Reinga Basin: Access Through Innovation
Camilla Aamodt, Petter Bjørgen, Dominic Smith, Bjørn Ove Tørudbakken and Tor Oftedal Sømme
New Insights on Potential Sources of Hydrocarbons in the Gippsland Basin
Soumaya Abbassi, Dianne S. Edwards, Simon George, Herbert Volk, Rolando di Primio and Brian Horsfield
Seven Cretaceous Low-Order Depositional Sequences From the Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia: A Framework for CO2 Storage Studies
Steve T. Abbott, David Caust, Nadege Rollet, Megan E. Lech, Rowan Romeyn, Karen Romine, Kamal Khider and Jane Blevin
High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Khartam Member of the Permo-Triassic Khuff Formation; Outcrop Reservoir Analog Approach From Central Saudi Arabia
Ammar M. Adam, Osman Abdullatif, Ammar J. Abdlmutalib, Mohammed Elhibir, Mazin Bashari, Moaz Mohammed, Mohammed Jabir and Abdallah Abdelkarim
Overpressure Prediction Challenges in Deepwater Sundaland
Osundina Adekunle, Simatupang Zulfikar, Sarah Sausan and Geovani C. Kaeng
Detailed Stratigraphic and Structural
of the Early Cretaceous Gippsland Basin Outcrops, West Gippsland, Victoria, Australia
Hamed Aghaei, Mike Hall and Claire Valenta
An Insight Into the Southern Fringe of Peshawar Basin as A New Frontier for Hydrocarbon Exploration In North Pakistan
Sajjad Ahmad, Irfan Khan and Suleman Khan
Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Northwestern Niger Delta Source Rocks
Akinsehinwa Akinlua
Integrating Diffusion-Based NMR and Multi-Frequency Dielectric Measurements to Identify Moveable Heavy Oil Zones in Lower Fars Formation: A Case Study From Kuwait
Afrah Al-Ajmi, BaderAlzaman Khan, Abdulaziz A. Sajer, Sunil Singh, Marie V. Steene, Pratik Sangani, Ali F. Abu Ghneej and Heyam M. Alammar
Integral Sequence Stratigraphy of the Arab-D and Hanifa Reservoirs in the Khurais Area: Stratigraphic Solutions for Modeling and Development
Saad F. Al-Awwad
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Umm Gudair Minagish Oolite Reservoir, Kuwait
Nasser Al-Khalifa, Asmaa Al-Blooshi, Y. Zee Ma, William Clark, Jason R. Sitchler, Gennady Makarychev, Kelsey Schiltz and Gary Forrest
3-D Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Delineation in Carbonate Reservoir
Muhammad Noor Alamsyah, Bambang Wisnu Handono and Andri Syafriya
Innovations in South Australian Cooper Basin Acreage Management
Elinor Alexander and Alan Sansome
Geochemical Stimulation in Siliciclastic Reservoirs to Enhance CO2 Injectivity
Syed Anas Ali, Jay R. Black and Ralf Haese
Estimation of Migration Velocity by Forward Modelling of Old Seismic Stacks
Javad Aliemrani
Cenozoic Carbonate Deposition in the Eastern Papuan Basin
Tony Allan and David Holland
A New Borehole Resistivity Imager for Non-Conductive Mud System: Field Case for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization in Saudi Arabia
Anas Almarzooq, Javier Lagraba Penaloza, Hassan El-Saied and German Torres
50 Years of Carnarvon Basin
Tony Almond
Building a Realistic Geological and Reservoir Model for a Stratigraphic Unit Displaying Varying Depositional Environments: Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait
Anwar B. Alnasheet, Y. Zee Ma, Jason R. Sitchler, Muhammad Yaser, Ernest Gomez, Kalyanbrata Datta and Kishore Burman
Geophysical Exploration of a Potential Geothermal Energy Source in Eastern Mexico
Román Alvarez and Vsevolod Yutsis
Integrated Rock Classification in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation Using Well Logs and Geological Evaluation
Shahin Amin, Zhirui Zeng, Matthew Wehner, Guangjian Xu, Ivan Maulana, Roy Conte, Zoya Heidari, Michael Tice and Juan Carlos Laya
3-D Trishear: Parameters and Possibilities
Hugh Anderson, Jenny F. Ellis, Roddy Muir and Euan Macaulay
Adaptive Dip Estimations on Post-Stack Seismic Data
Ahmed A. Aqrawi and Abdul Razzaq A. Aqrawi
Determination of Stress and Strain Evolution From Faults and Calcite Twins on the Western Margin of the Indochina Block
Francesco Arboit
Cyclic Deposits and Hummocky Cross-Stratification of Probable Storm Origin in Upper Paleogen Rocks of the Ujoh Bilang Formation, Upper Kutai Basin, Borneo, Indonesia
Muhammad Arifai, Andang Bachtiar, Bayu Hary Utomo, Windra Audhitia, Ari Yusliandi, Dody H. Sasmita, Andy Krisyunianto and Purnama A. Suandhi
Predicting Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Characteristic in Tiaka Field, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Reza Armanda, Dicki Hendrian, Rahmat Wijaya, Judha Sumarianto, Renny Sipayung and Brett Freeman
A New Generation of Digital Maps Showing Potential Petroleum Habitats in New Zealand's Offshore North-Western Province (Reinga-Northland-Taranaki Basins)
Malcolm J. Arnot, Hannu Seebeck, Mark J. Lawrence, Andrew Boyes, Dominic P. Strogen, Kyle J. Bland, Matt G. Hill and Peter R. King
Half Graben Series and Its Implications to Petroleum System in Barito Basin, Indonesia
Thomas C. Atarita, Fatahillah Fatahillah and Esti Anggraeni
Overpressure in the Abadan Plain, Iran
Vahid Atashbari, Mark Tingay and K. Amrouch
Evaluation of Spectral Proxies in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Plays: A Case Study From the Southern Georgina Basin, Australia
Bridget Ayling, Dianne S. Edwards, Jon Huntington and Belinda Smith
Borehole Stability and Field Stress
With Azimuthal Logging-while-Drilling Technology: A Case History in Multilayered Reservoirs
Saikh A. Azim, Sankar Chowdhury, Salah Al-Anezi, Bader Al-Saad, Anar Abdulkarim and Ahmet Aki
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the South China Sea
Francois Bache, Patrick Despland, Rhodri Johns and Zlatko Eterovic
Sedimentology Facies Model From Modern Tropical Rift Basin of Lake Singkarak, Research Study for Central Sumatera and Ombilin Basins, Sumatera, Indonesia
Andang Bachtiar, Purnama A. Suandhi, Prihatin T. Setyobudi, Faizil Fitris, Octavika Malda and Zaka Lesmana
Discussion About Some Factors Affecting Wettability Alteration
Donglai Bai, Hai Wu, Yue Zhang and Rock Li
Structure and Tectonic Evolution Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Fractured Basement: A Case study From Melut Basin in South Sudan and Bongor Basin in Chad
Jie Bai, Zhongsheng Shi, Juan Li, Luo Xue and Weiwei He
The Australian Structural Permeability Map
Adam Bailey, Rosalind C. King, Simon Holford, Joshua Sage, Guillaume Backè and Martin Hand
Testing the Tertiary Basin Floor Fan Play in the Gulf of Papua, PNG
Brad Bailey, Galal Salem and Patrick Haltmeier
The Internal Architecture of Kumunsu and Kinurat Formation Mass-Transport Complexes Offshore Sarawak/Sabah, South China Sea
Adriaan A. Bal and Gamal R. Gaafar
Discriminating Stratigraphic and Acquisition Discontinuities From Natural Fractures Using Multi-Attributes Neural Networks
Valentina Baranova, Azer Mustaqeem, Moin R. Khan and Raza A. Siddiqui
Stratigraphy, Age and Provenance of Madura Shelf Sediments, WA: Implications for the Evolution of the Bight Basin and Australia's Southern Margin
Milo Barham, Shane Reynolds, Michael O'Leary and Chris L. Kirkland
Geological Modelling for 3-D Seismic Survey Design and Acquisition—A Case Study From Offshore Malaysia
Martin Bayly and Keith Myers
Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy, Petrophysics and Geomechanical
for Planning and Design of Shale Gas Reservoir Stimulation: A Cooper Basin Case Study
Gamaliel Bazunu, Sheik S. Rahman, Liuqi Wang and Fengde D. Zhou
Integrated Shelly Fossil Biostratigraphy and Carbon and Oxygen Chemostratigraphy: Applying a Multi-Proxy Toolkit to Correlating the Lower Cambrian of South Australia
Marissa J. Betts, Glenn A. Brock, John R. Paterson, James B. Jago and Anita S. Andrew
The Stratigraphic Forward Modelling for Investigating Hidden Reservoir Geometries and Connectivity: Springbok Formation (Surat Basin, Queensland)
Valeria Bianchi, J. Esterle and T. Salles
Comparison of the Crustal Scale Architecture and Basin Fill of the Exmouth-North Carnarvon Basin with the Browse Basin, Australia: New Insights from Deep Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data, Gravity and Magnetic Data
Daniel J. Bishop, Doerte Steinhoff, Katherine Welbourn, Mark Thompson, Anthony Bourne, Hannah Steaggles, Ben Boterhoven, Bethan Turner, Daniel Fletcher, Sophie Lawrence and Rosemary Edwards
Assessing New Zealand's Petroleum Endowment: The Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity
Kyle J. Bland, Malcolm J. Arnot, Peter R. King, Hannu Seebeck and Dominic P. Strogen
Caravel-1: Lessons Learned in the Deepwater Canterbury Basin
Steve J. Blanke
Vincent Quad-Lateral: Use of Hi-Tech Geo-Steering, Drilling, Completion and Anti-Collision Technology to Re-Develop a Thin Oil Field, Offshore Carnarvon Sub-Basin, Australia
Darren Blazak, Gregory Smith, Darren Baker, Chris Falconer, Jeromy dePledge, Chris McNamara, Ben Jury, Gary Johnston and Rita Gupta
Characteristics of the Frontier Northern Houtman Sub-Basin Formed on a Magma-Rich Segment of the Western Australian Margin
Irina Borissova, Jennie Totterdell, Chris Southby, Kathryn Owen and George Bernardel
Palaeo-Gas Discovery in Pinjarra-1, South Perth Basin, Evidence From the Fluid Inclusion Record
Julien Bourdet, Marco Conciadori and Claudio Delle Piane
Gas, Salinity and Temperature Evolution of the Formation Water in the Plover Formation and Brewster Member, Browse Basin, Australia
Julien Bourdet and Richard F. Kempton
Innovative 3-D Reservoir Characterization in the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt
Georgia A. Boyd, Vanni Donagemma, John G. McPherson, Mathew K. Dubsky, Yingying Sun and Stuart A. Barclay
Australian Palaeogeographic Studies—Outcomes and Future Opportunities
Marita T. Bradshaw, Peter J. Cook, Jennifer Totterdell and Robert P. Langford
Watsonella crosbyi and Definition of the Base of Terreneuvian, Stage 2 (Lower Cambrian) in South Australia
Glenn A. Brock, Sarah Jacquet, Christian Skovsted, Timothy Topper, James B. Jago, Marissa J. Betts and John R. Paterson
Rediscovering North Perth Basin in Unconventional Arena
Steve Broome, Arijit Chaudhuri, Divya P. Singh and Arnab Nag
Paleozoic Basins of Western Australia: Conventional Plays Abound
Richard Bruce
3-D Architecture of the Wilton Package and Geological Attribute Distribution in the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Tania Dhu, Daniel J. Revie, Dorothy Close and Ian Scrimgeour
A Global Interactive Database of Rift Obliquity for the Last 200 My
Sascha Brune, Simon Williams, Nathaniel P. Butterworth, Xiaodong Qin and Dietmar Muller
Mid-Late Holocene Development of the Mixed Carbonate Clastic System of the Faure Channel-Bank Complex and Wooramel Delta (Shark Bay, Australia)
Giada Bufarale and Lindsay B. Collins
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Reef Growth in Southern Kimberley, North West Australia
Giada Bufarale, Lindsay B. Collins, Michael O'Leary, Alexandra Stevens, Moataz Kordi and Tubagus Solihuddin
The Bauer Field: Case Study of a High Productivity, Low Relief Oil Field
Glen Buick and James Sobey
A Regional Model for New Zealand's Taranaki Basin: The 4-D Taranaki Project
Suzanne Bull, Matt G. Hill, Malcolm J. Arnot, Hannu Seebeck, Cathal Reilly, Hai Zhu and Karsten F. Kroeger
Highly Resolved Pleistocene Surface Drainage Revealed by Seismic Survey Data in the Offshore Gippsland Basin
Mark A. Bunch and Simon Holford
Pressure and Basin Modelling in Foothills: A Study of the Kutubu Area, Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt
Jean-Paul Callot, Kevin C. Hill, Renaud Divies, Steven Wood, Francois Roure and William Sassi
CarbonNet Storage Site Selection Process
George Carman and Nick Hoffman
Basement Architecture of the Onshore Gippsland Basin: Insights From 3-D Gravity Inversion
Justine Carstairs, Mark McLean, Tim Rawling and David Taylor
Success of Structural Stratigraphic Combination Trap, Arthit Field, Gulf of Thailand
Chayarus Centhonglang, Pornpimol Promsen, Jakkrich Yingyuen, Parichat Loboonlert and Tanaporn Charoenpun
A Novel C7-Based Star Diagram Applied on Oil-Oil Correlations From the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Southeastern China
ZhenYang Chang, Shukui Zhu, Xiang Ge, Xuanbo Gao, Wei Dai and Wanfeng Zhang
Gas Hydrate Related Fluid Flow Study Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
Liwen Chen, Wu-Cheng Chi, Yu-Hsien Lin, Hsieh-Tang Chiang, Christian Berndt and Saulwood Lin
Geomorphology, Architecture and Genesis of Miocene Isolated Shelf Sand Bodies in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Northern South China Sea
Weitao Chen
Genetic Types and Origin of Natural Gases in the Nanpu Oil field, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Xiangfei Chen and Sumei Li
Variability in Forearc Deformation During Subduction: Insight From Geodynamic Models and Application to the Calabria Subduction Zone
Zhihao Chen, Wouter P. Schellart and Joao Duarte
Can Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow Drive Backarc Extension?
Zhihao Chen, Wouter P. Schellart, Vincent Strak and Joao Duarte
Comparison of Source Rock
Kinetics Using a Data-Driven Model and Based on Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Data
Zhuoheng Chen, Chunqing Jiang and Jianping Chen
Identifying the Sedimentary Facies Through
of Seismic Facies in Non-Marine Sedimentary Basin: A Case Study From the Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, East China
Yaoqing Cheng
Point-Bar Morphodynamics and Hydrodynamics in a Macrotidal Channel, Gomso Bay, West Coast of Korea: Their Impact on the Stratigraphic Architecture of Channel and Abandoned Channel-Fills
Kyungsik Choi and Jihye Jeon
Comparison of Satellite Altimeter-Derived Gravity Data and Marine Gravity Data
Asbjorn N. Christensen and Ole B. Andersen
Quantitative Pore-Throad-Fracture Characterization of Tight Sandstone: A Case Study in Tarim Basin of China
Liu Chun
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality in Lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike Sandstones From Ultradeep Burial (Over 6000m), Kuqa Foreland Basin, China
Liu Chun
Structural Evolution of the SE Margin of the Browse Basin
Derek Clausen, Christopher F. Elders, Yusri Balim and Jane Cunneen
Multiphysics Characterization of an Albian Post-Salt Carbonate Reservoir, Brazil
Michael B. Clennell, Tobias Mueller, Valeriya Shulakova, Jie Liu, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Lionel Esteban, Joel Sarout, Boris Gurevich, Claudio Delle Piane, Matthew Josh, Maxim Lebedev, Sofia Correia-Lopes, Iko Burgar, Marina Pervukhina, Jeremie Dautriat and Flavia Falcao
A New Standard Method for
: Preliminary Results From New Zealand
Christopher Clowes, Erica M. Crouch, Joe Prebble and Lucia Roncaglia
Enhancing Oil and Gas Production in Carbonate Turbidite Fields by the Study of High-Resolution Biostratigraphy, Facies and Fracture Variability: An Example From the NW Palawan Basin of the Philippines
Andre A. Coffa, M. J. O'Mara, Connor McLaren, D. L. Thompson, James Karakatsanis, M. Hall and Jeffrey Stilwell
Towards a Tectonic Geography of Neoproterozoic Australian Gondwana
Alan S. Collins, Donnelly Archibald, Morgan Blades, Chris Clark, Diana Plavsa, John Foden, Stijn Glorie, Theodore Razakamanana, Tadesse Alemu, Girma Woldetinsae, Salah Al-Khirbash, Pete Siegfried, Sergei Pisarevsky and Justin L. Payne
Coquina Beach-Ridge System Sedimentary Architecture and Evolution in Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay
Lindsay B. Collins, Rodrigo Da Silva and Ricardo Jahnert
Seismic Stratigraphy and Tectonic History of the Tasman Frontier
Julien Collot, Pierrick Rouillard, Rupert Sutherland, Francois Bache and Samuel Etienne
Fundamental Discrimination Between Fluids Originating From Source Rocks of Jurassic Age versus Triassic Age in the Dampier Sub-Basin
Jaime R. Cesar Colmenares, Kliti Grice, Andrew P. Murray and Ines M. Melendez
Constraining Fault Seal Risk Using Seismic Velocities and Well Data
Tobias Colson, Ben Boterhoven, Myra Keep and David Castillo
Integration of Gas Chimney Processing and Fault Stress
to Evaluate Top Seal Integrity in the Gippsland Basin, Australia
David L. Connolly
The Missing Rheic Suture in the Central Atlantic and the Role of Structural Inheritance During Breakup
Karen Connors, Lynn L. Pryer and Zhiqun Shi
The Global Storage Readiness Index: A Global CCS Institute
Christopher Consoli and Rick Causebrook
Speculative Petroleum Systems of the Southern Pelotas Basin, Offshore Uruguay
Bruno Conti, Alexandre Perinotto, Matías Soto and Héctor de Santa Ana
A Stratigraphic Study of the Crayfish Group in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin
Jonathan Conti
A Rare Insight Into the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Salt-Withdrawal Minibasin: Outcrop Investigation of the Neoproterozoic Billy Springs Formation, South Australia
John W. Counts and Kathryn Amos
A Clastic Fluvial-Deltaic Highstand System From the Neoproterozoic of South Australia: An Excellent Outcrop Analog for Marginal Marine Deposits in the Subsurface
John W. Counts and Kathryn Amos
Advances in Vibroseis Technology Enhance Low Frequency Recording and Provide Significant Operational Benefits
Charles J. Criss
The Exploration of and Lessons Learned From the Satyr and Achilles Gas Discoveries, WA-374-P, Carnarvon Basin, WA, Australia
Marion Croft, Glenn Simon and Arthur Bradley
Distribution of Sedimentary Heterogeneities in Shale Plays: Insight From Sequence Stratigraphy, Multi-Proxies
and Stratigraphic Modeling of the Montney and Doig Formations (Trias, Alberta-British Columbia, Canada)
Vincent Crombez, Sebastien Rohais, François Baudin, Tristan Euzen, Benoit Chauveau, Stanislas Pauthier, Laurent Riquer, Benoit Caron, Matthew Power, Noga Vaisblat, Nicholas Harris and Tiffany Playter
Paleocene Dinoflagellate Cyst Biostratigraphy in Eastern New Zealand
Erica M. Crouch, Pi S. Willumsen and Denise Kulhanek
Cretaceous Fault Growth and Linkage in the Ceduna Shelf, Bight Basin, Southern Australia
Jane Cunneen and Christopher F. Elders
Use of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for the Characterization of Biodegradation and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Petroleum
Wei Dai, Shukui Zhu, Wanfeng Zhang and Liling Pang
Swath Topographic
, Critical Taper, and Structural Styles of the Papua New Guinea Fold-Thrust Belt: Influence of Mesozoic Stratigraphic Architecture?
Brian J. Darby and Jeffrey K. Geslin
Analogue Modeling of Fold and Thrust Development Above Existing Basement Structures for the PNG Fold and Thrust Belt
Romain Darnault, Kevin C. Hill, Jean-Marie Mengus, Jean-Marc Daniel, Jean-Paul Callot and Jean-Claude Ringenbach
Fault Linkage Styles in Rifts: Observations From Northern North Sea Rift Basin
Flávio N. de Almeida Júnior, Paul Whipp and Haakon Fossen
Upscaling of Pore Scale Digital Rock Properties to Whole Core Scale
Lachlan J. Deakin, Robert M. Sok, Pradeep Bhattad and Mark A. Knackstedt
Integration of Deep Crustal Seismic Imaging With Measured Heat-Flow Data Significantly Improves Thermal Maturation Modeling, Offshore Brazil and Uruguay
James A. Deckelman, John Dolson, Jeff Corrigan, Ronald Dolfi and Kyle Reuber
Fluid/Rock Interactions in Porous Carbonate Rocks: An Integrated Mechanical, Ultrasonic and Micro-Structural Study
Claudio Delle Piane, Michael B. Clennell, Jeremie Dautriat and Graham Price
Tithonian Sand-Dominated Marine Gravity Flow Deposits and Related Hybrid Flow Deposits in Producing Fields in the Dampier Sub-Basin, North West Shelf of Australia
Kerrie E. Deller, Kathe Trigg, Jessica Zambrano and Neil Marshall
Tectono-Sedimentary Events of the Xuan Cheng Basin (Anhui Province, China) From Early Paleozoic to Present: Implication for Shale Gas Exploration
Damien Dhont, Jianghua Chen, Thomas Maurin, Yanmin Yu, Alain Lejay, Yantao Deng, Jonathan Pelletier and Pierre Mauriaud
Obtaining a Social License to Operate: What Can We Learn From the Mining Industry?
Huguette Diakabana and Timothy J. MacIntyre
Early Permian Stratal Architecture and Depositional History, Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia
Antoine Dillinger and Annette George
The Characteristic and Origin of Lacustrine Source Rocks in the Lower Cretaceous, Erlian Basin, Northern China
Xiujian Ding, Ming Zha, Guangdi Liu, Changhai Gao and Jiangxiu Qu
Source Rock Characteristics and Potential of the Lucaogou Organic-Rich Sediments in the Jimsar Sag, Junggar Basin, Northwestern China
Xiujian Ding, Ming Zha, Changhai Gao, Jiangxiu Qu, Yang Su and Huan Lian
Quantitative Seismic Sedimentology of the Neogene Shawan Formation in the Chepaizi Uplift, Junggar Basin, China
Yanlei Dong and Zhu Xiaomin
From Gondwana Paleozoic Basement Source-Rocks to Atlantic Mesozoic Rift Reservoirs—Examples From the Western Iberian Margin
Rui Pena dos Reis, Nuno Pimentel, Paulo Fonseca and Gabriel Barberes
Underappreciated Cenozoic Tectonism Along the Southern Australian Margin and Influences on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Ian R. Duddy and Paul F. Green
The Importance of Accuracy of Facts Supporting Justice Based Social License-to-Operate Arguments for CSG Development: Information From Four Decades of CBM Production in North America
Ian J. Duncan, Andrew Garnett and Jim Underschultz
Evaluating the Veracity of Scientific Reports Used to Argue Against a Social License to Operate for CSG: The Curious Case of the Pavillion Wyoming Deep Monitoring Well Study
Ian J. Duncan
Integrated Interpretation of Magnetics and Seismic Datasets in the Outer Browse Basin (Australia)
Jarrod C. Dunne, Matt Zengerer and John Steel
The Petroleum Potential of the Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene Sediments of the Reinga, Northland and Deepwater Taranaki Basins
Pedro Martinez Duran, Robert Gater, Kevin Chesser, Thomas Coates-Harman, Bleddyn Davies, Jim Fenton, Jarrad Grahame, Annemone Haager, Cesar Marin and Gabor Vakarcs
A New Approach to Imaging and Pore Pressure
in Depth Domain in Complex Geologic Areas: Use of Rock Physics Constrained Velocity Modeling and Reverse-Time Migration
Nader C. Dutta, Sherman Yang and Yangjun (Kevin) Liu
A Geochemical Overview of Gippsland Basin Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Dianne S. Edwards, Manzur Ahmed, Tom Bernecker, Christopher J. Boreham, Junhong Chen, Se Gong, Louise Goldie-Divko, John Gorter, Lisa Hall, Robert P. Langford, Cameron Mitchell and Herbert Volk
Survey Design Optimization by Data Simulation
Adel El-Emam, Jarrah Al-Jenaie and Badr Al-Ajmi
The Pre-Permian history of the North Perth and South Carnarvon Basins, Western Australia
Christopher F. Elders, Gareth J. O'Neill and Enos Mudinzwa
A Hierarchical Approach for Evaluating Carbon Storage Resource Estimates in Deep Saline Formations
Kevin Ellett, John Rupp, Cristian Medina, David Barnes, Philip Stauffer, Richard S. Middleton, David Harris, Bai Bing, Ning Wei, Jun Li and Xiaochun Li
Using Biodegradation to Date Hydrocarbon Entry Into Reservoirs: Examples From the Cooper/Eromanga Basin, Australia
Lindsay G. Elliott
Water Washing: A Major Hydrocarbon Alteration Process. Part 2 – Processes, Controls and Hydrocarbon Type Prediction
Lindsay G. Elliott
The North Rankin Gas Field, Carnarvon Basin, Australia—Late Authigenic Pyrite Evidence of Early Oil Entrapment and Oil-Charged Fluid Flow
Grant K. Ellis
Geodynamic Reconstructions and Deep Crustal Structure Interpretation of the East Africa Margin, and Implications on the Margin Stratigraphic Architecture
Remi Eschard, Mohamed-Seruddin Salleh, Mathieu Dubos, Patrick Unternehr, Jean-Francois Ballard, Thomas Maurin and Patrick Zaugg
Increasing Reserves Through the Characterization & 3-D Static Model of Thin Beds in a Middle Burgan Reservoir, Raudhtain Field, North Kuwait
Sabry A. Essia
Reservoir and Gas Migration Characterization of Tight Sandstone in Kuqa depression of Tarim basin, China
Junjia Fan, Haimin Zhou, Shaobo Liu, Keyu Liu, Xuesong Lu and Mengjun Zhao
Basin Architecture From Gravity Gradiometer and Seismic Data, South-Western Margin of the Fitzroy Trough and Gregory Sub-Basin, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge and Peter Edwards
Origin of Formation Water Salinity Variation in Ultra-Low Permeability Clastic Reservoirs
Cheng Feng, Zhiqiang Mao, Hua Yang, Jinhua Fu, Yujiang Shi, Yumei Cheng and Gaoren Li
Drought Alluvial Fan Reservoir Architecture Model Based on Architecture
of Modern Deposition, Outcrop and Underground Reservoir
Wenjie Feng, Shenghe Wu and Qinyu Xia
Basin Screening for Seal Rock Quality, New Zealand Region
Brad Field, Dominic P. Strogen, Hai Zhu, Tusar R. Sahoo, Angela G. Griffin, Mark J. Lawrence, Chris Martin, Randall McDonnell, Katie Jones and Ric Daniel
Feasibility of Storing Carbon Dioxide on a Tectonically Active Margin: New Zealand
Brad Field, Mark J. Lawrence, Andy Nicol, David McNamara, Malcolm J. Arnot, Fiona Coyle, Karen E. Higgs, Bruce Mountain, Matt Gerstenberger, Ric Daniel, Mark A. Bunch and Barry Barton
A Reappraisal of Large, Heterolithic, Channel Fills in the Upper Permian Rangal Coal Measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia: The Case for Tidal Influence
Chris Fielding
Facies and Stratigraphic
of the Permian Succession in the Denison Trough, SW Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia
Chris Fielding, Kerrie L. Bann and Michael Martin
Deriving 3-D Structural Geology Data From Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry: A Case Study From a Rift System
Desmond FitzGerald and Horst Holstein
An Early Permian, Postglacial, River-dominated Paleopolar Delta: Hyperpycnites and Shelf Channels at the Mackellar-Fairchild Transition, Turnabout Ridge, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis and Adam Jackson
Evolution of Large-Scale Topography and River Drainage Direction From Mantle Flow Models
Nicolas Flament, Dietmar Muller, Michael Gurnis, Sabin Zahirovic, Grace E. Shephard, Dan J. Bower, Maria Seton, Simon Williams and Jakob Skogseid
Stratigraphic Prediction of Deepwater Clastic Systems Along the Exhumed 900 km Karoo/Falklands Basin Margin
Stephen Flint, David Hodgson, Rufus Brunt and Miquel Poyatos-More
The Crown Gas & Condensate Discovery, Browse Basin, NWS, Offshore Western Australia
Brendan Frears and Joel D. Stockill
Impact of Structural Complexity on Migration Pathways—Basin Modelling Study Based on a Natural Example, Northern Termination of the Moab Fault (USA)
Emanuelle Frery, Nadine Ellouz-Zimmermann, Marie Callies, Romain Giboreau, Jean-Pierre Gratier, Laurent Langhi and Julian Strand
Late Neogene Structural Inversion Around the Northern Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam: Effects From Right-Lateral Displacement Across the Red River Fault Zone
Michael B. Fyhn, Jens Therkelsen, Lars H. Nielsen and Jussi Hovikoski
SE Cambodia and SW Vietnam Geology, Burial and Uplift History
Michael B. Fyhn, Tonny B. Thomsen, Paul F. Green, Steven Bergman, Lars H. Nielsen and Thrane Kristine
Perched water, the concept and its effects on exploration and field development plans in sandstone, and carbonate reservoirs
Gamal R. Gaafar, Michael M. Altunbay and Shaharudin A. Aziz
Using Time-Dependent Borehole Failure to Understand Diffusion-Driven Weakening and Strain in Reservoir Rocks and Seals
Oliver Gaede, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb and Ali Karrech
Exploration of the Frontier Phu Khanh Basin
Tomas S. Ganduglia, Hayan Nasreddin, Chris Luxton and Joel D. Stockill
Diagenesis of Unconformity Semi-Weathered Rock Layer and Its Influence on Reservoir Physical Property: A Case of Unconformity on the Top of Triassic in Xia 9 Wellblock, Junggar Basin, NW China
Changhai Gao, Ming Zha and Jiangxiu Qu
Gas Generation as the Dominant Overpressure Mechanism in Jiaoshiba Shale Gas Region, Sichuan Basin, China
Jian Gao, Sheng He and Mingliang Zhao
Continent-Ocean Transition at the Northern Margin of the South China Sea
Jinwei Gao, Shiguo Wu, Kirk McIntosh, Lijun Mi and Bochu Yao
The Application of Nitrogen Compounds to Indicate Oil Migration on the Biodegraded Oils: A Case Study From Hashan Region, Junggar Basin
Xuanbo Gao, Wei Dai, ZhenYang Chang, Wanfeng Zhang and ShuKui Zhu
Multiscale Characterization of Coquinas Reservoirs in Analogues Outcrops, Sergipe Alagoas (Brazil) and Lusitanian (Portugal) Basins
Antônio Jorge V. Garcia, Gustavo G. Garcia, Márcio Vinicius S. Dantas, Samuel Alécio S. Figueiredo, Karen A. Leite Santos, Izaura O. Carvalho, Daniela D. Ribeiro and Larissa L. Rocha
Resource Cost
of Continuous-Type Resources in the Cooper Basin, Australia
Donald L. Gautier and Peter McCabe
Braided River Delta Sand-Body Distribution and Reservoir Predication in a Transfer Zone: Example From the Paleogene Wenchang Formation, HZ-A Block, Huizhou Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China
Jiawang Ge, Xiaomin Zhu, Handong Huang and Yu Shu
Carboniferous-Permian Carbonate Platform Development, Loei-Phetchabun Foldbelt, NE Thailand
Annette George, John Booth and Kaylee Anderson
Papua New Guinea: Mesozoic Rift Basin Evolution and Its Control on Basin Fill
Jeffrey K. Geslin and Brian J. Darby
Quantitative Formation Evaluation of Hith-Gotnia Evaporites by Integrating Logging-While-Drilling and Cased Hole Wireline Measurements
Ali F. Abu Ghneej, BaderAlzaman Khan, Pratik Sangani, Meshal Alwadi, Sanjeev Thakur, Omur Nohut and Abdullah Al-Hamad
Petroleum Systems of the Perth Basin, Western Australia
Khwaja A. Ghori
The Triangle Zone of the Argentine Precordillera: Insights From the Integration of Geological and Geophysical Data
Pablo Giampaoli and Federico G. Spath
Basin Modelling and Geothermal Evolution of the Exmouth-North Carnarvon and Browse Basins, Australia: Insights from a New Integrated Crustal Scale Study
Lawrence Gill, Vincent Dykmans, Daniel J. Bishop, Doerte Steinhoff, Katherine Welbourn, Mark Thompson, Hannah Steaggles, Ben Boterhoven, Bethan Turner, Daniel Fletcher, Sophie Lawrence and Rosemary Edwards
Reservoir Oriented Non-Linear Full Waveform Inversion of Seismic Data
Dries Gisolf, Peter R. Haffinger and Panagiotis Doulgeris
Integrity of Wells in the Nearshore Area Gippsland Basin
Todd Goebel, Barry Nicholson and Nick Hoffman
Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterisation of a Fine Grained Sandstone With Significant Clay Coating Using 3-D Micro-CT and SEM Imaging From a 5mm Plug
Alexandra Golab, Alessio Arena, Ishtar Barranco, Rafael Salazar-Tio, Joseph Hamilton, Nasiru Idowu, Puvaa Rajan, Silvano Sommacal, Benjamin Young, Anna Carnerup, Josephina M. Schembre-McCabe and Keith Boyle
Nirvana Regulation for Petroleum Operations
Barry A. Goldstein, Michael Malavazos, Elinor Alexander, David Cockshell, Joe Zabrowarny and Nick Panagopoulos
Frontier Exploration on a Petroleum Block in Eastern Mongolia
Debra K. Gomez, Thomas D. Fassio, Sandra L. Perry and David M. Seneshen
Petroleum Potential Onshore Southern Madagascar Morandava Basin
Debra K. Gomez
Compound Specific Carbon Isotope
of Palaeo Gases Trapped in Fluid Inclusions: Implications for the Source of Gas in the Browse Basin, Australia
Se Gong, Stephen Sestak, Stephane Armand, Jennifer van Holst, Julien Bourdet, Herbert Volk, Richard F. Kempton, Simon George, Emmanuelle Grosjean and Dianne S. Edwards
A Visual Journey into the Unexplored Realm of Rocks: Pore Network Investigation in Marcellus Shale Rock Matrix
Jan Goral and Ilija Miskovic
Deepwater Taranaki Basin, New Zealand—New Interpretation and Modelling Results for Large Scale Neogene Channel and Fan Systems: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Jarrad Grahame
Drilling a Volcanic Complex at Toro-1 Provides Insights Into Jurassic Rifting in the Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia
Sarah L. Grain, Terry Folkers, Danielle S. Robertson, Sheila E. Mackay and Trevor J. Magee
Basin Inversion in the Alpine Foreland of Austria: The Impact of Tectonic Wedge Mechanics in Petroleum Systems
Pablo Granado, Josep Anton Muñoz, Wolfgang Thony, Oliver Gratzer and Philipp Strauss
Episodic Regional Burial and Subsequent Exhumation Exert a Major Influence on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Paul F. Green and Ian Duddy
A New Look at the Petroleum Potential of the Caswell Sub-Basin, Browse Basin
Jennifer C. Greenhalgh, Dushyan Rajeswaran and Tom Paten
Reservoir Characterisation of the East Coast and Pegasus basins, Eastern North Island, New Zealand
Angela G. Griffin, Kyle J. Bland, Brad Field, Dominic P. Strogen, Gareth Crutchley, Mark J. Lawrence and Richard Kellett
Structural Architecture of the Ceduna Sub-Basin: The Effects of Older Fault Orientations, and More Recent Exploitation of Weaknesses
Helena Griffiths, Phillip Horton, David W. Nettle, Dushyan Rajeswaran and Darren D. Ferdinando
Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Structure and Stratigraphy of West Luconia, Offshore Sarawak: Implications for Petroleum Systems and Prospectivity
Mark Griffiths, Azhar Anuar, Chee Chuan Sia, Moniezsa Tion, Fui Yee Lee and Steve Hall
The Source of Oil and Gas Accumulations in the Browse Basin, North West Shelf of Australia: A Geochemical Assessment
Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne S. Edwards, Tehani J. Kuske, Lisa Hall, Nadege Rollet and John Zumberge
Environmental Controls, Growth History and Fabrics of Lake Richmond Microbialites, Western Australia
Joao C. Guerreiro, Lindsay B. Collins, Alonso L. Parellada and Ryan I. Vogwill
Late Neogene History of the Bird's Head Area, West Papua, Indonesia: An Insight From Detrital Zircon
Indra Gunawan, Robert Hall and Benyamin Sapiie
Paleogene Igneous Rock's New Model for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the South Slope of Huanghekou Sag in Bohai Bay
Tao Guo
Elemental Capture Spectroscopy and Electrical Image Logs in Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization, Longmaxi Formation of Lower Silurian, China
Tongluo Guo, Zhihong Wei, Qingqiu Huang, DaLi Wang and Yue Wang
Innovative Sub-Micron SEM-EDS Mineral Mapping and
Applied to Australian Shale Samples
David Haberlah, Stefan Loehr, Martin Kennedy, Natalie Debenham and Domingo Lattanzi
Enhanced Reservoir Characterization by Continuous Mineral Composition Logs
Ralf Haese, Scott Ooi and Jay R. Black
Formation Conditions of High-CO2-Content Hydrocarbon Pool and Its Implication for CO2 Geological Storage
Yang Haifeng
Study of Origin and Accumulation Period of Mass CO2 in Paleogene of Bohai Area: A Case Study of QHD29-2 Oil Field in Qinnan Depression
Yang Haifeng, Xu Changgui, Wang Deying and Yang Bo
Utilising BP's 3-D Seismic to Give New Insights Into the Great Australian Bight
Megan Halbert, Adrian Rankin, Stacey Mansfield, Callum Leighton, Sophia Gerth, Gary Molinero and Simon Shoulders
Tracing the Exhumation of Central Southern Australia and Fingerprinting Detrital Pathways and Sediment Sinks in the Ceduna Basin
James W. Hall, Max Reddy, Jarred Lloyd, Stijn Glorie, Noreen Evans, Justin L. Payne, Alan S. Collins, Anthony Reid and Simon Holford
Petroleum Systems Modelling for Unconventional Play
in the Cooper Basin
Lisa Hall, Anthony J. Hill, Liuqi Wang, Dianne S. Edwards, Tehani J. Kuske, Alison J. Troup and Christopher J. Boreham
Models for Fault Development and Linkage in Extensional Systems and Their Relationship With Sediment Migration and Supply Into Potential Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
James Hammerstein, Nicola Scarselli, Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul and Kenneth R. McClay
Structural Inversion and Channel Evolution in a Transition Zone Across the Boundary Between Passive and Active Continental Margins: An Example From Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
Wei-Chung Han, Char-Shine Liu, Wu-Cheng Chi and Yunshuen Wang
Coal Failure With Continued Depletion of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs and Resulting Jump in Permeability
Satya Harpalani, Vivek Singh and Aman Soni
The Palaeogeographic and Palaeoclimatic Evolution of Australasia: Palaeo-Productivity Modelling and the Predictive Mapping of Source Rock Environments
James P. Harris, Rob Crossley, Alexandra Ashley, Simon Otto, Ros Preston, Carl A. Watkins, John Watson, Mike Goodrich, Paul Valdes, Peter Allison and Alexandros Avdis
A New Look at the Offshore Canning Area: Locality of the Largest Offshore Oil Discovery in Australia in Over 30 Years
Paul Harrison, Mark Ballesteros, Chris Swarbrick, Jim Winterhalder, Phil Wolter and Dino Loshi
Tectonic Evolution of the Tarera Audina Fault, Aru Trough and Adi Trough, Indonesia
Edo T. Hartadi, Run Mjøs, Christian Zwach, Mark Van Schaack, Bagus Priyanto, Luppo Willem Kuilman and Scott Young
Tiaka–Tiara Fault Bend Fold Structures and Its Implication to Hydrocarbon Entrapment Within Eastern Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Deddy Hasanusi, Rahmat Wijaya and Judha Sumarianto
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Sequential Hybrid Seismic Rock Physics and Artificial Neural-Network: A Case Study of Tiaka Field
Deddy Hasanusi, Rahmat Wijaya, Judha Sumarianto and Bagus Endar
Marine and Continental Ichnology of Permian-Triassic, High-Latitude Depositional Systems During Greenhouse Conditions: Victoria Group (Beacon Supergroup), Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Stephen T. Hasiotis, Peter P. Flaig and Adam Jackson
The Neoichnology of the Modern Fluvial and Estuarine Sediments in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia: Relationships of Terrestrial, Freshwater and Marine Organisms to Physicochemical Characters of Sedimentary Systems
Stephen T. Hasiotis, Mark Reilly, Ian Moffat and Simon C. Lang
New Chronostratigraphic Model for the Lower Qusaiba Member—Shale Gas Exploration Areas of Northern Saudi Arabia
Shaun Hayton, Hani Boukhamsin, Stephen Cheshire and Marco Vecoli
Organic Pore Structures and Origin in the Lower Paleozoic Marine Shales of Jiaoshiba Region of Sichuan Basin, China
Chencheng He, Sheng He and Nyujia Peng
Modeling of Evolution Histories of Thermal Maturity and Hydrocarbon Generation for the Lower Paleozoic Black Marine Shales in Jiaoshiba Region of Sichuan Basin, China
Sheng He, Jizheng Yi, Rui Yang and Mingliang Zhao
Magnetotelluric Monitoring of a Hydraulic Fracturing in Moomba, South Australia
Graham Heinson, Simon Carter, Lars Krieger, Goran Boren and Chris Matthews
Hydrocarbon Type Discrimination Using AVO
, Sama Field, Offshore, Nile Delta, Egypt
Mahmoud M. Hemdan
Rock-Physics Guided Seismic Exploration
Natasha Hendrick and Caitlin Davis
Reservoir Heterogeneity Resulting From Bottomset Deposition in the Lee of Dunes and Unit Bars
Christopher Herbert, Jan Alexander and María Martínez de Álvaro
Mesozoic Sedimentary Cover of Puntland State of Somalia and Its Hydrocarbon Potential
Osman Salad Hersi
Structural Style in the Eastern Papuan Fold Belt, From Wells, Seismic, Maps and Modelling
Kevin C. Hill and Ruth H. Wightman
Chemostratigraphic Framework for Changing Depositional Conditions of Prospective Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Marine Source Rocks of the East Coast Basin, New Zealand
Benjamin R. Hines, Todd Ventura, Michael F. Gazley, Kyle J. Bland, James S. Crampton and Katie S. Collins
Site Characterisation for Carbon Sequestration in the Nearshore Gippsland Basin
Nick Hoffman, George Carman, Mohammad Bagheri and Todd Goebel
3-D Mapping and Correlation of Intraformational Seals Within the Latrobe Group in the Nearshore Gippsland Basin
Nick Hoffman, Tom Evans and Natt Arian
Thermochronological and Geochronological Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of the Cretaceous Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight
Simon Holford, Justin MacDonald, Paul F. Green and Ian Duddy
Reconciling Contemporary Stress Data With Neotectonic Structures: Evidence From Southeastern Australia
Simon Holford, David Tassone, Rosalind C. King, Mark Tingay and Richard Hillis
Hot Rocks in Cold Basins—A Guide for Petroleum Explorers in Regions Containing Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Simon Holford and Nick Schofield
Distributional Patterns of Reservoir Sandbodies and Hydrocarbon Traps in the Simple Slope Area of a Continental Basin: A Case Study From the Western Slope of the Songliao Basin, China
Wang Hongyu
Microseismic Monitoring at the CO2 Geological Storage Site—Initial Results Observed at Cranfield in the US
Shigeo Horikawa, Makiko Takagishi, Tsutomu Hashimoto, Kinichirou Kusunose and Ziqiu Xue
Regional Evaluation of the Entire Gulf of Mexico Basin—
and Observations
Brian W. Horn, James Pindell, Ed Haire and Antara Goswami
Frontier Exploration off the Continental Shelf of the Great Australia Bight: Early Delivery of an Integrated Regional Seabed and Shallow Overburden Model for Conceptual Well Planning
Gayle Hough, Gareth Wood, Gary Nicol, Megan Halbert and Andrew W. Hill
Nanopores in Longmaxi Formation Shale, East Sichuan Basin, Southwest China
Haiyan Hu and Junfeng Lin
Quantitative Modelling of Depositional Processes and Sedimentary Facies of Shallow Water Deltas
Xiu Huang and Keyu Liu
Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model of Large-Scale Anticline Structure in Strike Slip-Extension Complex Tectonic Area and Exploration Significance: A Case Study of Laizhouwan Sag in Bohai Bay Basin
Zhen Huang and Changgui Xu
Typical Tectonic Styles of Strike-Slip Zone and Their Significances on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Eastern Laizhou Bay, Bohai Offshore Area of China
Zhen Huang
Channels and Scours—A Newly Described Exposure Revealing the Axis of the Proximal Leveed Channel Complex of Fan 3, Tanqua Karoo turbidites, South Africa
Samuel M. Hudson, William R. Morris and De Ville Wickens
Calculating Estimated Ultimate Recovery in Unconventional Petroleum Systems using Common ‘Recovery’ Segment Mapping. An example from the Montney Play, Western Canada
Aaron W. Hughes and Ian J. Cockerill
Variability of Jurassic Hydrocarbon Plays and Controls on Their Prospectivity in Kuwait
Riyasat Husain, Fida Hussain, S. Mustaque Ahmed, Anton Prakoso, Rinaldi Mulyono and Abdulaziz Al-Fares
Mud-Diapirism Induced Structuration and Implications for the Definition and Mapping of Hydrocarbon Traps in Makran Accretionary Prism, Pakistan
Abid Hussain, Moin R. Khan, Nadeem Ahmad and Tahir Javed
Hith and Gotnia Formations: Emerging Frontier Tight Oil Exploration Targets in Kuwait
Fida Hussain, Riyasat Husain, Parmjit Singh, Ahmed Rabie, Anton Prokoso, Mafizar Rahman and Abdulaziz Al-Fares
Seismic Expressions of Thermogenic Seeps
Romain Jatiault, Damien Dhont, Dominique Dubucq and Patrice Imbert
Fines Production in the Walloon Subgroup, Surat Basin Queensland
Les Jenkinson, Thomas Flottmann and Mark Tingay
Transverse Palaeovalleys Pass Up-Dip Into Conformable Strata in a Foreland Basin Setting
Rhodri Jerrett, Stephen Flint and Howard Falcon-Lang
Pre-Migration Receiver Deghosting and Amplitude Fidelity: A Case Study From NWS Australia
Shuo Ji, Todd Mojesky, Qingbing Tang, Dana Iwachow and David D. Dickinson
New Theory Systems of Base Level Cycle and Its Preliminary Application
Daji Jia, Laiming Song and Xiaomin Zhu
The Morphology and Evolution of Turbidity Channel System and Seabed Pockmarks: Case Study From the X Oilfield in Niger Delta Basin, West Africa
Li Jiang, Shenghe Wu, Jiajia Zhang and Yu Lin
Seafloor Pockmarks and Linear Pockmark Trains Linked to Buried Turbiditic Palaeo-channel in the Niger Delta Basin, West African
Li Jiang, Shenghe Wu, Jiajia Zhang and Peng Wang
Tectonic Effects on Gas Accumulation, Production and Hydraulic Fracturing of the Lower Paleozoic Marine Shales on the Yangtze Platform in South China
Shu Jiang, Zhengyu Xu, Xian Shi and John McLennan
Exploring for Unconventional Plays in the McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia: The Application of an Integrated Regional Evaluation in a Data-Sparse Frontier Basin
Rhodri Johns, Julie Mackintosh, David Lavery, Sandy Watters, Stephen G. Kelemen, Steve Taylor, De Nicholls and Karen Connors
The Turrum Field—Reeling in the Latest Fish on the Line
Glyn Jones
Basement Terranes, Basement Composition and Present-Day Heat Flow Models for the New Zealand Extended Continental Shelf
Cedric Jorand, Tim Debaker, Lynn L. Pryer, Richard Davey, Nancy Davies and Brad Ilg
Early Bajocian to Early Maastrichtian Calcareous Nannofossils Biostratigraphy of Onshore Kuwait
Adi P. Kadar and Khalaf A. Karam
Seismic Expression in Edge Enhancing Attribute to Resolve the Major Strike-Slip, Morris Fault Zone in Sumandak Cluster Field, Sabah Offshore Basin
A'ishah Kamaludin, Suhaylah Haron, Norazila M Yasin, Myint Win Myint Win and Bhargava Ram Oruganti
Lithological Assemblage of Coal Measures and Its Influences on Coalbed Methane Development in Shouyang Block, Qinshui Basin, Central China
Yong Shang Kang, Jian Ping Ye, Chun Lin Yuan, Shou Ren Zhang, Jing Chen, Bing Zhang and Ming Qing Guo
Pre-Salt Limestone Plays in Campos and Santos Basins, Brazil: Additional Potential Identified
Senira Kattah
New Pre-Salt Exploration Opportunities in the Deepwater of the Campos Basin, Brazil
Senira Kattah
Tectonic Characteristics and Evolution Banda Sea Region
Nuretdin Kaymakci, John Decker, Dan Orange, Philip Teas and Pieter van Heiningen
The Mananda Anticline, Papua New Guinea: A Third Oil Discovery, Appraisal Programme and Deep Potential
Scott E. Keenan and Kevin C. Hill
Paleo Stress Contribution to Fault and Natural Fracture Distribution in the Cooper Basin
Hani Abul Khair, Dennis Cooke and Martin Hand
Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges in Fold and Thrust Belts—Bhittani Range, Trans Indus Range, Pakistan
Mudassar Z. Khan, Moin R. Khan and Ali Raza
Laser Scanning and Hyperspectral Imaging of Eagle Ford Formation, West Texas
Shuhab D. Khan, Lei Sun and Craig Glennie
Sedimentological Evaluation From Six Cored Wells for CO2 Geological Storage in the Southwest Ulleung Basin, East Sea
Minjun Kim, Hyeon-Gyu Kim, Ho Yong Lee, Myong-Ho Park and Jae Hwa Jin
Fracture Mapping in Sedimentary Basins from 1-D Anisotropic Magnetotelluric Modelling
Alison Kirkby, Graham Heinson, Simon Holford, Stephan Thiel and Derrick Hasterok
The Gobe Field, PNG: Influence of Basement Architecture on Fold and Thrust Belt Structural Style
Armelle Kloppenburg and Kevin C. Hill
Palaeogeographic Mapping and Depositional Trends of the Patchawarra Formation Within the Tenaperra Region
Sam J. Kobelt, Brenton Schoemaker and Peter McCabe
Mechanisms of Gas Accumulation in the Yinggehai Overpressured Basin, South China Sea
Lingtao Kong and Honghan Chen
Drowned or Smothered: The Semantics and the Processes of Carbonate Demise
Eduard Kosa
Hydrocarbon Generation and Long Distance Migration in the Foreland Part of the Papuan Basin
Lukasz Krawczunski and Tom Herries
Reassessment of Exploration Risks in Taranaki Basin Related to Gondwana Margin Evolution and Establishment of an Active Plate Boundary in New Zealand Using Integrative 3-D Basin Modelling
Karsten F. Kroeger, Rob Funnell, Malcolm J. Arnot, Suzanne Bull, Matt G. Hill and Hai Zhu
Insights Into the Tectonic Stress History and Regional 4-D Natural Fracture Distribution in the Australian Cooper Basin Using Etchecopar's Calcite Twin Stress Inversion Technique, 2-D/3-D Seismic Interpretation and Natural Fracture Data From Image Logs and Core
David Kulikowski, K. Amrouch, Khalda H. Al Barwani, Wei Liu and Dennis Cooke
Overpressure Mechanisms in Deep Drilling in Western Offshore India
Rajeev Kumar
Integrated Pore Pressure Prediction Approach for Successful Drilling in Tectonic Area
Rajeev Kumar
Geomechanics Considerations for Safe Drilling of ERD Wells in Western Offshore, India
Rajeev Kumar
Source Rocks of the Cooper Basin
Tehani J. Kuske, Lisa Hall, Anthony J. Hill, Alison J. Troup, Dianne S. Edwards, Christopher J. Boreham and Tamara Buckler
Stratigraphic Trap Identification Based on Restoration of Paleogeophology and Further Division of System Tract: A Case Study in Qingshui Subsag
Cao Laisheng, Yu Lin, Liu Jianlun, Xiang Sheng, Chen Hong, Meng Yang, Liu Hua, Du Yinjie and He Yan
Morphology, Sedimentology and Architecture of Megafan-Shoreline Systems: A Case Study of the Mitchell River Delta, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
Tessa I. Lane, Rachel A. Nanson, Boyan Vakarelov, Bruce Ainsworth and Frank Rarity
Seismic Visualisation of Mixed-Influence Coastal-Deltaic Depositional Systems
Simon C. Lang, Henry Posamentier, Bruce Ainsworth, Andrew Madof, Kenneth Ehman and Elaine Campbel
3-D Characterisation of CO2 Containment in the South West Hub, Perth Basin
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Linda Stalker and Karsten Michael
Biogenic Mounds in the Central Ceduna Sub-Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand and Andrew S. Ross
Evaluating the Consistency of Plate Models With Geologic Observations
T. M. Laroche, Daniel Minguez, Keith Thomas, Betty Johnson and Alan Morgan
Local Process-Regime Variations in Shelf-Edge Deltas: Implications for Shelf-Margin Progradation, Stratigraphic Traps, and Deepwater Sediment Delivery
Fabien J. Laugier and Piret Plink-Björklund
The CA-IDTIMS Method and the Calibration of Endemic Australian Palynostratigraphy to the Geological Timescale
John R. Laurie, Simon Bodorkos, Tegan E. Smith, Jim Crowley and Robert S. Nicoll
The Paleozoic Hudson Bay Basin in Northern Canada: New Insights Into Hydrocarbon Potential of the Last North-America Conventional Frontier Basin
Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Jim Dietrich and Zhuoheng Chen
Laboratory Experiments for Calibration of Petrophysical Properies for CO2 Sequestration Monitoring: CO2CRC Otway Project Case Study
Maxim Lebedev, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch and Boris Gurevich
Petroleum Potential of the Gage Submarine Fan, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia From Palaeogeographic Mapping and Geological Modelling
Megan E. Lech, Diane C. Jorgensen, Chris Southby, Liuqi Wang, Victor Nguyen, Irina Borissova and David Lescinsky
Paleogeographic Evolution of Early Campanian to Maastrichtian Supersequences in the Caswell Sub-Basin—Implications for CO2 Storage and Hydrocarbon Entrapment
Megan E. Lech, Nadege Rollet, David Caust and Karen Romine
Seismic Data Inversion for Characterization of CO2 Storage Prospect of Ulleung Basin
Ho Yong Lee, Minjun Kim and Myong-Ho Park
Evaluation and
of Frontal Structures in the Papuan Fold-and-Thrust Belt—An Integrated Approach to Refining Structural Uncertainty
Desmond Leech, Nick Direen, Jeffrey K. Geslin, Brian J. Darby and Leon Aden
Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality of Deep-Lake Turbidite Sandstones: Examples From Palaeogene Sha 3 Sandstones in Bonan Oilfield, Bohai Gulf Basin, China
Chunxiao Li, Jiagen Hou, Yongqiang Li and Yanan Shi
Recent Advances and Future Prospects of Tight Oil in China
Denghua Li and Guosheng Zhang
Gravitational Detachment Fault Controls Hydrocarbon's Accumulation in the Slope Area: A Case Study of Laizhouwan Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
Guoying Li, Zhen Huang and Yang Haifeng
Integrated Provenance
of Fluvial Sandstones From the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in Western Sichuan Depression, China
Longdi Li, Youliang Ji, Fuxiang Huang, Junlong Liu and Hongyu Song
Time-Lapse Seismic Interpretation Method of Thin Reservoir and Its Application in Monitoring Channel Reservoir of Deep Water in West Africa
Meng Li, Zhen Liu and Minzhu Liu
Two Sources of Magnesium for Dolomitization in the Permian Changxing and Triassic Feixianguan Formations in the Northeastern Sichuan Basin, China
Pingping Li, Huayao Zou, Xinya Yu and Guangwei Wang
Shale Oil Geological Characteristics and Resource Potential of Mesozoic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin, North-Central China
Qiyan Li, Zhi Yang and Caineng Zou
Distinguish TSR by FT-ICR MS Combined With Carbon/Sulfur Isotopic
for Condensate Oils in the Tarim Basin, China
Sumei Li, Quan Shi, Alon Amrani, Xiongqi Pang, Baoshou Zhang, Ward Said-Ahmad and Hao Sun
The Characterization of Carbonate Fracture-Cavity Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield
Yongqiang Li, Jiagen Hou, Yuming Liu and Chunxiao Li
Determining the Timing and Impact of Break-Up Related Igneous Activity on Reservoir Development Within the Browse Basin
Mark Lisk
A New AVO Attribute for Hydrocarbon Prediction and Application to the Marmousi II Dataset
Changcheng Liu and Prasad Ghosh
Predrill Prediction of Formation Pressure Using Seismic Data: A Case of Huaguang Depression, Northern South China Sea
Jingjing Liu, Zhen Liu and Jian Wang
Origin and Evolution of Overpressure in the Changji Depression, Junggar Basin, Northwest China
Mingliang Liu, Sheng He and Xiaowen Guo
Using Pre-Stack Seismic Data to Predict the West African Deepwater Reservoir
Minzhu Liu, Zhen Liu and Meng Li
Expulsion Process of Overpressures Indicated by Vertical Venting Structures in the Dongfang Area of Yinggehai Basin, Northwestern South China Sea
Rui Liu, Jianzhang Liu and Lifeng Wang
Timing of Xunhua and Guide Basin Development and Growth of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
Shaofeng Liu
Integrated Sedimentary Characterization and Reservoir Architecture
of Coastal Sandstone in the Hadeson Area, Tarim Basin, NW China
Taixun Liu, Haitao Li, Keyu Liu, Boyu Zhou and Chang Liu
Why Bother? The Five Reasons Why Play Based Exploration Worthwhile in a Modern, Busy, Understaffed and Overworked Exploration Company Environment
Ian Longley and Jeff Brown
The Stratigraphic Scheme of the Albertine Graben-East Africa
Joshua Lukaye, Tonny Sserubiri, Cathy Amusugut, Nurudin Njabire, Proscovia Nabbanja, Dozith Abeinomugisha, Denis Ariko, Richard Nuwagaba, Tonny Ddungu, David Worsley and Martin Pickford
Geochemical Characterization and Correlation of Crude Oils and Potential Source Rocks From the Semliki, Southern Lake Albert and Kaisotonya Basins in the Albertine Graben, Uganda
Joshua Lukaye and Micheal Okello
Multiple Stratigraphic Reservoirs Related With Weathered Granite Buried-Hill in Betara Uplift, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Ximin Lyu, Li Yang, Weihua Guo, Ronghua Wang and Qianfeng Han
Fault Controlling of Non-Exposed Karst Reservoir in Halahatang District in North Tarim Basin
Ke Ma and Jiagen Hou
Quantitative Research on History of Adsorption Capacity on High Rank Coal Reservoirs: A Case Study From Hancheng area in Ordos Basin, China
Xingzhi Ma, Yan Song, Shaobo Liu, Feng Hong and Lin Jiang
Predicting Sub-Surface Fracture Systems by Modelling the Associated Deformation in Move: Examples From La Concepción Oilfield in Venezuela
Euan Macaulay, Jenny F. Ellis, Heike Broichhausen, Alan Vaughan, Roddy Muir and Hugh Anderson
Geological Application for the New Fault Response Modelling Module in Move
Euan Macaulay, Heike Broichhausen, Roddy Muir and Christian Seiler
History of Petroleum Exploration and Development in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins
Steve Mackie
A Permian-Early Triassic Deep Shelf System Along the NWS Margin With Oil-Prone Potential
Malcolm D. MacNeill and Neil Marshal
Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Lower Goru Deposits, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan
Salah Mahmoud
Regional-Scale Structural Modelling Along a Geological Transect Across the NW Fold and Thrust Belt, PNG
Luke Mahoney and Sandra McLaren
Fluvio-Lacustrine Incision and Deltaic Processes: Insights From an Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic and Modern Analogue Approach, Early Cretaceous, Eromanga Basin, Australia
Sandra Mann, Kathryn Amos and Thomas A. Massey
Where's the Data? Acquisition and Processing of Seismic Data in the PNG Highlands
Geoff Mansfield, Subhash Chandra and Peter Carver
Mapping Sub-Surface Geology From Magnetic Data in the Hides Area, Western Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea
Stephen Markham, Irena Kivior, Leslie Mellon and Francis Vaughan
Time-Varying Waveform Representations as an Aid for Identification of Uncertainty Related to Seismically Tuned Events in the Presence of Hydrocarbons
David Markus and Donald C. Adams
Seismic Shift: Challenges to Meeting E&P Seismic Needs
Nikki C. Martin and Ken Wells
New Broadband Seismic Unveils the Complexity of the Timor-Leste Offshore Subduction Zone
Pedro Martinez-Duran, Gregor Duval and Peter Baillie
Reservoir quality controls for the Sandpiper Sandstones (Upper Jurassic), Bonaparte Basin, Offshore Australia: Pre-drill predictions and post-mortem
James Matthews
The Triassic Hawkesbury Sandstone, Sydney Basin
Peter McCabe
Analogue Models of Contractional Thrust Wedges—The Dynamic Effects of Syntectonic Sedimentation and Syntectonic Erosion
Kenneth R. McClay
Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts in Passive Margin Deltas and Contractional Terranes—4-D Evolutionary Patterns
Kenneth R. McClay and Nicola Scarselli
Igneous Intrusions and Volcanic Complexes in the North West Shelf Passive Margin
Kenneth R. McClay and Nicola Scarselli
Extensional Fault Architectures and the 4-D Evolution of the Exmouth Plateau and Exmouth Sub-Basin, NW Shelf, Australia
Kenneth R. McClay
Unconventional Gas Reservoir Productivity in Australian Proterozoic Rocks – Studies From the McArthur, Beetaloo, Mount Isa and Amadeus
Bruce A. McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Lucas McLean-Hodgson, Anargul Kushkarina and Edward Lewis
Evolution of the West Baram Line Syntaxis, Borneo
Kenneth McCormack
The Great Australian Bight: A Break-Up Story Told With Deep Seismic
Kenneth G. McDermott, Brian Horn, Paul Bellingham, Rod Graham, James Pindell and Jim W. Granath
A New Look at the Williams Fork Formation: Tight-Gas Sands in the American Rocky Mountains
Bryan McDowell and Piret Plink-Björklund
A Review of the New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea: Architecture, Sediment History and Petroleum Systems
Brent McInnes
Understanding the Geographical Distribution of Historical and Modern Asphaltite Strandings Along the South Australian Coastline
David McKirdy, Alexander Corrick, Andrew S. Ross, Se Gong, Christine Trefry, Chris Dyt, Zachary Angelini, Olivia Jobin, Anthony Hall and Dianne S. Edwards
The Vesta Structural Complex and the Elm Sandstone—Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution in the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea, Australia
Lucy E. McLean and Grant K. Ellis
The Origin of Meso-Cenozoic Offshore Magmatism Along the Australian Southeastern Continental Margin: New Insights From Seismic and Geochemical Data
Fun J. Meeuws, Simon Holford and John Foden
Stochastic Time Lapse Seismic Inversion for Monitoring CO2 Sequestration: CO2CRC Otway Project Modelling Study
Mateus G. Meira, Boris Gurevich, James Gunning and Roman Pevzner
Origins of Kaolinite Controlling Porosity and Permeability in the Mungaroo Formation, Carnarvon Basin, Australia
Saju Menacherry and Andrew Thomas
Marine Source Rocks in Platform-Ramp Settings—An Example From the Early Permian Arckaringa Basin, South Australia
Sandra A. Menpes
Numerical Simulations of the Effects of CO2 Geological Storage on the Flow and Salinity of Formation Water in the Gippsland Basin
Karsten Michael, Ludovic Ricard, Julien Bourdet and Richard F. Kempton
Making Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage a Reality: Integrating Science and Engineering into a Business Plan Framework
Richard S. Middleton, Kevin Ellett, Philip Stauffer and John Rupp
Grain Assemblages in Organic-Rich Mudstones Dominated by Extrabasinal Sediment Sources, Yanchang Formation (Triassic), Ordos Basin, China
Kitty Milliken, Xiangzeng Wang, Ying Shen, Quansheng Liang, Tongwei Zhang, Bob Loucks and Harry Rowe
Petrophysical Challenges and Triumphs in the Gippsland Basin
Andrew A. Mills and Kumar Kuttan
A Collaborative Approach to Seismic Interpretation for Offshore Field Development—A Case Study
Satyabrata Mishra, Lawrence Grant-Woolley and Long T. Dang
Controls of Mechanisms of Salt Diapirism: Experimental Modeling and Natural Examples
Shankar Mitra and Pierre Karam
Basin Inversion Along Passive Margins: Insights From 2/3-D Numerical Modelling
Luke Mondy, Patrice F. Rey and Guillaume Duclaux
Improvement of Seismic Depth Imaging on Carbonate Reef Through the Application of Common Reflection Angle Migration: An Example From Salawati Basin, Indonesia
Allan Moris, Insan Oktafirman and Bambang Mujihardi
The Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Andaman Sea During the Cenozoic, and Implications for Petroleum Systems
Christopher K. Morley
Contrasting Contemporaneous Fluvial Styles in a Tropical Depositional Basin—Implications for Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Sara Moron, Kathryn Amos and Tobias Payenberg
Bridging The Gap Between Morphodynamic and Stratigraphic Models: A Study of The Formative Conditions of Anabranching Rivers
Sara Moron, Douglas A. Edmonds and Kathryn Amos
Mesozoic Evolution of the West Australian Margin: A Landlubber's View
Arthur Mory
Gas Hydrate Recovery Optimisation by CO2 Injection and Methanogenesis
Devesh Motwani
Rock-Typing: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Tool for Tight Najmah Sargelu Formation in Dharif Abduliyah Oil Field, West Kuwait
Pritish Mukherjee, Dipak SinghaRay, Saad Matar, Stephanie Vedrine, Gilles Fabre, Michel Orsingher, Bader Al-Matar and Ibrahim Al-Sammak
How Australian Plate Interaction With Subducting Slabs and the South Pacific Superswell Drove Multi-Phase Uplift and Paleogeography in Eastern Australia
Dietmar Muller, Nicolas Flament, Kara Matthews, Simon Williams and Michael Gurnis
Construction of 2-D and 3-D Models of the Kutubu Oilfield, Papua New Guinea Fold Belt
Louise Munro, Kevin C. Hill and Ruth H. Wightman
Review Of West Sea Horse Field (Gippsland Basin) Using Quantitative Stochastic Trap
for Stacked Pay
Titus A. Murray, Tony Johnson and Greg Christie
Multi-Scale Geological Characterization of the Lower Silurian Qusaiba Shale, the Rub' Al-Khali Basin, Saudi Arabia
Ayyaz Mustafa, Ali Sahin, Mustafa Hariri, Mohamed Omar Abouelresh, Gabor Korvin and Abdulazeez Abdulraheem
Opportunities in Frontier North Papua Basin, Indonesia: Constraints From Oil Seep of the Teer River and Its Expected Petroleum System
Junita T. Musu, Himawan Sutanto, David V. Mamengko, Anggi Yusriani, Andi Mannappiang and Awang H. Satyana
Structural Evolution of the Ainsa Deep-Water Fold and Thrust Belt in the Central Pyrenees and Syn-Tectonic Evolution of the Related Sedimentary Systems
Josep Anton Muñoz, Pau Arbués, Kenneth R. McClay, Miguel López-Blanco and Mireia Butillé
Reservoir Architecture of the Late Triassic Mungaroo Formation, a Case Study From the NW-Shelf, Western Australia
Martin Nagel, Keith Adamson, Ed Hooper and Neil Marshall
Fifty Years Since Australia's First Offshore Oil and Gas Discovery: Key Elements for Success in the Early Exploration of the Gippsland Basin
Glen Nash
Springboard 3-D: New Insights Into the Seismic Stratigraphy of the Western Ceduna Sub-Basin
David W. Nettle and Darren D. Ferdinando
Unconventional Resource Potential of the Taroom Trough in the Southern Surat-Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia
Peter Nicholls, Rodney Bresnehan, Brad Hayes, Kathleen Dorey and William McDougall
Remotely Monitored PAM
Sam Nichols
Browse Basin 2014 Marine Survey—Investigating Containment for Potential Late Cretaceous CO2 Storage Plays
Chris Nicholson, Rowan Romeyn, Megan Lech, Steve T. Abbott, George Bernardel, Andrew Carroll, David Caust, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Ron Hackney, Floyd Howard, Rachel Melrose, Scott Nichol, Lynda Radke, Nadege Rollet, Justy Siwabessy and Janice Trafford
The Impact of CA-IDTIMS on the Understanding of Permian and Triassic Lithostratigraphy and Correlation in Eastern Australian Coal Basins
Robert S. Nicoll, John R. Laurie, Simon Bodorkos, Jim Crowley and Tegan E. Smith
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy Correlation and Sedimentary Model of Braided Rivers: A Case on the Yabus Formation in Pal Block of Palogue Oilfield, South Sudan 3/7 Area
Zhao Ning
High Resolution Seismic Attribute
and Lithological Trap Identification of Thin Layer Braided River Delta Deposits: A Case on the Yogou and Sokor Formation in the Yogou 3-D Area of Agadem Block, Niger
Zhao Ning
Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial Systems, Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand
Nantaporn Niyomborwornwat and Philip Rowell
Manui Basin's Petroleum System Elements: Insight From Surface Geological Observation for Frontier Hydrocarbon Exploration in Indonesia
Winda Novianti, Yohannes Ardhito, Jasmin Jyalita, Josephine Karenina and Sugeng S. Surjono
Structural Evolution of Extensional Phanerozoic Rift Blocks: El Hamrawein Area, Northwest Red Sea, Eastern Desert, Egypt
M. A. Noweir and Amr Shaban Fheel
Stacking Pattern and Sequence Stratigraphy
of the Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone, Padalarang Area, West Java
Dwiharso Nugroho, Toni Simo, Dardji Noeradi, Benyamin Sapiie and Emmy Suparka
Compositional Variations and
on Carbonate Turbidite and Debrite of Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone (Rajamandala Formation), Padalarang Area, West Java
Dwiharso Nugroho, Sawungrono Dewawisesa, Dardji Noeradi, Benyamin Sapiie and Emmy Suparka
Sequential Evolution and Associated Sedimentation Styles in a Fluvial Channel Belt: Three-Dimensional Outcrop Study of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah
Bradley Nuse, David Pyles and Mark Kirschbaum
Economic Appraisal of Unconventional Gas Development in the United Kingdom
Victor U. Nwaobi
Overburden Estimation: A New Model for the UK Sector of the Central North Sea
Kingsley Nwozor and Gareth Yardley
Density/Neutron Cross-Plotting; Its Application as a Qualitative Basinal Tool for Pore Pressure Prediction: Case Study North Carnarvon Basin
Stephen O'Connor, Ed Hoskin, Rick Lahann, Jack Lee, Christopher Ward, Valerio Gulli, Patricia Kelly, Makhlouf Boubahziz, Guy Markham and Sarah Clancy
Integration of Magnetic, Gravity and Geologic Data in Mapping Geologic Structures: A Case Study of Part of Lafiagi [Sheet 203], Central Nigeria
Kehinde A. Olawuyi, Bankole D. Ako, Gregory O. Omosuyi and Obasanmi A. Adelusi
Breaking New Ground in Seismic Identification of Fluid Conduits or Barriers—Carbonate Case Studies From Around the World
Ralf H. Oppermann
Quantifying Subsidence and Assessing Sinkhole Potential in a Texas Oilfield Using Airborne LIDAR, Radar Interferometry and Microgravity
Jeffrey Paine, Edward Collins, Dochul Yang, John Andrews, Aaron Averett and Tiffany Caudle
Sedimentology and Characteristics of Miocene Shallow Marine Carbonate as Reservoir Alternative Based on Outcrop Analogue in Madura and Puteran Island, Northeast Java Basin
Albert S. Pakpahan, Jasmin Jyalita and Sugeng S. Surjono
Sublaucustrine Landslides and Implications for Deep Hydrocarbon Exploration
Shuxin Pan and Huaqing Liu
Formation Mechanism of Reforming Hydrocarbon Pools in the Ordovician Carbonate Reservoir of Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin
Hong Pang and Xiongqi Pang
Research on the Mechanism and Patterns of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Deep Petroliferous Basins
Xiongqi Pang, Chengzao Jia and Wenyang Wang
The Characteristics of Storage Space of Tight Oil in Shelly Limestone of Da'An'Zhai Member in Sichuan Basin, China
Zhenglian Pang, Shizhen Tao, Qin Zhang and Songtao Wu
Changes in Structural Style Along the Frontal Papuan Fold Belt From Seismic Imaging
Marcus Parish
Palaeogeography of the Gippsland Basin Hydrocarbon Play Elements
Alan D. Partridge
A Case Study to Evaluate and Explore the Upside Potential of a Mature Field (Ras El Ush) Located in One of the Best Exposed Continental Rift of the Late Cenozoic Gulf of Suez Basin
Golak B. Patnaik, Karmesh Abhishek, Abdel N. Kafagy, Wael Attia, Samir Walia and Mohammed Abd-Allah
Stratigraphic Evolution of the Barrow Deltas, Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Annette George, Tobias Payenberg and Bruce Ainsworth
Engineering CO2 Storage with Co-Contaminants
Julie Pearce, Grant Dawson, Dirke Kirste and Sue Golding
The Dark Art of Palaeobathymetry: How Can We Reconstruct the Shape of the Sea Floor in Structurally Active Regions?
Frank J. Peel, Gillian M. Apps, Esther Sumner and David “Stan” Stanbrook
Investigation of the Mineral Composition of Shales by Far Infrared Spectroscopy
Bobby Pejcic, Charles Heath, Claudio Delle Piane and Lionel Esteban
Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Based on a Dual Constrains Provided by Forward Stratigraphic Modeling and Seismic Inversion
Cedric Pellan, Mudaham Zen, Noelia Rodriguez Morillas, Taoufik Ait-Ettajer and Laurent Fontanelli
Reducing Facies Uncertainty Distribution in Carbonate Fields Using Forward Stratigraphic Modeling Tool at Appraisal Scale
Cedric Pellan, Didier Granjeon, Mudaham Zen and Francine Benard
The Evolution Model of High-Quality Source Rocks in the Lower Part of the Third Member of Shahejie Formation in Bonan Sag, Jiyang Depression
Li Peng
Specific Surface Area and Characteristics of Nanopores Structures in Jiaoshiba Area, China
Nyujia Peng and Sheng He
The Unconventional Global Endowment: Results of BHP Billiton's Global Assessment
Andrew Pepper, Paul McIntosh, Roy Fitzsimmons, Terry Gebhardt and Eric Dillenbeck
Improving Land Seismic Repeatability Using Buried Geophones: CO2CRC Field Study
Roman Pevzner, Valeriya Shulakova, J. Christian Dupuis, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, David E. Lumley, Milovan Urosevic and Boris Gurevich
Beyond the Blue Horizon—A View From Two Perspectives
Steve Phelps
Simultaneous Autoregressive Models for Fluvial Channel-Belt Facies and Paleomorphodynamics of the Lower Wasatch Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, USA
Jesse R. Pisel and David Pyles
The Relationship Between Fluvial Channel-Belt Morphology and Internal Heterogeneity: Insights From Satellite, Seismic, Numerical Models, and Outcrop Datasets
Jesse R. Pisel, David Pyles, Mark Kirschbaum and Sidney Mahanay
Halokinetic Deformations During the Development of Detachment Folds on Multilayered Syn-Orogenic Evaporitic Sequences: Results From Analogue Modeling and Comparison With the Sanaüja Anticline (Ebro Foreldand Basin, Iberian Peninsula)
Oriol Pla, Josep Anton Muñoz, Oriol Ferrer, Eduard Roca, Òscar Gratacós and Belkis Ramírez
Uncovering Stratigraphic Plays With Point Source Point Receiver Acquisition in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Anastasia Poole, Phillip Bilsby, Michael Giles and Martin Bayly
3-D Modelling of Geochemical and Reservoir Properties of the Lower Paleozoic Gas/Oil Shale in the Baltic Basin (N Poland)
Pawel Poprawa, Bartosz Papiernik and Wojciech Górecki
REDBACK: An Open-Source Highly Scalable Geomechanical Modeling Simulator
Thomas Poulet, Manolis Veveakis and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
The Role of Convection in Basin Modelling: Lessons From the Perth Basin
Thomas Poulet, Rebecca Tung and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
Evaluating Carbonates Embedded in Anhydrites to Identify Better Reservoir Sections: A Case Study
Anand Prakash, Riyasat Husain and Mohammed Khaled Al-Mershed
Geomechanical Modeling for Optimizing Production in Tight Sand Reservoir in K-Field, Malacca Strait, Indonesia.
Ambaria Prakoso
Fracture Detection via Double Beam Focusing and Image Filtering
Maxim Protasov, Vladimir Tcheverda and Galina Reshetova
Basement Structure of the Barents Platform
Lynn L. Pryer and Cedric Jorand
The Role of Structural Inheritance in Strain Localization During Continental Breakup: Examples From Australia, Canada and Greenland
Lynn L. Pryer, Karen Connors and Donna Cathro
Crustal Structure of the Bonaparte Basin: Evidence From Deep Seismic Data and Gravity Models
Lynn L. Pryer, Zhiqun Shi, Guillaume Sanchez, Karen Romine and Ika Novianti
East Natuna Basin: Perspective of CCS Application in High CO2 Gas Field in Indonesia
Shaskia H. Putri
Pore Structure and Mobility of Pore Fluids Within Source Rocks of an Unconventional Middle Cambrian Petroleum System, Southern Georgina Basin, Central Australia
Andrzej P. Radlinski, Tomasz Blach, Dianne S. Edwards and Christopher J. Boreham
Characterization of Dolomite Bodies in Carboniferous Host Rock, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain
Nur Liyana Rafiuddin and Veerle Vandeginste
A Revised Calibration of the New Zealand Geological Timescale: NZGT2015
James I. Raine, Alan G. Beu, Andrew Boyes, Hamish J. Campbell, Roger A. Cooper, James S. Crampton, Martin P. Crundwell, Christopher J. Hollis and Hugh E. Morgans
Enhancing the Penetration Depth of Stimulating Fluids in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Nickel Nanoparticles
Navneet Raj and Varun Pal
The Pattern of In Situ Stress in Onshore Basins of New South Wales
Mojtaba Rajabi, Mark Tingay, Oliver Heidbach and Rosalind C. King
The New Release of the Australian Stress Map: Controls on the Stress Pattern From the Plate to Field Scale
Mojtaba Rajabi, Mark Tingay, Oliver Heidbach, Rosalind C. King and Dennis Cooke
An Enhanced Seismic Attribute as a Different Perspective to Identify Carbonate Bulid-Up Reservoir: Case Study Mila A-01 Well, Mila Field, Southeast Sumatera, Indonesia
Yudi Ravizon, Hairunnisa Hairunnisa, Rifqi L. Djauhari, Vian Indrasatwika, Estri Andromeda and Sun Pengxiao
The Role and Impact of Microseismic Monitoring in Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation
Daniel G. Raymer, Joel Le Calvez and Les Bennett
Monitoring Coal Seam Gas Depressurisation Using Magnetotellurics
Nigel Rees, Graham Heinson, Lars Krieger and Dennis Conway
Modelling the Complexity of Continental Breakup and Basin Formation Including the Role of Magmatism
Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Jie Liu, Gideon Rosenbaum, Roberto Weinberg, Ali Karrech, Manolis Veveakis and Thomas Poulet
Horizontal Image
Applied to Fracture Stage Optimization in a US Gas Shale Reservoir
Roger Reinmiller, David Martinez and Mario Habermueller
Transtensional Tectonism and Its Effects on the Development of Submarine Fan in Changchang Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea
Jinfeng Ren
Unlocking Potential for Unconventional Petroleum Resources in the Frontier McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
Daniel J. Revie and Christine Edgoose
Asthenospheric Flow and Evolution of Continental Margins
Patrice F. Rey, Luke Mondy, Sabin Zahirovic and Louis Moresi
of Regional Aquifer Systems: Foreland, Fold & Thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea
Frank W. Richards, Larry T. Sumpter, Desmond Leech and Peter J. Vrolijk
Halite Microstructures Reveal Deformation Mechanisms Occurring in Salt Detachments Underlying Resource-Rich Fold-Thrust Belts
L. Richards, R. King, A.S. Collins, S. M. Reddy, M. Sayab, C.K. Morley, G. Backé, A. Draack and J. Browne
How is Onshore Gas Development Benefitting Rural Queensland?
Will Rifkin, Kathy Witt, Jo-Anne Everingham and Vikki Uhlmann
Salt Tectonics in the Sivas Basin (Turkey): Outstanding Seismic Analogues From Outcrops
Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Charlie Kergaravat, Charlotte Ribes, Romain Darnault, Denis Haller, Jean-François Salel and Jean-Paul Callot
From Fold-and-Thrust Belts on Salt to Salt Deposition and Tectonics in a Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Sivas, Turkey
Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Etienne Legeay, Charlie Kergaravat and Jean-Paul Callot
Potential Field
of the East African Rift in Eastern Tanzania—Guiding Seismic Survey Planning
Andy Roberts, Bruce Craven and Peter Purcell
Planning and Operating a Transition and Land 2-D Seismic Survey Using a Combination of Integrated Source and Recording Equipment in a Remote Location, Lake Tanganyika – The East African Rift Valley
Doug Roberts and Jeremy P. FitzPatrick
Source Rock Character of Tight Oil Systems in Lower Cretaceous Dollar Bay, Sunniland, and Pre-Punta Gorda Anhydrite Formations, South Florida Basin
Tina Roberts-Ashby and Paul Hackley
Normal Fault Growth
of Australia's Southern Margin: Evidence From 3-D Seismic Reflection Data in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight and Deep-Water Otway Basin
Alexander G. Robson
3D Seismic
of the Structural Evolution of the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight
Alexander G. Robson
Maturation Profile at the Glyde Gas Discovery in the Southern McArthur Basin, Australia
Sandra Rodrigues, Joshua Bluett, Benjamin Ferguson, Sue Golding and Luke Titus
Presalt to Salt Paleogeography and Stratigraphic Architecture in a Rift Basin: Insights From a Basin-Scale Study of the Gulf of Suez (Egypt)
Sebastien Rohais, Aurelien Barrois, Bernard Colletta and Isabelle Moretti
Cretaceous Stratigraphic Play Fairways and Risk Assessment in the Browse Basin: Implications for CO2 Storage
Nadege Rollet, Steve T. Abbott, Megan E. Lech, David Caust, Rowan Romeyn, Karen Romine, Jane Blevin, Kamal Khider, Chris Nicholson, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Richard F. Kempton, Eric Tenthorey, Jennifer Totterdell, Victor Nguyen, Liuqi Wang and Ron Hackney
Analogues and Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration in New Zealand
Lucia Roncaglia, Christopher J. Hollis and Joe Prebble
Some Surprising Ways That Plate Tectonic, Paleogeographic, and Paleoclimatic Models are Used in Resource (Hydrocarbon & Mineral) Exploration
Malcolm Ross
Characterization of the Aquistore Project Site, Saskatchewan, Canada
Ben Rostron and Don White
Fingerprinting Stray Formation-Fluids Associated With Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
Ben Rostron
An Overview of the Aquistore Project: Canada's First CO2 Storage Project Associated With a Commercial-Scale Coal-Fired Power Plant
Ben Rostron, Don White, Rick Chalaturnyk, Jim Sorenson, Chris Hawkes, Kyle Worth and Aleana Young
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Fairway Basin, Northern Zealandia, Southwest Pacific: Geodynamic and Petroleum Implications
Pierrick Rouillard, Julien Collot, Francois Bache, Rupert Sutherland, Karsten F. Kroeger, Rob Funnell, Martin Patriat, Samuel Etienne and Vaughan Stagpoole
Complexities in Lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, USA, Along a 200-Kilometer Core Transect
Harry Rowe
Chemostratigraphy of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Succession From South Texas: A Dip Transect of the Lower Cretaceous Pearsall Formation
Harry Rowe, Charles Kerans and Bob Loucks
Chemostratigraphic Insights Into Fluvio-Lacustrine Deposition, Yangchang Formation, Upper Triassic, Ordos Basin, China
Harry Rowe, Xiangzeng Wang, Bojiang Fan, Tongwei Zhang, Kitty Milliken, Ying Shen and Jianfeng Zhang
An Experimental Study on the Flood Characteristic and Fluid Rock Interactions of a Supercritical CO2, Brine, Rock System
Ali Saeedi, Claudio Delle Piane, Lionel Esteban and Linda Stalker
Facies Distribution and Impact on Petroleum Migration in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
Tusar R. Sahoo, Karsten F. Kroeger, Glenn Thrasher, Hugh Mingard, Nick Cozens and Matt G. Hill
The Role of the Lithospheric Stretching History on the Evolution of Continental Rifts
V. Morena Salerno and Fabio A. Capitanio
Geomechanics and Fractures Characteristic of Pre-Tertiary Basement Fractured Reservoir in Sumatra Basins
Benyamin Sapiie, Eko Y. Tureno, Derry Apriansyah and Oktarian Iskandar
Geology and Geomechanics Evaluation of CCS Pilot Project in The Gundih Field, East Java Basin, Indonesia
Benyamin Sapiie, Harya Danio, Ariesty Asikin and Awali Priyono
Evolution of Oblique Extensional System in Flexed Regime, North-Western Bonaparte Basin, Australia
Muhammad M. Saqab and Julien Bourget
3-D Seismic
of Fault-Degradation Complexes, Exmouth Plateau, NW Shelf, Australia
Nicola Scarselli, Oriol Ferrer, Tom Paten, Sasha Gumprecht, James Hammerstein and Kenneth R. McClay
Cenozoic Velocity and Topography Change of the Australian Plate Linked to Fossil New Guinea Slab Below Lake Eyre and the Murray-Darling Basin
Wouter P. Schellart and Wim Spakman
Micro-Ablation: A New Technique for Removing Hydrocarbon Contaminants and Facilitating Biomarker Analyses of Cuttings
Richard Schinteie, Stephen Sestak and Jochen J. Brocks
Petroleum Exploration in Geologically Complex Areas: Opportunities for Geochemical and Non-Seismic Hydrocarbon Detection Methods
Dietmar Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau
Improving Success of Surface Geochemical Surveys: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid
Dietmar Schumacher
Hydrocarbon Exploration Survey Strategies for Frontier Basins and Other Under-Explored Areas
Dietmar Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau
Polygonal Faulting and Seal Integrity in the Bonaparte Basin, Australia
Hannu Seebeck, Eric Tenthorey, Christopher Consoli and Andy Nicol
Dinoturbation of the Broome Sandstone – Implications for Petroleum Geology
Robert Seggie
Analogue Modelling of the Effect of Lobe Switching on the Gravity-Driven Deformation in Ceduna Deltas System (Bight Basin, Southern Australian Margin)
Nicolas Sellier, Oriol Ferrer and Ken R. McClay
Strategy For Developing And Calibrating Shale and Mudstone for Unconventional Resource Exploration And Production On Drill Core And Cuttings Using Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Units and the Adaptation to an Automated Core Scanner
Alexander Seyfarth and Bruce Kaiser
Facies Control on Selective Dolomitization in the Samana Suk Formation (Middle Jurassic), Southern Hazara Basin (NW Himalaya, Pakistan): Implications on Reservoir Characterization
Mumtaz M. Shah, Asghar Ali and Syed Aosaf Hassan
Using Multi-Azimuth Walkaway VSP Data to Image a Tight Gas Bearing Permo-Carboniferous Glaciogenic Reservoir
Ali A. Shaiban, Carlos Planchart, Salman Bubshait, Husain Nassir and Robert Richards
Using Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure of Fluid Inclusion to Doubly Constraint on Hydrocarbon Charging Times: As an Example of the Ordovician in Yubei Slope, Tarim Basin
Pei Shang and Honghan Chen
Modeling of Electromagnetic Response on Rugged Seafloor by Using Finite-Difference Method
Jinsong Shen, Shuaishuai Wei and Chao Ma
Integrated Reservoir Modelling of a Deep Water Canyon Complex From Exmouth Sub-basin, Northwest Australia
F. Hasan Sidi, Jessica Zambrano, Mick Micenko and Fabrice Petrissans
Depositional Model for Oligocene-Miocene Deep Marine Deposits of Pamaluan Formation: New Insight to Turbidite Reservoir in Southern Kutei Basin
Diponegoro A. Sipahutar, Muhammad I. Setiawan, Yogi Eriawan, Irzak K. Huda, Renato D. Simanjuntak and Eric Prayogo
Paleotopographic and Depositional Environment Control on ‘Sweet Spot’ Locations in Some Unconventional Resource Shales
Roger M. Slatt, Brenton J. McCullough, Carlos E. Molinares-Blanco and Elizabeth T. Baruch
Geological Factors Affect Horizontal Well Completions
Charlie Smith, Jeffrey Atteberry, Marcel Robinson and Rusty Barber
Resistivity not Required: Fluid Identification From Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs
Charlie Smith, Layne Hamilton and Lynda Ziane
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response to Textural Reservoir Changes
Charlie Smith, George Payne and Jon Christensen
Middle Cambrian Chemostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy in the Southern Georgina Basin: Correlating the Arthur Creek “Hot Shale”
Tegan E. Smith, John R. Laurie and Dianne S. Edwards
Direct Oil and Gas Evidences from Punta Del Este Basin, Offshore Uruguay: New Data From Fluid Inclusions
Matías Soto, Bruno Conti, Pablo Gristo and Héctor de Santa Ana
The Petroleum Prospectivity of Reinga Basin, NW New Zealand
Vaughan Stagpoole, Helen Neil, Nick Mortimer, Hugh E. Morgans, Francois Bache, Geoffroy Lamarche and Julien Collot
South West Hub CCS Project: Site Characterisation and Latest Results
Linda Stalker, Dominique Van Gent, Sandeep Sharma and Martin Burke
Establishing Hydrocarbon Charge to the Ashmore Platform, Browse Basin, Australia: A Natural Seeps Study
Charlotte Stalvies, Aoife Carr, Asrar R. Talukder, Andrew S. Ross, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Alan Williams, Mike Gresham, Melissa Binning and Dariusz Jablonski
Geodetic Measurement of Deformation Within the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt
Richard Stanaway and John W. Noonan
New Insights Into the Basement and Crustal Structure of the Australian NW Margin Along Newly Analyzed Seismic Refraction Lines
Doerte Steinhoff, Katherine Welbourn, Daniel J. Bishop, Mark Thompson, Anthony Bourne, Lawrence Gill and Rosemary Edwards
Structural Evolution of the Rub' Al-Khali Basin, Saudi Arabia
Simon A. Stewart, Christian Hofmann and Omar W. Kharouf
Pattern and Evolution of the 3-D Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow in the Laboratory: From Generic Models to Case Studies
Vincent Strak and Wouter P. Schellart
Predictive Stratigraphic Forward Modelling of the Ceduna Sub-Basin; Application to Fault Sealing
Julian Strand, Laurent Langhi and Andrew S. Ross
Rift to Drift on the Edge of Gondwana: Two-Phase Cretaceous–Paleocene Rifting In The Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Dominic P. Strogen, Hannu Seebeck, Andy Nicol, Kyle J. Bland, Peter R. King and Andy J. Tulloch
Integrating Multiple Datasets to Characterize Heterogeneity Across a Lateral Well-Bore
Dreadless Stubbs, Ryan King and Maurisa Piekara
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Deepwater Qiongdongnan Basin, Northwestern South China Sea: The Emerging Prolific Gas Province
Zhipeng Sun, Minggang Guo and Zhenfeng Wang
Digital Pathway From Core Barrel to Oil Barrel
Roger Sung, Ahmed Al-Ramadan, AbdulMohsin Al-Maskeen and Colin Maxwell
Reviving Non Prospect Field: Insight from Modern Delta, Cores, Outcrops, and Statistic to Subsurface Interpretation
Pambudi Suseno, Augstinus Sugeng Rahmadi and Mohamad A. Nazar
Stress Orientation and Subsurface Natural Fractures Model Along the Rosedale Fault System, Gippsland Basin, Australia—Implications for Fault Related Fluid Migration Along Inverted Normal Fault Planes
Ernest Swierczek, Simon Holford and Guillaume Backè
A History of Extensional, Compressional, Foreland and Now Extensional Tectonics in South Eastern Papua New Guinea
Michael Swift and Hugh Davies
4-D Evolution of the Maranhao Deepwater Fold Belt, Offshore NE Brasil
Javier Tamara and Ken R. McClay
Depositional Pattern in the Lower to Middle Miocene Succession From Subsurface of North Kuwait
Saifullah K. Tanoli, Abdul Kadir H. Youssef and Khalid Ahmad
What Enlightenment Can We Gain From World Conventional Oil and Gas Discovery in the 21st Century?
Chongzhi Tao and Jinyin Yin
Petroleum Systems Modelling of Presalt Source Rocks in Lower Congo Basin Angola
Sugandha Tewari, Kristijan (Duplo) Kornpihl, Deepak Rathee, Tekena West and Marjosbet Uzcategui-Salazar
Mineral-Chemistry Quantification and Petrophysical Calibration for Multi-Mineral Evaluations
Paul N. Theologou, Douglas McCarty, Timothy Fischer, Arkadiusz Derkowski, Rebecca Stokes and Ann Ollila
Geochemical Evaluation Mitigates Potential Productivity Loss in Gorgon Field, Offshore Western Australia
Andrew Thomas, Tom Dunn, Wade Williams, Alan Morrison, Hal Riordan, Rosario Scheerhorn, Julie Rivera and Bill Lawrence
The Most Complex Structure Ever to be Dynamically Modelled? State-of-the-Art Workflows Allow New Insights Into North Rankin, a Producing Giant Gas Field on Australia's NW Shelf
Peter Thomas, Alex Kaiko, Alexis Whelan, Jai Louis, Grant Fryer and Tanita Prater
Phoenix South: A New Petroleum System in the Bedout Sub-Basin
Melissa Thompson, Shona MacDonald, Dariusz Jablonski, Stephen Molyneux, Peter Purcell, Marcia Edgley, Mike Isherwood, Rebecca Ryan and Damian Kelly
The History of Oil Exploration in the Union of Myanmar
Scott E. Thornton
Assessment of the Coal Bed Methane Resource Potential Within Coal-bearing Strata of the Karoo Supergroup, South Africa
Tshifhiwa Thovhogi, Sean Johnson and Xavier Schalkwyk
What Caused the ‘Lusi’ Mudflow Disaster in East Java, Indonesia?: Using Geomechanical Models to Test Earthquake and Drilling-Trigger Theories
Mark Tingay
Permian Deposition in the Eastern Nappamerri Trough, Cooper Basin
Carrie Trembath, Martin Berry, Andrew Wilson and Jeremy Prosser
A Pragmatic Approach to Exploration Petrophysics in Lacustrine Shales
Carrie Trembath
Regional Assessment of the Toolebuc Formation: A Shale Oil Play in South-West Queensland, Australia
Alison J. Troup, Sally Edwards, Micaela Grigorescu and Behnam Talebi
Cooper Overpressure, Natural Fractures and Velocity
Stephanie Tyiasning and Dennis Cooke
Pore System Changes During Experimental Polymer Flooding in Ben Nevis Formation Sandstones, Hebron Field, Offshore Eastern Canada
Luis E. Valencia, Lesley A. James and Karem Azmy
Regional Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation of the East Coast and Pegasus Basins, Offshore New Zealand
Pieter van Heiningen, Luciana De Luca, Ivan Guerra, Kate Hayo, Marjosbet Uzcategui-Salazar, Stefano Panepinto and Stephen Klug
Neoproterozoic Basement Control of New Guinea Deep Structure
Alan Vaughan, Jenny F. Ellis and Sugeng Windodo
Geomechanical Instabilities In Diagenetically Altered Unconventional Reservoirs Enhance Fluid Pressure And Production.
Manolis Veveakis, Thomas Poulet and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
Environmental Setting of the Chela Formation in the Onshore of Cabinda Province, Republic of Angola
Atilio F. Viera, Diego M. Pereria, Mariano D. Ragazzi, Estefania Tudisca and Gabriel Giacomone
Mires in the Dark: High Latitude Coals in the Jurassic Walloon Subgroup of the Surat Basin, Australia
Carmine Wainman and Peter McCabe
A Time-Slice of the Lake Eyre Basin: Towards Better Facies Models
Gresley A. Wakelin-King and Kathryn Amos
Characterization of Crude Oils From the Nanpu Depression by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Its Geochemical Significance
Zhonghua Wan and Sumei Li
Application of High-Resolution Paleogeomorphology Reconstrution Technology in Reservoir Prediction—A Case Study About Southern Section of Liaoxi Doming in Bohai Bay Basin
Chenjie Wang
Salient Features of Giant Fields in Marine Carbonates in the World
Dapeng Wang and Guoping Bai
Geological Features and Distribution Patterns of Giant Fields Discovered in the New Century
Dapeng Wang, Guoping Bai, Yan Xu and Xiaoliang Chen
Petroleum Systems
to Refine New and Existing Play Concepts: A Case Study of Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, China
Feiyu Wang, Jun Kuang and Deguang Liu
Paleogene Tectonic Evolution Controls on Sequence Stratigraphic Patterns in the Fushan Sag, Northern South China Sea
Guanhong Wang, Huajun Gan, Entao Liu, Cunyin Xia, Yingdong Zhao and Shanbin Chen
Bring the Geophysical Data Onto a High Performance Data Node
Jingbo Wang, Irina Bastrakova, Ben Evans, Carina Kemp, Ryan Fraser and Lesley Wyborn
Application and Effect of Multi-Azimuth AVO Fractural Detection Technique in Wangjiatun Field
Peng Wang, Zhizhang Wang, Renfang Pan, Youliang Ji and Li Jiang
Tracing the Charging Directions of Biodegraded Oils: A Case Study of the Large Oil Fields on the Shijiutuo Uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Qi Wang and Huayao Zou
of Sublacustrine Fan in Lacustrine Transgressive System Tract by Numerical Sedimentary Simulation, Take LiaoZhong Sag as an Example in Bohai Bay, China
Qiming Wang
Numerical Simulation of Hydrocarbon Migration in Tight Sandstones
Tao Wang, Shenghe Wu and Huaimin Xu
Hydrocarbon Accumulation Regularity of Donghe Sandstone in Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin, China
Tao Wang, Huaimin Xu and Xinping Zhou
Temperature as Key Factor for Porosity Development in Brine Flooded Chalk at Realistic Reservoir Stress
Wenxia Wang, Udo Zimmermann, Tania Hildebrand-Habel and Reidar Korsnes
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Paleogene Ziniquanzi Formation of Huoerguosi-Manasi-Tugulu Structural Belt, Southern Junggar Basin, China: Constrains From Fluid Inclusions
Xintao Wang, Yong Chen and Yaoqi Zhou
Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions in Halite From the Eocene Salt Deposit in Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Evidence for Sealing Capacity of Rock Salt
Xintao Wang, Yong Chen and Yaoqi Zhou
The Sand-Rich Lobe-Complexes in the Central Canyon, Deepwater Qiongdongnan Basin, Northwestern South China Sea: Insights From New Wells
Zhenfeng Wang, Zhipeng Sun, Minggang Guo and Rufeng Jiang
and Assessment of Two-Dimensional NMR Technology in Shale
Zhizhan Wang, Liming Qin, Xin Li, Huangsheng Lu and Peiqiang Yang
Using Basement Exposures to Constrain the Structural Evolution of the Southeastern Georgina Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
Cheryl Waters-Tormey, Eloise Beyer, Anett Weisheit, Barry Reno, Jo A. Whelan, Dorothy Close and Nick Direen
The Prospectivity and Reservoirs Characteristics of the Triassic Depositional Systems of the North West Shelf, Australia: New Insights
Carl A. Watkins, Lisa Buckley, Peter Baillie, John Watson, Andrea Pardon, Barbara Rich, Robert Gater, John Ford and James P. Harris
Early Potential for Geological Storage Of CO2 in the Darling Basin of New South Wales (NSW), Australia
Max Watson, Mark A. Bunch, Ralf Haese, Karsten Michael, Eric Tenthorey, Ric Daniel, Jay R. Black and Jamie Knight
Seismic and Well Interpretation of Fluvial Clastic and Coal Packages for Stratigraphic Traps Within the Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin
Christopher Webb
The Phoenix South Discovery: A New Hydrocarbon Province on the Northwestern Shelf of Australia
Frederick Wehr, Jan Otsby, Adrian Cook and Yoshinori Iino
Evaluation Techniques of Wellbore Stability on Complex Formation based on Wettability
Hang Wen, Mian Chen, Yan Jin, Yayun Zhang, Youcheng Zhang and Yu Zhou
Near-Field Discovery and Optimisation of Complex Forelimb Structures in the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt
Ruth H. Wightman
The Logan Discovery, Southern Walker Ridge, US Gulf of Mexico: An Oil Accumulation in a Complex Setting
John C. Williams, Shawna McLallen, David Valasek, Sandra Pospisil, Peter Kahn and Aaron DeNosaquo
A Physical Model for Primary Expulsion of Hydrocarbons From Petroleum Source Rocks
Michael J. Wiltshire
Application of Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy in Determination of Reservoir Properties
John R. Woods
Prediction of Source Rocks Distribution in the Low-Exploration Fields With Seismic Data: A Case Study in Baxian Depression of Bohai Bay Basin, China
Aijun Wu, Gongcheng Zhang, Qiang Jin, Binbin Teng and Jianyong Xu
An Experimental and Numerical Modelling Study on Stability of Wellbores With Pre-Existing Breakouts
Bailin Wu and Xavier Choi
Development of Cenozoic Carbonate Platform in the Conjugated Margin of the South China Sea: Response on Tectonic Evolution
Shiguo Wu, Jinwei Gao, Xinyuan Zhang and Zhen Yang
New Field and Geophysical Data About the Transpressional Deformation in Shagou Fault Zone, Northeastern Edge of Tibetan Plateau, Central China
Lu Xia, Zhen Liu and Haihua Zhao
Geochemical Characteristics of Ordovician Natural Gas and Its Applications in the Division of Hydrocarbon Plays in Sichuan Basin
Anna Xu, Zecheng Wang, Shipeng Hang, Xiufen Zhai and Hua Jiang
Depositional Sequence and Lithology Assemblages of Cambrian Evaporite-Carbonate Paragenesis in Sichuan Basin
Anna Xu, Suyun Hu, Zecheng Wang, Xiufen Zhai and Hua Jiang
Hydrocarbon Generation and Accumulation Process of Marine Carbonate in Ordovician of Ordos Basin, China
Wanglin XU, Yanru Guo, Junbang Liu, Jiangrong GAO and Yueqiao Zhang
Increasing the Reliability of Geological Models of Complex Fluvial Deposits Based on Spectral Decomposition and Interactive
of the Seismic Data
Hanish Yadav, Vitalij Cybulskij, Gaynor Paton and Jacob Smith
Depositional Environments and Sediment Dispersal Patterns of the Jurassic Walloon Subgroup in Eastern Australia
Joel V. Yago and Chris Fielding
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Fluid-Rock Interaction Under Continuous Diagenesis Conditions During Basin Evolution
Leilei Yang, Keyu Liu, Tianfu Xu, Zhichao Yu, Bing Yang and Lili Gui
Influence of Shale Composition on nm-Sized Pore Structures of Longmaxi Shale of Lower Silurian in Jiaoshiba Area, Southeast Sichuan Basin, China
Rui Yang and Sheng He
Geochemical Characterization and Shale Gas Potential of the Longmaxi Shale Formation of Lower Silurian in JiaoShiba Area, Southeast Sichuan Basin, China
Rui Yang and Sheng He
Is the Coulomb Wedge Model Applicable to Passive Margin Deformation?
Xiaodong Yang, Frank J. Peel, David J. Sanderson and Lisa C. McNeill
Micromodelling in a Complex Shaly Sand Reservoir: A Case Study in Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait
Muhammad Yaser, Kalyanbrata Datta, Luis Ortegon and Muhammad Ibrahim
Application of Milankovitch Cycle
to Achieve High Definition Erosional Map From Yubei Area of Tarim Basin, China
Guo Ying
A New Geochemical Tool to Screen Carbonates for Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
Xin N. Yong, Kevin Welsh, Gregory E. Webb, Willem Renema, John M. Pandolfi, Morana Mihaljevic and Tony Allan
Burial History and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Succession in the Northern Western Desert of Egypt
Mohamed A. Younes
Distribution, Depositional Environments and Organic Matter Enrichment of Marine Shale in China
Bingsong Yu and Juan Li
Selective Dissolution of Feldspars in the Presernct of Carbonates: The Way to Generate Secondary Pores in Buried Sandstones by Organic CO2
Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Zhenzhen Jia and Yanzhong Wang
Reservoir Characteristics of High Abundance and Low Thermal Stage Lacustrine Shale
Yuan Yuan, Zhenxue Jiang, Ye Xu and Chen Yu
Methods to Determination of Brittle-Ductile Transition Zone of Shale
Yusong Yuan
3-D Modeling of Transportation Framework of Tight Sandstone Reservoir in Foreland Thrust Belt, Kuqa Depression
Shen Yunqi, Xiuxiang Lü, Guo Song, Cao Guangmao and Feng Xinluo
Modeling of Gas Accumulation Dynamics in Foreland Thrust Belt, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin
Shen Yunqi, Xiuxiang Lü, Guo Song and Zhang Bin
Identification and Evaluation of Organic-Rich Shale in Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, Western China
Shen Yunqi, Xiuxiang Lü, Guo Song and Qu Yiqian
3-D Plate Tectonic Reconstructions of New Guinea Since the Triassic
Sabin Zahirovic, Nicolas Flament, Dietmar Muller, Maria Seton, Kevin C. Hill and Michael Gurnis
Large-Scale Retreat and Advance of Shallow Seas in Southeast Asia Driven by Mantle Flow
Sabin Zahirovic, Nicolas Flament, Dietmar Muller, Maria Seton and Michael Gurnis
Data-Driven Paleogeographic Reconstructions as Constraints for the Advance and Retreat of Australian Shallow Seas
Sabin Zahirovic, Nicky Wright, Dietmar Muller and Maria Seton
Differences of the Chlorite Origin, Occurrence and Their Influence on Petrophysical Properties in the Paleogene Deep Reservoir, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin
Chunyan Zang, Wen Mai, Zhiyong Ren and Yumin Qi
The Impact of Accumulation Condition of CO2 on Authigenic Minerals of Paleogene Clastic Reservoir at Actic Area, Qin Nan Sag
Chunyan Zang, Wen Mai, Zhiyong Ren and Yumin Qi
Predicting Geometry and Stacking Pattern of Thinly Interbedded Depositional Systems
Hongliu Zeng
Thrust Tectonics of the Canning Basin, Western Australia — An Alternative Interpretation
Yijie Zhan
Diagenesis and Origin of Porosity Formation of Upper Ordovician Carbonate Reservoir in Tazhong No.1 Slope Break, Tarim Basin
Heng Zhang, Zhongxian Cai and Mingliang Yuan
Reservoir Quality Variations Within a Sinuous Deepwater Channel System in the Niger Delta Basin, Offshore Western Africa
Jiajia Zhang and Shenghe Wu
Rudists Reservoir Characterization in Middle Cretaceous Mishrif Formation of Halfaya Oilfield, Iraq
Jie Zhang
Influence of Diagenesis on Reservoir Properties of Shahejie Sandstones in Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Junli Zhang, Sheng He, Shengyuan LUO, Yuanjia HAN, Xuewei Dang, Ping LI and Ruizhi Yang
Development of a Novel Method to Analyze Saturated Hydrocarbon in Crude Oil by SPME
Junli Zhang, Sheng He, Shukui Zhu, Xiaoru Tian, Bingqian Lin, Long Wang, Ping LI, Xuewei Dang and Ruizhi Yang
Global Deep Siliciclastic Reservoirs: Distribution Patterns and Geological Features
Kaixun Zhang, Guoping Bai and Binfeng Cao
Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Paleozoic Marine Carbonates in the World
Kaixun Zhang
Diagenesis and Reservior Quality in the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Yuanba Area, Northeastern Sichuan Basin, China
Li Zhang, Huayao Zou, Fang Hao and Pingping Li
Application of a Novel Petrophysical Model for the Development and Validation of Elemental Spectroscopy Log Interpretation
Qiong Zhang
Response of Neogene Deltaic Depositional Systems Migration to Sea Level and Sediment Supply Changes, Northern Shelf of the South China Sea
Shangfeng Zhang, Changmin Zhang, Hesheng Shi, Ruiliang Wang, Jiayuan Du and Yanshu Yin
Origin, Pore Structure and Recognition of a New Kind of Low Permeability-Tight Sandstone Reservoirs: High GR Sandstone
Tao Zhang, Xianguo Zhang, Chengyan Lin and Chunmei Dong
A Novel Molecular Indicator for Sedimentary Environment in Pearl River Mouth Basin
Wanfeng Zhang, Liling Pang, Sihua Jiang, Sheng He and Shukui Zhu
Study on Granite Buried Hill Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Offshore S Oilfield in Bohai Bay
Yuqing Zhang, Guangyi Hu, Tingen Fan, Hui Wang, Laiming Song, Xu Liang and Fei Chen
Application of High Resolution Q-Tomography: A Case Study From North West Shelf, Australia
Kai Zhao, Wai K. Yong and Shuo Ji
Growth Patterns and Dynamics of Mud Cracks at Different Diagenetic Stages and Its Geological Significance
Zhenyu Zhao
Fine Characterization of Volcanic Rock in the South of Huanghekou Sag of Bohai Sea
Gu Zhimeng, Changgui Xu and Zhen Huang
Chian's Shale Gas: The Developing Unconventional Play
Qingfan Zhou, Guofeng Yang, Xuemei Lu and Li Dong
Genetic Mechanism and Quantitative Evaluation of Overpressure in Strike-Slip and Extrusion Zone of the Tan-Lu Fault: Taking JZ27 Section of Liaodongwan in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China, as an Example
Chunrong Zhu