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AAPG 2016 Eastern Section Meeting

Basins to Barrels

September 25-27, 2016

Posted October 28, 2016
Search and Discovery Article #90258 (2016)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)
*Extended Abstract



The Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL)

Improving Unconventional Hydrocarbon Recovery by Reducing Formation Damage

Analysis and Integration of Advanced Logs and Core Data: Characterization of the Copper Ridge Dolomite in Morrow County, Ohio

Stratigraphy and reservoir characterization of the Grundy Formation (Pennsylvanian, eastern Kentucky) in relation with the overlying Pikeville and Hyden Formations

In-Situ Stress Characterization of Appalachian Basin Cambrian-Ordovician Caprock and Reservoirs via Detailed Image Log Analysis

Preliminary analyses of core from the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory

Progress towards Safe and Effective Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Midwest and Mid-Atlantic States


Microbes in the Marcellus Shale: Distinguishing Between Injected and Indigenous Microorganisms

Revising the Fresh-Saline Water Interface in Eastern Kentucky

Preventative Maintenance for Paraffin Management in Production Tubing Using Non-Invasive Ultrasonic Technology

Structural Origin of Henderson Dome: Stratigraphic & Geophysical Study of an Upper Ordovician Impact Crater


Organic Matter Maturation Trends and Source Rock Quality in the Utica Shale, East-Central Ohio

Gas Shales: A largely North American Phenomenon?

Temporal Changes in Fluid Biogeochemistry and Microbial Cell Abundance after Hydraulic Fracturing in Marcellus Shale


Petrophysical Characterization of the Kerbel Sandstone in Central Ohio for CO2 Storage Potential

Analysis of Microbial Lipid Biomarkers as Evidence of Deep Shale Microbial Life

Kinematics of Past Tectonic Forces Inferred from Differential Sedimentation

Favorable Areas to Focus Future Trenton Exploration in Indiana

Monitoring Induced Microseismicity in the Rome Trough, Eastern Kentucky U.S.A.

Integrated Sub-Basin Scale Exploration for Carbon Storage Targets: Advanced Characterization of Geologic Reservoirs and Caprocks in the Upper Ohio River Valley


Lithofacies and Sequence Framework of the Upper Cambrian Galesville and Ironton Sandstones in Illinois

Petroleum Geochemistry of Devonian Rocks and Produced Oil and Natural Gas in the Caseman - Gross Unit #1 Well, Previous HitBradfordNext Hit County, Pennsylvania

Development of Quick-Look Maps for CO2-EOR Opportunities in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins

EIA expanded geographic coverage of oil and natural gas production, with new data for 10 states


Utilization of Factor of Safety in Geotechnical Solutions

New Insights & Perspectives on the Effects of Structural Reactivation on the Upper Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin

Unification of Compositional Data and High-Resolution Facies Analysis in the Union Springs Formation of New York

Addressing Health Issues Associated with Air Emissions around UNGD Sites

Geochemical Characterization of Lower Wolfcamp Unconventional Reservoirs, Midland Basin (Texas)

Hierarchical Evaluation of Geologic Carbon Storage Resource Estimates: Cambrian-Ordovician Units within the MRCSP Region

Insights on Porosity and Pore Size Distribution Using Multiple Analytical Tools: Implications for Reservoir Characterization in Geologic Storage of CO2

Strange Sample-Thickness Dependence of Multi-frequency Complex Dielectric Permittivity of Shales and Sandstones

Improved Oil-in-Place Estimates in Clay- and Pyrite-Bearing Shales Based on Inversion of Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Measurements

Reservoir Simulation of Tracer Transport in Multicomponent Multiphase Compositional Flow with Applications to the Cranfield CO2 Sequestration Site


Estimation of Saturation-Dependent Relative Permeability in Shales based on Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm


Applications of scientific core drilling in North Carolina: Cumberland-Marlboro basin, and the Triassic rift / lacustrine Dan River basin.

A Protocol for Baseline Sampling of Water Sources in Areas of Shale Oil and Gas Development

A sequence stratigraphic model for the Silurian A-1 Carbonate of the Michigan Basin

Assessing Thermal Maturity in Cambrian Source Rocks, Rome Trough, Appalachian Basin: Organic Petrology Complexities

State of Stress in the Illinois Basin and Constraints on Inducing Failure


Indigenous life in extreme environments: Characterizing pristine shale rock hosted biomass

Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production while Minimizing Completion Costs Using Downhole Geochemical Logging

Creating a 3D Hydrocarbon Profile to Increase Production and Reduce Poor Economic Wells: a Utica Case Study

Evolving EPA Subpart W Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rules Challenge Oil and Gas Operators

Understanding biogeochemical controls on spatiotemporal variations in total organic carbon in cores from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory

Mineral/organic Matter Associations and Pore Microtextures in the Marcellus Formation, West Virginia

Using Ultrasensitive Surface Detection to Evaluate Potential and Actual CO2 Sequestration Sites

Subsurface Geomechanics, Fracture Breakdown Pressures, and Fracture-tunnels in the Midwest U.S.

Sinistral transpression along previously existing faults, Appalachian Basin, Ohio

Class II injection wells in Kentucky -- An update of the map service of wastewater, brine-disposal, and enhanced-recovery wells in Kentucky

Elemental Data Collected in the Berea Sandstone of Eastern Kentucky: Applications to Wellbore Placement, Horizontal Chemosteering and Completion Strategy


Manistique Group Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin: an Overlooked Resource


Assessing Potential Seismic Hazards from Induced Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States

Thermal maturity assessment in the Lower Huron using Raman micro-spectroscopy

An Integrated Approach to Identifying Residual Oil Zones in the Cypress Sandstone in the Illinois Basin for Nonconventional CO2-EOR and Storage

Deep cores through the Pennsylvanian section of western Kentucky, Illinois Basin

Phosphate Minerals in Utica Shale: A possible Source of Trace Metals in Flowback Water

An Overview of Development of the Utica-Point Pleasant Play

Maturation patterns of the Cambrian Rogersville Shale in the Rome Trough of Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia

Gas Generation from natural oils -- the details matter in resource assessment