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Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 65th Annual Convention


September 20-22, 2015, Houston, Texas

Hosted by Houston Geological Society

Posted Oct. 5, 2015
Search and Discovery Article #90219 (2015)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)



Salt Delineation Using Vector Offset Output (VOO) of Full Azimuth Data

Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion Modeling of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Texas Gulf Coast

Delineation of Surficial Karst Manifestations using LiDAR and Pictometry in Ordovician Carbonates, Central Texas

Previous HitSequenceNext Hit-Stratigraphic and Depositional Controls on Reservoir Quality in Lowstand Incised-Valley Fill and Highstand Shallow-Marine Systems in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Tuscaloosa Formation, Louisiana, U.S.A.

An Angular Unconformity between the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Formations in Delta, Hunt, and Hopkins Counties of the East Texas Basin

Sedimentology and Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Previous HitSequenceNext Hit of the Wadi Yunis Member, Al-Khums Formation, Sirt Basin, Libya

Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, and Diagenesis of the Cyrenaican Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Successions, NE Libya

Case Study: Woodford Shale Source Rock Characterization by Geochemical and SEM Evaluation in a Horizontal Previous HitWellNext Hit

Geochemical Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Stanley Shale Concretions in Southern Oklahoma


Fault Plane Geomorphology and Structural Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of a Middle Eastern Giant Carbonate Oil Field

Relatively Large Mid-Ramp, Highstand, Microbialite Patch and Fringing Reefs: A New Exploration Play for Southern Alabama

Historic Oilfield Arsenic Usage and Pit Groundwater Models: An Example from Lake St. John Field, Louisiana

Chemostratigraphic-Based Age Model for the Black Peaks Formation: Implications for Early Paleogene Paleoclimate in Sub-Tropical North America

Evidence of Precambrian Organic-Rich Shales in a Granitic Pegmatite, Llano County, Texas

Quantitative Characterization of Shale Drapes within the Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Valley-Fill Deposits of the Ferron Sandstone, Utah—Implications for Subsurface Exploration

Implications of Source Overcharge for Prospect Assessment

From Moratorium to 10 Rigs—BP in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2010 to 2015

Tracing Suspended Sediment in the Subsurface Using Beryllium-7 Isotope

Defining a Steeply-Dipping Salt Flank in Mississippi with a New High-Certainty 3D Method

Laramide Deformation along the Southern Rocky Mountain Front: Provenance Record from the Raton and Galisteo-El Rito Basins of Colorado and New Mexico


Redefining Geological Evaluation in Deepwater Using New High-Resolution Borehole Imaging Technology

Shoreface Sedimentation along a Transgressive Barrier Island: Understanding the Interplay between Short-Term Events and Long-Term Sea Level Rise in Shaping these Dynamic Coastal Environments

Changes of Global Sea-Level Rise and Relative Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Louisiana in the 21st Century

The Environmental Impact of No-Till Farming on Lower Mississippi River Quality

Western Caribbean Structural Provinces Based on 2D Kinematic Restorations of the Lower Nicaraguan Rise and Colombia Basin

The Norphlet Desert and its Sand Dunes: In a Sub-Aerial Environment, but below Sea Level

Along Strike Structural Variations in the Frontal Ouachitas-Arkoma Foreland Basin Transition Zone

Post Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Gulf of Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Approach for a More Confident Understanding of this Complex Petroleum System

Foreland Deformation Related to Precambrian Features of the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico

Springfield Spring, Drought Stress, and Aquifer Recovery—A Central Texas Case Study with Implications for Small Town Water Future

Saratoga Resources, Pine Brook Partners, Carlyle Group, Van Operating and Quantum Energy Partner, Nautilus Energy

Facies Distribution and Halokinetic Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy of Lower Cambrian Carbonate Strata adjacent to Wirrealpa Diapir, a Secondary Salt Diapir in the Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia

The Sulfur to Nitrogen Ratio as an Aid in Mapping the Petroleum Producing Trends of the Contiguous U.S. 48 States Using the USGS Database

Dynamic Datasets Using Forward Modeling to Reduce Uncertainty and Improve Recovery

Extraction of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization in Subsalt Environments, Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge Areas, Gulf of Mexico

The Chicontepec Formation, Onshore Eastern Mexico: Compelling Evidence for the Eocene Gulf of Mexico Drawdown Theory

Reservoir Architecture and Stratigraphic Evolution of Channelized Deepwater Depositional Systems

The Role of Seismic Technology to Unravel the Hydrocarbon Potential of Mexican Basins


Using pXRF to Identify Pay Zones in Hydrocarbon-Rich Shales: A Litho-Geochemical Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Eagle Ford Shale

Trace Fossil Origin for Pervasive Pyritized Films in the Estuarine Ingersoll Shale, Cretaceous Eutaw Formation, Eastern Alabama

Depositional Facies and Geometry of an Exposed Megaflap: Pennsylvanian Honaker Trail Formation, Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Colorado

Geoscience Based Management of Soil during Oil and Gas Development: A Study Conducted in the Eagle Ford Oil and Gas Development Area

Chronostratigraphic Relationships of the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups across Texas

Reservoir Characteristics of Turbidite Depositional Facies and Key Risks for Basin Floor Fan Turbidite Reservoirs

A Success Case of Revival of an 80 Year Old Oilfield through New 3D Seismic Interpretation and Reservoir Modeling, Lak Ranch, Weston County, Wyoming, USA

Factors Controlling Permeability Variation in Onshore, Deep Paleogene Wilcox Sandstones in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: Targeting High-Quality Reservoirs


Previous HitWellNext Hit Previous HitLogNext Hit Clustering Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit and Upscaling Procedure of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale, Mississippi and Louisiana

Stratigraphy of the Toledo Formation, Belize Basin, Southern Belize


Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Goose Point area near Lacombe, Louisiana, Validates New Geophysical Data Type—Natural Sourced Electromagnetism (NSEM)—for Detection of Lineaments Associated with Faults and Sedimentary Features

Legal Aspects of Coastal Change

Onshore Florida Interpretation Utilizing Composited PSDM Seismic Data Integrated with a Mega-Regional Basinwide Gulf of Mexico PSDM Seismic Program

Using Electric Logs to Estimate Groundwater Salinity and Map Brackish Groundwater Resources in the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in South Texas

Evolution of Challenges to the Development of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources

Detrital History of the Conglomerate Measures of the Pottsville Formation in the Cahaba Synclinorium, Southern Appalachians, Alabama

Evaluation of Groundwater Quality in Paleozoic Aquifers Using GIS Techniques, Central Texas

The Greenhorn Cyclothem of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Lithology Trends, Stacking Patterns, Previous HitLogNext Hit Signatures, and Application to the Eagle Ford of West Texas

Paleoecology of Cretaceous Foraminifera: Examples from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Region

Study of Producing Ramsey Sandstones in the Bell Canyon Formation of the Delaware Basin: Paduca Field, Lea County, New Mexico

Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southwestern Louisiana Inner Continental Shelf: Paleo-Landscape Preservation Potential and Implications for Offshore Sand Resources

Salt Tectonic Controls on Facies and Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy of the Triassic Chinle Formation, Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Colorado

Variations in Shallow Groundwater Composition in Hinds and Madison Counties, Mississippi

Regional Mapping across the Entire Gulf of Mexico Basin—New Plays and New Perspectives

Seismic Profiles in Downtown Houston for an Integrated Approach to Identify Faults and Hazards


The Interplay between Deformation, Erosion, and Sedimentation in the Deepwater Mexican Ridges Fold Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico Basin

The Interplay between Deformation, Erosion, and Sedimentation in the Deepwater Mexican Ridges Fold Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico Basin

Understanding Deepwater Transport Systems through Processing and Interpreting Seismic Data in Color

Importance of Translation Services in the Energy Sector

Model the Rock! Using Diagenesis Simulation for Rock Property Prediction

Karst Development within the Salado Creek Watershed, Williamson and Bell Counties, Central Texas

University of Houston, Houston, Texas

Reservoir Characterization and Petrofacies Model for the Devonian Grosmont and Upper Ireton Formations, Northeastern Alberta, Canada

Petroleum Systems of the Tayrona-Rancheria Basin, Offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia

Reducing Uncertainties and Risks in Exploration and Development in the Gulf of Mexico Basin—Insights Gained from Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of over 100 Reservoir Analogs

Sediment Flux through the Indus Submarine Canyon, Arabian Sea

Monsoon Intensity and its Impact on the Chemical Weathering during Glacial Cycle in the South China Sea

Slab Tearing Triggered the Cretaceous Igneous Activity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Region

Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Pore Networks and Reservoir Quality of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone in the High-Recovery-Efficiency, Giant East Texas Field

Hydrocarbon Potential of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico Based on Combining Depth to Basement and Maturity Information from Previous Wells


Comparing the Results of the Kelly Criterion and Risk Aversion: Quick Look Practical Alternatives to Portfolio Optimization

Seismic Source Characterization of Small-Scale Contained Explosions Utilizing Near Source Empirical Data

New Insights into the Mesozoic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Basin from Gravity and Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data

Structural Characterization of the Eagle Ford Formation, Val Verde County, Texas

Petrographic, Halokinetic, and Structural Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Permian-Age Carbonate Caprock at Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Colorado

Permeability Anisotropy Study of the Bluejacket Sandstone at OK-20 Roadcuts in Eastern Mayes County, Oklahoma

Structural and Stratigraphic Development of a Salt-Diapir Shoulder, Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Colorado

The Effects of Cave Ventilation on Stalagmite Deposition and Paleoclimate Records—A Case Study from Cathedral Caverns, Alabama

Visual Rock Characterization can Benefit Reservoir Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit

Low Methane Concentrations in Sediment along the Siberian Slope: Inference from Pore Water Geochemistry

Controls of Shapes and Evolution of Salt Diapirs: Experimental Studies

Deepwater Subsalt-Suprasalt Middle-Lower Slope Sands and Reservoirs of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: The Evolution of an Exciting Giant Field Concept


Follets Island: A Case Study of a Dying Barrier Island

Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: An Example of an Underfilled to Overfilled Forearc Basin

What Lies beneath the Tip of the Iceberg? Late Cretaceous to Recent Tectonic Evolution of Jamaica and the Nicaraguan Rise with Implications for a Widespread Eocene Petroleum System

Seismic Facies Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit and Age Dating of Mid-Pleistocene Channel-Lobe Deposits, Mad Dog Field, Gulf of Mexico


Geological Interpretation Using Pattern Recognition from Self-Organizing Maps and Principal Component Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit

Cenozoic Structural, Deformational, and Erosional Events Observed Along a 400-km Long, Onshore-to-Offshore Regional Transect Across Northwestern South America

Improving Petroleum System Identification in Offshore Salt Environments: Gulf of Mexico and Red Sea Case Studies

Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production while Minimizing Completion Costs: An Eagle Ford Case Study

Controls of Salt Tectonics and Shortening on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Passive Margin Fold Belts of Offshore Gabon

Integration of Previous HitWellNext Hit, Core, and Seismic Data for 3D Depositional Environment and Reservoir Architecture Interpretation—Example from Offshore Vietnam

Strategy for Developing and Calibrating Shale and Mudstone Chemostratigraphies Using Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Units and Its Use on an Automated Core Scanner

Prediction of Seal Failure and Reservoir Breaching in Deep Water

A New Approach to Pore Pressure Predictions: Generation, Expulsion, and Retention Trio—Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico

A New Perspective to Shallow Water Flow (SWF) and Sinking Previous HitWellNext Hit-Head Preventions in Deep Water

Exploring the Missing Blind Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Shelf

Geodetic Constraints on Deformation and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms in the Dominican Republic

Paleostratigraphic Biofacies and Lithofacies of the Owl Mountain Province, Fort Hood Military Installation, Bell and Coryell Counties, Texas

Understanding Previous HitWellNext Hit Performance by Using Elemental Ratios in the Wolfcamp Formation, Midland Basin

Upper Cretaceous Formation Lithostratigraphic Correlation Study for Madison and Leon Counties, East Texas Basin

The Geologic History of Submarine Fans in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Mesozoic to Modern

Chemostratigraphy and Identification of Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks Using Portable XRF

Fracture and Pore Network Connectivity in Shales Related to Increased Hydrocarbon Production

The 40th Anniversary of South Louisiana's Lower Tuscaloosa Trend—Recollections and Early Media Coverage

Observing Oil Surface Area Due to Seepage in Lake Maracaibo

Educational/Leadership Forum 2.0—Foundational Talks for the Gulf of Mexico

The Discovery, Reservoir Attributes, and Significance of the Hawkville Field and the Eagle Ford Trend: Implications for Future Development

Megaporosity Development within the Central Tennessee Basin: A Comparative Study of Karst in Middle-Upper Ordovician Strata

Ground-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Terrestrial Laser Scanning of the Eagle Ford Formation


Compartmentalization between the GC0738_1 Mad Dog North Wellbores—Evidence for Post-Depositional Slumping in the Lower Miocene Reservoirs of the Deepwater Southern Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

A Geology-Based, Non-Seismic Attribute Method to Generate Facies, Lithology, and Petrophysical Parameters in the Chinook and Cascade Fields, Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, USA

Shallow Hazard and Gas Escape Systems Modelling from 3D Seismic Data

Spatial Delineation and Classification of Surficial Karst Manifestations Utilizing LiDAR, Fort Hood Military Installation, Central Texas

Seismic Reconstruction and Petroleum System Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Norphlet Formation in the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, Using 3D Seismic Data


Drilling Cutting Previous HitAnalysisTop and Geo-Algorithm Conversion to Petrophysics

OPAL: On Surface Petrophysical Analytical Logging—New Petrophysical Measurement Principles on Drilling Cuttings While Drilling

Early Permian Paleosol Morphologies and Paleo-Atmospheric pCO2 Estimates, North-Central Texas