemetery Quarry, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma

Time-Lapse Gravity and Gravity Gradient Reservoir Monitoring

Development and Calibration of New Natural Gas δ13C and δ2H Reference Standards

Tight Oil Unconventionals: Better Reservoir and Performance Understanding Resulting in a Novel Development Ranking Methodology Achieving Higher Recovery Through Dynamic Sweet-Spots Modeling

Predicting Gas Production in the Marcellus Shale From Sedimentological and Tectono-Stratigraphical Variations in East Lycoming, NE Pennsylvania, USA

Regional Correlation of Facies Within the Haynesville Formation From Onshore Alabama: Analysis and Implications for Provenance and Paleo-Structure

Liquid Dropout In Gas Condensate Reservoirs: A Pore Scale Approach

Sedimentology and Geochemistry of the Heavy Oil Bearing Leduc Formation of East-Central Alberta: New Insights Into a Historic Formation


Geomechanical Analysis of Fluid Injection and Seismic Fault Slip for the M4.8 Timpson, Texas, Earthquake

A Process-Based Approach That Integrates Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies and Landform Analysis for the Early Pleistocene Surry Paleoshoreline Complex: An Analog for Potential Reservoirs — Atlantic Continental Margin, North Carolina, USA

Structural Inheritance During Normal Fault Growth in Multi-Phase Rifts: A Case Study From the Northern North Sea

Data Mining Methodologies to Reduce the Uncertainty of Reservoir Selection

Genetic Classification of Natural Fractures: A Key to Understand Flow in Kashagan Field

Depositional Model for Shale Gas Deposits of the Besa River Formation in Liard Basin, British Columbia

Influence of Tectonic Setting on Borehole-Scale Deformation Around the Margins of the Permian Basin (Texas, USA)

Tectonic Controls on Cenomanian and Turonian Deltas in the Western Cordilleran Foreland Basin of Wyoming and Utah, USA

Facies and Stratigraphic Analysis of the Permian Succession in the Denison Trough, SW Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia

The Influence of the Relative Orientation of Multi-Phase Rifting on Fault Growth and Interaction

Integrating Sedimentology and Ichnology in the Beacon Supergroup, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica to Clarify Paleoenvironmental Interpretations and Refine Basin Analysis

Improved Satellite Gravity Data: Enhanced Tool for Structural Interpretation

NMR Cryoporometry: An Alternate Non-Destructive Technique for the Measurement of Pore Size Distribution in Shales (Presented by W. Sassi)

Western Canada Resource Plays: The Phoenix Awaits

Cenozoic Evolution of the Magallanes-Austral Basin and Patagonian Fold-Thrust Belt: A Tale of Inheritance and Sediment Recycling

Petroleum Systems of the Scotian Basin

Petro-Tourism: Canada's First Commercial Use of Natural Gas

Diagenetic Pathways in Heterozoan Carbonates

Critical Factors for Optimum SAGD Well Placement and Liner Design in Lithic Sandstones

The Falkland Plateau Basin Linked Shelf to Deepwater Depositional Systems — Controlling Mechanisms, Stratigraphic Packaging and Petroleum Potential

Rift Basin Characteristics Originating From Antecedent Tectonic Events — Intricacies of the Falkland Plateau

The North Falkland Basin: An Extension of the Petrolific South Atlantic Lacustrine Rift Plays

Resource Play Potential of the Phosphoria Formation in Western Wyoming

Planning for Success in Colombia

Bioturbation Influence on Permeability Distribution within the Lower Triassic Montney Formation of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin


Bedding-Parallel Fractures in Shales

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Douglas Creek Member in the Green River Formation, Main Canyon, Uinta Basin, Utah

Let's Make Outcrops Recover Their Value, Understanding the Rock on the Surface for Predicting Into the Subsurface: Woodford Shale Case Study, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma

The Trapping Temperature and Pressure of High Density Methane Inclusions in the Jiaoshiba Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, Central China

Fluid Inclusion and Isotope Studies of Calcite Veins in Shizhu Synclinorium, Central China: Record of Origin of Fluids and Diagenetic Conditions

Paleocene-Early Eocene Sedimentation and Depositional Environment in the Washakie Basin, Southwestern Wyoming, USA: Implications for Tectonic Evolution During the Overlapped Sevier and Laramide Orogenies

Attribute-Assisted Automatic Fault Extraction — A Case Study in a Tectonically Complex Area Offshore East Coast of Canada

The Playa Lake Depositional Model for the Three Forks Fm

Remote Well Site Biostratigraphy and Advances in Automated Fossil Analysis

High Resolution Basin Modeling Insight Into Syndepositional Permian Reef Architecture Through Integrated Lidar-XRF Analysis, Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico

Deepwater Syn-Rift Sedimentation: Tectonic Geomorphology and Sedimentology From the Modern and Plio-Pleistocene of the Corinth Rift, Greece

Stratigraphic Architecture and Sedimentology in Relation to the Mid-Montney Sequence Boundary in Northeast British Columbia

Pore Throat Size of Canadian Tight Oil and Liquid-Rich Gas Reservoirs: Implications for Hydrocarbon Transport

A New Concept of RMF as Create the Relation Between Facies and Rock Mechanic: A Case Study From Asmari Reservoir

De-Risking Jurassic and Cretaceous Leads With the Integrated Interpretation of 3-D EM, 2-D Seismic and Well Data in North Flemish Pass Basin, East Canada

Comparing High Resistivity Zones in Well Logs in Hydrocarbon Producing Intervals in Continuous Resource Plays of the Eagle Ford Shale, Woodbine Formation and Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in the Gulf Coast Region

Bioturbated Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in the McMurray Formation: Origins and Distributions

3-D Palinspastic Reconstruction of Prograding Units Oblique to the Tectonic Transport: An Analysis of the Early-Middle Jurassic Cuyo Gr. in the Aguada Toledo Anticline, Neuquén Basin (Argentina)

Improved Geology-Based Geomechanical Models Using Drill Cuttings Data for Selective Fracture Stage Placement in the Montney, Duvernay and Beyond

The Behavior of Fractures and Weak Planes in Response to Thermal and Mechanical Stress Changes During Drilling, Fracturing and Production

Temporal Variation in U-Pb Geochronology of the Norphlet Formation in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Mobile Bay: Connection Between Sediment Provenance and Reservoir Quality

Deep Crustal Structure and Tectonostratigraphy at the Leading Edge of the Caribbean in Basins Offshore Barbados and Tobago: New Insights From 2-D Gravity Modeling and 2-D Seismic Data

High Resolution Sedimentological and Trace Metal Analysis of Late Paleozoic and Cretaceous Mudstones: Preliminary Results From the Baxter Formation, Rock Spring Uplift, WY

Elemental Geochemistry of Some Canadian Oil Shale

A Note on Migration of Hydrocarbon Into Oil Shale Related to Tectonics, New Brunswick, Canada

Discrete Fracture Network Construction Using Microseismic Observations

Unlocking Whole Core CT Data for Advanced Description and Analysis

Controls on and Consequences of Upper Permian Carbonate Platform Margin Palaeomorphology in the Southern North Sea

Thin Section Analysis of a Mississippian Cored Interval for Incorporation to Reservoir and Depositional Models (McPherson County, Kansas, USA)

Predicting Clay Mineralogy Distribution in Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoirs Using a Modern Estuarine Analogue Approach

Using Radiogenic Noble Gas Isotopes to Characterize Subsurface Hydrocarbon Migration

Exploration Risk Assessment Using Forward Stratigraphic Modelling: Flemish Pass Basin, NL, Canada

Baja-BC Resolved: Detrital Zircons Indicate That Vancouver Island was Adjacent to Southern California in the Late Cretaceous

Differential Hydrocarbon Charge and Accumulation in the Thrust and Slope Belts in the Kuqa Foreland Basin, Western China

3D-Basin Modelling of the Lishui Sag: Research of Hydrocarbon Potential, Petroleum Generation and Migration

An Integrated Study of Core and Well Log Data to Characterize Oil Sands in a Research Wellbore at Kearl Mine

Miocene Ash Beds in The Central Gulf of Mexico: Case Study and Analysis

Interrelationship Between Coalbed Methane (CBM) and Produced Ground Water in Lephalale Basin, South Africa


Fluid Substitution Modeling to Determine Sensitivity of Time-Lapse 3-D Vertical Seismic Profile Data to Injected CO2

Vitrinite Reflectance Suppression: Fact or Fiction in Low Maturity Paleozoic Shales

Porosity Distribution in the Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy Framework: A Case Study from Platform Margin in Lianglitag Formation of Upper Ordovician, Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin, NW China

Treatment of Grey Water Using Jordanian Natural Zeolites

Sedimentologic and Paleoceanographic Controls of Anoxia in the Holocene Cariaco Basin (Venezuela): Implications for Control of Deposition of Cretaceous (Eagle Ford) and Jurassic (Haynesville) Source Rocks in Texas

Re-Os Systematics in Petroleum Systems: What Are We Measuring

Characterization of the Cretaceous in the Sable Sub-Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia, by Detailed Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Analysis to Determine Source Rock and Correlation to Worldwide Oceanic Anoxic Events

What Difference Does a Eustatic Curve Make?

Anoxia and Euxinia (or not) in an Upper Devonian Black Shale: Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas

The Role of Islands in Influencing Carbonate Platform-Top Deposition

Using Outcrop, Subsurface and Modern Day Analogues to Predict Basin-Scale Alluvial Architecture for a Range of Tectonic and Climatic Settings

Ichnofossils of a Wet Desert Depositional System, Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southeastern Utah

Review of Limestone Microporosity Occurrence Through the Phanerozoic Eon

Regional Subsurface Mapping of the Clearwater Formation, Lower Cretaceous, Northeast Alberta

Regional-Scale Modelling of the Paleozoic Succession Beneath the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas: Devonian Paleogeography, Evaporite Dissolution, and Controls on Cretaceous Depositional Patterns on the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity

Intrastratal Dedolomite and Secondary Gypsum in the Prairie Evaporite Formation of Northeastern Alberta: Diagenesis in a Carbonate-Sulphate System

Application of Hyperspectral Imaging for the Detection of Coal in Oil Sand Drill Core

Lobe Sub-Structure in Deep-Sea Fan Systems — The Distinction Between Accommodation-Limited and Compensational-Stacking Patterns

Comparing Basin-Centred Gas Prospectivity in the Bowen-Surat Basin (Queensland, Australia) With the Deep Basin of Western Canada and the Piceance Basin of Utah

Application of Geophysical Technologies Assemblage in Evaluation of Deepwater Fields in the Northern South China Sea

All Models Are Wrong — Some Are Useful

An Integrated Chemostratigraphic and Magnetic Study of the Wolfcamp Formation, Midland Basin, Texas: What Can These Tools Tell Us About Sequence Stratigraphy and Fabric Anisotropy?

Oil Sands Pioneers: How Scientists and Entrepreneurs Made the Unconventional More “Conventional”

Assessing and Calibrating the ATR-FTIR and CL-EDX Approaches as Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Tools and for Diagenetic Applications

Reservoir Architecture of Deep Marine Deposits in a Rift Basin: An Outcrop Study From East Greenland

Fault Interactions in an Experimental Model with Two Phases of Non-Coaxial Extension: Insights From Displacement Profiles

Siliciclastic and Tectonic Controls on Carbonate Distribution Within the Early Cambrian Mount Clark Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada

Simulating Geochemical Fluid-Rock Interactions at the Fracture-Fluid Interface for a Shut-In Well

Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment: Opportunities in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico for CO2 Storage

Multi-Pulsed Turbidity Currents — Flow Dynamics and Geological Implications

Complex Fluvial-Lacustrine Interactions as Revealed by Outcrop to Subsurface Analysis of the Renegade Tongue, Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah

Shale Exploration at the Arctic Circle, the Devonian Canol Formation Canada: Exploration Concept to a Drilled Reality

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Sappington Formation: Validating Sappington Outcrops as an Exposed Analog for the Bakken Subsurface

Diagenetically Controlled Porosity Modification Within a Sour Gas Reservoir, UAE

Continental-Marine Correlations and Climate Signals in the Palaeogene Foreland of the South Pyrenees, Spain

The Hartselle Sandstone, Alabama's Oil Sands Resource

Cryptic Migrating Depocentres in a Mudstone-Dominated Succession: Coniacian Muskiki and Marshybank Members, Central Alberta Plains and Foothills, Western Canada Foreland Basin

Distinct Growth Phases of an Upper Cambrian Microbial Reef Complex; Depositional Environment Indicators (James River, Mason County, Texas)

Wet Avulsion Sequences in the Cretaceous-Paleogene Raton Formation, Colorado

Foreland Basin Record of Advancing and Retreating Subduction in the Andes

Dinkum Graben System Beneath the Alaska Beaufort Shelf — Evidence for Mississippian to Early Cretaceous Extension, and Petroleum Systems Implications

Evolution of Prograding Channels and Relation to Splay Deltas: Geomorphology and Reservoir Characteristics From the Red River Delta in Lake Texoma

Global Classification of Shallow Marine Systems

A Novel Model of Brittleness Evaluation for Unconventional Reservoirs Based on Energy Consumption

A Novel Model of Brittleness Index for Unconventional Reservoirs: Confining Pressure and Pore Pressure Effect

Effect of Temperature on Brittleness Evaluation of Unconventional Reservoirs

Shale Mechanics of Growth Faults in Deltaic Parasequences of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta of Utah, USA

Mass Fraction Maturity — Next Generation Geochemical Constraint of Basin Models

Accommodation, Sediment Provenance and Paleo-Drainage on the Basal Cretaceous Unconformity Across the Canadian Western Interior Basin

Source Within the Seal: Organic-Rich Shales Within the Onion Creek Diapir, Moab, UT

Progressive Burial Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, Colorado

High-Resolution Geochemistry and Petrography of a Miocene Succession From the Central Argentinian Foreland (Mendoza Province, Argentina): A Compositional Approach to Deciphering Forcing Factors

Characterization of Carbonates Through High Definition Borehole Images: Examples from Texas & Oklahoma (presented by D. Andjelkovic and T. Hunt)

Patterns of Sediment Dispersal and Accumulation Basinward of a Large-Scale Inflection in Slope Angle; Cutoff Fm. and Avalon Trend, Delaware Basin

Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Record and Facies Stacking Pattern of the Subsurface Red River Formation in Eastern North Dakota

The Application of δ13Corg Stable Isotope Chronostratigraphy to Correlate Upper Palaeozoic Black Shales of the Northwestern Frontier, Yukon Territory, Canada


Impact of Heterogeneous Storm Event Deposits on Fluid Flow Behaviour of Late Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir, Saudi Arabia

Evolution From Confined to Relatively Unconfined Strata in a Distal Slope Setting, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Distribution of Arenites (Fernie Sand) in the Jurassic Fernie Formation in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada

Madison Group Source Rocks, Williston Basin, USA

Foram Farming: Calibration of the Foraminiferal Paleo-Thermometer to Estimate Deep-Time Glacioeustasy

Weyburn Oilfield Core Assessment Investigating Cores From Pre and Post CO2 Injection; Determining the Impact of CO2 on the Reservoir

Petroleum Hydrogeology of Saskatchewan

MinC(%) Parameter From Rock-Eval 6 Analysis as a Reliable and Cost-Effective Measurement of Carbonate Contents in Shale

Bakken Oil-Generation Kinetics by Hydrous Pyrolysis and its Testing in 1-D Model

Impact of Poro-Elastic Coupling and Stress Shadowing on Injection-Induced Microseismicity in Reservoirs Embedded With Discrete Fracture Networks

Time-Depth Modeling in High Pore-Pressure Environment, Offshore East Coast of India

Quantitative Evaluation of Microporosity in Arab D Carbonates of Saudi Arabia: Impact on Reservoir Quality

Temporal Evolution of Submarine Channel Trajectory and Mobility: Quantitative Analysis and Comparison to Rivers

Recognizing Decoupled Controls on Accommodation and Sediment Supply, and the Importance of Axial Drainages in Foreland Basins: Adventures in Stratigraphic Correlation From the Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation of the Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah

Impacts of Depositional Processes on Reservoir Quality in Tidally-Influenced Lithofacies of the Upper Cretaceous John Henry Member, Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah

Controlling Factors and Mechanisms in the Formation of a Muddy-Normal Point Bar: A 3-D Architectural-Element Analysis of a Heterolithic Point Bar in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada

Flow-Based Model Assisted Characterization of Sub-Seismic Karst

Preservation of Thick, Transgressive Shallow-Marine Successions in a Forearc Basin; Nanaimo Basin, British Columbia

Calibration of Fracture Models Using Multi-Scale Outcrop Analogues — The Importance of Mechanical Stratigraphy

Physical Modeling of a Prograding Delta on a Mobile Substrate

Base Level Control on the Sequence Patterns of Ancient Low-Stand Meandering Valley of Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in the Western Sichuan Depression

Soyatal Formation and Related Strata: Onset of Sedimentation in the Cretaceous Foreland-Basin System, Central Mexico


A Case for Caution When Using Geochemical Models to Make Predictions About Dolomite

Diagenetic History and Reservoir Quality of the Phacoides Sandstone, Temblor Formation, McKittrick Oil Field, California

Time-Lapse Imaging of Heavy Oil Reservoirs at Shallow and Deep Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Sources

Allochthonous Paleogene Carbonates of Paxos Island (Ionian Islands, Greece) Reflect a Complex History of Nearby Platform Evolution and Destruction

4-D Evolution of the Hat Creek Fault, Northern California: An Outcrop Analog for Seismic-Scale, Polyphase, Segmented Normal Faults

Expulsion and Migration Associated with Unconventional Petroleum Systems

Microbial Matter and Diagenesis in Organic-Rich Mudrock: An SEM and LA-ICP-MS Study

Porosity Calculation From Core in the Montney Formation: A New Approach

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Methane Emissions Near Coal Seam Gas Fields Associated With Base Level and Anthropogenic Sources

*Seeing is Believing; High Resolution Electron Imaging and Mineral Mapping Shows Trace Minerals can Control Reservoir Properties

Stratigraphic Evolution of an Icehouse Strandplain System — West Caicos, BWI

Understanding the Implications of Changes in Shale Geomechanical Properties With Fracturing Fluid

A Paleobiological Approach to Modeling Giant Dolomite Reservoirs in Mississippian Outer Ramp Carbonates, Upper Midale Beds, Weyburn Oilfield, Saskatchewan

Back Analysis of Joslyn Failure Using DEM Geomechanical Model

Uppermost Pleistocene Coralgal Reefs and Upper Cambrian Microbial Bioherms: Morphologies and Sea Level-Induced Evolution

Predicting Fracture Network Characteristics in Unconventional Plays in Frontier Basins Using 3-D Seismic Data and Structural Modeling

Geology of the Mount Stephen Trilobite Beds and Adjacent Strata Field B.C., Yoho National Park — Exploration Ramifications From New Insights on a 129 Year Old Discovery

A Long-Lived Compound Incised Mega-Valley in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah

Quantitative Clinoform Characterization — Triassic Barents Sea Offshore Northern Norway

Progradational and Backstepping Shoreface Deposits in the Ladinian to Early Norian Snadd Formation of the Barents Sea

The Online Mapping Revolution: Using Free and Open-Source Geospatial Workflows to Keep Multidisciplinary Teams Working Together and In-Sync

Depositional Controls on the Distribution and Character of Organic-Rich Mudstones: A Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Duvernay Formation of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Muddy Coastline and Estuarine Bay Deposition in West Central Alberta

Origin, Description and Characterization of Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Pore Networks, Karnes County, Texas

Sedimentological Controls on Natural Fracture Networks in the Turonian Second White Specks Formation, Highwood River, Southwestern Alberta

Feasibility Study of CO2 Enhanced Shale Gas Recovery

Coal Seam Gas Content Controlling Factors and its Trends in Eastern Surat Basin

Using SARA Data to Reduce Uncertainty About the Type of Petroleum Fluid in the Woodford Formation and the Meramec Formation in the Anadarko Basin and the Arkoma Basin

Evidence Some Oil Accumulations in the Woodford Formation and the Meramec Formation Received an Additional Charge of Dry Thermal Gas

Multi-Scale Interpretation of Electrical Resistivity Measurements in the Presence of Complex Pore Structure and Anisotropy

Desiccation Cracks: Microbially Induced Compared to Sterilized Sediment

Study on the Efficiency of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field for Heat Treatment of Heavy Oil and Bitumen

Learning From the 2013 3-D Interpretation AAPG Hedberg Conference: How Geoscientists See 3-D

The Unconventional Resource Potential of the Pennsylvanian Leo/Minnelusa Formations of the Powder River and Denver Basins

Fold-Thrust Interactions in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Revisited — A New Kinematic Model and its Implications for Other Shallow Fold-Thrust Belts

Western Interior Seaway (WIS) — Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian Chronostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy: Significance of E/T Disconformities, Relative Sea-Level Oscillations and Eustasy in the Cardium and Niobrara Formations

Fresh Water Hydration and Wetting/Flooding Experiments on Cardium Formation Arenites, Wackes and Mudstones Using an Environmental-Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope (E-FE-SEM)

A Structural Framework for Interpreting the Spatial Distriubtion and Geochemical Variation of Natural Gas and Salt-Rich Groundwater in Shallow Aquifers of South-Central New York

Geostatistical Modelling of Hydrothermal Dolomite by PluriGaussian Simulation From Digital Outcrop Dataset (Latemar, N-Italy)


Mapping Overpressure Features With Broadband Multimeasurement Seismic Data

Geologic Characterization and Facies Analysis of the Wolfcampian/Leonardian Succession in the Midland Basin, West Texas, USA: Impact on Horizontal Well Performance

The Application of Geology in the Founding of Alberta's Petroleum Industry

Utilizing Geochemical Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs to Allocate Produced Oils to Stratigraphic Zone

Down-Dip Termination of Sandy Fan Systems — New Insight From the Pennsylvanian Ross Sandstone Formation, Western Ireland

Petroleum Geochemistry and Mudstone Diagenesis of the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, USA — An Integrated Approach

Geomechanical Properties of the Upper Ordovician Macasty Shale and its Caprock, Anticosti Islan: A Regional Evaluation for a Promising Tight Oil Play

Geometries and Origin of Young Dolomite in an Isolated Carbonate Platform, Bonaire, Southern Caribbean

Modeling Controls on the Architecture of Phylloid Algal and Associated Reservoirs from Outcrop Analogs: Lower Ismay Zone (Pennsylvanian), Utah, USA

Geologic Risk Assessment of Sequestration Projects, the Illinois Example

Modelling and Characterization of a Fluvial Low Net-to-Gross Reservoir: The Case Study of a Mature Oil Field for EOR in the Bajo Barreal Formation, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina

The Impact of Post-Orogenic Erosion and Sediment Transport on the Detrital Zircon Provenance of Incipient Foreland Basins

Non-Saline Water Use and Oilsands Development, Past, Present and Future

Preliminary Sedimentology and Provenance Analysis From the Magallanes-Austral Retroarc Foreland Basin: Implications for Miocene Evolution of the Patagonian Fold-and-Thrust Belt

Re-Evaluation of Thermal Maturity and Stages of Petroleum Formation of the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas

Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Probable Hydrate Deposits Linked to Chimneys Venting Gases Through Hydrate Stability Zone, From Offshore Mauritania

The Progress of Reservoir Geochemistry and its Application in Hydrocarbon Exploration: An Example From the Halahatang Oilfield of the Tarim Basin, NW China

Characteristics of Tight Gas Reservoir in the Upper Triassic Sichuan Basin, Western China

Advancement of Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization Shows Promising Economics in Tight Bakken Formation

Facies Characteristics and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Tununk Shale Member, Henry Mountains Region, Utah

Estimation of Source-to-Sink Mass Balance and Depositional Systems Dominated Sediment Budgets by a Fulcrum Approach Assessment Using Channel Paleohydrologic Parameters: Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation

The Limitations of Lognormal Distributions: Using Subsurface Data to Make More Accurate Resource Estimations

Erosion and Deposition on the West Florida Shelf Edge

Evaluating a 2-D Structural Restoration: Validating Section Balance

The New Method of the Sweet Spot Discrimination and Predictive Production in North American Shale Oil

Seismic Geomorphology of the Lobed-Channel System of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation, Yinggehai Basin, Northwestern South China Sea

Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model for the Neogene Traps, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Effects of Sedimentary Heterogeneity on Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Permian Ordos Basin, China: Insight From Integrated 3-D Petroleum System and Forward Stratigraphic Modelling

Lacustrine Lithofacies, Depositional Processes and Diagenesis of the Uteland Butte Member, Uinta Basin

Structural Growth Rate and Impact on Deepwater Depositional Systems in Deepwater Fold Belts: Gulf of Mexico, West Africa and Niger Delta

Sedimentation in Structurally-Confined Narrow Basins: Toward the Identification of Uncommon Depositional Systems

Sequential Restorations From the Sverdrup Basin: New Insights for its Mesozoic Evolution

Ethics for Professionals in the Energy Stream: How Objective Are Science and Engineering?

Origin and Characterization of the Dual Micropore/Macropore Network in Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Caddo Algal Buildup Complexes; Stephens County, North Central Texas

Some Thoughts on Existence and Importance of Natural Microfractures in Unconventional Shale-Oil and Gas Systems

How Well Do Asymmetrical Rift Models for the Conjugate Margins of Brazil and Angola Compare to Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data?

Paleotopographic Controls on Fluvial Architecture of Pre-Vegetated Braided Fluvial Strata in a Basal Cambrian-Ordovician Sandstone: Potsdam Group of the Ottawa Embayment and Quebec Basin

Distribution and Seismic Characteristics of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Layer in the Gulf of Mexico, USA, and Mexico Deepwater

Mitigating Early Cretaceous Reservoir Risk Along the Offshore Morocco Passive Margin Through Analysis of the Coastal Delivery Systems Exposed in the Agadir-Essaouira Basin

Terrestrial Paleoclimatology of the Early Cretaceous Western Interior Foreland Basin of North America

Modelling at a Provincial Scale: Challenges and Solutions

Expulsion and Primary Migration of Hydrocarbons — Observations in Outcrops

Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Characterization of Ancient Sandstone Shelf Ridges: An Example From the Campanian Almond Formation, Wyoming, USA

Fluvial Architecture and Sediment Partitioning in Response to Early Laramide Structures: The Canyon Creek Member, Southern Wyoming, USA


Formation of Secondary Porosity With Implications for Reservoir Quality in Deeply Buried Sandstones: A Case Study From Sublacustrine Fan Deposits in the Eocene Es4 Interval, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Northeastern China

Multi-Scale Shale Imaging Challenges: Examples From U.S. and European Plays

Correlation Between In-Situ Stress Variations and Mineralogy Along Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, USA

Timing Mismatch Between Facies Change and Provenance Change in Large River Systems: Implications for Reservoir Development in Evolving Catchments

Imaging CO2 Sequestration at an Enhanced Oil Recovery Site Using the Depth-to-Surface Resistivity Method

The Importance of Detailed Flow Unit Assessment for Modeling Carbonate Reservoir Performance — Insight from the Bitumen-Saturated Grosmont Formation

Tectonically Controlled Nearshore Deposition: Cozzette Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Colorado, USA

Unreciprocated Sedimentation: How Differential Accumulation Decoupled the Shelf and Slope of Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, USA

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Nahr Menasha (Lago Mare) in the Levantine Basin: Implications for Fluvial Drainage Development During the Latest Miocene (Messinian), Eastern Mediterranean

Tectonics of a Permo-Carboniferous Trough in the Northern Foreland of the European Alps Inferred From Reprocessed and Densified 2-D Seismic Reflection Data

Mapping of Clastic Reservoirs With RGB-Blending Techniques — A Review From the Maria Discovery in the UK North Sea

Quantitative Facies Analysis: A Tool Kit in the Characterization of Eagle Ford Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Heterogeneity

Evaluation of Mercury Intrusion and Capillary Pressure Results: Development of a New Methodological Approach for Analyzing Carbonates

Geologic and Geophysical Evidence for a Pacific Origin for Seawater Filling the Callovian Gulf of Mexico Evaporite Basin

Stratigraphic Modeling of a Mix Siliciclastic-Carbonate System in A Passive Margin Setting: The Hettangian–Cenomanian Interval of the Shelburne Subbasin Area — SW Nova Scotia 2011 PFA Expansion

Petrophysical Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks Alloformation, Willesden Green Area, Alberta: An Updated Workflow for Anisotropic Fine-Grained Reservoirs

Updated Resource Assessment of Undiscovered, Technically Recoverable Shale Gas and Shale Oil Within the Mississippian Barnett Shale, North-Central Texas, 2015

Shallow to Moderate Burial Diagenesis and Lithification Processes in a Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Slope Succession in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand

Active Microplate Boundaries Associated With the Southward Offshore Extension of the East African Rift System and the Distribution of Offshore Hydrocarbon Discoveries in East Africa

A Source-to-Sink Approach to Drainage and Sediment Flux in Thrust and Foreland Systems: Example From the Cretaceous Sevier and Laramide Provinces, Western Interior Basin, USA

Eolian Reservoir Models: A Study of the Heterogeneity and Reservoir Characterization of the Red Head Sandstone, Five Islands, Nova Scotia.

Detrital Zircon Geochronology Applied to Source-to-Sink Analyses and Exploration: Insights From the Modern Mississippi River and Pleistocene Deepwater Mississippi Fan System

Geomechanical Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity

Statistically Improved Resistivity and Density Estimation From Multicomponent Seismic Data: Case Study From the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Athabasca Oil Sands

Organic Rich Facies in the Lewis Shale as an Oil and Gas Source Rock, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, United States

Benguela and Namibe Basins: Syn-Rift Architecture and Sediment Thickness From Integrated Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data

Challenges in Using Programmed Pyrolysis Data From Mature to Late Mature Source Rocks to Evaluate Source Rock Capabilities and Free Hydrocarbons in Unconventional Resource Plays

A Sedimentological Assessment of Dolomitized Bioclastic Accumulations Within the Lower Triassic Montney Fm., Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Facies and Cycle Architecture in the Gulf PDB-04 Core: Integration of Outcrop Derived Models Into the Subsurface

Cretaceous Strata at the West Edge of the Rockies — A Wedge-Top Remnant of the Western Canada Foreland Basin

Evolution of the Western Canada Foreland in the Liard Basin, Northwest Canada

Concretions in the Mixed System: Microbial-Driven Early Marine Calcite Cementation

Reassessment of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Fluid Typing Methods in Shale

Sweet-Spotting Unconventional Plays Using Geo-Microbial Hydrocarbon Detection and 4G Exploration Model

The Influence of Intra- and Inter-Channel Architecture in Selecting Optimal Gridding for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation

Geologic Architecture of the High Plains Aquifer, Northeastern Texas Panhandle: Implications for Implementation of Surface and Airborne Monitoring Techniques

A New Depositional Model of Spherulitic Carbonate Settings: Insights From a Carboniferous Hyper-Alkaline, Volcanic-Influenced Lake

The Valuation of Unconformities

New Insights From Detrital Zircons Into the Northern Provenance of Triassic-Jurassic Strata, Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands

Facies, Stratigraphy and Lateral Stratigraphic Continuity in Lower Jurassic Reservoir Analogue Outcrops at Wadi Naqab, United Arab Emirates

Identifying and Evaluating Potential Well Integrity Risk Factors Based on Available Geological, Hydrogeological and Related Subsurface Data

The Influence of Crack Geometry on Production of Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs

Integrated Karst Characterization From Seismic to Geologic Modeling in Kashagan Field, Kazakhstan

Sources and Reservoir History of Mixed Oil and Heavy Oil Determined by Advanced Geochemical Technologies

Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous Basal Foremost and Medicine Hat Formations in Newell County, Alberta: Implications for a Carbon Capture and Sequestration Monitoring Program

The Importance of Ground Water Aquifer Identification on Well Planning — An Example From the São Sebastião Aquifer, Northeast Brazil

Producing Practical and Useful State Geothermal Maps

Integration of Seismic Inversion With Source Rock Evaluation Methods to the Study of the Middle to Late Jurassic Organic Rich Intervals in the Scotian Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada

Hydrothermal Dolomitization Paradigms and the Manetoe Dolomite: Are All HTDs Fault-Related?

Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach to Real Time Pore Pressure Prediction: 3-D Earth Model in the Gulf of Mexico

Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems: Implications for the Development of Deepwater Turbidites in the Nova Scotian Margin

Bioclastic Reservoirs of the Distal Montney “Shale” Play

Jurassic Upper Toarcian-Early Aalenian Oncoid and Ooid-Rich Facies of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Southern Croatia

Time-Space Variability of Paralic Strata Deposited in a High Accommodation, High Sediment Supply Setting: Example From the Cretaceous of Utah

Virtual Outcrop Models to Multiple Point Statistics: Improved Reservoir Modeling From Virtual Outcrops Supported by Digital Field Computing

Novel Data From a Routine Analysis: Determining Pore Compressibility From Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Analyses of Fine-Grained Reservoir Rocks

The Impact of Thermal Maturity and Burial on the Pore Size Distribution and Matrix Permeability of Organic-Rich Mudrocks of the Duvernay Formation, Alberta

Fracking: Minimizing the Risk

Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry in Bahamian Dolomites

Integrated Fracture Characterization of Devonian Carbonate Bank — A 3-D Case Study From Alberta


Dolomitization and its Impact on Porosity Evolution in the Middle Bakken, Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin

Pore Pressure Diffusion Model to Simulate Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Cardium Formation, West-Central Alberta

Hydrodynamic Controls on Sedimentology and Geomorphology: A Field and Modeling Analysis of Modern Marine Carbonate Ramp, Northern Yucatan Shelf, Mexico

Improving Unconventional Resource Assessments

Stratigraphic and Geochemical Investigation of Kukersites (Source Beds) Within the Ordovician Red River Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Discovery to Recovery: Alberta's Liquids Rich Montney Play — Continued Innovation and Optimization

Geological Controls on Sweet Spots Within a Laterally Extensive Shoreface Sandstones, Albian Wilrich Member, Spirit River Formation, West-Central Alberta

Insights Into Sedimentological and Diagenetic Processes Within a Major Shale Gas Exploration Play: The Mississippian Bowland Shale, UK

Imaging the Overturned Limb of a Footwall Syncline in the Western Canadian Fold and Thrust Belt

Using Synthetic Seismic Models of Channelized Deepwater Slope Deposits to Inform Stratigraphic Interpretation and Reservoir Modeling

Chemostratigraphic and Tephrochronologic Record of Cenomanian-Turonian Eagle Ford, South Texas, USA

Monitoring SAGD Conformance and Caprock Integrity With Depth to Surface Resistivity

Geochemical Characterization of Source Rock in Lufeng Sag, Pearl Mouth River Basin

Petroleum System Analysis of the Poorly Devoloped Chagan Sag in Yingen-Ejinaqi, Northern China

New Insights Into the Contribution of Sub-Seismic Faults to Deformation in the Earth's Crust

The Use of Topology in Analysing Fault and Fracture Networks: Characterization and Connectivity

The (Forgotten?) Art of Geological Field Sketches

Alternating Currents: When Braided Channels Begin to Meander

Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Mechnical Rock Properties From West Caicos, BWI

Multi-Attribute Seismic Wheeler Volume Workflows, Illuminating Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, and Prospectivity Within a Mezardere Slope Fan Exploration Model, Thrace Basin, Turkey


Microstructural Analysis of Coupled Mechanical and Chemical Diagenetic Processes in Deformation Bands in Sandstone

Forecasting Oil Sands Development Using a Granular Operator and Phase-Level Approach

Application of Thin-Bed Indicator and Sweetness Attribute in the Evaluation of Sediment Composition and Depositional Geometry in Coast-Perpendicular Subbasin, South Texas Gulf

Genesis and Morphology of Intracrystalline Nanopores and Mineral Micro Inclusion Hosted in Burial Dolomite Crystals: Application of Broad ION Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope (BIB-SEM)

Inception of a Continental-Scale River From Segmented Paratethys Basins: Possible Timing and Size of the Danube River Flowing Into the Black Sea

Process Regime Change From Wave-Modified and Tidally-Influenced to Wave-Dominated Deltas Across Growth Faults in the Paleogene Lower Wilcox Guadalupe Delta, South Texas Gulf Coast

Using Seismic Forward Modelling to Risk Sub-Thrust Plays

Subsurface Mapping of Thin-Sand Reservoirs Using Seismic Texture and Narrow-Band Spectral Analysis Attributes Over “X” Oil Field, Offshore Niger Delta

Bypass Dominated Slope Channel Complexes Exhibit Progradational Channel Fill Style, Eocene Forearc Basin, California

Revisiting Sampling Bias in Fracture Networks Representation

Simultaneous Measurement of Elastic and Electrical Anisotropy of Shales Under Elevated Pressure: A Preliminary Study

Understanding Channel Belt Connectivity on a System Scale in Fluvial Settings


Outcrop-based Reservoir Modeling of the Sappington Formation (Montana); Developing Strategies for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Middle Bakken Reservoirs (North Dakota)

The Occurrence and Distribution of Polygonal Fault Systems in the Gulf of Mexico

Direct Correlation of Orogenic Pulses in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains Fold-and-Thrust Belt and Depositional Changes in the Adjacent Foreland Basin

Changes in Gas Storage and Transport Properties With Continued Bioconversion of Coal

Integrated Geologic Analysis From Two Marcellus Shale Science Wells in Northeastern West Virginia

Utility of Micro-X-Ray Computed Tomography for Analysis of Shale Reservoirs

Bed Thickness Statistics in Hybrid Event Bed Prone Ponded Minibasins, Castagnola System, Early Miocene, NW Italy

A High-Resolution, Multi-Proxy Study of Organic-Rich Mudrocks From the Mid Cenomanian Event in North America

Organic-Rich Sediments From the Mid-Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: A High-Resolution, Multi-Proxy Investigation

Variability of Mudstone Microstructure in a Freshwater to Marine Transect: Upper Cretaceous Delta System, Alberta and British Columbia

Finding New Oil Fields in a Mature Play: BV Nose Discovery, Upper Miocene Stevens Play, San Joaquin Basin, California: Case Study

Understanding the Relationship Between Structural Inheritance and Rift Related Magmatism on the Labrador Margin

Controls on Sediment Distribution From Source-to-Sink in an Active Extensional Setting: The Sperchios Rift, Central Greece

Depositional Setting of Paleozoic Organic Rich Lacustrine Oil Shale Deposits of the Maritimes Basin, New Brunswick, Canada

Comparison of Geological Factors Affecting Production in the Cardium Tight Light Oil Play, Alberta, Canada

John Joyce Carter (1842-1917): Civil War Hero and Petroleum Entrepreneur

The Canol Project: Antecedent for Leduc?

Mixed Energy Process Interactions Read From a Tide-Dominated Shoreline: The Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad

Petroleum System Analysis: What Have We Learned Since Magoon and Dow's Memoir 60?

Reconstruction of Sediment Provenance and Pathway From Source-to-Sink: Example of the Tremp-Graus-Ainsa Basins, Southern Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain

Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Miocene, Poland and Ukraine): Significance of Evaporite Deposition

Reef Constructors of the Wuchiapingian Jablonna Buildup (Western Poland)

Regional-Scale Modelling of the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity Surface in Northern and Central Alberta: Elevation, Subcrop Zero-Edge Delineation, and Paleotopographic Reconstruction

Rock-Eval 6/TOC Pyrolysis Results From the Lower Karoo Group Mudstones and Coal Source Rocks, Maamba Basin, Southern Zambia

Low Temperature Paleogene Thermal History of the British Mountains, Yukon, Canada, Quantified by Apatite and Zircon U-Th/He Dating

Multiscale Geomodeling of Eolian Reservoir Analogues. A Virtual-Outcrop Study of the Jurassic Page Sandstone Formation

Integrated Reservoir Characterization of the Duvernay Play (Alberta, Canada): From Nanometer Scale to Regional Basin Scale

An Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Workflow for Hydraulic Fracture Placement in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

Integrated Fieldwide Optimization of Wellbore and Hydraulic Fracture Placement in Shale Gas Reservoirs

Regional Chemostratigraphic Correlation and Interpretation of the Montney Formation: New Insights and Perspectives

Recurring Themes in Foreland Basin Stratigraphy: Sheets, Wedges, Trampolines, and the Possible Role of Climate

Variation in Depositional Pattern of Experimental Turbidity Currents Going Through a Break-of-Slope as a Function of Their Efficiency

The Trace Fossil Fauna of the Early to Middle Permian Tinat Member of the Nuayyim Formation in Subsurface Saudi Arabia: Towards a Mechanism for Colonization of Inland Arid to Semiarid Environments

Chemical Diagenesis in Stratigraphic Context: The Ervay Cycle of the Phosphoria Rock Complex (Permian), Wyoming and Montana

Utica Petroleum System Mapping

Characterising Heavy Oil Systems: Oil-Source and Oil-Oil Correlation in the McMurray Formation

U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Paleozoic Shale Gas Resources in the Sichuan Basin, China

The Potential Temporal Significance of a High-Abundance, High-Diversity Ichnologic Assemblage in an Otherwise Apparently River-Dominated Deltaic Succession: The Cretaceous Loyd Delta, Rangely, Colorado

Sedimentology, Ichnology and Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Montney D1 and D2 Horizons, Pouce-Coupe-Dawson Area

Progradation of an Ancient Distributive Fluvial System in a Foreland Basin: The Smoky Hollow Member of the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation

Cretaceous Oblique-Slip Reactivation of Late Paleozoic Rift-Related Faults on the Chukchi Platform, Southern Chukchi Shelf, Alaska

Emerging CO2 Sequestration Techniques in Bakken Unconventional Reservoirs: An Enormous Opportunity Yet Materialized

Fundamental Controls on Modeling Reservoir Properties of Fining-Updip Heterozoan Carbonates

New Insights Into the Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Middle to Late Jurassic Neuquén Basin as Constrained by Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/(He-Pb) and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages


Rock Physics of Bitumen Saturated Carbonates

Basin “Porosity Floor” — A Valid Rule of Thumb? The Case for Early Numerical Integration

Data-Driven Quantitative Reservoir Characterization and New Insights in Pubei Field of Turpan-Hami Basin, Western China

Structural Styles and Related Accommodation Zones Associated With the Collapse of Salt Anticlines: Implications for Fluid Flow in Salt-Controlled Basins

Reservoir Heterogeneity in Marginal Marine Settings of the Athabasca Oil Sands: Apparent Continuity of Mud Laminae Between Closely Spaced Cores

Characterization of Deep Tight Carbonate Gas Plays With an Integrated Interpretation — Case Study From North Kuwait

Tying Core Descriptions and Optical Petrography With XRF Geochemical Data for a Detailed Characterization of the Mississippian Barnett Formation in the Southern Fort Worth Basin of North-Central Texas

Fault and Fracture Detection in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Utica Shale Study

Improving Stratigraphic Models of Outcropping Slope Channel Fills Using Morphometrics From the Lucia Chica Channel System, Offshore Central California

Geological Classification of Seismic-Inversion Data in the Doba Basin of Chad

Three-Dimensional Modeling of a Quarried Deltaic Reservoir System: Atoka Formation, Arkansas

Diagenesis in the Upper Miocene Cayman Formation of Grand Cayman in Response to Rapid Sea Level Rise Over the Last 16,000 Years

Production and Prospectivity in a Structurally Complex, High-Taper Triangle Zone, Gibraltar Area, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia

Evaluating Sources of Groundwater Quality Variability in Residential Water Wells for Pre-Drill Sampling

Understanding the Geological Basis of the Iowa Pore Index

Development of a Static Reservoir Model for the Niagara-Lower Salina Reef Complex of the Guelph Formation, Michigan Basin

A New Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Niagara-Lower Salina Reef Complex of the Guelph Formation, Michigan Basin, USA

Channel-Levee Systems in a Tropical Carbonate Slope Environment and the Influence of Syn-Sedimentary Fracturing, Previous HitBrowseNext Hit Basin, Australian Northwest Shelf

Methane Variations in Groundwater

Sedimentologic and Oceanographic Characterization of the “Inland Sea” Lagoon and Channel System, Southeast Qatar

Depositional and Diagenetic Investigation of a Tertiary Isolated Carbonate Platform, Evidence for Significant Gas-Charge-Related Dolomitization

Exshaw Formation Study, Liard Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada

Carbon Capture and Storage: the QUEST Project

Applications of Portable XRF Analysis to the Amaranth, Lodgepole and Bakken Formations of South Western Manitoba

Stratigraphic Record of Foreland Basin Dynamics, Cretaceous Magallanes-Austral Basin, Chile and Argentina

Logical Rules for Sketch-Based Computer Modeling of Reservoir Stratigraphy: Application to Deepwater Siliciclastic Systems

Inorganic Geochemistry as Technique to Preliminary Assessment of Shale Plays in Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Eastern Cordillera Basin, Colombia

Stratigraphic Architecture of Deltaic Mouthbar Deposits During the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah

Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Characterization of Mixed-Energy Deltas: Example From the Lajas Formation (Argentina)

The Effect of Tides on Deltaic Morphology and Stratigraphy in River-Dominated Conditions

A Sedimentologic-Petrographic Study of Parasequences in the Late Cretaceous Tununk Shale of the Henry Mountain Region of SW Utah – Implications for Shale Deposition in the Western Interior Seaway

A Photon-Counting Approach to Drill Core Chemostratigraphy: Working Without an Empirical Calibration in Mudstones

New Insights Into the Early Development of a Volcanic Passive Margin – 3-D Imaging of Seaward Dipping Reflectors and a South Atlantic Transfer Zone

Assessment of Temporal Source Rock Variability: An Example From the Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shale

Dolomitization in the Uteland Butte Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah: Implications for Petroleum Production Potential

Regional Variations in Woodford Fm Facies and Depositional Environments in the Permian Basin: New Insights From Chemostratigraphic Data

Prediction of Fluvial Point-Bar Internal Architecture and Heterogeneity From Outcrop and System-Independent Morphometric Analysis of Meander Bends

Strategies for Success in Unconventional Plays With Examples From the Montney Formation in Western Canada


A Revised Plate Model for the Myanmar and Andaman Sea Regions and its Effects on Petroleum Systems

Stratigraphic Architecture and Reservoir Characteristics of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash (Marmaton Group), Elk City Field, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Unconventional Resource Potential of Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Onshore Cesar-Rancheria Basin, Northern Colombia

The Effect of Rapid Changes in Pressure, Temperature and Salinity Conditions on Methane Dissolution and Implication for the Volume of Accumulated Gas

Geochemical Characteristic of Some Oil Shale Deposits of Israel

Applying Rock Physics Towards Seismic Characterization: Case Study From an Unconventional Resource, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Structural Styles and Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges in the Babar-Selaru Fold-Thrust-Belt, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia

Evaporite Deposition in a Dynamic Lacustrine Setting, Green River Formation (Eocene), Piceance Basin, Colorado, USA — Implications for Climate Control

East Shetland Platform Petroleum Geochemistry and Prospectivity

The Delineation of Pre-Salt License Blocks in the Deep Offshore Campeche-Yucatan Basin

Structural Impact of the Yarmouth Arch in the Central Atlantic Opening and on the SW Nova Scotian Margin Architecture (SW Nova Scotia 2011 PFA Expansion)

Sunnyside Oil Sands at Bruin Point, Southwest Uinta Basin, Utah

Depth to 0.6% Vitrinite Reflectance Defines Magnitude of Uplift in Middle Ground Area of the North Slope, Alaska

Structural Architecture and Styles of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

On the Durability of Shale Lithics — Experimental Constraints, Modern Examples and Implications for Interpreting the Rock Record

Not all Shales are Created Equal — Obscure Fine Grained Intraclasts and Lithics and Possible Consequences for Reservoir Quality in Dunvegan Mudstones

Detachment Folding in the Kurdish Zagros: Hidden Structures and Missed Opportunities

Porosity Preservation in the Lithic Carmópolis Reservoirs, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil

The Canadian Cretaceous Polar and Western Interior Seas: Paleoenvironmental History and Paleoceanographic Linkages

Diagenesis of the Sappington Formation in SW Montana: Implications for Reservoir Quality in the Time-Equivalent Bakken Formation

Evaluating the Thermal History of the Los Angeles Basin Through 3-D Basin and Petroleum System Modeling

Magnetic Bright Spots Can Identify the Most Prospective Deepwater Areas and Prospects

Oil to Source Rock Correlation and Implications for Petroleum System Analysis

Morphological and Stratigraphic Characterization of Sandy Large-Scale Foresets (Agrio Fm., Argentina): Insights Into Short-Term Construction of Wave-Dominated Coastal Systems

Drainage Systems in Rift Basins: Implications for Reservoir Quality

Stratigraphy, Seismic Characteristics, and Reservoir Properties of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash, Buffalo Wallow Field Area, Anadarko Basin, Texas

Geosynthesis — Modern Origin of Hydrocarbons and Practical Use of This Phenomenon Aspects in Oil and Gas Development

Experimental Investigation of Lithology Variations on Shale Gas Generation and Retention From Immature Shales Maturation Under Anhydrous Gold-Tube Pyrolysis

Using Seismic Data for Characterization of Vaca Muerta Shale With Reduced Uncertainty

Sedimentological and Ichnological Characteristics of the Inner Estuary, Fluvio-Tidal Transition and Riverine Reach of the Ogeechee River Estuary, GA, USA

Re-Os Geochronometer Constraints on the Timing of Petroleum Generation and Migration in the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China

Damage Model for Reservoir With Multisets of Natural Fractures and its Application in Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation

Mixed Autogenic and Allogenic Origin of Stratigraphic Complexity in Paralic Environments: Examples From the Neslen Formation, Mesaverde Group, Utah

Stratigraphic Evolution of the Northern Magallanes-Austral Basin, Argentine Patagonia

Influence of Sedimentary Fabric on Fracture Characteristics of Two Thick Shoreface Deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Moosebar Formation, West Central Alberta

Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction in Upper Devonian Nisku Formation Reservoirs, Alberta: Insights From Molecular Characterization With FTICR-MS and GC×GC Approaches

Examination of Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Multimodal Porosity Systems

Reservoir Connectivity, Compartmentalization and Overpressure Conditions in the Sable Subbasin (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Porcupine Basin (Ireland)

Hydrogeology of the Bakken Formation Across the Williston Basin

In-Situ, Micron-Scale Analyses of Carbonate δ13C by SIMS: A Method for Identifying Carbonate Cements That Form in Response to CO2 Injection at the Illinois Basin Decatur Project Site

Integrated Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis of the Guadalupian Seven Rivers Formation, McKittrick Canyon, New Mexico

A Basin-Scale Perspective on the Oxfordian Norphlet Sandstone, Eastern USA

Core-Scale Modelling of Permeability on Highly Bioturbated Tight-Oil Samples, Burrow Pathways and Connectivity in the Cardium Formation, Pembina Field

Nano-Scale Pore Structure Evolution of Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale Through Thermal Maturation

Mapping Duvernay Mineralogy: From Core to Log to Field

A Perfect Play of Salt, Bamboo and Gas: The First Petroleum Well (Breakthrough) in the World

Polygonal Fault Systems Upper Cretaceous Strata, Denver Basin

Petrophysical, XRF Elemental, and Geomechanical Comparison of the Greenhorn and Niobrara Formations, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin

How Mobile Is Your Total Oil Saturation? SARA Analysis Implications for Bitumen Viscosity and UV Fluorescence in Niobrara Marl and Bakken Shale, Supported by FIB-SEM Observations of Kerogen, Bitumen and Residual Oil Saturations Within Niobrara Marls and Chalks

Depositional Character, Distribution and Significance of Hybrid Event Beds: Springar Formation, NW Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea

The Lithostratigraphic — Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups in Southwestern East Texas Basin

Longwave Infrared (8-12 μm) Spectral Imaging for the Automated Mapping of Lithofacies in Athabasca Oil Sands Core

De-Risking the Duvernay

A Diagenetic Origin for δ18O Variability on the Margins of the Great Bahama Bank, Insights From Clumped Isotopes

Geomorphic Characteristics of Lofted Turbidity Current Deposits

The Distribution of Sector-Scale Permeability From Production Data Within Naturally-Fractured Folds of the Canadian Foothills

*Seeing is Believing: A Quest to Visualize Hydraulic Frac Geometry for Optimal Resource Development

Quebec's Horizontal New Play for Light Oil in the Gaspe Peninsula: Reprocessed 2-D Seismic Reveals Complex Structures That Could be Significant Fields

Lithic Mannville: Significant New Oil Opportunities

Well Placement Matters: Improving Survey Accuracy by Using Continuous Directional Data and Drilling Parameter Settings

Experimental Investigation of the Generation and Expulsion Characteristics of Different Source Rocks and the Impact Onto the Composition of Hydrocarbons

3-D Geomechanical Restoration as a Tool for Fractured Reservoir Characterization: Example From the Permian Basin

Ground-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Terrestrial Laser Scanning of the Eagle Ford Formation

Organic Geochemistry of Triassic Lacustrine Yanchang Formation Shale, The Ordos Basin, North-Central China

Characterize Millimeter-Scale Unconventional Rock Using Micron-Scale Sample Imaging and Machine Learning: Pore Properties in Eagle Ford, Marcellus and Wolfcamp

Understand Petrophysical Properties of Real World-Scale Complex Conventional Rocks Economically With Emerging Technologies

Investigation of Petrophysical-Properties Heterogeneity for Electrofacies Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs

Variations on a Theme — Latitiduninal Impacts on Sequence Stratigraphy

Redefining the Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Composition of the Mixing Zone

Stable Isotope and Elemental Geochemistry From 1-D Profiles are a Useful Tool for Revealing 3-D Phasing Architecture of Upper Cambrian Microbial Reef Complexes, Wilberns Formation, Mason County, Texas

Laser Ablation-ICPMS U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Shale

Latitudinal Controls on Siliciclastic Sediment Production and Transport


Structural Control on Upper Jurassic Sedimentation South of the Middle Ground Arch, Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Stratigraphic Distribution of Source Rock Intervals in the Vaca Muerta Formation

The Control of Terminal Splay Sedimentation on Depositional Patterns and Stratigraphic Evolution in Avulsion Dominated, Deep-Marine Basin-Floor Systems

Characteristics of Falling Stage Systems Tract Slope Channels: An Example from the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, Canada

Quantification and 3-D Modeling of Architectural Variability and Controls in an Eocene — Mid Miocene Carbonate Ramp, Previous HitBrowseTop Basin, Australia

3-D Quantification of Carbonate Ramp Architectural Variability and Controls, Last Chance Canyon, NM

Geophysics Meets Geology: Chrono-Stratigraphic Interpretation of the McMurray Formation

26Al /10Be Cosmogenic Burial Dating and Magnetostratigraphy of Growth Strata in the Western Tarim Foreland Basin, NW China

Genesis and Evolution of the Punta del Este Basin, Offshore Uruguay: Complex Interplay Between Structural Inheritance and Multi-Phase South Atlantic Rifting

Geochemical Characteristics and Application of Sterane and Terpane Biomarkers in Heavy Oils From Lacustrine Source Rocks of Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Evolution of Pores in Organic-Rich Shales During Thermal Maturation

Geological Openness on the Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Signatures of Shale Gas: Implications From the Stepwise Pyrolysis of Bitumen

Development of the Petroleum System on the South Labrador Slope

The Importance of Density Structure on Vertical Momentum Exchange and its Implication for Turbidity Current Run-out Distances and Depositional Geometry

Streamlining Data Collection and Interpretation of Quantitative Process Ichnology Datasets

Analysis of Fracture Style and Development Associated With Differential Compaction Around Mississippian Carbonate Mounds, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico

The Origin of Complicated Fault System in Beibuwan Basin and the Application for the Evolution of South China Sea

Seismic Characterization of Early Cretaceous Fluvial-Deltaic Sandstones, Middle to Late Cretaceous Turbidites and Late Cretaceous Channelized Features in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil

Origin and Scaling of Surfaces and Heterogeneity in a Fragmentary Point Bar From 3-D Architectural-Element Analysis, Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation Within Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada

Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Oil Sands at the Hangingstone SAGD Project, Alberta, Canada

Depositional Environment Map of the Canadian Cordilleran Foreland Basin in the Middle Aptian


Correlating Water Imbibition to Geology in Montney Formation Using Core and Log Data

Preliminary Evaluation of Source Rock Potential and Burial History of the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Mississippi and Louisiana, USA

Reservoir Modeling and Provenance Analyses of the Campanian M1 Sandstone, Eastern Ecuador

Stratigraphic Architecture, Sedimentology and Ichnology of Late Cretaceous Storm-Flood, River-Dominated Deltas Versus Storm-Dominated Deltas

The Role of Floodplain Aggradation in Building Low-Gradient Dryland River Stratigraphy

Spatial Distribution of Diagenetic Geobodies in Carboniferous Host Rock, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

Characterization of a Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Sonic Velocity and Macro to Micropore Architecture

Characterization of Microbialites from Antelope Island's Bridger Bay and Promontory Point, Great Salt Lake, Utah

The Late Albian (Joli Fou) Continental Flooding Event: Not a Simple Story

Integrated Stratigraphic Interpretation of the McMurray Formation SAGD Reservoir in Jackfish Area (Jackfish Phases 2 and 3), Alberta

Including Hydro-Shear in a Practical Reservoir Simulation Model to Improve Well Design in a Fractured Tight Oil Carbonate Resource

Structural Models Constrained by Geophysical Data Provide Additional Insight to the Subsurface in Southern Colorado, U.S.

Vertical Facies Transitions in a Progradational Fluvial-Fan Succession (Mendoza Foreland, Argentina): Depositional Processes and Spurious Climate Signals

Geomechanical Simulation of Stress Shadows for Improved Hydraulic Fracture Design


The History of the Petroleum Industry in Eastern Canada

Correlation of Fluvio-Lacustrine Strata Using Volcanic Tuffs: New Insights From the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia

Primary and Secondary Controls on Reservoir Quality; Relationships Between Lithofacies and the Development of Deformation Bands

Aptian/Albian Sediment Volume and Accumulation Rates, Alaska North Slope and Beaufort Shelf, From Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation and 3-D Backstripping

A Cross Basin Source Rock Study Investigating the TOC and Biomarker Groups of Potential Source Rocks In Kansas

Shale Porosity Analysis from SEM Imaging and Traditional Lab Methods

Duvernay Middle Carbonate Distribution and Potential Implications to Subsurface Development

TOC Prediction Analysis of Utica-Point Pleasant Formations in the Appalachian Basin

Autogenic and Allogenic Fluvial-lacustrine Interactions: Revisiting Sunnyside Delta Interval, Green River Formation (Eocene), Uinta Basin, Utah

Petroleum System Modeling of Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Implication for Shale Oil and Gas Resources

Characterizing Bedding-Parallel Fractures in Shale: Aperture-Size Distributions and Spatial Organization

*The Role of Organics on the Sorption Capacity of Paleozoic Shales From Upper Yangtze Region, China

An Integrated Seismic Reservoir Characterization Workflow for Sweet Spot Identification in Unconventional Resource Plays in Triassic Yanchang Formation, Erdos Basin, China

Reservoir Modeling to Investigate the Impacts of Geological Properties on Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) at the Orion Project, Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, Alberta

Causes of the Worldwide Association Between Salt, Oil and Gas

Deformation History in the Southern Alberta Foreland Basin and Petroleum System Implications

Medium-scale tidally influenced meandering fluvial deposits of the middle McMurray Formation, Hangingstone SAGD project, Alberta, Canada

Petroleum System Insights From the South Florida Basin With Implications to the Southern Gulf of Mexico

Offshore Morocco Petroleum Systems: Major Revisions to the Prevailing Paradigm

The Mississippian Thick Cypress Sandstone: A Nonconventional CO2-EOR Target in the Illinois Basin

Testing Models of Caribbean Tectonics in Global and Regional Contexts

Determination of Reservoir Properties From XRF Elemental Data in the Duvernay Formation

Ultrasonic Vertical Transverse Isotropy in High TOC Mudstones From the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina

Diagenetic and Porosity Evolution of Conglomerate Sandstones in Bayingebi Formation of the Lower Cretaceous, Chagan Sag, Chinae-Mongolia Frontier Area

Analysis of Amalgamated Tidal Deposits in Incised-Valley Estuary and Abandoned Delta Plains

Structural Architecture of the Southern Orange Basin, Block 5/6, Offshore South Africa

Physical and Mechanical Heterogeneity of Reservoir Rocks in the Opal-A to Opal-CT Transition Zone, Monterey Formation, Western San Joaquin Basin, California

Identifying the Sources of Methane in Shallow Groundwaters in South-Central Texas Through Noble Gas Signatures

Data Mining Techniques Applied to Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Northeastern Pennsylvania

Combining Ground Penetrating Radar and Outcrop Analysis to Reveal 3-D Sedimentary Architectures and Flow Properties in Deepwater Deposits of the Jackfork Formation, Arkansas

Stratigraphic Controls on Mississippian Limestone Reservoir Quality Through Integrated Electrofacies Classification and Seismic-Constrained Spatial Statistics, Hardtner Field, South-Central Kansas

Clastic Pipe Diagenesis of the Jurassic Carmel Formation, Southern Utah

Lateral Lithofacies Variability in the Shublik Formation Across the Triassic Arctic Alaska Basin

A Diagenetic Study of the Wolfcamp Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas

Facies and Provenance of Basal Clastics in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Diagenetic Controls on Normal Fault-Zone Architecture Determine the Episodicity of Fault-Zone Fluid Migration

Reasons for Falling Commerciality of New Discoveries and Possible Solutions

Insights to a complex Mesozoic sedimentary system: 2D and 3D seismic imaging coupled with petrophysical data from deep wells, the Scotian Basin, Nova Scotia (Canada)

Evolution of Frasnian Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics Systems: Outcrop-Based Characterization of Sequence Stratigraphy and Architecture, Cline Channel and Jasper Basin Areas, Alberta, Canada

Understanding the Fundamental Processes Governing the Origin and Distribution of Clay-Coated Sand Grains in Petroleum Reservoirs Through a Modern Day Analogue

Potentially Conductive Grain Boundary Channels in Fracture Cements of Low Permeability Rocks

A Geochemical Model for the Formation of the Pre-Salt Reservoirs, Santos Basin, Brazil: Implications for Understanding Reservoir Distribution

Gas Transport Through Nanopores of Shale Gas Reservoirs: Coupling Pore Diffusion and Surface Diffusion

Flow Behavior of Water Through Nanopores of Unconventional Reservoirs: Confinement and Slip Effects

Chemostratigraphy and Mineral Evolution of the Green River Formation

The Middle Montney — A Dirty Old Carbonate Formation With a Secret Past?

Petroleum Systems Modeling Since AAPG Memoir 60


Early to Middle Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera Biostratigraphy of OPD Site 998 on the Cayman Rise, Caribbean Sea

A New Parallel Fold Construction Method From Borehole Dip for Structural Delineation

Borehole Informatics: Data Integration Challenges of Scientific Drilling

Numerical Model for Prediction of Internal Stratigraphic Architecture and Heterogeneity in Tidally Influenced Fluvial Point-Bar Deposits

Structure of Weathered Clastic Crust and its Petroleum Potential

The Discontinuity Layout Optimization Technique for SAGD Caprock Integrity Analysis

Pore Types and Their Distribution Within Different Facies Types in the Devonian Ohio Shale of Martin County, Kentucky — SEM Observations on Ion-Milled Samples

Post-Rift Faulting Migration, Transition and Dynamics in Zhu 1 Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin

Rock Properties From Well Logs Using Implicit Predictive Modeling Technique to Reduce Massive Coring Operations in Oil-Sand Mining

Impact of Multiscale Characteristics of Heterogeneous Pore Structure and Mineralogy on Mechanical Properties of Shale

Intra-Formation, “Sub-Seismic Resolution” Deformation in the Lewis Allochthon, Montana, and Arbuckle Anticline, Oklahoma: Preliminary Results and Implications

The Influence of Volcanic Ash Sediments on the Formation of Lacustrine Organic-Rich Shale in Ordos Basin, Central China

Helium in Southwestern Saskatchewan


Inherited Structural Fabrics and the Impact on Oblique Slip Faults in the South Texas Laramide Foreland

Magma-Poor and Volcanic Passive Margins — Characterization of the End-Members of Rifted Margins

Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Rifting in the Brazilian Southeastern Passive Margin

New Insights on the Reservoir Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Dentale and Gamba Formations (Early Cretaceous, Gabon) and Their Implications for Regional Geology and Pore-Scale Characterization

Seismic Paleogeomorphology of a Platform Carbonate System and its Influence on Quality of Deeply-Buried Dolomitized Reservoir in Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation, Moxi-Gaoshiti Area, Sichuan Basin, China

Fluvial Sandbody Connectivity: Observations From High Resolution 3-D Seismic of Dynamic Channel Fill Abandonment in the North Malay Basin

Seismic Characteristics of Large-Scale Sand Injectites in Baiyun Sag, Pear River Mouth Basin, South China Sea

Does Aragonite-Dolomite Sea Exist? Widespread Marine Dolomite Precipitation in Ediacaran Period in China

Pre-Salt Lacustrine Coquinas Limestone Reservoir of Lower Cretaceous Itapema Formation in Santos Basin, Brazil

Microseismic Event Location Trend and Their Relationship With Sequence Stratigraphy

XRF Chemostratigraphy for Characterizing a Shale Reservoir Along a Horizontal Well Track

Feeder Channel-Belts and Coeval Shelf-Edge Evolution in the Lower Wilcox Clastic Wedge, South Texas: Implications for Sand Selivery Into the Deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico

Dominant Role of Structural Inheritance in the Distribution of Faulted Sags, Erlian Basin, the Eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (NE China)

Hydrocarbon Episodic Migration in Fault Zones: Insights From Physical Simulation Experiments

Empirical Relationship Between Gas-Chemical Composition and Thermal Maturity in Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas

Effects of Oil and Water on Mudrock Pore Size Distribution and Pore-Scale Fluid Distribution

The Oil Migration Pathway and Hydrocarbon Charging History of Petroleum Systems in Termit Basin, Eastern Niger

Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Jacksonburg-Stringtown Oilfields, West Virginia

3-D Geomorphology of Pleistocene Fluvial Systems in the Northern Shelf of the South China Sea: Implications for the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition

Early Mesozoic Silt-Dominated Coastal Successions on the Western Margin of the North American Craton

Stratigraphic Architecture and Facies Distribution Within the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation, Western Powder River Basin, Wyoming